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Grade General Information
Classroom Management
Learning in the classroom can only take place with the cooperation of the teacher, parents and students.
Together we can ensure that your child comes to a sound and well-disciplined learning environment. If a
student is disruptive during classroom instruction, it prevents learning for that student and the entire class.
Classroom Rules
1. Raise your hand and wait to be called on for your turn to speak.
. !tay seated, !tay working, !tay "uiet
#. $e respectful of yourself, other people, and property
1. %irst & warning
. !econd & student'teacher chat during break
#. Third & problem report to be signed by parent and returned the following day.
(ny severe disruptive behavior may result in removal from class and appropriate disciplinary action will be
issued in accordance with the district discipline matri).
$reaking a school rule may result in the issuance of a conduct notice, which re"uires attendance at conflict
resolution in lieu of lunch recess.
Positive consequences *referred activity time +*(T,, note'call home, the -oy of learning.
Parties - $irthdays may be celebrated, as well as /alloween, 0inter $reak and 1alentine2s 3ay. (ny parent
wishing to bring in store bought goodies for birthdays may do so for the 145#4 recess. *lease give days
notice for scheduling arrangements. If you do not wish for your child to participate in parties for any
reason, please send a note and necessary arrangements will be made. Remember our /ealthy 6hoices.
Grade Reflections - 7ur Reflections 6eremony will take place on the day before the last day of school. (t
this time, we celebrate your child2s completion of elementary school and bridging to middle school. Therer will
be a ceremony where students share favorite memories of elementary school, followed by a family picnic.
*arents begin to organi8e this in 9arch. The *T( provides decorations. !tudents also design a tile for the
0alteria :
;rade Legacy 0all by the cafeteria to commemorate this special time in their life.
Attendance - 0hen your child is absent, please send a note the day they return to school. The student has
until the following 9onday to make up missed work. %or an e)tended absence, please let us know a week in
advance and we will prepare a packet for the student. It will be due upon their return to class.
Student Materials - ( suggested supply list was sent home on the first day. !tudents may bring supplies,
however, any item that becomes a distraction will be asked to be kept at home and we cannot take time to
track down lost items. 0ater bottles are allowed in class if they have a sport top and contain water +not
fro8en,. (ny other container or beverage may be kept at their backpack and used during breaks. <7
=L=6TR7<I6 3=1I6=! (R= (LL70=3 (T !6/77L.
GAT - ;ate students receive differentiated instruction within the regular classroom. 3ifferentiation can come
in the form of pacing, depth and comple)ity +higher levels of thinking,, and novelty +high interest, hands on,.
!tudents2 work will be e)pected to show a higher level of competency in terms of writing skills and oral
presentation skills
P - 6alifornia law establishes the priority of physical education instruction. =ducation 6ode !ection :14
re"uires 44 minutes of physical education every ten elementary school days for elementary school students.
Therefore, students are re"uired to participate in physical education activities. If they are not able to participate
for an e)tended period, a note from a doctor is re"uired listing the specific limitations and alternative activities.
!tudents are also re"uired to wear clothing and shoes that do not limit their ability to participate in physical
activities. Lack of participation will result in a lower grade.
Citi!enshi" & *lease review our school and *layground Rules. 0e encourage students to use our conflict
strategies to resolve problems. If those don2t work, let a teacher know and they will help.
6lothing needs to fit appropriately. <o bare butts or bellies. !hirts must have a one inch shoulder strap, and
skirts'shorts must be finger tip length. /ats may be worn at recess only. !tudents with distracting clothing,
hair, accessories, -ewelry, etc. will be asked to remove'change and may re"uire a call home. This will affect
their citi8enship grade.
#ome$or% - /omework is assigned nightly. ( !tudent planner is provided for each student which should be
brought to class on a daily basis. !tudents need to record their homework assignments daily. 9ath and
spelling are assigned nightly with an additional sub-ect added periodically. *arents should review the planner
nightly to verify that homework is completed accurately. /omework should take 1 to 1 > hours per night
9onday & Thursday. If they re"uire additional time to complete their assignment, please write a note in their
planner. They have until 9onday following the weekend to turn it in. !tudents are re"uired to read 4 minutes
per night.
9ath homework is assigned 9-Th nights. !tudents must show their work in order to receive credit. 0e
do several sample problems in class together. *lease check assignments to ensure they are complete and
accurate. It will be considered incomplete if problems are skipped, or not attempted. If your child has difficulty,
and you are unable to help him, they may come by the classroom during the morning recess for assistance.
*ractice 9ultiplication %acts. (s math becomes more comple) and involves multiple steps, it is important that
students are able to "uickly recall basic math facts +a #
grade standard,. 7therwise, they may become
overwhelmed and homework may take twice as long to complete.
0e feel that homework serves several purposes5 to e)pand learning opportunities, to increase the
number of minutes students read outside of school, to encourage personal responsibility and to develop good
study habits for lifelong learning. If your child is having difficulty with an assignment, please send in a note the
following day and we will discuss'clarify it with them.
S"elling - =ach student received a !pelling $ook which focuses on a spelling rule for each unit. 0e will be
completing one Lesson each week with a test on %riday.
Mathematics - /oughton 9ifflin 9athematics, 6alifornia =dition is our district2s adopted math te)tbook. 0e
will be covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, e"uations, measurement,
geometry, data and probability. 0e will be engaging in hands-on activities, computational e)periences,
problem solving and games. The math program is fast paced and emphasi8es e)posure to all 6alifornia :

grade standards. It is essential that students know their basic multiplication and division facts +a #
standard, in order for them to be successful in other areas.
&'(R C#I)*+S *,)'PI-G S-S '. RSP'-SI/I)IT& - 0e strongly discourage the practice of
students calling home for forgotten lunches, notes, supplies, and especially assignments. ?our support in this
policy can help your child develop a sense of responsibility. !tudents in the fifth grade need to be self-reliant.
*lease help your child to develop a system to remember needed items to bring to school. Teach your child to
get into the routine of packing their school bag the night before. This eliminates last minute, frantic searching
for belongings in the morning. 7r, students and parents could make up a checklist to go over in the morning.
Academic #onest0 - !tudents at 0alteria are e)pected to maintain the highest standards of academic
conduct. (cademic dishonesty is not acceptable under any circumstance. If this occurs1 the student $ill
receive a 2 on the assignment1 and cannot ma%e u" this grade. If you are not sure, please ask. !ome
forms of academic dishonesty include5 presenting another person2s work as your own, changing answers or
writing in answers, having books or papers out during a test, giving inaccurate scores or grades, signing for a
parent, copying or allowing another student to copy. (dditional conse"uences may result in accordance with
the district discipline matri).
Grade Re"orting - Report cards are issued each trimester +3ecember, 9arch and @une,. *rogress reports
are issued mid-trimester to indicate areas in which students are below grade level either
academically or have behavior concerns. 6onferences are scheduled if needed.

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