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Santos, Jose Martin M.



No, I disagree that man came from apes. Although there are some

physical evidences to prove it, there are some missing links of how man

originated from apes such as that where did apes like Lucy came from and why it

takes so much time for us humans to evolve to a much advance organism.

Based on the film that we have watched about the theory, they have said that

humans are related to some modern monkeys such as the chimpanzee, and the

apes that have no tail, or the so called Homo erectus. But I’m not still satisfied of

their conclusions because first the sudden disappearance of the species

described by the fossil records cause based on studies although there are

extinction of some organisms there will be a gradual recolonization of the

surviving organisms therefore this organisms should be present at this time.

Second the morphological designs of some species are somewhat the same with

each other such as a whale’s hand is also the same with human’s, so maybe that

is just a coincidence that our morphological structure are identical with the apes’ .

and last the concept of natural selection was the basis of Darwinism. Natural

selection is based on the assumption that in nature there is a constant struggle

for survival. Natural selection only eliminates those weak, or unsuited individuals

who are unable to adapt to the natural conditions in their habitat. It does not

produce new species, new genetic information, or new organs. In short, it cannot

cause anything to evolve.

Jose Martin Santos Theology
PD 1-B


I am Jose Martin Santos, 17 yrs. Old, a Pre-dent student of CEU Makati,

people who knows me call me Jomar, JM, or what so ever they want to call me. I

lived at 2330 Crisolita st. San Andres Manila.

To start with this biography of mine, I will tell something about my family

and my background. So I am the son of Mr. Renato Santos and Mrs. Aurora

Santos. I have 4 brothers and 1 sister, I am the 2nd to the eldest. We have a

simple and harmonious life ^^.

I will tell you about my likes and dislikes, the stuffs that I like, first of all

the computer cause I’m fond of playing games and surfing the web, I

liked beds cause I am always dizzy and I love social sciences. I like guitars and

mp3s cause I love music. In food, I liked salads, meat like fried chicken and

different kinds of Filipino dish.My dislikes, I dislike too much noise and

disturbances. In food, I don’t prefer Seafoods.

I have some achievements that I have gained in my life such as

academic excellences and honors from my elementary days up to my high

school years. I loved joining to quiz bees most especially social sciences. I don’t

prefer math because I am poor with numbers and sometimes I find it hard to

solve more complex problems. But all of these are nothing without the people

who support me every time, my parents, siblings, friends and God who I can

always rely on.

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