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58 The completed first draft of the science project research
paper is due in the next lesson. The minimum number of
words is 600. You may go up to 850 words if needed.
Remember to have a summary paragraph at the end of the
paper to bring it to an interesting conclusion
59 Begin to edit the first draft of your research paper. Correct
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and all other errors. Make
corrections in ink. Bring your edited paper to class to be
checked in L62. Purchase a notebook to use as your
science project journal. The first journal check will be in L65.
Your journal should have 3 entries at that time. Read A
Healthier You pp. 80-90 and answer questions 1-7 in your
spiral notebook
60 Read health text pp. 98-105 and answer questions 5-12 in
your spiral notebook. Continue to edit the first draft of your
research paper. Your edited paper will be checked in L62.
The first science project journal check will be in L65. Have 3
entries in your journal at that time
61 Read health text pp. 113-117. Answer questions 1-10 in
your spiral notebook. Continue to edit your science project
research paper. Read the first sentence of each paragraph
and check to see that these sentences generally match the
main points and subpoints of the outline. Next, check each
sentence for completeness and proper grammar and
punctuation. Make corrections in ink. Bring your edited first
draft to class in lesson 62 to be checked. The first science
project journal check will be in L65. Remember to have 3
entries in your journal on that day.
62 Begin to study A Healthier You chapters 6-11 for a test in
L65. Read health pp. 118-123. Answer questions 11-13. Do
p. 123, “Focus on You.” Write these answers directly in your
health book. Continue to edit the first draft of your research
paper in ink. Your edited paper will be checked again in L68.
The first science project journal check will be in L65. Have 3
entries in your journal at that time
63 Answer A Healthier You pp. 132-133, “Health Terms” and
“Completion.” Write these answers directly in your health
book. Bring colored pencils in the next lesson. Begin to
study health chapters 6-11 for a test in L65. Remember that
the first science project journal check will also be in L65.
Have 3 entries in your journal at that time. Continue to edit
the first draft of your research paper in ink. The edited paper
will be checked again in L68. For L68, also bring at least
one diagram or illustration that will be included in your f inal
paper. Use any remaining class time to begin on your
64 Complete health p. 73, “Focus on You.” Don’t forget to color
the skeleton as instructed. Study A Healthier You chapters
6-11 for a test. Emphasize chapters 6, 8, and 10 as you
study. Also study health pp. 91 and 123, “Focus on You,”
and the Anatomy Worksheets for chapters 6 and 8.
Remember that the first 3 entries of your science project
journal will be checked in the next lesson. Purchase a small
notebook to use as your journal and refer to the sample
journal in A Science Project p. 24.
65 Read A Healthier You pp. 137-143. Answer questions 1-4.
Continue to edit the first draft of your research paper in ink.
Your edited paper will be checked again in L68. The second
science project journal check will be in L77. Your journal
should have 5 entries at that time
66 Refer to A Healthier You pp. 145-149 and answer questions
1-5. Your edited research paper will be checked again in
L68. (Do your editing in ink.) On that day, you should bring
at least one diagram or illustration which will be included in
your final research paper. Also ask someone older than you
to proofread your paper and sign their name at the top
indicating they have done so. T he completed final copy of
your paper will be due in L70 to be proofread in class and in
L73 to be collected for grading.

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