Marketing Plan For Dog Central

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Marketing Plan for Dog Central

Ed Evans

Meghan Moylan

Lauren Vetter


Executive Summary..3
Situation Analysis.....4
Macro-Environment Analysis...4
Industry Analysis..5
Competitor Analysis.....5
Company Analysis....7
Customer/Segmentation Analysis.8
SWOT Analysis....9
Overall Marketing Strategy..11
Marketing Objectives...11
Financial Objectives.11
Target Markets..12
Marketing Mix..13
Product and Service..13
Physical Evidence.24
Implementation and Control.26


Downtown Mount Pleasant is home to many successful and locally owned small businesses.
On the corner of Main St. and E. Michigan, sits Dog Central, the citys newest (and some would
argue, best) hot dog restaurant. Owner and Central Michigan University alumni, Paul McFall,
opened the doors of his unique and eccentric shop on August 13, 2012 (Shaffer, 2012). Since
then, McFall has been successful in serving the needs of the Mount Pleasant community in a way
that his competition had not. Dog Central offers an unfathomable amount of toppings that
customers can pile high on their hot dog. While they have a menu chock full of crazy and zany
topping combinations, all dogs are customizable to fit the specific needs of each customer.
McFall is currently doing a fantastic job of acquiring customers. Upon entering the restaurant
on a weekend night, one will quickly realize how popular Dog Central really is. That is, if they
can fight through the crowded doorway and actually get into the store. Once the bars close
around 2 A.M., students usually want something to eat before heading home and Dog Central is
their only option within walking distance. Not that they are complaining; students cant seem to
get enough of these delectable hot dogs. However, if one were to enter the store in the middle of
the day on a weekday, they may question if they were in the right place. The restaurant looks
much different in the daytime, as they are still struggling to stimulate demand during the week.
Like many of the businesses in Mount Pleasant, Dog Central loses half of their customer base
when the college students go home during the summer months. Therefore, it is crucial that they
focus on expanding their customer base of local Mount Pleasant residents.
Our goal for Dog Central is to establish it as a household name in the city of Mount
Pleasant. In order to do so, we boiled down our overall goal into three main objectives. They
include increasing brand awareness, increasing foot traffic in the store, and the continuous
differentiation of Dog Central compared to other restaurants and eateries in the area. We believe
the strategies and tactics associated with these objectives will pave the way for Dog Central to be
a recognizable name in this area.
One of our strategies to differentiate Dog Central from the competition is to establish a
separate menu of higher quality hot dogs, which will be offered at a premium price. Offering
customers multiple price points will draw in people who may have never considered Dog Central
as a place of luxury and prestige. In addition, creating new combos and specials for families and
individuals will also act as an incentive for new customers to give Dog Central a try. We also
suggest the purchase of multiple hot dog carts, which can be placed strategically around the city
during outdoor events or gatherings. This will not only increase brand awareness, as the name
and logo will be seen in other than just the downtown area, but it will also increase overall sales,
as it gives customers another opportunity to purchase the dogs.
We have developed an approximate budget for this marketing campaign using the objective
and task method of budgeting. This allows us to look at what we need to purchase in order to
accomplish each strategy and assign a monetary value to each item. After determining the costs
associated with each action program, we discovered our total budget to be $37,414.97. Each line
item has its own total cost, allowing the owner to pick and choose what he feels is necessary, if
the marketing plan is too costly to implement all at one time.
Once the campaign is complete, Dog Central will be busier during the weekdays and even in
the summer months. The restaurant will be well on its way to becoming a famous and iconic
Mount Pleasant eatery.

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0ne of oui stiategies is to implement mobility into Bog Cential's cultuie. This incluues
the utilization of a mobile hot uog cait that can be tianspoiteu to vaiious locations thiough
the week to make a piofit. Since Bog Cential's taiget maiket is college stuuents placing this
cait outsiue bais aftei-houis woulu piove to be a stiategic iuea. Young auults leaving the
bais woulu be appieciative of the convenience of the cait being biought uiiectly to them.
0ne issue that may aiise is zoning lawsiestiictions. The bais that the cait woulu be
stationeu outsiue of might piotest this if they themselves seive foou anu uon't want us to
take away fiom that piofit. This woulu biing about conflict with othei local businesses,
which woulu put oui opeiation in a bau light anu make it seem like we aie illegally
infiinging on theii teiiitoiy foi oui own gain. Naking suie that we have the peimission anu
uocumentation to opeiate oui mobile caits on theii piopeity is ciucial so Bog Cential uoes
not face any legal contioveisies.

Nount Pleasant's unemployment iate is S.7% anu the meuian householu income is
$S7,S67. The income pei capita is $ 18,S46. The iecent job giowth has been negative (-
1.S7%) with a pieuicteu futuie job giowth of S1.16% within the next ten yeais. The sales
tax is 6% anu the income tax is 4.SS%. Sales anu office occupations make up the majoiity
with 27.41%. The stanuaiu of living is faiily low anu most families uo not have uisposable
income to thiow aiounu. These issues aie ielevant when tiying to ieciuit the full-time
iesiuents of Nount Pleasant to become Bog Cential iegulais. ("Economy in Nount
Pleasant," 2u14).

The total population of Nount Pleasant is 26,u16 people ("Economy in Nount Pleasant,"
2u14). This numbei uoubles when Cential Nichigan 0niveisity stuuents aie on campus
uuiing the fall anu spiing semestei. College stuuents occupying Nount Pleasant biing about
new social anu cultuial tienus. Bog Cential is consiueieu a "uiffeient" alteinative foi a fast
anu unique uining expeiience. Nass customization falls unuei this "uiffeient" expeiience.
People love the iuea of having theii piouucts tailoieu specifically foi them, but foi the
company to offei this incentive to all its consumeis. Netiopolitan cities such as uianu
Rapius anu Betioit aie cuiiently following the tienu of eclectic hot uog iestauiants. Bog
Cential is biinging an 0iban feel to a iuial town.

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The use of smaitphones anu apps has gaineu much attention anu use among touay's
consumeis. People uesiie instant giatification anu use the mobile Inteinet fiequently to
acquiie theii wants anu neeus fastei than evei befoie. This technology has instilleu itself
into the lives of consumeis anu they aie heavily uepenuent on it. Consumeis iely on
smaitphones to make theii puichase uecisions. People aie using theii smait phones anu
mobile uevices moie than they aie utilizing PC anu live television.

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Key chaiacteiistics of this inuustiy aie full-time anu univeisity iesiuents of a iuial
college town. The city of Nount Pleasant giows potential customeis each yeai with the
eniollment of new stuuents anu the uevelopment of new businesses. These stuuents who
have the money to spenu on foou that is unique anu uiffeient will uo so foi the expeiience.
This also applies to the economic status of those full-time iesiuents in Nount Pleasant who
will be able to spenu extia money on a hot uog with a twist. Competitois in this inuustiy
compete to piouuce piouucts anu the lowest cost to geneiate customei satisfaction,
theiefoie iesulting in sustaineu customei ietention. 0veiall, the baiiieis to entiy in the
iestauiant anu foou seivice inuustiy aie meuium. This is uue to the oveiall competition
fiom competitois, the initial piicey stait-up investment to get a iestauiant off the giounu,
anu the substitutes that othei foou seivices offei at a competing piice.

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Consumeis uabbling in the foou inuustiy want something that is high quality but still
affoiuable. Bow quick iestauiants can get consumeis what they want is a key inuustiy
uiivei. Flexibility is anothei uiivei in this inuustiy. Not all consumeis have the time to visit
iestauiants uuiing ceitain houis of the uay because of conflicting job scheuules. Flexible
houis aie ciucial. They want to know that they can giab something quick befoie, uuiing, oi
aftei woik. Consumei's income is a key uiivei in this inuustiy. If they have the money to
spenu, they will spenu it. This inuustiy iesponus to economic change by pioviuing
piomotional ueals that aie affoiuable in economic uowntuin, which enhances the customei

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The consumei segments in the iestauiant anu foou seivice inuustiy aie people who have
a uisposable income anu aie able to comfoitably spenu money on foou without bieaking
theii bank. This can iange fiom ages young to olu anu consists of people who posses a
fullpait time job that woulu be able to sustain the costs of going out to eat. The neeus of
these people consist of a place that can pioviue a legitimate foou seivice at an affoiuable
piice, as well as pioviuing these goous anu seivices in a timely mannei. Touay's consumeis
aie piimaiily conceineu with how fast they can acquiie theii foou. Naiketing in this
inuustiy neeus to ieflect that. Commeicials anu othei outlets of meuia aie the piimaiy
maiketing stiategy foi this inuustiy. Social meuia also plays a significant iole in maiketing
foi the inuustiy. Twittei, Facebook, anu Instagiam accounts foi iestauiants have become
the noim anu aie an effective way to ieach the masses anu senu out piomotional ueals anu
coupons. These social meuia outlets aie also a gieat way foi consumeis to leain moie
about the piouucts being uistiibuteu.

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Taco Bell is a fast foou seivice that pioviues affoiuable Nexican-themeu menu items to
people on the go. The fianchise cuiiently opeiates S,8uu iestauiants in the 0niteu States.
Nount Pleasant Taco Bell hau the highest giossing sales of any Taco Bell in the nation foi
the "Cheesy uoiuita Ciunch" menu item in 2u1S. This exemplifies how many people in the
city of Nount Pleasant aie fiequenting Taco Bell ovei its competitois. Consumeis like the
chain's piouucts enough to consistently buy fiom them. The chain has been an Ameiican
staple since 1962. They aie an inuustiy leauei in fast, late-night foou seivice. Taco Bell is
owneu by Yum! Foous ("Taco Bell Fianchise," 2u14).

Since Taco Bell is a fianchise, it has many financial oppoitunities anu leeway. Supplies
anu iaw mateiials aie easily acquiieu thiough the fianchisois centializeu supply chain.
The stait-up foi a Taco Bell fianchise is between $1,Suuu,uuu anu $2,Suu,uuu ("Taco Bell
Fianchise," 2u14). This ensuies that the owneis who opeiate these iestauiants have the
financial stability to stay afloat anu iemain piofitable.

Taco Bells piimaiy stiategy lies in theii ability to have consistent bianu awaieness
thioughout the nation. They aie an establisheu chain that has ueliveieu quality seivice foi
many yeais anu consumeis aie comfoitable with the bianu anu tiust it. A coie competency
is Taco Bell's piomotion of "Fouith Neal," the meal between uinnei anu bieakfast ("Taco
Bell Fianchise," 2u14). They have stiategically placeu this in the consumei's minus that
when they aie hungiy late at night, Taco Bell is the place to satisfy theii ciavings. The
company just iecently incoipoiateu a bieakfast menu into theii offeiings, which is
unoithouox at a Nexican iestauiant anu gives them a competitive auvantage.

Taco Bell's taiget maiket is auolescents anu young auults ianging fiom ages 1S-24. They
segmenteu themselves as an oiganization that seives affoiuable Nexican foou at noimal
business opeiating houis anu well into the late nighteaily moining. The company can be
seen on highway billboaius, television, anu even has it's own iauio jingle, ieinfoicing theii
slogan to "Live Nas". They also opeiate accounts on social meuia sites, which appeals to the
young taiget maiket they seive. They aie successful in theii attempts to position theii
bianu anu this appeals to people who aie looking foi fast foou outsiue the box of a typical
buigeis anu fiies.

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Nenna's }oint is chain of iestauiants baseu in majoi college towns. The small Nichigan
baseu fianchise costs $1Su,uuu to stait. Nenna's has stoies in Nount Pleasant, East
Lansing, Kalamazoo, Allenuale, anu uianu Rapius. The populai menu item that the
company piiues themselves on is, "The Bub", which consists of a giilleu toitilla filleu with
meats, cheeses, anu othei conuiments of a customei's choice. This menu item can also be
seiveu as bieakfast anu incluues, eggs, sausage, bacon, anu othei bieakfast favoiites. The
Bub comes in all vaiieties anu two uiffeient sizes anu can be eaten on the go ("Fianchise
B0Bvelopment" 2u14).

0ne of the iesouices that Nenna's possesses is the young anu fiienuly enviionment anu
atmospheie customeis expeiience when stepping into theii stoie. This is a veiy impoitant
factoi because all of the Nenna's locations aie in college towns in which young people
consistently fiequent. Since the stait-up fee to open a Nenna's fianchise is substantial, it
ensuies the quality of woik that the owneis will contiibute to theii employees as well as
theii customeis.

Nenna's is the leauei in late-night foou foi stuuents attenuing majoi univeisities. They
offei a ueliveiy seivice, which will uelivei foou to customeis into the eaily houis of the
moining. This is a coie competency foi them because when young stuuents aie out late at
night anu become hungiy, they immeuiately think of a Bub to satisfy theii late night neeus.
The fact that this late-night foou can be ueliveieu to theii uooistep also puts Nenna's at an
auvantage. Nenna's also offeis oiueiing ueliveiy items online, which puts them aheau of
the game with the continuous technological tienus.

Nenna's taiget maiket is college stuuents who aie looking foi a convenient way to get
quick foou ueliveiy. They uo an excellent job of taigeting this by offeiing a customei email
iewaius piogiam, which gives fiequent customeis combo ueals anu piomotions on theii
biithuays ("Fianchise B0Bvelopment" 2u14). Nenna's also iuns a Twittei anu Facebook
account which customeis have access to anu aie able to voice comments anu conceins. The
0n-Campus Coupon booklets contain half-off ueals foi Nenna's to biing customeis in anu
gain loyalty.

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Bog Cential's coipoiate mission is to seive customeis quality hot uogs that aie
peisonally customizeu to theii specifications anu to cieate a mouein anu unconventional
atmospheie wheie in which people can come anu enjoy the expeiience as well as the
piouuct they'ie being seiveu. The ownei of Bog Cential, Paul NcFall, oiiginateu fiom uianu
Rapius, Nichigan anu attenueu Cential Nichigan 0niveisity foi his unueigiauuate stuuies.
Be giew up with Yesteiuog anu The Bog Pit anu wanteu to biing that same concept to
Nount Pleasant. NcFall felt that the Nount Pleasant community coulu benefit fiom this
uiban tienu anu what Bog Cential has to offei (Shaffei, 2u12).

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Bog Cential's competitive stiengths aie that they have an iueal location that consumeis
aie able easily access when they aie in Bowntown Nount Pleasant. Along with this location
aie the extenueu houis of opeiations to meet the uemanu of the young taiget maiket.
Anothei stiength is the company's ability to customize theii piouuct to the specifications of
theii consumei. They offei a wiue vaiiety of toppings anu conuiments to fit any neeus oi
wants of a hot uog lovei. Theii lack of bianu awaieness is seen as a weakness. This is
piimaiily uue to the fact that they aie faiily new company anu neeu to make themselves
bettei known in the community. Bog Cential's sales in the past yeai have been steauily
incieasing. They have lines out the uooi on the weekenus anu loyal customeis have maue
Bog Cential a staple. Bog Cential hopes to continue this tienu into Yeai 2, anu expanu theii
hoiizons by ieaching even fuithei in theii sales goals.

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Bog Cential's majoi coie competency is customization. Customeis aie able to choose
fiom theii wiue iange of vaiious menu items anu make theii hot uog specially tailoieu to
theii wants. A competitive auvantage that Bog Cential has ovei its competitois is theii
location. They aie locateu in Bowntown Nount Pleasant a block away fiom all of the
populai bais anu iestauiants that Cential Nichigan 0niveisity stuuents spenu theii
weekenus at. Nuch foot tiaffic ciiculates this aiea on weekenu nights. Consumeis can walk
theie aftei leaving the bais anu not iisk the uangei of uiinking anu uiiving.

Bog Centials maiketing stiategy consists of a mix of uiffeient things. The company has a
Facebook anu Twittei account which can be accesseu by consumeis anu the timeline feeu
appeais on the company's website ("Bog Cential," 2u14). The ownei Paul NcFall peisonally
hanus out "Fiee Bog Caius" to people he comes acioss who haven't heaiu of the
establishment. This helps inciease the bianu awaieness. Rauio aus aie also in place foi Bog
Cential anu can be heaiu by consumeis in the Niu-Nichigan aiea. Bog Cential also holus a
hot uog eating contest foi customeis anu gives them the meal fiee of chaige if they aie
victoiious. This contest is not meant to make piofit, but to get customeis to enjoy a fun,
alteinative uining expeiience anu to keep coming back to Bog Cential. Bog Cential also
offeis lunchtime "baskets" which consist of youi uog of choice, fiies, anu a soft uiink all foi
$S ("Bog Cential," 2u14). This stiategy helps ieel in customeis uuiing the uaytime houis,
which can tenu to be a bit slow.

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The cuiient methou of uistiibution foi Bog Cential is theii stoie. In oiuei foi a consumei to
oiuei anu puichase a hot uog is foi them to physically come into the stoie. 0thei methous
of uistiibution aie to be gieatly consiueieu, such as expanuing on mobile hot uog caits.

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The S customei segments that Bog Cential taigets aie young college stuuents,
piofessionals who woik in Bowntown Nount Pleasant, anu families of the Nount Pleasant
aiea. The caiving up these maiket segments was baseu on which uemogiaphic gioups weie
utilizing this seivice the most. The aspect of income also came into play. The question,
"Who can affoiu these piouucts on a iegulai basis." was geneiateu. Young college stuuents
typically utilize Bog Cential's seivices late at night aftei being at the bai. This appeals to
them because of the late houis anu affoiuable piices. Lines aie typically out the uooi fiom
Thuisuay-Satuiuay. Piofessionals who woik in Bowntown Nount Pleasant go to Bog
Cential uuiing theii lunch houi to giab a quick bite befoie they have to get back to woik.
Bog Cential offeis $S hot uog baskets on Tuesuays, which is appealing to this segment as
well. The families of Nount Pleasant fill the voiu of consumeis when the stuuents aie at
home uuiing the summei months. .
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The numbei of unueigiauuate stuuents who attenu Cential Nichigan 0niveisity is
21,698. This is piimaiy uemanu foi Bog Cential. The population of Nount Pleasant is
26,u16 iesiuents, which makes up the othei half of Bog Cential's uemanu ("Economy in
Nount Pleasant," 2u14). With the stait of each new school yeai, new stuuents aiiiving
biing foith moie uemanu potential foi the weekenus anu late-night meals. This causes an
inciease in piofits anu tienus. The age of the taiget gioup can also iestiict the population
of customeis because these stuuents aie only on campus fiom August to Nay.

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Typically consumeis who puichase Bog Cential aie those who aie loyal to the bianu anu
puichase the items on a fiequent basis. When it comes to college stuuents, if they like
something enough, they will continue to puichase it on a iegulai basis. Since the weekenus
at Bog Cential aie it's busiest time, the college stuuent segment puichases hot uogs anu
othei menu items fiom Bog Cential ieligiously uuiing Thuisuay-Satuiuay. The customeis
seek the benefit of being able to customize a iegulai hot uog into something completely
exceptional. They make theii buying uecisions baseu on if they have enough uisposable
finances to contiibute towaius theii late night ciavings.

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Bog Cential's fiist stiength is theii late houis of opeiation. Bog Cential is open as late as
S A.N. Thuisuay-Satuiuay. This is stiength foi them because most iestauiants uowntown
close much eailiei in the night anu those who aie out at this houi will gathei at Bog Cential
to inuulge in late-night foou. The seconu stiength that Bog Cential possesses is
customization. Bog Cential offeis a wiue vaiiety of toppings anu allows the consumei to
choose one of theii liking to make theii hot uog as unique as they uesiie it to be. Bog
Cential offeis mass customization acioss all consumeis. Location is also a key stiength foi
Bog Cential. The iestauiant is locateu in the heait of Bowntown Nount Pleasant anu can be
easily founu anu accesseu by consumeis. Nany local businesses anu bais anu giilles
suiiounu this aiea, anu the people who fiequent these locations aie able to make the stop
in Bog Cential to pick up a peisonally customizeu hot uog that seives theii wants.

0ne of Bog Cential's biggest weaknesses is its lack of bianu awaieness. Since the
company is faiily new to the aiea, people aie not entiiely awaie of who they aie anu what
they offei. Anothei majoi weakness is low uemanu uuiing the weekuay houis. Foi how
busy Bog Cential is uuiing the nighttime anu weekenu houis, it is just as slow uuiing the
weekuay houis.

A veiy luciative oppoitunity foi Bog Cential is the emeiging new technologies that aie
available in touay's woilu. With the populaiity of smait phone anu mobile apps, Bog
Cential can take auvantage of these oppoitunities to fuithei uiffeientiate itself by installing
a mobile app into its cultuie. Anothei oppoitunity is the ability to expanu to new locations.
Since the hot uog business is typically peiceiveu as a mobile business, Bog Cential coulu
take auvantage of this anu biing theii piouuct to new aieas. Finally, the oppoitunity to
tiansfei skills anu competencies to othei business units woulu piove to be beneficial. They
can take what they alieauy know anu what they aie cuiiently uoing in the stoie, anu
expanu these competencies to othei stiategic business units.

A majoi thieat foi Bog Cential's business is the lack of college stuuents on campus
uuiing the summei months. Stuuents heau back to theii hometowns fiom Nay to the
miuule of August, anu this has a negative effect on the business because college stuuents
aie laigest taiget maiket. Anothei thieat to Bog Cential is the iisk of entiy of new
competitois to the maiket. Since Nount Pleasant is a ueveloping town, moie new
businesses with the same uiban tienu coulu pose a thieat to Bog Cential anu take away
theii maiket shaie.


Marketing Objectives
Our goal for Dog Central is for the restaurant to become a household name in the city of
Mount Pleasant. We want Dog Central to be a place remembered by CMU alumni as where they
spent nights talking, laughing, and eating with friends. We see Dog Central as being a go-to
spot for families who are looking for something high-quality and out of the ordinary. We see
Dog Central as a place of indulgence and comfort, and we want every guest to feel the same way.
Our first marketing objective is to increase brand awareness by 10% among Mount Pleasant
locals within the next 6 months. Brand awareness can be defined as the extent to which
consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or
services. In this case, brand awareness is how familiar consumers in the Mount Pleasant area are
of Dog Central and its offerings. Having higher brand awareness will allow Dog Central to
become more likely to be apart of a consumers evoked set of considerations. This means that
when a consumer is making a decision about where they should go out to eat, Dog Central is
among the restaurants that they are considering. If brand awareness for this particular consumer
is low, they will not even think of Dog Central as an option, resulting in them choosing
somewhere else to eat.
Our second marketing objective is to increase foot traffic by 20% within the store during
weekdays (Monday-Friday) within the next 6 months. This objectives goal is simply to increase
the amount of people coming into the store during the week. Dog Central has no problem getting
people to come in during the weekends, based on its convenient downtown location and late
night hours. However, the demand for their services is very low during the weekdays when
consumers have so many other options to choose from for lunch or dinner. Increasing foot traffic
in the store during these times will increase sales, which in turn will increase Dog Centrals
profit margin during the week, allowing them to better balance their demand.
Our final objective for Dog Central is to further differentiate them from the competition,
while keeping up with the trends among other restaurants and eateries, within the next 3 months.
Dog Central is already differentiated from the competition because of its eccentric and
customizable hot dog menu. Unfortunately, this is not enough. We would like to create even
more reason for consumers to want to stop in and see for themselves the new things happening at
Dog Central. In addition to having Dog Central in their evoked set, we want consumers to
actually choose the restaurant over the others that are in their set. It will also be beneficial for the
all-American eatery to keep up with the trends of the restaurant industry, as this is something that
consumers have come to expect.

Financial Objectives
Dog Central is currently experiencing an overall increase in sales. They are now in the middle
of their second year of operations and they maintain a gross sales revenue of an estimated
$400,000. Their goal is to reach $1,000,000 in sales by the end of next year. The owner of Dog
Central believes this a realistic goal, as he has plans of expansion in the near future. We were not
given a specific marketing budget, so we will be using an objective and task method of
budgeting, which will be discussed further later in the marketing plan.

Target Markets
Dog Central focuses its efforts on serving two target markets: college students and Mount
Pleasant locals. The reason for this is that they serve different markets at different times of the
week. The college students frequent Dog Central on the weekends, particularly during the late
night hours when they are looking for a meal after the bars close. During the week, Dog
Centrals target market is very different. They want to draw more families and locals into the
store during weekday lunch and dinner hours.
That being said, Dog Centrals primary target market is local Mount Pleasant families with a
disposable income who are looking for a classic, yet new and extraordinary dining experience.
These families are those that have in their budget the option to eat out once per week on average.
They are tired of the same old restaurants that they have always experienced in Mount Pleasant,
and are dying to try something new.
Dog Centrals secondary target market is college students over the age of 21 who are looking
for fast food in a convenient location to combat the late-night, post-bar munchies. These students
are looking for a quick and non-expensive meal that they can obtain on while on foot, not
wanting to drive once they have left their bar of choice for the night.

For local Mount Pleasant families and Central Michigan students, Dog Central is the
restaurant that offers a classic meal with a new twist. Unlike other American food restaurants,
Dog Central allows its guests to pile their hot dog high with toppings that have been
unimaginable until now. Dog Central brings an urban trend to a traditionally rural town.
See Figure 1 in the appendix for more detail on positioning.


Dog Central is in the business of creating unique hotdogs for consumers who value creativity
and an inviting atmosphere. DC customers are able to order custom hotdogs often accompanied
with beer battered fries at a value-based price with customized drink options, and served in a
timely manner. DC is composed of a friendly staff, a cozy cafeteria-like dining room surrounded
by flat screen televisions, and great tasting food. DC is differs from its surrounding competitors
by sticking to their core competency of creating a simple American entry; hotdogs.

Service Objectives
Further differentiate Dog Central from competition, while keeping up with trends among other
restaurants and eateries within next 3 months.
DC is a unique restaurant and in Mount Pleasant DC is the only one of its kind. Their success
among surrounding competitors in the downtown area and even those competitors that are a few
miles out such as Taco Bell, is an example that there are still opportunities in their particular
industry. These facts set the stage for new competition and reason for current competitors to
make an effort to regain lost market share. DC must stay on the offensive in order to sustain their
growth and further their penetration into their market. DC can stay ahead of both current and
future competition by exhibiting features that keep the perceived lines of difference apparent to
their current and potential customers.
DC has the abilities and the capabilities to achieve the goal of differentiating itself from
competitors within 3 months. These strategies and action programs will create new strengths
within the company and provide obvious transparencies between DC and their competitors.
These new factors will entice potential customers, create buzz throughout the local Mount
Pleasant community, and create intrigue among current customers while simultaneously adding a
wider range of brand loyalty.

Keep menu fresh enough to create a buzz and sustain interest among customers.
DC menu boards are captivating and are very customer friendly. There menu board
backgrounds have bright modern colors, conspicuous lettering, and integrate perfectly with the
customer waiting area; where customers decide their orders. The menu options are also creative,
which in turn captures consumer imagination and evokes a reference between menu items and
their titles. For example DC offers an item called The Cowboy Dog, which generates a relation
to the specific tastes of a Cowboy lifestyle or old day western eating habits; with the consumer
developing a relationship between the titles origin and the items tastes. The Cowboy Dog
features onion rings and barbeque sauce. The menu item titles also involve comedy, such as the
Mad Dog or Goober Dog and empathy, such as the Detroit Dog and Chicago Dog.
DC has a rare strength among many of Mount Pleasants outdated restaurants; their modern
touch. DC menu boards keep their customers interested and engaged. As the trend keeps up of
continuous improvement with DC competitors to sustain consumer interests, DC must strategize
to stay on the forefront in the minds of their consumers. Todays consumer will like you today
and forget you tomorrow especially if you cannot keep their interest, a new study of novelty-
related decision making in adults shows that our brains are actually hard-wired to prefer novelty
and adventure, (Diana Wolf, 2008) people simply like new things. Even though DC is still new
to the community they still have many regulars, how quickly novelty can disappear as we
become familiar with the things around us, and yet how completely stimulated we become when
we find yet another brand new experience, (Belle Beth Cooper, 2013) there are opportunities to
spice things up and keep existing customers enjoying their dining experience. At the same time
while making changes being cognizant to stay below the lines of Just Noticeable Difference.
The action programs provided below will make sure to accomplish the strategy of keeping the
DC menu fresh and instill an innovative atmosphere that current and opportunistic consumers
will value.

Action Programs
Implementing the pretzel bun as a choice on the menu
Pretzel buns have become a trend lately among fast food restaurants. At big-time fast food
chains like Sonic and Wendys, introducing pretzel buns have shown to be big winners. For
Wendys the company said diners ate more than 50 million pretzel sandwiches at the chain
since they were introduced last summer at a $4.69 minimum price point, thats approaching
$250 million between July and November, (Dan Eaton, 2014) showing pretzel buns are well
liked by consumers and provide differentiation in the menu. Pretzel buns are modern and bring a
new look to the menu a pretzel bun screams gourmet, so the value score is very high with
customers (Venessa Wong, n.d.) and that value to customers is exactly what this menu strategy
is aiming to provide for DC. The value score that was created for Wendys can also be an extra
value created for DC customers and this can be done by simply adding pretzel bun to the menu;
even if just for a limited time.
The addition of a pretzel bun to the menu is also a great example of an action that can be
implemented in the goal timeframe of 3 months mentioned in the objective. Adding pretzel buns
can be accomplished through the current hotdog supplying vendor or a plethora of wholesalers,
one of them being through Aunt Millies Bread Bakery in Michigan.
The pretzel bun menu option can be displayed in the restaurant in a variety of ways. A display
option could be at the point of sale through a customized DC sign. DC could have the display
option placed in an easily seen area where after the customers have seen their menu choices and
arrive at the register, a clerk would then suggest to them the new option of the pretzel bun. This
particular placement option would be suggested if there is an end goal of keeping the pretzel bun
sales to a minimum also with a goal to keep the sale of regular sold buns at usual turnover rate. If
the goal is to maximize the sale of the pretzel buns we suggest placing customized DC pretzel
bun flyers throughout the entire restaurant even at the front windows. Differentiating some flyers
from others with the possible use of quips, which we believe would interest waiting consumers
even more to try the buns, and would fit to the DC image. The pretzel bun menu option should
also be featured on the social networking sites that DC uses. If DC chooses to keep the pretzel
bun as a full-time fixture to the menu after a couple of the months the signs should be taken
down in order to not saturate the promotion make room for the next. The full-time adoption of
the pretzel bun should then be fully integrated into the menus on and offline.

Feature seasonal hot dog creations
DC can also further differentiate itself from competitors by periodically adding menu options
for certain times of the year, seasons of the year, and during certain events and holidays. This
action is also something that can be accomplished within the next 3 months, especially with
Halloween and Christmas being around the corner. Adding seasonal menu options sustain menu
variety which mentioned earlier, is a customer favorite. Providing seasonal menu options also
creates possible season demand for customers and brand loyalty. For example, McDonalds
features the McRib sandwich as a seasonal option and for some customers; the only time they
will even go to McDonalds might be for this particular sandwich. This would be a benefit for DC
during possible slow seasons like the summer, shifting demand to capacity when demand is low.
A benefit of implementing seasonal menu options would also create intrigue and anticipation
among current and potential consumers adding a buzz for the DC menu.
DCs core competency is creating uniquely constructed hotdog variations bolstered with
exquisite tastes. So the ideas expressed below are in no way to be taken as actual menu
suggestion, but simply ideas that incorporate the seasonal concepts that we are trying to convey.
An example of a seasonal hotdog for Halloween could something that encompasses the colors
orange and black, like a hotdog with orange mustard, and black beans (possibly in the chili). For
Christmas an example could be a hotdog presented with red and green colors such as, a mustard
and ketchup mixture for green and maybe topped with diced tomatoes for red. Also ideas like
hotdogs for the fourth of July and sports oriented hot dogs, rather it is with colors for teams or an
origin style like a Wrigley Stadium hotdog made exactly like the stadium does it. To find out
what seasonal creations are the best, DC can either track high sales of certain seasonal items or
create a voting system to gain feedback from customers.

Pricing Objective
Further differentiate Dog Central from competition, while keeping up with trends among other
restaurants and eateries within next 3 months.
Price is the most common differential tool used in commodity markets to disassociate a
company from its competitors (Spralls, 2014), the hot dog restaurant market is saturated with
companies offering similar products and services. As much as these companies share in
common, such as similar pricing strategies, they differ with quality and human resources. DCs
pricing is consistent with a value-based pricing strategy. Where their products are not seen as
cheap, but are seen as a value to the customer. This vary characteristic is one of the main reason
DC is so popular with price sensitive college students. College students are often burdened with
a high debt to income ratio and are constantly looking for value; incomes have been shrinking,
student loan debt has risen at an average rate of 6% per year (Blake Ellis, 2013). Selling hot
dogs makes for a good opportunity to receive a high profit margin or at least for a single person
operating a hot dog cart according to, some websites proclaim that vendors
can make $200 a day but then they multiply this by 30 days a month and total it up to show over
$6,000 in monthly income (, 2014). When you add about 8 employees, startup
costs, and overhead the numbers dwindle pretty quickly. For DC and their current success and
being located in the business sector of Mount Pleasant, we see a market for opportunity. This
opportunity that we have discovered has the potential to further differentiate DC from its
competitors, provide more value for current customers, and gain potential customer who will
provide DC with a higher profit margin.

Create a menu with high priced hot dog choices that differentiates itself from the rest of the
menu with a target-return pricing strategy.
DC as discussed earlier is already appealing to the price sensitive consumer. An opportunity our
group believes DC can convert into a strength of their business would be creating a menu that
appeals to consumers with more disposable income. These consumers mainly being the ones
that work downtown and at the nearby university. DC competitors offer promotions in the mail
to price sensitive consumers and engage in price wars. DC also has a lot franchise competitors
that have the power to mass advertise and offer many items at cost, but these competitors lack
originality. DC is one of the most original of their kind and strives for unique excellence. They
can capitalize on their uniqueness by using their core competence of creating one of kind
products; develop a menu that incorporates prestige, and awe-inspiring tastes with a premium
pricing strategy.
Downtown Mount Pleasant is filled with business owners, lawyers, and doctors. These are
innovators, early adopters, and reference leaders. These are the segments that DC can target and
make more money. Creating a menu that appeals to these consumers will increase the profit
margin for the choice hotdog options put on the new menu and add new component to DC. The
owner also explained to our group how certain days of the week are slow. If DC could get these
certain demographics coming in around the same hours of the day and consistently, they will
have created a prestigious lunch atmosphere composed of some of the most motivated consumers
the area has to offer, creating the place to be for lunch interaction. This might seem like a long-
stretch, but they actually already have something very similar. At night during the school year
DC is the most packed restaurant in the city besides their competitor Taco Bell. On these busy
nights DC is in fact the place to be and during these times students get to be a part of an
experience that is DC.
Some people want to pay more when you have high prices, something magical happens.
People assume youre the bees-knees. You start to become known as the place to go for top-end,
elite and awesome (Peter Shallard, 2011). Having a menu exclusively dedicated to premium
priced items will create a brand new perception of higher quality adding to the quality that DC is
already known for. Just as DCs witty hot dog menu titles create and relevance with consumers;
premium priced items will create an affiliation with consumers willing to pay the prices for them.

Action programs
Create a hot dog menu that ranges in price from 3.99 to 6.99
Stadiums sell hot dogs on a Market based pricing strategy. It can be presumed that
somewhere in the price of a stadium hot dog lies the convenience cost of getting that hot dog to
the consumer; who would not dare leave the event for a bite to eat, but consumers simply expect
to pay high costs at the ball park. The stadium hot dog is a story, it is an experience, it is a treat;
it is not just a hot dog. This is what we want for DC, an opportunity to create more value for this
untapped consumer; in this case the value to the consumer is getting to pay the high price for an
DC can take on this challenge by first checking out the market prices charged for premium
hotdog at other restaurants. After looking at gourmet hot dog restaurants in New York, Chicago,
and stadiums all around the country; we came up with the price range of $3.99 to 6.99. The
starting price of $3.99 is a great Idea because in the mind of consumers, $4.00 for a common hot
dog is reaches their threshold. Weve found that, even at $4, people are like, Wow, thats an
expensive hot dog (Richard Blais, 2011), but once again the hot dogs on this menu are not
classified as common. Also with the price point of $3.99 we are capturing the perception goal
of expensive, while in reality the price is only a 10% increase from the current highest priced hot
dog on the normal menu. The cap price of $6.99 is an even more amazing perception price. It is
below seven dollars creating a perception that DC is not trying to gouge the consumers willing to
pay for items on the premium, also making it look like DC is doing everything they can to keep
prices low; sticking with the odd price strategy. These prices are also perfect for price-lining,
which in the minds of consumers is creating levels of quality among items on this menu; with the
goal of getting them to purchase the items in the middle of these price points. The action of
creating a premium priced menu will increase overall profit margin, add customer value, and
create a buzz about the DC menu.
On the premium price menu incorporate themes for instance the New York Mets Dog and
other stadiums, this at Citi Field retails for $6.50.
In order to keep with the objective of further differentiating DC from their competitors within
the next 3 months, after implementing the premium price menu their needs to be an ongoing
effort continuous improvement. A way for ensuring this continuity, we are suggesting the
stadium themed items because these items can be directly associated price. The quality of the
items is captured in the name; there is no such thing as a bad hot dog at a ball park. The quality
of the hot is also captured by being on the premium menu and as mentioned earlier, all of DCs
food is has a high perception of quality.
The goal of creating these stadium themed items is to differentiate the premium menu, sustain
the valued perceptions of the items prices, stimulating consumer interest, and offering customers
items that DC competitors do not have. The best part about stadium themes is that there are so
many choices to choose from that is impossible to run out. If DC runs all these themes for a
limited amount of time they will still never run out of items to choose from. If an item chosen to
display is not selling or well liked than replace it quickly, if an item is a customer favorite than
keep it on the menu. This action can create brand loyalty and is a unique offering that customers
will value.

Create a perception of luxury, conceptually surrounding the high priced menu.
Some consumers that pay high prices want to be noticed; not necessarily in way the causes a
ruckus, just a slight social validation of being different. Being noticed is about what people see,
our external self. It is about dressing up, putting on our make up, and the latest fashion
(Courtney E. Martin, 2007), this does not mean that people are pretentious; its human nature. For
DC this characteristic is an opportunity to take an advantage of. DC can create a new modern
menu board to display premium price menu that catches the eyes of consumers. The premium
menu once implemented needs to become a favorite for its target market. These innovators and
reference leaders are appeal to their peers as people to follow and if following them means
paying higher products for DC menu options then we are all for it. These actions below will
create perceptual value for consumers purchasing off the premium menu, influencing and
developing even more to adopt purchasing from the premium items.

Action Programs
Keep with odd pricing for the entire premium priced item line, preferably .49, .59, .69, .79, .89,
and .99.
These types of prices have been proven to increase consumer buying behavior odd Pricing
can miraculously raise orders up to a shocking 9-34% (Business and Employment), Subjects
who were asked to make selections for a five-course meal from a menu were found to have a
greater likelihood of choosing a particular item when that item was odd-priced (Robert M.
Schindler and Lori S. Warren , 1998). The odd prices chosen for this action program will provide
a variation to choose from for prices set in between the $3.99 and $6.99 ranges and is intended to
discourage putting too many options on the premium menu. They also compliment the pricing
that is already set in place at DC.
Serve all premium menu items in a serving tray exaggeratedly different from the ones that the
other items are served in.
As mentioned under the strategy for creating a perception of prestige for the premium price
menu, some people like to be positively noticed socially. The action of physically differentiating
premium price menu items is an action that would accomplish this positive attention. In this
action DC should create a tray (what hot dogs are served in) that are exactly like the ones
currently served, but instead of being generic looking have some added art or design. The goal is
to noticeably differentiate the order so that it is seen by other consumers in the store and create
intrigue. This slight differentiation accomplishes many things. First off it is a subtle
subconscious reward to the consumer who purchased the item. Secondly the tray acts as an in
store advertisement. Friends of the purchaser might inquire about what it is they ordered and that
is exactly what we want to happen. In return of this action the person who inquired about the
product will hopefully order it during their next visit and the person already consuming the item
will generate even more buzz after they leave the restaurant.

Implement bundles that will appeal to families.
DC needs to shift demand to match capacity when demand is low during certain daytime
hours. This can be accomplished by offering discounts or price reductions. Families would be a
perfect segment for this strategy. Families are price sensitive and are prime targets that purchase
in bulk. Bundling products for families with economic prices would be an effective pull strategy
for these specific consumers. One down side of an a la carte style purchasing services is that
every price is seen individually creating a perception of added expense to the consumer. What
bundling does, is creates a unit price leaving feeling of only buy one unit and the price associated
with that unit is going to be seen as cheaper; bundling can serve to reduce the pain of paying
because it makes it harder for consumers to know what the right price is for the product
(Neuromarketing, 2012).

Action Programs
2 Classic hotdogs, 2 Signature hotdogs, 1 large Beer Battered fries, and 4 drinks for $15.99,
offered only before 8:00 pm M-F
The action of creating this bundle promotion creates a great deal for families. It also keeps
DC from creating value menus or forcing them away from the a la cart style because we believe
that is a strength of theirs. The bundle we have suggested also encompasses two important
points. The first point is that this promotion is only about a 24% reduction on menu price, which
will not eat into costs for DC because there are soft drinks attached, fountain drinks cost a
restaurant between .05 and .20 cents (David Bakke, 2010). The second point is that this this
promotion is based off the average rate of an in store coupon, and if are announced or promoted
somewhere in the restaurant there is extra value added.

Promotion Objective
Increase brand awareness by 10% among Mount Pleasant locals within the next 6 months.
DC is still a new restaurant to Mount Pleasant and is not yet in the position to mass advertise like
many of their competitors. DC is currently doing very well promoting through conduits such as,
Facebook, Twitter, and their hot dog eating competitions. In this objective we are suggesting
some hands on techniques that DC can engage in and ways improve some ongoing techniques
currently underway. For example after meeting the CEO, we were informed that their hot dog
cart operation is currently being implemented. We are providing strategies that will further help
enhance the DC hot dog cart in an effort to create among the next six months; which is very
attainable especially with the new group of students coming to the university and the upcoming
local events taking place in August.

Gain customer awareness of products and services outside the downtown area and appeal to
the Mount Pleasant community as a restaurant devoted to Mount Pleasant consumers. Implement
a strategic business unit or system, which operates (ex: Dog Central to go) away from the
restaurant which utilizes mobility in order to sell products to consumers.
DC is currently developing the use of hot dog carts to operate outside of the business. We our
suggesting that cart operations should be developed as a strategic business unit of DC. The cart
should its own individual business operations, sales forecasts and strategic goals for conducting
day to day transactions. Developing the carts in these manners will allow for the parent company
DC to easily track the success of operations and to easily diagnose any problems that may arise.
The hot dog cart market in Mount Pleasant is still fairly untapped and with DCs core
competencies, is an ideal market that are prepared to flourish.

Action Programs
Invest in hot dog carts that have the capability of heating and cooling that resemble
characteristics of the restaurant.
This action is already in the process of implementation at DC. Our suggestion is that the cart
when put into operation resembles the restaurant as much as physically possible. The DC colors
should be prominently displayed where ever the consumer can see. The carts DC colors to a
consumer should create a permanent picture in the consumers minds. This prominence can be
equated to music an ice cream truck plays; when kids hear the music they immediately think ice
cream. When consumers see the colors on the cart we want them to immediately think DC. The
eventual goal is that, anytime a consumer sees a hot dog cart period they think of DC, whether it
be on the television or on the street.

Set up the hot dog cart or carts at the park, Central IM games, fundraisers, and other events that
occur in the city.
The action of having carts at the park is also currently being developed through DC. There are
also many other opportunities that can be advantages for DC carts. One of the opportunities
being the CMU IM fields where there is organized sports being played during certain times for
the season. During these events there are many students and their friends, there are also
professors and many times families. Another place where carts can be operated are at the many
fundraisers that are put on by college students and collegiate groups on and around on campus. If
DC realizes that these events are very successful; they can alert students and or families that they
can be in the area if tipped off in advance. DC carts can also use the check in features on social
networks to alert potential customers and geofencing to lure customers to the carts.
Advertise the strategic business unit in a movie trailer through celebration cinema.
This is the most beneficial action for accomplishing the 10% awareness objective and within the
time frame. At Celebration Cinema DC would receive the greatest exposure of their brand. The
best part about this kind exposure is also that it effectiveness of the ad can be easily measured.
By creating a survey and asking patrons if they saw your ad or remembered seeing will provide
productive feedback. If the survey would have the best results if conducted at the movie theatre,
but if done in at the restaurant and carts your can measure the efficiency of the theatre

Provide benefits for customers who frequently purchase from the high priced menu.
Brand loyalty is also a factor that will help generate brand awareness. It is 5 times more
expensive took acquire new customers than to, than to retain the consumers you already have
(Spralls, 2014), meaning creating brand loyal customers actually saves the company money. DC
current loyal customers are big fans of the creative food and the atmosphere. Customers like that
DC interactive outside the restaurant and the community, and that the owner has origins in
Mount Pleasant. The customer service at DC is impeccable, with a very nice outgoing staff and
fast paced operation style with an attention to detail. An unhappy customer will tell on average
9 consumers about bad service, where a happy customer will tell 9. (Spralls, 2014), that is the
reason why having the customer service that DC provides is so important and keeping customers
happy must be on the top of an operation strategy. Building brand loyalty will ensure that these
customers will be creating buzz and awareness about how great the service they experienced was
and not the other way around.

Action Program
Institute a punch card for high priced menu encouraging frequent purchasers.
The CEO of DC mentioned to us how they have not had much success with punch cards. We
believe the number one reason for the lack of the cards success (and he agrees) was the personnel
that was issuing to consumer. The cards were even outsourced at times. In this particular action
program we are focus does not pertain to those cards, but these characteristics can be
incorporated with that strategy.
These frequent purchaser cards are intended for the premium menu mentioned throughout this
marketing plan. The concept of these cards is that they can only be punched for premium menu
purchases. This way the cards will pay for themselves because due to the margins that are being
incurred through the sales of these items the cost of a free premium it has already been absorbed
by the consumer. The concept of the card is also to encourage purchases from the premium menu
and experience the fun and tasty variations premium menu offers. Frequent purchasing off the
premium menu also furthers the in store advertising that will be seen with the differentiated trays
leading more purchases and so forth. Lastly another reason these cards are only for the premium
menu, is that it creates a process that has no costs incurred to the company. The cards should be
issued in store only and by the owner to whom he pleases. The suggested distribution process
adds the value of quality, positive image and exclusivity.

Promotion Objective
Increase foot traffic during weekdays by 20% within 6 months.
This is another objective where demand needs to be shifted to match capacity when demand is
low. DC is packed during the weekdays with lines out the door, but during weekdays business is
intermittent. We are suggesting a pull strategy to increase demand for DC. With the strategy
provided and the action programs to carry them out, it will be feasible to increase foot traffic by
the expected 20% and within 6 months.

Create daily specials that would appeal to customers during lunch and dinner hours.
Our goal is to stay very far away from the value meal set up that is a large part of major fast food
chains. The a la carte menu set up allows for more customization by DC consumers, which they
highly value and is a good way to make money with extras. We are suggesting periods
throughout the day to offer specials and create demand. This allows DC to keep that added
perception of value for menu quality and not devaluing the brand with long term price

Action Programs
Develop a happy hour were Signature Dogs are half off the purchase of a drink and or fries.
A pull strategy for DC customers is an ideal way to get people in the restaurant during slow
hours of the day. Simply calling the promotion a happy hour creates interest among consumers
and especially college students. We are suggesting half off on drinks to keep with the theme of
happy hour and simultaneously making an effort to keep margins as high as we see possible,
while providing a value-based pricing strategy for customers. The half off fries is an option for
enticing customers to purchase a hot dog. There is also a perception to the consumer that they are
getting a great deal because they are getting a promotion for two items; if DC wants they can
even bundle the two items if they see fit. Happy hour will get people in the doors and at the same
time create regulars.
Create kids special with a free Raw Dog with any purchase of a Signature or Classic Dog.
A special specifically created for children is a definite for not only bringing in families, but also
a great gesture toward the local community. Offering the Raw Dog with a Signature or Classic
dog also creates that perception of a bundle; we keep mentioning. This promotion is also getting
consumers that would usually purchase a Raw Dog, to try new items on the menu. When
consumers branch out and enjoy more than one item on the menu they perceive that everything is
good and they will tell their friends. It is similar too leader pricing techniques. If a consumer
keeps seeing lower prices than otherwise seen at the stores competitors, then they will perceive
all the prices as being low.

Distribution Objectives
Further differentiate Dog Central from competition, while keeping up with trends among other
restaurants and eateries within next 3 months.
DC is currently only operating out of their brick and mortar headquarters. To set them aside
from their competitors they should capture point of sale and order placement opportunities that
have become gems for small businesses. There are tools that would increase transaction
efficiency that are available. There are outlets available that customers can use to make orders
and not have to be at the restaurant. There are also tools available that customers and use to pay
DC before they arrive at the store and simply pick up their orders and go. Some of these tools are
not being used by DCs competitors and by turning the opportunities to strengths, they can then
leverage these strengths against their competition and gain more market share.

Provide customers with alternative platforms to purchase to purchase dog central products.
DC is packed at night during bar night, sometimes too much so. The great part for DC is that
they are packed, but the discrepancy is that not all customers are willing to wait. This is an
efficiency problem and in this case there is a need to flex capacity to demand when demand is
high. The last thing DC wants is for customers to decide not to use their establishment because
they are too busy; then they are losing money, potential customers, and potential word of mouth.
The answer is technology.

Action Programs
Create an app that allows customers to easily make online carryout orders.
There are many software companies that will create an app for small businesses for a
reasonable price (Spralls, 2014), there are also many websites that aid you in doing it yourself.
A DC app could enable people to order online allowing an efficient carry out service. The app
would also make it easier for people to find out information about the company. There could also
be DC alerts that inform customer of where hot dog carts are going to be operating during the
week. Also the app can let consumers know about where and when the next DC event is going to
be held, such as a hot dog eating contest. Apps really do have endless capabilities and not only
will it differentiate DC from competitor it will help them gain market share.
Institute Square technology in order to manage sales transactions pertaining to online carryout
orders, phone carryout orders and call ahead dine-ins.
Implementing square technology into operations will be an immense help to DCs processes.
If implemented with the app and at the in store point of sale order and transaction efficiency
would improve exponentially. There would still be a line, but after adding square to the app
when some customers get up to the point of sale they might not have to order or pay because
everything has already been taken care of online; the clerk could simply hand them there drinks
and send them on their way.

People Objectives
Increase brand awareness by 10% among Mount Pleasant locals within next 6 months
One of DCs current strengths is their upbeat and outgoing staff. They are very
knowledgeable about the products DC offers, which are a lot and they are brilliantly forthcoming
with their menu suggestions. These services are highly valued among Mount Pleasant
consumers. A lack of caring for customers is a great way to run a business into the ground rather
quickly, but great customer service is one of the number one ways to get noticed in this town.

Ensure that hotdog carts are ran in a manner that encompasses the values the restaurant provides
while simultaneously maximizing the customer experience with a wait time of 3 minutes or less.
It is well known by management at certain moments, when there is no supervision and a lack
of authority, there are occasions where firms human resources can become lackadaisical or
distracted; that cannot happen at a DC hot dog cart. A DC cart is more than just a selling point; it
is the restaurant on wheels. The items sold from the cart must be composed of quality and with
the same kind of vigor and customer service carried out in the store. In order for the cart to be
effective, sustain continuity of quality, and provide customer value there needs to be parity with
the restaurant.
Action Programs
There should be specific guidelines for hotdog cart operations for employees.
Management should create a set of guidelines for hot dog cart operations. In a relaxed
environment like the park for instance it is very easy for a person to forget that they are still
working, especially if they are surrounded by friends. Guidelines should include appropriate
dress, for example some days it is going to be hot for employees but that does not make it okay
for them to strip down to their Led Zeppelin t-shirt. The guidelines should encompass in work
behaviors and tips for situations that might be encountered at the cart.
Hire and train employees on how to handle a variety of situations that might be encountered
during outside sales transactions.
Different people have different strengths and different weaknesses. Just because an employee is
an amazing clerk in store does not mean that they are necessarily prepared for a bunch of people
screaming orders at them in the hot sun, counting money, and simultaneously creating a tasty
work of art. Employees that are hired to run the cart should be outgoing, not easily rattled,
exceptional with counting money, and have any other skills valued by the CEO.

Process Objectives
Further differentiate Dog Central from competition, while keeping up with trends among other
restaurants and eateries within next 3 months.
DC is unique in many ways, their core competency of creating customizable extraordinary hot
dogs, outgoing customer service, and fun atmosphere. One of the many fun aspects DC adds to
customer value is being able to see the food being prepared. The hot dogs are being grilled in
front of customers; chili is being piled high on fries out in the open. The DC food preparations
help create an interactive atmosphere, at the same time the preparations are an efficient process
and is different from many of their competitors.

Develop process that decreases wait time and still allows for customers to see all the unique
variations the menu has to offer.
With DC growing at a constant rate they will see increased demand throughout specific
periods of the day. As mentioned by the CEO they are currently experience some slow lunch
hours during the weekdays, which will pick up especially after the implementation of promotions
such as Happy Hour. They also experience explosive high volume during specific periods of
the day and we suggested technology. The strategy of decreasing wait times focuses on steps that
can be implemented with the actual processes being performed to help carry out the exceptional
services that DC already provides

Action Programs
Implement an app that encompasses the ability to order online for carry outs.
The app that was mentioned to be created in the earlier section will bring immense support
with flexing capacity to match demand when demand is high, by adding different platforms for
customers to make orders, increase customer touch points, and create further awareness. The app
must also be implemented in to the in store processes and managed in order to ensure its
effectiveness and develop efficiencies.
There must be capabilities instituted for the app to operate with in store operations. There
needs to be a monitor or monitors installed into the store or an extra IPad or two. These devices
will receive orders taken online and allow workers to relay and correlate information to each
other to make the orders effectively. There also needs certain employees in charge of certain
duties and an end line process to check for accuracy.

During busy app carryout hours designate certain employees to be in charge of making the orders
received through the app.
After the app and monitors/ IPads are created there should be a process developed for the new
point of operations that have been implemented. We have mentioned earlier that there should be
a possible hiring of new employees to ensure the smooth operations of both the new services
provided and the hot dog cart. In order to have efficiency of the new services being offered to
customer and flex capacity to match demand when demand is high, DC should cross train
employees. All management is assumed to be well versed at all points of operations.
For the new systems employees should have designated responsibilities. There needs to be
someone in charge of noticing the carry out alerts received on the monitors and either making the
order or informing another employee to make them; if monitors are in plain sight then this
process would be much quicker. There also need to be an employee designated to compare the
finished food to the customer order to check for accuracy and then put under a heating lamp. The
clerk should be responsible for seeing if the order was paid for online or if there is a transaction
needed at the counter. For busy hours, we are suggesting that food orders be made in the order
that they are received and that the names of the customers finished carry out items be displayed
in plain view if already paid. This way after showing some sort of validation that the order is in
fact theirs they do not have to wait in line. These processes can be customized these are simply

Incorporate online pay on the app with Square technology
For online orders and DC should institute the capability of Square technology. With this
software and hardware customers will be able to pay for orders from their smart phones and
tablets. After an order is purchased online the customer can simply walk in and receive their
order without waiting in line. This technology should also be implemented at hot dog carts. This
will lessen transaction times and create a safer atmosphere for cart operators reducing the
amounts of cash they will have to carry on them at one time. Square technology will also allow
for customers to even get a carryout from a hotdog cart; now that is innovation and

Physical Evidence Objective
Further differentiate Dog Central from competition, while keeping up with trends among other
restaurants and eateries within next 3 months.
Credibility is created by physical evidence that the company is doing well and has a large
following. DC has a lot of physical evidence in there store, but we are suggesting having more.
Using more physical evidence to show their success will only improve their position in the
market and also add the atmosphere.

Increase the perception of sustained success and devotion to the local community throughout
storefront, menus, and uniforms
DC already participates in many local events, but many Mount Pleasant locals are not aware.
Using the action programs below will ensure that they will. We believe the hot dog eating
contests are DCs greatest strength for providing credibility for their brand; we are reminded of
Nathans hot dog eating contest, but we want consumers to be reminded of DC.

Action Programs
Take pictures whenever company is operating or participating outside of the restaurant and place
in store and post on social networks.
When conducting events take as many pictures as possible and if you want hire someone to
take pictures or pay an employee to do it. The more pictures the better, then saturate your
affiliated social networks and take the best photos, blow them up and put them in the store; they
can even be rotated in and out the store to keep the perceptions fresh. Rotating pictures from
oldest to newest will also create intrigue in consumer, keeping them updated on new events DC
has been participating in.

Use store colors to emphasize company brand throughout operations.
Make the DC colors a staple of the brand. Display the colors on hot dog carts and throughout
hot dog cart uniforms. At DC events display DC colors loud and proud event make a flag that
emphasizes color, these types of acts create memory hooks for customers (Spralls, 2014)


The implementation of the marketing plan will require the owner and all of his employees to
be on the same page with regards to the extra workload. Dog Centrals marketing intern will be
responsible for solidifying appropriate locations to station the various hotdog carts. The owner
will be responsible for hiring and training the new employees, for both in-store work and the
independent manning of the hotdog cart. It will also be the responsibility of the owner to meet
with the app developer to ensure everything is included in the app that he finds necessary. The
owner can delegate the task of ordering the large format signs and the loyalty cards to the
marketing intern or another employee if he so pleases. The owner will be responsible for
ordering the hotdog pretzel buns unless he chooses to delegate the task to another employee.

Because we were not given a specific marketing budget from the owner of Dog Central, we
have developed an objective and task method of budgeting. This method will list the cost of each
marketing item we have suggested in the plan and allow the owner to choose what he would like
to pursue. If it is not in Dog Centrals budget to tackle all of these things at once, they have the
option of pursuing these endeavors at a later time when the funds are available. See Table 1
below for our objective and task method of budgeting.

!"#$% '
Hot Dog Cart $4,000.00 5 $20,000.00
New Employee (hire and train) $4,000.00 3 $12,000.00
Pretzel Buns $0.52 500 $260.00
Mobile App $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00
Large Format Signs $39.99 3 $119.97
Punch Cards $0.04 1,000 $35.00

Total Price $37,414.97
(All American, n.d.) (Hiring Your, n.d.) (How much does, n.d.) (Large Format, n.d.)
(Loyalty Cards, n.d.) (Pretzilla Wholesale, n.d.)

See Figure 2 in Appendix for PERT Timeline

Before implementing the plan, we will be conducting a survey to measure the brand
awareness of Mount Pleasant locals. We plan to capture 25-50 responses using a convenience
sample in a public place in town (i.e. movie theater, grocery store, etc.). Doing so will provide us
with the quantitative data necessary to address the following research objectives:
How aware are consumers of Dog Central as a brand?
Which of Dog Centrals attributes do consumers find most important?
How many times has the average Mount Pleasant local visited Dog Central during the
How satisfied are consumers with each of Dog Centrals attributes and with Dog Central
How likely are consumers to recommend Dog Central to a friend?
How does Dog Central compare to their competitors in terms of their various attributes?

This same survey should be conducted once more at the end of the campaign to measure how
much consumers attitudes toward Dog Central have shifted as a result of the many changes
made during this time. It is suggested that the same survey questions be used and that the
responses be collected in the same format for the follow-up survey, as was the original survey. A
copy of the survey and our results from conducting the pre-implementation survey can be found
in the Appendix.
In order to measure the objective such as foot traffic, an observation form of data collection
must be conducted at the beginning and end of the campaign. In order to accomplish the
objective, a Dog Central employee will be responsible for counting the number of people
entering the store during a specific time frame during a certain weekday. The same time frame
and weekday should be used at the end of the campaign as well. This will allow Dog Central the
opportunity to see if there has been an increase in foot traffic that meets the standards of the
The owner of Dog Central can measure the objective of brand awareness by conducting the
survey we have provided. Objective number one of this survey is to measure brand awareness.
The owner will be able to quickly determine if brand awareness has increased in the time from
conducting the first survey, to conducting the follow up survey.
The objective of further differentiation can be measured by seeing if all the action plans from
the accompanying strategies have been accomplished. Dog Central will be differentiating
themselves from the competition with the implementation of each of these specific tactics.
Measuring the success of this objective is as simple as crossing off the tasks as they have been


Figure 1
Perceptual Map based on price and quality of food for Dog Central, Mennas Joint, and Taco
Bell. Price is the dollar value that the customer is paying for the product. Quality of food is
the degree of excellence pertaining to the product that is delivered.

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Figure 2

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Dog Central Survey

Have you ever heard of Dog Central? Yes/No

Have you ever visited Dog Central? Yes/No

Estimate how many times you have visited during a weekend
0 1-2 3-5 6-9 10+

Now estimate how many times you have visited Dog Central on a weekday
0 1-2 3-5 6-9 10+

In the next few questions, please rate Dog Central on their performance of each attribute.

Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Quality of Ingredients
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Overall value (Is the product worth what you paid for it?)
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Price (Actual price of the product)
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Speed of Service
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Courtesy of Employees
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Location (Main St. and E. Michigan St., Downtown Mount Pleasant)
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Restaurant Atmosphere
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Overall satisfaction (Looking at Dog Central as a whole, how do you feel about it?)
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very satisfied

Of these 8 attributes, which is the most important to you?

Quality of ingredients
Overall value (get what you pay for)
Speed of service
Courtesy of employees
Restaurant Atmosphere

Of these 8 attributes, which is the least important to you?

Quality of ingredients
Overall value (get what you pay for)
Speed of service
Courtesy of employees
Restaurant Atmosphere

How likely are you to recommend Dog Central to a friend, family member, or coworker?

Definitely would 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Definitely
not recommend would

Have you been to Mennas Joint? Yes/No

Have you been to Taco Bell? Yes/No

Given the choice between the 3 restaurants (Dog Central, Mennas Joint, and Taco Bell), which
would you be most likely to visit the next time you eat out?

Dog Central Mennas Joint Taco Bell

What is your gender? Male Female

Are you a CMU student or a Mount Pleasant resident? Student Resident

Survey Results
We surveyed a total of 42 people outside of Celebration Cinema in Mount Pleasant, MI. The
nature of our survey was set up to first capture brand awareness with the first question. If the
person being surveyed then answered no to the second question (have you ever visited Dog
Central?), we would stop the survey there. Unfortunately they could only full participate in our
survey if they have ever actually been to the restaurant. Because of this, although we surveyed 42
people, only 25 of them were able to complete the survey. Therefore, every question besides the
first one has a sample size of 25. The results can be found in the tables and charts below. The
scores of each attribute are based on a mean score of the total respondents. Please be aware that
this survey is not an accurate representation of the total Mount Pleasant market, as our sample
size is relatively small. This data simply gives us a starting point and an idea of what our
customers are thinking. In other words, the analysis must be taken with a grain of salt.

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Come again. Bow much is that hot uog. Atlanta Foou & Biink Blog 0mnivoie Cieative
Lofing Atlanta. (n.u.). Cieative Loafing Atlanta. Retiieveu }une 2S, 2u14, fiom

Current Mount Pleasant, Michigan Population, Demographics and stats in 2014, 2013.. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2014, from
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Hiring Your First Employee. (n.d.). Entrepreneur. Retrieved June 2, 2014, from
Hopkins, J. (2012, March 21). A History of Taco Bell. Foodimentary . Retrieved June 3, 2014,
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Why People Want to Pay You Noie: 7 Reasons Boubling Youi Rates Boubles Success. (n.u.).
Petei Shallaiu RSS. Retiieveu }une 2S, 2u14, fiom

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