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Teaching Plan

Session 57: Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Biblical Truth: We have a responsibility to bring others to Jesus.

Fanning the Flame Question: Describe a time when you risked everything for a friend.

Large Group
Show “Play Session” for session 57 on the DVD. If you want to lead a discussion after each section of the video, show “The
Spark,” “Fanning the Flame,” and “Combustion” separately. As an alternative, replace “Combustion” by using “Story Outline,
Session 57” to present the story of Mark 2:1-12. If desired, distribute copies of “Listening Guide 57” to the students to
complete during “Combustion.”

Small Groups
(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or “OY”
Preparation: Listen to “Jesus Heals a Paralytic” by playing this CD in any CD player. Read Mark 2:1-12 and “Background for
the Bible Passage, Session 57.”
1. Show “Time Line 57” and point out where today’s story fits on the time line.
2. Ask: How far would you go to help a friend?
3. Direct students to open their Bibles to Mark 2 and review verses 1-5. Lead students in a discussion using the following
•What obstacles did the friends have to overcome to get the paralyzed man to Jesus?
•Why did they want him to see Jesus?
•Did they get what they came for when Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven”?
•How do you think they felt at this point in the encounter with Jesus?
4. Guide students to review briefly Mark 2:6-12. Use the following questions to continue the discussion.
•How did the scribes react to what Jesus said?
•How did Jesus know what they were thinking? (OY)
•How did Jesus demonstrate His authority to forgive sins?
•How do you think the friends felt when the paralytic walked out of the house?
•What was the man's greater need, physical healing or spiritual healing?
•What does this encounter say about who Jesus is? (OY)
5. Use the following questions to lead a discussion of ways students can apply this passage to their lives.
•What needs do your friends have?
•How can you find out the spiritual needs of your friends?
•What obstacles did the Stinkbug have to overcome to help his friend?
•What are some obstacles you might have to overcome to help meet the needs of your friends?
•What are some ways you can share with your friends who Jesus is and that He cares about all of their needs?
•Why is it worth the effort it takes to bring a friend to Jesus?

1. Guide students to hold a debate over who Jesus is from the viewpoint of the scribes versus the viewpoint of the friends and
the paralytic. (OY)
2. Allow several students to give testimonies of who brought them to Jesus and the efforts which were involved.
3. Distribute copies of “Through-the-Roof Plans.” Instruct students to complete the chart with names of people they know and
plans they can implement during the next few weeks. Encourage students to take the handout home and keep it in a
prominent place as a reminder of ways they can bring others to Jesus. (YY)

Hand out copies of “Exploring the Bible Daily 57.” Direct students to write questions or insights as they read.

© 2005 LifeWay Press®. Fuel: Igniting New Life with God’s Story 2.1. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.

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