Tourism in India

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Tourism in the Incredible India!!

India is the land of divine , the land of the mystical and the land of the sacred and pious religion
oriented origins which date long back in time.Exploring India is comparable to finding your own
self. The surreal beauty and vivid colours redefine the magnifiscence of the nations pride and
There cannot be a brief description about India. Words are sometimes just an entity to define the
customary, India is something spectacular! said a fellow passenger from Germany while he met
me on my journey to the Himalayas.
Since childhood i had been intrigues by the fascinating aspects of nature, its colour, the sky , the sun
and the moon. First time i saw the mountains, things became so clear in the mind and there was a
sense of utter peace within. This is the magic of India. true naturalist might agree with me on this.
To cover the various destinations in India i shall suggest to begin travelling as per the
seasons.!hoosing the destinations seasonally is the best option while in India because either way
,things might get a bit rough"#est places to travel during the Summer season are the hills and the
mountains . India comprises of The $imalayas in the %orth and the %orth &East and 'oty and
(odaikanal in the South . These are dedicated hill stations with an everlasting feeling of peace and
naturalisim. Even the party lovers might have a blast at such resorts.
The most famous hill stations in India are Shimla, )anali, %ainital,*ishikesh,+ehradoon, ,eh&
,adhak, (ashmir, -ammu, Sikim, +ar.eeling,)anipur,)t. bu, )cleodgan.,/angotri,
(asol,)anikaran and various other valleys of $imachal and 0ttarakhand.'ne can en.oy various
adventure sports and activities, camping and trekking and sight seeing.
+uring the winters the most suitable places for toursim and recreation purposes are /oa,'rrisa,
#ombay, where in one can en.oy the all famous parties at the sea beaches and the subtle weather is
another bonus for the vacation.#esides this if in India, one has to visit the famous metropolitan
cities +elhi,#ombay and (olkata and en.oy the various luxurious facilities provided in the states for
the tourists. En.oy the variety of food, en.oy shopping, en.oying the availability of technology at its
best price in theses metropolitan places.In India one can en.oy the delcacy of having food of more
than 12 varieties because of the varying heritage of India.#e it the sweets from(olkata or the
dhoklas from /u.rat, be it the handicrafts from *a.asthan or the oranges of %agpur .. everything
about India is Incredible""
3laces like #odh /aya,*a.asthan specially 0daipur and -aipur and places like gra and )athura,
yodhya are famous for the religious values hence attract tourists from all accross the
globe.ncient monuments like the Ta. )ahal, The 4utub )inar, *ed Fort,$umayun5s Tomb, The
Sun Temple at (onark,and the various forts in *a.asthan add on to the nations beauty and
admiration and hence become places worth a visit.
6e are not only a nation , but a proud nation full of enigmatic beauty and creativity . In order to
propel torism inIndia , we should spread more awareness about the vast beautiful tourist attracting
places and redefine our nations pride.

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