Final Draft - Final Reflection

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Chelsea Garcia
Writing 39B
Dr. Haas
2 June 2014
My Newfound Understanding of Writing and Growth As A Writer
Throughout the class I have learned many new skills, found ways in which to
better my writing, have a better understanding of different styles of paper writing, and
ultimately have grown as a writer. I have grown in many different aspects and now will
be able to use my newfound skills in my future writing career.
I have learned how to form and understand the process of writing academic
essays. This was previously a challenge for me because I had difficulty deciphering
which was the proper way to write each paper. An example of this is how I now
understand what a textual analysis requires and how it is actually a conversation between
texts. This was a new idea for me because I thought it was more that you had to find
commonalities between the texts and analyze them. However, you are actually supposed
to compare the text in a conversation form and through that find the commonalities of
differences. I had to become more flexible, willing to adapt to this form of thinking, and
open, willing to experiment and learn how this idea of as a writer since this was a very
new way of writing for me. As for the Rhetorical Analysis Essay I learned different ways
to decipher texts, thus allowing a better understanding and use of them. An example of
this is my new knowledge of cinematic effects. Previously I understood that certain
elements are used during the creation of a film, yet, I never really understood how and
why it was done. A demonstration is how the angle of a camera can change the way we
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view a character. Also, the context of the situation can also change it. A few times in the
T.V. series Sherlock the camera is pointed at an angle so its facing downward. This does
not make Moriarty be viewed as weak, more that he is a complex character and that he
does not have the advantage at that scene.
Through the process of revision I have learned how to find and correct my mistakes.
An example of this after reading the analysis from my professor and peers I now
understand exactly how to approach my Literature Review essay. As I have stated earlier
I did not understand the form in which I should write the paper, thus it made it very
difficult to state my argument according to the rubric. For the process of revision I mostly
use the habits of persistence and engagement. This being that many times I was stuck
when writing, almost as if I had writers block. When this occurred I took a little break
and stepped back so I could assess my work. I had to be very persistent so I could make
sure to complete work in a timely manor and not to allow one detail to hold up my whole
paper. Another part of this is its difficult to sustain interest when unable to express ideas
clearly. The more I got stuck, the more I felt discouraged. It was important to maintain a
certain work ethic. I used the habit of engagement as a result of revision we were often
paired with someone who is in charge of editing your paper. With that being said the
process required a sort of team effort so that the groups work would be properly edited.
As far as focusing on analyzing a genre and context, I now have a much greater
understanding of how to use a variety of texts to backup arguments. This caused me to
practice my creativity because I have to consider different ways to use texts. I have not
really used visual texts as a source before so it was a new idea to learn. Also I feel that
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the process I have learned, analyzing everything as data rather than just for enjoyment,
will make me have a much easier time breaking down sources and finding the uses for
The essay I am going to revise is the Literature review essay. This is because I have
already found a focus in which I want to try, and since I know understand the style of
writing that is needed I can apply it. Also, since this is one of my weaker writing styles I
feel as if it will help strength my writing ability. My strengths in my paper is that its
actually the right style of writing now, also, that I found good sources to communicate
with each other. Lastly, my central idea is much more precise. Thus making my entire
paper much stronger and allowing my reader to understand my purpose. My weaknesses
are my diction. Even though I tried my best to improve this aspect of my paper it was
difficult because I already have a way I generally write thus I am unaware on the way my
diction comes out. Also I am sure there are probably better quotes I could have used if I
had more time to look for them. My top priority in writing this essay is to get the texts to
form a conversation. Since this is a difficult idea for me to understand I really focus on it
that way I can try to perfect it. If I had more time to work on this paper I would work on
my sources. I would try to find some that would help my argument more efficiently. Even
though I have found some great sources, I originally got them when I was a bit confused
on the process. Thus, Im sure that if I were to look now the sources I would now find
would compliment this style of writing more. The way I would prioritized my revision is
first changed the way I formed my main idea or focus of the paper. Previously my paper
was too vague and did not tackle what it really needed to. With that being said I really
wanted find a much more precise central topic my paper would have a much stronger
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base. Next I changed the sub points of the paper. I had two many of these previously so I
decided to take some out and just keep two. Next I found articles that would support my
focus. I wanted some strong sources because they would be used as evidence of the
writers thoughts. I needed proof that the writer truly felt the way I said they did. Next I
have to put the writers into a conversation. Each paragraph was supposed to be as if two
scholars were discussing a topic. I had to remember its not want I though, but what they
thought. Lastly I had to find a way to put all the scholars thought in to and conclusion. I
had to sum up the reasoning behind the conversation as well as the point and what was
The reason I did not chose the Rhetorical Analysis essay was because I feel that I
already understand what is essential for this style of writing. Thus, it would not improve
my skill as much. Also that I felt more comfortable writing it. I needed to focus on my
weaker form or writing so that I can improve in the end. The paragraphs I chose to revise
are my conclusion and the paragraph introducing the idea of complexity of though. The
reason I chose my conclusion is because I felt it was not as well put together as my other
paragraphs and that I really needed to improve it so that my paper will have a strong
ending summing not only what was discussed, but something derived from the
discussion. I chose the complexity of thought paragraph because it really needed to be
more specific. I never actually explained why Holmes thinking is so complex and how.
The strengths I gained from working on these two paragraphs are I now have a much
more coherent paper and I am less vague about the concept of Holmes complex thoughts.
Also my paper has a much better ending that really leaves an impression on my reader.
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I have learned many things from the art of collaboration, however there are three that
stand out the most. I have learned how to work with others better and how to evenly
distribute a workload, by practicing the skills necessary for being responsible; also how
to be very flexible, we often were on a fix time period and because of schedule conflicts
had little time to work together. Thus, we I had to often find ways to fit group work into
my schedule even if I was already extremely busy. Lastly, how best to present our
projects, this was difficult at first because Im naturally shy. So I had to really step
outside of my shell and learn how to be more open. An example of this is how in the first
presentation I was extremely shy and was stumbling on my words, and then at the end of
the class I was a part of the performance for the RIP. For this I was in front of two classes
acting and performing, which is much more difficult. Thus, though my being opened I
practiced a much needed skill of presenting and eventually improved in such an extent I
was able to perform. I also was curious as to how or if I would be able to over come both
my boundaries and fears of being in front of a class.
For the RIP Project I performed play as Sherlock Holmes. I thought our class
presentation went extremely well. Also, that the video that our class created was very
professional and well done because not only did it meet all the requirements, it was
perfected in such a way that it reminded me of something on the history channel. The
second thing that went well was the response to the play. I felt like although we had our
mishaps the audience was entertained and really understood the story, although, I feel as
if we should have asked questions after, or something. The third thing that went well was
the informative presentation. I felt like it set the tone for the entire presentation and made
the audience have a much better understanding. Here I would say not only did I, but the
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entire class practiced the habit of metacognition because we took all of the things we had
learned throughout the quarter and merged it into a performance and presentation.
How our presentation could have improved would be that if we mastered the way
in which to use film because the level of skill the other class showed really helps them on
their presentation. Another thing would be the performance I was part of. A few times
throughout play the actors speed up, miss said, and mixed up their scenes. If we had this
fixed it would have made the performance even better. Lastly we should have asked
questions at the end so that they could understand the main focus and what we want them
to learn from it.
The other classes great part were the videos they created; they were very
professional and even scary. They really did well on time especially since the video
wasnt working. Lastly, some people seemed to really know their stuff regard the
presentation in the Group. Their weaknesses are the fact that they relied on technology so
much. This is because we spend about four minutes just trying to use video. Another
thing is how everyone was reading off note cards. It feels like they mostly were looking
at notes rather than memorizing. Lastly, I felt like they could have found a way to interact
or bring their performance out more. I understand given the topic it is much easier to
video record it. However, since they did that they were mostly in a corner explaining. I
think that it would have made a better point if they were more spread out and engaging
with the audience.

From this experience I learned how to pace myself while performing. Its a difficult
task because while you are in front of the class your heart feels like its beating rapidly
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and your adrenaline kicks in so you have to force your self to be calm and perform
correctly. This was a bit challenging for me since I generally get very hyper when
nervous. As for producing the text I didnt have much part in it however through
practicing we were able to locate anything that needed adjusting. So in the perspective
with my performing I was able to point out how some things would go smoother if were
altered them. I did feel the text was very well written, thus didnt need very much
Through the concept of Metacognition I would say I still have a lot to learn. Even
though I may have a greater understanding of the art of writing I dont think I have yet
mastered it. I have grown a lot and allowed myself to be more open to different forms and
processes than I once had. I now understand what I need to do when doing a literary
analysis paper. Before I just thought quotes were used as support for the writers claim,
but now I see it as a way to show how a writer would feel about a particular situation.
What I would like to work on is my different forms of writing and finding precise topics
for my papers. I tend to start to broad and I would like to eventually have the ability to
write what I am thinking clearly and educated. Also my diction I would like to find a way
to say what Im thinking or trying to express in more of an educated tone. I tend to be
very simplistic or even a bit casual with my writing tone. How these newfound skills will
affect my future classes and professional career is that it will make me a much better
writer. Also, allow me to meet the proper criteria depending on the use of my writing,
like Ill not always just write a generic essay but practice the proper forms or writing for
their proper occasions.
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I feel like the habits that I used most often were curiosity, openness, and persistence.
The reason I say curiosity is because through out the course I was extremely curious of
what we were going to do in the class and how I would participate. I found the topic of
Sherlock extremely interesting so the entire course I was wondering what was next and
how would I respond to it. I ultimately loved the course. I practiced openness because I
have done things in this class I normally dont do. For example acting. Even though I
have had some experience on stage I have never performed the way I have for this class.
It was amazing since I already always wanted to so not only did I do something
productive for the course I feel I have now gained a valuable experience. Lastly, I was
very persistent. Even though I had a lot happen this quarter that had a negative effect on
my performance in this class I continued to push through and keep trying. Also when I
felt as if I had overworked a topic so much that I began to lose the effective interest I
originally had, I still continued to push forward and get my work done.
I have gained so much from this course and feel I will continue to use everything I
have learned for later endeavors for the rest of my life. I have grown very much as a
writer this quarter and hope to continue throughout my college experience. I would say
the most valuable skills I learned are the art of revision, following correct styles of
writing, and working in timely situations especially with peers. I will try to be better with
deadlines in the future and proofread and edit more efficiently.

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