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FROM June 1, 2004.
CF 2004/06/04:
- in SCL_*.xsd: updated the annotation and the version of
the XSD files.
- (T5) in SCL_Enums.xsd: added "Oper", "SBO", "SBOw", and "Cancel"
to the allowed values for "tPredefinedAttributeNameEnum" (Tissue #5).
CF 2004/06/14:
- in SCL_*.xsd: only changed files have a new version, including
- (T9) in SCL_IED.xsd: attribute "datSet" of "tControl" made optional. Rationa
if provided, the identity constraints will ensure that it exists (in the
same LN). If not provided, it means that there is no data set. Remark: do
not use the empty string to indicate that there is no data set associated
with the control block.
CF 2005/02/14:
- (T17) in SCL_IED.xsd: type of attribute Name of tSDI set to tAttributeNameEn
- (T17) in SCL_IED.xsd: type of attribute Name of tDAI set to tAttributeNameEn
(should be the same as for attribute Name of DA in the data
type templates section)
CF 2005/07/27:
- (T1, T2) in SCL_Communication.xsd: corrected Tissue Entry #1 (Syntax)
for the pattern definition of tP_IP, tP_IP-SUBNET, tP_IP-GATEWAY.
Changed from "[0-2]?\d{1,2}\.[0-2]?\d{1,2}\.[0-2]?\d{1,2}.[0-2]?\d{1,2}"
to "[0-2]?\d{1,2}\.[0-2]?\d{1,2}\.[0-2]?\d{1,2}\.[0-2]?\d{1,2}".
- (T3) in Enumtypes.xml: Tissue Entry #3 (Missing ENUMs) added enums AutoRecSt
FltLoop, and PmpCtl. The values are those as defined in 7-4.
- (T6) in SCL_IED.xsd: corrected Tissue Entry #6 (ReportControl/OptFields):
removed attribute "segmentation" from agOptFields.
- in SCL_DataTypeTemplates.xsd: renamed identity constraint uniqueDAorSDOInLDO
to uniqueDAorSDOInDOType.
- in SCL_DataTypeTemplates.xsd: renamed identity constraint uniqueBDAInLDAType
to uniqueBDAInDAType.
- (T8)in Enumtypes.xml: Tissue Entry #8 (SIUnit enumeration for W): renamed
EnumVal with ord 62 from W to Watts.
- in ExampleFDIS.xml: inverted attributes type and xsi:type for P attributes
so that XML Spy does not complain anymore (although this is valid).
- in ExampleFDIS2.xml: inverted attributes type and xsi:type for P attributes
so that XML Spy does not complain anymore (although this is valid).
- in SCL_IED.xsd: (optional) attribute datSet of tControl is now of type
tName, instead of tAnyName. If provided, it should not be empty.
- (T10) in SCL_Enums.scl: Tissue Entry #10 (Base type for bitstring usage): ad
enumeration value "Check" to tPredefinedBasicTypeEnum.
- (T15) in SCL_IED.xsd: corrected Tissue Entry #15 (bufOvfl in Schema?):
removed attribute "bufOvfl" from agOptFields.
- (T16) in SCL_IED.xsd: corrected Tissue Entry #16 (modify attribute missing):
created new type tServiceWithMaxAndMaxAttributesAndModify, for ConfDataSet.
- (T24) in SCL_Communication.xsd: corrected Tissue Entry #24 (wrong schema con
Added field "@ldInst" to the identity constraints uniqueGSEinConnectedAP and
uniqueSMVinConnectedAP in tSubNetwork.
CF 2005/08/11:
- SCL_BaseSimpleTypes.xsd: removed comments (xs:annotation).
- (T18, T130) SCL_BaseSimpleTypes.xsd: added simple type tRestrLdName, for the
name of a LD.
It is restricted to alfanumeric (but starting with a letter), min 1 and max
64 char.
- (T18, T130) SCL_IED.xsd: corrected Tissue #18, 130: LDevice element: optiona
l attribute
ldName added.
- (T18) SCL_BaseSimpleTypes.xsd: (Tissue #18) tHeader: funcName restricted to
"IEDName", and
made optional with default value "IEDName".
- (T5) in SCL_Enums.xsd: added "Check" to the allowed values for
"tPredefinedAttributeNameEnum" (Tissue #5).
- (T8) in SCL_Enums.xsd: tSIUnitEnum corrected (Tissue #8): phi instead theta,
Watts introduced.
- (T8) in Enumtypes.xsd: SIUnit corrected (Tissue #8): phi instead theta.
- (T169) in Enumtypes.xsd: (Tissue #169) angid: order of Vother and Aother ada
pted to 7-3.
- (T12) in SCL_IED.xsd: Tissue #12 - GSSE, GOOSE; type changed to tServiceWith
this type added.
- *.xsd: new version set to 1.4.
WW 2005/08/15
- SCL_Enums.xsd: added "VisString129" to "tPredefinedBasicTypeEnum" because of
7-3 modification
CF 2006/10/25:
- SCL_*: changed the annotation for the schema.
WW 2006/11/15:
- made rptID optional (Tissue #245)

CF 2013/08/14:
- SCL_Communication.xsd: [Tissue #1059] Corrected "tP_OSI-AP-Title" (should no
t be quoted as specified in Part 8-1, Table 99).

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