Controlling Microstation From Excel VBA - (Archived) MicroStation V8 XM Edit

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Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]

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Controlling Microstation from Excel VBA
Posted by Shegde on Mon, Apr 19 2010 7:15 PM
Hi Rabi,

Yes. I have changed the type of the Model to sheet only to those model which consists of Tag. Each drawing has
only one sheet type model. But still it doesn't work. I really appreciate if you could let me know how to tweak VBA
to check all models and update the Tags where ever it finds them.
Posted by Rabi on Mon, Apr 19 2010 1:33 PM
Yes you can do that.
When you say, "changing the type of the Model to Sheet " you are changing only the model which has tags in it
right? The reason I suggested you change it to sheet type is to distinguish that one particular model which contains
all your tags. If you have two sheet models then the last one in your model list is considered.
I hope this helps.
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Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Shegde on Thu, Apr 15 2010 7:31 PM
Hi Rabi,
Thanks again.
I tried the VBA after changing the type of the Model to Sheet as per your suggestion but, it still fails. VBA doesn't
do anything as before. Where as I tried VBA on our other decipline drawings where they have only one default
model, it works perfectly even though none of the models are sheet type. It seems like this VBA doesn't work on
those drwaing which contains multiple model. Is there a way to tweak the macro to check all models and update the
Tags which ever model it finds the Tags in without checking for the type of the model?
Thanks for the help.
Posted by Rabi on Tue, Apr 13 2010 10:11 PM
Hello Shubha,
I am glad to know that the system works for cells as well. Thank you for the information.
I think I know the problem you are facing. The DGN that is not working have various models in it. The EXCEL macro
looks to one of these models and not all models for tags. Thus unfortunately the model this macro is looking for
doesn't have any tags in them.
For automation purposes consistency is somewhat very important. In your case there are several models in the DGN
file. To solve the issue you can change the model type to sheet in which your tags are stored. Then the variable
"msdModelTypeSheet" becomes active and the macro finds tags accordingly. You can change the model type to
sheet from Models dialog box (its the blue icon). Typically the models are "msdModelTypeNormal". Also there is a
distinction between a default model which is "msdModelTypeDefault". This means you can also choose default
model for your tags. And in code we can instruct the macro to look into default model and not any other models. I
recommend you use Sheet model type and only one sheet model type for each DGN file used for sheets. That
makes lots of things easier down the line.
The EXCEL macro has an error which uses a undefined variable "msdModelTypeModel". The VBA reference I have
used for XM edition there is no such type of variable defined. If you do a quick search for "msdModelTypeModel"
and replace it with "msdModelTypeNormal" the program will function as designed.
I wrote the VBA for the purpose of our workflow. We have sheet model setup for all our tags. Thus the macro
searches for sheet model type and finds the tags. In your case there are no defined models which have tags in
them. This is the prime reason some dgn are working while the others are not. If you open the ones which are
working they should only have one model i.e. Default model.
In conclusion I recommend you to find a consistent method of putting tags. That could be in sheet model type (given
only one sheet type exists) or name your model with some constant so that you can refer to the model with tags by
its name. Or just put all tags in the default model and tweak the macro to look only into the models.
I hope this helps you. Let me know what happens. If you determine a workflow or a consistent model organization let
me know and I shall help you with getting the codes tuned for you.
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Shegde on Tue, Apr 13 2010 7:53 PM

Hi Rabi,
Thanks for suggestions.
Even though I use cell to place the Tags, these tags are live in the drawing and can be edited just like regular Tags.
I have 31 dgn files and spread sheet works only on 2 drawings. I'm able to import and export to these 2 drawings.
One good news is VBA works on cell as well. I have attached the Tags through cell to all my 31 drawings. It works
on 2 drawings.
Another thing is, somehow I fixed the error messge adding "On Error Resume Next' code right before where it
encounters the error. I'm not sure if that is the right way or not. But it works for now. Now only problem I have is why
it doesn't work on rest of the drawings. I'm attaching 2 dgn files for review, one where VBA works and the other
where VBA doesn't do anything.
1. P100_320_General_Notes.dgn (Excel VBA works on this file)
2. P100_320_Abut_Detail.dgn (Excel VBA doesn't work on this file)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Apr 7 2010 10:19 PM

From what I understood is she is trying to insert CELLS in the drawing sheet as opposed to graphic grouped tags.
Now that she has inserted the CELLS she is locking the tags in the cell header which this excel won't do any good.
My suggestion is to put the tags in the title block as a placeholder. Whenever you attach the title block you can copy
these tags (graphic grouped) to match a predefined insert points. Then double clicking the tags will open it for
editing. These tags are now directly in the sheets and thus will be imported successfully. The export will then work
as well. I hope this helps. Please refer to the attached picture for the concept we use in our office. The tags in the
right are in the referenced title block. The tags on the left are copied tags in the drawings. Each tag is editable and
free for VBA edit (I mean not in a cell).
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Jon Summers on Wed, Apr 7 2010 9:50 PM
Sharing Error Information
It also gives me error while exporting the same. (Run-time error '-2147218396 (80040c24)': File is
We used to debug code telepathically, but there's too much interference from the ozone layer these days.
We can't see your code, so we don't know where you encountered that error. Why not step through in debug
(Function key F8) to find where your code fails. Then post some of that code here with more information about the
If the code is attempting to open a file, does that file really exist? Is it opening the code for write access?
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Apr 7 2010 9:48 PM
Hi Shubha,
My knowledge of VBA for CELLS is limited. I am not sure how you can modify (if you could) CELLS with VBA. If you
were able to import information from the dgn that you had tagset created then the process is working. For this VBA
to work Tags need to be on thier own and not a part of the CELL. Also if you are considering CEL as one file then
perhaps you could change the file type to CEL and it might work.
Is it not possible for you to put tags directly in the drawings? I mean you can create tags in Title reference and copy
them into your sheets for changing values. Let us know what your process is.
Posted by Shegde on Wed, Apr 7 2010 7:54 PM

Drawing Tags Import -Export.xls
Hi Rabi,
I'm sorry to say that it just doesn't work for me. Spread Sheet imports the tag values from only one file where I
actually created Tag set. Rest of the dgn files where I attached the tag thorugh cell (I have created a cell contating
tag) , spread sheet does'nt import any Tag information. It also gives me error while exporting the same. (Run-time
error '-2147218396 (80040c24)': File is read-only).
I have attached the cell which contains the Tag set as well as the spread sheet I'm using.
Any help would be really appreciated.


Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Rabi on Fri, Mar 26 2010 9:04 PM
Hi Shubha,
The process works like this. You import the tag information from your drawings. Once imported you can modify them
as you need and then export the edited information back to the drawings. If you maximize the downloaded sheet,
you should see a page with "How to use." It gives some basic idea about the process.
The column headings such as "J ob No.", "Drawing No.", "Sheet Description 1" are the tag names. There is a cell
where you put the Tagset Name (Case Sensitive and one word). Fill those information and match your tag names
into the columns.
You can get those information from MicroStation.
Once you modify your Excel sheet import the tag information then you should have the file names column
populated. You must select these cells that have the file names you want to update. Say you imported and edited
only one file. Then select the file name cell and hit export. This will only export information to the selected file name
in Excel.
Let me know if that helped.
Posted by Shegde on Fri, Mar 26 2010 8:08 PM

Hi Rabi,
I was searcing for the VB program which takes the data from Excel Spredsheet and updates microstation title and
drawings numbers and I came across the program you wrote. I copied the program and drawing Tags Import-
Export.xls. When I ran the program I got a error message saying : "Selection is not a valid DGN path. Please select
range with valid DGN filenames".
Since I don't know anything about the programming and there is not much information about how to use this progam
along with the above spread sheet, I don't know what to do. I really appreciate if you could guide me.
Posted by Rabi on Mon, Nov 23 2009 7:12 PM
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Hi J on,
Yes I am very happy to get a program made and we are using it for managing out title block information. This
EXCEL VBA imports the tag information and we can edit them in Excel and later push it back to DGN in matter of
minutes. Basically the codes are the same as illustrated here below in this thread. I appreciate your help regarding
issues I was having earlier.
Posted by Jon Summers on Mon, Nov 23 2009 6:24 PM
I am just trying to read information from the tags at this point.
Have you made progress with this? Your comments in another thread (Nov 09) suggest that you have got
somewhere ...
In answer to your question: reading tag data does not modify anything in your DGN model. You can get tag data
from a read-only model, including reference attachments.
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
VBA, programming
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Mar 25 2009 3:59 PM
Jon Summers:
[The sample code you posted attempts to modify tag elements. Are those tag elements created by
one of Bentley's building applications?
J on,
I am just trying to read information from the tags at this point. So I am not sure if my macro attempts to modify the
tag elements. I am not sure how this process actually works inside microstation. I have the file opened as read only
at this time.
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
VBA, programming
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Mar 25 2009 3:41 PM
The tags I am trying to modify is custom created. The tags are used in our Title Block to manage TB information.
Furthermore, the error message I got is related to msdTagSetNotFound error. Why would Microstation report Tag
Set Not Found when there is this tag I inserted into the drawing?
VBA, programming
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Mar 25 2009 3:39 PM
Dear J on,
Thank you for pointing the commented 'OnError Handler"
I think I have resolved the error handling part atleast. Still need to look into the file which generates this error when I
have all the tagsets in the drawing. Any thoughts on why the error is thrown?
Posted by Jon Summers on Wed, Mar 25 2009 3:31 PM
This is more accurate error message I get when I opened the drawing in microstation. "Change
rejected in order to preserve design integrity." Message Details: "The originating application
(48770) rejected this change in order to preserve the element's design integrity." Do you know what
application is (48770) ?
That's not, as Phil reveals, a VBA message. It occurs when you, or your code, tries to modify an element marked as
'not for modification' by another application.
The sample code you posted attempts to modify tag elements. Are those tag elements created by one of Bentley's
building applications?
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Phil Chouinard - Bentley on Wed, Mar 25 2009 3:17 PM
That would be one of our Building applications and is intentional to avoid making modifications to any element
(placed with that application) without that application being present.
VBA, programming
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Mar 25 2009 3:07 PM
Oh sorry! I was going to remove that line but I didn't. Its not a part of the code. I added it later just before I posted
the code here and I completely forgot about it. My appologies.
This is more accurate error message I get when I opened the drawing in microstation.
"Change rejected in order to preserve design integrity."
Message Details:
"The originating application (48770) rejected this change in order to preserve the element's design integrity."

Do you know what application is (48770) ?

Posted by Jon Summers on Wed, Mar 25 2009 2:12 PM
'On Error GoTo ErrHandler
if myDGN.Models(1).HasAnyXData
Something's not right here:
1. Your On Error statement is commented out
2. if myDGN.Models(1).HasAnyXData is incorrect -- it should have a Then clause
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Mar 25 2009 1:55 PM
Hi J on,
Here below please find the codes I am using for one of the procedures. I get the following message. "System Error
&H8004057A (-2147220102)" . I get this error in two situation. One when the tagSets are not found in the drawing
file. And the second when the drawing file is intentionally restricted by microstation for modification. When I opened
this individual dgn drawing file in microstation, microstation reported that it was intentionally restricted for

Sub ImportTitleBlockTags()
Dim askUser As Integer
askUser = MsgBox("This process will replace the current information in your Excel Sheet!
Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo, "Confirmation")
If askUser = 7 Then
MsgBox ("You chose to exit the import process.")
Exit Sub
End If
'Microstation Related Variables
Dim myDGN As DesignFile
Dim myTagSet As TagSet
Dim myTag As TagElement
Dim myEleEnum As ElementEnumerator
Dim myEleFilter As New ElementScanCriteria
Dim myString As String
'Microstation Application
Dim myUstation As MicroStationDGN.Application
'File System Related Variables
Dim myFSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim myFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim myFile As Scripting.File
'Excel Related Variables
Dim myWS As Excel.Worksheet
Set myWS = Excel.ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Dim CurRow As Long
'Dim myNumber As Integer
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Faster code execution
'On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case Err.Number
Case 5
MsgBox "The Cells(3,3) or 'C3' should have valid path to the folder containing sheet
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Exit Sub
Case -2147220102
MsgBox "MicroStation reported that tagset was not found! & vbCrLf & Check if the tagset
STD_TITL exists in the drawing file."
Exit Sub
Case -2147220093
MsgBox "MicroStation reported that tag was not found!" & vbCrLf & "Make sure the tags
exists in the drawing file."
Exit Sub
Case -2147220101
MsgBox "MicroStation reported that tag was not found in the tag set!" & vbCrLf & "Make
sure the tag is defined in the tag set."
Exit Sub
End Select
'Current Row can be set according to the Template
CurRow = 5
'myNumber = 1
'Get files from the folder
Set myFolder = myFSO.GetFolder(myWS.Cells(3, 3))
'Get Microstation for file processing
Set myUstation = New MicroStationDGN.Application
'Loop through each file
For Each myFile In myFolder.Files
Select Case myFile.Type
Case "Bentley MicroStation Design"
'Open Microstation Files for programming
Set myDGN = myUstation.OpenDesignFileForProgram(myFile.Path, True)
'Write File Name
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 2) = myDGN.Name
myEleFilter.IncludeType msdElementTypeTag
Set myEleEnum = myDGN.Models(1).Scan(myEleFilter)
if myDGN.Models(1).HasAnyXData
'Holder for Title Tag Array
Dim myTitle(3)
Dim myTitleString As String
'Clear myTitle Array
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To 3
myTitle(x) = ""
myTitleString = "" 'Clear to begin with
'Loop within the Enum
While myEleEnum.MoveNext
Set myTag = myEleEnum.Current
myString = myTag.TagSetName
'Check the name for Tagset
If myString = "STD-TITL" Then
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
'Sheet Title Holder
'Check if its Hidden
If myTag.IsHidden = False Then
'Sheet No Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "SHT_NO" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 3) = myTag.Value
End If
'Sheet Title Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "SHT_TITLE1" Then
myTitle(0) = myTag.Value
End If
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "SHT_TITLE2" Then
myTitle(1) = myTag.Value
'MsgBox myTitle(1)
End If
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "SHT_TITLE3" Then
myTitle(2) = myTag.Value
End If
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "SHT_TITLE4" Then
myTitle(3) = myTag.Value
End If
'Strip spaces from the titles
myTitleString = myTitle(0) & " " & myTitle(1) & " " & myTitle(2) & " " & myTitle(3)
myTitleString = LTrim(myTitleString) 'Left striping
myTitleString = RTrim(myTitleString) 'Right Striping
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 4) = myTitleString
'Drawn By Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "DRAWNBY" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 5) = myTag.Value
End If
'Checked By Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "CHECKEDBY" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 6) = myTag.Value
End If
'Approved By Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "APPROVEDBY" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 7) = myTag.Value
End If
'Date Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "TDATE" Then
myWS.Cells(2, 6) = myTag.Value
End If
'Project No. Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "PROJ_NO" Then
myWS.Cells(2, 3) = myTag.Value
End If
'Total sheet Tag
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "TOTAL_NO#" Then
myWS.Cells(1, 6) = myTag.Value
End If
'Sheet no. for of total
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "SEQ_NO#" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 1) = myTag.Value
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
VBA, programming
End If
'Check if the revisions are present
Dim iRevCounter As Integer
For iRevCounter = 1 To 9
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "REV" & iRevCounter Then
If myTag.Value <> "" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 10) = "YES !"
End If
End If
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "DATE" & iRevCounter Then
If myTag.Value <> "" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 10) = "YES !"
End If
End If
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "BY" & iRevCounter Then
If myTag.Value <> "" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 10) = "YES !"
End If
End If
If myTag.TagDefinitionName = "DESCRIPT" & iRevCounter Then
If myTag.Value <> "" Then
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 10) = "YES !"
End If
End If
End If
End If
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 9) = "" 'Erase the export flags
'Set myTagSet = myDGN.TagSets("STD-TITL")
'Write Number
'myWS.Cells(CurRow, 1) = myNumber
'Close Microstation
myWS.Cells(CurRow, 8) = "SUCCESS !"
'Update the increments
'myNumber = myNumber + 1
CurRow = CurRow + 1
End Select
'Release variables
MsgBox "The Title Block Tags were successfully imported."
End Sub
Posted by Jon Summers on Wed, Mar 25 2009 8:53 AM
I ran into problems when MicroStation reports some error. Do you know of a way where you can
trap that error from within EXCEL VBA? I tried the runtime error catch method but didn't work.
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Please post the complete subroutine where you use the On Error ... statement.
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
VBA, programming
Posted by Rabi on Tue, Mar 24 2009 9:13 PM
Dear J on,
I am far ahead in my work regarding managing tag information from within EXCEL spreadsheet. I ran into problems
when MicroStation reports some error. Do you know of a way where you can trap that error from within EXCEL
VBA? I tried the runtime error catch method but didn't work.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case Err.Number
Case 5
MsgBox "The Cells(3,3) or 'C3' should have valid path to the folder containing sheet
Exit Sub
Case -2147220102
MsgBox "MicroStation reported that tagset was not found! & vbCrLf & Check if the tagset
STD_TITL exists in the drawing file."
Exit Sub
Case -2147220093
MsgBox "MicroStation reported that tag was not found!" & vbCrLf & "Make sure the tags
exists in the drawing file."
Exit Sub
Case -2147220101
MsgBox "MicroStation reported that tag was not found in the tag set!" & vbCrLf & "Make
sure the tag is defined in the tag set."
Exit Sub
End Select

Any suggestions how I can actually use these Err.Numbers to handle them from EXCEL VBA?

Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
VBA, scanning
Posted by Jon Summers on Wed, Feb 11 2009 6:29 PM
How do I populate oHost with elements if I need to process tags in a file or multiple files as such.
In MicroStation, elements reside in a model (VBA ModelReference). There is always one model in a DGN file. There
may be multiple models in a DGN file. One model may be attached to another as a reference. You can only add or
modify elements in the active model (VBA ActiveModelReference).
The idiom for getting elements from a model is scan. Every model has a Scan method. There are some hints on
model scanning.
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
Posted by Rabi on Tue, Feb 10 2009 11:16 PM
Hi J on,
I wanted to ask if this code would be a valid code. How do I populate oHost with elements if I need to process tags
in a file or multiple files as such. You suggestion would help me a lot. Should I use enumeration?
Dim oHost As Element
... ' Read oHost element from file
If (oHost. HasAnyTags) Then
Dim oTags() As TagElement
Dim nTags As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim vtValue As Variant
oTags = oHost.GetTags ()
' process tag array
For i = Lbound (oTags) To Ubound (oTags)
vtValue = oTags(i).Value
Debug.Print "Tag [" & CStr(i) & "]" = " & CStr(vtValue)
Next i
End If
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Rabi on Mon, Feb 9 2009 2:54 PM
Thank you J on!! I will do that.
Posted by Jon Summers on Fri, Feb 6 2009 12:00 PM
Reference the MicroStationDGN.Application Library
Sub GetTagSet()
'Microstation Related Variable Declarations
Dim myMSAppConn As MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector
Dim myMSApp As MicroStationDGN.Application
'Microstation Connection check Attach to existing or create new
On Error Resume Next
Set myMSAppConn = GetObject(, "MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
'Set myMSAppConn = New MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector
Set myMSAppConn = CreateObject("MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector")
'Set myMSApp = myMSAppConn.Application
End If
Set myMSApp = myMSAppConn.Application
If you have succeeded in referencing the MicroStationDGN.Application application from Excel VBA, then prefer to
get a MicroStationDGN object reference like this:
Sub GetTagSet()
'Microstation Related Variable Declarations
Dim oMSApp As MicroStationDGN.Application
Set oMSApp = New MicroStationDGN.Application
This approach gives you full access to the MicroStationDGN object library (press F2 in the VBA IDE to browse
libraries). It also enables the VBA IDE to provide IntelliSense (Excel VBA recognises MicroStation VBA objects and
their properties and methods).
This article about VBA and Excel may help.
Regards, J on Summers
LA Solutions
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
Posted by Rabi on Wed, Feb 4 2009 10:06 PM
Hello VBA programmers,
I need your help debugging this code. I tried to control Microstation from EXCEL VBA but something is not working.
When I run the macro, Microstation opens for a while and disappears. It doesn't stay open at all. Any suggestions to
improve this code would be very helpful for me.
Sub GetTagSet()
'Microstation Related Variable Declarations
Dim myMSAppConn As MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector
Dim myMSApp As MicroStationDGN.Application
'Microstation Connection check Attach to existing or create new
On Error Resume Next
Set myMSAppConn = GetObject(, "MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
'Set myMSAppConn = New MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector
Set myMSAppConn = CreateObject("MicroStationDGN.ApplicationObjectConnector")
'Set myMSApp = myMSAppConn.Application
End If
Set myMSApp = myMSAppConn.Application
On Error GoTo 0
Dim myDGN As DesignFile
Dim myTagSet As TagSet
Dim myTagDef As TagDefinition
Dim myTagDefs As TagDefinitions
Dim myTag As TagElement
Dim myEleEnum As ElementEnumerator
Dim myEleFilter As New ElementScanCriteria
'Folder Related Variable Declarations
Dim myFSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim myFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim myFile As Scripting.File
'Excel Related Variable Declarations
Dim CurRow As Long
Dim CurCol As Long
'MsgBox myActiveSheet
CurRow = 2
CurCol = 2
Set myFolder = myFSO.GetFolder("C:\Documents and
For Each myFile In myFolder.Files
'MsgBox "Its working upto here!" & " " & myFile.Type
Select Case myFile.Type
Case "Bentley MicroStation Design"
'MsgBox myFile.Name
'File Name and Merge Cells
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(CurRow, 1) = myFile.Path
CurRow = CurRow + 1
'Open the File
Set myDGN = myMSApp.OpenDesignFileForProgram(myFile.Path, True)
Controlling Microstation fromExcel VBA - [Archived] MicroStation V8 XM Edition Programming Forum- MicroStation Programming - Be Communities by Bentley[5/27/2013 2:51:48 PM]
VBA EXCEL programming
'Read TagSet
On Error Resume Next
Set myTagSet = myDGN.TagSets("STD-TITL")
If myTagSet Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Title Tags exists!", vbExclamation
End If
For Each myTagDefs In myTagSet
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(CurRow, CurCol) = myTagDef.Name
CurCol = CurCol + 1
Case Default
MsgBox "Something is not working!"
End Select
Set myMSApp = Nothing
Set myMSAppConn = Nothing
End Sub

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