Project Proposal Outline For DSP 123

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Cover Page
o Course Code/Name
o Project Title
o Student Names (maximum 2 in a group)
o Student IDs
o Semester/Year
o Background on the project you will conduct e.g. real-world scenario where this project
is applicable, what are the problems that you want to address, why is this work
important etc.
o The objective of the project i.e. what you want to specifically achieve in the project e.g.
To design and implement a filter that can remove line noise from medical signals.
o The objective must be one you can show or demonstrate. For example, if you want to
design a digital hearing aid, and put one of the objectives as To help hearing-impaired
people in their everyday tasks, you actually need to SHOW that your project is able to
achieve that.
o Dont have too many objectives. You need to deliver each one.
Proposed Method/Technique
o This is a DSP-related method or technique you want to use based on the
research/literature review that you have done.
o It is good to use figures, block diagrams and equations to illustrate the technique.
o You MUST understand the technique, as you will be questioned on it during the Mid-
o Methodology is NOT the same as Method, as it shows the planning on how you want to
complete your project.
o Examples of the steps that you will go through to complete your project include 1)
Identify filter parameters 2) Use Matlab to determine filter coefficients 3) test designed
filter using audio samples etc.
o You can use a flowchart to show the process.
Expected Outcome(s)
o Specific outputs of your project that can be demonstrated and/or measured e.g. the
implemented filter is expected to remove line noise when we input any medical signal.
o List all references you used to come up with your proposal. Avoid Webpages and
Limit your proposal to be between 2-3 pages (excluding the cover page).
All projects must meet the following requirements to be accepted.
Must utilize digital signal processing techniques.
You are not limited to DSP techniques learnt from the course only. You are allowed to use
other more advanced DSP techniques.
Simulation or proof of concept must be done on MATLAB first before implementation on the
DSK board.
Successful MATLAB implementation is prerequisite to implementation on DSK. This means
that if you were not successful in implementing your project on MATLAB, we will not
consider your DSK implementation.
All project proposals must be sent by email to by Friday, 4 July 2014.
If more than one group proposes the same or similar project, then the first group to submit
the proposal will be awarded the project. The other groups must resubmit a new proposal
for a new project.
Projects that have the same objectives but different implementation techniques are
considered different projects.

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