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LESSON PLAN (Teaching Part of Speech Adjectives)

Class : Form 1 Time : 9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.

Level of Proficiency : Intermediate level
Skill focs : Listenin!" #eadin! and $ritin!.
To%ic&T'eme : (d)ectives
Pr%ose : *%on sccessfl com%letion of t'e lesson" t'e stdents
+ill ,e a,le to:
1- To introdce ad)ectives as a %art of s%eec' to
.- To e/%ose stdents to sefl and en)oya,le 0n!lis'
3- To familiari1e stdents in listenin! to s%oken 0n!lis'
S%ecific Pr%ose : *%on sccessfl com%letion of t'e lesson" t'e stdents
+ill ,e a,le to:
1- +rite ot at least ten +ords of ad)ectives t'at s'o+s
.- +rite ot five sentences sin! ad)ectives t'at s'o+s
Teac'in! aids : 3andots&+orks'eets" Po+erPoint %resentation
4oral 5ales : Coo%eration.
No. Teachers Roe P!pis Roe
Pre"teaching Stage
Set Introdction
Teac'er +ill e/%lain a,ot
ad)ectives to t'e stdents.
6 one ty%e of ad)ectives +ill ,e
introdced +'ic' is:
i. (d)ectives t'at s'o+ 2alities.
Teac'er s'o+s a slides'o+ of some
e/am%les of ad)ectives via
Po+erPoint %resentation. (t t'e
same time" teac'er +ill ask stdents
a,ot ot'er ad)ectives t'at s'o+
2alities t'at t'ey kno+.
Stdents +ill res%onse ,y tellin!
+'at ot'er voca,lary of
ad)ectives t'at t'ey no+.
#hie Listening Stage
(ctivity 1 8Listen to a son!-
Teac'er distri,tes +orks'eets to
stdents and asks t'em to read it.
Teac'er %lays a son!" entitled
9:ancin! ;een< ,y (,,a for t'e
first time.
Teac'er %lays t'e son! for t'e
second time and asks stdents to
identify ad)ectives in t'e lyric
%rovided in t'e +orks'eet.
Teac'er discsses t'e ans+ers +it'
(ctivity . 8Cross+ord P11le-
Teac'er divides t'e stdents into
for !ro%s.
Teac'er distri,tes cross+ord
%11le s'eet to eac' !ro%.
Teac'er !ives instrction to t'e
T'e first !ro% to finis' and ans+er
t'em correctly +ill ,e annonced as
t'e +inner and +ill ,e re+arded.
Teac'er discsses t'e ans+ers +it'
Stdents read t'e +orks'eets
!iven ,y t'e teac'er.
Stdents listen to t'e son! for t'e
first time and t'ey may sin! alon!.
Stdents listen to t'e son! for t'e
second time and identify
ad)ectives in t'e lyric %rovided in
t'e +orks'eet.
Stdents discss t'e ans+er +it'
t'e teac'er.
Stdents divide t'emselves into
for !ro%s.
Stdents read t'e cross+ord
%11le s'eet !iven ,y t'e teac'er.
Stdents listen for t'e instrctions.
Stdents discss t'e ans+ers
amon! t'eir !ro% mem,ers.
Stdents discss t'e ans+ers +it'
t'e teac'er.
3.0 Post"istening Stage
Smmari1ation of t'e lesson
Teac'er sms % t'e lesson for
today and states moral vale of
Teac'er !ives t'e stdents
+orks'eet 83ome+ork 1- to do at
Stdents +ill com%lete t'e
+orks'eet and s,mit it in t'e ne/t

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