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Q1. A Logistical packaging.

Ans. Logistical packaging is refers to the how packing to be made and what things we need to
consider while packing the goods in proper standard packing. Here we have to points which we
have to consider while making packing of goods. 1. Physical protection 2. Barrier protection 3.
Containment 4. Information 5. Marketing 6. Security
Q1 B Global supply chain collaboration.
Ans. Global supply chain is net work where many channels are working towards delivering
product to the final destination. In this we have follow various channels which product have to
go thru and it should be the fastest. So that our customer can get faster delivery goods.
Because as soon as goods will be deliver our payments will be faster after getting delivery of
Q1 C Free trade zones.
Ans. Free trade zones are refers to the zones which are generally located at seaports. In this
every government provides various opportunities to the foreign and domestic manufacturers to
make goods in their country and re export to other countries. Today these kinds of areas are
the major part of every economy to grow. In china more than 60% export is share from SEZ
zones. So India should also consider this thing as compare to china.
Q1 D Shipbuilding.
Ans. In this every vessel and every ship is always made under the area shipyard. So this takes so
much time to make a vessel. All this operations and various manufacturing of this vessels and
ships come under naval engineering. In recent years there has been changed in naval
engineering. Now our India and other countries that are making ships and vessels their own and
fulfilling the domestic requirement and other export requirements.
Q2 Explain the concept of charter arrangement.
Ans. Charter is refers to the whole vessel carrying goods of particular charterer. In that we have
full vessel loaded by particular person who has been shipping goods in various countries. In this
shipping line and exporter comes to contact with each other and discuss their requirement and
pricing face to face. Sometimes we have to put broker in our deal with shipping line. So that
they can understand better to our requirement and pricing. In other cases we have to put third
broker in our deal who can coordinate with companys broker and shipping lines broker. So that
they can easily convey messages to each other and correspond accordingly.
Here are some types of charters as below.
1. Bareboat charter: In this charterer get the possession of vessel for particular period and
it can be upto whole life of vessel. Some time company get the agreement to hire vessel
from the shipping line for particular period and in that we can have to pay certain
amount to shipping line. Every responsibility for vessel is under the charterer including
maintenance equipment, crew members etc.
2. Time charter: In this time charter refers to the vessel own by second party for particular
time. In that ship owner has to bear various expenses like crew member, maintenance,
insurance, food and where as charterer has to pay only for fuel and cargo. In this
responsibility of goods to be borne by charterer. In this some conditions are there like
name of ship owner, name of charterer, period of agreement, speed and consumption
of fuel for vessel, place of destination, place of delivery, payment terms etc.
3. Voyage charter: In this charterer borrow the ship from ship owner for particular period.
In this ship owner has full control over the vessel. Moreover in this full responsibility is
cover by the ship owner including transportation, equipment and other maintenance
things which are essential for vessel to be in good condition.
Here are some price terms as give below.
1. Free In: In this charterer is responsible for the charge which is comes under loading of
cargo on vessel.
2. Free out: in this charterer is responsible for the charge which is for unloading of cargo
from vessel.
3. Free in and free out: In this charterer is responsible for the charges which comes under
loading and unloading of cargo from the vessel.

Q3 A. Interaction between shippers and conference.
Ans: In this we make many shipments thru shipping line. If sometime we have to ship our goods
but shipping line doesnt have enough space on vessel then we have to ask question to the
carrier regarding this and get the suitable compensation from the carrier. In this we can reduce
the quantity of containers which comes under contract or we can also get the freight rates to
be low then before. So that carrier can give us suitable compensation regarding our
inconvenience. In logistics we have many things to ship around the globe but we have to make
proper conference. Hence we can get maximum of services and proper shipments of goods.

Q3 B. Air cargo documentation.
Ans. In this air cargo documentation there is not major difference with sea port cargo. In this
we have AWB number instead of Bill lading. In this we have to submit invoice packing and other
essential document at customs at air port. So that we can proceed for the Air cargo shipment to
final destination. In aviation we have various zones where we have to follow the rules and
regulations of that country where we have to send goods like we have Europe, Asia, Africa and
Middle East, Australia and New Zealand, America etc.
Q3 C Container railway India.
Ans. In India we have CONCOR(Container corporation of India) who handles most of the
shipment from rails. In this we have huge logistics network which play important role in the
whole logistics chain which play initial role from starting till the end of container reaches its
final destination. Here we have another enterprise which also running the rail logistics in India
from various major cities to major ports.
Q3 D India Freight forwarders.
Ans. Freight forwarders are those intermediaries who plays very important role around the
logistics of various domestic shipment and third country shipments. By using freight forwarder
we have many facilities like free time and competitive freight rates as compare to other.
Because sometimes shipping line dont entertain any inquiry related to shipment except they
dont have big volume with them. So it very useful to get better freights and transit time period.

Q4. What is payment? Explain the different methods of payment?
Ans. Payment is refers to the inward which we receive after completion of an order. In this we
have to make proper arrangement of bank details to our buyer. So that they can send us
payments on proper time.
Here are some modes of payment which we generally use in our daily transactions.
1. Cash in advance: In this we have make transaction in advance so that there should not
any credit terms. Same as like we have to receive advance payment from our buyer and
we shall proceed for the production and we have to intimate the buyer regarding final
balance payment. In this we have to send documents after receiving balance payment of
order. It better and secured terms of payments.
2. Letter of credit: In this we have a guarantee of bank which is very secure and very
preferable in every organization. Moreover we can open LC in various terms on usance ,
at sight. LC have various types as like revocable LC, irrevocable LC, confirmed LC,
transferable LC, LC payable at sight, LC payable at maturity date. It is very for transaction
which made under certain terms and conditions. It makes its very useful and very much
in trend because of the credit and working of it all around the world.
3. Documentary collection against payment: In this after completion of every export order
we have to send documents directly to the buyers bank. It is very simple process as we
have to negotiate document in our bank then we have to send documents directly
buyers bank. Then buyers bank debit the account of buyer and made payment on
proper time after approval of buyer. After making payment then buyer will receive the
4. Open account: In this our buyer enjoys the credit from supplier. But we have to send
documents before goods reaching port. Then after some time as agreed with buyer then
we have to get payment from them. In this we have not any guarantee of payment
because we have not any bank involved in our transactions.
Q5. List and explain some of important documents that are used in international logistics?
Ans. Every shipment we have to make proper documents in that we have to cover all the things
which are essential to follow the international trade practices.
Here we have some document which we have to make at every shipment as given below.
1. Commercial invoice: In this we have to make commercial invoice of every shipment
along with details of goods which we ship to our customer. Moreover in this we have to
fill all details which required by every customer to process documents in their country.
2. Packing list: In this we have to make every details of packing how much quantity and
description of goods in term of number of pieces and how much weight and volume we
have stuffed in container or cargo which we have sent to our customer and buyer.
3. Bill of lading: this is another important document which play very important role in the
shipment processing. This is the proof of shipment has been done and whole details of
product. In this we have to mention the details of shipper, consignee, notify party and
products quantity along with country of origin and destination country. This represents
whole details which makes a proper document with whole shipment details.
4. Letter of credit: In this we have letter of credit which plays an important role in the
whole shipment process. Generally we use cash payment terms to buy the goods but
sometimes we have to open LC from bank and give it to supplier or get it from buyer as
per the requirement of the order.
5. Air way bill number: Airway bill number represents the document which contains
information regarding the cargo which is shipped from one country to another. So there
we have to similar information like bill of lading but here we have airport to airport
transportation of goods thru Airways instead of vessel from sea port. It is very fast and
very convenient to send goods to buyer very fast delivery.
6. Insurance certificate: Insurance certificate is essential part of every documentation in
every shipment. In every shipment we have to bring insurance certificate along with
documents. Because in todays world we dont know when we required insurance cover
on our shipment. Sometimes we have not to take risk on the shipment of goods which
are hazardous goods. So we need to insurance cover. Here we have to open letter
insurance cover which doesnt required any separate insurance cover for each
shipment. It also called as marine shipment insurance cover.
Q6. What is transaction channel? Explain in detail the two important aspects of transaction
Ans. Transaction channel are those channels which are used in our marketing channels. It
contains whole process from factory to final buyer. In this we have to make proper channels
which follow each other constantly and make proper cooperation between each other at every
stage where they feel requirement of them. Ultimately we have to make a channel where we
have to send goods from factory to final buyer.
Here we have two aspects which are important for the transaction channels.
1. Selecting terms of sales: In this we have to proper take care of buyer and sellers which
includes are all process from factory to final buyer. We also take proper take care of
payments from our buyer. While sending goods to buyer we have to follow some
standards of labeling of product as per the requirement of that country where we have
to sell it. We have to take insurance cover on that shipment. So that in any case of
mishappening we should not have any lose. For example we have to follow some
standards which we have to follow before sending goods to any country. Like we to
make shipment of shirts to USA or Europe in this we have to follow the labels and other
things which are essential for the every product. So we have to follow each and
everything before making any product. In this we have to make proper label and
information like bar code and various things which we have to follow while making the
2. Handling payments: While handling payment we have to make proper take care of all
the procedure where we have to follow the all incoterms which are basic part of any
payments. In every order we have various payment terms which we have to make
documents as per the requirement of buyer. Like some time they sent us advance
payment , DP, DA on some period of time. In this we have various incoterms which are
called as above incoterms. However we have to check from where payments are coming
and whether the channels of payment is appropriate and following the guidelines of RBI.
Because RBI changes the notifications very frequently which affects the business. Best
option of payment in LC which should be irrevocable and which is the safest types of
payment receiving mode.

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