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Semester 5B1
1.1 Backgroun o! Stu"############## 1
1.$ Statement o! Pro%&em############## '
1.' Pur(ose o! Stu"################ 5
1.) T*e H"(ot*es+s o! Stu"############... 5
1.5 Assum(t+on o! Stu"##############. 5
1., T*e s+gn+!+cant o! Stu"############# ,
1.- Sco(e an .+m+tat+on############## ,
1./ De!+n+t+on o! ke" Term#############. -
$.1 S(eak+ng################## /
$.$ Teac*+ng S(eak+ng############## /
$.$.1 T*e 2oa& o! Teac*+ng S(eak+ng #####.. 3
$.$.$ Strateg+es !or Teac*+ng S(eak+ng#####.. 14
$.$.' Ste(s o! Teac*+ng S(eak+ng ######..#. 11
$.$.) Presentat+on############...#. 11
$.$.5 Pract+ce################ 11
$.$., Prouct+on###############. 11
$.' T*e Pro%&ems +n Teac*+ng S(eak+ng #####..#. 1$
$.) 5+n 5a((+ng Tec*n+6ue#########..#.. 1$
$.).1 T*e Strateg+es o! 5+n 5a((+ng######. 1'
$.).$ T*e 7a" to Dra7 5+n 5a((+ng###### 1)
$.).' 8+na& t*oug*##############. 1)
$.5 Instruct+ona& 5e+a#############... 1)
$.5.1 9+ns o! Instrumenta& 5e+a##########
15 $.5.$ t*e ro&es o! 5e+a###########.
##. 15
$., T*e Progress S(eak+ng############. 1,
$.- Score In+cat+ng Progress########### 1,
$.-.1 T*e +n+cator o! (rogress######## 1,
'.1 Researc* Des+gn############## 1/
'.$ Po(u&at+on an sam(&e########### 1/
'.' Instrument Test############## 13
'.'.1 Pre;Test##############.. 13
'.'.$ Post;Test##############. $4
'.) Proceure o! E<(er+menta&#########. $4
'.).1 C*oos+ng t*e C&ass o! Su%=ect#####.. $1
'.).$ 2+>+ng Pre;Test###########.. $1
'.).' Do+ng Treatment########### $1
'.).) 2+>+ng Post Test########### $$
'.).5 #################### $'
In t*e !+rst c*a(ter? t*e 7r+ter 7ants to (resent t*e su% c*a(ter re&ate to t*e t*es+s. It
cons+sts o! e+g*t c*a(ters. T*ose are t*e %ackgroun o! stu"? t*e statement o! (ro%&em?
(ur(ose o! stu"? *"(ot*es+s? sco(e an &+m+tat+on o! stu"? t*e s+gn+!+cance o! stu" an
e!+n+t+on o! ke" terms.
1!1 B"#$%&'()* '+ S,(*y
.ook at t*e e>e&o(+ng sc+ence an tec*no&og"? &anguage *as an +m(ortant ru&e !or
*uman &+!e? %" us+ng &anguage t*e (eo(&e 7+&& e<(ress t*e+r +eas? emot+on? an es+res? an
+t +s use as me+um to +nteract 7+t* one anot*er? to !u&!+&& t*e+r neee. Eng&+s* *as %een t*e
most +m(ortant &anguage +n +nternat+ona& commun+cat+on. A&& o>er t*e 7or& s(eak t*e
&anguage 7*en t*e" meet anot*er +n e>er" +nternat+ona& meet+ng? 7orks*o( or con!erence.
A&& countr+es +n t*e 7or& *a>e set &anguage as one o! t*e com(u&sor" su%=ect stu+e +n t*e
Eng&+s* *as man" !unct+ons? one o! t*em as state +n $44) curr+cu&um t*at Eng&+s*
+s means !or t*e stuent to e>e&o( sc+ence? tec*no&og" cu&ture an art. T*e !+na& o%=ect+>e
o! teac*+ng an &earn+ng +s t*e stuent master o! s(eak+ng? &+sten+ng? rea+ng an 7r+t+ng.
Teac*+ng an &earn+ng 7+&& %e success +! t*e" are su((orte %" some !actors suc* as t*e
met*o t*at +s use +n teac*+ng Eng&+s*? com(&eteness o! teac*+ng !ac+&+tat+on? +nterest+ng
me+a an con+t+on o! en>+ronment.
Inones+an as one o! e>e&o(+ng countr+es *as a&so set eucat+ona& curr+cu&um to
+nc&ue Eng&+s* as a !ore+gn &anguage 7*+c* +s stu+e !rom e&ementar" sc*oo&? to t*e
un+>ers+t" &e>e&? somet+me a!ter grauate !rom un+>ers+t"? t*e" are unsat+s!+e an st+&&
stu" +n some courses. Be+ng success!u& stuents are not eas"@ t*+s !act can %e seen most&" at
t*e secon c&ass o! Da!!o+& Course. A&t*oug* t*e" *a>e %een grauate !rom Un+>ers+t"
an stu" Eng&+s* more t*an s+<teen "ears? t*e" are st+&& +!!+cu&t to use Eng&+s* +n
+nteract+ng +n a+&" act+>+t".
S(eak+ng +s +m(ortant !or t*em to (ract+ce t*e+r ca(a%+&+t" an t*e+r unerstan+ng?
*o7 to %u+& +ea? *o7 to e<(&a+n some +ea an *o7 to e<(&ore 7e&&. In t*+s case t*e stuent
mot+>at+on an +nterest are >er" +m(ortant to make t*e (rocess o! t*e+r unerstan+ng more
Because o! t*e mater+a& o! Eng&+s* su%=ect +s >er" >ar+et"? so t*e teac*er +s
o%&+gate to c*oose t*e su+ta%&e a((roac*? strateg" an met*o +n orer to ac*+e>e t*e
teac*+ng (ur(oses eas+&"? an t*e me+a 7+&& make t*e stuent to %e more mot+>ate to stu".
T*e teac*er 7*o +s a%&e to (resent t*e mater+a& eas+&" 7+&& %e stuentAs +o&. T*e teac*er can
use some met*os +n teac*+ng &earn+ng (rocess to *e&( t*e stuentAs unerstan+ng a%out t*e
mater+a& t*at +s e<(&a+ne. In a((&"+ng met*o? t*e teac*ers *a>e to (re(are man" t*+ngs &+ke
teac*+ng mater+a&? c&assroom management? an man" ot*er as(ects %ecause us+ng
+na((ro(r+ate tec*n+6ue can make unerstan+ng t*e teac*erAs e<(&anat+on an +t means t*at
t*e teac*er ma"%e !a+&e +n teac*+ng.
To make t*e stuent *a>e strong +nterest +n teac*+ng an &earn+ng (rocess es(ec+a&&"
+n &earn+ng s(eak+ng? t*e teac*er s*ou& take t*e %est a((roac*? met*o an strateg+es. T*en?
t*e teac*er can use me+a +n teac*+ng o! Eng&+s* &anguage? met*o are use to *e&( t*e
stuents !or s(eak+ng to make +nteract+on %et7een teac*er an stuent. 8urt*ermore? t*e
teac*er *as to (re(are t*e +ntereste a+s %e!ore teac*+ng &earn+ng (rocess one. In t*+s t*e
researc*er use %oar game as met*o +n teac*+ng &earn+ng (rocess.
T*e teac*er can use m+n ma((+ng met*o +n teac*+ng an &earn+ng (rocess.
Accor+ng to B5r. (ututC m+n ma((+ng +s one o! met*o t*at can +ncrease t*e +ea !or t*e
stuent. 5+n ma((+ng can %e e!+ne as somet*+ng or an +nstrument t*at +s use to attract
stuentAs mot+>at+on to !o&&o7 t*e teac*+ng an &earn+ng (rocess %ecause m+n ma((+ng can
make t*e stuent %u+& muc* +ea an t*e+r s(eak+ng more structura&.
5et*o must %e a%&e to +ncrease t*e stuentAs mot+>at+on +n &earn+ng Eng&+s*?
es(ec+a&&" +n s(eak+ng Eng&+s*. An met*o *as to %e a%&e to man+(u&ate? seea%&e? &+stena%&e
an reaa%&e. At &east t*e teac*er *o(es t*at met*o can mot+>ate t*e stuent to s(eak
Eng&+s* to commun+cate t*e+r neee an +n genera&.
Commun+cat+on +s one o! t*e +m(&ementat+on o! &anguage !unct+on soc+et" as o!
carr"+ng out t*e a!!a+rs. Stuents are not eas" to s(eak Eng&+s* !&uent&" +! t*e" on&" stu" +n
t*e sc*oo& !unct+on +n soc+et" as means o! carr"+ng out t*e a!!a+rs. Stuents are not eas" to
s(eak Eng&+s* !&uent&" +! t*e" on&" stu" at sc*oo& genera&&"? t*e" 7+&& get +n rea& &+!e
&+sten+ng to t*e nat+>e s(eaker. But? +! t*e sc*oo&s *a>e certa+n ru&e an *a>e goo con+t+on
o! sc*oo& en>+ronment? so t*e stuent can s(eak Eng&+s* 7e&&.
S(eak+ng +s one o! !our &anguage sk+&&s? 7*+c* +s %as+c !unct+on o! &anguage as
commun+cat+on +nstrument. Stuent 7*o stu" +n t*e sc*oo& 7*+c* use a certa+n &anguage
7+&& e a goo s(eaker? +!!erent !rom stuent 7*o stu" at t*e ot*er sc*oo&. T*e" 7+&& get
+!!+cu&t+es +n us+ng Eng&+s* to s(eak eac* ot*er@ +t +s cause %" con+t+on o! sc*oo&
en>+ronment an me+a t*at +s use +n teac*+ng t*em.
1!2 S,",-.-), '+ P&'/0-.
Base on t*e %ackgroun o! stu" a%o>e? t*e researc* (ro%&em are :
1. Ho7 +s t*e stuentsA s(eak+ng sk+&& %e!ore us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o o! t*e secon
ste( stuents o! Da!!o+& CourseD
$. Ho7 t*e stuentAs s(eak+ng sk+&& a!ter us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o o! t*e secon
ste( stuents o! Da!!o+& CourseD
'. Is t*ere an" s+gn+!+cant +!!erence %et7een s(eak+ng sk+&& %e!ore an a!ter us+ng m+n
ma((+ng met*o o! secon ste( +n Da!!o+& CourseD
). Is m+n ma((+ng met*o e!!ect+>e to +m(ro>e t*e+r s(eak+ng +n Secon ste( o!
Da!!o+& CourseD
1!3 P(&1'2- '+ S,(*y
Dea&+ng 7+t* t*e statement o! (ro%&em? t*e (ur(oses o! t*+s researc* are:
1. To escr+%e %e!ore t*e stuentAs s(eak+ng sk+&& %e!ore us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n
t*e secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course.
$. To escr+%e t*e stuentAs s(eak+ng sk+&& a!ter us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n t*e
secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course.
'. To !+n out 7*et*er t*ere +s s+gn+!+cant +!!erence %et7een s(eak+ng sk+&&s %e!ore an
a!ter us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n t*e secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course.
). To !+n out 7*et*er s(eak+ng sk+&& %" us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n t*e secon ste(
o! Da!!o+& Corse.
1!4 Hy1',3-242
T*+s t*es+s *as t7o *"(ot*eses. T*e" are nu&& *"(ot*es+s an t*e a&ternat+>e
*"(ot*es+s. T*+s +s t*e e<(&anat+on o! *"(ot*es+s.
T*e a&ternat+>e *"(ot*es+s BHoC states t*at s(eak+ng a%+&+t" us+ng m+n ma((+ng
met*o +n t*e secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course met*o +s not e!!ect+>e.
T*e a&ternat+>e *"(ot*es+s BHoC states t*at s(eak+ng sk+&& us+ng m+n ma((+ng
met*o +n t*e secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course met*o +s e!!ect+>e.
Base on statements o! (ro%&em an t*e o%=ect t*e o%=ect+>e o! stu"? a&ternat+>e
*"(ot*es+s +s c*osen? 7*+c* +s Es(eak+ng sk+&& %" us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n t*e
secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course +s e!!ect+>e. T*e reason c*oos+ng *"(ot*es+s +s
su((os+t+on t*at m+n ma((+ng g+>en can +ncrease s(eak+ng sk+&& o! t*e stuent +n
&earn+ng Eng&+s*
1!5 T3- A22(.1,4') '+ S,(*y
T*e 7r+ter *as some assum(t+ons o! t*+s researc* %ecause +t +s +m(oss+%&e !or t*e
7r+ter to o%ser>e a&& !actors 7*+c* +n!&uence stuentAs ac*+e>ement +n s(eak+ng. T*e
assum(t+ons o! t*+s researc* are:
1. T*e stuents o! secon ste( +n Da!!o+& *a>e t*e same %as+c s(eak+ng sk+&&.
$. T*e stuents o! secon ste( +n Da!!o+& *a>e t*e same !&uenc" o! s(eak+ng stu".
'. T*e stuents o! secon ste( +n Da!!o+& *a>e ne>er %een taug*t %" us+ng 5+n
). T*e stuents o! secon ste( +n Da!!o+& *a>e t*e same s(+r+t o! s(eak+ng sk+&&.
1!6 S4%)4+4#")#- '+ 2,(*y
T*e researc*er *o(es t*at t*e resu&t o! t*e stu" 7+&& %e >a&ua%&e !or t*eoret+ca&
(ur(ose an (ract+ca& (ur(ose. Some s+gn+!+cances o! t*+s researc* 7*+c* are *o(e to %e
use!u& !or anot*er are:
1!6!1 T3-'&-,4#"0 1(&1'2-
8or t*eoret+ca& (ur(ose? t*e researc* +s *o(e to a%&e to contr+%ute t*e e>e&o(ment
o! teac*+ng me+a t*at can +m(ro>e stuentAs ac*+e>ement +n rea+ng. It +s e<(ecte to
*a>e %ene!+t +n a+ng ne7 kno7&ege 7*+c* (resente a 7a" *o7 to +ncrease t*e
stuentAs rea+ng a%+&+t".
1!6!2 P&"#,4#"0 1(&1'2-
T*e (ract+ca& o! t*+s stu" are (resente !or !our e&ements. T*e" are !or t*e teac*ers?
stuents an !or t*e ne<t researc*es. Bes+es? t*e reaers o! t*+s t*es+s are e<(ecte to get
a>antage o! t*+s stu". Be&o7 are t*e %ene!+ts 7*+c* t*e" ma" get.
1. 8or t*e reaers
8or t*e reaers o! t*+s t*es+s? t*ese e<(&anat+ons o! *+s stu" are 7+s*e to g+>e
contr+%ut+on !or t*e+r kno7&ege a%out s(eak+ng sk+&&.
$. 8or t*e teac*er
T*e resu&t o! t*+s researc* 7+&& *e&( t*e teac*er to reno>ate met*o an +t can %e
+ncrease t*e a%+&+t" t*e stuentAs sk+&&.
'. 8or t*e stuent
T*e resu&t o! t*+s researc* 7+&& *e&( t*e stuent to +ncrease t*e+r a%+&+t" to
(ract+ce Eng&+s* eas+&".
). 8or t*e ne<t researc*ers
T*e resu&t o! t*+s researc* +s e<(ecte to %e one o! t*e re!erences t*at are use !or
researc*+ng rea+ng a%+&+t". It can %e use !or e>e&o(+ng kno7&ege an as
com(arator !or t*e researc*ers 7*o 7ant to o researc*+ng teac*+ng me+a
+ct+onar" so t*e ne<t researc*ers 7+&& get +n(ut ur+ng t*e+r researc*.
1!7! S#'1- ")* 04.4,",4')
To make t*+s researc*er c&ear? t*e researc*er 7ants to escr+%e t*e e!!ect+>eness
m+n ma((+ng met*o to +ncrease t*e a%+&+t" o! t*e secon ste( +n Da!!o+& Course. An t*e
researc* 7+&& make t*e %est.
Because t*e Su%=ect an o%=ect o! t*e researc* +s st+&& genera&? to a>o+ t*e genera&
+scuss+on? t*e sco(e must %e &+m+te +n orer to !ocus t*e stu" an eas" to unerstan. It
!ocuses on s(eak+ng? %u+& an +ea? e<(&ore? e<(&a+n an (resentat+on.
T*e su%=ect researc* +s a&so &+m+te +nto t*e secon ste( o! Da!!o+&. It +s %ecause
man" ste(s +n a!!o+& an m+n ma((+ng are goo !or t*em.
1!7 D-+4)4,4') '+ $-y ,-&.
To make c&ear !or t*e reaer to com(re*en t*e to(+c +scusse +n t*+s stu" an to
a>o+ t*e (oss+%+&+t+es o! m+s+nter(retat+on? t*e researc* *as tr+e to g+>e e!+n+t+on o! eac*.
T*e" are as !o&&o7:
In t*+s sect+on? +t 7+&& %e (resente some ke" terms o! stu" +n orer t*ere +s no
m+s+nter(retat+on ur+ng rea+ng t*+s stu". T*e" are arrange as !o&&o7:
1./.1 T*e e!!ect+>eness
In t*+s researc*? t*e e!!ect+>eness +s t*e use!u&ness o! m+n ma((+ng met*o !or
s(eak+ng? man" (eo(&e *a>e >oca%u&ar+es? %ut t*e" cannot e<(&ore t*e+r +ea? 7+t* t*+s
met*o make t*e stuent +ncrease t*e a%+&+t" u( to 54F. It can make t*e stuent can s(eak
1./.$ 5+n ma((+ng 5et*o
In t*+s researc*? m+n ma((+ng met*o +s ac*+e>ement +n s(eak+ng t*at ra+se %" t*e
stuents us+ng a test. T*e stuent 7+&& get Pre;test? a!ter t*e stuent gets t*e test? t*e" 7+&& get
t*e treatment Bus+ng 5+n 5a((+ng met*oC an t*e" 7+&& %e g+>en t*e test ca&&e (osttest.
T*e stuent 7+&& g+>e t*e to(+c an g+>e t+me aroun !+!teen to e<(&ore us+ng m+n ma((+ng.
T*+s met*o 7+&& %e !ocus on (resentat+on to e<(&ore o! t*e s(eak+ng. T*e stuent 7+&& %u+&
t*e +ea an t*e" can s(eak !&uenc".
1./.' S(eak+ng A%+&+t"
S(eak+ng a%+&+t+" +s a matter 7*+c* nees muc* e!!ort. No matter *o7 to get a great
an +ea +s? +! +t +s not comm+n+cate (ro(er&"? +t cannot %e e!!ect+>e. T*oroug* s(eak+ng ?
stuent &earn conse(ts? e>e&o( >oca%u&ar"? an (erce+>e t*e structure o! t*e eng&+s*
&anguage essent+a& com(onent o! &earn+ng.
In t*+s c*a(ter t*e researc*er 7ou& &+ke e&a%orate t*e t*eor" re&ate to t*e researc*
7*+c* +s one %" researc*er. It +s cruc+a& !or t*e researc*er an t*e reaer to recogn+Ge t*e
e!+n+t+on or t*e mean+ng o! t*e t+tt&e o! t*+s researc* +n orer to make eas+er !or t*e
researc*er +n ana&"G+ng an unerstan+ng (ro%&em ee(&". 8o&&o7 are t*eor+es g&o%a&&"
a%out s(eak+ng an m+n ma((+ng.
2!1 21-"$4)%
S(eak+ng +s taug*t +n =un+or *+g* Sc*oo& unt+& +n un+>ers+t". S(eak+ng +s act+>e sk+&&. To
use t*+s sk+&& t*e stuent must *a%+t +n s(eak+ng. E>er" (eo(&e can stu" a%out s(eak+ng?
!rom t*e %as+c unt+& t*e *+g* &e>e&
To stu" s(eak+ng starts to te&& t*e s+m(&e one. 8or e<am(&e ta&k a%out a+&" act+>+t".
Te&& e>er"t*+ng t*at t*e" can? +t 7+&& make t*em us+ng *a%+t !or stu" a%out t*e s(eak+ng an
(ract+c+ng +n t*e+r a+&" act+>+t"
Teac*ers can kee( track o! 7*at an *o7 muc* stuent s(eak an g+>e t*e
o((ortun+t" to g+>e some +ea an act+>e +n t*e c&ass. To (ro>e t*at t*e" *a>e unerstoo?
t*e" can e<(&ore +n t*e+r m+n %" us+ng m+n ma((+ng. T*e teac*er can g+>e man" to(+cs?
an t*e stuent 7+&& c*oose an e>e&o( t*e+r +ea %" us+ng m+n ma((+ng. It makes t*e
stuent more +nterest+ng.
2!2 T-"#34)% S1-"$4)%
In t*+s case? t*e researc* 7+&& +scuss some as(ects su((orte teac*+ng s(eak+ng@
t*e" are t*e goa& o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng? t*e strateg+es !or teac*+ng s(eak+ng an ste(s o!
teac*+ng s(eak+ng.
2!2!1 T3- G'"0 '+ T-"#34)% S1-"$4)%
ETeac*+ng s(eak+ng +s one t*e management o! +nteract+on 7*+c* +n>o&>es suc*
t*+ngs &+ke *o7 to +n>+te someone e&se to s(eak? *o7 to kee( con>ersat+on go+ng? 7*en? *o7
to term+nate con>ersat+onH BB+ntar+"a*+: $44'C. T*e statement +m(&+es a%out t*e goa& o!
teac*+ng s(eak+ng. .earners s*ou& %e a%&e to make t*emse&>es unerstoo? us+ng t*e+r
current (ro!+c+enc" to t*e !u&&est. T*e" s*ou& tr" to a>o+ con!us+on +n t*e message ue to
!au&t" (ronunc+at+on? grammar? or >oca%u&ar"? an to o%ser>e soc+a& an cu&tura& ru&es t*at
a((&" +n eac* commun+cat+on s+tuat+on.
T*e o>era&& goa&s o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng sk+&& are commun+cat+>e e!!+c+enc". T*e
s(ec+!+c goa&s are: B1C .earners s*ou& %e a%&e to make t*emse&>es unerstoo? B$C Us+ng
t*e+r current (ro!+c+enc" to t*e !u&&est? B'C T*e" s*ou& tr" to a>o+ con!us+on +n t*e massage
ue to !au&t" (ronunc+at+on? grammar? or >oca%u&ar"? B)C to o%ser>e t*e soc+a& an cu&tura&
ru&es t*at a((&+es +n eac* commun+cat+on s+tuat+on. BB+ntar+"a*+: $44'C
To *e&( stuents e>e&o( commun+cat+>e e!!+c+enc" +n s(eak+ng? +nstructors can use
a %a&ance act+>+t+es a((roac* t*at com%+nes &anguage +n(ut? structure out(ut? an
commun+cat+>e out(ut. .anguage +n(ut comes +n t*e !orm o! teac*er ta&k? &+sten+ng act+>+t+es?
rea+ng (assages? an t*e &anguage *ear an rea outs+e o! c&ass. It g+>es &earners t*e
mater+a& t*e" nee to %eg+n (rouc+ng &anguage t*emse&>es. Structure out(ut !ocuses on
correct !orm. In structure out(ut stuent? stuents ma" *a>e o(t+ons !or res(onses? %ut a&& o!
t*e o(t+on re6u+res t*em to use t*e s(ec+!+c !orm or structure t*at t*e teac*er *as =ust
2!2!2 S,&",-%4-2 +'& T-"#34)% S1-"$4)%
5an" &anguage &earners regar s(eak+ng a%+&+t" as t*e measure o! kno7+ng a
&anguage. T*ese &earners e!+ne !&uenc" as t*e a%+&+t" to con>erse 7+t* ot*ers? muc* more
t*an t*e a%+&+t" to rea? 7r+te? or com(re*en ora& &anguage. T*e" regar s(eak+ng as t*e
most +m(ortant sk+&& t*e" can ac6u+re? an t*e" assess t*e+r (rogress +n terms o! t*e+r
accom(&+s*ments +n s(oken commun+cat+on. T*ere!ore? to +ncrease t*+s sk+&& 7e nee
2race Sto>a&& Burkart? e.@ 1as*+ngton? DC: Center !or A((&+e .+ngu+st+cs? B133/C
states t*at E!!ect+>e +nstructors teac* stuents s(eak+ng strateg+es are us+ng m+n+ma&
res(onses? recogn+G+ng scr+(ts? an us+ng &anguage to ta&k a%out &anguage t*at t*e" can use to
*e&( t*emse&>es e<(an t*e+r kno7&ege o! t*e &anguage an t*e+r con!+ence +n us+ng +t.
T*ese +nstructorsA *e&( stuents &earn to s(eak so t*at t*e stuents can use s(eak+ng to &earn.
Anot*er e!+n+t+on a%out term strateg" o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng +s state %" Ierem"
Harmer t*at t*e !+t strateg" +n teac*+ng s(eak+ng +s t*e stuents to *a>e a !ree +scuss+on
g+>es t*em a c*ance to re*earse *a>+ng +scuss+on outs+e t*e c&assroom B$443C. B"
encourag+ng stuents to use c&ar+!+cat+on (*rases +n c&ass 7*en m+sunerstan+ng occurs an
%" res(on+ng (os+t+>e&" 7*en t*e" o? +nstructors can create an aut*ent+c (ract+ce
en>+ronment 7+t*+n t*e c&assroom +tse&!. As t*e" e>e&o( contro& o! >ar+ous c&ar+!+cat+on
strateg+es? stuents 7+&& ga+n con!+ence +n t*e+r a%+&+t" to manage t*e >ar+ous commun+cat+on
s+tuat+ons t*at t*e" ma" encounter outs+e t*e c&assroom.
DAArc" Anr+an 0a&&ance states ot*er e!+n+t+on an O&+>+a Io*nston t*at strateg" +s
teac*erAs moe& use to kno7 ne7 t*+ng to stuent %" t*e !un +ts gesture. In t*e
commun+cat+>e moe& o! &anguage teac*+ng? +nstructors *e&( t*e+r stuents e>e&o( t*+s %o"
o! kno7&ege %" (ro>++ng aut*ent+c (ract+ce t*at (re(ares stuents !or rea&;&+!e
commun+cat+on s+tuat+ons. T*e" *e&( t*e+r stuents e>e&o( t*e a%+&+t" to (rouce
grammat+ca&&" correct? &og+ca&&" connecte sentences t*at are a((ro(r+ate to s(ec+!+c conte<ts?
an to o so us+ng acce(ta%&e Bt*at +s? com(re*ens+%&eC (ronunc+at+on. T*ere!ore? t*e
(resentat+on tec*n+6ue +s one o! tec*n+6ue t*at !+t 7+t* t*e con+t+on.
Stuents o!ten t*+nk t*at t*e a%+&+t" to s(eak a &anguage +s t*e (rouct o! &anguage
&earn+ng? %ut s(eak+ng +s a&so a cruc+a& (art o! t*e &anguage &earn+ng (rocess. E!!ect+>e
+nstructors teac* stuents s(eak+ng strateg+es us+ng m+n+ma& res(onses? recogn+G+ng scr+(ts?
an us+ng &anguage to ta&k a%out &anguage 7*+c* t*e" can use to *e&( t*emse&>es e<(an
t*e+r kno7&ege o! t*e &anguage an t*e+r con!+ence +n us+ng +t. R. R. Da" BE.C? Ta&k+ng to
&earn B$'- J '$,C. Ro7&e"? 5A: Ne7%ur" House. BOn&+neC >o&. 1.' B*tt(:KKteac*+ng
s( u(ate 3 5a" $443C. States t*at +n teac*+ng nees strateg+es t*ere are: B1C
Us+ng m+n+ma& res(onses? &anguage &earners 7*o &ack con!+ence +n t*e+r a%+&+t" to (art+c+(ate
success!u&&" +n ora& +nteract+on o!ten &+sten +n s+&ence 7*+&e ot*ers o t*e ta&k+ng. One 7a" to
encourage suc* &earners to %eg+n to (art+c+(ate +s to *e&( t*em %u+& u( a stock o! m+n+ma&
res(onses t*at t*e" can use +n +!!erent t"(es o! e<c*anges. Suc* res(onses can %e es(ec+a&&"
use!u& !or %eg+nners. 5+n+ma& res(onses are (re+cta%&e? o!ten ++omat+c (*rases t*at
con>ersat+on (art+c+(ants use to +n+cate unerstan+ng? agreement? ou%t? an ot*er
res(onses to 7*at anot*er s(eaker +s sa"+ng. Ha>+ng a stock o! suc* res(onses ena%&es a
&earner to !ocus on 7*at t*e ot*er (art+c+(ant +s sa"+ng? 7+t*out *a>+ng to s+mu&taneous (&an a
res(onse. B$C Recogn+G+ng scr+(ts? some commun+cat+on s+tuat+ons are assoc+ate 7+t*
(re+cta%&e set o! s(oken e<c*anges J a scr+(t. 2reet+ngs? a(o&og+es? com(&+ments?
+n>+tat+ons? an ot*er !unct+ons t*at are +n!&uence %" soc+a& an cu&tura& norms o!ten !o&&o7
(atterns or scr+(ts. So o t*e transact+ona& e<c*anges +n>o&>e +n act+>+t+es suc* as o%ta+n+ng
+n!ormat+on an mak+ng a (urc*ase. In t*ese scr+(ts? t*e re&at+ons*+(s %et7een a s(eakerAs
turn an t*e one t*at !o&&o7s +t can o!ten %e ant+c+(ate. B'C Us+ng &anguage to ta&k a%out
&anguage. .anguage &earners are o!ten too em%arrasse or s*" to sa" an"t*+ng 7*en t*e" o
not unerstan anot*er s(eaker or 7*en t*e" rea&+Ge t*at a con>ersat+on (artner *as not
unerstoo t*em. Instructors can *e&( stuents o>ercome t*+s ret+cence %" assur+ng t*em t*at
m+sunerstan+ng an t*e nee !or c&ar+!+cat+on can occur +n an" t"(e o! +nteract+on? 7*ate>er
t*e (art+c+(antsA &anguage sk+&& &e>e&s. B" encourag+ng stuents to use c&ar+!+cat+on (*rases +n
c&ass 7*en m+sunerstan+ng occurs an %" res(on+ng (os+t+>e&" 7*en t*e" o? +nstructors
can create an aut*ent+c (ract+ce en>+ronment 7+t*+n t*e c&assroom +tse&!. As t*e" e>e&o(
contro& o! >ar+ous c&ar+!+cat+on strateg+es? stuents 7+&& ga+n con!+ence +n t*e+r a%+&+t" to
manage t*e >ar+ous commun+cat+on s+tuat+ons t*at t*e" ma" encounter outs+e t*e c&assroom.
Re%ecca B+n Rona& carter an Da>+ Nunan? $441: 1,,C states t*at strateg+es *e&(
&earners manage: B1C t*emse&>es as &earners? B$C t*e genera& &earn+ng (rocess? B'C s(ec+!+c
&earn+ng tasks. Strateg+es !or teac*+ng s(eak+ng *e&( &earners make u( !or m+ss+ng kno7&ege
7*en us+ng Eng&+s* +n ora& commun+cat+on? =ust a strateg" o! guess+ng !rom t*e conte<t 7*+&e
&+sten+ng an rea+ng com(ensates !or a kno7&ege ga(. Arno& B1334: 1,/C states t*at
a!!ect+>e strateg+es +nc&ue +ent+!"+ng oneAs !ee&+ng Be.g. an<+et"? anger an contentmentC
an %ecom+ng a7are o! t*e &earn+ng c+rcumstances or task t*at e>oke t*em.
Satono Bas 6uote +n 8ac*rurraG"? 133': $3C a&so ment+ons some (r+nc+(&es !or
s(eak+ng a%+&+t" so t*at t*e (ur(oses o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng? 7*+c* are to ena%&e t*e stuents to
commun+cate +n a target &anguage can %e ac*+e>e. T*e (r+nc+(&es are as !o&&o7. 8+rst?
teac*ers s*ou& kno7 t*e+r stuents +n+>+ua&&" +n some as(ects suc* as t*e+r &anguage &e>e&?
*o7 t*e" &earn? as 7e&& as t*e+r +nterests. Secon? teac*ers s*ou& +ntrouce >ar+ous conce(ts
!or s(eak+ng as 7e&& as cu&tura& %ackgroun? (ragmat+cs an k+nes+cs use an +a&ect use +n
Eng&+s*. 8ort*? teac*ers s*ou& %e creat+>e to create re&e>ant s+tuat+ons !or (ract+ce an
encourage stuents to %e s(ontaneous +n us+ng Eng&+s*. 8+!t*? t*e teac*ers s*ou& grou( t*e
stuents %ase on t*e+r a%+&+t" an +nterest to ma<+m+Ge stuentsA +n>o&>ement. S+<t*? teac*er
g+>es a sense o! (rogress to t*e stuents an o not cr+t+c+Ge too muc* to7ar t*e stuentsA
&anguage an content. T*e &ast? t*e teac*er use norma& s(ee 7*+&e ta&k+ng to t*e stuents to
make t*e stuents a7are o! t*e s(ee use %" (eo(&e to commun+cate.
Ierem" Harmer B133/: 35C states t*at teac*+ng s(eak+ng +s t*e same %as+c (attern@
Engage;act+>+t+es;stu";t*at +s teac*er gets stuents +ntereste +n t*e to(+c? t*e stuents o
task 7*+&e t*e teac*er 7atc*es an &+stens an t*e" t*en stu" an" &anguage +ssues t*at t*e
teac*er 7atc*es +ent+!+e as %e+ng (ro%&ems. T*ere!ore? +n one sense? t*ese are c&ass+c
%oomerang se6uences.
2!2!3 S,-12 '+ T-"#34)% S1-"$4)%
A!ter kno7+ng t*e 7a" to teac* s(eak+ng? an Eng&+s* teac*er s*ou& kno7 t*e ste(s
o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng %ecause t*e ste(s o! s(eak+ng can *e&( t*e Eng&+s* teac*er to make t*e
e!!ect+>e t+me. T*e ste(s are (resentat+on? (ract+ce? an (rouct+on BCaro& rea@ $445? +n
(resentat+on? (ract+ce an (rouct+on at g&anceC.
2!2!4 P&-2-),",4')
In t*+s ste(? t*e teac*er *as !unct+on to %e t*e announcer +n 7*+c* t*e teac*er g+>es
t*e stuent mot+>at+ons an &ea+ng 6uest+ons +n orer t*e" get t*e escr+(t+on a%out t*e
mater+a&? 7*+c* 7+&& %e (resente %" t*e teac*er. Teac*er s*ou& o t*+s ste( %ecause t*+s 7+&&
&ea t*e teac*er to kno7 t*e stuentAs a%+&+t" to +mag+ne an guess a%out an a%stract t*+ng
Caro& rea B$445C? +n (resentat+on at g&ance e<(&a+ns t*e (ur(ose o! (resentat+on are
to g+>e t*e stuents t*e o((ortun+t" to rea&+Ge t*e use!u&ness an re&e>ance o! a ne7 &anguage
+tem? to (resent t*e mean+ng an !orm? an c*eck unerstan+ng.
2!2!5 P&"#,4#-
Pract+ce +n s(eak+ng act+>+t" +s >er" +m(ortant %ecause %" t*+s 7a" t*e teac*er +s
a%&e to measure t*e a%+&+t" o! t*e stuents. In t*+s ste(? t*e teac*er g+>es e<am(&e to stuents
an stuents re(eat t*e teac*erAs e<am(&e.
In t*e teac*+ng act+>+t"? t*+s ste( can %e one %" !&e<+%&e 7a" !or +nstance +n (a+rs? a
grou( or +n+>+ua&&" %" te&&+ng somet*+ng +n !ront o! t*e au+ences +n 7*+c* stuents st+&& use
t*e teac*erAs e<am(&e.
Accor+ng to caro& rea B$445C? t*e (ur(oses o! (ract+ce are to (ro>+e ma<+mum
(ract+ce 7+t*+n contro&&e? %ut rea&+st+c an conte<tua&+Ge !rame7ork? to %u+& con!+ence +n
us+ng ne7 &anguage.
2!2!6 P&'*(#,4')
In t*+s ste(? t*e stuents are *o(e %e a%&e to (rouce a s(eak+ng act+>+t" %" us+ng
t*e+r 7a" 7+t*out gett+ng +nter>ent+on !rom t*e teac*er? +n t*+s ste( t*e Eng&+s* teac*er =ust
*as &+tt&e ro&e. BCaro& rea@ $445C e<(&a+ns t*e (ur(oses o! (rouct+on are: to (ro>+e t*e
o((ortun+t" !or stuents to use ne7 &anguage +n !ree more creat+>e 7a"s? to c*eck *o7 muc*
*as rea&&" %een &earnt to +ntegrate ne7 &anguage ne7 &anguage 7+t* o&? (ract+ce ea&+ng 7+t*
t*e un(re+cta%&e? to mot+>e stuents can %e use !or re>+s+on or +agnost+c (ur(oses.
2!3 T3- P&'/0-.2 4) T-"#34)% S1-"$4)%
Bro7n B$441: $,3C e<(&a+ns t*e +!!+cu&t+es +n t*e teac*+ng s(eak+ng an t*e !actors
t*at make t*e +!!+cu&t" +n s(eak+ng. T*e !+rst +s e!!ect+>e !actors. One o! t*e ma=or o%stac&es
&earners *a>e to o>ercome +n &earn+ng to s(eak +s t*e an<+et" generate o>er t*e r+sks %ur"+ng
t*+ngs out t*at are 7rong? stu(+? or +ncom(re*ens+%&e. .earners are re&uctant to %e =uge %"
&+steners %ecause o! t*e &anguage ego t*at +n!orms (eo(&e L"ou are 7*at "ou s(eakA. T*e &ast
one +s +nteract+on e!!ect. .earners !+n +!!+cu&t" +n attem(ts to s(eak %ecause o! t*e
+nteract+>e nature o! commun+cat+on. 8or t*e &earner? t*e matter o! 7*at to sa" +s o!ten
ec&+(se %" con>ersat+ons o! *o7 to sa" t*+ngs? 7*en to s(eak? an ot*er +scourse
Ur B133,: 1$1C B+n 8+tr+ana. $44,C states !our (ro%&ems +n t*e s(eak+ng act+>+t+es:
a. In*+%+t+on
.earners are o!ten +n*+%+te a%out tr"+ng to sa" t*+ngs +n a !ore+gn &anguage +n t*e
c&assroom. T*e" are 7orr+e a%out mak+ng m+stakes? !ear!u& o! cr+t+c+sm or &os+ng !ace? or
s+m(&" s*" o! t*e attent+on t*at t*e+r s(eec* attracts.
%. Not*+ng to sa"
E>en +! t*e" are not +n*+%+te? one o!ten *ears &earners com(&a+n t*at t*e" cannot t*+nk o!
an"t*+ng to sa"@ t*e" *a>e no mot+>e to e<(ress t*emse&>es %e"on t*e gu+&t" !ee&+ng t*at
t*e" s*ou& %e s(eak+ng.
c. .o7 or une>en (art+c+(at+on
On&" one (art+c+(ant can ta&k at a t+me +! *e or s*e +s to %e *ear@ an +n a &arge grou(? t*+s
means t*at eac* one 7+&& *a>e on&" >er" &+tt&e ta&k+ng t+me. T*+s (ro%&em +s com(oune
%" t*e tenenc" o! some &earners to om+nate t*e act+>+t"? 7*+&e ot*ers s(eak >er" &+tt&e or
not a&&.
. 5ot*er tongue use
In c&asses 7*ere a&&? or num%er o!? t*e &earners s*are t*e same mot*er tongue? t*e" ma"
ten to use t*e mot*er tongue %ecause +t +s eas+er? %ecause +t !ee&s unnatura& to s(eak to
one anot*er +n a !ore+gn &anguage? an %ecause t*e" !e&& &ess Le<(oseA +! t*e" are
s(eak+ng t*e+r mot*er tongue.

2!4 M4)* M"114)% T-#3)48(-
A m+n ma( +s a gra(*+ca& 7a" to re(resent +eas an conce(ts. It +s a >+sua& t*+nk+ng
too& t*at *e&(s structur+ng +n!ormat+on? *e&(+ng "ou to %etter ana&"Ge? com(re*en?
s"nt*es+Ge? reca&& an generate ne7 +eas. Iust as +n e>er" great +ea? +ts (o7er &+es +n +ts
In a m+n ma(? as o((ose to tra+t+ona& note tak+ng or a &+near te<t? +n!ormat+on +s
structure +n a 7a" t*at resem%&es muc* more c&ose&" *o7 "our %ra+n actua&&" 7orks. S+nce +t
+s an act+>+t" t*at +s %ot* ana&"t+ca& an art+st+c? +t engages "our %ra+n +n a muc*? muc* r+c*er
7a"? *e&(+ng +n a&& +ts cogn+t+>e !unct+ons. An? %est o! a&&? 4, 42 +().
5+n ma((+ng +s one o! t*e more common t"(es o! +n!ormat+on (rocess+ng. It s*ou&
%e use 7*en a 7r+ter encounters 7r+tersM %&ock or 7*en t*e 7r+ter +s *a>+ng trou%&e
organ+G+ng t*oug*ts or +eas. Pro%&em so&>ers can use m+n ma(s to aress creat+>e
c*a&&enges 7+t*out (re=ugment an to a&&ocate resources e!!ect+>e&".
5+n ma((+ng >+sua&+Gat+on s(a7ns +eas t*at are connecte to a centra& to(+c? %ut t*e
tec*n+6ue can a&so %e use to N!&es* outN +eas t*at *a>e a&rea" %een targete as (otent+a&
so&ut+ons. 5+n ma((+ng +s o!ten use %" 7r+ters to gat*er t*e+r t*oug*ts an +eas %e!ore
t*e" &a" (en to (a(er. A m+n ma( s*ou& %e a 7e%;&+ke structure o! 7ors an +eas t*at are
&oose&" t+e to one anot*er. Here are some gu+e&+nes !or cra!t+ng a use!u& m+n ma(.
T*+s +s a m+n ma( a%out J con>en+ent&" enoug* J .4)* ."114)% 4,! It (resents? +n a
>+sua& 7a"? t*e core e&ements an tec*n+6ues on *o7 to ra7 m+n ma(s. :es? I kno7 t*+s
ma" &ook a &+tt&e too mess" +n+t+a&&"? %ut %ear 7+t* me: once "ou %reak t*e +ngra+ne *a%+t o!
&+near note tak+ng? "ou 7onAt &ook %ack.
2!4!1 T3- S,&",-%4-2 '+ U24)% M4)* M"114)%
5+n ma((+ng +s a (ass+on !or me? an +t +s one o! t*e strongest r+>ers %e*+n t*+s
%&og. I (&an to I t*+nk I a&rea" ga>e a7a" t*e %ene!+ts o! m+n ma((+ng an 7*" m+n ma(s
7ork. Bas+ca&&"? m+n ma((+ng a>o+s u&&? &+near t*+nk+ng? =ogg+ng "our creat+>+t" an
mak+ng note tak+ng !un aga+n.
T*e 7a" to use m+n ma((+ng:
Note tak+ng
Bra+nstorm+ng B+n+>+ua&&" or +n grou(sC
Pro%&em so&>+ng
Stu"+ng an memor+Gat+on
Researc*+ng an conso&+at+ng +n!ormat+on !rom mu&t+(&e sources
Present+ng +n!ormat+on
2a+n+ng +ns+g*t on com(&e< su%=ects
Iogg+ng "our creat+>+t"
It +s *ar to make =ust+ce to t*e num%er o! uses m+n ma(s can *a>e J t*e trut* +s t*at
t*e" can *e&( c&ar+!" "our t*+nk+ng +n (rett" muc* an"t*+ng? +n man" +!!erent conte<ts:
(ersona&? !am+&"? eucat+ona& or %us+ness. P&ann+ng "ou a" or (&ann+ng "our &+!e?
summar+G+ng a %ook? &aunc*+ng a (ro=ect? (&ann+ng an creat+ng (resentat+ons? 7r+t+ng %&og
(osts ;7e&&? "ou get t*e +ea J an"t*+ng? rea&&".
2!4!2 T3- 9"y ,' D&"9 .4)* ."114)%
Dra7+ng a m+n ma( +s as s+m(&e as 1;$;':
S,"&, +n t*e m+&e o! a %&ank (age? 7r+t+ng or ra7+ng t*e +ea "ou +nten to
e>e&o(. I 7ou& suggest t*at "ou use t*e (age +n &ansca(e or+entat+on.
D-:-0'1 t*e re&ate su%to(+cs aroun t*+s centra& to(+c? connect+ng eac* o! t*em to
t*e center 7+t* a &+ne.
R-1-", t*e same (rocess !or t*e su%to(+cs? generat+ng &o7er;&e>e& su%to(+cs as "ou
see !+t? connect+ng eac* o! t*ose to t*e corres(on+ng su%to(+c.
Some more recommenat+ons:
U2- #'0'&2; *&"94)%2 ")* 2y./'02 #'14'(20y! Be as >+sua& as "ou can? an "our
%ra+n 7+&& t*ank "ou. IA>e met man" (eo(&e 7*o onAt e>en tr"? 7+t* t*e e<cuse
t*e"Are Nnot art+stsN. DonAt &et t*at kee( "ou !rom tr"+ng +t outO.
K--1 ,3- ,'14#2 0"/-02 "2 23'&, "2 1'224/0-? kee(+ng t*em to a s+ng&e 7or J or?
%etter "et? to on&" a (+cture. Es(ec+a&&" +n "our !+rst m+n ma(s? t*e tem(tat+on to
7r+te a com(&ete (*rase +s enormous? %ut a&7a"s &ook !or o((ortun+t+es to s*orten +t to
a s+ng&e 7or or !+gure J "our m+n ma( 7+&& %e muc* more e!!ect+>e t*at 7a".
V"&y ,-<, 24=-; #'0'& ")* "04%).-),. 0ar" t*e t*+ckness an &engt* o! t*e &+nes.
Pro>+e as man" >+sua& cues as "ou can to em(*as+Ge +m(ortant (o+nts. E>er" &+tt&e %+t
*e&(s engag+ng "our %ra+n.
2!4!3 F4)"0 ,3'(%3,
5+n ma((+ng +s an a%so&ute&" !asc+nat+ng an r+c* to(+c J t*+s (ost on&" scratc*es t*e
sur!ace. I! "ou 7ant more re!erence mater+a& no7? 1+k+(e+a +s a&7a"s a goo start+ng (o+nt.
E<(&ore +t +n muc* more e(t* J (u%&+s*+ng m+n ma(s? (ro>++ng t+(s? ta&k+ng a%out
com(uter m+n ma((+ng? an muc* more. Iust make sure to kee( >+s+t+ng Bor %etter "et?
In t*e meant+me? (&ease g+>e m+n ma((+ng a c*ance J tr" +t out. 8o&&o7 t*ese *an" t+(s an
see t*e resu&ts !or "ourse&!. DonAt 7orr" too muc* a%out o+ng +t t*e Nr+g*tN 7a" J =ust make
+t !un.
To +ns(+re "ou? one more great m+n ma( !rom Creat+>e Inte&&+gence.
2!5 I)2,&(#,4')"0 M-*4"
T*e teac*+ng an &earn+ng (rocess sa+ to %e &+>e +! t*e stuents are act+>e&" +n>o&>e
+n *er mot+>ate to take (art +n t*e act+>+t+es. To make t*e teac*+ng &earn+ng (rocess more
&+>e? teac*ers nee to use me+a. 5e+a can %e +nstruct+ona& +! t*e" carr" message 7+t* an
+nstruct+ona& or teac*+ng o%=ect+>e +n ot*er 7ors? t*e use +nstruct+ona& me+a +s >er"
+m(ortant +n t*e &earn+ng an teac*+ng (rocess s+nce +t *e&(s teac*ers to make t*e stuents
eas+&" unerstan t*e &esson.
2!5!1 K4)*2 '+ 4)2,&(.-),"0 .-*4"
Accor+ng to He+n+c* B13/$C +n 8+tr+ana B$44,C? t*ere are t*ree k+ns o! me+a. T*e" are
0+sua& me+a
0+sua& .+terac" +s t*e &earne a%+&+t" to +nter(ret >+sua& message accurate&" an to
create suc* message. E<am(&e: I&&ustrat+on +n a %ook? ne7s(a(er? %+&&%oar an
(oster? u(&+cate? *anouts? (+ctures.
Au+o >+sua&
Au+o me+a +s a means or >ar+ous means o! recor+ng an transm+tt+ng t*e *uman
>o+ce an ot*er souns !or +nstruct+ona& (ur(oses.
E<am(&e : P*onogra(* or recor (&a"er? .CD mon+tor? .a(to(? Cassette ta(e ?
recorer? au+o car reaer.
Au+o;>+sua& me+a
It +s t*e com%+nat+on o! %ot* me+a
E<am(&e : Ra+o? te&e>+s+on? >+eo? soun s&+e com%+nat+on? mu&t+;+mage
s"stem? >ar+a%&e mot+on (rogramm+ng? +nteract+>e >+eo? mu&t+me+a k+t an &earner
In 9em( an Da"ton B13/5:',C B+n 8+tr+ana? $44,C? t*e k+ns o! me+a are (r+nte
me+a? +s(&a" me+a? o>er*ea trans(arenc+es? au+o ta(e recor+ngs? s&+e ser+es an
!+&mstr+(s? mu&t+;+mage (resentat+ons? >+eo recor+ngs an mot+on;(+cture !+&ms? com(uter;
%ase +nstruct+on? an se&ect+ng me+a !or s(ec+!+c nees. S+nce (resentat+on use mater+a&?
7*+c* +s (re(are s&+e ser+es an mu&t+;+mage (resentat+ons (ur(ose? (resentat+on? +s >+sua&
an (r+nte me+a.
2!5!2 T3- R'0-2 '+ I)2,&(#,4')"0 M-*4"
Accor+ng to 9as%o&a* B+n 5auratu?$445C sa+ t*at +nstruct+ona& me+a (&a" +m(ortant ro&es
o! attract+ng stuentAs attent+on an e&+>er+ng +n!ormat+on. Accor+ng to 9em( an
Da"tonB13/5:';)C? some !unct+ons o! me+a to t*e &earn+ng (rocess are as !o&&o7s :
a. T*e +nstruct+on can %e more +nterest+ng
%. T*e &engt* o! t+me re6u+re !or +nstruct+on can %e reuce. 5ost o! (resentat+ons re6u+re
a s*ort t+me to transm+t t*e+r message. Ho7e>er? ur+ng t*+s %r+e! (er+o? &arge amount
o! +n!ormat+on can %e commun+cate to an a%sor%e %" t*e &earners.
c. T*e (os+t+>e att+tue o! stuents to7ar 7*at t*e" are &earn+ng an to t*e &earn+ng
(rocess +tse&! can %e en*ance. Stuents !re6uent&" e<(ress (re!erence !or us+ng me+a
as means o! stu"+ng. 5oreo>er? t*e" !+n &earn+ng 7+t* +nstruct+ona& me+a en=o"a%&e
an sat+s!"+ng.
To conc&ue? +n genera& t*e ro&es o! +nstruct+ona& me+a +s to st+mu&ate stuents to use
t*e &anguage.
2!6 T3- P&'%&-22 '+ S1-"$4)% A/404,y
T*e stu" o! !ore+gn &anguage? &+ke most o! ot*er %as+c +sc+(&+nes? +s %ot* a (rogress+>e
e<(er+ence an ac6u+s+t+on o! sk+&&. At no (o+nt can t*e e<(er+ence %e cons+ere com(&ete
or t*e sk+&& (er!ect. 5an" (u(+&s stu" a !ore+gn &anguage on&" t+me? a &onger t+me +s o!
course neee to a((roac* m"ster". At an"? (o+nt *o7e>er? t*e (rogress mae +n &anguage
an goo concentrat+on to +ncrease t*e+r m+n +n !ocus 7+t* a to(+c.
T*e stu" o! !ore+gn &anguage 7+&& ac*+e>e some (rogress a!ter a (er+o. 8+nnocc*+aro
an Bonomo? B13-':'3C t*es+s U5 5a&ang $445 accor+ng to t*em t*e (rogresses t*at are
ac*+e>e %" stuents are as !o&&o7s:
1. T*e ac6u+s+t+on o! set o! sk+&&s? 7*+c* can +n+cate rea& master" !or un&+m+te use +s
7*en (ract+ce &ong enoug*? Suc* as aC. T*e +ncreas+ng a%+&+t" to unerstan a
!ore+gn &anguage 7*en s(oken? %C. T*e +ncreas+ng a%+&+t" to rea t*e !ore+gn
&anguage (rogress+>e&" 7+t* greeter ease an en=o"ment.
$. A ne7 unerstan+ng o! &anguage an g+>+ng *+m? a ne7 (ers(ect+>e on *+s nat+>e
&anguage +s as 7e&& as +ncrease >oca%u&ar" an greeter e!!ect+>eness +n se&! J
'. A graua&&" e<(an+ng an ee(en+ng kno7&ege o! !ore+gn o! 7*+c* are
geogra(*"? *+stor"? soc+a& organ+Gat+on? &+terature an cu&ture.T*e" a&so state t*at
(rogress +n an" o! t*ese e<(er+ences +s re&at+>e to em(*as+s g+>en +n t*e struct+ona&
(rogram an +nterest an att+tue o! t*e &earner. .anguage sk+&&s? &+ke a&& (ract+ca&
sk+&&s. 5a" ne>er %e (er!ecte an ma" &ater %e !orgotten? "et t*e en&arg+ng an
enr+c*+ng resu&t o! t*e cu&tura& e<(er+ence t*roug*out &+!e.
2!7 S#'&- I)*4#",4)% P&'%&-22
1e o!ten 7ant to access *o7 muc* a stuent *as &earne rat*er t*an *o7 muc* *e
ma" kno7 +n (art+cu&ar moment an *o7 !ar *e can !ocus *+s m+n to so&>e t*e case 7*en
*e s(eaks Eng&+s*. T*+s 6uest+on regar+ng (rogress +s (art+cu&ar&" re&e>ant +n g+>+ng +ea
7*en *e gets ut" to g+>e comment 7+t* a to(+c o! s(eak+ng.
Score (rogress +s t*e measure to kno7 t*e 6ua&+t" stuents +s t*e resu&t o! stuentAs
s(eak+ng (rogress or not a!ter us+ng Em+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ueH
2!7!1 T3- 4)*4#",'& '+ 1&'%&-22
To get t*e (rogress o! s(eak+ng? t*e Eng&+s* teac*er s*ou& g+>e t*e stuents mot+>at+on to
(ract+ce Eng&+s*. Accor+ng to Penn" Ur B13/- :1$4C B+n Renato $44-C
T*ere are some +n+cator o! s(eak+ng (rogress? t*ere are:
a. .earners ta&k a &ot
As muc* (oss+%&e? t*e stuents (ract+ce s(eak+ng. It +s *o(e to make t*e stuents
*a%+tua& +n s(eak+ng Eng&+s*.
%. .earners (art+c+(at+on
C&assroom +scuss+on +s not om+nate %" a om+nate a mon+tor" o! ta&k act+>e
(art+c+(ate. A&& get c*ance to s(eak an contr+%ut+ons are !a+r&" e>en&" +str+%ute.
c. 5ot+>at+on +s *+g*
.earner +s eager to s(eak %ecause t*e" are +ntereste +n t*e to(+c an *a>e somet*+ng
ne7 to sa" a%out +t? %ecause t*e" 7ant to contr+%ute to ac*+e>+ng task o%=ect+>e
. .earners are an acce(ta%&e &e>e&
E>er" &anguage &earners are acce(ta%&e +n e>er" &e>e&? e>en t*oug* t*e" *a>e &+m+te
&anguage source. 8rom t*e (rogress stuentAs a%+&+t" +s not re&ease !rom teac*er ro&e
+n teac*+ng s(eak+ng? not on&" on *+s mot+>at+on %ut a&so on *+s a((ro(r+ate
tec*n+6ue 7*+c* *e use.
2!> P&-:4'(2 R-2-"&#3
T*+s c*a(ter? t*e researc*er 7+&& +scuss t*e ste(? 7*+c* +s use +n conc&u+ng t*e
researc*. T*e +scuss+on +s as !o&&o7s: researc* es+gn? (o(u&at+on an su%=ect? +nstruments?
(roceure o! e<(er+ment? an ata ana&"s+s.
3!1 R-2-"&#3 D-24%)
Some met*o o! conc&u+ng t*e researc* +s to gu+e an *e&( t*e researc*er to co&&ect
ana&"s+s t*e ata. Researc* can %e e!+ne as t*e a((&+cat+on o! t*e sc+ent+!+c a((roac* to t*e
stu" o! t*e (ro%&em. It +s (ur(ose to !+n out t*e ans7ers to mean+ng!u& 6uest+on %" us+ng
sc+ent+!+c (roceure.
8rom t*+s? t*e researc*er 7ants to !+n out t*e e!!ect+>eness o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng
us+ng m+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ue +n a!!o+& Course Pare? so t*e researc* es+gn use +n t*e
researc* uses one grou( B(re;test an (ost; testC es+gn +n 7*+c* t*e es+gn +s +&&ustrate as
t*e !o&&o7+ng
Pre;test Treatment Post;test
4 P t1
Be!ore treatment +s one? t*e researc*er g+>es t*e (re;test BtoC ear&". It +s one to get
ata o! a%+&+t" o! t*e stuents %e!ore o+ng t*e treatment. A!ter t*e ata co&&ecte an recor.
T*e ne<t ste( +s g+>+ng treatment Ba((&"+ng E(resentat+on tec*n+6ueC. In treatment? t*e
researc*er +>+es stuents %ecome some grou(s +n 7*+c* eac* grou( *as t7o (eo(&e. T*en
t*e to(+c +>+es stuents %ecome some grou(s +n 7*+c* eac* grou( eac* grou( *as t7o
(eo(&e. T*en t*e to(+c +scusse BTaken &otter"C !ee&+ng e<(ress+on an agreement or
+sagreementC gotten must %e es+gne +n s&+es t*e (resente to ot*er stuents +n !ronts o!
c&ass %" us+ng Eng&+s* &anguage use. Here e>er" grou( 7+&& *a>e t+me !or a%out )5 m+nutes
7*en t*e" e<(&a+ne t*e s&+es %" turn. T*e c&ass+!+cat+on o! s&+es +s t*e e<(&anat+on o! t*e
ma+n to(+c +scusse? c&ass +nteract+>e B6u+GC attract+>e game? an +ntermeGGo.
T*en t*e &ast? a!ter researc*er !e&&s sure t*at t*e stuents *a>e a((&+e t*e Em+n
ma((+ng tec*n+6ueH? t*e researc*er oes (ost;test as measure o! treatment 7*+c* *as %een
a((&+e 7*et*er t*e treatment e!!ect+>e +n +m(ro>+ng stuentAs s(eak+ng a%+&+t" +n (ost;test +s
*o(e %etter t*an (re;test? %ecause a!ter g+>en (re;test? t*e stuents are g+>en treatment o!
teac*+ng s(eak+ng us+ng E(resentat+on tec*n+6ueH.
3!2 P'1(0",4') ")* 2".10-
Po(u&at+on o! t*+s researc* +s t*e secon grae o! Da!!o+& Course? +n 7*+c* t*e tota& num%er
o! stuents at t*e secon ste( o! Da!!o+& Course are $44 stuents 7+t* !our Ste(? ste((+ng
stone? ste( one? ste( t*ree an (u%&+c s(eak+ng. T*e !o&&o7+ng +s t*e +str+%ut+on o! t*e secon
grae o!
Da!!o+& Course
C0"22 T3- )(./-& '+ 2,(*-),2
Ste((+ng Stone
Ste( One
Ste( T7o
Ste( T*ree
Pu%&+c S(eak+ng
5 C&asses $44
In t*e grou( o! (o(u&at+on a%o>e? +t 7+&& %e (oss+%&e to %e c*osen as t*e sam(&e o!
researc* an +t means t*at a&& (o(u&at+on *as t*e same c*ance !or %e+ng sam(&e. So %ase on
(o(u&at+on a%o>e? t*e researc*er ec+es to take one c&ass %" us+ng ranom sam(&+ng. T*en
t*e researc*er uses some (+eces (a(er 7*+c* +s 7r+tten t*e name o! c&ass t*en (ut +nto t*e
%ott&e Bo &otter" s"stemC? an a!ter *a>+ng t*e resu&t o! &otter"? t*e (a(er s*o7s T*e Secon
ste( 7+t* t*e num%er o! stuents are )4 as sam(&e o! t*e researc*.
3!3 I)2,&(.-),2 '+ T-2,
In t*+s researc* uses t7o +nstruments to measure *o7 !ar t*e stuentAs a%+&+t" %e!ore
an a!ter %e+ng g+>en t*e treatment. T*e" are (re;test an (ost;test. T*e e!+n+t+ons o! t*em
are as t*e !o&&o7+ng:
3!3!1 P&-?T-2,
Pre;test +n t*+s researc* +s use to get t*e ata a%out *o7 !ar t*e stuentsA s(eak+ng
a%+&+t" %e!ore a((&"+ng t*e E5+n 5a((+ng Tec*n+6ueH. T*e com(onent scor+ng use *ere
are !&uenc"? (ronunc+at+on? grammat+ca& Eng&+s*? >oca%u&ar" an accurac" +n (resent+ng a
to(+c g+>en.
T*e s"stems o! scor+ng are:
1. 8&uenc" : Ho7 t*e stuents (resent t*e to(+c g+>en us+ng Eng&+s* +n s(ee o! t*e
!&o7 o! s(eec*.
$. Pronunc+at+on : Ho7 t*e stuents s(eak 7e&& 7+t* un!am+&+ar souns or t*e +!!erence
%et7een some souns o! Eng&+s* an *o7 to (ronounce a 7or 7e&&.
'. 2rammat+ca& : Ho7 t*e stuents a((&" t*e correct !orms o! &anguage structure +n t*e+r
). 0oca%u&ar" : Ho7 t*e stuents master >oca%u&ar" as man" as (oss+%&e to an a%&e to
use +n s(eak+ng.
5. Accurac" : Ho7 t*e stuents (resent t*e to(+c g+>en accurate&" +n Eng&+s*.
T*e m+n+mum score use@ 4 an ma<+mum@ 144? a!ter t*e resu&t o! (re;test gotten?
t*en t*e ata +s counte us+ng mean score to kno7 t*e ear&" o! stuentsA s(eak+ng a%+&+t"
%e!ore a((&"+ng t*e treatment. It +s !ormu&ate as t*e !o&&o7+ng:
5ean EtoH BPre;TestC Q

Q tota& score o! (re;test.
N Q t*e num%er o! stuents.
BThe criteria of scoring see in appendix: 2C
3!3!2 P'2,?T-2,
Post;test 7+&& %e g+>en a!ter t*e" get t*e teac*+ng o! s(eak+ng us+ng E5+n 5a((+ng
tec*n+6ueH@ (ost;test +s use to get t*e ata o! t*e resu&ts o! treatment one %" t*e researc*er.
T*e com(onent o! (ost;test same &+kes (re;test an t*e resu&t o! (ost;test can %e !ormu&ate
5ean Et
H B(ost;testC Q
Q tota& score o! (ost;test.
N Q t*e num%er o! stuents.
Bot* o! tests? (re;test an (ost;test are conucte %ase on t*e +n+cator o! t*+s
stu". T*e ste( o! gett+ng t*e >a&ue +s a&& com(onent o! s(eak+ng a%+&+t" ae an +>+e
!+>e. 5us&+c* B9TSP? $44-: 1'3C +n Renato ET*e e!!ect+>eness o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng us+ng
.+!e s7a( game? $44-H.
Accurac" 0oca%u&ar" & 2rammat+ca +on Pronunc+at 8&uenc" : Score + + + +
T*e e<am(&e o! scor+ng as !o&&o7s:
N' N".-
S#'&-2 T',"0 S#'&-
1 5r. P ,5 -5 -' -/ -$ -$.,
$ 5r. : 55 -' ,- 55 -$ ,).)
' 5r. R -5 -3 -- -, -$ -5./
Note: I! 5r. P +n t*e test gets score ,5 +n !&uenc"? -5 +n (ronunc+at+on? -' +n grammat+ca&? -/
+n >oca%u&ar" an -$ +n accurac" t*en t*e sum o! tota& score !rom eac* +tem +>+e 5 +s -$.,.
8urt*ermore? +t can %e counte 7+t* t*e !ormu&a:
Tota& Score Q
8 S P S 2 S 0 S A
,5 S -5 S -' S -/ S -$
Q -$.,
5 5
T*e cr+ter+a o! test resu&t@ (re;test an (ost;test:
S#'&- C",-%'&y
/4 J 144 0er" 2oo
,5 J -3 2oo
55 J ,) Enoug*
)5 J 5) Poor
4 J )) 0er" Poor
3!4 P&'#-*(&- '+ E<1-&4.-),
T*ere are some (roceures !or t*e researc*er to o t*e e<(er+ment? t*ose are@ B1C
c*oos+ng t*e c&ass as su%=ect o! researc* B%" &otter"C? B$C g+>+ng (re;test to t*e c&ass c*osen?
B'C g+>+ng treatment? B)C g+>+ng (ost;test to kno7 t*e stuentAs (rogress+ng resu&t o! stuentsA
s(eak+ng a%+&+t".
T*e ste(s o! (roceures o! e<(er+ment are:
3!4!1 C3''24)% ,3- #0"22 "2 2(/@-#,
T*e researc*er ec+es to take one c&ass !rom t*e num%er o! !+>e s(eak+ng c&ass at
Da!!o+& Course %" us+ng ranom sam(&+ng. Here t*e researc*er uses some (+eces (a(er
7*+c* 7r+tten t*e name o! c&ass t*en (ut +nto t*e %ott&e Bo &otter" s"stemC? an a!ter *a>+ng
t*e resu&t o! &otter"? t*e (a(er s*o7s Secon ste( 7+t* t*e num%er o! stuents are )4 as
su%=ect o! t*e researc*.
3!4!2 G4:4)% P&-?,-2,
Pre;test +n t*+s stu" 7+&& %e g+>en to c&ass c*osen at t*e !+rst meet+ng. It +s use to
kno7 t*e+r ear&" s(eak+ng a%+&+t" %e!ore %e+ng g+>en t*e treatment. In t*+s test? t*e researc*er
7+&& +>+e stuents %ecome some grou(s +n 7*+c* e>er" grou( +s cons+st+ng o! t7o stuents.
T*en e>er" grou( must +scuss t*e to(+c +scusse 7*+c* taken %" &otter" ear&" 7+t* t*e+r
cou(&e +n 14 m+nutes t*en t*e" s*ou& con>e" t*e con>ersat+on +n !ront o! c&ass !or a%out 14
T*e to(+cs use +n t*+s Pre;test are as !o&&o7s:
N' T'14#2 S(/?T'14#
2+>+ng o(+n+on
8ee&+ng e<(ress+on
Narrat+>e te<t
2+>+ng +rect+on
Agree+ng an +sagree+ng
A%out EB.T +n Inones+aH
E<(ress+ng !ee&+ng o! &o>e
A%out EC+nere&&aH
S*o7 (u%&+c (&ace
1*at o "ou t*+nkD
8ee&+ng e<(ress+on
Hortator" test
Ask+ng +n!ormat+on
S(oo! te<t
Con+t+on sentence
E<(ress+ng saness
A%out remo>+ng &ea to (etro&.
To go *os(+ta&
A%out (r+>ate con>ersat+on
A%out con+t+ona& statement
3!4!3 D'4)% T&-",.-),
T*e treatment 7as one on t*e secon a". In t*+s stu"? teac*+ng s(eak+ng us+ng
E5+n 5a((+ng tec*n+6ueH +s treatment c*osen. T*+s treatment 7+&& o +n !our ste(s? 7*+c*
ste( o! treatment 7+&& %e escr+%e as !o&&o7s:
1. The preparation of Mind mapping technique
T*e !+rst ste( +n a((&"+ng 5+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ue +s (re(arat+on. It +s one %e!ore
a((&"+ng 5+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ue. Bot* o! 7*om Bteac*er an stuentsC gat*er to (re(are t*e
me+a use. T*e ste( eterm+nes t*e success or not t*e (resentat+on a((&"+ng. In t*e
(re(arat+on teac*er an stuents o as !o&&o7s:
T*e teac*er:
1C Pre(are t*e me+a use B.a(to(? .CD an sounC +n teac*+ng an &earn+ng (rocess.
$C 2reete? o(ene an ca&&e t*e stuentAs name.
'C In>+te t*e stuents to s+ng EHere meet+ng *ereH to gat*er.
)C Con>e"e t*e teac*+ng an &earn+ng (&an an stuentsA task.
5C D+>+e stuents %ecome $4 grou(s +n 7*+c* eac* grou( cons+sts o! $ stuents?
%ecause o! t*e tota& num%er o! t*e stuents are e>en.
,C D+>+e t*e to(+c +scusse Bus+ng &otter"C an turn to con>e" Em+n ma((+ng
tec*n+6ueH to t*e stuents.
-C E<(&a+ne ru&es an *o7 to a((&" t*e Em+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ueH 7*+c* starte !rom
o(en+ng? +ntrouc+ng t*e to(+c? e<(&a+n+ng t*e Eng&+s* mater+a& %" (o7er (o+nt me+a?
+nteract+>e act+>+t"? g+>+ng +ntermeGGo? conc&us+on? g&ossar+es? c&os+ng. T*+s act+>+t"
s(ent an a&so scor+ng s"stem.
/C 2a>e stuents e<am(&e t*e Em+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ueH us+ng m+n ma((+ng +n 7*+te
3C 2a>e t*em t+me to consu&t a%out t*e (re(arat+on o! m+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ue a((&+e
+n t*e t7+ce meet+ng.
14C 2a>e stuents t+me to +scuss 7+t* t*e+r team.
11C C&ose t*e (rogram.
T*e stuents:
1C He&(e to (re(are t*e me+a use.
$C 2a>e res(on to t*e researc*er 7*en *e aske.
'C Sang toget*er 7+t* researc*er.
)C Attene t*e researc*erAs e<(&anat+on.
5C O%ser>e t*e e<am(&e o! m+n ma((+ng me+a 7*+c* (re(are t*e researc*er.
,C 1rote t*e researc*erAs e<(&anat+on a%out (o+nts o! (resentat+on as =ugment +n
mak+ng an con>e"+ng t*e me+a.
-C Sat 7+t* t*e team %ecome.
/C D+scusse t*e to(+c +scusse 7+t* t*e+r team.
5e+a t*e (resentat+on es+gn !+rst +n t*e+r %ook task.
2. Perception (Exploration)
T*e secon ste( +s (erce(t+on Be<(&orat+onC. T*+s ste( +s cont+nu+ng o! (re(arat+on. It
!ocuses on conso&+at+on ste(? *ere teac*er gu+es an *e&(s t*e stuents to get sources an
es+gn (resentat+on (&an? 7*+&e stuents &ook !or some sources neee an ask teac*er +! t*e"
get (ro%&em. T*e (erce(t+on +s !o&&o7s:
T*e teac*er:
1C He&(e stuents to get sources o! to(+c +scusse an +n!ormat+on &earne.
$C He&(e stuents to make c&ear t*e+r conce(t o! t*oug*t an (ur(oses.
'C He&(e stuents to es+gn (resentat+on (&an s(ec+!+ca&&".
)C 5ae t*e =o"!u& &earn+ng s+tuat+on.
5C Con>+nce stuents to %e %ra>e take conc&us+on as t*e+r conce(t o! t*oug* to to(+c
,C 2a>e t*e 6uest+on to stuents to e<acer%ate t*e+r com(re*ens+on conce(t
-C In>o&>e stuents to (art+c+(ate act+>e&" +n tak+ng conc&us+on (rocess.
T*e stuents:
1C D+scusse t*e *ea to(+c &earne 7+t* t*e+r team.
$C En&arge t*e source o! (resentat+on.
'C 5ae s&+e me+a B(o7er (o+ntC.
)C S*o7e t*e es+gn resu&t Bt*e conce(t o! to(+c &earne? me+a (o7er (o+nt? an
(resentat+on (&an cont+nua&&".
5C Dee(en t*e+r unerstan+ng %" rea+ng some &+terature an source o! t*e+r to(+c.
,C 5ae t*e s+m(&e note %e!ore o+ng (resentat+on.
-C S*o7e t*e &ast resu&t o! (resentat+on es+gn %e!ore o+ng (resentat+on.
3. Exploration (Applying Preentation)
T*e ne<t ste( +s E<(&orat+on BA((&"+ng Presentat+onC. T*+s ste( +s a((&"+ng t*e
es+gn (&anne? *ere teac*er on&" *e&(e to (re(are t*e me+a 7*+&e stuents e&+>er t*e to(+c
&earnt us+ng me+a to ot*er !r+ens +n !ront o! c&ass %" turn. T*+s ste( 7+&& %e a((&+e +n t*e
t*+r meet+ng unt+& t*e tent* meet+ng. Here +t 7+&& ta&k as !o&&o7s:
T*e teac*er:
1C He&(e stuents (re(are me+a to a((&" (resentat+on B.a(to(KCom(uter? .CD?
$C 2a>e stuents mot+>at+on an st+mu&us.
'C Con>+nce t*e (resenter to %e %ra>e to e<(ress t*e+r +ea an e<(er+ence 7e&&.
)C Presente t*e (resenter Bt7o stuentsC to e<(ress t*e+r +ea an unerstan+ng o! to(+c
&earne 7+t* me+a (re(are.
5C O%ser>e (resenter an au+ences res(onses !or (resentat+on (rocess on.
,C He&(e stuents +! t*e" got (ro%&em !or (resentat+on (rocess on.
1C Pre(are t*e me+a use +n t*e !ourt* meet+ng.
$C Presente t*e to(+c &earne %" t*e me+a (re(are 7*+c* +nc&ue o(en+ng?
+ntrouc+ng t*e to(+c +scusse? e<(&a+n t*e to(+c +scusse %" me+a BPo7er Po+ntC?
+nteract+>e Bg+>e 6uest+on at &east 14 6uest+ons Bes+gne +n game or ora&K 7r+tten
6uest+onsC to au+ences as 7e&& +n+>+ua& or team as e>a&uat+onC.
'C De&+>ere t*e conc&us+on o! to(+c +scusse.
)C 2a>e +ntermeGGo.
5C 2a>e t*e ke" o! >oca%u&ar+es B2&ossar+esC
,C C&ose t*e (resentat+on.
!. Exploration (E"aluation)
T*e !ourt* ste( +n (resentat+on tec*n+6ue +s e>a&uat+on. It +s t*e &ast ste( +n 7*+c*
t*+s ste( teac*er g+>es not on&" e>a&uat+on? comment an suggest+on %ut a&so take score t*en
c&ose t*e (rogram 7*+&e stuents atten to teac*er. In t*e e>a&uat+on teac*er an stuents o
as !o&&o7s:
T*e teac*er:
1C O%ser>e t*e (resentat+on (rocess Bo(en+ng to c&os+ngC.
$C E>a&uate stuentsA (resentat+on act+>+t".
'C Rem+ne t*e ne<t (resenter BteamC to (resent %etter an !ocus on to(+c +scusse.
)C 2a>e mot+>at+on or success stor" to st+mu&us t*e+r s(+r+t.
5C C&ose t*e (rogram.
T*e stuents:
1C Attene t*e e>a&uat+on e&+>ere.
$C Rec*eck t*e me+a use.
'C Re>+se t*e 7eakness o! eac* sect+on.
)C Re&earn t*e to(+c +scusse a!ter %e+ng e>a&uate.
5C 1rote t*e conc&us+on o! e<(&anat+on !rom e>a&uat+on e&+>ere.
Note: T*e (rocess o! teac*+ng s(eak+ng us+ng E(resentat+on tec*n+6ueH 7+&& %e g+>en +n ten
meet+ng. It +s a((ro(r+ate 7+t* t*e tota& o! stuents an e>er" team *ere *as )5 m+nutes +n
a((&"+ng t*e+r (resentat+on me+a.
3!4!4 G4:4)% P'2,?T-2,
T*+s c*a(ter 7+&& escr+%e a%out (roceure o! g+>+ng (ost;test to t*e su%=ect stu".
Post;test 7+&& %e g+>en to c&ass secon ste( at Da!!o+& Course a!ter %e+ng g+>en
treatment? to kno7 7*et*er teac*+ng s(eak+ng us+ng E5+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ueH +s e!!ect+>e.
8or t*+s test? t*e stuent are aske to make con>ersat+on %" t*e +!!erent su%;to(+c +scusse
Btaken %" &otter"C 7+t* t*e same (artner B+n (re;testC +n !ront o! t*e c&ass.
An eac* grou( must con>e" t*e+r con>ersat+on +n !ront o! c&ass +n 15 m+nutes. T*e
score o! %ot* test? (re;test an (ost;test %ase on some Eng&+s*;s(eak+ng com(onent? t*ose
are (ronunc+at+on? grammar? >oca%u&ar"? accurac"? an !&uenc".
A!ter a&& stuents got (ost;test teac*er c&ose t*e (rogram an t*anke.
T*e to(+cs use +n t*+s test are as !o&&o7s:
N' T'14#2 S(/?T'14#
1 2+>+ng o(+n+on A%out E2&o%a& 1arm+ngH
8ee&+ng e<(ress+on
Narrat+>e te<t
Ask+ng !a>ors to ot*er (eo(&e.
Agree+ng an +sagree+ng
8ee&+ng e<(ress+on
Hortator" test
Ask+ng +n!ormat+on
S(oo! te<t
Con+t+on sentence
E<(ress+ng !ee&+ng o! &o>e
A%out EC+nere&&aH
To take somet*+ng
1*at o "ou t*+nkD
E<(ress+ng saness
A%out remo>+ng &ea to (etro&.
To go t+cket o!!+ce.
A%out (r+>ate con>ersat+on
A%out con+t+ona& statement
3!5 T-#3)48(- '+ *"," ")"0y242
T*e ata +s ana&"Ge %" us+ng t.test 7+t* t*e (roceures are as !o&&o7s@
1. Ca&cu&at+ng t*e a>erage score %ot* (re;test an (ost;test +n teac*+ng s(eak+ng us+ng
(resentat+on 7+t* t*e !ormu&a as !o&&o7s@
5ean EtoH BPre;TestC:

Q tota& score o! (re;test.
Q tota& score o! (ost;test.
N Q t*e tota& num%er o! t*e stuents +n t*e test
To kno7 t*e a%+&+t" o! stuents uses t*e (ercentage o! stuentsA score.
$. Ca&cu&at+ng t*e +!!erence o! mean score B5C %et7een (ost;test an (re;test +n teac*+ng
s(eak+ng us+ng E(resentat+on tec*n+6ueH. T*e !ormu&a +s as !o&&o7s:
5 Q 5t
J 5to
'. Ca&cu&at+ng t.test 7+t* t*e !ormu&a +s as !o&&o7s@
t. BtestC Q
C 1 BN N

Note: 5 Q t*e resu&t o! e>+at+on !rom 5t

to 5to
Q mean o! (ost;test
5to Q mean o! (re;test
Q t*e tota& num%er o! P
are o%ta+ne !rom resu&t o! ca&cu&at+ng o! EH score
an t*en P +n 7*+c* EH Q t*e resu&t o! e>+at+on !rom Et
H B(ost;testC to EtoH B(re;
testC K Bt
J toC? an P Q B J 5C
(t.test formula is adopted by Arikunto (2002: 299
A%ror? A%urra*man. 133'. !sikologi !endidikan. :og"akarta: PT. T+ara 1acana.
Ar+kunto? Su*ars+m+.$44$. !rosedur !enelitian : "uatu !endekatan !raktek. Iakarta: R+neka
AGra? AGGumar+. 1331. Pendidikan #slam Tradisi dan $odernitas $enu%u $ilenium
&aru. Iakarta: .ogos 1acana I&mu.
Dec+? E7ar. 1331. $oti'ation and (ducation: The "elf)*etermination !erspecti'e.
Roc*ester: .a7rence Er&%aum Assoc+ates? Inc.
Ec*o&? Io*n 5. an Hassan Sa+&". 133,. An (nglish)#ndonesian *ictionary. Iakarta :
Horn%"? AS. 133,. +xford *ictionary. O<!or Un+>ers+t" Press.
5un+%? Ac*ma. $443. !engantar #lmu !endidikan. Semarang: Unnes Press
5usta6+m. 1331. !sikologi !endidikan. Iakarta : R+neka C+(ta.
Purwanto, Ngalim. 1985. Pskologi Pendidikan. Bandung : Remada !ar"a.
R+"anto? :at+m. 13/3. $ethodology !enelitian !endidikan. Sura%a"a: SIC.
Stanar Nas+ona& Pen++kan BSNPC an Unang;unang RI. $44'. No. $4 Tentang S+stem
Pen++kan Nas+ona&?
Su+=ono? Anas. $441. !engantar "tatistik !endidikan. Iakarta: Ra=a 2ra!+no Persaa.
Sug+"ono. $41'. $etode !enelitian !endidikan. Banung: A&!a%eta.
Ra*ara? Ir+s. 1335. !endidikan dan ,eluarga. Iakarta: PT. Ra=a 2ra!+no Persaa.
A11-)*4< 1
A! M':- ,342 14#,(&- 4),' .4)* ."114)%; ")* 1&"#,4#- 4, 4) +&'), '+ y'(& +&4-)*A
1! W",-& F"00 3! C"$-

2! M')-y 4! B''$

B! M':- ,342 )-92 /-#'.-2 .4)* ."114)% ")* ,-00 4)+&'), '+ y'(& +&4-)*A
T3- -4%3, 2-#&-,2 '+ " 3"11y &-0",4')2341
LOVE 42 '/:4'(20y " 3', ")* ,&4#$y ,'14#; ")* 9340- 9- #") "00 "%&-- %''* 0':- ,"$-2 ,4.- ")* -++'&,; 4, 2--.2 ,' +"00 "1"&, 8(4#$0y
93-) ,3- /"00 42 *&'11-* ")* 0"=4)-22 #&--12 4)!
Here are e+g*t t*+ngs *a((" cou(&es o to kee( t*at !rom *a((en+ng:
1! T3-y *-"0 94,3 1"2, 1"4)
T*+s one +s a %+gg+e. Once 7e (ass t*e age o! 1,? t*e &+ke&+*oo o! e<(er+enc+ng *urt? +sa((o+ntment? or %etra"e +s 144 (er cent. Ha(("
cou(&es take t*e t+me +n+>+ua&&" to !ee& (ast (a+n? *ea& +t? an &ea>e +t 7*ere +t %e&ongs ... +n t*e (ast. 1e ma" &o>e t*e one 7eAre 7+t*? %ut
7eA&& a&so (ro=ect a&& o>er t*em +! 7e onAt ea& 7+t* our (ast *urts.
1*en 7e *a>e (a+n t*at *asnAt %een (rocesse? 7e carr" +t !or7ar. :ou canAt sk+m o>er or (os+t+>e t*+nk "our 7a" out o! emot+ona& (a+n? an
7*en 7e tr" to stu!! our emot+ons? 7eA&& !+n a 7a" to make our current (artner (a" !or t*e (ast s+ns o! ot*ers %ecause (a+n 7ants to %e
(rocesse. Hea&t*" cou(&es ea& 7+t* t*e+r (ast so t*e+r (resent can %e *a((".
2! T3-y *')B, ':-&?,34)$ -:-&y,34)%
Remem%er t*e (*rase (ara&"s+s %" ana&"s+sD O>er t*+nk+ng an o>er ana&"s+ng someoneAs e>er" 7or? mo>e or +ntent+on k+&&s an" c*ance o!
+nt+mac" or connect+on.
Ha((" cou(&es take one anot*er at !ace >a&ue? >ersus &ook+ng !or a&ternat+>e mean+ngs +n eac* ot*erAs 7ors or act+ons. Emot+ona& (arano+a +s a
s+gn o! emot+ona&&" o(erat+ng !rom t*e (ast +n an e!!ort to sta" sa!e +n t*e (resent. Hea&t*" cou(&es arenAt *"(er >+g+&ant. E>en +! t*e"A>e *urt
one anot*er +n t*e (ast? t*e" onAt e<(ect to %e *urt aga+n.
Remem%er? 7e see 7*at 7e e<(ect to see T *a((" cou(&es sta" +n t*e no7 moment.
3! T3-y "&- -.',4')"00y '1-)
9ee(+ng one !oot out emot+ona&&" to (rotect "ourse&! +s &+ke tr"+ng to cons+stent&" r+>e 144kmK* 7*+&e ta((+ng "our %rake e>er" ot*er m+nute.
Hea&t*" cou(&es res(ect t*e+r o7n %ounar+es? %ut are >u&nera%&e an o(en to7ars one anot*er. Too o!ten 7e e<(er+ence *urt an ne>er rea&&"
&et go aga+n. Ha((" cou(&es take t*e+r !eet o!! t*e %rake an trust.
4! T3-y ":'4* ,"$4)% ')- ")',3-& +'& %&"),-*
Ha((" cou(&es onAt take !or grante t*at t*e"A&& %e toget*er !ore>er. T*e" remem%er to turn on t*e c*arm an attent+on t*e" g+>e ot*ers?
to7ars one anot*er. It takes t7o to o t*e *ot (ass+onate ance o! tango T *a((" cou(&es onAt ro( one *an an e<(ect t*e ot*er *a&! to
kee( anc+ng.
5! T3-y $--1 ."$4)% -y- #'),"#,
As 1+&&+am S*akes(eare sa+ so 7e&&: ET*e e"es are t*e 7+no7 to "our sou&.H
.etAs !ace +t? &+!e +s %us"@ o>er t+me +t %ecomes a &+tt&e too eas" to na>+gate gett+ng out o! t*e *ouse +n t*e morn+ng 7+t*out mak+ng e"e contact.
It ma" soun sma&&? %ut e"e contact +s +nt+mate. Ha((" cou(&es remem%er t*at +nt+mac" +n t*e %eroom starts 7+t* +nt+mate contact t*roug*out
t*e a". T*e" &ook at one anot*er.

T*e t+t&e
T*e E!!ect+>eness O! Us+ng 5+n 5a((+ng Tec*n+6ue To Increase S(eak+ng A%+&+t" In Act+>e S(eak+ng at O<!or $41)
Ine(enent >ar+a%&e : 5+n ma((+ng tec*n+6ue
De(enent >ar+a%&e : S(eak+ng a%+&+t"
Statement O! Pro%&em
1. Ho7 +s t*e stuentsA s(eak+ng sk+&& %e!ore us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n Act+>e S(eak+ng at O<!or CourseD
$. Ho7 t*e stuentAs s(eak+ng sk+&& a!ter us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n Act+>e S(eak+ng at O<!or CourseD
'. Is t*ere an" s+gn+!+cant +!!erence %et7een s(eak+ng sk+&& %e!ore an a!ter us+ng m+n ma((+ng +n Act+>e S(eak+ng at O<!or
). Is m+n ma((+ng met*o e!!ect+>e to +m(ro>e t*e+r s(eak+ng +n Act+>e S(eak+ng at O<!or CourseD
S(eak+ng sk+&& %" us+ng m+n ma((+ng met*o +n Act+>e s(eak+ng at O<!or +s e!!ect+>e.
t*e mean+ng o!
+n !orma& an
susta+ne +n
conte<t o!
a+&" &+!e.
res(onse t*e
mean+ng o!
Bto get t*+ngs
oneC an
!orma& an
!&uent&" an
7*+c* use
; 9no7+ng
t*e 7a" to
make m+n
; C*ange t*e
(+cture to
(ract+ce +n
; C*ange t*e
stor" to
ora& &anguage
>ar+ous o!
(ract+ce +n

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