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Running Head: ASSIGNMENT TWO 1

Assignment Two
Ian S. Banwell
2012-04-MSP-664-MS100: Volunteer Management
Thomas !ison State "ollege
The Nominee Phase
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT TWO 2
I# $our organi%ation !oes &urrentl$ use 'olunteers( #or what roles are the$ &onsi!ering) *hat
'alue !o the$ thin+ 'olunteers will ,ring to the mission)
-es( 'er$ !issimilar roles. at two main !is/arate le'els in!ee!( !i&tate that u//er le'el
'olunteers o#ten are su&&ess#ul in the role gi'en the ,igger an! more essential !egree o# training
or o#ten interest( while the other tier o# lower le'el 'olunteers remain su&&ess#ul( $et onl$ to the
!egree the$ are a,le to meet with other 'aria,les( !emonstrate the &orre&t le'el o# interest an!
#ull$ im/lement what are limite! instru&tions( themsel'es.
In a analogous sense( these two t$/es o# 'olunteers( when we &an !is&ern the !i##ering
roles in ea&h le'el at an e0a&ting /a&e &on&erning ea&h( /arti&ular t$/e or 'ariet$ o# 'olunteer(
we see a 1uite similar !egree o# su&&ess #or ea&h t$/e or le'el o# the 'olunteer roles( e0&e/t #or
the #ew #ortunate lower roles o# 'olunteers /ri'$ to a limite! !egree o# in#ormation an! training
,e$on! all o# the other lower le'el 'olunteers.
The 'olunteers that share the great s/irit o# the /la&e seemingl$ #are the ,est( ,ut o#
&ourse intelle&t( ta&t an! !isa,ilit$ le'els &ertainl$ #a&tor( too.
New Volunteer
I# $our organi%ation !oes &urrentl$ use 'olunteers( #or what roles are the$ &onsi!ering) *hat
'alue !o the$ thin+ 'olunteers will ,ring to the mission)
In that 'olunteers( ,oth utili%e! throughout the inner an! outer wor+ings o# the &enter
an! in the &enter2s &ommunit$ outrea&h /rogram( /er#orm the 'ast ma3orit$ o# the other tas+s
that &hie# em/lo$ees might otherwise s/en! time su&&ess#ull$( or not so su&&ess#ull$(
#ul#illing( together with the mu&h more im/ortant thera/$ or other more im/ortant roles.
whi&h the$ are #ree to wor+ har! at onl$ ,$ using the 'olunteers themsel'es( 'alue is
&ertainl$ !eri'e! with in&or/orating 'olunteers.
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT TWO 3
*hat !o new 'olunteers !o /arti&ularl$ well in $our organi%ation)
4n the to/ le'el a 5o&us 660( or other im/lementation e'aluation results s&ale( woul!
in!i&ate( the s/iritual ,on! ,etween !isa,le! &lient( an! /ro,a,l$ #or the most /art !isa,le!
'olunteer( the /ositi'e an! rein#or&ing thera/$ a!!e! to in a most /ositi'e #ashion su&&ee!ing to
the !egree that 'olunteers su&&ee! here ,etter. /erha/s( than an$ other manner. 7owe'er( that
/ointe! out( it is o,'iousl$ the a,ilit$ o# the 'olunteers at ,oth the to/ an! lower le'els( #reeing
u/ time #or /ai! &ounselors an! others to /er#orm largesse roles( that allows one to gras/ their
a&tions !oing small( $et im/ortant( tas+s( enough to in!i&ate these /arameters as the most
/er#orme! an! ,est( as the grou/ o# 'olunteers( an! in!i'i!uall$. res/e&ti'el$.
*hat are t$/i&al &om/laints $our organi%ation hears #rom 'olunteers)
4n a growing le'el( $et somehow re&entl$ !iminishe!( the normal gri/es regar!ing
how some things were not su&&ess#ul. while ma$ were. o# &ourse. There are &om/laints
regar!ing how intera&tion with man$ o# the 'olunteers an! &ertain /ai! sta## ha'e im/ro'e!
among some !i##i&ulties with &ertain other mem,ers o# the 'olunteer sta## ne'er reall$ hitting
it o## with man$ 'olunteers.
*hen !o 'olunteers #eel most nee!e!)
Most /ro,a,l$. li+e man$ other entities to in&lu!e &or/orations an! non-/ro#its( when
the$ are either a large /la$er in su&&ess#ul 'olunteer en!ea'ors or re&ogni%e!.
Established Volunteering
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT TWO 4
Is the organi%ation8s lea!ershi/ /lease! with the &urrent le'el o# in'ol'ement o# 'olunteers)
The entire sta##( &ommunit$ an! some state an! #e!eral re/resentati'es( ha'e ,een
in&reasingl$ aware o#( an! /lease!( in what are the 'olunteer e##orts. a#ter all( o# somewhat
!isa,le! to worse o## in!i'i!uals.
*hat &hallenges !oes the organi%ation8s lea!ershi/ see regar!ing their use o# 'olunteers)
Mostl$ in#ighting &on&erning who &an /er#orm the largest roles. a 'er$ health$ an!
growing state #or esta,lishe! 'olunteers. Mostl$ the e##e&t &ontinues( $et ,egins to #a!e in
some !egree o# later stages o# a real( esta,lishe! s/irit o# 'olunteerism( itsel#.
Retiring / Exiting
*hat is the a'erage tenure o# a 'olunteer)
*ho +nows( this is( an! remains( a 'enture 3ust ,egun within 2009 /lanning geare!
towar!s 3ust #ul#illing a role with( in &om/arison( some smaller minimalist le'el o#
im/lementation e'aluation with more a s/irit o# a&tion( with no real ten $ear time /erio! #or
e'aluation( $et.
*hat are t$/i&al signs that a 'olunteer will ,e e0iting the organi%ation shortl$ :with!rawing
relationall$ #rom others( et&.;)
Some !egree o# se/aration #rom the &enter( misse! o//ortunities an! an attitu!e awa$ #rom
the 'olunteerism that got them in'ol'e!( while others will /ursue what will &ontinue.

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