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Writing an Analytic Research Paper

An analytic paper demands that you perform many tasks: formulate a thesis, gather
sources, evaluate them, use them to support your original ideas, meticulously
document everything you've done. You can save yourself a great deal of time,
however, by doing a few simple things before you begin writing. We'll use a 1991
assignment about the Gulf War to illustrate how this works.
Analyzing the Assignment
Read the question carefully, and never be afraid to ask questions about the assignment. Never "second
guess" your instructor; ask him/her when you are not certain about the assignment.
Note any words or phrases in the question that seem to demand a certain type of writing or thinking
activity, especially words such as "compare," "discuss," or "evaluate." Be alert to other phrases that limit
the scope of your research.
Here is a sample research assignment, with key terms in bold type:
The events that led up to the Gulf War included a spirited debate in both houses of Congress about
whether or not to authorize President Bush to use military force in the Persian Gulf. That debate
continues today, since the American military victory neither toppled Saddam Hussein nor removed all
threats to America's Mideast oil supply.
Do you think that the military option achieved the best possible results in the Gulf? Could another option,
such as a continuation of the UN's economic sanctions, have done a better job of countering Iraq's
aggression and securing the Gulf's oilfields? In a paper of at least 12 pages, discuss your answer
and provide ample support for it from a range of scholarly articles and books. You should generally
avoid newspaper editorials, newsmagazines, and television broadcasts other than special
Note that the first paragraph here basically discusses the background for the question, whereas the
second paragraph delineates the writer's tasks. Note the key words and phrases in the second
paragraph; each of these limits your task and specifies how you are to go about fulfilling it.
Prepare a prewriting exercise such as brainstorming or clustering to help you focus the ideas. By doing
this, you will have a better idea of a thesis and of the scope of your library research.
Developing a Draft of Your Thesis
Assume that you generally agree with the use of military force in the Gulf. Your prewriting brings out four
possible arguments for military action against Iraq:
the need to support Saudi Arabia and other gulf states opposing Iraq,
the slow effect of sanctions,
the ability of a military strike to "take out" Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and
Desert Storm's "deterrence value" to other aggressors.
Other reasons exist for not using military force; but given the nature of the original question, you must
make a choice.
Narrow the thesis. Not even a twelve-page paper could address all of these issues. Look how the
previous arguments can be grouped:
Argument 1 is primarily a political issue, 3 is a military issue, and 4 seems to straddle both military
and political concerns
Argument 2 might lead you into a discussion of the UN, or into a discussion of "standing up" to
aggression (and argument 4)
To answer the question effectively, you would probably need to determine which focus you would select,
be that the military or political benefits of a military strike, and develop your thesis there. Using our
examples, you might decide to focus upon arguments 3 & 4, which could lead to this tentative thesis:
Even if the US could have liberated Kuwait without a military strike, no other option would have been as
effective in wiping out Iraq's deadliest weapons, nor in deterring other nations who might want to use
force against their neighbors.
Want to try this process for your own thesis statement?
Reconsidering the Thesis
At this point, you might start your work in the library; be ready to modify your tentative thesis!
Is your thesis unworkable? Assuming you knew something about the topic before you began your
research, this may not happen. But even in that case, you'll sometimes find that your thesis just does not
line up with the opinions of most "experts."
Weigh the evidence you'll use to support your arguments. You may need to do more extensive prewriting
to figure out how you'll use all of your evidence, such as preparing another Brainstorming list. For a topic
such as Desert Storm, you'll probably find more than enough sources; don't try to use them all!
Students often get confused about a controversial topic because the experts don't agree. That can make
your task easier, since your paper could find strong evidence on either side of the topic.
Weigh the authority and expertise of the sources at this point. Who wrote your articles? An editorial writer
for the "Cornville Hooter" usually won't have the expertise of one who writes for "The Christian Science
Monitor," nor of a political scientist who publishes in a professional journal. For our hypothetical
assignment, remember its call for you to use "scholarly" sources. But you might also include the writings
of important eyewitnesses such as General Schwarzkopf; although Schwarzkopf is neither a political
scientist nor an historian, his status as an "insider" lends observations value.
Reconsider your thesis again. Even if you no longer agree with your original thesis, research and reading
may nudge your thesis in a new direction. It is not unusual for writers to begin a paper with one thesis and
then go on to prove another.
You are now ready to begin the first draft, or you are very close to that point.

Analytical vs. Argumentative Research Papers
When writing a research paper, you have the choice of two main approaches: analytical and
argumentative. Sometimes your research assignment may specify which approach you
should use, but sometimes the decision on how to approach your topic rests on your
shoulders. The scope and purpose of your paper determines which approach is more suited
to your topic.
While there are distinct differences between writing an analytical research paper and
writing an argumentative research paper, there are some common principles as well:
Logical thinking is necessary.
Smart evaluation of information fuels what is included.
Comprehensive research of source material is conducted.
The major difference between the two research paper types is made in the process of
writing, or presenting the topic. Analytical papers create a balanced, neutral approach to
presenting a snapshot of an overall topic from which you draw conclusions, and
argumentative papers create a debate between differing sides with a logical argument that
favors one side of an argument over another.
The analytical research paper
Forming a research question is the basis of an analytical research paper. The question is
neutral and provides direction for you to evaluate and explore the topic as it relates to
answering the question. Your thesis statement presents the research question, and the
remainder of your paper supports your thesis.
This type of research paper is not a simple regurgitation of information. Instead, it is your
thoughts, conclusions and evaluations of a topic that is backed up with logical information.
Several things are vital in formulating an analytical research paper:
You answer the research questions objectively.
You have no preconceived notions or opinions about the topic.
You evaluate the topic and draw conclusions from factual information from reliable
You piece findings together to present the purpose of the paper.
You use serious contemplation and a critical evaluation to answer the research

The argumentative research paper
Taking one side of an issue or topic is the central point of an argumentative research paper.
Your stance is built into the thesis statement, which makes the argument you feel is more
logical for the given topic. The biggest goal of this type of paper is to convince your readers
to agree with your point of view by backing up your position with a logical argument
supported by facts and information from credible sources.
An argumentative research paper does not simply demand readers agree with you based
solely on your opinion. Instead, careful and structured research is used to demonstrate the
viability of your argument by providing information that allows readers to draw the same
logical conclusion. There are several things that are crucial in writing this type of paper:
You use logical persuasion to build your argument in order to convince readers.
You clearly state your argument or stance in the thesis statement.
You introduce the topic sufficiently before taking a stance.
You use credible sources to back up your position and include information about the
opposing view.
You use critical evaluation to create a logical argument.
Regardless of which research paper type you are undertaking, the backbone of writing a
great paper starts with conducting thorough and structured research, using effective note-
taking strategies and forming a strong thesis statement. While the thesis statement you start
with may evolve as you write your paper, an analytical research paper has a more fluid
thesis than an argumentative one; the thesis statement may undergo more changes as you
begin outlining, writing a rough draft or finalizing your paper.
As you work through the organization process of writing a research paper, stay aware of
which approach your topic requires to stay focused on the right aspects of the topic. If you
are writing with an analytical approach, use an objective and logical presentation of facts to
answer your research question. If you are writing with an argumentative approach, use
logical thinking and an accurate representation of both sides of an issue while persuading
your audience to reach the same conclusions you do.

Choosing a Topic
The first step of any research paper is for the student to understand the assignment. If this is not
done, the student will often travel down many dead-end roads, wasting a great deal of time along
the way. Do not hesitate to approach the instructor with questions if there is any confusion. A
clear understanding of the assignment will allow you to focus on other aspects of the process,
such as choosing a topic and identifying your audience.
A student will often encounter one of two situations when it comes to choosing a topic for a
research paper. The first situation occurs when the instructor provides a list of topics from which
the student may choose. These topics have been deemed worthy by the instructor; therefore, the
student should be confident in the topic he chooses from the list. Many first-time researchers
appreciate such an arrangement by the instructor because it eliminates the stress of having to
decide upon a topic on their own.
However, the student may also find the topics that have been provided to be limiting; moreover,
it is not uncommon for the student to have a topic in mind that does not fit with any of those
provided. If this is the case, it is always beneficial to approach the instructor with one's ideas. Be
respectful, and ask the instructor if the topic you have in mind would be a possible research
option for the assignment. Remember, as a first-time researcher, your knowledge of the process
is quite limited; the instructor is experienced, and may have very precise reasons for choosing the
topics she has offered to the class. Trust that she has the best interests of the class in mind. If she
likes the topic, great! If not, do not take it personally and choose the topic from the list that
seems most interesting to you.
The second situation occurs when the instructor simply hands out an assignment sheet that
covers the logistics of the research paper, but leaves the choice of topic up to the student.
Typically, assignments in which students are given the opportunity to choose the topic require
the topic to be relevant to some aspect of the course; so, keep this in mind as you begin a course
in which you know there will be a research paper near the end. That way, you can be on the
lookout for a topic that may interest you. Do not be anxious on account of a perceived lack of
authority or knowledge about the topic chosen. Instead, realize that it takes practice to become an
experienced researcher in any field.

Where do I Begin?
Where do I begin?
There is neither template nor shortcut for writing a research paper; again, the process is, amongst
other things, one of practice, experience, and organization, and begins with the student properly
understanding the assignment at hand.
As many college students know, the writer may find himself composing three quite different
research papers for three quite different courses all at the same time in a single semester. Each of
these papers may have varying page lengths, guidelines, and expectations.
Therefore, in order for a student to become an experienced researcher and writer, she must not
only pay particular attention to the genre, topic, and audience, but must also become skilled in
researching, outlining, drafting, and revising.

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