Request For Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Project

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MAY 2014
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Exhibit I: Proposal Letter
Attachment I-1: List of Attachments to Proposal Letter
Attachment I-2: Power (s) of Attorney
Attachment I-3: Proposal Security
Attachment I-4: Lender Acknowledgement Letter
Attachment I-5: Proposal Summary Information
Exhibit II: Financial Data in Support of Project
Exhibit III: Technical Data and Submittals
Exhibit IV: Bidder and Contractors Information
Exhibit V: Exceptions to RFP Documents
Exhibit VI: Bidders Project Schedule
Exhibit VII: Proposed Company Organization Chart
Exhibit VIII: Proposed Annual and Levelized Tariff
PART I Draft of Implementation Agreement (1A)
PART II Draft of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
PART III Draft of Water Use Agreement (WUA)
The Punjab Power Generation Policy 2006, revised in 2009
and subsequent amendments therein
NEPRAs Mechanism for determination of tariff for
Hydropower projects
PART VI Draft of Sovereign Guarantee

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Table of Contents

INVITATION OF PROPOSALS ........................................................................................................ 8

PART A: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ..................................................................................... 12

1.0 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESS OF PROJ ECT AREA ................................................................... 12
3.0 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION OF TAUNSA HYDROPOWER PROJ ECT ............................... 12
4.0 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY ................................................................................................... 15
4.1 FLOOD DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 16
4.2 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY, E&M EQUIPMENT AND STEEL WORKS................................... 17
5.0 SALIENT FEATURES OF 120 MW TAUNSA HYDROPOWER PROJ ECT .............................. 17
5.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 17
5.2 HYDROLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.3 SEDIMENT ............................................................................................................................. 18
5.4 FLUSHING TUNNEL .............................................................................................................. 18

PART B: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ..................................................................................... 19

DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................. 20
1.0 PURPOSE OF BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................. 27
2.0 ELIGIBLE BIDDERS ............................................................................................................... 27
3.0 PROGRAMME ........................................................................................................................ 27
4.0 DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................................... 28
5.0 CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................................ 28
6.0 BRIBERY AND COLLUSION/INTEGRITY PACT ..................................................................... 28
7.0 APPLICATION AND EVALUATION FEES ............................................................................... 29
8.0 LEGAL REQUIREMENT ......................................................................................................... 29
9.0 ONE PROPOSAL PER BIDDER/CONSORTIUM .................................................................... 29
10.0 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL ...................................................................................................... 30
11.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BIDDER/CONSORTIUM........................................................... 30
12.0 LAWS AND REGULATIONS ................................................................................................... 30
13.0 QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 31
14.0 COST OF BIDDING ................................................................................................................ 31
15.0 SITE VISIT ............................................................................................................................. 31
16.0 ACCEPTABILITY OF BID ....................................................................................................... 32
17.0 CLARIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS ................................................................................ 32
17.1 CLARIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 32
17.2 AMENDMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 32
17.3 NON-BINDING REPRESENTATION OR EXPLANATION ....................................................... 32
17.4 EXTENSION IN DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS ......................................... 33

PART C: PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND EVALUATION ....................................................... 34

1.0 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 35
2.0 PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL ............................................................................................ 35
3.0 PROPOSAL CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE I ......................................................................... 35
4.0 PROPOSAL CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE II ........................................................................ 36
5.0 OTHER INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDERS ............................................. 36
6.0 LANGUAGE OF PROPOSAL .................................................................................................. 38
7.0 CURRENCY ........................................................................................................................... 38
8.0 PROPOSAL VALIDITY ........................................................................................................... 38
9.0 PROPOSAL SECURITY ......................................................................................................... 39
10.0 PRE-BID MEETING ................................................................................................................ 40
11.0 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF PROPOSAL .............................................................................. 41
12.0 SEALING & MARKING OF BIDS............................................................................................. 41
13.0 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 42
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

14.0 SUBMISSION DATE OF THE PROPOSALS ........................................................................... 43
15.0 LATE PROPOSALS ................................................................................................................ 43
16.0 MODIFICATIONS AND WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL ........................................................ 43
17.0 PROPOSAL OPENING AND EVALUATION............................................................................ 43
18.0 CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................................ 44
19.0 SELECTION PROCESS ......................................................................................................... 44
20.0 CLARIFICATION OF PROPOSALS ........................................................................................ 45
21.0 CORRECTION OF ERRORS .................................................................................................. 46
22.0 PRESENTATION BY THE BIDDERS ...................................................................................... 46
23.0 DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIVENESS ........................................................................... 44
24.0 RANKING OF QUALIFIED PROPOSALS................................................................................ 49
25.0 PPDBS RIGHT TO ACCEPT AND REJ ECT PROPOSALS..................................................... 49
26.0 SELECTION OF SHORTLISTED BIDDERS ............................................................................ 50
27.0 CLARIFICATIONS AND FINALIZATION ................................................................................. 50
28.0 SELECTION OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AND ISSUE OF LOS .............................................. 51
29.0 SELECTION CYCLE IN BRIEF ............................................................................................... 52
29.1 INVITATION, PRE-BID MEETING AND PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ....................................... 50
RESPONSIVENESS CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 50
29.4 SELECTION OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AND ISSUE OF LOS .............................................. 51
30.0 BIDDERS TO BE CAREFUL ................................................................................................... 51


1.0 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ON PROPOSAL PREPARATION ........................................... 54
2.0 ASSUMPTIONS USED FOR TARIFF MODEL ........................................................................ 55
3.0 STRUCTURE OF TARIFF....................................................................................................... 56
4.0 CAPACITY CHARGE (CP) ................................................................................................... 56
5.0 ENERGY CHARGE (EP) ...................................................................................................... 58
6.0 INDEXATION OF ANNUAL TARIFF ..................................................................................... 59
8.0 SUUPLEMENTAL PAYMENTS ............................................................................................ 63
9.0 CARBON CREDIT ............................................................................................................... 63
10.0 DELAY IN COMMISSIONING .............................................................................................. 63
11.0 DIVIDEND WITHHOLDING TAX .......................................................................................... 64
12.0 PAYMENTS BY THE COMPANY INTO WORKERS WELFARE FUND ................................ 64
13.0 COST OF METERING SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 64
14.0 FORCED OUTAGES ............................................................................................................ 64
15.0 ONE-TIME ADJ USTMENTS ................................................................................................. 65
16.0 COST PAID BY THE COMPANY TO PROCURE WATER METERS .................................... 65

PART-E: PROPOSAL EXHIBITS .................................................................................................. 67

EXHIBIT I ................................................................................................................................... 68
PROPOSAL LETTER ..................................................................................................................... 68
INTEGRITY PACT .......................................................................................................................... 72
ATTACHMENT I 1 ....................................................................................................................... 74
LIST OF ATTACHMENTS TO PROPOSAL LETTER ...................................................................... 74
ATTACHMENT I 2 ....................................................................................................................... 75
POWER OF ATTORNEY ................................................................................................................ 75
ATTACHMENT I 3 ....................................................................................................................... 77
PROPOSAL SECURITY BANK GUARANTEE ................................................................................ 77
ATTACHMENT I 4 ....................................................................................................................... 79
LENDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER .................................................................................... 79
ATTACHMENT I 5 ....................................................................................................................... 80
PROPOSAL SUMMARY INFORMATION........................................................................................ 80

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

EXHIBIT II ................................................................................................................................... 81
FINANCIAL DATA IN SUPPORT OF PROJ ECT ............................................................................. 82
1.0 FINANCING PLAN .................................................................................................................. 82
2.0 USES OF FUNDS ................................................................................................................... 83
3.0 FINANCING DRAWDOWN SCHEDULE ................................................................................. 84
4.0 COST DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE ..................................................................................... 85
5.0 SUMMARY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DEBT FINANCING ....................................... 85
6.0 DEBT REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... 86
RATIOS . .............................................................................................................................. 87
8.0 EQUITY COMMITMENT LETTERS ........................................................................................ 87
9.0 FINANCIAL ADVISOR OR ARRANGER INFORMATION ....................................................... 87
10.0 INSURANCE PLAN ............................................................................................................... 87

EXHIBIT III ................................................................................................................................. 88
TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................................................ 89
1.0 GUARANTEED DATA FOR PROJ ECT .................................................................................. 89
2.0 BASIC TECHNICAL INFORMATION...................................................................................... 89
3.0 DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................................ 90
4.0 PROPOSED PLANT DESIGN AND COMPONENTS ............................................................... 90
4.1 OVERALL DESIGN OF PLANT ............................................................................................... 90
5.0 DETAILED TECHNICAL INFORMATION ................................................................................ 90
6.0 DATA SHEETS ....................................................................................................................... 99
7.0 DRAWINGS (DATA SHEET) ................................................................................................... 96
8.0 PROJ ECT SUMMARY DATA .................................................................................................. 99
8.1 TYPE OF PLANT .................................................................................................................... 99
8.3 INFORMATION OF MAJ OR EQUIPMENT ............................................................................ 102
8.4 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS...................................................................................................... 102
8.5 ADDITIONAL DATA .............................................................................................................. 103
9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ..................................................................................................... 104
10.0 ELECTRIC INTERCONNECTION DATA ............................................................................... 104
11.0 PERFORMANCE DATA ....................................................................................................... 105
11.1 GUARANTEED ESTIMATED CAPACITY .............................................................................. 105
11.2 PLANT CAPACITY ............................................................................................................... 105
11.3 GUARANTEED OVERALL PERFORMANCE OF PLANT ...................................................... 105
12.0 TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN DATA .................................................................................... 106
12.1 TECHNICAL MATURITY ...................................................................................................... 106
13.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA ......................................................................... 107
13.1 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................... 107
13.2 MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................... 107
13.3 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE STAFF AND SERVICES ............................................. 108

EXHIBIT IV ................................................................................................................................ 109
BIDDER AND CONTRACTORS INFORMATION ......................................................................... 110
1.0 LEGAL FORM AND ORGANIZATION OF BIDDER ............................................................... 110
2.0 SIGNIFICANT CHANGE RELATED TO BIDDER .................................................................. 110
3.0 INFORMATION REGARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR ........................................ 110
4.0 INFORMATION REGARDING O&M CONTRACTOR ............................................................ 113
7.0 INFORMATION REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT ....................................... 117
8.0 INFORMATION REGARDING INSURANCE ADVISOR......................................................... 117
9.0 INFORMATION REGARDING LEGAL ADVISORS ............................................................... 117

EXHIBIT V: EXCEPTIONS TO RFP DOCUMENTS ................................................................... 118
1.0 EXCEPTIONS TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE RFP ....................................... 119
3.0 EXCEPTIONS TO THE DRAFT PROJ ECT AGREEMENTS .................................................. 119
3.1 EXCEPTIONS TO THE DRAFT IA ........................................................................................ 119
3.2 EXCEPTIONS TO THE DRAFT PPA .................................................................................... 120
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

3.3 EXCEPTION TO DRAFT WUA ............................................................................................. 120

EXHIBIT VI ................................................................................................................................ 121
BIDDER'S PROJ ECT SCHEDULE ............................................................................................... 121

EXHIBIT VII ............................................................................................................................... 124
PROPOSED COMPANY ORGANIZATION CHART ...................................................................... 124

EXHIBIT VIII ................................................................................................................................. 126
FINANCIAL MODEL ..................................................................................................................... 126
1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 127
2.0 STRUCTURE OF THE FINANCIAL MODEL ......................................................................... 127
3.0 OUTPUTS REQUIRED ......................................................................................................... 128
4.0 FLEXIBILITY REQUIRED ..................................................................................................... 128
5.0 ASSUMPTIONS BOOK ......................................................................................................... 129
6.0 INSTRUCTION BOOK .......................................................................................................... 129
PROPOSED ANNUAL AND LEVELIZED TARIFF .......................................................................... 130
EXAMPLE OF LEVELIZED TARIFF CALCULATION .................................................................... 130
1.0 BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION OF REQUIREMENTS OF THE RFP ......................................... 130
2.0 BIDDER'S PROPOSED ANNUAL TARIFF ............................................................................ 130
3.0 BIDDER'S CALCULATIONS OF PROPOSED ANNUAL TARIFF ........................................... 133
4.0 COMPLIANCE WITH ASSUMPTIONS OF ANNUAL TARIFF ................................................ 133
5.0 CALCULATION OF BIDDER'S LEVELIZED TARIFF ............................................................. 133
ATTACHMENT TO EXHIBIT-VIII .................................................................................................. 134
LEVELIZED TARIFF CALCULATION EXAMPLE .......................................................................... 134

PART-F ........................................................................................................................................ 138

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 138
1.0 FEASIBILITY STUDY ........................................................................................................... 139
2.0 THE PROJ ECT COMPANY ................................................................................................. 139
3.0 PROJ ECT AGREEMENTS .................................................................................................. 139
4.0 FINANCING FOR THE PROJ ECT ........................................................................................ 140
5.0 ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION .................................................. 140
6.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................... 141
7.0 CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER .......................................... 141
8.0 DESPATCH OF POWER FROM THE PLANT ....................................................................... 141
9.1 LOGISTICS .......................................................................................................................... 141
9.2 CONSENTS.......................................................................................................................... 142
9.3 LEGAL MATTERS ................................................................................................................ 142
9.4 MAXIMUM INDIGENIZATIONS ............................................................................................. 143
9.5 LABOR INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 143
10.0 SITE UTILITIES, .................................................................................................................. 144
10.1 POTABLE WATER .............................................................................................................. 144
10.2 SANITARY AND SEWER FACILITIES .................................................................................. 144
10.3 TELEPHONE ........................................................................................................................ 144
10.4 CONSTRUCTION POWER AND BACK-UP POWER ............................................................ 144
10.5 PURCHASE OF PRIVATE OWNER LAND ........................................................................... 144
11.0 TRANSMISSION AND INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES .................................................... 144
12.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 144
13.0 TARIFF AND PPA PAYMENTS ............................................................................................ 145
13.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 145
13.2 DELIVERY POINT ................................................................................................................ 145
13.3 PAYMENT METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 145
13.4 ALL INCLUSIVE TARIFF ...................................................................................................... 145
14.0 PROJ ECT DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................. 148
15.0 PROJ ECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ......................................................................... 147

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



The Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB)
Energy Department Lahore

Tender Notice No. PPDB/ /2014-01

M/S ____________________


Dear Mr. / Ms:

1. Provincial Governments have been authorized under the Constitution of Pakistan to
undertake activities in the Power Sector Development. Government of the Punjab
setup the Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB) in 1995 and framed its own
Power Generation Policy in 2006 as revised in 2009 and subsequent amendments
thereafter, for implementation of power generation projects, through one window
facility. WAPDA assessed hydropower generation potential of 600 MW in the Punjab
in the year 2002 at 317 locations.

2. In light of Council of Common Interest (CCI) decision issued under Article 157(3) of
the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Provincial Governments can
construct and operate Hydel Power Projects above 50 MW. As per this decision the
GOPUNJ AB is now authorized to float RFPs for Hydel Power Projects above 50 MW.

3. Now the Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB) on behalf of Government of the
Punjab intends to develop 120 MW Taunsa Hydropower Project through private
sponsors as Independent Power Producer (IPP) with equity to debt ratio of 20:80.

4. PPDB accordingly invites Proposals from the prequalified bidders/consortiums for the
subject Project. This Request For Proposal (RFP) is being simultaneously addressed
to following prequalified Bidders/Consortiums:

a. __________________________________

b. __________________________________

c. __________________________________

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

5. You are invited to submit a comprehensive Proposal in quadruplicate (one original +
three copies) in separate two sealed envelopes with all documents and information as
detailed in RFP, not later than 1100 hours dated ____________ at location
The complete proposal should be submitted in English language.

6. The basis of selection of Independent Power Producer (sponsor/developer) for the
Project will be the minimum levelized tariff as detailed in RFP, achieved through
International Competitive Bidding ("ICB") for solicited proposals. The Project will be
implemented on BOOT basis and shall be transferred to the Government of Punjab at
the end of project period of thirty (30) years on payment of notional cost of Rs one
(01) only.

7. The feasibility study has already been carried out in J une 2013 in accordance with the
internationally acceptable standards. The Project site is easily accessible through the
roads and railway infrastructure.

8. The Bidder/ consortium will act as detailed in the RFP Documents, which include but
not limited to:

a) Development, design, engineering, manufacture, financing, insurance,
construction, permitting, completion, testing, commissioning, operation and
maintenance of the plant and all activities incidental thereto;

b) Development, design, engineering, manufacture, financing, insurance,
construction, permitting, completion, testing, commissioning of the inter
connection facilities and all activities incidental thereto will be responsibility of
the power purchaser;

c) The sale of Contract Capacity and Net Energy Output to Power Purchaser; and

d) The transfer of the plant to the Government of Punjab at the end of the term.

Bidding Schedule:

Bid validity period: One Hundred & Eighty (180) Days

Date of issuance of RFP documents: ----------------------------------------

Date of pre-bid meeting: ----------------------------------------

Last date and time of submission of bid: ----------------------------------------

Date and time of bid opening: ----------------------------------------

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Fee and other charges:
Description Fee (US$)* Remarks
Registration 100
PPDB will provide policy
brochures upon registration.
Purchase of Pre qualification documents 2,000
Purchase of RFP documents; Evaluation:
- Up to 5 MW
- More than 5 and up-to 20 MW
- More than 20 and up-to 50 MW

The RFP by pre-qualified
bidders shall also include the
feasibility study and relevant
standard IA, PPA, WUL/WUA
agreements etc.
Legal fees
To be paid by Sponsors for negotiations
Or review of other legal matters on the basis
of actual expenses plus 20% as ancillary
charges. Suitable cap to this expense,
however, will be suggested in the RFP.

* Or equivalent in PKR On the basis of NBP TT & OD Selling rate on the date Thirty (30)
days prior to the submission of proposal.

Bidders may obtain further information, inspect and acquire the RFP Documents from the
office of the Employer, at the address given below:

Managing Director
The Punjab Power Development Board,
Floor, Central Design Building,
Irrigation Secretariat, Old Anarkali Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: +92-42-99213876-9 Fax: +92-42-99212796

Thanks for Participation.

Managing Director,
The Punjab Power Development Board,
Lahore, Pakistan.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Pakistans energy requirements have expanded at a rate of seven to eight percent
annually creating a growing gap between supply and demand. Although conventional
thermal power generated by coal, oil, and gas is expected to meet a large percentage
of future demand, there is also enormous scope for more environmentally friendly
options. The Government of Pakistans (GOP) Renewable Energy Policy of 2006
emphasizes the development of renewable and clean energy in the country.

Due to depletion of conventional energy resources, the development of renewable
energy resources in Pakistan has gained momentum over the past three to four years.
The goal is to have power generation from renewable energy (RE) resources, which
can fulfill approximately ten percent of the countrys overall energy requirements by the
year 2015. Short gestation low-head hydropower on the existing barrages and canal
falls can contribute a considerable share in generating sustainable power. Provincial
Governments have been authorized under the Constitution of Pakistan to undertake
activities in the Power Sector Development. Government of the Punjab had setup the
Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB) in 1995 and framed its own Power
Generation Policy in 2006 and revised in 2009, for implementation of power generation
projects, through one window facility. WAPDA has assessed hydro power generation
potential of 600 MW in the Punjab in the year 2002 at 317 locations.

Government of Punjab intends to develop 120MW Taunsa HPP under the Policy. The
feasibility study of the project has been completed in J une 2013. The Project will be
developed by private sector as an IPP.


Taunsa Hydropower Station would be built adjacent to the existing Taunsa Barrage on
the Indus River, in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. The barrage is about 30 km southeast of
Taunsa town. It is 120 km from Multan, where there is an international airport. A wide
network of roads and railway leads to the project area. The nearest town is Kot Addu,
10 km southeast of Taunsa Barrage on the left bank of the Indus River. Dera Ghazi
Khan (D.G. Khan) is located some 60 km south of Taunsa Barrage, on the right bank
of the Indus River. The project area is about 420 km from Lahore, 320 km from
Faisalabad and 750 km from Karachi.

Location of the Project is attached as Figure-1.


The proposed project area is located in the Indus alluvial plain where the area opened
up to form a large alluvial plain of Indus deposits containing sands and silts from
thousands of years. The plain is virtually flat, having an approximate general slope of
0.18 m per km towards the sea.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Figure 1: Location of the Project

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Taunsa barrage was designed for a flood discharge of 28,300 m
/s. However, greater
than expected retrogression downstream of the barrage had necessitated construction
of a subsidiary weir at 280 m downstream of the barrage to raise tail water level,
reduce water head difference, and decrease erosion on the downstream river bed. Two
irrigation canals, Muzaffargarh (235 m
/s) and Taunsa Panjnad (TP) Link (397 m
take water from left side of the barrage while the other two canals, Dera Ghazi Khan
(410 m
/s) and Kachhi (170 m
/s), take water from right side of the barrage. The
proposed Taunsa hydropower project is located on the right side, where there are D.G.
Khan and Kachhi Canals off taking from this barrage across River Indus.

The highest monthly mean temperature of the project area is about 44.1 C and the
lowest monthly mean temperature is about 18.0 C; the annual precipitation ranges
from 83.0 mm to 513 mm and the annual mean precipitation is about 208 mm; the
mean annual wind speed range from ranges 0.87 m/s to 2.2 m/s and the mean annual
relative humidity is 56.5%.

(1) Precipitation: The annual precipitation is between 83mm and 513mm, average
annual precipitation is 200mm. The runoff of Indus River at Taunsa barrage is
unevenly distributed in one year which mainly concentrates in J une to September,
accounting for 68% of annual runoff while 32% from October to May of the next
year. The average maximum monthly flow 7,180m
/s, occurs in J uly. Besides, the
minimum average monthly flow 643m
/s, occurs in J anuary. Thus, the difference
between monthly runoff capacities in wet month and dry month reaches 11 times.

(2) Air temperature: The air temperature in summer is within the range of 27C46C
and the air temperature in winter is within the range of 5C19C.

(3) Wind speed
The average annual wind speed is 0.87m/s to 2.21m/s.

(4) Humidity
Average annual relative humidity is 56.5%.

According to the tests of the mineral composition of the suspended load done by
Tianjin Geology and Mineral Resources Company, the result shows the suspended
load contain 80% of quartz, 5.0% of plagioclase, 5.0% of calcspar, 6.4% of potassium
feldspar, 2.0% of dolomite, and 1.6% TCCM (total content of clay mineral).

Structures of the project are relatively concentrated, and their engineering geology
conditions are almost the same, taking the powerhouse as an example, the geology is
as follows:

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

The project area is covered with Quaternary loose deposits, mainly comprising FILL
material, alluvial SILTY CLAY and SAND with traces of silt. The value of foundation
permeability is recommended to be (35)10-2cm/s. As the powerhouse will be based
at El.106.69m in dense SAND with traces of silt, the foundation bearing capacity is
estimated to be 280300 kPa and the coefficient of friction between foundation
concrete and underlying alluvial sandy deposits is proposed to be 0.45. The foundation
sand has low compressibility and modulus of compressibility is proposed to be 1820
MPa. Filtration failure in form of soil flow would occur under certain hydraulic gradient,
allowable hydraulic gradient is proposed to be 0.3 for outlet section.

The shear strength is assumed to be c=1113 kPa and angle of internal friction
=1719 for silty clay; c=0 and =2628 for loose to slightly dense sand with
traces of silt up to a depth of 16.5m, =2830 for medium dense sand with traces of
silt for a depth between 16.5m to 26.0m, and =30 for dense sand with traces of silt
below 26.0m depth. Seismic liquefaction potential of sand material at the powerhouse
foundation was identified and judged by relative density criterion, which indicates no
liquefaction potential exists at the powerhouse foundation sands.


Punjab Irrigation and Power Department maintains gauge and discharge data of
barrages and canal diversions since its construction. The flows diverted to canals and
at barrages have significantly changed after the construction of Indus Basin
Replacement Works (which include a number of link canals and major storages of
Mangla and Tarbela) as defined in Indus Waters Treaty 1960. Tarbela dam
construction was completed in 1976 and consequently the historic gauge and
discharge data can be characterized into two data series i.e. pre-Tarbela (before 1976)
and post-Tarbela (1976 onwards). Another important land mark with respect to
distribution of flows between the provinces was signing of Water Apportionment Accord
(WAA) between the Provinces in 1991, which defines the water share of each province.
According to WAA, the provinces have the freedom, within their share, of allocating
surface flows to various canal systems. The provinces place irrigation indents to Indus
River System Authority (IRSA), an institution created under WAA for its
implementation), which then distributes water to the provinces keeping in view the
water available in the river system. As water distribution between the provinces
changed after WAA it is appropriate to split the post Tarbela data series into pre-WAA
(1976-1990) and post-WAA (1991 onwards).

As the post-WAA data series incorporated the water share of each province and the
canals were operated keeping in view the overall water availability, therefore, the post-
WAA data series is considered relevant to estimate the hydrological parameters for any
project in Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS).

The flood season ranges from May to September in each year. At Taunsa Barrage the
maximum flood peak was observed at 21,500 m
/s in1958, and the minimum flood
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

peak was observed at 5,300 m
/s in 2004.

According to the variation scope of water head of Taunsa Hydropower station, bulb
turbines are recommended, with rated water head of 6.0m. Five (5) units are
recommended with total installed capacity of 120MW [please see our comments in the
Due-Diligence report]. The type of turbine is GZ1465-WP-750 [The make and model
number of the turbine cannot be pre-selected and imposed on the bidder], type of
generator is SFWG24-80/8500 [The make and model number of the generator cannot
be pre-selected and imposed on the bidder] and type of governor is TDBWST-150-6.3
[The make and model number of the governor cannot be pre-selected and imposed on
the bidder] Two sets of 220/50/10t overhead cranes are selected for the main
powerhouse. The setting elevation is of turbines is El. 119.5m and the unit spacing is
24.0m. The main powerhouse is 120m long, 26.5m wide and 56.7m high.[Please see
our comments in the Due-diligence Report regarding powerhouse dimensions] The
station has a main and auxiliary erection bays. The main erection bay is located at the
right side of the powerhouse, next to unit no. 1, it is 35.0m long. And the auxiliary
erection bay is located at the left side of the powerhouse, next to unit no. 5, it is 17.8m
long. The ground elevation of the main and auxiliary erection bays is 139.45m, flush
with that of the main powerhouse.



Description Quantities Unit
1 Capacity 120 MW
2 Annual Generation 675.3 GWh (Million kWh)
3 Plant factor 64 % age
4 Rated Discharge per machine 462 m
5 Max./Min/rated water head 9.2/3.5/6.0 m
6 Total discharge 2,310 m
7 Turbine Type GZ1465-WP-750 Bulb
8 Number of Turbines/generators Five (05) Set
9 Rated Power of each Turbine/Generator 24.74 MW
10 Power Factor 0.9
11 Rated Voltage 11.0 KV

[The parameters and quantities need to be reviewed in the light of our comments provided in
the Due-Diligence report]

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Mean annual discharge at barrage site 2,690 m
Mean annual run off 84.8 billion m

U/s full supply level El. 136.2m
D/s maximum tail water level
El. 133.08m, corresponding to barrage
discharge of 28,300 m
D/s normal tail water level
El. 129.87m, corresponding to discharge
of 2,310 m
/s for 5 units in full load
D/s minimum tail water level
El. 127.01m, corresponding to discharge
of 462 m
/s for 1 unit in full load;


Mean annual sediment content 1.04 Kg/ m

Mean annual suspended load discharge 87.86 million ton
Mean annual bed load discharge 8.79 million ton
Estimated annual total sediment load 96.65 million ton

Number of Flushing Tunnels Five (05)
Tunnel Section Size Rectangular 3m x 3m
Unit Discharge 60.4 m


The operation of proposed Taunsa Hydropower Project will mainly be dependent on
smooth functioning of existing barrage, conjunctive use of existing barrage with
proposed hydropower station should be analyzed ensuring safety of the barrage under
all operational conditions. Functioning of existing Barrage shall not be disturbed and
structure of the barrage and operations shall be protected for all civil, mechanical and
electrical components. Any shortcoming and deficiencies reported/observed in civil,
mechanical and electrical components of barrage by the staff of Irrigation & Power
Department, Government of Punjab must be attended by the Project Company.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



The following terms are used in this Request for Proposal ("RFP") and have the meanings
defined here:

1. "Agreement Year" means a period of 12 consecutive months commencing on each
consecutive anniversary of the Commercial Operations Date (COD) and ending as of the
end of the Day preceding the next anniversary of the COD.
2. "Bid Exchange Rate" or "Xo" means the exchange rate prevailing on twenty eight (28)
days prior to the deadline for submission of the proposals as notified by the PPDB to the
Bidders through an addendum at least fourteen (14) days prior to the deadline for
submission of the proposals.
3. "Bid Local Index" or "WPIM" means the local index prevailing on twenty eight (28)
days prior to the deadline for submission of the proposals as notified by the PPDB to the
Bidders through an addendum at least fourteen (14) days prior to the deadline for
submission of the proposals.
4. "Capacity Payment" means the monthly payment from Power Purchaser to the Project
Company under the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which is equal to
the Capacity Charge (CP) multiplied by the then-applicable capacity of the plant.
5. "Capacity Charge" or "CP" means the amount, expressed in Rs. per KW per month,
identified as the Capacity Purchase Price in the PPA, as such amount is adjusted from
time to time in accordance with Schedule specified in the PPA.
6. "Commercial Operations Date" or "COD" means the day following the day on which
the plant is commissioned in accordance with terms of the PPA.
7. "Commissioning" of the plant, means engaging in testing the plant in accordance with
the terms of the PPA in order to satisfy the criteria for attaining commercial operations
specified therein.
8. "Construction Contract" means the agreement entered into between the Project
Company and the Construction Contractor for the design, engineering, procurement,
construction, completion, start-up, testing, and commissioning of the plant, as amended
from time to time.
9. "Construction Contractor" means [Name of Construction Contractor] and any
successor thereto appointed by the Project Company and approved by the PPDB.
10. "Contract Capacity" an amount of generation capacity in MW (net, at Reference
Hydrological Conditions) which the project company commits to provide to the Power
Purchaser under the PPA.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

11. "Contractors" means the Construction Contractor and the O&M Contractor and any
other direct contractors and any of their direct sub-contractors integrally involved in the
12. "Deadline for Financial Closing" means the date by which the project company is
required to achieve financial closing, which is a day at the end of a period of twelve (12)
months from the issuance of the Letter of Support (LOS) by PPDB to the Project
13. "Deadline for Submission of Proposals" means the date and time when proposals
are due for submission of this RFP, which is local time in Pakistan.
14. "Delivery Point" means the location at the 132 kV bus bar of Switchyard of Taunsa
Power Station at which the Net Energy Output is measured and delivered by the Project
Company to Power Purchaser as described in Schedule of the PPA.
15. DISCOs means distribution companies in Pakistan.
16. "Energy Payment" means the monthly payment from Power Purchaser to the Project
Company under the terms of the PPA, which is equal to the Energy Charge multiplied by
the Net Energy Output delivered by the Plant during the relevant month.
17. "Energy Charge" or "EP" - means the amount, expressed in Rs. per kWh, identified as
the Energy Price in the PPA, as well such amount as adjusted from time to time in
accordance with the provisions of the PPA.
18. "Engineer" means the independent consulting engineer or engineering firm of repute
appointed by agreement of the Project Company and the Power Purchaser for the
purpose of monitoring the construction of the Plant and for certifying the successful
performance of any tests carried out hereunder.
19. "Financial Closing" means the execution and delivery of all loan agreements
evidencing financing for the completion of the Plant and all other parts of the Financing
Documents executed at the time of execution of the loan agreements, and the receipt of
commitments for such equity as is required by the Project Company to satisfy the
requirements of the Lenders and the Letter of Support.
20. "Financing Documents" The loan agreements, notes, indentures, security
agreements, guarantees and other documents relating to the construction and
permanent financing (including refinancing) of the Plant (or any part thereof).
21. "GoP" means the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
22. "GOPUNJAB" means the Government of Punjab.
23. "Grid System" means the transmission or distribution facilities owned by Power
Purchaser, including the Project Line through which the Net Electrical Output of the
Complex will be received and transmitted by the Power Purchaser to users of electricity
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

and through which electrical energy delivered by the Power Purchaser to the Plant, as
24. "GWh" means Giga Watt hours.
25. "Project" means 120 MW Taunsa Hydropower Project
26. "PPDB" means the Punjab Power Development Board.
27. "Implementation Agreement" or "IA" means the agreement of [this name to be
entered into by the Project Company] and the GoP setting out the guarantees,
assurances, support and allocation of risks necessary for the development of the Project,
a draft of which is included in Volume-2 of RFP document.
28. "kWh - means Kilowatt-hours.
29. "Laws of GoP" means all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, statutory revisions,
orders, execution orders, decrees, judicial decisions, and notifications of all kinds, issued
by any executive, legislative, or administrative entity, as any of them may be amended
from time to time.
30. "Lead Bidder" means the Bidder itself if it is a single firm, or the member of the Bidder
if it is a consortium established during the prequalification process, who has been duly
authorized by the other members of the consortium to submit the Proposal and act on
behalf of the consortium until selection of the Successful Bidder and establishment of the
Project Company.
31. "Legal Expenses" means the expenses actually incurred directly or indirectly by PPDB
for clarifications on Proposal and negotiations on the Project Agreements or review of
other legal matters plus twenty percent (20%) to be paid by the Successful Bidder to
PPDB in accordance with Clause 28 of PART-C.
32. "Lenders" means the entities potentially providing the construction and long-term debt
financing for the Project pursuant to the Financing Documents.
33. "Letter of Support" or "LOS" means the letter of this name to be issued by PPDB to
the Successful Bidder at the end of bidding process for the implementation of the
34. "Levelized Tariff" or "LT" means the value in Rs per kWh referred to in and calculated
pursuant to Clauses 6 & 7 of PART-D and as further described in the said Clauses and
in Exhibit VIII.
35. "Local Index" means the index used for adjusting local or Rupee components of the
Tariff, which is the Pakistan Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for manufacturing as notified
by the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) of the GoP.
36. "Main Sponsor" has the same meanings as the Lead Bidder.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

37. "Maintenance Outages means an interruption or reduction of the generating
capability of the Plant that:
a. is not a Scheduled Outage;
b. has been scheduled and allowed by Power Purchaser; and
c. is for the purpose of performing work on specific components of the Plant, which
work should not, in the reasonable opinion of the Project Company, be postponed
until the next Scheduled Outage.
38. " MWh" means Megawatt-hours.
39. "National Power Control Centre (NPCC)" means Control center designated by Power
Purchaser from time to time (but not more than one at any time) from which Power
Purchaser shall control Despatch of the Power.
40. "NEPRA" means the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, established under
The Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act XL of
41. "Net Energy Output" means the net electrical energy delivered by the Plant to Power
Purchaser at Delivery point during a given period of time measured in kWh at the
Delivery Point..
42. "Non-recourse Financing" means the debt or other financing, the recourse for which
shall be exclusively to the Project Company.
43. "NTDC" means the National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited, a Public
Limited Company incorporated under the laws of Pakistan and its successors' and
permitted assigns.
44. "O&M" means operation and maintenance.
45. "O&M Contractor" means O&M Contractor and any successor thereto appointed by
Project Company and reasonably acceptable to Power Purchaser and not objected to by
the GOP/GOPUNJ AB of the IA.
46. "Performance Guarantee" means the irrevocable and unconditional direct-pay letter of
credit to be furnished by the Successful Bidder in favor of PPDB from a Scheduled bank
in Pakistan acceptable to PPDB, pursuant to Clause 28 of PART-C in the amount
specified therein, prior to the issuance of the LOS, which will guarantee that the
Successful Bidder or the Project Company will achieve- the Financial Closing on or
before the Deadline for Financial Closing, execute the project agreements and achieve
other milestones on or before certain specified dates.
47. PEPCO means Pakistan Electric Power Company.
48. "Plant" means a power generation plant of approximately 120 MW capacity to be
constructed in the Punjab, consisting of electric power generation units, whether
completed or at any stage of development and construction, including without limitation
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

or regard to level of development, land, buildings, engineering and design documents, all
power producing equipment including turbine, generators and its auxiliary equipment,
water intakes and discharges, switchyards, and all other installations, as described in
49. "Policy" means the "The Punjab Power Generation Policy 2006 as revised in 2009 and
subsequent amendments therein", announced by the Government of Punjab.
50. "Power Purchase Agreement or "PPA" means the agreement entered into between
Power Purchaser and the Project Company for the purchase and sale of electric power
generated by the Plant, as amended from time to time.
51. "PPDB" - means the Punjab Power Development Board, Govt. of the Punjab and its
successors and permitted assigns.
52. "PPIB" - means the Private Power and Infrastructure Board under the Ministry of Water
and Power, Government of Pakistan.
53. "Project" means the development, design, engineering, manufacture, financing,
insurance, construction, permitting, completion, testing. Commissioning, ownership,
operation and maintenance of the Plant and all activities incidental thereto.
54. "Project Agreements" means collectively, the Power Purchase Agreement
Implementation Agreement and Water Use Agreement
55. "Project Company" means the company to be established by the Successful Bidder
and duly incorporated under the Laws of Pakistan for the implementation and
management of the Project, and its successors and permitted assigns.
56. "Proposal means the Bidder's written offer for the Project, submitted in response to
this RFP based on the covenants, terms and conditions as contained in this RFP.
57. Power Purchaser means NTDC or any other agency, allowed by GoP to purchase
power from Project Company.
58. "Proposal Security" means the irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee payable
upon presentation to a bank in Pakistan acceptable to PPDB (USD 1,000.00 USD (One
thousand only or equivalent in PKR) per MW times the Contract Capacity in its Proposal
to be submitted by a Bidder with its Proposal on or before the Deadline for Submission of
Proposals in accordance with Clause 9 of PART-C.
59. "Prudent Utility Practices" means those practices, methods and procedures
conforming to safety and legal requirements which are attained by exercising that degree
of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be
expected from a skilled and experienced generator of electricity engaged in the same
type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances to those pertaining in
Pakistan. Prudent Utility Practices are not limited to optimum practices, methods or acts
to the exclusion of all others, but rather are a spectrum of possible practices, methods
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

and acts which could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at reasonable
cost consistent with reliability and safety.
60. "Required Commercial Operation Date" means with respect to the Plant, the date
which is 48 months after the Financial Closing, which date may be extended in
accordance with the terms of the PPA.
61. "Request for Proposal" or "RFP" - means, this Request for Proposals with all Parts,
Exhibits and Attachments hereto, and any future amendments or modifications, thereto
through Addendum issued by PPDB.
62. "Rupee" or "Rs" - means the lawful currency of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
63. "SCADA" means Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
64. "Scheduled Outage" means a planned interruption of the generating capability of the
Plant that:
a. is not a Maintenance Outage;
b. has been scheduled and allowed by Power Purchaser in accordance with the
provisions of PPA; and
c. is for inspection, testing, overhauls, preventive and corrective maintenance, repairs
replacement or improvement of the Plant.
65. "Site" means the land, water-ways, roads, wells and any rights acquired or to be
acquired by the Project Company for the purposes of the Plant on, above or below the
ground on which all or on any part of the Plant is to be built, including, without limitation,
any working areas required by the Project Company and the Contractors, villages,
townships and camps for the accommodation of the employees of the Project Company
and the Contractors, and all rights of way and access from public highways.
66. "Short listed Bidders" means the best ranked Bidders to which PPDB has issued a
Notification pursuant to Section B, Article 33.
67. "Successful Bidder" means the Bidder who has been selected by PPDB under this
bidding process to develop the Project pursuant to Clause 28 of PART-C.
68. "Tariff" mean the price of electricity to be charged by the Project Company to Power
Purchaser and calculated in accordance with the formulas provided in this RFP.
69. "Term" means a period of thirty (30) Agreement Years, as described in the PPA.
70. "Third Party Agreements" means collectively, the Construction Contract, the O&M
Contract, legal consents, loan commitments, interest rate protection letters, insurance
agreements, trust agreements, and such legal documents which are entered into directly
between the Project Company and third party entities for the execution of the Project.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

71. "WAPDA" means The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, a statutory
corporation established pursuant to the Pakistan Water and Power Development
Authority Act No. XXXI of 1958, with its principal office located at Lahore, Pakistan and
its successors and permitted assigns.
72. " Water Use Charges" means the amount in Pak. Rs./kWh of the Net Energy Output
for use of water by the Project Company at power complex pursuant to the Water Use
Agreement (WUA).

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


1.1 This document together with the Annexures/Appendices referred to herein and any
future additions and amendments to this document constitute the Bidding Documents,
the purposes of which are as under:

a) To explain the PPDBs general requirements in respect of the Project, and to
provide other information that may be relevant to Bidders;

b) To provide guidance in the preparation of Bids, and to explain the criteria and
procedures by which the Bids will be assessed; and

c) To set out, in outline form, the PPDBs design and construction requirements in
respect of the Project, and the PPDBs operational, maintenance and other
requirements in connection with project.


2.1 This RFP is open to all Bidders who have been Pre-qualified by PPDB for the Project
and have purchased this RFP from PPDB on payment of fee referred in Sub Clause

2.2 In case of any change in the membership of a qualified Bidder consortium, the Bidder
shall provide all necessary details about the requested change including but not limited
to the description and reason of change, qualifications and experience of the new
member. The PPDB committee shall review the requested change in the membership
of a Bidder consortium based on the same criteria as used for prequalification of the
original consortium and decide accordingly. The PPDB committee may, at its sole
discretion, approve or reject the requested change in the membership of the
consortium even if such membership satisfies or does not satisfy the prequalification
criteria, without assigning any reason. Further, the PPDB committee, at its sole
discretion, may approve the requested change in the membership of the Bidder
consortium subject to certain conditions. However any such change shall be made
after the first five years after commissioning of the project, unless allowed otherwise by
PPDB. The PPDB committee's decision in this regard shall be final and binding.

2.3 The Main Sponsor must not own more than 25% of the total electricity generation
capacity in Pakistan at the time of submission of Proposal to PPDB.


3.1 Bidders should note that the contract specifies key dates to be achieved throughout the
construction phase and the penalties to be imposed for delayed completion.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


All information, assumptions and projections contained in these Bidding Documents
are indicative only and are provided solely to assist in a preliminary assessment of the
Project. Nothing in the Bidding Documents or elsewhere shall create any contractual
relationship between the PPDB and any Bidder, nor shall it commit the PPDB to any
policy described in the Bidding Documents or elsewhere and neither the PPDB nor any
of its consultants or advisors will have any liability or responsibility if the information,
assumptions and projections contained herein or otherwise in respect of the Project
prove to be incorrect. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to verify the information,
assumptions and projections contained in the Bidding Documents or otherwise.


5.1 All Proposals received by PPDB shall remain sealed in PPDB's possession until the
Proposal Opening. Except as may be required by law or by a court or governmental
agency of appropriate jurisdiction, no information contained in or relating to the
Proposal shall be disclosed to any Bidder or other persons not officially involved in the
process of examination and evaluation of Proposals.

5.2 After the Proposal Opening, information relating to the examination, clarification,
determination of responsiveness, evaluation, and comparison of Proposals and
recommendations concerning the award of the Project or selection of Shortlisted
Bidders or the Successful Bidder shall not be disclosed to Bidders or other persons not
officially concerned with such process, until the selection of the Shortlisted Bidders or
Successful Bidder, as the case may be, has been announced by PPDB.

5.3 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the GOPUNJ AB, PPDB or their consultants in the
process of examination, clarification, determination of responsiveness, evaluation and
comparison of Proposals, and in decisions concerning selection of the Successful
Bidder, may result in the rejection of such Bidder's Proposal and forfeiture of the Bid

5.4 PPDB will return neither the original nor-the copies of any Bid submitted by a Bidder
(except for Late Proposals pursuant to Clause 15).


PPDB shall be entitled to terminate the contract and recover from the successful
Bidder the amount of any loss resulting from such termination if the successful Bidder
shall have offered or given to any person any gift or consideration of any kind as an
inducement or reward for doing, or forbearing to do, any action in relation to obtaining,
or in the execution of the contract or any other contract with PPDB, or for showing
favor to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with PPDB, or if any
of the like acts shall have been done by any person employed by the successful Bidder
or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the successful Bidder),
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

or if the successful Bidder shall have come to any agreement with another Bidder or
number of Bidders whereby an agreed quotation or estimate shall be offered as a Bid
to PPDB by one or more Bidders.


7.1 The Bidder shall comply with the following commercial terms for submission and
evaluation of its Proposal. In case of non-compliance of all or any one of these terms, a
Proposal shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected by PPDB.

7.2 The Bidder shall purchase this RFP along with its attachments from PPDB on payment
of USD 4,000 (Four Thousand USD) or equivalent in PKR.

7.3 The Bidder shall pay the Evaluation Fee for an amount of USD 20,000 (Twenty
Thousand USD) or equivalent in PKR to PPDB at the time of submission of its

7.4 The above payments to PPDB shall be in the form of a pay order or a bank draft
payable in USD or in equivalent amount in PKR at scheduled bank in Lahore Pakistan.


8.1 The Bidder, and if a consortium, each consortium member of the Bidder, shall be a
business organization duly organized, existing and registered and in good standing
under the laws of its country of domicile. No Bidder consortium shall include a member,
which is a member of another Bidder consortium responding to this RFP.

8.2 The Bidder must furnish evidence of its legal structure as a single company or as a
consortium including, without limitation, information with respect to:

The legal relationship among the consortium members; and

The role and responsibility of each consortium member.

8.3 A draft of the consortium agreement executed on Rs. 100 stamp paper shall be
submitted with the Proposal. In addition, the consortium must also submit a written and
legally enforceable undertaking to the effect that all its members shall be jointly and
severally liable if awarded the contract.

8.4 The Bidder/consortium must nominate a member of the consortium as the Lead Bidder
(which will also be the Main Sponsor), which will be authorized to act and receive
instructions on behalf of all the consortium members. This authorization must be done
on a notarized Power of Attorney.


9.1 Each Bidder/consortium shall submit only one Proposal either by itself, or as a member
of a Bidder consortium. A Bidder who submits or participates in more than one
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Proposals shall be disqualified and all the Proposals submitted/participated by such
Bidder shall be considered non-responsive.

9.2 For the avoidance of doubt, however, same contractor(s) may participate in more than
one Proposal.


Alternate Proposal shall not be accepted.


11.1 The Bidders are responsible for conducting their own investigations to verify Project
related data and gathering additional information deemed necessary by the Bidders.

11.2 The Bidder is expected to examine carefully all information, instructions, conditions,
attachments, forms, terms, specifications, and drawings in the RFP, and all Addenda,
the Punjab Power Generation Policy 2006 as amended in 2009 and subsequent
amendments therein, NEPRAs Rules and Regulation and is responsible for informing
itself with respect to all conditions which might in any way affect the cost or the
performance of the Project. Failure to do so, and failure to comply with the
requirements of Proposal submission, will be at Bidder's own risk, and no relief will be
given for errors or omissions by Bidder.

11.3 The Bidder is requested to examine carefully the documents comprising the
Appendices of this RFP including draft Project Agreements as these provide detailed
information necessary for understanding the terms and conditions of the transaction
offered by the GoP, and for preparing a Responsive Proposal. The PPDB does not
warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information presented herein, nor makes
any representation or warranty that the information presented herein constitutes all the
information necessary to prepare the Proposal or develop the Project. Each Bidder
accepts full responsibility for conducting an independent analysis of the feasibility of
the Project and for gathering and presenting all necessary information. The Bidder
assumes all risks associated with the Project, and no adjustments will be made based
on the Bidder's interpretation of the information provided herein.


12.1 The Bidder shall at all times comply with the applicable laws and regulations in force in
Pakistan. All the project agreements (draft attached in Volume 2 of RFP) to be entered
into are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan.

12.2 The Bidders should be aware that NEPRA's role in relation to the Project, inter-alia will
be to issue generation license and approval of tariff to the Project Company and to
regulate its operations according to NEPRAs Rules, Regulations and Procedures. The
Bidder, the successful Bidder or the Project Company shall be required to comply with
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

all NEPRA's Rules, Regulations and Procedures, inter-alia, for grant of license before
the Project Agreements are concluded for the Project.


The Contractors authorized representative and his/her other professional engineers
working at site should be registered themselves with the Pakistan Engineering Council
or an equivalent international body/authority acceptable to the PPDB. The Contractors
authorized representative at site shall be authorized to exercise adequate
administrative and financial powers on behalf of the Contractor so as to achieve
completion of the works as per the Contract.


The Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their
Proposals and the finalization and execution of the agreements comprising the Project
Agreements, including travel to Pakistan and site visits and gathering of information
and other investigation, review and analyses. The PPDB shall under no circumstance
be responsible or liable for such costs, regardless of, without limitation, the conduct or
outcome of the bidding or evaluation process, or subsequent capability of financing the
Project, except as provided by the draft Project Agreements attached to this RFP.


15.1 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site and the surrounding areas and
obtain or verify all information, it deems necessary for the preparation of the Proposal.

15.2 The Bidder shall submit a written request to PPDB at least fourteen (14) days in
advance of such site inspection. PPDB will grant Bidder or its agents written
permission to visit the Site or, if necessary, to enter into certain premises for such
purpose. The Bidder or its agents will only be granted permission on the express
condition that Bidder agrees to follow all instructions of PPDB and to release and
indemnify PPDB and its agents from and against all liability in respect thereof and to be
responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to
property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused, which, but
for the exercise of such permission, would not have arisen.

15.3 Failure to investigate the Site or subsurface conditions fully shall not be grounds for
Bidder subsequently to alter its Bid nor shall it relieve the Bidder from any responsibility
for appropriately estimating the difficulty or costs of successfully completing the
Project. Furthermore, the Tariff shall not become adjustable due to any such reason
during finalization of Project Agreements or subsequently during the implementation of
the Project.

15.4 PPDB may plan and arrange a combined Site visit for all the interested Bidders. PPDB
shall inform all the Bidders of details of such Site visit at least fourteen (14) days prior
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

to the visit. The representatives of PPDB shall accompany the Bidders, if necessary, to
brief the Bidders about the site and facilitate the site visit; the power purchaser may
join them during the site visit.


The Bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms, terms,
specifications and requirements of bid submission. Bids that are not substantially
responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents will be rejected.


17.1 Clarifications

a. Any Bidder requiring any clarification of this RFP must notify PPDB in writing at the
addresses set forth in Sub Clause 13.1 of PART-C. PPDB will respond in writing to
any request for clarification, which it receives not later than twenty eight (28) days
before the Deadline for Submission of Proposals.

b. PPDB will endeavor to respond to requests for additional information or clarification
within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of such a request.

c. In the interest of fairness, PPDB shall make all clarifications available in the form of
a circular letter or an Addendum to all Bidders. Such circular letters or Addendum
will also be made available on PPDB website.

17.2 Amendments

a. At any time but no later than thirty (30) days prior to the deadline for submission of
proposals, PPDB may issue addenda in writing to all Bidders, which may delete,
modify, or extend any part of this RFP. All addenda issued by PPDB shall be part
of this RFP. Such amendments will be made available on PPDB website as well.

b. The receipt of an addendum by Bidder shall be acknowledged promptly in writing
with specific reference to the title and date of issuance of the relevant addendum,
and so noted in the Bidder's Proposal.

c. The Bidder's late receipt of any Addendum or failure to acknowledge the receipt of
any addendum shall not relieve the Bidder of being bound by such Addendum.

17.3 Non-binding Representation or Explanation

a. Unless the amendment to this RFP is in the formal manner described in Sub
Clause 17.2, no representation or explanation to the Bidders shall be considered
valid or binding on PPDB as to the meaning of this RFP or as to the Project.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

b. The Bidders are cautioned that no employee of the GOPUNJ AB, PPDB, WAPDA or
their consultants or agents is authorized to explain or interpret this RFP, and-that
any interpretation or explanation, if not given in writing by PPDB, must not be relied

17.4 Extension in Deadline for Submission of Proposals

In order to afford the Bidders reasonable time in which to take a clarification or
amendment into account in preparing their Proposals, PPDB Committee may, at its
discretion, extend the deadline for submission of proposals, in accordance with Clause
14 of PART-C.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



1.1 The Bidder shall submit its Proposal strictly in accordance with the requirements of
this RFP and shall complete all data sheets and data forms and provide all
information required. The additional or supplementary information, data, descriptions
and explanations for clarification of the proposal are desirable and shall be considered
in their applicable context.

1.2 The Bidder shall quote its proposed tariff and parts and components thereof in the
manner specified in this RFP and shall provide all the details required by this RFP and
necessary for the evaluation and verification of such charges.

1.3 Any deviation from the requirements or instructions of this RFP or modifications to the
draft Project Agreements shall be clearly indicated and explained by the Bidder. The
deviations and modifications are discouraged and PPDB Committee reserves the right
to reject any Proposal as non-responsive at its sole discretion.


The Proposal to be prepared by the bidder shall be simultaneously submitted in two
envelopes; Envelope I and Envelope II. In Envelope I, all of the technical and
commercial aspects will be submitted while Envelope II shall contain the Bidders
proposed Levelized Tariff and financial model. The Envelope I of all the proposals will
be evaluated as per Responsiveness Criteria mentioned in Clauses 23, whereas the
Envelope II of only responsive proposals shall be evaluated according to criteria
mentioned in Clause 24. The contents of each Envelope of the Proposal are set out in
Clauses 3 and 4 respectively. The formats to be used to prepare and complete these
Envelopes are provided in PART- E of this RFP.


The Envelope I of the Proposals must contain the following items in the form or format
of Exhibit mentioned against each item:

1 Proposal Letter PART-E, Exhibit I
List of Attachments to Proposal Letter Attachment I 1
Power(s) of Attorney Attachment I 2
Bid Security Attachment I 3
Lender Acknowledgement Letter Attachment I 4
Proposal Summary Information Attachment I 5
2 Technical Data and Submittals PART-E, Exhibit III
3 Bidder and Contractors Information PART-E, Exhibit IV
4 Exceptions to RFP Documents PART-E, Exhibit V
5 Bidder's Project Schedule PART-E, Exhibit VI
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


The Envelope II of the Proposals must contain the following in the form or format of
Exhibit mentioned against thereto:

1 Proposed annual and Levelized Tariff PART-E, Exhibit VIII
2 Detailed Financial Model which shall contain:
- Statement of capital and operating costs
- Statement of Revenues
- Complete financial statements for the project life cycle
PART-E, Exhibit VIII
3 Financial Data in Support of Project PART-E, Exhibit II


5.1 The Bidders are required to furnish and submit additional information in addition to the
contents of Envelope I & II mentioned in Clause 3 & 4. The Bidders should note that
the information and guidance provided in this Clause has been prepared to assist
them in completing their submissions. PPDB reserves the right to request any further
information and clarification that it may deem necessary to carry out the detailed
evaluation of bids.


Following list will provide general guidelines for the Bidders to provide information in
addition to Envelope I & II content discussed above with their proposals.


Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status and place of
registration of the company or firm or, in the case of a joint venture, of each party
thereto constituting the Bidder will be submitted.


Where the Bidder is a joint venture of two or more companies or firms, a statement
signed by all parties to the joint venture of the proposed administrative arrangements
for the management and execution of the project, the duties, responsibilities and
share of each party, the authorized representative of the joint venture, and an
undertaking that the parties are jointly and severally liable to the PPDB for the
performance of the project.


A chart indicating the basic organizational structure(s) of the Bidding Group or each
member of the bidding consortium and specifying the responsibilities of each
organizational unit of the proposed project Company is required.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


The qualifications and experience of the key personnel proposed for administration and
execution of the project, during the design, construction and operating phases of the


Bidders shall provide audited accounts for a minimum of the latest 5 years, together
with the most recently published interim accounts (if available), an estimated financial
projection for the next two years, and an authority from the Bidder (or authorized
representative of a joint venture) to seek references from the Bidders bankers for the:

a) Proposed Project Company (where available);
b) Each proposed shareholder of the proposed Project Company;
c) The parent (and, if any, ultimate parent) company of each proposed shareholder of
the proposed Project Company;
d) Proposed consultants; and
e) Proposed contractors

Together with a statement giving details of any off-balance sheet liabilities including
contingent liabilities.

In the absence of audited accounts, a statement detailing the financial strength of the
institutions and/or individuals involved should be provided.


Bidders shall provide in each Bid details of shareholders, their respective
shareholdings, their respective capital contributions and the proposed capital structure
of the Project Company.


In order to demonstrate their understanding of the form, scope and complexity of the

Bidders shall prepare a `Project Appreciation Statement setting out the construction,
operation and maintenance philosophy that is to be adopted for each significant
element of the Project. This statement will include, but not be limited to, details of:

a) The construction method and operations management and maintenance of the
b) The construction methods to be adopted in the construction of all major
components of the Infrastructure/Facility.
c) The machinery, Plant and labor needs of the Project and the requirement for
associated working and accommodation areas;
d) The operational methodology to be adopted; including tolls/fees/charges collection
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

procedures, monitoring procedures and other service provision; and
e) The proposed maintenance regime including the organizational system that will be
adopted for routine maintenance and repair, longer-term inspection, monitoring and
rectification of identified defects and normal deterioration of Infrastructure/Facility.


The Bidder shall provide statement of additional land requirements (if any). All cost
relating to land requirements, shifting of utilities, resettlement issues etc. shall be borne
by the Bidder. PPDB shall however provide all possible assistance in this regard
except financial.


The Bidder shall provide a detailed Work Programme, showing in quarterly intervals
the anticipated start-up and construction schedule to achieve the Commercial
Operation Date.

In preparing this Work Programme, Bidders are advised that it will be a condition of the
Project Agreement that specified sections of the Project are completed according the
agreed schedule and the project is completed, commissioned, and operational on the
agreed date. Failure to meet these specified targets will result in the imposition of
penalties on the Project Company.


6.1 The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents shall be written in the
English language.

6.2 Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by Bidder with the Proposal may
be in any other language provided these are accompanied by an appropriate certified
translation of pertinent passages in the English language. Supporting materials which
are not translated may not be considered. For the purpose of interpretation and
evaluation of the Proposal, the English language translation shall prevail.


7.1 The Bidder shall propose Tariff and components thereof in the Proposal in PKR.

7.2 All the payments under the PPA, including Tariff, shall be in PKR.


8.1 The Proposal shall remain-valid and open for acceptance by the PPDB for a period of
at least one hundred and eighty (180) days from the Deadline for Submission of
Proposals (the "Proposal Validity Period"). The proposal validity period shall be
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

specified by the Bidder in its Proposal Letter. Any proposal stated to be valid for a
shorter period than the proposal validity period shall be rejected by PPDB as non-

8.2 Prior to expiration of the original proposal validity period, the PPDB may request the
Bidders for an extension in the proposal validity period for a specified additional period.
Both the request for an extension in the proposal validity period and the response
thereto shall be made in writing. A Bidder may refuse to agree to the request for
extension of the proposal validity period without forfeiting its Proposal Security. The
Bidder agreeing to the request for extension of the proposal validity period shall neither
be required nor permitted to modify its Proposal and will be required to extend the
validity of its Proposal Security accordingly and in compliance with Clause 9 below in
all respects. The provisions of Clause 9, regarding release and forfeiture of proposal
security, shall continue to apply during the extended proposal validity period.


9.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its proposal, a proposal security in the aggregate
amount of USD 1,000 (one thousand USD) or Equivalent in PKR per MW. The
Shortlisted Bidders will extend the Proposal Guarantee up to the issuance of LOS.

9.2 The proposal security shall be an irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee from a
recognized bank domiciled or licensed to conduct business in Pakistan. The proposal
security shall be in the form contained in PART-E, Attachment I-3 to Exhibit I. The
proposal security shall be valid for a period of at least ninety (90) days after the
proposal validity period. In case the Bidder agrees to the PPDB's request for extension
of the proposal validity period in accordance with Clause 8 above, the proposal security
shall remain valid for a period of at least (90) after the extended proposal validity

9.3 It is advisable for Bidders to check with PPDB well in advance of the Deadline for
Submission of Proposals as to the acceptability of the proposed issuing bank of
Proposal Security. Also, it is advised to all bidders to visit PPDB website on regular
basis for updates.

9.4 Any Proposal not accompanied by an acceptable Proposal Security shall be rejected
by PPDB as non-responsive. The Proposal Security of a Bidder comprising of a
Consortium must be in the name of the Lead Bidder submitting the Proposal.

9.5 The Proposal Security of a Bidder shall be forfeited without any notice, demand, or
other legal process if any of these conditions occur:
a. the Bidder withdraws its proposal during proposal validity period (including any
extension in accordance with Clause 8, except as provided in Clause 16; or
b. the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Proposal, pursuant to Clause 21;
c. in the case of Successful Bidder, it fails within the specified time limits to:
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

(i) furnish the required Performance Guarantee in accordance with Clause 28; or
(ii) finalize the Project Agreements in accordance with Clauses 27 and 28.

9.6 The Proposal Security shall be returned to the unwilling Bidders if they withdraw their
Proposals before the Deadline for Submission of Proposals in accordance with Clause

If any Bidders Proposal is determined to be non-responsive to the requirements of this
RFP, the Proposal Security will also be returned to such bidder.

9.7 Envelopes II of all responsive proposals will be evaluated and ranked and the proposal
validity period of the proposals Shortlisted Bidders will be extended, if necessary,
pursuant to Clause 27. The proposal security of all technically Shortlisted Bidders shall
remain valid until the issue of the LOS to the Successful Bidder. The proposal security
of all the technically Shortlisted Bidders including the Successful Bidder shall be
returned upon the issuance of the LOS to the Successful Bidder in accordance with
Clause 28.


10.1 The Bidder or its official representative is advised to attend a pre-bid meeting which will
be held approximately sixty (60) days prior to the deadline for submission of proposals.
PPDB will notify the Bidders by a separate letter of the date, time and location of the
pre-bid meeting. The notification will also be uploaded on PPDB website.

10.2 The purpose of the pre-bid meeting will be to answer any questions the Bidders may
have concerning this RFP and the selection process as well as to enable the Bidders to
hear the answers to questions raised by others Bidders. This open forum is designed
to ensure that all Bidders have access to the same information.

10.3 Bidders are therefore requested to submit any questions in writing to reach PPDB not
later than fourteen (14) days before the pre-bid meeting. The bidders are reminded that
questions raised within less than twenty eight (28) days prior to the Deadline for
Submission of Proposals shall not be answered by PPDB (See Sub Clause 17.1 of

10.4 Additional questions posed at the Pre-Bid meeting shall be answered at that time,
where possible, or referred to relevant staff from various government organizations.
Minutes of the Pre-Bid meeting will be prepared by PPDB, including answers to
questions raised prior to or during the Pre-Bid meeting. These minutes of the meeting
will be supplemented with responses which cannot be answered at the time of the
meeting and require additional research or input from staff not in attendance at the
meeting. The minutes of the Pre-Bid meeting shall be made available to all Bidders
whether or not in attendance at the meeting. These minutes will also be uploaded on

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

10.5 Any modification of this RFP which may become necessary as a result of Pre-Bid
meeting shall be made by PPDB exclusively through the issue of an Addendum
pursuant to Sub Clause 17.2 of PART-B and not through minutes of the Pre-Bid


11.1 Bidder shall prepare one (1) original and three (3) copies of the documents comprising
the Proposal and in the form and manner described in Clauses 3 & 4 above. The one
original of the completed Proposal is to be clearly marked " ORIGINAL PROPOSAL" ,
and all other completed copies are to be clearly marked " COPY OF PROPOSAL" . In
the event of any discrepancy between the original and any copy, the original shall

11.2 If the Proposal consists of more than one volume, Bidder must clearly number the
volumes constituting the Proposal and provide an indexed table of contents for each
volume. All documents should be securely bound.

11.3 The Proposal shall be typed or written in indelible ink. Each sheet shall be initialed by a
person or persons duly authorized to sign for the Bidder and bind the Bidder to the
Proposal and any resulting agreement and contract. The Proposal Letter shall be
signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind Bidder to the Proposal and any
resulting agreement and contract. All pages of the Proposal where entries or
amendments have been made shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the

11.4 If the Proposal is submitted by a Bidder which is a consortium of two or more entities
as members, a duly authorized person or persons of each such consortium member
shall sign the Proposal and the Proposal Letter.

11.5 The complete Proposal as outlined in Clauses 3 & 4, shall be without alterations,
omissions, additions, interlineations, or erasures, except as necessary to accord with
instructions issued, by PPDB or to correct errors made by Bidder. All such corrections
shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Proposal.

11.6 The Power of Attorney authorizing all persons who shall initial or sign the Proposal and
the Proposal Letter shall be provided by the Bidder in its Proposal as required in
Exhibit I-Attachment I-2 of PART E.


12.1 The Bidder shall seal the Envelope I & Envelope II as described in Clauses 3 & 4
which must bear the signature of the Bidders authorized representative. The other
information required in Clause 5 should be included in Envelope I.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

12.2 The original and 3 (three) copies of Envelope I of the Bid shall be sealed into an
envelope and shall:
a) be addressed to PPDB; and
b) bear the following identification:
i) Envelope I
ii) BID FOR [mention name of the Project]
iii) The Words DO NOT OPEN BEFORE *mention date and time of Bid
Opening for Envelope I.

12.3 The original and 3 (three) copies of Envelope II of the Bid shall be sealed into an
envelope and shall:
a) be addressed to PPDB; and
b) bear the following identification:
i) Envelope II
ii) BID FOR [mention name of the Project]
iii) The Words DO NOT OPEN BEFORE *mention date and time of Bid
Opening for Envelope II.

12.4 The envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable
the Bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared late.

12.5 If the envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed above, PPDB will assume no
responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the Bid. Any Bid that is
opened prematurely will be rejected by PPDB and returned to the Bidder.


13.1 The Proposals must be addressed to PPDB as follows:

Managing Director,
The Punjab Power Development Board,
Energy Department, 1
13.2 Proposal submission to PPDB at the address given in Sub Clause 13.1 above must be
made by either of the following methods:
Central Design Building,
Irrigation Secretariat, Old Anarkali,
Lahore, Pakistan.

By hand; or

By prepaid, registered, or certified mail or by overnight courier.

Proposal submitted by facsimile, electronic mail, telex, telegram shall not be accepted.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


14.1 All the Proposals along with the Evaluation Fee, as per submission requirements
mentioned in Clauses 11, 12 & 13, shall reach PPDBs address no later than ________
______________ on _________________.

14.2 PPDB may, at its discretion, extend the Deadline for Submission of Proposals by
issuing an Addendum in accordance with Clause 17 of PART-B.


15.1 Any Proposal received after the Deadline for Submission of Proposals (a "Late
Proposal") shall be rejected and shall be returned unopened to the Bidder.


16.1 Bidder may modify or withdraw its Proposal after Proposal has been submitted to
PPDB, provided that the modification or notice of withdrawal is received in writing by
PPDB prior to Deadline for Submission of Proposals.

16.2 Bidder's modification or notice of withdrawal shall be prepared, sealed, marked and
delivered in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 12 & 13 for the submission of
Proposals with envelopes additionally marked " MODIFICATION" or " WITHDRAWAL"
as appropriate.

16.3 No Proposal may, under any circumstances, be modified or withdrawn after the
Deadline for Submission of Proposals.

16.4 Withdrawal of a Proposal at any time, under any circumstance, during the period
between the Deadline for Submission of Proposals and the expiration of the proposal
validity period specified by Bidder in the Proposal Letter will result in the forfeiture of
the Proposal Security pursuant to Clause 9.


17.1 PPDB will open the Envelope I of the Proposal, including notices of withdrawals and
modifications made pursuant to Clause 16, in an open session at 1100 HRS on
__________ at PPDBs office at the address set out in Clause 13 in the presence of
Bidders' designated representatives who chose to attend. The Bidders' representatives
who are present shall sign a register as evidence of their attendance. Representatives
of each Bidder shall be allowed to attend.

17.2 Envelopes marked " WITHDRAWAL" shall be opened first at the Proposal Opening
and the name of the Bidder shall be read out. Proposals, for which a notice of
withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to Clause 16 above, shall not be opened.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

17.3 At the Proposal Opening, PPDB shall examine Proposals to determine whether the
requisite Proposal Securities and Evaluation Fee have been furnished and whether the
documents have been properly signed. A representative of PPDB will then read out the
information provided in the PART-E, Exhibit I, Attachment I-5, "Proposal Summary
Information" attached to the Proposal Letter of each Proposal.

17.4 No Proposal shall be rejected at Proposal Opening except for the Late Proposals
pursuant to Clause 15.

17.5 PPDB shall not return the original or copies of the Proposal submitted by any Bidder
(except for the Late Proposals pursuant to Clause 15).


18.1 After the Bid Opening, information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation
and comparison of Bids and recommendations concerning the award of the contract
shall not be disclosed to Bidders, or other persons not officially concerned with such
process, until the award of the contract is announced.

18.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence PPDB in the process of examination, clarification,
comparison and evaluation of Bids, or decisions concerning award of the contract, may
result in the rejection of that Bidders Bid(s).


The process which shall be used by PPDB to select the Successful Bidder is as

19.1 PPDB has pre-qualified potential Bidders that are invited to submit Proposals in
response to this Request for Proposal (RFP). Any change in the constitution of a pre-
qualified consortium shall be approved by PPDB prior to the Deadline for Submission
of Proposals in accordance with Clause 2 of PART-B.

19.2 Envelope I & II shall be submitted in one stage.

19.3 Envelope I of the Proposal shall contain only the technical, commercial and financial
aspects of the Bidder's Proposal. Envelope II of the Proposal shall contain Bidder's
proposed Tariffs and financial model of the projects life.

19.4 Based on the Responsiveness Test described in Clause 23 of PART C, PPDB will
evaluate Envelopes I of all proposals received for the Project. Bidders found to be non-
responsive will be so notified and their proposal securities will be returned.

19.5 Based on the evaluation criteria for Envelope II contained in Clause 24 of PART C,
PPDB will rank all Responsive Proposals and will notify all the qualified Bidders of their
ratings for the Project. The best ranked Bidders shall be declared as Short listed
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


19.6 A clarification meeting will be held with the first-ranked Short listed Bidder to confirm,
clarify, and finalize any assumptions used during the evaluation process (See Sub
Clause 27.1 of PART- C). PPDB may, if it deems necessary, invite the second- and
subsequently ranked Short listed Bidders for clarification.

19.7 PPDB will invite the first-ranked Short listed Bidder to finalize the project agreements.
(See Sub Clause 27.2 of PART- C). In case the agreements cannot be finalized with 1

ranking bidder, the second-ranked, shortlisted bidder will be invited to begin
negotiations and so on.
19.8 Upon receiving clarifications of Proposals and reaching an agreement on the project
agreements, the relevant Short listed Bidder will be required to furnish the Performance
Guarantee and pay Legal Expenses and Audited Feasibility Study Cost in accordance
with Clauses 27 and 28 of PART- C.

19.9 Once the requirements mentioned in Sub Clause 19.9 are fulfilled, the short listed
Bidder selected so shall be declared as the Successful Bidder. A Letter of Support
(LOS) will be issued by PPDB, at this time, to the Successful Bidder for the Project.

19.10 Within twenty eight (28) days after the issue of the LOS to the Successful Bidder, the
PPDB shall return the Proposal Securities to the unsuccessful Bidders and other Short
listed Bidders.


20.1 During the examination, determination of responsiveness evaluation and comparison of
Proposals, PPDB may at its discretion, request the Bidders for additional information,
clarification and verifications with respect to any item contained in their Proposals.
PPDB's such request and the Bidders' responses thereto shall be in writing and no
change in the Tariff or substance of the Proposal should be sought, offered or
permitted, except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered
by PPDB in the evaluation of the Proposals in accordance with Clauses 21 & 24.

20.2 The Bidder is required to respond to PPDB's request for additional information,
clarification or verification within fourteen (14) days after the request has been made.

20.3 To assist in the examination, determination of responsiveness. Evaluation and
comparison of Proposals, PPDB may also require the Bidder to attend clarification
meetings to be held at PPDB's offices.

20.4 The Bidder shall be responsible for all costs associated with the submission of
information additionally requested and with its preparation for and attendance of
clarification meetings.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


21.1 Proposals determined to be Responsive Proposals shall be checked for any arithmetic
errors in computation and summation. Errors shall be corrected by PPDB such that if
there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words
will govern.

21.2 The amounts stated in the Proposal will be adjusted by PPDB in accordance with the
above procedure for the correction of errors and shall be considered as binding upon
the Bidder. The Bidder will be informed in writing of any arithmetical adjustments made.
If the Bidder does not accept the corrected amount of the Proposal, its Proposal shall
be rejected and its Proposal Security shall be forfeited in accordance with Clause 9.


22.1 To assist the evaluation of Bids, each Bidder will be required to present its Technical
Proposals to TFEC in a meeting to be arranged at time and date as stated in
Information to Bidders. These meetings must be attended by the Bidder and its
engineers/ consultants. The main purpose of these meetings will be:
a) to provide the Bidder with the opportunity to present the details and merits of the
technical and operational aspects of its Bid to TFEC; and
b) to allow TFEC to seek clarification on any technical and operational matters.

22.2 No commercial aspects of the Bid will be discussed at these presentations and no
negotiations will take place.

22.3 The Technical Scope of the Project will be discussed and Updated during the course of


23.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of Proposals, PPDB will determine whether each
Proposal is "substantially responsive" to the requirements of this RFP based on a
review of information provided in Envelope I of the Bidder's Proposal in accordance
with the Responsiveness criteria, mentioned in the table below.

23.2 A substantially responsive Proposal or a Responsive Proposal is one, which conforms
to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of this RFP without "material deviation or

23.3 A material deviation or reservation is one:
a. which:
i. effects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Project:
ii. which limits in a substantial way inconsistent with this RFP, the GoP's,
GOPUNJ AB, PPDB, PPIBs, WAPDA or any other parties' rights or the Bidder's
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

or the Project Company's obligations under the Project Agreements; and
b. the rectification or acceptance of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly
the competitive position of other Bidders presenting "substantially responsive"

23.4 If a Proposal is not substantially responsive to the requirements of this RFP (i.e. a non-
Responsive Proposal), it will be rejected by PPDB. Such determination is solely at the
PPDB's discretion.

23.5 PPDB may waive any minor non-conformity or irregularity in a Proposal which does not
constitute a material deviation or reservation, provided that such waiver does not
prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder.


The Bidder shall continue to meet the criteria used at the time of pre-qualification.
Updating and reassessment of the following information which was previously
considered during pre-qualification will be required:
Pending Litigation; and
Financial Situation.

These are the documents/ information to be attached with the proposals as stated in
Instruction to Bidders and the answers to all the questions in the following table should
be YES:

Responsiveness Measure Yes Remarks
1.0 Has Bidder submitted a complete Proposal as evidenced by
submission of the following complete documents?

1.1 Proposal Letter (PART- E, Exhibit I)
- Power(s) of Attorney (PART-E, Exhibit I, Attachment I-2)
- Proposal Security (PART- E. Exhibit I, Attachment I-3)
- Proposal Summary Information (PART-E. Exhibit I.
Attachment I-5)

1.2 Financial Data in Support of Project (PART- E, Exhibit II)
1.3 Technical Data and Submittals (PART- E, Exhibit III)
1.4 Bidders and Contractors Information (PART- E. Exhibit IV)
1.5 Exceptions to RFP Documents (if any) (PART-E, Exhibit V)
1.6 Bidder's Project Schedule (PART-E. Exhibit VI)
1.7 Proposed Company Organization Chart (PART-E. Exhibit VII)
1.8 Proposed annual and Levelized Tariff (PART- E. Exhibit VIII)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Responsiveness Measure Yes Remarks
2.0 Whether Bidder satisfies the following criteria?
2.1 Bidder has paid the Evaluation Fee to PPDB.
2.2 Any change in Bidder's Consortium after earlier pre-
qualification has been approved by PPDB.

2.3 The Main Sponsor has been identified in the Proposal.
2.4 The Main Sponsor must hold at least 20% of equity from the
LOS to Sixth anniversary of COD.

2.5 The Bidder/ Consortium collectively must hold at least 51 %
of equity from the LOS to sixth anniversary of COD.

2.8 Members of consortium have executed document nominating
Lead Bidder.

3.0 Is the Proposal Security acceptable?
3.1 Is the issuing bank acceptable to PPDB?
3.2 Is the form not materially different from PART-E? Exhibit I.
Attachment 1-3 of the RFP?
3.3 Is the amount in accordance with the RFP?
3.4 Is the validity date in accordance with the RFP?
4.0 Has financial data been submitted which verifies plant finance

4.1 Is evidence of positive initial debt commitments provided?
4.2 Is evidence of positive initial equity commitments provided?
4.3 Is debt servicing schedule provided?
4.4 Is the evidence of sufficient positive net cash flows during the
Term provided?

4.5 Are the debt service coverage ratios sufficient?
4.6 Does Proposal include insurance plan for the Project?
5.0 Has technical data been submitted which demonstrates
compliance with PART A?

5.1 Is the proposed Installed Capacity 120 MW?
5.2 Are Preliminary designs and descriptions provided?
5.3 Is confirmation provided that environmental standards will be

5.4 Are exceptions taken (if any) acceptable?
5.5 Is the scope complete?
5.6 Are site interfaces properly defined?
5.7 Has the Bidder stated that the Plant will be designed to
provide a Thirty (30) year operating life and provided
satisfactory details as to how this will be achieved?

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Responsiveness Measure Yes Remarks
6.0 Has Bidder submitted a complete project schedule which
confirms a certain Commercial Operation Date?

7.0 Are Bidder's exceptions to the RFP (if any) acceptable (that is
they do not constitute a material modification)?

8.0 Has Bidder requested any exceptions to the project
agreements which are NOT considered material in nature?


24.1 PPDB shall evaluate and rank Envelope II of only Proposals that have successfully
qualified Responsiveness Test as determined in accordance with Clauses 2.3.

24.2 Based on the annual tariff proposed by the Bidders in PART- E, Exhibit VIII in
conformance with Clauses 6 & 7 of PART D and Clause 13 of PART F and other
requirements of the RFP, the Levelized Tariff shall be calculated for each Proposal in
accordance with Clauses 6 & 7 of PART D as further clarified with the example in
Exhibit-VIII to this PART-E.

24.3 The sole evaluation criterion for ranking of qualified proposals shall be Levelized Tariff
as long as the proposed annual tariffs satisfy all the requirements of this RFP, including,
but not limited to, the assumptions and constraints set out in Clause 2 of PART D.
PPDB, after having made corrections of arithmetical adjustments and studied the
clarifications provided by the Bidders, will evaluate the qualified Envelope II proposals
and rank them from the lowest to the highest Levelized Tariff. The lowest Levelized
Tariff supported by the required financial data shall be deemed the best or the First-
Ranked Bidder.


PPDB reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, to waive minor informalities
in Proposals received, and to annul or cancel the bidding process and reject all
Proposals at any time prior to the issue of the LOS for the Project without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected
Bidders of the grounds for PPDB's action.


26.1 PPDB shall issue a notification (the "Notification") to the best ranked Bidders (each of
those a "Short listed Bidder") based on the ranking of their Proposals according to
Levelized Tariff, informing them that they have been short listed for further processing
for the award of the Project.

26.2 Each of the Short listed Bidders shall acknowledge the receipt of the Notification, in
writing within Seven (07) Days from the date of the issuance thereof.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



27.1 After the issuance of the Notification regarding selection of Short listed Bidders
pursuant to Clause 26 above, PPDB shall notify the first-ranked Short listed Bidder that
its Proposal has been accepted for clarification and finalization of Proposal and Project
Agreements. The first-ranked Bidder will also be advised of the date, time and place for
detailed clarification meeting(s) between PPDB and such Bidder.

27.2 PPDB may request that all the Short listed Bidders extend their proposal validity period
in accordance with Clause 8. The second, third and other ranked Bidders shall remain
on standby, ready to begin clarifications of Proposals and finalization of Project
Agreements should the first-Ranked Bidder not meet the requirements of this RFP.
PPDB may at its discretion, choose to hold clarification meetings simultaneously with
the first, second, third and other ranked Bidders and invite them to finalize the Project


28.1 When a Shortlisted Bidder fulfills the requirements of this RFP during clarification
meetings and finalizes the Project Agreements invited to do so in accordance with
Clause 28, the PPDB shall issue a notice to that Bidder asking it to furnish or pay, as
the case may be, within twenty eight (28) days of the date of such notice:
a. the Performance Guarantee in the aggregate amount of USD 5,000 (five thousand
USD) or Equivalent PKR per MW of the contract capacity proposed by Successful
Bidder in its proposal;
b. the audited feasibility study cost; and
c. the legal expenses in the form of a bank draft or pay order (no cash) drawn upon a
scheduled bank in Pakistan.

28.2 The Performance Guarantee shall be an irrevocable and unconditional direct-pay letter
of credit from a recognized bank domiciled or licensed to conduct business in Pakistan.
The Performance Guarantee shall remain valid at least three (03) months after the
Financial Close.

28.3 The Shortlisted Bidders should check with PPDB well in advance as to the acceptability
of the proposed issuing bank of Performance Guarantee.

28.4 If the Shortlisted Bidder referred to in Sub Clause 29.1 above fails to furnish the
required Performance Guarantee and pay audited feasibility study cost and legal
expenses in accordance with this RFP within twenty eight (28) days from the date of
the notice referred thereto, the PPDB shall withdraw such notice and forfeit that
Bidder's proposal security in full pursuant to Clause 9 of this RFP and ask other
Shortlisted Bidders to fulfills the requirements of this RFP during clarification meetings,
finalize the Project Agreements and meet the requirements of Sub Clause 29.1. This
Clause shall continue to apply to all Shortlisted Bidders until the Successful Bidder has
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

been selected and issued with the LOS.

28.5 When a Shortlisted Bidder fulfills the requirements of this RFP during clarification
meetings, finalizes the Project Agreements and meet the requirements of Sub Clause
29.1, the PPDB shall select that Bidder as the Successful Bidder for the Project and
after the delivery of a Performance Guarantee in favor of PPDB and upon payment of
cost of feasibility study to PPDB, the PPDB shall issue the LOS to that Bidder.

28.6 Within twenty eight (28) days after the issuance of the LOS to the Successful Bidder,
the PPDB shall return the Proposal Securities to the Successful Bidder and other
Shortlisted Bidders.


Bidders are advised that the following cycle of events has been established by PPDB
for the single stage two-envelope selection of the Successful Bidder and for the
implementation of the Project:

29.1 Invitation, Pre-Bid Meeting and Proposal Submission
- PPDB will issue the Letter of Invitation to Bidders for submission of proposals in
response to the RFP.
- PPDB will conduct a pre-bid meeting, respond to Bidder's clarifications and issue
RFP Addenda, if necessary.
- Bidders shall submit Proposals containing Envelopes I and II, proposal security and
evaluation fee to PPDB.

29.2 Proposal Opening, Presentation by the bidders and Responsiveness Criteria
- PPDB will conduct the Proposal Opening meeting and open the Proposal
(Envelopes I only).
- PPDB will evaluate technical, commercial and financial aspects of proposals of
Envelope I, request additional information, clarification and verification from Bidders
on their proposals and will identify the responsive Bidders.
- PPDB will notify Responsive Bidders and Non-Responsive Bidders of their status
and will return the proposal securities to Non-Responsive Bidders.

29.3 Ranking of Proposals and Notification of Short listed Bidders
- Envelope II of the Proposals who qualify will be evaluated by PPDB.
- PPDB will request clarification to clarify inconsistencies and correction of arithmetic
errors in the Envelope II Proposals only.
- PPDB will complete evaluation of Envelope II Proposals and will rank all Qualified
Proposals based upon calculated Levelized Tariff (LT) for the proposed Tariff.
- PPDB will notify all Qualified Bidders of their ranking.

29.4 Selection of Successful Bidder and Issue of LOS
- PPDB will hold a clarification meeting with the first-ranked Bidder.
- PPDB will invite first-ranked Bidder to finalize draft Project Agreements (J oint
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Development Agreement, shareholders agreement or any other legal binding
- In case the clarification meeting with the first-ranked Bidder fails or Project
Agreements are not finalized with the first-ranked Bidder, PPDB will invite the
second or after then third and other ranked Bidders for clarification meetings and
finalization of the Project Agreements.
- PPDB will ask the relevant 1
- Upon fulfilling the above requirements, the relevant 1
ranked Bidder (who has clarified Proposals and
finalized the Project Agreements) to furnish the Performance Guarantee and to pay
Legal Expenses and Audited Feasibility Study Cost to PPDB.
- PPDB will issue the LOS to the Successful Bidder and will return Proposal
Securities to the unsuccessful Bidder and other Short listed Bidders.
Ranked bidder will be
declared as the Successful Bidder.

30.0 Bidders to be Careful

Bidder should take care of local laws, statutes, regulations, Government investment
policies in order to make the bids complying with regulations of Pakistan.

PPDB shall not assume any responsibility and shall stand indemnified against any or
all information provided in the Bidding Documents as far as the Project data and
figures are concerned. The Bidders are instructed to carry out their own detailed
studies to confirm the Project viability and submit the bids accordingly. The Project
documents merely provide information which is deemed useful by PPDB for the
Bidders to initiate study of the Project. It may be further understood that PPDB is
providing this information with best of intents and has tried its best to provide as correct
as possible information.

If there arises any further need of addition to the existing Bidding Documents, the
same shall be attended through addendum. All such addenda shall form part of the
Bidding Documents.

The documents as mentioned in this Bidding Documents shall form the integral part of
the overall Agreement and all the conditions contained shall prevail, unless specifically
amended or changed or added or deleted through mutual agreement of PPDB and the
successful Bidder.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



1.1 The Bidder must submit a proposal, one which conforms to all the terms, conditions
and specifications of this RFP without material deviation or reservation, as described in
Clauses 21, 23 & 24 of PART-C. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in
disqualification of the Bidder.

1.2 The Bidder shall submit its proposed technical design in response to meet the
requirements set forth in PART-A Description of The Project. The critical elements of
the technical specifications which must be adhered to in the Bidder's Proposal are as
- Net plant output of 120 MW at Reference Site Conditions. [Plant Capacity shall be
reviewed as per the findings of Due-Diligence Report]
- GIS substation / Switchyard associated with the hydropower plant shall be of
adequate rating, reliable and operationally flexible to ensure reliable evacuation of
- Assumed Plant Factor is 64 % [Plant Factor shall be reviewed as per the findings
of Due-Diligence Report]
- Plant must be able to operate in parallel with other generating sources. Study of the
electrical system shall be performed by the Project Company to assure such
- A communication system to be compatible with NTDCs system.
- Fault levels as stated in the technical specifications.
- Interconnection to Grid System must be complied with as per the technical
requirements and the study to be performed by the Project Company.
- Plant must fit within the site boundaries and must include the full scope of work
regarding support facilities.

1.3 The Bidder shall submit a Proposal, which meets the codes and standards for design,
workmanship, materials and equipment as stated in PART A, Project Description. The
Bidder may propose codes and standards from other standard international
organizations provided it demonstrates to the satisfaction of PPDB and NEPRA that
these codes and standards meet or exceed the requirements of the designated codes
and standards in the Description of the Project, PART-A. Bidder shall submit all the
technical data requested in Exhibit III to PART E.

1.4 The Bidder must prepare the Proposal by filling in all blank spaces and submitting
documents required by PART- E. No changes shall be made in phraseology, and items
shall not be added, unless specifically requested. Exceptions are to be listed in Exhibit
V to PART- E, as specifically provided for this purpose and the draft Project
Agreements are to be attached to the Proposal (as required by the said Exhibit) clearly
showing the Bidder's and Lenders' comments, exceptions or required changes to the
Project Agreements.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

1.5 A Proposal that is illegible or that contains omissions, erasures, alterations, additions
not called for or irregularities may be rejected, except for those necessary to correct
errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the
person or persons signing the Proposal.


2.1 The annual tariff shall include all costs of the Project Company, with a 17% IRR.

2.2 No adjustment shall be made to the Bidders proposed Tariff for incorrect evaluation of
the Project, soil or surface conditions, environmental mitigation measures, or any
oversight in considering all risks associated with the Plant and the Project.

2.3 The tariff shall comply with the terms and conditions contained in the project

2.4 Failure to include any cost in Tariff will be on account of bidder.

2.5 The RFP requires Installed Capacity to be 120 MW, as described in PART-A. [Installed
Capacity of the Power Plant needs to be verified in the light of comments made in the
Due-diligence Report]

2.6 The Bidder shall provide its proposed annual Tariff, its various components and
necessary details in the manner as required by this RFP and in the form as specified
in, Exhibit VIII to PART- E.

2.7 The proposed annual Tariff and its components in the Bidder's proposal shall be
quoted in PKR to four decimal places and in real or constant terms, that is without any

2.8 The Bidder's Proposal shall be based on the assumptions set forth in PART- E, Exhibit

2.9 For first Ten (10) Agreement Years, the total Tariff shall be uniform and remain
constant during the period of Debt Service.

2.10 Each component of the tariff in first ten (10) years will be equally spread over these

2.11 Each component of tariff beyond ten (10) years will also be equally spread in each

2.12 Bid exchange rate and bid local index shall have values as prescribed in their
definitions in PART-B Definitions.

2.13 Discount rate used to calculate Levelized Tariff Charge shall be 10%.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


2.14 For each Agreement Year, the Plant shall be available with full Capacity at all times
(i.e. 100% availability) depending upon the water releases.

2.15 The interest rate for the determination of financing shall be assumed as 3 months
Karachi Interbank Offered Rate (KIBOR) (Bid) + 3% as on ______________. The
interest component shall be adjusted against variation in interest rates as per details
given in the PPA. The total Debt Service component shall be in equal installments
during the debt service period.

2.16 The Bidders are required to consider the financial and fiscal incentives as prescribed in
the Policy for the determination of annual Tariff.

2.17 All other taxes and duties shall be considered as pass through as per the details of the

2.18 The assumptions mentioned in mechanism for determination of tariff for hydropower
projects as notified by NEPRA shall also be taken into account for calculation of annual

2.19 Hydrological risk shall be borne by the Power Purchaser.

2.20 Bidder has to quote their plants generation efficiency curves.

2.21 Capacity Charge must be restricted to a maximum percentage of 95% of the Levelised
Tariff in accordance with Para 26 under Section 1.7 (Features of the Power Generation
Policy) of the Punjab Power Generation Policy, 2009 (PPGP).

2.22 The Mechanism for Determination of Tariff for Hydropower Projects of NEPRA
provides three distinct stages of tariff determination:
- Feasibility Level
- EPC Level
- Commercial Operation Date

For all calculation of annual tariff and subsequent Levelized Tariff for this RFP
Feasibility Stage, tariff will be accepted. [ This needs to be discussed and got
confirmed by PPDB by the Financial Team]

2.23 Sales tax, excise duty or other duty, levy, charge, surcharge or other governmental
impositions wherever and whenever payable on the generation sale, exportation, or
supply of electricity or electricity generating capacity by the company during the term ,
provided that the company has not been previously compensated for any such item by
the purchaser or by the GOP.

2.24 The Project Company shall be exempt from the payment of income tax, corporate tax
(or the withholding of such tax) in Pakistan on its income from the sale of the Net
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Electrical Output to the Power Purchaser for the term of the Power Purchase


3.1 Tariff Charges shall comprise the following main parts:
(i) Capacity Charge (CP); and
(ii) Energy Charge (EP)

3.2 These parts of the Tariff and components thereof may be adjusted as explained in Sub
Clause 6.2.

3.3 The CP for any period shall be paid to the Project Company for the amount of available
capacity for dispatch during the relevant period, irrespective of whether the Plant has
dispatched or not and irrespective of the amount of electrical energy produced during
the period.

3.4 The EP for a period shall be paid to the Project Company for the amount of electrical
energy (kWh) at delivery point dispatched by the Project Company.

3.5 Both CP and EP shall be paid by the Power Purchaser to the Project Company on
monthly basis for the preceding month in accordance with the provisions of the PPA.


4.1 The Bidder shall provide a proposed CP for each agreement year.

4.2 The CP shall reflect, by way of example and not limitation, the Bidder's fixed cost of
developing, constructing, financing, and operating the plant and should provide the
Bidder with sufficient cash flow to cover such items as the amortization of debt, interest
on such debt, fixed operating and maintenance costs, insurance costs, administrative
costs, all applicable taxes, and a return on equity.

4.3 The CP shall be stated in Rs/kW/month.

4.4 The CP shall comprise of Fixed O&M Cost, ROE during construction and Operation,
Insurance Cost, Debt Service and withholding tax on dividends:

CP =FOM +InsS +ROEDC +ROE +Debt Service +Withholding tax on dividends

4.5 Fixed Operation and Maintenance Cost or Fixed O&M Cost means the component in
Rs./kW/month, payable to the Project Company by the Power Purchaser as per detail
given in the PPA. It will remain constant during the term of the PPA. The Bidder may
identify the local and foreign portions of Fixed O&M cost, which will be inclusive of fixed
operation and maintenance cost, administrations cost and management cost of the
Project Company and shall indexed separately as appropriate in accordance with Sub
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Clause 6.2.

4.6 Debt Service Component of Capacity Charge (CP)

- Debt Service Component shall cover, and match on annual basis, all payments
related to servicing of debt including the repayment of principal debt amount and
interest payments.

- The Debt Service shall remain uniform during the period of payment of loans and
be calculated on annuity basis. This component will be in equal installment during
the duration of Debt Service period i.e. Ten (10) years.

4.7 The Insurance costs covers the annual premium and other costs of the insurance
policies of the Project during operation.

4.8 The Return on Equity during construction and ROE during operation cover the return
on the investment made into the Project. This component shall be indexed in
accordance with the provisions of the PPA.

Return on Equity as allowed @ 17% of the equity invested into the Project during
Construction as well as during term of the PPA. Ministry of Water and Power vide its
letter No. 7(32)/92-PII

dated 30
J uly 2009 has allowed all hydropower projects, thirty (30) months period
prior to construction start, for Internal Rate of Return (IRR) calculations.

As the Project is based on BOOT basis, repatriation of Equity is allowed after the
repayment of Debt Service, which is 10 (Ten) years. Therefore, equity repatriation will
commence from Agreement Year 11 and thereafter it will remain constant during the
term of the PPA.

5.1 The Energy Charge (EP) shall cover all variable costs incurred during the actual
production of the Plant, such as Water Use Charge (WUC), O&M costs, lubricants
costs, and so on.

5.2 The EP shall be the sum of Variable O&M Charge (VOMC) and Water Use Charges
(WUC) for each kWh of Net Energy Output. That is:


5.3 The Bidder shall provide the proposed Variable O&M Charge and Water Use Charges
for each Agreement Year.

5.4 Both VOMC and WUC shall be stated in Rs/kWh.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

5.5 Variable O&M Charge (VOMC)

- The VOMC shall reflect the Bidder's varying costs of operating the Plant. Such
expenditures include consumables, maintenance, etc. Bidders shall not include
items in the VOMC that are already included in the CP.

- The VOMC shall be constant over all agreement years, excluding the effect of any
indexation as provided in Sub Clause 6.2.

- The Bidder may identify the local and foreign portions of VOMC, which will be
indexed separately as appropriate in accordance with Sub Clause 6.2.

5.6 Water Use Charges (WUC)

- The Bidder shall propose the WUC in its Proposal @ Rs. 0.15 per kWh, which will
be indexed separately as appropriate in accordance with Sub Clause 6.2.

- The WUC shall be same for all agreement years, except for variations due to
indexation discussed in Sub Clause 6.2.


6.1 Specific components of Tariff are subject to suitable indexation as per provisions of the
PPA. Such indexation is to be indicative of the expected fluctuations in the cost base
which each component is designed to cover in order to protect the Project Company
from unexpected price fluctuations.


The following indexation shall be applicable to the reference tariff:


The Fixed O&M cost is based on local and foreign expense. The indexation of Fixed O
& M will be subject to following table:

Item Indexation allowed
Fixed O & M (Local) Inflation (WPI)
Fixed O & M (Foreign) Inflation (USCPI);Exchange rate (PKR/US $)

Quarterly Adjustment for local inflation, foreign inflation and exchange rate variation
will be made on 1
J uly, 1
October, 1
J anuary & 1
April respectively. The mode of
indexation will be as under:

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Fixed O & MREV


Fixed O & MFREV

Fixed O & MFREF





Fixed O & MLREF


Fixed O & MLREF



= Fixed O & MFREV +Fixed O & MLREV


= Reference Fixed O &. M Foreign Component in

= The Revised US Consumer Price Index (All Urban
Consumers) notified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
= Reference US CPI (All Urban Consumers)
notified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the
month of ------------------

= Revised TT and OD selling rate (PKR/USD) as
notified by the National Bank of Pakistan for the
latest available month

= Reference exchange rate (PKR/USD) of Rs ______/
USD will be used.

= Fixed O & MLREF x * WPI (REV) / WPI (REF)

= Reference Fixed O &. M Local Component in Rs./kWh

= The Revised Wholesale Price Index
(Manufacturers) / or alternative index as
determined by the Authority.

= The Wholesale Price Index (Manufactures) of ---------
--/ or alternative index as determined by the authority
and notified by the Federal Bureau of Statistics.


Insurance cost will be calculated according the following formula and it is subject to the
maximum of 1.35% of the EPC cost. The indexation will be carried out on an annual

I(REV) = I (REF) /kW/M * ER (REV)/ ER (REF)
I(REF) = Reference Insurance cost component of tariff
I(REV) =
Revised Insurance cost component of tariff adjusted with the
exchange rate variation (PKR/USD)
ER(REV) = The Revised TT & OD selling rate of US dollar.
Reference exchange rate (PKR/USD) of Rs _____ / USD will be

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Return on equity (ROE) as well as Return on Equity during Construction (ROEDC)
component of tariff shall be adjusted for variation in PKR/US$ exchange rate according
to the following formula:



Revised Return on Equity component of tariff expressed in
Rs/kW/M adjusted with exchange rate variation (PKR/USD).

Revised Return on equity during construction component of
tariff in Rs/kW/M adjusted with exchange rate variation

Reference Return on Equity component of tariff expressed in
Rs/kW/M as adjusted at COD.

Reference Return on equity during construction component of
tariff expressed in Rs/kW/M as adjusted at COD.

ER (REV) =
Revised TT and OD selling rate (PKR/USD) as notified by the
National Bank of Pakistan for the latest available month.

ER (REF) =
Reference exchange rate (PKR/USD) of Rs _________ / USD
will be used.

Indexation will be carried out on quarterly basis.


Due to variation in 3-month KIBOR, the interest part will be adjusted according to the
following formula:

= P (REV) * (KIBOR (REV) - KIBOR (REF)) / 4


the variation in interest charges applicable corresponding to variation in three
month KIBOR. can be positive or negative depending upon whether
> or < KIBOR
. The interest payment obligation will be
enhanced or reduced to the extent of for each quarter under adjustment
applicable on quarterly basis.

the outstanding principal on a quarterly basis at the relevant quarterly
calculations dates.

Indexation will be carried out on quarterly basis.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



The water use charges are pass through and is fixed over the project life at the rate of
Rs.0.15/kWh, however, it is subject to indexation on an annually basis according to the
following formula:

Rs 0.15/kWh * WPI(REV)/ WPI(REF)

The revised Water Use Charge component indexed with
Whole Sale Price Index (WPI)

the Revised Wholesale Price Index (Manufacturers) / or
alternative index as determined by the Authority.
the Wholesale Price Index (Manufactures) of ________

alternative index as determined by the Authority notified
by the Federal Bureau of Statistics.


The indexation will be carried out as per mechanism discussed below:









= VO&M

/kWh * WPI


= VO&M
/kWh * USCPI
* ER

the revised applicable Variable O&M Local Component of the
Variable Charges indexed with WPI.

The revised applicable Variable O&M foreign component of the
Variable Charges indexed with US CPI and currency

the Revised Wholesale Price Index (Manufacturers) / or
alternative index as determined by the Authority.

the Wholesale Price Index (Manufactures) of _________ or
alternative index as determined by the" Authority and notified
by the Federal Bureau of Statistics.

The Revised US Consumer Price Index (All Urban
Consumers) notified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Reference US CPI (All Urban Consumers) notified by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics for the month of ____________


Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Indexation will be carried out on quarterly basis.
6.3 All indexation shall be in accordance with the provisions of, and formulas set out in, the
PPA (given in Volume-2 of RFP Document).

6.4 No indexation or adjustment of any component of the Tariff against any index or
currency shall be available, other than those set out in this RFP.

6.5 The Company shall also be entitled Water Use Charges and Variable O&M Cost during
testing and commissioning period of the Project as per detail given in the PPA.


7.1 The Levelized Tariff shall be calculated by using the following formula as provided in
Microsoft Excel Spread sheet.

Levelized Tariff =PMT (10%, 30, -NPV(10%,Range))

7.2 The annual Capacity Charge in Pak. Rs. /kW/month shall be divided by (8760*0.64/12)
=467.2 to convert the Capacity Charge in Pak. Rs. /kWh for determination of Levelized

7.3 The Levelized Tariff is only for comparison purposes and will not be a basis for
payments to the Project Company.


In addition to the Tariff, Power Purchaser shall pay Force Majeure related Restoration
costs resulting from Pakistan Political Events under the provisions of Clauses XIII of
the PPA.


Carbon credit, a tradable security or permit, represents the right to emit carbon dioxide
or mass of another gas equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.

The carbon credit system has been designed under Kyoto Protocol. These securities
are a great source of revenue for alternative energy projects as these are traded in
international markets.

The Company shall obtain the emitted carbon credit efficiently. The same can be
credited to the Power Purchaser, as per the prevailing policy and the terms decided
between the Bidder and the Power Purchaser.


In the event, the complex is not commissioned on or before the required commercial
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

operation date, then company shall pay to the power purchaser, monthly in arrears, as
liquidated damages as for delays in the occurrence of commercial operations date at
the rate of US$ 2.00 per KW of the estimated demonstrated complex energy divided by
24 per month prorated daily until the commercial operation date:

LDm = (USD 2.00 x estimated demonstrated complex energy /24 x number of days
in relevant month) * no of days delayed in the month.

LDm = Liquidated damages due to delay in commissioning in any month.


Dividend withholding tax is a pass through item just like other taxes as indicated in the
government guidelines for determination of tariff. The power purchaser shall make the
payment on account of withholding tax at the time of actual payment of dividend (return
on equity plus return on equity during construction).


Payment by the company into the workers welfare fund and workers profit
participation fund for its employees are pass-through items, as per PPA relevant


The cost of the metering system, if not procured by the power purchaser, will be pass
through item pursuant to section 7.1(b) of the power purchase agreement.


14.1 Scheduled outage: The company shall pay to the power purchaser as liquidated
damages for each kWh of excess outage energy to scheduled outages in an amount
as per PPA relevant clauses for the relevant agreement year; provided, however, that
the company shall not be liable to pay liquidated damages as aforesaid if the
unexcused outages occur as a result of non-availability of water.

14.2 Forced and partial forced outages: i) Cumulative actual forced and partial forced
outages exceed allowance for forced and partial forced outages. The company shall
pay to the power purchaser as liquidated damages for each kWh of excess outage
energy for forced and partial forced outages in an amount as per relevant clauses of
PPA for the relevant agreement year, provided, however, that the company shall not be
liable to pay liquidated damages as aforesaid if the unexcused outages occur as a
result of non- availability of water.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Adjustments due to Customs and interest during construction

Relevant components of tariff shall be adjusted on account of the variation between the
actual amounts incurred as customs duties and interest during construction with
reference to the estimated figures respectively. The company shall submit the relevant
documents to power purchaser within 7 days of commercial operations date adjusted
for relevant tariff components.

Adjustment in project cost due to variation in USD/PKR parity

Any variation in total project cost during construction period on account of variation in
USD/PKR parity shall be allowed through an adjustment in total project cost to allow for
the full recovery of such cost: provided that no such adjustment shall be allowed after
the required commercial operation date. For the purposes of adjustment, the company
shall provide the power purchaser the payment schedule along with the exchange rate
prevalent at the date of particular transaction. The relevant components of reference
tariff shall be revised on commercial operation date incorporate the additional cost
related to changes in US$ / rupee rate during the construction period.


The cost paid by the company to procure and install more accurate and more reliable
Water meters will be treated as pass through as per section 7.8(b) of the PPA.


As this RFP requires tariff at feasibility stage therefore following re-openers are allowed
by NEPRA in subsequent stages as per their The Mechanism for Determination of
Tariff for Hydropower projects.

Adjustment at EPC stage

EPC level cost are considered to be more firm than feasibility level cost, therefore
following adjustments are allowed as per The Mechanism for Determination of Tariff for
Hydropower Projects of NEPRA.
Cost variation due to geology in the tunnel
Civil works cost escalation
Cost variation in Hydraulic Steel Structure and M&E works

Adjustment at COD
(i) Cost variation due to geology in the tunnel
(ii) Civil works cost escalation
(iii) Cost variation in Hydraulic Steel Structure and M&E works
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

(iv) Cost variation due to resettlement cost

All these variations are subject to NEPRA approval and PPDB assumes no
responsibility to this effect. For a better understanding of these reopeners all the
Bidders are advised in their own interest to go through The Mechanism for
Determination of Tariff for Hydropower Projects of NEPRA.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Date: Location:

The Punjab Power Development Board,
C/O Energy Department,
Irrigation Secretariat,
Old Anarkali, Lahore.

The undersigned

Last Name: ____________________
First Name: ____________________
Title / Position: ____________________
Company: [_________Bidder___________] (the Lead Bidder)

acting as the legal representative of [_________Bidder___________] (the Bidder) pursuant
to the

[power of attorney] [powers of attorney] attached hereto as Exhibit I. Attachment I-4, located
at the following address:

Address: ______________________________________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________________________________

Fax: ______________________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

hereby certify, represent, warrant and agree, on behalf of the Bidder that:

1. This Proposal Letter, along with all its attachments listed in Exhibit I. Attachment I-1
hereto, forms our Proposal and is submitted pursuant to the Request of Proposals
dated [______________] issued by the Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB),
Government of the Punjab (the GOPUNJ AB) as amended, modified, supplemented or
varied through [list all

Addenda with title and date] issued by PPDB (the RFP) for the development and
implementation of a _____ MW to hydro power generation plant at _______________,
on Built, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) as Independent Power Producer (IPP).
All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings
assigned to such terms in the RFP.

2. Having examined and being fully familiar with all the provisions of the RFP (including
its attachments, exhibits and appendices and all the above Addenda), receipt of which
is hereby duly acknowledged, and having evaluated, following our own studies
undertaken under our responsibility, the nature and scope of the contractual obligations
to be executed, the financing structure, the project agreements and any other
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

regulation associated to the Project or its execution, we hereby offer:

a. to undertake the Project in compliance with all requirements of the RFP,

b. to provide to Power Purchaser ____ MW of Contract Capacity at the COD, to sell
the electricity generated exclusively to Power Purchaser for the Term of thirty (30)

- in accordance with the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") and other project
agreements attached to the RFP, except as such draft PPA and other project
agreements have been clearly marked in our Proposal to reflect our desired
modifications thereto.

- at a Levelized Tariff in Pak Rs________ / kWh as calculated in Exhibit VIII
hereto and at Tariff shown in Exhibit II. Table 1 thereof, and

- in accordance with the project implementation schedule enclosed in Exhibit VI

3. We hereby agree that this Proposal constitutes our firm, irrevocable offer that is binding
upon us and will remain valid for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the
deadline for submission of proposals (the "proposal validity period"), except as such
period may be extended by us at the request of PPDB.

4. We hereby acknowledge and agree that the feasibility study received with the RFP is a
confidential document and shall not be used for any other purpose but the preparation
of this proposal and implementation of the Project (if we were to be selected as the
Successful Bidder) and shall not be disclosed to any other party not involved in the
preparation of this Proposal). We hereby also, on behalf of other parties involved in the
preparation of this Proposal, commit to maintaining the confidentiality of the feasibility

5. We have provided and attached hereto a Proposal Security in the form of a bank
guarantee No. [______] dated [________] issued by [name of issuing bank] in the
amount of USD (state amount in words) (USD [show amount in figure]) or equivalent in
PKR in accordance with the form of Proposal Security provided in PART- E. Exhibit I.
Attachment I-3 of the RFP.

6. We have also attached as Exhibit I. Attachment 1-5 hereto, a letter issued by [name of
Lenders] (the "Lenders") supporting our Proposal in accordance with the form of the
Lender Acknowledgement Letter provided in PART- E. Exhibit I. Attachment 1-4 of the

7. We certify that (i) the information submitted as part of this Proposal is complete and
accurate. (ii) the Proposal has been submitted in the legal name of the Bidder
[consortium whose members] [who] will be bound to this Proposal and to the
development of the Project, (iii) we accept the documents, terms and conditions and
disclaimers of the RFP documents.

8. We understand the Responsive criteria and process for evaluation of Proposals and
selection of Successful Bidder established in PART B & C of the RFP and
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

acknowledge that PPDB is not obligated to accept our Proposals and may at any time
reject our Proposal at its sole discretion.

9. We commit ourselves, if we were to be selected as the Shortlisted Bidders, to extend
the validity of our Proposal and our Proposal Security until the issue of the LOS to the
Successful Bidder.

10. We commit ourselves, if we are invited by PPDB to do so, to clarify our Proposal and
finalize the draft Project Agreements and to do so in good faith, and to furnish the

Guarantee. We also commit ourselves that we shall pay the Audited Feasibility Study
Cost and other Legal Expenses as specified to _________within 07 days on the
communication by PPDB in this regard.

In _______ (location) on this ___________ (date)

The Lead Bidder duly authorized to execute the Proposal for and on behalf of the
Bidder [consortium]: However all other member jointly & severally will be responsible to
abide by the agreement.

Notarized signature and seal
Attach attested copy of CNIC


Equivalent in case of foreign
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Contract No.________________ Dated __________________

Contract Value: ________________ Contract Title: _________________

*Name of Supplier] hereby declares that it has not obtained or
induced the procurement of any contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or
benefit from Government of Punjab (GOPUNJ AB) or any administrative subdivision or
agency thereof or any other entity owned or controlled by GOPUNJ AB through any corrupt
business practice.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, [name of Supplier] represents and warrants
that it has fully declared the brokerage, commission, fees etc. paid or payable to anyone and
not given or agreed to give and shall not give or agree to give to anyone within or outside
Pakistan either directly or indirectly through any natural or juridical person, including its
affiliate, agent, associate, broker, consultant, director, promoter, shareholder, sponsor or
subsidiary, any commission, gratification, bribe, finders fee or kickback, whether described
as consultation fee or otherwise, with the object of obtaining or inducing the procurement of
a contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit in whatsoever form from
GOPUNJ AB, except that which has been expressly declared pursuant hereto.

[name of Supplier] certifies that it has made and will make full disclosure of all agreements
and arrangements with all persons in respect of or related to the transaction with
GOPUNJ AB and has not taken or will not take any action to circumvent the above
declaration, representation or warranty.

[name of Supplier] accepts full responsibility and strict liability for making any false
declaration, not making full disclosure, misrepresenting facts or taking any action likely to
defeat the purpose of this declaration, representation and warranty. It agrees that any
contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit obtained or procured as
aforesaid shall, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to GOPUNJ AB
under any law, contract or other instrument, be voidable at the option of GOPUNJ AB.

Notwithstanding any rights and remedies exercised by GOPUNJ AB in this regard, [name of
Supplier] agrees to indemnify GOPUNJ AB for any loss or damage incurred by it on account
of its corrupt business practices and further pay compensation to GOPUNJ AB in an amount
equivalent to ten time the sum of any commission, gratification, bribe, finders fee or
kickback given by *name of
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


Supplier+as aforesaid for the purpose of obtaining or inducing the procurement of any
contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit in whatsoever form from

Name of Buyer: Name of Seller/Supplier:

Signature: Signature:
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Completed and
Attachment Document Title Submitted

Exhibits in Vol-1 of RFP

Exhibit I Attachment I-2 Power(s) of Attorney

Attachment I-3 Proposal Security

Attachment I-4 Lender Acknowledgement Letter

Attachment I-5 Proposal Summary Information

Exhibit II Financial Data in Support of Project

Exhibit III Technical Data and Submittals

Exhibit IV Bidder and Contractors Information

Exhibit V Exceptions to RFP Documents

Exhibit VI Bidder's Project Schedule

Exhibit VII Proposed Company Organization Chart

Exhibit VIII Financial Model & Proposed Annual and
Levelized Tariff

PARTS in Vol-2 of RFP
Duly initiated by the Authorized

representative of the Bidder:
PART I Implementation Agreement (IA)
PART II Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
PART III Water Use Agreement (WUA)

In addition to the above Proposal documents and data specifically required by the RFP,
we enclose the following information:




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Instructions for Bidders:

1. If the Bidder is not a consortium, it will furnish a power of attorney authorizing the
person who signs the Proposal and other documents forming parts of the Proposal to
sign for and on behalf of the Bidder and to bind the Bidder to the signed Proposal and
document and any subsequent agreement.

2. If the Bidder is a consortium:

- Each member of the consortium (other than the Lead Bidder) shall furnish a
power of attorney authorizing the Lead Bidder to act and receive instructions on
behalf of all the consortium members and to submit the Proposal for and on their

- Each member of the consortium (including the Lead Bidder) shall furnish a power
of attorney authorizing the person who signs the Proposal and other documents
forming parts of the Proposal to sign for and on behalf of the Bidder (which term
includes all members of consortium) and to bind the Bidder to the signed
Proposal and document and any subsequent agreement.)

- All members of the consortium other than the Lead Bidder are also responsible to
abide by all the laws/clauses of the agreement.

Specimen of Power of Attorney

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Power of Attorney to be printed on stamp paper, signed and
notarized. In the case of a Pakistani Attorney, a copy of his national identity card (NIC)
should be attached with the Power of Attorney. In the case of a non-Pakistani Attorney, a
copy of his passport should be attached.

KNOW BY ALL MEANS THAT by this Power of Attorney ( Power of Attorney ),

_______________ [Insert name of Consortium Sponsor] having its registered office at [],
does hereby nominate, appoint and authorize Mr. _____________ s/o of _______________,

_____________ (whose specimen signature appears below) on behalf of ______________
[Insert name of Consortium Sponsor] hereinafter referred to as the Attorney , to :

(i) sign and submit to Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB), or its authorized
nominee the Statement of Qualifications and all other documents and instruments
( RFP ) required to submit a Hydro Power Project of 120 MW capacity located at

(ii) execute all such deeds, documents and instruments as may be considered necessary
and expedient in relation to the foregoing;

(iii) do and carry out all other actions as may be required by PPDB in connection with the
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Project, and

(iv) to immediately notify PPDB in writing of any impending or actual revocation as well as
any change in the terms of this Power of Attorney.

_____________ [Insert name of Consortium Bidder] does hereby ratify and confirm
whatever the Attorney shall do by virtue of these present.

1. For: __________________
2. By: __________________
(Specimen Signature of Authorized Attorney)

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




The Punjab Power Development Board,
C/O Energy Department,
Irrigation Secretariat,
Old Anarkali, Lahore,

Guarantee No. ____________________
Guarantee Amount __ ______________
Guarantee Executed on _____________
Expiry Date _______________________

Considering that our client __________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Bidder",
which expression shall mean and include its successors, executors, assigns, administrators
and legal representatives whether jointly or severally) is submitting to the Punjab Power
Development Board, Government of the Punjab (hereinafter referred to as "PPDB", which
expression shall mean and include its successors, executors, assigns, administrators and
legal representatives whether jointly or severally) a proposal (hereinafter referred to as the
"Proposal") for the development of ____ MW power plant at _____________ in the Punjab
on Build Own. Operate and Transfer (BOOT) (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") in
response to the Request of Proposals dated [________] issued by PPDB as amended,
modified, supplemented or varied through Addenda issued by PPDB from time to time
(hereinafter referred to as the "RFP"):

On the request of the Bidder, we, the undersigned, responsible delegates and
representatives of the [name of bank] (hereinafter referred to as the "Guarantor'', which
expression shall mean and include its successors, executors, assigns, administrators and
legal representatives whether jointly or severally), authorized to sign and make decisions in
its name declare by this guarantee (hereinafter referred as the "Proposal Security"), that the
Guarantor do hereby guarantee unconditionally and irrevocably to pay PPDB up to a sum of
United States Dollar [amount in words] (USD [amount in figures]) or equivalent in Pak. Rs. in
accordance with the following:

1. Immediately upon receipt of PPDB's first written request stating either:

a. that the Bidder has withdrawn its Proposal during the proposal validity period specified
in the RFP; or

b. that the Bidder has failed to accept the correction of its Proposal, in accordance with
RFP; or

c. that the Bidder, when invited by PPDB to do so, has failed within the time limits
specified in the RFP to:

(i) furnish the required Performance Guarantee in accordance with the RFP: or

(ii) finalize the Project Agreements in accordance with the RFP.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Notwithstanding any objection of the Bidder or of any other party, the Guarantor shall
pay to PPDB the above mentioned amount or any other amount(s) PPDB may
demand, provided that such amount(s) shall not exceed the above mentioned amount,
by any method of payment which is acceptable to PPDB. The decision of PPDB as to
the Bidder's default, delay or failure in performance listed above shall be final and

2. Any payments made to PPDB on its request shall be net and free of and without any
present or future deductions such as for the payment of any taxes, executions, duties,
expenses, fees, deductions or retentions regardless of the nature thereof or the
authority levying the same.

3. The undertakings in this Proposal Security constitute direct, unconditional and
irrevocable obligations of the Guarantor. The Guarantor shall not be exonerated from
all or any part of such obligations for any reason or cause whatsoever, such as
changes in the terms and conditions of the RFP or extension of the proposal validity
period of the RFP or changes in the scope of the Project or nature of the work required
to be executed or failure to perform or the carrying out of any act or procedure by
PPDB or by a third party that would or could exempt or release Guarantor from its
obligations and liabilities under this Proposal Security.

4. The Guarantor hereby binds itself unconditionally and irrevocably and undertakes and
guarantees to pay on first written demand of PPDB, without protest or demur and
without reference, notice or recourse to the Bidder or any other person, without
requiring PPDB to prove or to show grounds or reasons for such demand and hereby
expressly waive all rights to deny its obligations to PPDB irrespective of any dispute,
difference or disagreement between the Bidder and PPDB or contestation by any other

5. This Proposal Security sets forth in full the terms of Guarantor's undertaking and this
undertaking shall not be modified, amended, or amplified in any way by reference to
any document, instrument or agreement referred to therein, and any such reference
shall not be deemed to incorporate by reference any document, instrument or

Authorized signature-and bank seal




Witness to attach copy of CNIC
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





The Punjab Power Development Board,
C/o Energy Department,
Irrigation Secretariat,
Old Anarkali, Lahore,

Dear Sir:

This refers to the Request of Proposals dated [________] issued by the Punjab Power
Development Board (PPDB) Government of the Punjab as amended, modified,
supplemented or varied through [list all Addenda with title and date issued by PPDB
(the "RFP") for the development and implementation of a ____ MW Hydel power
generation project at _____________ in the Punjab on a Build, Own, Operate and
Transfer (BOOT basis). All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the RFP.

We hereby acknowledge and confirm that:

1. We have reviewed the RFP in its entirety;

2. We have also reviewed in detail with (the "Bidder") the draft Project Agreements
attached as PART I to III to the Bidder's Proposal to PPDB dated [date of Proposal]
and presented the matters related to the financing of the Project to our credit
committee and senior management.

3. Based on our review and credit committee process, we require no modifications to, and
have no other issues with the draft Project Agreements attached to the Bidder's
Proposal, except as clearly marked by the Bidder on copies of same as part of Bidder's
Proposal and listed in Exhibit V (Exceptions to RFP Documents) to the Bidder's
Proposal, in accordance with the requirements of the RFP.

4. Our proposed term sheet included in [Exhibit II] of the Bidder's Proposal contains in its
entirety all material terms that we require to be included in the Financing Documents in
the event Bidder is selected as the Successful Bidder by PPDB.

[The Lender]


Authorized signatories
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




A) Name of Lead Bidder ________________________________
B) Names of Consortium Members ________________________________
C) Contract Capacity Offered in MW ________________________________
D) Number of generating units ________________________________
E) Power generation technology ________________________________
F) Levelized Tariff in Pak. Rs.______ /kWh ________________________________
G) Are there any exceptions taken to the
RFP terms and conditions, as detailed YES: _____ NO: _____
in Exhibit V?

H) Are there any technical exceptions taken

to the RFP, as detailed in Exhibit V? YES: _____ NO: _____
I) Are there any exceptions taken to IA: YES: _____ NO:_____
project agreements, as detailed in PPA: YES: _____ NO:_____
Exhibit V? WUA: YES: _____ NO:_____

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




The Bidder shall be responsible for mobilizing the financing for the project
agreements required to secure financing for the Project will be entered into between
the Bidder or the Project Company and the institutions providing the financing for the
Project and shall be based on the financial plan presented by the Bidder in its
Proposal. Any subsequent changes to the financial plan after finalization of the project
agreements will require the approval of PPDB.

(The financial plan provided by the Bidder will describe the sources of funds and the
terms of financing /or both debt and equity as applicable. The Bidder will provide
details on the financing sources as outlined in Table II 1. The financing should be in
an amount sufficient to cover all estimated costs of the project.)

Financing will be in the form of equity and debt. At least 20% of the total Project cost
inclusive of contingencies and interest during construction, will be in the form of equity
and the remainder in debt or subordinated debt. The Main Sponsor or Lead Bidder
shall be required to hold at least 20% of the total equity of the Project Company and
must hold such equity from the LOS issuance date until the sixth anniversary of the
COD of the Project. All the members of the Successful Bidder collectively must hold
at least 51% of the total equity for the same period.

(Use Bid Exchange Rate for the purposes of calculation.)

TABLE II 1: Source of Funds

(PKR Million)
Local Currency
(PKR Millions)
Equi val ent
(PKR Millions)
1 2 3 (2 + 3) = 4
1) Total Project Cost
2) Main Sponsor
(Member of Bidder Consortium)
(Member of Bidder Consortium)
(Member of Bidder Consortium)
(Any other source)
(Any other source)
Total Equity:
3) Debt Financing
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

(PKR Million)
Local Currency
(PKR Millions)
Equi val ent
(PKR Millions)
1 2 3 (2 + 3) = 4
Total Debt:
Stand-by Credit Facility (in
addition to total Project Cost)
(Note: Bidder shall add or delete the titles or heads as required)


(The Bidder shall provide its drawdown plan for uses of funds in Table II 2 below.
The titles or heads used in the table are for illustration purposes. The Bidder shall add
or delete the titles or heads as required. Use Bid Exchange Rate for the purposes of


No. Item
(Equivalent PKR)
A Civil Works
A-1 Intake of Head Race
A-2 Head Race
A-3 Power House
A-4 Intake of Power House
----- Tail Race
------ Roads
----- ------
Hydraulic Steel Structure, M&E Works
with all sub-items
C Engineering and Supervision
D Administration Cost if any
E Resettlement and Mitigation if applicable
F Interest During Construction
G Debt and Equity and Financing Cost
H Other Items

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


(Bidder shall provide quarterly drawdown schedule of debt and equity financing for the
Project in Table II 3 below starling from Financial Closing up to the COD of the
Project. Use Bid Exchange Rate for the purposes of calculation.)

TABLE II 3: Financing Drawdown Schedule
(from Financial Closing through the COD)


1 2

.. . 15 16


1) Equity Financing:
[Main Sponsor]
Million Rs.
% of Total
Million Rs.
% of Total
Million Rs.
% of Total
[Total Equity]
Million Rs.
% of Total

2) Debt Financing:
Million Rs.
% of Total
Million Rs.
% of Total
Million Rs.
% of Total
[Total Debt]
Million Rs.
% of Total

3) Total Million Rs.
% of Total

(Bidder to add or delete columns for "Quarter" as necessary)

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


(Bidder shall provide quarterly disbursement schedule for the project costs in Table II
4 below starting from Financial Closing to the COD of the Project. Use Bid Exchange
Rate for the purposes of calculation.)

TABLE II 4: Cost Disbursement Schedule (from Financial Closing through the COD)



.. . 15 16


1) Construction Cost:
Construction Cost of
Million Rs.
% of Total
Total Construction
Million Rs.
% of Total


Million Rs.
% of Total

Other Costs

Initial Inventory of
Spares Million Rs. of

Development Costs
prior to COD Million
Rs. of Total

Financing Costs
Million Rs. of Total

Initial Working Capital
Million Rs. of Total

Debt Servicing
Reserves Million Rs.
of Total

Total Other Cost
Million Rs. of Total

Total Million Rs. of

(Bidder to add or delete items and columns as necessary)


(Bidder shall provide summary of the terms and conditions of the debt financing in
Table II 5 below consistent with the detailed terms staled to be attached elsewhere.
Use Bid Exchange Rate for the purposes of calculation.)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

TABLE II 5: Summary of Terms and Conditions of Debt Financing

Description [ Lender ] [ Lender ] [ Lender ] [ Lender ]
Amount (in Million Rs.)
Currency of Loan
Availability Period
(Months from Financial Closing)
Final Maturity (Years from Financial Closing)
Grace Period (Years from Financial Closing)
Repayment Period (Years from COD) Ten
Repayment Period Frequency (Months)
Interest Rate (%) 3months KIBOR (Bid)+3%
as on ___________________
Upfront Fees (%)
Commitment/Drawdown Fees (%)
[Other Fees (%)]
(Bidder to add or delete columns as necessary)


(Bidder shall provide repayment schedule/or each loan Table II-6 below consistent
with the detailed terms stated to be attached elsewhere. Use Bid Exchange Rate for
the purposes of calculation.)

TABLE II 6: Repayment Schedule for [Lender *]

Repayment Date
Principal Amount
Repayment (PKR Millions)
Interest Amount
(PKR Millions)
Total Payment
(PKR Millions)

[ Date ]

[ Date ]

[ Date ]

[ Date ]



[ Date ]

(Bidder to add or delete rows as necessary)
[* This table shall be provided for each Lender or Loan Separately]

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


(The Bidder shall provide herein projected cash flow statement for the Project
Company up to the end of the Term of the PPA, based on its proposed annual Tariff.
Bid Exchange Rate under other assumptions set out in the RFP, in a conventional
manner showing net cash flows from operating activities, financing and investment for
each Agreement year and shall calculate debt service coverage ratio for each
Agreement Year.)


(Bidder shall provide herein letters of commitment from the Chief Executive Officer or
Treasurer/Controller of each of the companies verifying that the company will provide
the amount of equity stated in Table III-1 above. The letter of commitment from the
Main Sponsor or the Lead Bidder provided herein shall also state its commitment to
hold at least 20% of the equity from the date of issue of LOS to the sixth anniversary of
the COD of the Project. The letters from all the members of the consortium provided
herein shall also state their commitment to hold collectively 51% of the total equity for
the same lock-in period)


(If Bidder has appointed a financial advisor/arranger for the Project, please provide the
name of the organization, the lead person who will perform the services from the
organization, and the qualification statement for the organization and the lead person.)


(The Bidder shall provide herein a summary of the proposed insurance plan to cover
the risks associated with the construction and operation of the Project over the Term
indicating Inter alia:
- the names of potential insurers;
- the risks covered; and
- the amount of covers and the expected exclusions.)

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





The following data is provided by Bidder and will be subsequently included in the
attachments or schedules to the PPA. The Tariff stated in PART E, Exhibit VIII are
based upon data furnished herein.

1.1 Contract Capacity of the Plant for each Agreement Year of the Term shall be provided
in Table III-11.3. The net output provided shall be based upon the use of the
equipment in the prior years and any maintenance to be performed on the equipment.

1.2 Bidder shall provide the Correction Curves which are to be used to verify the
performance (i.e. Contract Capacity).

1.3 Bidder shall provide the following guaranteed data for environmental impact
assessment of noise levels:

- At Site boundary

- At one meter from major equipment

- At one hundred meters from major equipment

1.4 Auxiliary load consumption by Project _________________ MW


2.1 Provide a short description infrastructure of the Plant, and supporting facilities and
Site infrastructure.

2.2 Source of major components.

Type / Manufacturer
Turbine Manufacturer
Governor Type / Manufacturer
Generator Type / Manufacturer
Excitation System Type / Manufacturer
Generator Busduct Type / Manufacturer
Main Step-up Transformers Type / Manufacturer
Major pumps Manufacturer
MV / LV Switchgear Type / Manufacturer
Control System Manufacturer
SF6 GIS switchgear Manufacturer

2.4 Provide a listing of the Codes and Standards to be used in design, manufacturing,
construction, performance testing, and quality control for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

and Control/Instrumentation works of the Project.

2.5 Describe provisions made for SCADA system.


- Conceptual project layout drawings.
- Equipment general arrangement layout drawings.
- Piping and Instrument diagrams (P & IDs) of major systems.
- Single line electrical diagram.
- Single line metering and relaying diagram.
- Power Plant control system configuration
- Control room layout.


Bidder shall provide historical data for the following items:

4.1 Overall Design of Plant

If a Plant of similar size with similar design of systems and preferably the same
equipment manufacturer, has been operating for the past three (3) years, provide the
name of the Plant, year commissioned, name of owner and representative (phone and
Fax number), with data on reliability, availability, Giga watt hours produced for each of
the last three years, and the number of forced outages or reduced output due to
technical difficulties. Information on more than one Plant is desirable but not
mandatory. (This is in addition to similar information asked somewhere else in the


Bidder shall fill out the data sheets provided hereafter.

Description Bidders Response
As a minimum, the following data sheets,
drawings, and performance curves relating
to the Project Company's proposal shall be
Insert in this column all the data
requested or the page number in
the proposal where the information
is provided.
6.1 Turbine (24.74X5 MW) and

a) Rated Discharge 462 m
b) Turbine Manufacturer
c) Model/type
[The number, rated discharge and
capacity of the units shall be
checked in the light of comments
made in the due diligence report]

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
d) Guaranteed Output (MW)
e) RPM
f) Maximum Runaway Speed
g) Turbine Efficiency
h) Type of bearing
i) Runners weight, material and
a) Parameters
b) Range
c) Compressor unit (if any)



6.2 Generator & Accessories
a. Manufacturer
Rated Output (MVA)
Rotor, Moment of Inertia (GD

Design Runaway Speed (RPM)
Rated Power Factor (PF)
No Load Losses (kW)
Load Losses (kW)
Efficiency (%)
Maximum Temperature Rise (K)
Temperature Rise (K):
Stator Windings
Rotor Windings
Direction of Rotation
b. Rated voltage at generator
terminal (kV)
c. Frequency range (Hz)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
d. Rated output (MW)
e. Short circuit ratio
f. Insulation class
g. Type of cooling
h. Design standard
i. Brakes
j. No. of Poles
k. Speed (RPM)
l. Maximum current (A)
m. Rated Current (A)
Excitation System
a. Type
b. Current rating and voltage
c. Excitation current at Power
Factor unity and 0.8.
d. Excitation Voltage at Power
Factor unity and 0.8
Neutral Earthing Equipment
a. Transformer
Rating (kVA)
Voltage ratio
BIL (kV) (Basic Impulse
Insulation Level (surge)
b. Secondary resistor
Resistance (ohms)
Current rating (A)
Generator Circuit Breakers
a. Manufacturer
____________________ _______










Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
b. Type/Model/Rating
c. Rated voltage (kV)
d. Current Rating (kA)
e. Interrupting rating (kA)
Rated Power Frequency Withstand
Voltage, rms (kV)
Rated Switching Impulse Withstand
Voltage, peak (kV)
Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand
Voltage, peak (kV)
Rated Duration of Short Circuit (sec)




6.3 Power Transformers
Applicable Standards (Nominal rating
Design Data
Maximum Continuous Rating



Rated Voltage (kV):
Primary Winding (HV)
Secondary Winding (LV)
Maximum & Minimum Operating
Voltages kV (rms)
Impedance (%)
Vector Group
Lossses (kW):
Tapping Range (%)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
No. of Taps
Winding Rated Lightning Impulse (1.2
x 50 s, full wave) withstand Voltage
(kV, Peak)
Windings Rated 1 min. Power
Frequency Withstand Voltage (kV,
Winding Rated Switching Impulse
Withstand Voltage of High Voltage
Terminal (kV, Peak)

Rated temperature rise (









Basic Insulation Level:
a. HV winding (kV)
b. Neutral of HV winding (kV)
c. LV winding (kV)
d. Neutral of LV winding (kV)
e. Type of tap changer
f. Total power requirements of
auxiliary equipment (kW)
g. Type of cooling
h. Quantity of Oil
i. Design standard
6.4 Medium Voltage Switchgear
Rated Switching Impulse Withstand
Applicable Standards
Design Data
Rated/nominal voltage (kV)
Rated Current of the Busbar (A)
Rated Power Frequency Withstand
Voltage, rms (kV)




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
Voltage, peak (kV)
Rated Short Time Withstand Current
Rated Peak Withstand Current (kA)
Protection Class (IP)
Temperature Rise of Busbars at
Rated Current (K)
Circuit Breaker:
Rated Voltage (kV)
Rated Frequency (Hz)
Rated Current (A)
Rated Power Frequency
Withstand Voltage, (kV/1 min)
Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand
Voltage, (kV)
Rated Short Circuit Breaking
Current (kA/3sec)
Rated Short Circuit Making
Current (kA)
Operating Voltage (VAC)








6.5 Generator Busduct
Rated Voltage (kV)
Rated Current at Design Ambient
Temperature (A)
b. Type and Design Standard
c. Material
Symmetrical Short Circuit Current
d. Cross Sectional Area of
Conductor mm


Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
6.6 GIS Substation
Rated Voltage (kV)
Rated Busbar Current (kA)
Rated Frequency (Hz)
Rated Short Time Withstand
Current (kA/3sec)
Rated Peak Withstand
Current (kA)
Rated Power Frequency Withstand
Voltage, (kV/1 min):
Phase-Earth/ Phase-Phase
Across Isolating Gap
Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand
Voltage, 1.2/50 sec (kV):
Phase-Earth/ Phase-Phase
Across Isolating Gap

Circuit Breaker:

Rated Voltage (kV)
Rated Frequency (Hz)
Rated Current (A)
No. of Poles
Rated Short Time Withstand
Current (kA/3sec)
Rated Peak Withstand
Current (kA)
Rated Short Circuit Breaking
Current (kA)
Rated Short Circuit Making
Current (kA)
Line Charging Breaking








Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Bidders Response
Current (A)
Rated Power Frequency
Withstand Voltage, (kV/1 min)
Rated Lightning Impulse
Withstand Voltage, (kV)
Rated Operating Sequence
Operating Mechanism



6.7 Gate Equipment
Powerhouse Gate Equipment:
a. Stoplogs Manufacturer
b. Intake Stoplog Sections/Set
c. Intake Gantry Crane
d. Draft Tube Stoplog
e. Draft Tube Gantry Crane
f. Trashrack Manufacture
g. Trashrack Sections/Set
h. Trashrack Cleaning Grab
Operating System /
i. De-Silting System Gate Type
j. De-silting Gates Manufacturer






Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Reference Data
Plant Layout
Overall site layout drawing showing principal
dimensions, major plants, buildings. roads, etc.

Layout and elevation drawings of proposed

Layout and typical section drawings of GIS/

Proposed layout and elevation drawings of all
buildings and structures in the project.

Description of Hydro Turbines & Governors
General arrangement / Flow Diagram of Major
Mechanical components of Power Station

General arrangement / Flow Diagram of
Dewatering system

General arrangement / Flow Diagram of Fire
Fighting system

General arrangement of Drainage system

General arrangement for powerhouse gate

Electrical single line diagrams (showing
equipment ratings) for GIS/ switchyard and
overall plant electric system including
connections for emergency diesel generator.

Generator Capability Curve
Principal Protection/Metering block diagram for
generators, generator station transformers,
and electrical systems.

7.3.4 One line block diagram for each battery and
UPS system.

7.3.5 One line block diagram for energy metering

7.3.6 Description of philosophy for sizing of
transformers, station/station auxiliary
switchboards, battery and UPS system.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Description Reference Data
7.3.7 Description of generator and excitation
systems with block diagrams.

7.3.8 General arrangement drawings of generator
main connections showing generator, unit
transformers and generator transformers.

7.4 Control and Instrumentation
7.4.1 Block diagram/configuration of proposed
Power Plant Control System showing all major
components of the Plant.

7.4.2 Brief description of the Control System,
including the capabilities, hardware, features
provided, redundancy, firmware and software
provided communication links etc. to other
SCADA systems, the latter requirements will
be agreed with the National Power Control
Center (NPCC).

7.4.3 Basic schematics of the power block and
common auxiliary plant control systems.


8.1 Type of Plant

Describe technology used, number of units, ratings.

8.2 Standards Applied to Project Design and Equipment Selection

All designs, materials, and equipment will conform to the requirements of PART-F.
The codes and standards that follow will be used where applicable to the equipment,
material, components, or construction practices. All work described will be designed,
constructed, tested and installed in accordance with the latest edition of the following
list of codes and standards. In order not to create possible duplication or different
interpretations, the names and initials of the respective entities must not be

In the event conflicts arise between the codes and standards of practice described
herein and codes, laws, rules, decrees, regulations, standards, etc., of the locality
where the equipment is to be installed, the codes and standards of practice described
herein will govern. In the event conflicts arise between any of the codes and standards
described herein, the more stringent section of the applicable codes will govern. Each
of the equipment and designs will comply with one or more of the above codes, but
none will necessarily comply with all the listed standards.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

8.2.1 General Design Codes

8.2.2 Civil Engineering Design Criteria, Standards and Codes

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AWS American Welding Society
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials
AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ACI American Concrete Institute

8.2.3 Mechanical Engineering Design Criteria, Standards and Codes

ABMA American Bearing Manufacturers Association.
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association.
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
ANSI American National Standards
ASTM American Society for Testing of Materials
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
AWS American Welding Society
AWWA American Water Works Association.
BS British Standards Institute
CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America.
DIN German standards, Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V.
EN European Standards
FEM Fdration Europenne de la Manutention
HI Hydraulics Institute.
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IAPMO Uniform Plumbing Code of International Association of Plumbing &
Mechanical Officials.
J IS J apanese Industrial Standard
MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fillings
NFPA National Fire Protection Association, USA
NEC National Electrical Code.
SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council.
NFP (A) National Fluid Power Association.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


8.2.4 Control and Electrical Engineering Design Criteria, Standards and Codes

The equipment shall be manufactured and tested according to the following
international standards.

IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machinery
IEC 60044-1 Current Transformers
IEC 60044-2 Voltage Transformers
IEC 60076 Power Transformers
IEC 60076-11 Dry-type power transformers
IEC 60076-10 Determination of sound levels
IEC 60085 Electrical insulation-Thermal evaluation and designation
IEC 60137 Insulated Bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V
IEC 60146 Semiconductor converters
IEC 60204 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines all parts
IEC 60214-2 Tap changers- Application guide
IEC 60255-1 Measuring relays and protection equipment
IEC 60296 Unused mineral Insulating Oil for Transformer and Switchgear
IEC 60269 Low voltage fuses
IEC 60364 Low-voltage electrical installations
IEC 60309 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
IEC 60265-1 Switches for rated voltage above 1 kV and less than 52kV
IEC 60439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
IEC 60598 1 Luminaries general requirements and tests.
IEC 60616 Terminal and tapping Marking for Power Transformer
IEC 60662 High pressure sodium vapor lamps
IEC 60715 Dimensions of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 60801 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment
IEC 60870 Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-104: Transmission
IEC 50(161) Electromagnetic compatibility
IEC 60896 Stationary lead-acid batteries
IEC 60906 IEC system of plugs, socket-outlets for household and similar
IEC 60947 Standards for Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 60999 Connecting devices- Electrical Copper Conductors
IEC 61131 Programmable Logic Controllers
IEC 62271-1 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear-Common specifications
IEC 62271-100 High Voltage AC Circuit Breakers
IEC 62271-200 AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages
above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
ANSI C29.1 Test Methods for Electrical Power Insulators
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

ANSI C37.20 Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker
ANSI C37.23 Metal-Enclosed Bus
ANSI C37.24 Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal-
Clad Switchgear
ANSI C29.10 Wet-Process Porcelain Insulators Indoor type
ANSI Z55.1 Gray finishes of Industrial Apparatus and Equipment
NEMA SG5 Power Switchgear Assemblies
ASTM A36 Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel
IEEE 115 Guide for Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines
IEEE Std. C37.013 AC High-Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers
IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding.
IEEE 665-1995 Guide for Generating Station Grounding

8.3 Information of Major Equipment

Provide the information requested below for all major equipment suppliers that have
been selected for the Project.

Equipment Suppliers Name
Turbines Governor
Excitation System
Step-up Transformers
Power Plant Control System
Generator Busduct (Common Enclosures)
Emergency Diesel Generator
MV / LV Switchgear
Other (specify)

8.4 List of Participants

Check all of the following that have been selected.
Check if
Status (l etter
of intent,
contract, etc.)
Environmental Consulting Firm
Construction Firm
Operations & Maintenance Contractor
Other (describe)
Power Train Subcontractor
Local Counsel
Financial Advisor/Lender
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


8.5 Additional Data

Attach the following data clearly labeled. Individual data should be numbered to
correspond to the question they are addressing.

8.5.1 Describe the equipment suppliers' experience with the specific models that will be
used for each major piece of equipment as specified.

8.5.2 Provide drawings showing the location of the Plant in relation to the Delivery Point.
Show the proposed route(s) for the High Voltage interconnection facilities and/or
service lines.

8.5.3 Provide drawings of the Plant's site layout and major equipment arrangement.
Identify the size of major components and describe areas of key equipment

8.5.4 Provide any additional technical information that is available (e.g. drawings,
specifications, etc.).

8.5.5 Provide preliminary generator capability curves and specify the reactive capability
and control strategies for the Project. Also describe any voltage or equipment
limitation affecting the NPCC ability to control the reactive output.

8.5.6 Describe the equipment procurement plan. Provide information concerning how
commitments to purchase major equipment items relate to the schedules for
acquiring permits and financing. Provide information concerning any equipment
production space that has been reserved with suppliers of major components. Note
that all equipment must be new and unused.

8.5.7 Provide descriptions of the fire protection systems to be used including those within
any equipment enclosures, any buildings and all general site facilities.

8.5.8 Provide descriptions of equipment enclosures (including buildings) and what
protection against the weather will be provided to major machines during periods of
maintenance, especially if no high-bay buildings are to be constructed.

8.5.9 Provide a description of the overall control system used for the Project equipment
including all local, centralized and remote controlling including the proposed means
to communicate with the NPCC to follow its instructions.

8.5.10 Describe how the Plant will be started, including the expected amount of time to
synchronize each unit, starting with the equipment in "cold" and "warm" conditions.
State the maximum MVA and MW required from the NTDC system to start the Plant.

8.5.11 Provide a description of the monitoring and protection systems to be used on major
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

equipment including the prime movers, generators, transformers, substations and
interconnection lines. Describe how the protection systems for the 132 KV / 11KV
interconnection lines will be coordinated with the corresponding NTDC installations.
(Switchyard and substation)

8.5.12 Provide a description of the design of the cooling, potable and waste waters facilities.
Provide a description of the water plan for the project including average, minimum,
and maximum water cooling water intake and discharge structures, destination,
temperature, quantity and quality of plant discharge water.

8.5.13 Provide a description of design of dewatering and drainage systems.

8.5.14 Describe how the auxiliary power will be obtained when plant is disconnected from
the 132 kV / 11KV systems.

8.5.15 Provide design values for seismic, wind and any other data.


9.1 Address the following issues as they relate to design and construction of the Project.

9.1.1 Describe the proposed timetable to carry out the Environmental Impact Study, if you
are awarded the contract. Indicate the scope of the Environmental Impact Study and
the methodology to be used to perform this study and to present its findings and
recommendations. State also the commitment of the Winning Bidder to carry out all
suggestions and recommendations of the study, including possible design

9.1.2 Noise impact analysis and mitigation: Please describe technology to be employed or
actions to be taken to reduce noise. Provide the guaranteed maximum sound levels for
the plant at all of the plant boundaries and at any plant interfaces with other entities
including residential, industrial and others. Provide the guaranteed sound level for the
plant at one and one half (1.5) meter from the equipment enclosures or exterior walls
of the powerhouse(s) at the station boundary.

The measurement shall not include the existing background noise.


10.1 Single Line Diagram of Generators and Interconnections etc:

10.1.1 A detailed single-line diagram from the generators and interconnection to the 132 kV
GIS and NTDCs transmission network. Identify the Point(s) of Delivery.

10.1.2 Equipment descriptions and functional specifications of:
- Generators, transformers, switchgear equipment, circuit breakers, etc;
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

- Protective relays, current transformers, voltage transformers, etc;
- Metering System;
- Telecommunication equipment; and
- Control and data acquisition system.

Any design changes which may affect the interconnection must be reviewed and
approved by Power Purchaser. This approval does not relieve the Successful Bidder
from any contractual responsibility.


11.1 Guaranteed Estimated Capacity
(This information should be provided by Bidder)

11.2 Plant Capacity
(This information should be provided by Bidder)

11.3 Guaranteed Overall Performance of Plant

Table III: 11.3
Guaranteed Overall Performance of Plant Net Power Output 100%
Description Units Pl ant
System Output kW *
Auxiliary Power +Losses kW *
Other Auxiliary Loads, Including Auxiliary Transformers
kW *
Step-up Transformer Losses kW *
Total Losses kW *
Net Power Output at high voltage side of Generator Step-
up Transformer**
kW *
Noise Level (World Bank Guidelines) db(A) @ Plant
Equipment db(A)
@1 meter

* The Bidder shall fill-in data.
** The Bidder shall guarantee these values for Initial Operation and for each year of a
Three (3) year period subsequent to Commercial Operation Date (COD).

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


12.1 Technical Maturity

Check all that apply:

a) Quantity One or more similar plant(s) has (have) achieved
an annual equivalent availability equal to or greater than 60%
over two consecutive years during commercial operation.

b) One or more similar facility (ies) is (are) currently in commercial

d) None of the above.

12.1.1 For each of the facilities referenced above, fill out a copy of the form
below which describes operating history and statistics

Project Name __________________________________________
Location ______________ ____________________________
Contactor of Plant __________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Phone Number __________________________________________
Plant Owner __________________________________________
Name __________________________________________
Phone Number __________________________________________
Power Purchaser __________________________________________
Name __________________________________________
Phone Number __________________________________________

The project time-line in 20____

Year of Operation: 20 ____ 20 ____ 20 ____
Operational Months that Year:
Annual Equivalent Availability

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


13.1 Operating Characteristics

13.1.1 Net Generation Levels of Project:

Maximum emergency level: capacity that may
be available during system declared
emergencies ______________MW
Minimum emergency level: used during system
declared emergencies ______________MW
______________hours available

Net capability: the maximum level that the Project
could be despatched during normal system

Interim operating level: the operating level at
which the unit operates most efficiently (i.e. at the
designed discharge)

Minimum operating level: the minimum level that
the Project could be dispatched during normal
system conditions (i.e. at the discharge 95%


13.2 Maintenance

13.2.1 Annual Maintenance Outage Schedule

Duration (number of hours): ____________________________
Time of Year (season): ____________________________
Cycle (number of operating hours): ____________________________

13.2.2 Major Overhaul Outage Schedule
Duration (number of hours): ____________________________
Time of Year (season): ____________________________
Cycle (number of operating hours): ____________________________

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

13.2.3 Turbine Inspection Schedule
Duration (number of hours): ____________________________
Time of Year (season): ____________________________
Cycle (number of operating hours): ____________________________

13.2.4 Annual Availability of the Project:
___% Annual Availability while Running in Final Phase
___% Operational Availability
___% Planned and Maintenance Outages
___% Forced Outages
100 % Total

Note: Annual availability should exclude major overhaul outages.

13.3 Operations and Maintenance Staff and Services

Attach the following data clearly labeled.

13.3.1 Operator's experience with Project technology - provide number of unit-years of
experience with generating facilities of the same or similar technology and size as the

13.3.2 Provide the plan for operational staffing including, but not limited to, the number, type
and responsibilities of operations personnel on each shift.

13.3.3 Provide plan of maintenance staffing including, but not limited to, the number of
permanent on-site maintenance personnel and their responsibilities; the personnel
available for emergency maintenance and their response times; and the personnel
that will be utilized for minor and major scheduled maintenance. If contracted, specify
contractor, location and experience with this type of equipment.

13.3.4 Describe briefly procedure that will be followed for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly
maintenance programs.

13.3.5 Provide outline plans for initial and ongoing training of all plant and support
personnel, including any qualifications programs.

13.3.6 Provide brief description of plans for the purchasing and warehousing of tools, parts
and supplies.

13.3.7 Provide a major maintenance schedule.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




(In Table IV 1 and Table IV 2. the Bidder shall provide the required information
regarding each member of the Bidder consortium, as prequalified or with any change
in the consortium as approved by the PPDB pursuant to the RFP.)

TABLE IV 1: Legal Form and Organization of Bidder

Sr. # Item Information
1 Name of Bidder [Lead Bidder/Main Sponsor]
2 Home Office Address
[Other members of Bidder
3 Telephone/Fax/Email
4 Regional Office Address
5 Telephonic / Fax / Email
Authorized Person for contact for the
7 Contact Address of Authorized Person
8 Telephone/Fax/Email of Authorized Person
9 Legal Form
[e.g. company, corporation,
partnership, consortium, individual]
10 Capitalization of Bidder
11 Organization Charts [To be attached by Bidder]
Memorandum and Clauses of Association
and Form A, Form 29 [To be attached by Bidder]
13 Consortium Agreement [To be attached by Bidder]

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

TABLE IV 2: Legal Form and Organization of Bidder Members

Sr. # Item Lead Bidder Other Member Other Member
1 Name
2 Legal Form [e.g. company,
[e.g. company,
[e.g. company,
3 Country of
Registration /

4 Home Office Address
5 Telephone/Fax/ Email
6 Name and Position of
Contact Person

7 Address of Contract

8 Telephone/Fax/
Email of Contract

9 Share in Total Equity
of the Project (%)

10 Organizational Charts [To be attached by
[To be attached
by Bidder]
[To be attached
by Bidder]

(Bidder to add or delete column as required)


(If there is any significant change in the information submitted during pre-qualification,
with respect to the financial condition of any member of the Bidder consortium
participating in this proposal or withdrawal of any member from the pre-qualified
Bidder consortium, the Bidder shall provide herein the details about such changes.)


(In Table IV 3 and Table IV 4, the Bidder shall provide the required information
regarding the proposed Construction Contractor and main sub-contractors as

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

TABLE IV 3: General Information about Construction Contractor

S. No Item Informati on
1 Name of Construction Contractor
2 Legal Form
[e.g. company, corporation,
partnership, consortium, individual]
3 Country of Registration/Incorporation
4 Home Office Address
5 Telephone/Fax/Email
6 Name and Position of Contact Person for
the Project
7 Address of Contact Person
8 Telephone/Fax/Email of Contact Person
9 Area of Main Business
10 Number of Staff in Main Business Engineers:
11 Number of Power Projects successfully

The Bidder shall complete Table IV-3 for each main sub-contractor for the
Project separately as necessary, including scope of work in the Project.

TABLE IV 4: Power Project Reference of Construction Contractor

S. No. Item Information
1 Name of Project
2 Location of Plant
3 Name of Owner
4 Name of [Power] Purchaser
5 Capacity of Plant
6 Type of Plant
7 Number and Rated Capacity of Units
8 Status of Plant [Under Construction or
Commercial Operation]
9 Principal Manufacturers of Major Equipment
10 Role in the Project
Duration of Construction
Period _____________
12 Commercial Operation Date______________
13 Value of Contract
14 Other Details

Note: This Table IV-4 shall be completed for each reference project (at least three
projects) separately as necessary. The Bidder shall complete this form for O&M
sub-contractor as necessary.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



In Table IV-5 and Table IV-6, the Bidder shall provide the required information
regarding the proposed O&M Contractor and main sub-contractors as necessary.
[Separate Table IV-3 and Table IV-4 shall be completed by Bidder for the Plant if the
Contractors are different for the two plants.]

TABLE IV 5: General Information about O&M Contractor

Sr. # Item Information

1 Name of O&M Contractor
2 Legal Form [e.g. company, corporation,
partnership, consortium, individual]

3 Country of Registration/Incorporation

4 Home Office Address

5 Telephone/Fax/Email

Name and Position of Contact Person
for the Project

7 Address of Contact Person

8 Telephone/Fax/Email of Contact Person

9 Area of Main Business

10 Number of Staff in Main Business Engineers: Others:

Number and Years of (Power)
Projects under Operation

Note: The Bidder shall complete this Table IV-5 for each main sub-contractor for the
Project separately as necessary, including scope of work in the Project.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

TABLE IV 6: Power Project reference of O&M Contractor

Sr. # Item Information
1 Name of Project

2 Location of Plant

3 Name of Owner

4 Name of (Power] Purchaser

5 Capacity of Plant

6 Type of Plant

7 Number and Rated Capacity of Units

8 Principal Manufacturers of Major Equipment

9 Commercial Operations Date of each Unit

10 Annual Availability Factor

11 Annual Load Factor

12 Annual Overall Station Efficiency

13 Other Details

This Table IV-6 shall be completed/or each reference project separately (at
least three projects of similar type and size which have been in successful
operation for at least three years) as necessary. The Bidder shall complete this
form for O&M sub-contractor as necessary.

(In Table IV-7 and Table IV-8, the Bidder shall provide the required information
regarding the proposed manufacturers/suppliers of main equipment for the Project, up
to a maximum of three
(3) suppliers for each equipment category.)

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

TABLE IV 7: List of Manufactures/Suppliers of Main Equipment

Sr. # Main Equipment
Name of Country Address of

Supplier Make Suppliers

1 Turbines 1)
2 Generators 1)
3 Other Electro-mechanical 1)


Table IV 8: Reference for Main Equipment

Sr. # Item Information

1 Name of Project

2 Location of Plant

3 Name of Owner/Client

4 Name of Power Purchaser

Type, size and Main Parameters of the Equipment

6 Type of Plant

7 Year of Commissioning of Equipment

Relevant Operational Parameters of Equipment
hours of operation]

9 Other Details

Notes: This Table IV-8 shall be completed/or each reference project separately (at
least three projects) as necessary. The Bidder should complete this Table IV-8
for each type main equipment.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


(In Table IV-9 and Table IV-10, the Bidder shall provide the required information
regarding the Project Company's or Owner's Engineer.)

TABLE IV 9: General Information about Owners Engineer

Sr. # Item Information
1 Name of Owners Engineer
2 Legal Form [e.g. company, corporation,
partnership, consortium, individual]
3 Nationality / Country of Registration
4 Home Office Address
5 Telephone/Fax/Email
6 Name and Position of Contact Person
7 Address of Contact Person
8 Telephone/Fax/Email of Contact Person
9 Area of Main Business
10 Number of Staff in Main Business Engineers: Others:
11 Number of Power Projects successfully

TABLE IV 10: Power Project References of Owners Engineer

Sr. # Item Information
1 Name of Project
2 Location of Plant
3 Name of Owner
4 Name of Power Purchaser
5 Contract Capacity of Plant
6 Type of Plant
7 Number and Rated Capacity of Units
8 Principal Manufacturers of 1 Major

9 Commercial Operations Date of each

10 Duration of Construction Period
11 Other Details

This Table IV-10 shall be completed at least three (3) reference projects separately.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


(The Bidder shall provide herein a description of the proposed Environmental
Consultant for the period indicating, inter alia;

- the name, nationality and address of the organization;

- the name, nationality and address of the project manager;

- the scope of work; and

- the relevant experience and qualifications of the organization and the project


(The Bidder shall provide herein a description of the proposed Insurance Advisor for
the Project, including inter alia:

- the name, nationality and address of the organization;

- the name, nationally and address of the lead person;

- the scope of work: and

- the relevant experience and qualifications of the organization and the lead


(The Bidder shall provide herein a description of the local and foreign Legal Advisor to
the Bidder or the Project Company, indicating, inter alia;

- the name, nationality and address of the organizations;

- the name, nationality and address of the lead lawyers;

- the scope of work: and

- the relevant experience and qualifications of the organization and the lead

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




(Bidders are advised that any material modification to RFP documents may result in
disqualification. If there are no exceptions, please so state for each document.

1.0 Exceptions to the terms and conditions of the RFP

(The Bidder shall list herein its exceptions to the RFP (other than Volume-2) terms and
conditions in adequate detail.)


2.0 Technical Exceptions to the RFP

(The Bidder shall list herein its exceptions to the RFP (other than Volume-2) in relation
to technical description and requirements in adequate detail.)





3.0 Exceptions to the draft Project Agreements

3.1 Exceptions to the draft IA

(The Bidder shall list herein its exceptions to the draft Implementation Agreement (IA)
in adequate detail and all such the draft IA as Volume-2 to its Proposal showing its and
Lenders required changes to the draft IA in a red line format)





Attached: In Volume-2 (Draft IA showing the Bidder's and Lender's required changes
as listed above.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

3.2 Exceptions to the draft PPA

(The Bidder shall list herein its exceptions to the draft Power Purchase Agreement
(PPA) in adequate detail and attach the draft PPA in Volume-2 to its Proposal showing
it's and Lender's required changes to the draft PPA in red line format.)





Attached: In Volume-2 (Draft PPA showing the Bidder' and Lender's required changes,
as listed above.)

3.3 Exception TO draft WUA

(The Bidders shall list herein its exception to the draft water use agreement (WUA) in
adequate detail and attach the draft WUA in Volume-2 to its proposal showing its and
lender required changes to the draft WUA in a red line format.)



Attached: In Volume-2 (draft WUA showing the bidder and lender is required changes
as listed above).

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




(Bidder shall provide its detailed Bidder's Project Schedule which supports and confirms
the Project Development Schedule contained in Table F-1 starting from the establishment
of the Project Company.

Bidder's Project Schedule shall be submitted in a Primavera Project Planner v.6 format
which shall address all the milestones in the above-referenced Clause and those additional
milestones shown in Table VI-1 below for development, financing, engineering,
procurement, shipping, construction and commissioning activities, necessary to
demonstrate a complete and accurate knowledge of the Project as well as the Bidder's
knowledge of procedures and prevailing conditions in Pakistan.

The Bidder's Project Schedule shall address all details of the implementation of the
Project. For all milestones in Table VI-1 below, the Bidder shall specify the day, month and
year for commencing and completing the milestone. The list of milestones in this table is
not intended to be inclusive, but rather to include appropriate milestones to allow PPDB to
evaluate proposals. It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to identify and complete all the
appropriate milestones necessary for the completion of the project whether included here
or not. This includes the identification and acquisition of all necessary Consents.)

TABLE VI-1: Bidders Project Schedule

A. Assumption
1. Issue of Letter of Support (LOS)
B. Commencement of Project Development
1. Incorporate Project Company
2. Sign Project Agreements
3. Approval of Tariff by NEPRA
4 Grant of Generation License by NEPRA
5 EPC Contract signed
6. Submit EIA Study to PPDB
7. Obtain all necessary Consents and submit to PPDB
C. Financial Closing
1. Finalize financing documents and submit to PPDB
2. Satisfaction of conditions precedent to loan
disbursements and availability of funds
3. Financial Closing

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

D. Drawdown and Construction Start
1. Equity and Debt drawdown
Mobilization advance (at least 10% of Project's total
3. Issue of notice to proceed to the EPC contractor
4. Mobilization of EPC contractor to the Site
E. Engineering and Procurement
1. Preliminary Engineering
2. Detailed Engineering
3. Solicitation and Award of Contracts for Major Equipment
4. Procurement of Hydro turbines
5. Procurement of Generators
6. Procurement of Electrical Equipment
7. Procurement of Allied Equipment
F. Civil Works
1. Site Preparation
2. Site Access and in-Site Roads
3. Completion of Major Civil Structures
G. Mechanical and Electrical Works
Delivery of Major Equipment (i.e. Turbines and
2. Erection and Installation of Turbine
Unit No.1
[The number of
units need to be
checked based on
the comments in

Unit No.2
Unit No.3
Unit No.4
Unit No.5
H. Commissioning (Units 1-5) [The number of
units need to be
checked based on
the comments in
1. Initial Synchronization
2. Reliability Run Test
3. Performance Test
4. Contract Capacity Test
5. Scheduled Commercial Operations Date

(Bidder to add or delete rows and adjust the number of Units, as necessary)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




(The Bidder shall provide the proposed Company Organization chart.)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant






Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Bidders must submit electronic (on CD) and hard copies of the complete and
operational financial model used in preparing the Proposal. This financial model must
be accompanied by an assumptions book and an instruction booklet. Each Bidder is
free to develop its financial model at its discretion, insofar as the model meets the
criteria presented in this Section.


- The model must meet the following criteria:
o the financial model must be prepared on a monthly or quarterly basis during
the period ending at the Completion Date, and on an annual or semi-annual,
o the financial model must be properly constructed, and must have a
professional appearance
o the financial model must be produced using Microsoft Excel 2007 or a later
o every sheet must be formatted in such a way that the printed information is
clear and legible
o the financial model must be presented in nominal PKR, without decimals.
Levelized Tariff should be quoted in PKR.
o the financial model must cover the entire term of the Project Life o the cells
that contain manual inputs must be shown in blue
o no sheet or cell may be hidden, and the file must not be password-protected
o calculations must be sufficiently disaggregated that they can be followed
logically on screen or on paper without having to examine the content of each
o a limited number of nested formulas (if) must be used
o if the financial model contains circular references, it must include a
description of the locations of these references and the reasons why they are
present. In addition, the circular references must be resolved, that is, the
software must find a solution
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


- the conditions attached to the financing instruments must be those that are
- Bidders must use the following inputs in developing their financial models:
o the construction start date for the financial model must be six months after
Financial Close.
o the discount rate applied to arrive at the levelzied tariff is 10%.


The financial model must contain at least the following output sheets:
- the Sources and Uses of Funds of the Project
- complete financial statements including a balance sheet, an income statement, a
statement of retained earnings, and a statement of cash flows. These financial
statements must be prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards.
- a summary sheet that contains the following elements:
o financial ratios, as requested by the Lenders, which indicate the capital
structure established in the financial plan, notably debt service coverage
ratios, including the minimum ratio, the average ratio, and the ratio calculated
over the term of the loan
o Equity internal rate of (after-tax) return (Equity IRR)
o Project internal rate of (after-tax) return (Project IRR)


The financial model must allow sensitivity analyses to be carried out using the following
elements (but not limited to):
- variation in the rate of inflation during the construction period
- variation in the rate of exchange rate during the construction period
- variation in the rate of inflation during the period of operation
- variation in the rate of exchange rate during the period of operation
- variation in interest rates (expressed in basis points)
- variation (expressed in percentages) in capital expenditures and in costs of
operations and regular Maintenance
- variation (expressed in percentages) in annuity payments

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


The assumptions book must set out the following elements in sufficient detail to allow
users to obtain a clear understanding of the financial model:
- Details of Capital and construction costs
- Design, consultancy and project management fees, contingency costs and
Insurance costs.


The instruction booklet must explain the various functionalities of the financial model in
sufficient detail to allow users to maneuver it effectively. More specifically, the
instruction booklet must include:
- instructions pertaining to the method for changing inputs
- instructions pertaining to the method for running the model after making changes
to the inputs
- instructions pertaining to the method for printing the sheets contained in the
- a summary of the sheets contained in the model and the information therein
- details concerning complex and/or unusual formulas
- instructions pertaining to the method for performing sensitivity analyses
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





The example of Levelized Tariff calculation is given at the end of EXHIBIT-VIII as
Attachment and NEPRAs mechanism for determination of tariff for Hydropower projects is
provided in Volume 2 of RFP document.


The Bidder confirms that the proposed annual Tariff inserted in the tables below, is
based on the requirements of the RFP, and includes but is not limited to the following
specific items:

- All costs, without exception, required to produce and deliver the specified electric
energy, including but not limited to the capital cost, all fixed and variable O&M
costs and return on investment, taking into consideration degradation of
equipment in output and based on the amount of electrical energy.
- Explanation of components of annual Tariff components provided in PART-E of
the RFP.
- For purposes of evaluation and calculation of Levelized Tariff, the components
which are to be adjusted for Local Index, Exchange Rate, Interest Rates or Water
Use Charges shall remain in constant or real terms.
- Benefits enumerated in the draft Project Agreements provided in the RFP.
- The terms and conditions of the draft Project Agreements provided in the RFP.
- Financial Data in Support of Project, Exhibit II, and Bidder's Project Schedule,
Exhibit VI provided by Bidder in the Proposal.
- Bid Exchange Rate as described in Definitions, PART-B of the RFP.
- Bid Local Index, as described in Definitions, PART-B of the RFP.
- Water use license charges, as described in Definitions, PART-B of the RFP.
- All applicable taxes, fees and customs duties.

(Each Bidder shall complete the tables. No changes in format shall be allowed to be
made to the table by any Bidder.)


The Bidder's proposed annual Tariff is shown in Table VIII 1 in accordance with the RFP:

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Table VIII-I: Projected Tariff for Evaluation

Energy Charge (Rs./kWh) Capacity Charge (Rs./kW/Month)
Total CP
@ 60%

Wat er Use
Var. O&M
(Foreign &
Fixed O&M
(Foreign &
Insurance Pri ncipal Interest
Const .
ROE Total (Rs./kWh) Cent s/kWh
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Energy Charge (Rs./kWh) Capacity Charge (Rs./kW/Month)
Total CP
@ 60%

Wat er Use
Var. O&M
(Foreign &
Fixed O&M
(Foreign &
Insurance Pri ncipal Interest
Const .
ROE Total (Rs./kWh) Cent s/kWh



1 Levelized Tariff for project life is calculated at discount rate =10%.
2 Exchange Rate for USD against PKR on Reference Date =Rs.106.00

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


(The Bidder shall provide supporting calculations and necessary explanation of all the
components and portions of the proposed annual Tariff for each Agreement Year, in
conformity with the definitions of these components in the RFP in real or constant
terms without any indexation. The figures for each component or portion of annual
Tariff calculated in Exhibit VIII of PART E must be the same as quoted by the Bidder in
Table VIII-l. In case of any inconsistency between the two figures, those in Table VIII-l
shall prevail.)


(In the following sections, the Bidder shall demonstrate that each of the constraints on
annual Tariff set out in PART-E of the RFP are complied and satisfied by its Proposal.)


The Bidder's Levelized Tariff based on the proposed annual Tariff in Table VIII-2 is:

Levelized Tariff =PMT(10%,30,-NPV(10%, year 1 to 30)) = Rs/kWh

Based on the calculations presented in Table VIII-2 in accordance with the RFP. The
Bidder acknowledges that the PPDBs calculation of Levelized Tariff and results thereof
shall prevail over any calculation and result presented herein under all circumstances.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant



This Attachment presents an example to show calculation of Levelized Tariff for hypothetical
Proposal pursuant to PART E. All figures used in this example are hypothetical and are used
for illustration purposes and have no bearing whatsoever on this RFP or the Proposals.

Table VIII-2 shows hypothetical Tariff proposed by a hypothetical Bidder for a hypothetical
Plant with a proposed Capacity of 100 MW. All the figures in the table are expressed in
constant or real Rupee terms.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Table VIII-2: Projected Tariff Calculation Example

Energy Charge
Capaci ty Charges
Total CP @
Total Tariff 60% PLF

Water Var. Fi xed ROE
Year Use O&M Total O&M Insurance Pri nci pal Interest Total Debt duri ng ROE Total (Rs./kWh) Rs./kWh Cents/kWh
Charges Cost Cost Const.
1 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 411.58 1,449.73 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
2 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 481.49 1,379.82 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
3 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 563.27 1,298.03 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
4 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 658.95 1,202.36 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
5 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 770.88 1,090.43 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
6 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 901.82 959.49 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
7 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 1,055.00 806.31 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
8 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 1,234.20 627.11 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
9 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 1,443.84 417.47 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
10 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 1,689.08 172.22 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
11 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
12 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
13 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
14 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
15 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Energy Charge
Capaci ty Charges
Total CP @
Total Tariff 60% PLF

Water Var. Fi xed ROE
Year Use O&M Total O&M Insurance Pri nci pal Interest Total Debt duri ng ROE Total (Rs./kWh) Rs./kWh Cents/kWh
Charges Cost Cost Const.
16 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
17 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
18 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
19 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
20 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
21 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
22 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
23 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
24 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
25 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
26 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
27 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
28 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
29 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
30 0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Energy Charge
Capaci ty Charges
Total CP @
Total Tariff 60% PLF

Water Var. Fi xed ROE
Year Use O&M Total O&M Insurance Pri nci pal Interest Total Debt duri ng ROE Total (Rs./kWh) Rs./kWh Cents/kWh
Charges Cost Cost Const.
Leveli zed

0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 531.85 681.37 1,213.22 124.57 328.64 2,552.00 5.8265 6.5257 6.1563
0.14 0.52 0.66 695.10 140.35 501.75 642.8 1,144.54 117.52 310.04 2,407.55 5.4967 6.1563 5.8079

0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 921.01 940.29 1,861.30 124.57 301.10 3,172.55 7.2433 7.9425 7.4929
0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 - 124.57 380.19 1,390.34 3.1743 3.8735 3.6543
0.15 0.55 0.70 736.81 148.77 307.00 940.29 1,861.30 124.57 353.83 1,984.41 4.5306 5.2298 4.9338

Levelized Tariff for project life is calculated at discount rate =10%.
Exchange Rate for USD against PKR on Reference Date =Rs. 106.00
Project the Foreign Component @ 10% of USD indexation and US$ CPI @ 2.25% per annum

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant




Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant





1.1 The Feasibility Study evaluates the technical feasibility of the Project and identifies the
basic parameters of the Project, such as geological conditions, optimum net capacity,
estimated annual plant factor, transmission line requirements, etc. necessary to allow
firm Bids for the development of the Project.

1.2 While the Feasibility Study has been carried out in accordance with internationally
acceptable standards, the GOPUNJ AB does not guarantee its contents or conclusions.
Bidders should examine, evaluate and form their own conclusions on any or all aspects
of the Feasibility Study, and make any additional investigations at their own cost.

1.3 Prior to the issuance of the (LOS), the Successful Bidder shall pay the Feasibility Cost
to GOPUNJ AB in total in the form of a bank draft (no cash) drawn upon a scheduled
bank in Pakistan.

1.4 In its Bid, the Bidder shall acknowledge and agree that the Feasibility Study received
with the RFP is a confidential document and shall not be used for any other purpose but
the preparation of the Proposal and implementation of the Project and shall not be
disclosed to any other party not involved in the preparation of the Proposal and related
to the implementation of the Project. Further, on behalf of other parties involved in the
preparation of the Proposal, the Bidder shall commit to maintain the confidentiality of the
Feasibility Study.


2.1 The Successful Bidder shall establish the Project Company duly registered with Security
Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) in Pakistan in accordance with the Laws of
Pakistan. This is applicable for foreign company.

2.2 The Project Company, when established, shall assume all the rights and obligations of
the Successful Bidder, including but not limited to those in relation to the Letter of
Support (LOS) and the Performance Guarantee.


3.1 The Project Company shall enter into the Implementation Agreement ("IA"), the Power
Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the GoP and with Power Purchaser within six (6)
months from the date of issue of the LOS. Power Purchaser shall act as the sole
purchaser of the capacity and energy from the Plant. The GoP shall guarantee the
payment obligations of Power Purchaser under the PPA, if the power purchaser is an
entity under Federal Government.

3.2 The RFP includes drafts of the Project Agreements in Volume-2. These Project
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Agreements shall be finalized between PPDB, Power Purchaser and the Successful
Bidder prior to the issue of the LOS. The Project Agreements will need several
attachments, as outlined in the drafts. These attachments will be prepared at the time of
finalization of the drafts and shall be based upon the contents of this RFP and the
Successful Bidder's Proposal. Comments from the Lenders must, if any, be marked in
the draft Project Agreements in the Proposal and included in the exceptions as per
PART-E, Exhibit V. The Proposal shall also contain an acknowledgement from the
Lender to the effect of foregoing in the form specified in PART-E, Exhibit I, Attachment
1-5. If there are more than one Lenders, the lead Lender or arranger shall execute the
said acknowledgement on behalf of all the Lenders and produce an authorization from
all the Lenders authorizing it do so.


4.1 Arrangement for financing for the Project and achievement of Financial Closing by the
Deadline for Financial Closing shall be the sole responsibility of the Successful Bidder or
the Project Company upon its establishment. The PPDB and Power Purchaser will not
be a party to any Financing Documents. The Government of the Punjab or the Power
Purchaser shall not be responsible to help or assist the Successful Bidder or the Project
Company in negotiations with the Lenders or any other financing institutions to arrange
financing or achieve Financial Closing and other related matters such as satisfaction of
conditions precedent to loan disbursements, debt servicing, etc. except as provided in
the IA.

4.2 Financing for the Project shall be in the form of equity and debt. At least 20% of the total
financing for the Project, inclusive of all contingencies, will be in the form of equity and
the remainder in debt or subordinated debt. At least 20% of the equity shall be provided
by the Main Sponsor.

4.3 The Main Sponsor shall be required to hold at least 20% of the equity ownership in the
Project, or of the Project Company, at all times until the sixth anniversary of the
Commercial Operations Date (COD). The Successful Consortium collectively shall be
required to hold at least 51% of the equity ownership in the Project, or of the Project
Company, until the sixth anniversary of the COD.


5.1 The Bidder is free to propose the power generation technology and to design the Plant
as the Bidder deems appropriate as long as the design conditions of this RFP are
complied with. The Bidder shall utilize good engineering practices in preparing the
design of the Plant. Proposed plant and equipment shall be newly manufactured by
reputable manufacturers with sufficient operating experience with regard to the particular
units proposed.

5.2 The Bidder is required to identify, and provide information on, the Construction
Contractor in its Proposal in the form prescribed in Exhibit IV to PART E of this RFP.
The Construction Contractor, together with its designated sub-contractors, if relevant,
must have proven experience in the engineering, procurement and construction of
power plants of similar size and technology as the Plant.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

5.3 The PPDB and Power Purchaser shall have access to the manufacturing and
construction works on pre-arranged visits to satisfy itself regarding the quality and
anticipated performance of the Plant.


6.1 The Bidder is required to identify, and provide information on, the O&M Contractor in its
Proposal in the form prescribed in Exhibit IV to PART E of this RFP. The O&M
Contractor may be the Bidder (or a member of the Bidder's consortium) or a third party.

6.2 The O&M Contractor, together with its designated sub-contractors, if relevant, must
have proven experience in the operation and maintenance of power plants of similar
size and technology as the Plant.


7.1 The appointment of a Contractor shall not relieve the Successful Bidder or the Project
Company from its obligations under the Project Agreements.

7.2 None of the provisions of the IA, PPA nor the provisions of any contracts to be executed
between the Successful Bidder (or the Project Company) and any of its Contractors
shall be deemed to create any contractual relationship between the GOPUNJ AB, PPDB
and Power Purchaser.


8.1 The Power from the Plant shall be under the dispatch authority of the NTDC.

8.2 The NTDC shall dispatch all plants or generating units connected to the Grid System in
accordance with the criteria for the most economic dispatch (without any bias). This
economic dispatch criteria or merit order will be based on the marginal cost of
generation, transmission losses, system stability and reliability, and other economic
considerations. Because of their very low variable or marginal cost, hydel plants are
likely to be dispatched with the highest priority.

8.3 The despatch of the power from the plant is to be regulated by the provisions of the PPA
and any future Grid Code established by NTDC with the approval of NEPRA. [Despatch
instructions to the Plant will require desired levels of active power outputs for the whole
Plant. The Project Company will be responsible for determining how to distribute this
output among its Units.]

8.4 The Bidder shall ensure that the Plant is fully despatchable within the Technical Limits of
the Plant [Units of the Plant]. Maintenance Outages, Scheduled Outages, Forced
Outages and Partial Forced Outages shall be developed and agreed in advance by the
Project Company and the power purchaser.

8.5 The Project Company shall assist, within the Technical Limits of the Plant, in mitigating
the impact of emergencies at other plants.


9.1 Logistics
a. The Project-Company shall be responsible for all material and equipment
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

shipments into Pakistan and up to the Site that need to be imported for the Plant. The
Bidder shall identify and verify the sufficiency of all existing port facilities, transportation
networks, and the customs requirements, immigration laws, labor laws, taxes, duties,
fees, licenses and visa requirements as necessary to implement the Project subject to
the terms and conditions of the Implementation Agreement (IA).

b. Labor for construction and operation of the Plant should be available locally. The Site is
located close to several towns, therefore it may not be necessary to plan for on-site
housing; however, the Bidder may provide on-site housing due to various reasons.

c. Building materials and equipment for construction are for the most part available in

d. Notwithstanding the information outlined above, the Bidders shall identify any obstacles
or impediments in execution of the Project including but not limited to the adequacy of
the port facilities, requirements for customs clearance, transportation to the Sites, and
availability of labor (skilled and unskilled) and include the costs thereof in their

9.2 Consents
a. The Bidder shall investigate requirements of all Consents necessary to implement the
Project. The Bidder shall assure itself of the procedures and time frames required to
obtain such Consents. The draft Implementation Agreement (IA) identifies certain crucial
Consents required for the Project and the roles, rights and obligations of the Project;
Company, the GOPUNJ AB, the PPDB and other concerned parties with respect to the
Consents. It is emphasized that the burden of identifying and obtaining the Consents
rests with the Bidder.

b. Bidders must take into consideration the time required to obtain the necessary Consents
in consideration of the studies that are associated with them. Bidder's project
implementation schedule proposed, as per Exhibit VI to PART E of this RFP shall take
these aspects into consideration.

9.3 Legal Matters

The applicable Pakistan electricity, foreign investment, work, tax and customs duties
laws referenced below are representative and do not necessarily represent a complete
or exhaustive listing. Bidders shall conduct their own investigation to verity the
requirements for the Project and the latest amendments to the requirements.

a. General Electricity Laws of Pakistan

(1) The Electricity Act, 1910 and Electricity Rules 1937.

(2) Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act,

(3) The Punjab Finance Act-1964 as amended from time to time.

b. Foreign Exchange and Foreign Investment Laws of Pakistan

(1) Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (VII of 1947) or any other Law relating to
Foreign Investment.

c. Company Laws of Pakistan

(1) The Companies Ordinance, 1984

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

(2) Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997

d. Labor and Employment Laws of Pakistan

(1) The Industrial Relations Ordinance (XXIII of 1969)

e. Tax and Customs Laws of Pakistan

(1) The Income Tax Ordinance, 1979

(2) The Sales Tax Act, 1990

(3) The Customs Act, 1969

(4) Tax Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 1999

f. Environmental Laws of Pakistan

(1) Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency- (PEPA) Act, 1997

(2) Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1997 (XXXIV of 1997), amended in

g. The Pakistan Water & Power Development Authority Act, 1958 as amended from time to

f. The Contract Act, 1872

(1) The Arbitration Act, 1940

(2) The Arbitration Act (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937

9.4 Maximum Indigenization

a. The Bidder is required to ensure maximum utilization of indigenous resources including
local human resources and capabilities of engineer and manufacture plant, equipment
and machinery, in accordance with the Laws of Pakistan.

b. When the local industry and companies are qualified to supply material or perform the
work requirements for the Project, the Bidders shall place a priority on subcontracting
such procurement and work to local companies.

c. Import of plant and equipment which are manufactured locally shall be subject to normal
custom duties in accordance with the applicable laws. However, a custom duty as per
Custom Laws of Pakistan shall apply to the import of plant and equipment not
manufactured locally.

9.5 Labor Information

a. Within the laws and practices prevailing in Pakistan, the successful Bidder is required to
use its best effort in employing residents of the Punjab and Pakistani skilled and
unskilled labor during the construction, operation and maintenance of the Plant.
However, should the Successful Bidder need to employ non-Pakistani personnel, it may
do so in accordance with the labor and immigration laws in effect in Pakistan
(concerning residency permits, work permits, visas, etc.).

b. The Proposal shall provide a Proposed Company Organization Chart as requested in
Exhibit VII to PART E.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant


The Successful Bidder shall, at its own cost, arrange for, develop, and maintain utilities
at the Site to execute the Project, including, but not limited to the following:

10.1 Potable Water
The Successful Bidder will arrange for its potable water needs.

10.2 Sanitary and Sewer Facilities

The Successful Bidder shall provide for adequate sanitary facilities during construction
and operation of the Plant.

10.3 Telephone

Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL) shall be approached for
telephone services. PTCL has contact offices and customer service centers in many
cities and major towns. There are also a number of companies, which provide mobile or
cellular phone services in Pakistan and can be contacted to find the availability of their
coverage at the Site.

10.4 Construction Power and Back-Up Power

The Successful Bidder shall provide all construction power at the Site. MEPCO through
its distribution company in the area can provide back-up power to the Bidder at the
current applicable electricity rates for the relevant customer class.

10.5 Purchase of Private Owner Land

Purchase of private owner land for the utility / project agreement will be the
responsibility of the successful bidder.


11.1 The Power Purchaser shall be responsible for the design, procurement, construction,
installation, testing and commissioning of the Interconnection Facilities and
Transmission Facilities in accordance with the terms of the PPA, and Power Purchaser
shall own, operate and maintain such Interconnection Facilities and Transmission
Facilities. Rights and obligations of the parties in relation to these facilities are described
in detail in the PPA, The provisions of the PPA also allow the extension in the Required
Commercial Operations Date and set out the compensation for the Project Company in
case of delays in the completion of the Interconnection Facilities and the Transmission
Facilities beyond the due date because of Power Purchaser's actions or inactions,
subject to the terms and conditions of the PPA.

11.2 Power Purchaser shall arrange for the easements and rights-of-way across the relevant
route and area necessary for its Contractors to construct, install, test and commission
the Interconnection Facilities and Transmission Facilities.


12.1 The Project or the Project Company, as the case may, must meet all the requirements
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

of the Punjab Environmental Protection Agency ("Punjab-EPA") Act, 1997, inter alia,
relating to environmental protection, environmental impact and social soundness
assessment, and all the requirements of the legislation and environmental guidelines
and standards issued under or pursuant to the said Act.

12.2 The specific environmental standards for the Plant are contained in PART F, of this
RFP. The Project Company will be required to comply with the more stringent of all
relevant Pakistan's environmental legislation and local environmental guidelines, and
any other relevant policies.

12.3 The Successful Bidder shall prepare and issue to the PPDB and Power Purchaser, the
final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study duly approved by provisional EPD
at his own cost for the Project prior to Financial Closing. The EIA Study, as a minimum,
shall address issues pertaining to air quality, discharge water quality and quantity,
thermal plume for discharge and any impact on the marine life or other land based
wildlife due to construction and operation of the Project along with the mitigation of such
impact that the Project Company will undertake. The Bidder shall meet all requirements
of the Laws of Pakistan and shall include all associated costs in the Proposal.


13.1 Introduction

a. The PPA establishes the terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of electricity
between the Project Company and Power Purchaser. The Project Company shall sell
the capacity and output of the Plant only to Power Purchaser in accordance with the

b. The Bidder shall propose Tariff and components thereof and provide the required details
related thereof in its Proposal in the form prescribed in Exhibit VIII to PART E of this

13.2 Delivery Point

The Tariff proposed by the Bidder in the Proposal and set out in the PPA shall be quoted
and payable at the Delivery Point.

13.3 Payment Methodology

a. Upon the achievement of the COD by the Project Company, Power Purchaser shall
commence the payment of Tariff to the Project Company in accordance with the PPA.

b. The electrical energy produced by the Plant during testing prior to the COD shall be
purchased by Power Purchaser on payment of only Energy Price for the energy so

c. The Tariff shall be specified in the Proposal and the PPA for each Agreement Year.

d. All payments shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the
Project Agreements.

13.4 All Inclusive Tariff
a. Tariff shall include all costs of the Project Company.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

b. No adjustment shall be made to the Bidder s proposed Tariff for incorrect evaluation of
the Project, soil or surface conditions, environmental mitigation measures, or any
oversight in considering all risks associated with the Plant and the Project.

c. Adjustment of few variations in the interest rates be in accordance with the provisions of
PPA with the power purchaser.

d. Tariff shall include all insurance costs, taxes, fees and custom duties.

e. Tariff shall comply with the terms and conditions contained in the Project Agreements.

f. Failure to include any cost in Tariff will be on account of bidder.


14.1 Prior to the issue of the LOS, the Successful Bidder shall pay the Audited Feasibility
Study Cost and 'Legal Expenses' and furnish the Performance Guarantee to PPDB
accordingly and finalize the draft Project Agreements in accordance with this RFP. After
the issue of the LOS, PPDB shall return the Proposal Security to all the Bidders
including the Successful Bidder.

14.2 After the issue of the LOS, the Successful Bidder shall establish the Project Company,
obtain all necessary Consents.

14.3 The Project Company shall sign and execute the Project Agreements within six (6)
months from the date of issue of the LOS and achieve Financial Closing on or before the
Deadline for Financial Closing.

14.4 The Performance Guarantee shall secure the obligations of the Successful Bidder or the
Project Company to execute the Project Agreements and achieve the Financial Closing
within the specified time period. Under normal circumstances, no extension in the
Deadline for Financial Closing shall be granted. However, on the request of the Project-
Company, one (01) time extension in the Deadline for Financial Closing of up to a
maximum period of six (6) months shall be granted against extending the validity period
of the Performance Guarantee and increasing the Performance Guarantee amount by
100%, if PPDB is satisfied that the delays are due to factors beyond reasonable control
of the Project Company and the Financial Closing can be achieved shortly.

14.5 The Successful Bidder or the Project Company shall have an option to terminate the
LOS and all the executed Project Agreements, if any, at any time before the Deadline for
Financial Closing as per the terms and conditions of the LOS. The termination option
may be executed by forgoing a portion of the Performance Guarantee equal to the total
amount of the Performance Guarantee multiplied by the number of months since the
issuance of the LOS (rounded up to the next whole number) divided by the total number
of months between the issue date of the LOS and the Deadline for Financial Closing.

14.6 The Performance Guarantee must always remain valid for a period not less than three
(3) months in excess of the then-prevailing Deadline for Financial Closing. The
Performance Guarantee shall be forfeited without any notice, demand, or other legal
process if the sponsor fails to fulfill conditions stated in LOS.

14.7 Neither the Successful Bidder nor the Project Company shall have any claims against
the GOPUNJ AB or any of its components, organizations or institutions, including but not
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

limited to PPDB and Power Purchaser on any grounds whatsoever.

14.8 Up to the Financial Closing, the LOS shall govern the Project and supersede all
documents and agreements including the Project Agreements. Thereafter, the Project
Agreements shall supersede the LOS. If the LOS expires, the Project Agreements and
all other agreements with any governmental entity including PPDB and Power
Purchaser shall automatically terminate.

14.9 On Financial Closing, the Project Company shall furnish the Company Letter of Credit to
Power Purchaser in accordance with the draft PPA (attached in Volume 2 of RFP)
securing the payment obligations of the Project Company under the PPA. PPDB shall
return the Performance Guarantee to the Project Company.

14.10 Power Purchaser shall construct and complete the Interconnection Facilities and
Transmission Facilities as described in Clause 8 and achieve the Commercial
Operations Date ("COD") on or before the Required Commercial Operations Date. At
COD, Power Purchaser shall furnish the Letter of Credit to the Project Company in
accordance with the draft PPA (given in Volume 2 of RFP document) securing the
payment obligations of Power Purchaser under the PPA.

14.11 Delays in achieving Financial Closing by the Deadline for Financial Closing due to
events beyond control of the Successful Bidder or the Project Company shall be
accommodated through a day-for-day extension as per the provisions of the draft IA
(given in Volume 2 of RFP document) and the draft PPA attached hereto as Appendix II.
Similarly, delays in achieving the COD shall incur liquidated damages as specified in the
draft PPA (given in Volume-2 of RFP document). Delays in certain milestones due to
actions or inactions of the GOP and Power Purchaser shall be compensated by day-for-
day extension in the target date for milestone or appropriate liquidated damages or both
as provided in the draft IA and draft PPA (given in Volume-2 of RFP document).

14.12 PPDB shall provide a one-window facility for implementation of the Project and will
issue the LOS and assist the Successful Bidder or the Project Company in seeking
necessary Consents from various governmental agencies. The PPDB shall follow up on
implementation and monitoring of the Project.


15.1 The Project Implementation Schedule for the development of the Project through
Financial Closing and construction and commissioning leading to the Commercial
Operations Date (COD) is provided in Table F-1. As applicable, consequences,
penalties and liquidated damaged for delays in the milestones of the Project
Implementation Schedule are provided in the drafts of the IA and PPA (given in Volume
2 of RFP document), respectively.

15.2 PPDB and Power Purchaser shall require the Successful Bidder or the Project Company
to submit periodic progress reports regarding the status of contractual obligations.
Consents, financial and physical progress reports and a summary table showing
progress towards achievement of various milestones.

15.3 The Bidder's Proposal must adhere to an implementation schedule based on, among
other things, the milestones of the Project Implementation Schedule. The Bidder must
provide, as part of its Proposal, the schedule for implementation of the Project. The
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Bidder's schedule shall reflect sub-activities in a Primavera Project Planner v.6 format or
Gantt chart format (showing tasks, subtasks, durations, and their interdependence) to
support the attainment of each of the above identified milestone dates and will include
details of the construction of the Plant as outlined in Exhibit VI in PART E.

15.4 Table F-1 presents for information the details of the linkage between the contractual
milestones in the PPA and for illustration the dates assuming Financial Closing occurs
on [date], and COD on [date].

Anticipated Project Development Schedule

Number of Days from
Issuance of RFP (or LOC
of FC
A. Selection of the Successful Bidder
1 Issue RFP to Prequalified Applicants (from evaluation
and prequalification)
Number of Calendar Days
2 Submission of Proposals 90
3 Evaluation of Proposals bids, selection of preferred
bidder, approval of PPDB Board
4 Tariff Determination by NEPRA 21
5 Submission of Performance Guarantee, Legal Expenses
and Feasibility Study Cost
6 Issue of Letter of Support to Successful Bidder (LOS) 10
B. Commencement of Project Development (LOS plus

1 Incorporate Project Company (For foreign Investor) LOS LOS +5
2 Sign Project Agreements LOS LOS +6
3 Submit Environmental Studies and Consents LOS LOS +10
C. Financial Closing
1 Finalize Loans and Investment Agreements with Lenders
and Investors and submit to PPDB and Power Purchaser
LOS +12
2 Satisfaction of Conditions Precedent to Load
Disbursements and availability of Funds
LOS +12
3 Financial Close (FC) LOS +12
4 Posting of Letter of Credits under PPA

LOS +12 LOS +12
Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Number of Days from
Issuance of RFP (or LOC
of FC
D. Construction (FC plus + months)
1 Equity and Loan Drawdown (at least 10% of total of

2 Mobilization Advance (at least 10% of Projects total

3 Issue of Notice to Proceed to Contractor
4 Mobilization of Contractor
5 Completion of Intake and Headrace
6 Completion of Head Race
7 Completion of Intake of Power House
8 Completion of Civil Works of Powerhouse
9 Delivery of Major Equipment (i.e. turbines and

10 Erection and Installation of Plant, Equipment and

11 Commissioning/Required Commercial Operations Date FC FC+48

Total construction period of the project is forty eight (48) months, the Bidder is required to
synchronize the milestones set out from Sr. no. 1 to 10 of the Table F-I with the completion

Request for Proposal (RFP) Taunsa 120 MW Hydro Power Plant

Total construction period of the project is forty eight (48) months, the Bidder is required to
synchronize the milestones set out from Sr. no. 1 to 10 of the Table F-I with the completion

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