P Statement Values Final

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A Personal Statement of Philosophy and Values

Cheryl M. Calaustro
PUA 550 Seminar for Public Administration
McDaniel College
A Personal Statement of Philosophy and Values
During my career in conservation, I have encountered many environmental
programs led by biologists. While biologists are educated in scientific theory and are
naturally results driven, some programs still fail to gain public momentum and become
self-sustaining. Under the direction of scientists, public programs sometimes take a top-
down approach without consultation of the communities or stakeholders that are or will
be effected. A plan made in this fashion is doomed for failure (Argandoa, 1998).
There is a human dimension to administration of public programs that must not be
overlooked. Environmental issues, in particular can cause much conflict within
communities and staff when goals and objectives are not aligned. The threatening specter
of species extinction, natural resource depletion and climate change has highlighted that
now, more than ever, change must occur to halt the Earths downward spiral of
environmental degradation. Modern scientists need not only scientific dexterity but also
social skills to create successful programs. A broad-level understanding of the goals and
challenges of public administration and the relationship of these to more specialized
aspects of planning, organization, management, and analysis in the public sector at the
national, state and local levels is needed. Moreover, environmental work must be seen as
a public service built on work incorporating democratic citizenship, community and civil
society, organizational humanism and discourse theory. Public administrators must be
public servants to help citizens articulate and meet their shared interests rather than to
attempt to control or steer society (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Blanc, 2013).
Strong leaders are needed to create a hopeful, informed culture within their
organizations or the community they work within. Additionally, administrators
competent in the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) are needed to move
environmental programs and policies from theoretical plans into active sustainable
movements embraced by the public (Executive Core Qualifications, n.d.). Some of
these characteristics include:
The ability to create change - Administrators of environmental programs must
have a vision, a plan and utilize ingenuity to respond to the changing needs of
their organization, program, staff and constituents.
The ability to lead people Administrators of environmental programs must be
able to create, mentor and manage diverse teams to achieve programs goals.
Recognizing and cultivating leadership potential within others will also help to
sustain program goals and objectives.
The ability to obtain results Administrators of environmental programs must be
able to successfully employ adaptive management techniques and take
responsibility for resulting outcomes and effects.
The aptitude for business Administrators of environmental programs must be
able to manage fiduciary, personnel and technical needs.
The ability to create alliances Administrators of environmental programs must
be able to maneuver in political conditions to sustain their work through internal
and external trust and support.
As a biologist, I do not wish to contribute to the tragedy of the commons or the
theory that explains natural resource exploitation as a result of human egocentrism and
immorality. When an individual chooses to make decisions based on personal gain
instead of group or community benefit, natural resource depletion can result (Hannon &
Ruth, 2001). By being a strong leader, armed with a toolbox of public administration
skills, I hope to influence change and work for the common good. The study of public
administration has given me the opportunity to obtain high levels of proficiency of
technical and managerial skills to enhance my public service work with particular
attention to the fields of public and nonprofit performance measurement, management,
and improvement. Finally analogous to the ECQs, I would like to continue my
commitment to environmental conservation by practicing exemplary leadership.
Leadership is not about personality; its about behavior (Kouzes & Posner, 2009). I am
committed to leading by example and tackling challenges to inspire others to act towards
a unified vision and spirit of community. Leadership is a relationship (Kouzes &
Posner, 2009). It is this relationship with my organization, staff and community that I
wish to positively influence for the benefit of the environment and advancement of social
Argandoa, A. (1998). The stakeholder theory and the common good. Journal of
Business Ethics, 17(9-10), 1093-1102.
Denhardt, R., Denhardt, J ., & Blanc, T. (2013). Public administration: An action
orientation. Cengage Learning.
Executive Core Qualifications. (n.d.). OPM.gov. Retrieved J une 14, 2014, from
Hannon, B., & Ruth, M. (2001). Tragedy of the Commons. In Dynamic Modeling (pp.
251-255). Springer New York.
Kouzes, J . M., & Posner, B. Z. (2009). The five practices of exemplary leadership. The
Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership, 63.

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