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BMS Specification

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LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356

BMS Specification

Lonix Ltd

BMS Specification
2 (18)

LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356


1 System Architecture ...........................................................................................................................3
1.1 System Integration .....................................................................................................................3
1.2 Layered System Architecture .....................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Service Level ...................................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Management Level ..........................................................................................................4
1.2.3 Control Level ...................................................................................................................5
1.2.4 Field Level .......................................................................................................................5
2 BMS Server ..........................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Software .....................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Data Model .................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Integration Interfaces .................................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Enterprise Interface .........................................................................................................8
2.3.2 System Interface .............................................................................................................8
2.4 Hardware ....................................................................................................................................8
2.5 Operating System ......................................................................................................................9
2.6 Database ....................................................................................................................................9
2.7 Standby Server ..........................................................................................................................9
2.8 Approved Makes ........................................................................................................................9
3 BMS Operator Workstation ................................................................................................................9
3.1 General ......................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Professional User Interface ........................................................................................................9
3.3 Hardware ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Graphical Pages ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.5 Alarms ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Trending .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.7 Event Logs .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.8 User Rights Management ....................................................................................................... 12
3.9 Light-weight User Interface ..................................................................................................... 12
4 BMS Controllers ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 I/O points ................................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 General Purpose Controllers .................................................................................................. 14
4.4 Special Purpose Controllers ................................................................................................... 14
5 Field Devices .................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Temperature Sensors ............................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Relative Humidity Sensors ...................................................................................................... 15
5.3 CO2 Sensors........................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 CO Sensors............................................................................................................................. 15
5.5 Differential Pressure Sensors ................................................................................................. 16
5.6 Air Differential Pressure Switches .......................................................................................... 16
6 Integration with Security Systems ................................................................................................. 16
6.1 Access control and Intruder Alarms ........................................................................................ 16
6.2 Video Surveillance .................................................................................................................. 17
6.3 Fire alarms .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.4 Other systems ......................................................................................................................... 18

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LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356

1 System Architecture
1.1 System Integration
The system provider shall furnish and install a fully integrated Building
Management System (BMS), incorporating distributed control techniques and
standard open communication networks. The system shall be implemented as an
integrated, open solution, which integrates BMS and Security systems into one
system and enables remote connectivity through standard Building Operating
System (BOS) interface of the BMS Server.

BMS systems shall be integrated with the BMS Server, applying the open BOS
platform as described in the System Architecture. The BMS Server shall provide
standard connectivity to one or several Service Center(s), which shall be capable
of providing advanced maintenance and security services.

System Architecture shall be as specified in the following chapters.

Responsibilities of the system provider and system integrator shall be according
to normal specifications and practices.

1.2 Layered System Architecture
The System Architecture shall consist of four levels:

- Service Level
- Management Level
- Control Level
- Field Level

The system shall be completely modular in structure and freely expandable at
any stage. Each level of the system shall operate independently of the next level
up, as specified in the system architecture. For example, Control Level shall
operate independently without support from Management Level.

The system shall be fully consistent with the latest industry standards. To enable
efficient functional system integration and to provide maximum flexibility and to
respond to changes in the building use, the system offered shall support the use
of LonWorks, Modbus, BACnet, M-bus, Ethernet TCP/IP and Internet
communication technologies.

1.2.1 Service Level
Service Level shall allow the systems to be connected without additional software
to one or several Service Center(s), for providing centralized remote monitoring,
alarm and fault detection of connected building management and security

The Service Center shall be capable of accessing remotely the systems using a
standard interface through the Building Operating System (BOS) platform. The
standard connectivity shall enable providing advanced maintenance and security
services, such as maintenance alarm monitoring, security alarm monitoring,
remote diagnostics, main user capability, remote control and optimization of all
systems, energy optimization, trending and reporting services.

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The Service Center shall support connectivity of multiple sites in multi-operator
environment. Predefined alarms from connected sites e.g. intruder alarms, dirty
filter notifications or leakage alarms, for example shall appear in the alarm list
with a specified priority. Alarms shall be stored in the central database.

Remote diagnostics of site systems and devices shall enable proactive
maintenance of technical systems, energy optimization and efficient
management of the infrastructure. Centralized monitoring of all connected sites
with main user capability shall enable e.g. set point changes, manual controls
and camera controls by using the remote connection.

1.2.2 Management Level
Management Level shall provide a uniform view to all systems through the open
Building Operating System (BOS) platform. All the systems - controls of cooling,
ventilation and lighting, consumption measurements, access controls, intruder
alarms, fire alarms and NVR/DVR systems - shall be integrated with the BOS
using device drivers.

The BOS shall offer at least the following common services to be used by all
connected systems:
- Alarms
- Historical trending
- Logs and reporting
- User profile and role management

To ensure fault-tolerant system functionality, the Management Layer shall not be
responsible for any controls. The critical control functionality is taken care of by
the intelligence on the Control Layer. The Management Layer shall provide
standard connectivity through the BOS platform with the Service Level, with
capability to support very advanced maintenance and security services. The BOS
software shall also be capable of acting as a gateway between systems
conveying messages, for example, from IP or Modbus devices to LON devices
and vice versa.

Even though the sub systems have to function independenly, the BOS must
support redundant Server Configuration. This shall be applicable especially in
critical security applications, where BOS is used as Security Management
System (SMS).

The BOS shall collect trends from defined points, collect and forward alarms from
the systems. The BOS shall enable efficient management of user rights. The
BOS shall be capable of forwarding alarms to mobile phones using SMS, local
alarm printers or to Service Center. It shall be possible to browse the alarm
history for reporting and statistical purposes.

The BOS shall include a structured XML object model of the building, its parts
and spaces, its connected systems, system parts and effect areas of each
system. The XML object model shall comply with COBA XML schema.

The BOS shall include an open interface for other applications to interact with the
connected systems. Communication method between BOS and Client
applications shall include at least Java Messaging Service (JMS). No other

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primary interfaces are allowed. Web interfaces shall be used for light-weight
clients, e.g. automatically generated browser-based user interfaces in residences
for Panel PCs, PDAs or IPTV.

The network technology shall be based on the IT standards, such as TCP/IP, and
be compatible with latest LAN/WAN technology. The operating system of the
BOS server shall be Linux. The BOS shall be capable of supporting current and
future building management protocols through implementation of network
interface drivers. The BOS shall be capable of current and future systems and
devices through implementation of device drivers.

1.2.3 Control Level
The Control Level shall consist of a distributed network of smart controllers,
which communicate to each other using a commonly known field bus as specified
herein. Connectivity towards Management Level shall utilize standard TCP/IP

The controllers shall include all the intelligence of the system. All communication
shall be event based, real-time peer-to-peer communication. All controllers shall
be capable of operating autonomously independently of Management Layer. For
example, all systems react to alarms on the Control Layer without interference
from upper layers.

Each automation controller shall be capable of handling several different systems
in parallel through flexible distribution of I/O points. Automation controllers shall
function as autonomous units and form an intelligent system by communicating in
real time over the free topology (FTT-10) Local Operating Network (LON) using
standard network variables (SNVT). Security controllers shall utilize RS-485
connection between the network controller and the interface panels.

1.2.4 Field Level
The Field Level shall consist of industry standard sensors and actuators, industry
standard (wiegand) card readers and IP cameras.

2 BMS Server
2.1 Software
The BMS Server Software shall be based on the open BOS platform. The BMS
Server shall be a genuinely scalable solution, based on modern software
architecture and its core applications shall be implemented using industry
standard Java technology. The software shall be capable of running natively on
both Windows and Linux operating systems. No virtualization solutions are
allowed. The system shall utilize industry standard operating systems, networks
and protocols. The system shall support open protocols, including at least
LonWorks, BACnet, and Modbus. No external gateway solutions are applicable.

The BMS Server Software shall support a true Client-Server architecture,
enabling the server application to be run separately from the client application.
Whenever required, it shall also be possible to run both applications on the same
computer. Client connections to the server must utilize TCP/IP network (e.g.
LAN, Internet). The server application shall be able to handle many simultaneous

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client connections from a number of workstations. The BMS Server Software
shall also allow for usage through a standard Internet browser.

It shall be possible to run the BMS Server Software as a Windows service or
Linux daemon service. It shall be automatically started upon booting of the server
computer. The application shall be capable of logging application level events to
operating systems system log.

The internal software architecture of the BMS Server Software shall support
service oriented architecture, enabling adding and removing of the services
during the life cycle of the project. It is not allowed to compile server application
code after installation into the target system. The BMS Server Software shall
offer an application framework consisting of core services and network interface
driver services. The application framework shall start and monitor all these
services. It shall also be possible to develop new services to the framework
according to the manufacturers development API specifications. It shall be
possible to support new field bus protocols by implementing new network
interface drivers.

The BMS Server shall include a SQL database for centralized storage of system
events, trends and logs. The system shall include centralized alarm dispatching
features for all connected systems, using e.g. GMS and email. The system shall
support triggering of functions based on the events from the other connected

The BMS Server shall be configurable using a dedicated application, e.g. a
Server Manager Tool. It shall be possible configure the Server Application, which
is installed to the same computer, or the remotely accessed server using SSH
connection. The Server Manager application shall allow for configuration of the
services, users and user rights based on the structured data model of the server.
It shall be possible to take a backup of the configurations of the server
application using the Server Manager Tool. No manual editing or manipulation of
the server applications configuration files is allowed.

2.2 Data Model
The data structure of the BMS Server shall be based on XML data model, which
includes modeling of systems and devices in a standard manner.

The data model shall describe the structure of the building and the control
systems, including devices and functions. The model shall include two main
sections: the first section contains model of the real world (e.g. building structure)
and the second models abstract items (e.g. control systems).

The data model shall define at least the following elements:

- Structure of building - floors, spaces, etc.
- Control systems AHUs, heating system, access control, etc.
- Devices fans, pumps, doors, cameras, etc.
- Effect areas of devices

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The data model shall be transferred to BMS Server as XML files, describing the
building structure and the control model. The XML schemas shall define the
structure and elements used in these files.

2.3 Integration Interfaces
The BMS Server shall comprise defined interfaces for any system and any
application to be connected with the platform. The interfaces shall include
interfaces as follows:

- An Enterprise Interface to allow a variety of applications and services to
be produced and connected with the BMS Server and accessing all
connected systems. The Enterprise Interface shall enable provisioning of
any type of value-adding services that require accessing the connected
building systems.
- A System Interface to allow different systems to be connected with the
BMS Server using Network Interface Drivers and Device Drivers.

Integration using the BMS Server shall allow production of value-adding services
for all connected systems in a coherent manner, including but not limited to e.g.
the following services:

Alarm monitoring:
- Maintenance alarms
- Intruder alarms
- Fire alarms
- Advanced video monitoring
- All alarms trigger corrective action

Energy optimization and trending:
- Setpoint adjustment
- Control optimization
- Trending
- Preventive maintenance

Remote diagnostics of connected devices:
- Immediate feedback from all devices
- Quick replacement of faulty units
- Regular SW updates

Access rights managment:
- Physical access rights
- Virtual access rights

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2.3.1 Enterprise Interface
The Enterprise Interface shall allow different applications to access the BMS
Server connected systems and to receive information from connected systems.
The interface shall utilize the latest Web Services technology, e.g. SOAP. All
communication shall be implemented in standard XML format. External
applications shall be able to give commands to the connected systems and to
receive information via this XML interface to/from all connected systems.

The Enterprise Interface shall include the following main functionality:
- Requesting and modifying Data Point values
- Requesting and modifying alarm events
- Requesting history events (trends, logs)

For example, Data Point values can convey the following types of information:
- Measured values of e.g. temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2, CO; i.e.
any type of measurement
- Indications of any type from any connected system
- Metering values of water consumption, electricity consumption, energy
- Other similar data to/from connected systems

It shall be possible to integrate any type of external application with connected
building systems using the Enterprise Interface. The XML interface shall allow for
getting and modifying any data from connected systems to any 3
applications. It shall be possible to create new connections using a structured
XML interface.

2.3.2 System Interface
The System Interface shall allow any system to be integrated with the BMS
Server. The interface shall consist of Network Interface Drivers and Device

Network Interface Drivers shall enable communication with external systems and
devices utilizing a variety of media and protocols, such as LonWorks, TCP/IP,
Modbus, M-Bus, BACnet and others. Network Interface Drivers are services of
the BMS Server to provide general access to different field buses. Other services
of the BMS Server (e.g. device drivers) can utilize the access provided by
Network Interface Drivers.

The Device Drivers shall allow integration of different systems/devices with the
BMS Server.

2.4 Hardware
Ensure that the processor speed of each operator workstation meets the data
processing requirements. Recommended: Intel dual core processor, minimum:
2.8 GHz.

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LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356

2.5 Operating System
The BMS Server shall run on Linux (preferred) or on a Microsoft Windows 7 /
Vista / XP, Windows Server 2003 operating system.

2.6 Database
The BMS Server shall preferably come with IBM Solid FlowEngine SQL
database, which has to be included in the software distribution. The database
shall include ODBC and JDBC drivers. It shall also be possible to use other
database engines (e.g. MySQL or others), in case there are specific needs by the
customers environment.

2.7 Standby Server
Whenever theres a special requirement for High Availability (HA), the system
shall be equipped with a standby server. The standby server is normally idle,
monitoring the main server, taking over in case the main server fails.

2.8 Approved Makes
Approved makes: Lonix COBA BOS Server Software, or approved equivalent

3 BMS Operator Workstation
3.1 General
User Interfaces shall provide access to connected systems through the BMS
Server. The User Interfaces shall be available both as a Java based application
and as a Web Application. System must support two main user interface types:
Professional User Interface and Light-weight User Interface.

3.2 Professional User Interface
The system shall enable a client-based User Interface for professional usage and
for central monitoring of systems (Service Center usage). The professional User
Interface shall allow for at least the following:

- Alarm monitoring and alarm handling by multiple operators
- Intruder alarms
- Fire alarms
- Alarms from electrical and mechanical systems
- System maintenance alarms
- Video monitoring
- Remote diagnostics, energy optimization and trending
- Set point adjustment
- Control optimization
- Trending
- Remote diagnostics of system/devices

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- Preventive maintenance
- Consumption reports for energy management and billing
- Logs and reporting
- User profile and role management
- Access rights management

The professional User Interface shall show system views, floor plan views, trend
view, alarm view and event log view per building and system layer. The
professional User Interface shall include an automatically adapting tree structure
of the building, buildings parts, individual spaces, different systems and parts of
systems. The tree structure can be used for navigation through the system.

All systems connected to BMS Server can be accessed through the same
graphical User Interface. The User Interface must be available as a Java based
client application, which can be installed to unlimited number of remote
computers or laptops. The client software shall allow for remote Internet usage of
several sites using the same application.

The professional User Interface shall also be available as a Web Application. For
local and remote web usage, BMS Server installation shall include an embedded
web server, which provides information for users accessing the system with a
standard web browser.

3.3 Hardware
Ensure that the processor speed of each operator workstation meets the data
processing requirements. Use a color monitor with an image quality no less than

3.4 Graphical Pages
All monitored data shall be displayed on the graphical pages of the User
Interface. It shall be possible to display all kinds of data (analogue, digital, soft
points) simultaneously.

All changes made by the operator (e.g. set point changes) shall be logged and
identified by both operator name and time stamp. All real-time data shall be
integrated with schematic view of the system and displayed on graphical pages
to enable easy and efficient monitoring of all systems in the building.

The User Interface shall include a template and symbol library that can be used
in creation of system schematics and graphical pages. The library shall include a
variety of components, including labels, static images, dynamic images and link

It shall be possible to use bitmap images (jpeg, gif, png, bmp) as background
images of the system, e.g. floor plan views of system views. Graphical objects
can be arranged in relation with each other (bring front, send back).

Graphical pages shall be arranged as a tree structure. Links shall be created
between the pages to ensure easy and fast access to all needed systems during
the operation.

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Functional components shall be attached with a dialogue, which provides for a
more detailed view to the controlled item and allows for changing related
parameters in a separate dialogue window.

It shall be possible to launch applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, custom
help files or any third party applications) from a graphical display. If supported by
the application, it shall be possible to launch the application with a specified file
opened within the launched application.

3.5 Alarms
The BMS Server shall include an alarm handling mechanism for connected

Alarms shall be displayed in chronological order on the Alarm lists. In addition, it
shall be possible to define an optional audible annunciation with user selectable
audio file. Alarming points can also include operator instructions as free-form
text. Operator can acknowledge alarms either one by one or several at one time.

Alarm lists shall be shown as separate tabs, including Active Alarms, Handled by
Me, Handled by Others and Acknowledged Alarms. The operator can accept an
alarm into his/her handling process, and the alarm is then removed from the main
list of Active Alarms.

The status of alarms shall be indicated with the following colors.

- Red alarm is active, unacknowledged
- Yellow alarm is inactive, unacknowledged
- Green alarm is active, acknowledged
- Grey alarm is inactive, acknowledged

Alarm list shall include also the Alarm History Browser feature, which enables
queries to system wide alarm database covering all present and past alarms.
This feature can be used for trouble-shooting and auditing.

The Alarm list shall include an advanced linking feature. Each alarming point
shall be automatically equipped with a link to guide the operator straight into the
alarming point in any of the graphical views.

3.6 Trending
The BMS Server shall provide a trending view of each connected system. The
user can define the points to be trended and the trending interval. Analogue
values shall be shown as line graphs. Discrete and on/off values shall be shown
as bars. The user can define which of the trended points are shown in the
trending view. It shall be possible to export the trend view as CSV file for
utilization by external applications.

3.7 Event Logs
Event log shall store all control events that are initiated from the Graphical User
Interface by the operator. Each log event shall include event time, user name,
controlled point and value. The log shall also include a link to the controlled point
to guide the operator straight into the point in any of the graphical views.

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3.8 User Rights Management
The BMS Server shall include a comprehensive user rights management engine
for creating and managing users. Each user shall have a user name and a
dedicated password for logging into the system.

Each user shall belong to a defined User Role with predefined rights for Reading,
Writing and Alarm Receiving. Role definitions can be applied on system scale,
device scale or on global scale. It shall be possible to define exceptions to the
predefined rights for any level of the Data Model.

Typically all users shall share the same User Interface view, but it shall also be
possible to define and create a customized User Interface view for each user.

3.9 Light-weight User Interface
The Light-weight User Interface shall be available for subsystems in e.g. meeting
rooms, hotel rooms or residences. The graphical browser-based Light-weight
User Interface shall be possible to be used with touch screen panel PCs, tablet
PCs, IPTV, home computers, laptops, PDAs and mobile phones.

The Light-weight User Interface shall allow for at least the following actions:

- Changing the mode of the space
- Modifying the mode settings of the controlled devices
- Changing the set points
- Modifying the control settings (e.g. dimming level)
- Manual controls
- Door controls
- Camera views
- Alarm list browsing

The browser-based Light-weight User Interface shall be generated automatically
using the structure of the building defined in the Building Information Model. The
browser-based User Interface shall utilise latest web technologies, including

The user interfaces shall provide easy access to frequently needed functionality,
such as lighting controls, temperature setpoint modifications, alarms, and
configuration of scenes and modes of the space. The same user interface
functionality shall be usable through any device with a browser.

3.10 Approved Makes
Approved makes: Lonix COBA Client Software, or approved equivalent makes.

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4 BMS Controllers
4.1 General
BMS controllers shall provide for capability of control and monitoring of all
mechanical and electrical systems, including at minimum cooling/heating system,
ventilation system, pumps, tanks, lifts, lighting controls and consumption
metering. The mechanical and electrical systems shall be monitored and
controlled by smart control nodes connected to Local Operating Network (LON).

BMS shall be integrated with lighting controls, security systems and fire alarm
system. Lighting of common areas of the building shall be controlled by smart
BMS controllers, which shall be connected to LON bus in the same way as
desribed for BMS. Lighting controls shall be implemented as part of the
integrated BMS.

Consumptions of water, electricity, gas and cooling energy shall be measured in
each area / apartment. Water and electricity meters shall be equipped with
impulse outputs, which are connected to BMS controllers.

BMS controllers shall be connected to the central user interface through BMS
Server. It shall be possible to integrate BMS systems with security systems as
specified in this document.

BMS controllers shall include all the intelligence of the automation systems and
shall support distribution of intelligence. Systems with centralized master
controllers are not allowed. Smart BMS controllers shall be connected to control
network (LON). This is mandatory to avoid simultaneous failure of large number
of I/O points at the Control Level. Failure of a BMS Controller must affect a
maximum of 10 I/O points. BMS Controllers must be commonly used during past
10 years in large scale commercial facilities, such as offices, business centers or
hotels. It shall be possible to integrate the systems on Control Level without
interference of Management Level, according to System Architecture.

Communication between BMS controllers shall be peer-to-peer communication
via a Free Topology (FTT-10) Local Operating Network (LON) with the Standard
Network Variables Types (SNVT). All communication shall be event based. This
will enable peer-to-peer real time communication between controllers of different
sub systems and devices of multiple manufacturers. Controllers shall be
intelligent modules, capable of operating autonomously independently of
Management Level. For example, all systems must be able to react to alarms on
the Control Level without interference from upper levels.

4.2 I/O points
Each BMS controller shall have about 10 I/O points to achieve maximum
reliability and flexibility. Each controller shall be capable of handling several
different systems in parallel through flexible distribution of I/O points. The I/O
points of the BMS controllers shall be as follows:

- DI: Digital indication, from potential free contact
- DO: Digital control, open collector
- AI: Analog input, standard measurements 0-10 VDC, PT1000 or
- AO: Analog control, 0-10 VDC or 20 mA

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The BMS controllers shall include PID controllers and ON/OFF (thermostat)
functions for implementing the control loops used in engineering system process
controls. Logical functions shall be implemented using configurable software
objects in the BMS controllers.

Field devices shall be connected to BMS controllers using the common industry

- PT-1000 for temperature
- 0-10 V for other sensors and actuators
- Potential free contacts for ON/OFF indications and push buttons
- 24 V relays for ON/OFF controls
- Impulses for consumption measurements

To guarantee openness, flexibility and cost-efficient maintenance of the
integrated systems, the field devices shall not include independent control logic.

BMS controllers can be placed to the nearest electric cabin, side of air-handling
units or in separate cabins when adequate. All systems shall use the same
control network cabling, which uses free topology to maximize flexibility for future
modifications and to minimize the need for cables. Electrical design shall utilise
star topology for controlled loads to maximize flexibility for changes.

4.3 General Purpose Controllers
BMS controllers must include a selection of General Purpose Controllers, which
are freely configurable to achieve maximum reliability and flexibility and to meet
the sequence of operation and future modifications.

Configuration shall be done with a graphical system configuration tool, which
shall be compatible with the Building Operating System (BOS). The tool shall
produce a BOS compatible XML document about all integrated systems, which
can be used as such to run the BOS.

4.4 Special Purpose Controllers
Special Purpose Controllers shall be used as autonomous controllers in rooms,
zones and fan coil units. Each Special Purpose Controller alone shall be capable
of controlling temperature, air quality (CO2) and lighting in the room or zone.
Special Purpose Controllers shall communicate on LON bus.

It shall be possible for the FCU controller to automatically change the FCU motor
speed based on temperature deviation. The FCU controller shall regulate the
cooling valve to meet the desired temperature conditions. FCU controllers shall
communicate on LON bus and shall be integrated with BMS system to enable
energy optimization and reporting.

4.5 Approved Makes
Approved makes: Lonix Controllers.

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5 Field Devices
5.1 Temperature Sensors
Temperature sensors shall meet the following requirements:

- Pt1000 type resistance temperature detector
- 24 VAC/DC power supply
- 0-10 VDC output
- Electronics accuracy of +/-0.1% of span

Room type sensors:
- Operating temperature range of 0C to 50C

Duct type sensors:
- Operating temperature range of 0C to 70C

Outdoor type sensors:
- Operating temperature range of -45C to 85C

5.2 Relative Humidity Sensors
Humidity sensors shall meet the following requirements:

- 0-10 VDC output proportional to relative humidity range of 0% to 100%
- 2% accuracy
- Reverse voltage protected and output limited

Room type sensors:
- Operating temperature range of 0C to 50C

Duct type sensors:
- Operating temperature range of 0C to 70C

Outdoor type sensors:
- Operating temperature range of -45C to 85C

5.3 CO2 Sensors
Carbon dioxide detection sensors shall meet the following requirements:

- 0-10 VDC output, proportional to 0 to 2000 ppm of carbon dioxide
- Standard accuracy to be 3% of reading or 75 ppm, whichever is greater
- Operating temperature of 0C to 50C

5.4 CO Sensors
Carbon monoxide detection sensors shall meet the following requirements:

BMS Specification
16 (18)

LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356

- 0-10 VDC output, proportional to 0 to 300 ppm of carbon monoxide
- Standard accuracy to be 5% of reading or 5 ppm, whichever is greater
- Operating temperature of 0C to 50C

5.5 Differential Pressure Sensors
Air differential pressure sensor shall meet the following requirements:

- Output shall be 0-10VDC output proportional to pressure input range
- Select range as required, taking into consideration pressure drop across
filter or coil. Typically 0 to 500pa range for low-pressure commercial duct.
- Operating temperature range of 0C to 60C

Water differential pressure sensors shall meet the following requirements:

- Output of 0-10 VDC proportional to the pressure sensed
- Momentary over pressure protection of five times the rated input
- Operating range shall be suitable for the application. Select range such
that it covers from zero differential pressure up to a differential static
pressure of between 20% to 50% in excess of the maximum static
pressure that could be encountered.
- Accuracy of better than 1% of full-scale reading

5.6 Air Differential Pressure Switches
Air differential pressure switches shall meet the following requirements:

- Field adjustable range from 50pa to max range of device
- Select range as required, taking into consideration pressure drop across
filter or coil. Typically 0 to 500pa range for low-pressure commercial duct.
- Temperature range of 40C to 82C
- Automatic reset

6 Integration with Security Systems
6.1 Access control and Intruder Alarms
It shall be possible to integrate Access Control System with BMS Server using
the Building Operating System (BOS) as the integration platform.

The main reason for integration is to enable Security Management System
Operators to rapidly locate the alarm(s), utilising the shortcut function to relevant
floor plan view of Professional User Interface and utilize information of other
systems like camera views and occupancy information while handling the

Integration shall enable as in the following:

1.) Triggering of different situations to zones of the building - Home /Away / Away
for long to save energy and to ensure comfortable indoor conditions.

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LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356

2.) Enable operating Access Control and Intruder alarm systems from Multiple
User Interfaces supported by BOS
3.) Triggering functions like starting video recording and turning on lights from
events like unauthorised access attempt,
4) Triggering functions like turning ON the Air Conditioning Unit of the room
while the employee/person is granted access to the building.

Access control shall be implemented with proximity readers, control nodes,
electronic keys and electric locks. Users can be classified so that they have
access only to the spaces they are allowed to enter according to programmed
time schedules. The access control system is connected to BOS for full control
and reporting, and integrated into the central user interface.

Intruder alarm system shall include perimeter protection and indoor surveillance.
Monitored doors and windows shall be equipped with magnetic contacts.
Movement detectors used in indoor surveillance shall be sensitive enough for
presence detection of a single person, so that they can also be used for lighting
controls and air-conditioning controls.

Intruder alarms are seamlessly integrated on software level to access control,
CCTV/DVR/NVR, lighting control and building automation. Granted access
disarms the alarm zones automatically. In case of burglary the system gives an
alarm, which is relayed through BOS to Service Center and/or to specified mobile

Access control and intruder alarm system has to function independently without
Management Level. To achieve this, system must have distributed intelligence,
which can be located in either Network Controllers or Interface Panels.

6.2 Video Surveillance
It shall be possible to integrate Video Surveillance with BMS Server using
Building Operating System (BOS) as the integration platform.

Integration of Video Surveillance to BMS Server shall enable not only security
operators to utilize the system but also other service providers and occupants.
For example, a lot of maintenance alarms can be verified by viewing live and
recorded video streams via the Professional User Interface and rapid corrective
action can be taken.

Video monitoring shall be implemented with Hybrid Digital Video Recording
(DVR) or a fully IP based Network Video Recording (NVR) system. The video
monitoring system shall be integrated with BOS so that the system shall start
recording video stream upon triggering from intruder alarm system, access
control, CCTV or any other system integrated to BOS.

The video monitoring system shall support both analog and IP cameras. The
system shall preferably run on Linux operating system. Usage can be done both
via video surveillance systems own User Interface Client and the integrated user
interfaces of the BMS Server.

In addition to the software based user interface, it shall be possible to additionally
expand the operator workstation with hardware based keypad and joystick
interfaced with the system.

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18 (18)

LONIX LTD Teollisuuskatu 33 Tel. +358 9 349 9853 VAT 1043054-9 FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Fax +358 9 349 9863 Trade Reg.No. 678.356

6.3 Fire alarms
It shall be possible to integrate Fire Alarm System with BMS Server using the
Building Operating System (BOS) as the integration platform.

Fire alarm system shall be integrated with BOS for monitoring. Fire alarm system
can either be integrated by using potential free contacts from the Fire Alarm
Panels which are connected to control modules, or by using system driver which
gives alarm information on individual sensor level and zones to BOS. In both
cases alarms are relayed to BOS and shown in the integrated graphical user

6.4 Other systems
Other systems shall enable integration with BMS Server using the Building
Operating System (BOS) as the integration platform, whenever applicable.

------END OF SECTION------

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