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Batch Programming

This batch file uses the 7-zip command line tool (7za) to back up some data and shows
how to use the encryption functions of 7-zip. The data being backupped consists of
textfiles and P!s and no binary data.
7za is not included in the regular 7zip-installation" it can be downloaded from this link#
(command line %ersion)
&t first" %ariables are declared including the folders that are rele%ant for the backup. The
'()-*ariable is the folder in which the 7-zip archi%es of the backup will be stored.
The +&,--%ariables store the name of the 7-zip backup files.
Then a for-loop ist used to delete pre%iously added backups (of course that can be
omitted" if not needed).
The 7-zip commands are explained in more detail below.
The four ping commands are not needed at all for the ob.ecti%e of the batch" they are
there for some extra delay. /lowing down the run of the batch in the command line window
(0indows command processor) makes it look a bit better.
&t last" all newly created 7-zip files containing the backup will be transferred onto an
external hard dri%e using xcopy (t:).
@echo off
rem Example batch 7za file
set DIR=d:\Documents
set DIR2=c:\Backup
set DIR=d:\B!"#$%&I'E(
set )!*E=c:\Backup\Backup%+date+,7z
set )!*E2=c:\Backup\Backup2%+date+,7z
for -R +di.2+ ++f in /0,7z 0,1p1 0,zip2 do /
del ++f 2
+za+ a %m3=44*d %mx5 %t7z %mmt=on %mhe %mmem=672m +)!*E+ +DIR+ @
+DIR+\list,txt %x.80,pdf %p72
ping %n 6 727,6,6,6 9 nul
+za+ a %m3=':*!2 %mx5 %t7z %mmt=on %mhe +)!*E2+ +DIR+\0,pdf %. @
+DIR+\list2,txt %p72
ping %n 6 727,6,6,7 9 nul
dir -b +DIR2+
ping %n 727,;,7,< 9 nul
xcopy +DIR2+\0,7z t:\Backup\73,3,3,2\ -& -= -> -#
ping %n 727,;,;, 9 nul
pause ? exit 9 nul
Using 7za:
7z a %m3=44*d %mx5 %t7z %mmt=on %mhe %mmem=672m +)!*E+ +DIR+ @
+DIR+\list,txt %x.80,pdf %p72
7z a
The 1a1 switch tells 7z to archi%e something.
PP,d is an archi%ing algorithm and good for archi%ing text documents. /o PP,d will be
used here.
/ets the strength of the compression le%el" 2 is maximum here.
This switch sets the data format to 7z. &lternati%ely it could be zip# -tzip or a '/3 image#
-tiso and so on.
-nables multithreading (what most modern 4P5s support) if it isn6t already on by default.
'f it is" it can be omitted.
This switch enables the encryption of the header of the archi%e.
/ets the amount of memory that is used for the compression method PP,d. efault is )7.
The %ariable" declared abo%e in the code" stands for Backup%+date+,7z (the name of the
7zip file) including the current date (8date8). The file is sa%ed in #:\Backup.
The %ariable for d:\Documents,
@%DIR3%\list.txt -xr!*.pdf
/ince ' already included the folder d:Documents for the archi%ing" ' also want to include
another folder" that is rele%ant to me for a backup. 0ith ( ' add another one" written in a
textfile called )i*t+txt. 'ts located in d#9:&T4;-!'<-/" for which ' ha%e already declared a
%ariable called '(=. /o in the list.txt you simply put the path to another folder or some
single filenames. The -xr, switch excludes any pdf-file from being archi%ed.
/o" in brief" ' want to archi%e all contents of the folder d:\Documents as well as the one in
the list.txt-file (which is d:\(tudies) except all pdf-files in the folders.
/ets a password for the encrypted archi%e. +ote" there is no space between the password
and the switch. >)= is the password for the archi%e to gain access to the files.
+za+ a %m3=':*!2 %mx5 %t7z %mmt=on %mhe +)!*E2+ +DIR+\0,pdf %. @
+DIR+\list2,txt %p72
The same as abo%e but with <?,&) as algorithm for the compression. :ut this time only
pdf-files shall be archi%ed and no other filetypes. & second folder is included by adding @
%DIR3%\list.txt to the code. The contents for list).txt is# d:\(tudies\0,pdf,
The -r switch enables the recurse directories-option. !or me" 't did not work without that
0hen finished" there are two 7-zip archi%es namely Backup%+date+,7z and Backup2%
+date+,7z (The +date+ is replaced with the current date such as @A.)B.)@>7).
3ne archi%e contains all files without pdf-files of two folders" and the other one contains
only pdf-files of two folders.

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