Requirements:: Please Read This Before You Install

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Please Read This Before You Install

Macintosh: OSX 10.5 Leopard or higher
Windows: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista
VS p!"g#in re$"ires host with s"pport for VS %.& or higher
'"dio (nit re$"ires host with s"pport for )*ocoa) +ased '( p!"g#ins
Stylus RMX Software 1.9.
,nc!"des fi-es for the fo!!owing:
.ia!og to se!ect /issing S'01 fo!der doesn2t wor3
4o!der 5a/e *ase sensiti6it7 pro+!e/ with 8'S 6ersion on OSX
*rash in so/e cases when +rowsing 4a6orites whi!e editing s"ites
5O1: So/e "sers /a7 need to rea"thori9e after insta!!ing this "pdate.
St7!"s 8MX 1.: "ses a new f!e-i+!e s7ste/ for para/eter a"to/ation. his new s7ste/ is
si/i!ar to the a"to/ation s7ste/ in O/nisphere and ri!ian; so if 7o"26e "sed either; 7o"2!!
find this s7ste/ fa/i!iar. o ena+!e a para/eter for a"to/ation; pop "p the 8MX (ti!it7
Men" <in the !ower right corner of the p!"gin window= and choose M,., Learn#>1na+!e ?ost
'"to/ation. hen to"ch an7 3no+; s!ider; or on/off +"tton which 7o" want to ena+!e for
a"to/ation. Once ena+!ed; the para/eter for that contro! /a7 then +e a"to/ated.
!lso in"ludes these features...
,M1 .1S,0518@
0ro"nd+rea3ing a+i!it7 to rearrange a"dio !oops in 8MX into different ti/e signat"res in
*reate instant Battern Variations for an7 groo6e; with s/art a!gorith/s +ased on /"sica!
0roo6e Loc3@ an7 8MX groo6e to another 8MX groo6eCs fee!
0roo6e Loc3@ to e-terna! M,., fi!es
DSi/p!if7C contro! a!ters the pattern co/p!e-it7 of an7 8MX !oop
Strengthen or Loosen the fee! of an7 groo6e.
Erowse core !i+rar7 in rea!#ti/e with an7 ti/e signat"re; fee! or 6ariation 7o" need
i/e Shift can r"sh; drag or offset the groo6e in /i!!iseconds or rh7th/ic 6a!"es
0rid F"anti9e and Swing contro!s
4actor7 0roo6e Loc3 te/p!ates !i+rar7 inc!"des !egendar7 '3ai MB*; SB#1%00; 8#
G0G/:0:; Latin; E!"es; 5ew Or!eans; Erea3+eat; Ha99 fee!s
Ma3e 7o"r own !i+rar7 of i/e .esigner Bresets with 7o"r own 81X or M,., 4i!es.
i/e .esigner wor3s with hird Bart7 and (ser 81X/8MX !i+raries too
0reat!7 e-pands creati6e potentia! of an7 8MX "serCs e-isting !i+rar7; with "n!i/ited "sef"!
5ew on!ine i/e .esigner 6ideo t"toria!s show prod"ction techni$"es with the new
*(SOM S(,1 M'5'01M15
5ew 1dit E"ffer s"ite that acts as a te/porar7 wor3 area for editing and /anaging *"sto/
S"ites and 0roo6e Men"s.
he 1dit E"ffer s"ite is sa6ed with the host session for !ater reca!!.
1!e/ents inside the 1dit E"ffer s"ite and +e rena/ed and reordered.
1!e/ents inside c"sto/ s"ites can +e de!eted.
1!e/ents can +e added to an7 *"sto/ S"ite +7 right#c!ic3ing on )'dd).

51W 4X (5,S 48OM OM5,SB?181 ,5*L(.1.
4or/ant 4i!ter: 'dds characteristics of the h"/an 6oca! tract +7 chaining a narrow set of
+andpass fi!ters; set at specific fre$"encies; which ref!ect the for/ants of the h"/an 6oice.
S/o3e '/p: 'n a/p/spea3er si/"!ator with a f"!! set of a/p!ifier contro!s; spea3er
co/+inations and /ode!ed 6ersions of se6era! c!assic g"itar a/p!ifiers.
(!tra *hor"s: ' 2!"shC c"sto/ chor"s; with a 6er7 dense; rich character co/pared with
standard *hor"s "nits.
8etro#Bhaser: ' 6i+e7 so"nding 6intage Bhaser; with /ore feat"res than the 1I#Bhaser and
a dedicated page for tone shaping.
8etro#4!anger: ' 6i+e7 so"nding 6intage 4!anger; with /ore feat"res than the origina!
4!anger and a dedicated page for tone shaping.
*hor"s 1cho: ,nspired +7 the c!assic 8o!and *hor"s#1cho "nits fro/ the 1:70s; this "nit
co/+ines +oth ana!og#st7!e de!a7 and chor"sing; +"t inc!"des new feat"res; !i3e stereo width
contro! and a dedicated D.irtC contro! for a /ore gritt7 so"nd.
?ost S7nc: he ?ost S7nc E"tton ena+!es 8MX to s7nc with the transport contro!s in the
host. When the B!a7 +"tton is acti6ated in the host; a!! ?ost S7nced Barts in 8MX wi!! a!so
+egin p!a7ing. he song position of the host is a!so s7nchroni9ed to 8MX when ?ost S7nc is
0roo6e Men" Mode Je7+oard .isp!a7: ,n the Erowser; when setting a Bart to 0roo6e
Men" Mode; a 3e7+oard disp!a7 wi!! show "p ne-t to the e!e/ents in the S"ite.
Ma3ing a se!ection in the rigger Mode /en" now sets the /ode for a!! parts. o change the
rigger Mode K"st for the c"rrent Bart; ho!d the Option/'!t 3e7 whi!e se!ecting the desired
E"99 'tten"ation: 5ew *haos Bage switch !owers the 6o!"/e of the E"99 effect.

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