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every step counts

Patti Larsen
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2011 by Patti Larsen
Purely Paranormal Press
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Smashwords Edition+ Liense )otes
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Co$er art 0opyright1 by Stephanie 2ooney. "ll rights reser$ed.
Edited by "nnetta 'ib#en+ !reelane 3oddess. 4ou an !ind her at
Copy edits by 5rittany Carrigan. 4ou an !ind her at
,o Sott+ my dear 5oo+
who said yes li#e it was no big deal when
. told him . wanted to sell my business and write !ull time.
2y biggest !an. . lo$e you.
Chapter One
'eid wa#es in dar#ness. 5ut not 6uiet+ steady dar#ness li#e he/s used to+ the #ind that lulls
him to sleep and #eeps him there. ,his bla#ness is !ull o! motion and sound. 2ind !og dri!ts
around him+ #eeping his thoughts !rom !orming learly. 7e has only a moment to wonder what is
happening when he is spun sideways and slammed into something hard. 7is right shoulder
protests+ reogni8ing the pain. .t was a blow li#e this one that wo#e him in the !irst plae.
7e #nows he has to sit up+ instints warring with the disorientation and on!usion in his
mind. Fli#ers o! memory only taunt him+ o!!ering no answers through the urtain o! mist
#eeping him helpless. 7is hands and !eet !eel tight+ almost numb. 'eid sha#es his head a little+
hee# pressed to something harsh that srathes against his !ae when he mo$es. .t smells li#e
plasti and rusting metal. "nd someone else/s $omit.
"t least+ as !ar as he an tell it/s someone else/s.
,his time when the motion sends him !lying+ he reali8es he is in a $ehile o! some #ind. 7is
mind guesses a $an. E$en though he an/t see+ he an !eel the spae around him+ hollow and
empty. 'eid blin#s+ trying to restore his $ision+ but his eyelashes meet !abri o$er and o$er+
!luttering against the blind!old li#e a desperately trapped bird. E$erything he does to wor# it
loose !ails+ his oordination missing. ,he throbbing in his temples ma#es it impossible to !ous.
" moan rises in his throat. 7e an/t stop it. 7is stomah lenhes against a wa$e o! nausea+
heart beat pounding one moment be!ore s#ipping erratially the ne9t. Pani -oins the party+
ta#ing him and sha#ing him until he !inds himsel! thrashing against his bonds in an all%out
struggle !or !reedom. ,he pounding in his head gets louder and more insistent and he an/t #eep
it in anymore.
:7ey&; 7is $oie is raw and -agged+ throat burning. 7e only then reali8es how thirsty he is.
:<hat the hell& Let me out&; 7is protests de$ol$e into wordless yelling+ as desperate as his !ight
against his apti$ity.
.t/s not long be!ore only silene emerges !rom his tortured throat. 7is strength is gone in
moments. ,he !og in his mind is li!ting+ but with it omes a horrible+ reeping wea#ness. 'eid
ollapses+ gasping !or air+ $oie ompletely gone. ,his an/t be happening. Stu!! li#e this only
happens in the mo$ies+ right= 5esides+ he has nothing anyone would want. >rphaned+ bro#e+
barely si9teen.
7is mind spi#es !ear!ully at the thought o! being in the hands o! some #ind o! si# per$ert
be!ore shying !rom the idea. 7e does his best to !le9 his !ingers and !eet while his mind battles
him !or ontrol o! his body+ !eeling the subtle tingle o! blood trying to reah his e9tremities. 7e
!inds i! he #eeps his attention on the -ob and it alone+ he an stu!! down a measure o! the pani
and hold himsel! in he#.
'eid swears to himsel! then and there+ i! he is under the ontrol o! a monster li#e that+ he will
!ight until one o! them dies.
Someone laughs. 'eid !ree8es+ a lump o! ie slamming into his already 6ueasy stomah. 5ut
the sound is mu!!led+ oming !rom in !ront o! him+ as though through a wall or panel. "nother
$oie laughs with the !irst. ,wo o! them then+ as !ar as 'eid an tell. Pedophiles don/t wor# in
pairs+ do they= 7e has no idea+ but deides not -ust to settle his mind.
7e rolls !orward as the dri$er hits the bra#es. 'eid impats the !ront o! the ompartment with
his head+ his ne# bu#ling under the strain. 7e ries out+ twisting his body !orward+ !ae tu#ed
to his hest. 7is torso slides in a semiirle as the $an omes to a hard halt+ shoulders absorbing
the rest o! the impat. " !li#er o! light ma#es it past his blind!old and he instantly strains toward
it+ begging !or it. 2ore $oies+ new ones this time. Still mu!!led though+ and impossible to
:7elp me+ please& Somebody&; 'eid/s dull and rusty shout !or attention gets him nothing.
)o one answers him+ sa$es him. 7e is on his own.
,he $an starts !orward again+ 'eid at the mery o! its momentum. 7e is already o$ered in
protesting bruises and is -ust grate!ul nothing !eels bro#en. ,he ride is rough and at one point he
is almost weightless. 'eid ries out !rom the sho# o! it+ -ust be!ore the $an slams to a halt one
more. 7e tu#s -ust in time so his ba# bears the brunt o! the assault+ his body urled into a tight
?C/. <eight shi!ts at the !ront o! the $an. ,wo doors slam in rapid suession. 'eid ta#es one
more pani#ed moment to tear at the bonds holding him. 7e needs to get !ree be!ore they an
reah him. 5ut they are already there. ,he door rea#s near his !eet+ and ool+ !resh air !loods the
ba# o! the $an. 7e wishes he ould welome it as it washes o$er him+ but he !ears the end o! the
(ntil he athes a !amiliar sent that shi!ts him into happy memory. 'eid isn/t sure why the
smell o! trees and the outdoors ma#es him !eel better+ but it does. 7ands grab his !eet and -er#
him out hori8ontal+ dumping him on the ground+ while his !ather/s !ae swims in his mind. 7e
ries out+ attempting to lash around with his legs and hands+ hard to do with them tied so tightly.
:@uit it+ you+; one $oie tells him+ rough and old li#e the edge o! a rusty saw.
:"w+ let him struggle+; the other laughs+ nasal and piering in the 6uiet. :7e/ll be needing
the !ight in him.;
,hey both laugh then. Li#e this whole thing is some big -o#e. 'eid #i#s out when hands
settled on him again. 5right lights !lash in his head as something bony and hot impats his -aw.
7e dri!ts into the !og+ wanting to !ight ba#+ but lost in the dar#ness. 7e is only aware enough o!
his surroundings to understand he is being arried somewhere+ but has no way to stop his aptors
!rom doing with him as they wish.
7is mind tells him to 6uit. 'eid almost listens. 5ut his heart is too strong+ his instints ta#ing
ontrol where his thoughts !ail him. ,he moment he is able+ he begins his struggle all o$er again.
:,ough little bugger+; the !irst $oie says+ then grunts as 'eid !eels his snea#er impat
something so!t but !irm. :'uddy bastard&;
,he seond $oie laughs.
:,hat/s it+; the !irst grouses as the world tips and shi!ts so 'eid/s !eet are pointed almost at
the ground+ his stomah ahing !rom the disorientation o! it+ :you get the damned !eet ne9t
,he hands on him $anish. For an instant he hangs suspended in time and spae. 3ra$ity
reasserts and he lands hard+ !lat on his ba#+ the wind in his lungs gone !rom the sudden stop.
7ands loosen his bonds+ but he is too breathless to reat to the hane o! sudden !reedom.
:3ood lu#+ #id+; the !irst $oie says. >ne o! them ho#s up phlegm and spits noisily.
:4ou/re going to need it.;
:Lu#=; ,he other says+ !ootsteps and $oies !ading in the distane as they lea$e him there.
:"in/t no lu# going to sa$e him now.;
,heir laughter leads them out.
"lone+ 'eid gasps in a deep breath+ then another. .t hurts his ribs+ his lungs. 7e manages to
roll o$er on his right side and regrets it. 7is shoulder roars in protest. Still+ he is !inally able to
wriggle his numb hands loose !rom what holds him and law at the loth around his eyes.
Aar#ness. 5ut not omplete. ,he moon is up. ,rees loom o$er him+ the smell o! sprue and
!resh air so sharp it almost hurts. 7e doesn/t ta#e the time to loo# around+ not yet+ but -er#s at the
plasti ties that hold his an#les+ gasping in pain as the irulation returns to his useless !ingers.
7is $ision swims through a $eil o! pain laden tears+ but he manages somehow to !ore his
sreaming hands to wor# the ties loose and he is !ree.
'eid/s !irst instint is to bolt. <hen he tries+ he ollapses immediately. 7is !eet su!!er the
same !ate as his hands. 7e spends a long time writhing on the ground in the dirt+ su!!ering the
agony o! long lost blood !low.
5y the time he is able to wipe the tears !rom his !ae and sit up+ the moon o$erhead has
mo$ed a !air distane. 'eid tries to stand again and manages to get to his #nees. 7e hal! wal#s+
hal! rawls his way !orward+ his ahing hands !inding the bar# o! a thi# tree. ,ouhing it ma#es
e$erything worse+ beause the roughness o! it pro$es this nightmare is real.
'eid uses the support o! the oa# to haul himsel! upright. 7e leans ba# against the gnarled
trun# and !ights to get his bearings+ physially and mentally. 7is tongue runs o$er his teeth+ !urry
with bateria+ an odd taste in his mouth ma#ing him gag. 7e wor#s up some sali$a and swishes it
around+ spitting it out li#e his aptor did. ,he at o! leaning !orward to do so almost puts him
ba# on his #nees as a wa$e o! di88iness sends him reeling.
'eid luthes at the trun# again and hugs it+ #eeping himsel! upright+ desperately grate!ul !or
its stead!ast strength. 7e would ha$e ne$er thought be!ore that night a lowly tree ould be his
best !riend.
7e is !eeling better+ more alert+ but the weariness still lings to him+ the ha8e in his head slow
to li!t. 7e wants to ollapse to the ground and lose his eyes+ to sleep and pretend this isn/t
happening. 5ut he #nows that isn/t an option. )o more than letting some per$ert ha$e his way
with him. 'eid has to get out o! there.
<here is there e9atly= 7e has no way o! !inding out+ not !rom where he is standing. .n his
struggle to be upright he got turned around and hasn/t a lue whih way the $oies went when
they le!t him. "nd why #idnap him only to dump him in the woods= )one o! it ma#es sense. 5ut
'eid doesn/t are about any o! that right now. "ll he ares about is going home.
"t least there is a path. 7e an see it winding through the trees. 'eid tries to san !urther
ahead and spots an upgrade. 7e remembers being arried li#e he was desending and a wa$e o!
relie!+ his !irst sine this started+ washes through him. 7is lips twist into a grin. .diots. ,hey
totally ga$e it away. )ow he #nows where to go.
7e gathers himsel! !or another moment be!ore trying to wal#. .t/s surprisingly easy
onsidering what he/s gone through. 7is !eet ha$e reo$ered enough he an !eel the roughness o!
the path through his snea#ers. 'eid is grate!ul his aptors didn/t do any permanent damage. "
bro#en bone or two would ha$e made what he is trying muh harder+ i! not impossible. 5ut he is
in relati$ely good shape+ a natural athlete+ and !igures with enough time and rest he/ll !ind his
way out.
"!ter a !ew staggered steps+ he gets his stride ba# and heads down the path. ,he moon is
behind him+ lighting his way+ asting his shadow !orward and to the le!t. 7e #nows that means he
is tra$eling in a ertain diretion+ an hear his !ather telling him about it+ but an/t onentrate on
it and lets it be. )ot li#e it matters muh+ anyway. 7e has no intention o! needing that
in!ormation. ,he path should ta#e him where he needs to go.
'eid stumbles o$er a large root di$iding the path and ta#es a sudden !all to the le!t. 7is hand
instinti$ely reahes out !or support and !inds the bar# o! a tree. .t sa$es him !rom !alling+ the
hand that aught it sliding o$er the oarse oating o! moss and loose wood. "s it does+ he !eels a
hange in the ontat. Something so!t protrudes !rom the trun#. 7e turns to loo#+ eyes settling on
the moonlit ga8e o! a boy.
.t ta#es 'eid a moment to register and another to proess. ,he #id is as tall as he is+ but loo#s
a lot younger. 7is eyes are wide open+ staring+ glaring. ,here is something wrong with the !ront
o! his shirt. 'eid ta#es in the blan# stare+ !ingers still tra$eling o$er the boy/s lothing until they
ome to rest on the large+ dar# path o$er the #id/s stomah. <etness resides there. 'eid pulls
his hand ba# and loo#s. ,he li6uid is bla# in the moonlight but has a distinti$e aroma.
Coppery. "nd now that he is paying attention+ he noties another smell. " hea$y and angry sent
that ma#es his nose onstrit+ his stomah !lutter+ his mind shrie# in !ear e$en as he loo#s down
and noties the boy/s snea#ers are a good !oot o!! the ground.
,he #id smells li#e road #ill+ li#e some s6uashed s#un# or ar !lattened raoon le!t too long
in the sun. 'eid ba#s away in a hurry+ slips on something slimy under!oot+ stumbles and !alls+
not notiing the impat+ eyes lo#ed on the gaping wound in the boy/s stomah. Someone is
sreaming into the dar#ness. <hen he reali8es it/s him+ 'eid shuts down. 7is own belly lurhes+
tries to e9pel something+ anything+ but only bile omes up. 'eid hastily wipes his !ingers on the
ground+ desperate to get the boy/s blood o!! o! him. .t seems $ery important !or some reason.
,he #id is pinned to the tree trun# with what loo#s li#e big metal spi#es. 7e dangles there+ a
si# and twisted art pro-et+ thought up by a madman.
'eid tries to rise+ but the sli# something that sent him to the ground is still stu# to his
snea#er. 7e loo#s down and sreams again. " length o! sausage%li#e intestine lings to him. .t
drags a!ter him li#e an obsene and putrid sna#e as he ba#pedals on his hands and !eet !urther
!rom the dead #id. <hen he understands he is bringing it with him+ he #i#s out. ,he oil !lies
o!!+ the ontents splattering into the !orest with so!t+ wet sounds+ the !lattened setion landing in
the middle o! the path+ ridged with the impression o! his shoe.
'eid gasps !or breath+ ho#es on the !resh air tainted with deay. 7e srambles to his !eet
again+ sraping his snea#er against the une$en ground+ digging into the dirt o! the path to get the
boy/s insides o!! o! him. .t isn/t until he ba#s into a tree that his real !ear #i#s in.
,he boy stares at him+ warns him with his empty eyes+ blood running in bla# ri$ers !rom his
gut and where the spi#es hold his ollarbone taut. Run+ he seems to whisper. Run before its too
'eid an/t. 7is body is !ro8en !rom dawning reali8ation. ,he boy is dead. Aead. 7ow+ who+
why+ whenB= ,he 6uestions sputter through his mind+ spin and twine around his !ear and dri$e
him to pani. 5ut none o! this matter. )ot really. "!ter the initial sho# settles o$er him+ all that
really gets through to 'eid is that he must be there !or the same reason as this boy and that means
he ould be ne9t.
,he $ery thought dri$es his heart to rae harder+ !aster+ so muh so he struggles to stay
onsious+ !eeling the dar#ness reahing out to grab him and drag him under. 7e almost gi$es in
to it+ would ha$e+ he is sure o! it+ i! it weren/t !or the noise.
.t is nothing+ really. ,he ra# o! a small branh+ easily e9plained away by the shi!ting o! the
wind or the natural release o! deadwood. 5ut+ to 'eid+ it is a gunshot right to his !light instint.
7e doesn/t thin# or breathe or !linh. .nstead+ 'eid turns and runs.
Chapter Two
'eid runs until his lungs threaten to a$e in. 'eid runs until his an#les lose their !eeling. 'eid
runs+ the !light o! a terri!ied animal+ !linging himsel! !orward into the un#nown beause he has
no other hoie and simply isn/t able to stop himsel!.
'eid runs until he an/t anymore. 7is body betrays him at last+ the e9ertion too muh !or his
wea#ened state. 7e staggers to a halt in the near dar# o! the path+ barely athing himsel! !rom
!alling o$er as his e6uilibrium rushes to #eep up with the rest o! him. 7e ollapses !orward+
hands on #nees. <hat is le!t o! his lungs hea$es !or air. "drenaline pours through his system+
sharpening his senses+ dri$ing away the last o! whate$er drug his #idnappers ga$e him that
dulled his mind.
"t least he an thin# now. 5ut he isn/t sure that/s a good thing. Espeially when he loo#s up
and !inds himsel! so e9posed. <hat the hell is he thin#ing= 7e du#s into the trees o!! the path+
suddenly not sure i! hiding is e$en an option. Aid that #id try to hide= .! so+ it didn/t wor# out so
well !or him. 'eid/s mind ontinues to spin with 6uestions he has no way o! answering. Still+
they are more oherent than they were be!ore his headlong dash.
<ho was that boy= <here did he ome !rom= 2ore importantly+ who #illed him= "nd why
was he le!t on the path=
As a warning. 'eid/s brain wor#s that muh out. >! ourse. 5ut why warn him at all= .! he is
prey !or something or someone+ i! this is some #ind o! si# game and he is the target+ why tip
him o!!=
They want me afraid. More fun for the hunter.
7is mind re!uses to aept it. 7e has to be o$er reating. Stu!! li#e this -ust doesn/t happen in
real li!e. .t/s way too 7ollywood. "ny seond now someone will show up and !lash a amera in
his !ae and laugh+ telling him how stupid he loo#ed running !rom a mo$ie prop. 'eid shudders
!rom the memory o! the boy/s entrails. )o. ,hat was real. ,oo real. .t isn/t possible. "nd yet+
here he is+ alone and abandoned in the dar#+ deep in a !orest he #nows nothing about+ le!t there
by two men who seemed to thin# his lu# has run out. 7ow do they #now=
7e/s still in sho# and !ights the a!!ets+ #nowing it is slowing him down+ #eeping him
stupid+ !oring him to reat instead o! doing what he needs to do to sur$i$e. 7e than#s his !ather
silently in the dar# !or teahing him how to handle himsel! in the woods.
,o a point. 3ood old Aad ne$er mentioned being #idnapped+ dumped and hunted in the
wilderness sur$i$al boot amp he made 'eid run through !or two wee#s e$ery summer. .t had
been !un+ then. ,his is most de!initely nothing li#e that.
Still+ his !ather/s le$elheaded nature wins through and sha#es 'eid into some #ind o! alm.
Enough he is able to wor# some things out.
I need answers. But first, I need to find out where I am and if I can get away.
.t isn/t muh o! a plan+ but it ma#es him !eel a little better. Cust the idea o! ating settles his
mind and helps him !ous. 'eid turns and loo#s up at the moon. First thing/s !irst. 5earings and
diretion. .! he an !igure out whih way is north+ he will at least be able to pi# a goal and
!ollow it onsistently. Lost .n ,he <oods 101. 5asis+ really. Stu!! he/s #nown most o! his li!e.
5ut at the moment+ those basis are the only li!eline he has to ling to. )ot !or the last time+ 'eid
whispers another than# you to his dead !ather.
7is eyes register a !li#er in the trees aross the path. .t/s only the barest o! mo$ements+ but
it !rea#s him out and !ores him deeper into the surrounding !orest. 'eid struggles !or alm. 7e
needs to !ous. E$erything that happens !rom now on is important and i! he doesn/t #eep it
together+ he will die. ,he #id with the empty gut and the rotting entrails on$ined him o! that.
,he !li#er gets loser. Cust a brie! shadow passing+ something dar#er than night mo$ing
through the trees+ wea$ing in and out o! sight. "t times it disappears !or so long 'eid is sure it/s
his imagination until it shows up again. 7e holds his breath and eases himsel! low to the ground+
ignoring the srathes he gets !rom the underbrush and the ris# o! poison oa# or i$y+ #eeping to
the !ull shadows. E$ery mo$ement rushes needles+ stirs the dirt at his !eet+ !illing his nose with
the smell o! the !orest. 7e does his best to be silent. "!ter all+ it ould be an animal. ,ons o! big
ats and e$en bears in these woods+ he/s sure. 7e desperately tries to remember what his !ather
told him about sur$i$ing animal atta#s+ all the while trying to on$ine himsel! it must be some
sort o! arni$orous predator loo#ing !or dinner.
For some reason+ he/s pretty sure it isn/t.
<hen the !li#ering shadow emerges !rom the dar#ness and sets !oot on the path+ 'eid so!tly
e9hales through his mouth in a ombination o! !ear and relie!. )ot an animal then. " man+
dressed all in bla#. 'eid hal! wishes it was some #ind o! wild reature. >n the other hand+ i! it
were+ he might ha$e a harder time. " bear or a mountain lion ould ta#e him out with little
hane o! de!ending himsel!. ,here is hope he might esape !rom a man.
'eid wathes the dar# !igure glide silently down the path+ e$erything about him sreaming
predator and he suddenly wonders i! he/s right to thin# there is any esape !rom this enemy. ,he
hunter/s lothing is tight to his body+ right down to a !ull hood that o$ers his head but lea$es his
pale !ae e9posed. 'eid doesn/t see any weapons. 7e #nows that means little. 5esides+ it/s not
the man/s attire that !rea#s 'eid out the most. .t/s the way he mo$es. E$ery motion is so !luid
'eid shudders. ,here is no way a man an mo$e li#e that+ not e$en the best trained ommando.
,here is an unnaturalness to it+ more animal than human+ but e$en beyond what a s#ul#ing at
ould pull o!!.
'eid/s pani ta#es him o$er !or a heartbeat+ sreaming at him to get away. ,he man is a
monster+ has to be+ something out o! a horror no$el or a sary mo$ie+ a reature that only loo#s
li#e a man. 'eid spends the ne9t ten seonds being wrenhed ba# and !orth between his terror
and his need to understand. 7e !inally manages to wrestle himsel! ba# under ontrol -ust as the
hunter omes to a halt aross !rom him.
E$ery ell in 'eid/s body demands he run+ and now. 7e holds himsel! in he#+ his !ather/s
patient $oie telling him o$er and o$er+ ne$er run !rom a predator. "lways best to hide or play
dead. "lthough supposedly ma#ing loud noises would do the tri# as well+ but somehow 'eid
doesn/t thin# that will do him any good. ,he idea is so ludirous he almost giggles !rom the
stress. 7is s#in $ibrates with the agony o! #eeping still.
7e has to tell himsel! o$er and o$er that this is -ust a man. )othing speial. Cust $ery well
trained. 7e has no way o! #nowing i! he an outrun this hunter and hiding seems his best hoie.
Playing dead will only end with him being dead. 7iding is it. 5ut his instints are on !ire and he
desperately needs to put distane between them any way he an.
Sweat !orms on 'eid/s upper lip+ tri#ing down the orner o! his mouth. )ot thin#ing about
it+ he li#s it away+ eyes ne$er lea$ing the man on the path. ,he dar# head o#s to the side as
'eid/s tongue mo$es o$er his s#in+ as though hearing the near silent swipe o! !lesh on !lesh. 'eid
!ree8es and holds his breath. )o way. ,here is no way the man heard him. "nd yet+ the dar#
!igure turns !urther toward him and li!ts his head. 'eid hears snu!!ling. .mpossible. Cra8y. 5ut
it/s the only e9planation.
,he man is searhing !or him by smell.
For a moment an irrational thought rosses 'eid/s mind as he rouhes there in the dar#ness+
wathing the hunter ome loser and loser. <hat i! this man an help him= 'eid is running only
beause o! the boy he !ound. <hat i! this man wasn/t in$ol$ed but is here to sa$e him= 'eid has
no idea what is going on. 2aybe i! he ries out he will be sa$ed. 7e athes himsel! as his
weight shi!ts !orward unbidden+ his !ranti mind searhing !or the logi in what is happening to
him. 7e holds himsel! still and 6uiet again+ battling his terror while he resists wiping the sweat
!rom his !ae.
Hell hear me.
7ow+ 'eid hasn/t a lue. 5ut he #nows it is true. "nd when the man/s !ae turns toward the
bushes where 'eid hides+ when he !ree8es on the path and !ouses on 'eid rouhing in the
shadows+ though there is no way he should be able to spot anything in the hea$y bla#+ 'eid is
grate!ul he stilled that impulse.
,his man is deadly. ,here is no 6uestion o! that+ no doubt. ,rusting this man would be li#e
handing himsel! o$er to the de$il. For all 'eid #nows+ that/s e9atly who the hunter is. "nd he is
hunting. E$erything about him yells it out loud despite his body/s silene. ,here is no mista#e+
no misunderstanding.
"nd he #nows 'eid is there.
'un. 7e needs to run. 5ut he is trapped in the underbrush. 7e an !eel the pri#le o! thorns+
the tug o! the branhes around him+ as though the $ery !orest has turned against him and will
ser$e him up as a sari!ie to the hunter. 'eid #nows he might be able to esape deeper into the
trees+ but without light to see by he will most li#ely !all in his !light and be aught. 7e stays
!ro8en+ new indeision tearing him in hal!. 7e is unable to at as the man ta#es one sliding step
loser+ then another. .t/s li#e the battle between !light and terror annot be won and 'eid is
aught in the middle with ertain death only a breath away.
7is heart is about to burst !rom it+ he is ertain. 7e needn/t wait !or the hunter to ath him.
7is own body might #ill him !irst. 5ut e$en while he thin#s it+ 'eid is also sure o! one more
thing. .! the man athes him+ 'eid will die. "nd no one will e$er #now.
Something starts out o! the bushes !urther down the path. ,he sound is so sudden and loud in
the stillness+ 'eid has to lamp both hands o$er his mouth to #eep !rom rying out. 7is eyes
immediately go to the soure+ e9peting a deer or maybe a !o9. .nstead+ he spots a s#inny !igure
staggering onto the trail. .t/s a boy+ about the same age as the other+ the dead one on the tree. 7e
stills li#e a terri!ied rabbit+ !ae turned ba# toward 'eid !or a seond be!ore he tries to run.
7e is learly terri!ied.
<here the hell did he ome !rom= 'eid/s mind an/t #eep up. )ot so the hunter. ,he man is
in li6uid motion without hesitation+ prey in hand be!ore the boy is able to ta#e a step.
:Please&; ,he #id/s $oie is high%pithed and athes at the end. :Please&; 'eid an see him
between the man/s legs+ snea#ers beating useless time against the ground+ small !ists thumping
against the hunter/s hest+ his struggles ignored. 7is !ae is -ust $isible in the moonlight. 7e
loo#s li#e he/s dead already+ s#in ghostly pale where it isn/t strea#ed with !ilth+ eyes sun#en pits
o! bla# in the dar#. :Aon/t #ill me+ please&;
,he man says something. "t least+ 'eid thin#s so. .t sounds partway between words and a
hu#le. 5ut the hunter an/t be laughing. Can/t be. )ot while his arm li!ts+ hand raising high
abo$e his head+ his intent ob$ious. ,here is nothing !unny about the way he holds his body+ how
he luthes the boy so tightly there is no esape. ,he edge o! a #ni!e shines sil$er in the
'eid #nows what is oming. Feels his own guts wrenh in sympathy and !ear as he
remembers the oils o! intestine+ the bla#+ gaping hole in the abdomen o! another boy. .t an/t
happen again+ not here+ not now. "nd i! it does+ he an/t be there to wath.
'eid tries to hold ba# but his sel!%preser$ation is somehow o$erridden by his need to sa$e
the #id. 7e yells+ surges !orward+ tries to get to them but he is too late as the #ni!e desends with
startling speed.
,he boy sreams+ his ry dri$ing 'eid/s pani to ta#e o$er ontrol o! his mind. "s the shrie#
ends abruptly+ sighing to an endless gurgle+ 'eid spins and bolts down the path+ instint !inally
winning o$er $alor+ the sound o! the strange boy/s death urging him on.
Chapter Three
'eid/s mind repeats a mantra as he runs. This cant be happening. This. ant. Be.
Happening. .t won/t stop running as muh as his body won/t stop+ dri$ing itsel! into his psyhe
o$er and o$er again as his legs piston up and down+ snea#ers pounding o$er the trail. "nd yet+ he
#nows it is as real as the ro#s and !allen lea$es sliding under his raing !eet+ as the moon
shining down on him+ and the pine sented wind !oring itsel! in and out o! his ahing lungs.
" headlong sprawl !ores him to stop. 7is #nees are suddenly on !ire+ palms ahing !rom the
impat+ mouth logged with deaying lea$es and dirt. 'eid spits out the mess+ rolling o$er on his
side. <himpering in terror+ he drags himsel! into the trees again and sans the path behind !or
signs o! the hunter. )othing. )o one. )ot e$en a hint o! mo$ement. 'eid doesn/t trust his eyes.
>r any o! his other senses. 7ow an he when the one who pursues him mo$es li#e li6uid
lightning+ as silent as the wind= <hoe$er the man is+ he loo#s normal on the outside but
instintually !eels li#e a wild animal+ only better. Smarter. "ble to reason and reat with human
instint and unning. 'eid has no doubt the hunter an and will !ind him and atta# without
7e an/t thin# about the boy. Either o! the boys+ !or that matter. ,hey haunt him+ but he
needs to thin# o! himsel!. 'eid slams that reality into his onsiousness until he really belie$es it.
,here are others li#e him out here. 7e has no way o! #nowing how many. "nd they are dying+
-ust li#e he will die i! he doesn/t get the hell out o! there somehow.
7e still !eels responsible. "nd guilty. ,he !irst boy gapes at him in his mind while the seond
one sreams+ :Please&; in an endless ry !or help. .t/s almost enough to dri$e him mad.
.nstead+ he deides to run. 5ut when he tries to go on+ his body re!uses to mo$e. 5oth legs
gi$e out on him+ his an#les throbbing !rom the !all. 'eid is unable to run !or the moment. 7e
hugs himsel! in the dar#+ #nees to his hest+ ma#ing himsel! as small as possible while he !ights
o!! the horrors he witnessed. 7e manages to 6uiet the panting protests being torn !rom his throat
and ro#s ba# and !orth on his haunhes while his ga8e sans the path and the trees around him
o$er and o$er again in a ne$er%ending yle o! !ear+ guilt and shame.
7e should ha$e sa$ed that #id. 7e ould ha$e. .! he had -ust mo$ed !aster+ been smarter. ,his
shouldn/t be happening. <hy is it happening=
,hat leads his ahing head down a !resh path. 7ow did he get here= 2emory !li#ers o$er the
past at last+ ta#ing him to the time be!ore he was #idnapped. 5e!ore he was dropped in hell. 7e is
relie$ed to let go o! the death ries and the ausing stare o! the dead boy/s eyes.
'eid is able to reall the day be!ore and ling to it. >r was it the day be!ore= 7is onept o!
time is lost in the !ae o! what is happening to him.
Luy. ,he restaurant+ so !any he !elt li#e an intruder in his -eans and hoodie. 7er hoie and
her treat. She ated li#e she owned the plae and no one said a word. ,hey elebrated. 7e
remembers. She !inally managed to get him out o! !oster are. " whole year he spent a!ter the
tragi deaths o! their parents+ li$ing in someone else/s house+ at the mery o! the state+ while his
twenty%year%old sister struggled to get her own li!e together.
7e honestly ne$er thought she would+ was positi$e he would be in state are until he was
eighteen. )ot only that+ 'eid was sure she !orgot him until the $ery day she ame to pi# him up.
7e was so sho#ed when his !oster mother alled him downstairs+ to see Luy standing there at
the door+ holding the paperwor# that set him !ree. ,he smile on her !ae reminded him why he
lo$ed her. "ll his resentment disappeared. She loo#ed good+ smelled good when she hugged him+
body thinner than he remembered+ her blonde hair muh lighter than his ti#ling his !ae as she
s6uee8ed him so hard he ho#ed.
7e didn/t are. 7e hugged her ba#. "nd too# in her new li!e. 7er ar was e9pensi$e+ her
lothes designer+ hair and ma#eup !lawless. She loo#ed li#e a model. >r a !amous atress.
:<e/re set up now+ baby brother.; She smiled at him past her big+ dar# sunglasses and patted
his #nee as he settled his hastily pa#ed bag in the ba# seat o! her bla# on$ertible+ the
ombination o! new ar smell and !reshly dyed leather ma#ing him nauseated. :Found a good
-ob+ a great boss. Set up.;
7e hadn/t as#ed her why she didn/t ontat him that long year they were apart. <hy she
didn/t all+ write+ email. .t didn/t matter. ,hey were together.
'eid swipes at a thin tear traing down his hee#. 7e doesn/t ha$e time to !eel sorry !or
himsel!. Luy. <here is his sister=
:2r. Syrause+; Luy said as she pulled up to their new building. .t loo#ed e9pensi$e. :2r.
Syrause+; she repeated as she led 'eid onto the well%appointed ele$ator that streamed so!t
mu8a# at him. :2r. Syrause+; Luy whispered as she smiled at him and unlo#ed the door to
their apartment. :7e/s great+ 'eid. 4ou/ll li#e him. 7e/s got big plans !or me. "nd he an/t wait
to meet you.;
,he plae was posh+ plush. She lo$ed showing him around. )ie !urniture+ great #ithen+ a
bathroom 2om would ha$e died !or. "nd his room was huge+ sto#ed !ull o! lothes+ too. 7e
had his own ,D+ a brand new iPad. 7ow did she get so lu#y= ,his was way better than anything
they had when their parents were ali$e.
7e wanted to as# the ost o! it all+ what the real prie was beyond the money it too# to buy+
but that was the natural yni in him. 7is !ather/s in!luene. Still+ he wondered i! his sister got
hersel! in o$er her head. 5ut he was too happy to be with her to go there -ust yet.
Is this the price! 'eid/s terror is suddenly not -ust !or himsel!. 7is sister. She has to be out
here too+ somewhere. ,here is no way she will sur$i$e without him. 'eid/s pani is so strong it
dri$es him to his !eet again. 7is mind raes. 7e has to !ind her. She/s all he has+ he/s all she has.
7e re!uses to lose her again.
5ut as he spins in plae and his mind desperately searhes around as though he/ll !ind her
right there with him+ his heart ra#s down the middle. 7e has no way o! !inding her. She ould
be dying right now at the hands o! the hunter and there is nothing 'eid an do to stop it. 7e hates
the !eeling o! being worthless. 7e had enough o! that in !oster are+ shu!!led !rom one house to
the ne9t+ treated li#e he was an inon$eniene at best+ a burden and a waste o! s#in at worst. 7is
!ather taught him better than that+ to respet himsel!+ and he lung to that the whole year he
waited !or Luy to ome get him.
Standing there+ desperate to !ind his sister+ 'eid !eels his will rumple at last+ as it ne$er has
be!ore. ,here are no options. 7e is lost and alone with a man out there hunting him and #ids li#e
him. 'eid has no doubt i! Luy omes in ontat with the hunter+ she won/t last a moment.
7e slams one hand into the losest tree and swears so!tly. ,he pain is enough to bring him to
his senses.
I need a plan. Easier thought o! than done. Still. .t is something to !ous on and he needs that
$ery muh right now. 'eid resumes his rouh+ !inding the dar#est shadow he an as his mind
searhes !or a way out.
.t triggers another memory.
7e had been in bed+ the om!ortable mattress a !ar ry !rom the lumpy+ musty things he/d
spent the past year sleeping in. Funny how e$ery !oster home had the same #ind o! bed. 7e was
stu!!ed with good !ood and a beer his sister let him drin#. Luy e$en tu#ed him in+ he
remembers it learly. She smiled down at him+ #issed his !orehead -ust li#e 2om used to. ,old
him she lo$ed him.
So what the hell happened= 7e was sleeping. ,he door slammed open in the dar#+ the whole
apartment deep as pith. 'eid struggled+ remembers !ighting+ but there were large shadows in the
night+ stronger than him and something !ell on his !ae+ pressed to his nose and mouth. .t stan#.
7e san# into 6uiet to the sound o! Luy sreaming.
'eid shudders and pulls himsel! !rom the memory+ the pit o! his stomah rolling o$er slowly
one. .t is true+ then. She is out there with him. ,his Syrause she mentioned+ he has to be in on
it. Sold them to some si#o maybe= Some !rea# who hunts people !or !un. 'eid/s anger surges
and !or a moment it gi$es him power. 5ut it isn/t as strong as his !ear. .t has only enough energy
to dri$e him to his !eet one last time.
7e has to !ind his sister. She was always the wea# one+ the brittle !lower+ -ust li#e their
mother. "t least+ that was what Aad always said and 'eid belie$ed him at the time. )othing
Luy did up until now ga$e him reason to doubt either. "nd Aad would want 'eid to !ind her
and #eep her sa!e i! possible. E$en though he was years younger+ 'eid always loo#ed out !or her
as best he ould.
.ndeision is agony. 7ow= <here does he go now= "nd where is Luy= 'eid has no
answers+ no hope+ no diretion. 7e has only his !ear and the path be!ore him. For a moment he
gi$es in to the despair+ wishing he is sa!e and she ne$er ame to get him. Fury wa#es suddenly+
while he blames Luy+ #nowing this is all her !ault.
,hat doesn/t last long. 7e has ne$er been $inditi$e or #nown to hold a grudge. "nd his
sister is all he has. .nstead+ he hooses to at.
7e has only one hoie and he #nows it. Eeep mo$ing. Searh !or her. "nd stay ali$e. .! he
an. .! only long enough to protet her. "gain+ i! he an. 7e #nows the hanes o! loating her in
this $ast wilderness are slim. <orse than that+ probably impossible. 5ut 'eid lings to the idea o!
!inding Luy+ uses it as his means o! mo$ing !orward+ his moti$ation !or staying ali$e.
7e does one last $isual he# o! the trail+ holding his breath to listen as well. .t remains
empty+ the night 6uiet and alm. 7e weighs his options. 7e an go ba# the way he ame+ on the
hane the hunter mo$ed on and perhaps le!t something use!ul behind+ or he an #eep going
!orward. 'eid he#s the moon. .t is !alling aross the s#y+ setting behind him. <hih means it
must be headed west. 7e #nows that muh. 7e studies the path again. ,o return the way he ame
will ta#e him south. ,he path ontinues to the north. )ot that it matters. 5ut his is an orderly
mind and 'eid !inds small om!ort in #nowing at least what diretion he is headed.
7e an/t bring himsel! to go ba#. .t would mean !inding the remains o! the seond boy+
possibly in the same position he !ound the !irst. 7e isn/t sure his sanity an sur$i$e that. 5esides+
as long as he mo$es !orward+ there is hope+ as slim as that dream is.
<hen his snea#ers touh the path+ he is already turned the opposite way+ !rightened ga8e
wathing e$erything around him as his steady !oot!alls arry him deeper into the !orest.
Chapter Four
.t is a struggle to use logi+ but the longer 'eid goes without being hallenged the easier it is
to !orget !rom moment to moment what is happening around him. 7e an/t blo# it out
ompletely and when he remembers a!ter a !ew seonds respite+ it/s a -olt to his already stressed
system. "nd yet he herishes eah and e$ery srap o! peae suh delusions bring.
7e #nows there is no !uture !or him in running around li#e a terri!ied animal. 7e has to get
himsel! together. 7a$ing a plan+ a goal he an ta#e steps toward e$en in times when he is a!raid
and -ust needs to run is the only way he will win his !reedom. "!ter he brea#s out+ he will allow
himsel! to !all apart again. 5ut !or now+ he has to #eep mo$ing and pay attention.
"nd be are!ul. )ot that there is any worry he will drop his onstant $igilane+ not yet. 7e
!eels himsel! waning+ but not enough !or it to slip ompletely. ,here is simply too muh at sta#e.
7is own li!e+ yes. "nd Luy/s. "lways his need to !ind Luy+ sitting on him li#e a burden+
#eeping him pointed in the diretion he hose.
'eid/s mind wanders around his problems+ !eeding the 6uestions he has no answers !or with
doubt and the seeds o! anger. <hy them= <hy the boy who died on the tree+ the one who was
#illed on the path= <hy himsel! and his helpless sister who didn/t #now when she was being
onned= )o one to miss them+ he supposes. Parents dead+ grandparents+ too. 2aybe it/s the same
!or the other #ids. <ould ha$e to be. )o aunts and unles. Cust him and his sister and those lost
ones he wishes he ould !orget.
Easy targets.
7e tries to muster outrage. .t would be pre!erable to the terror. E$en some sel!%righteous
anger would ser$e him. 5ut 'eid an/t get muh past his onstant !ear+ e$en getting om!ortable
in it+ letting it settle around him li#e a !amily heirloom. For him. For the un#nown #ids he le!t
behind. "nd !or Luy.
<hat about the hunter= 'eid an only assume he is some #ind o! serial #iller beause his
mind an/t proess muh past the e9peted. Either that or a rih guy with a taste !or gutting
people. 'eid is pretty sure money an buy e$en that i! the right amount is in$ol$ed. ,he right
people. "gain his thoughts turn to Luy/s new boss. ,he more he thin#s about it+ the more 'eid
is sure the asshole sold them out.
Still+ his anger stays away+ only a dull and deliberate regret !illing the spae between pani
and terror. 5ut he is able to at least plot re$enge and that helps him pass the time. .t distrats him
too+ so he !ores himsel! to drop that line o! thin#ing. 7e an/t a!!ord to let his mind wander.
.nstead+ he di$es into the list o! pratial things he needs to sur$i$e+ the tools his !ather
taught him were important i! he was e$er lost in the woods. 2ind you+ he is ertain Aad ne$er
!oresaw anything li#e the situation 'eid !inds himsel! in. 7is !ather used to tease about that side
o! him+ how he always wanted a plan no matter what he wal#ed into. 5ut Aad always said it with
a sense o! pride so 'eid #new he was doing right.
,oo bad 2om and Aad weren/t more li#e their son. ,hen their deaths wouldn/t ha$e le!t him
in !oster are and his !ragile sister unable to get her li!e together without going to wor# !or some
si# !rea# who sold them into a death sentene.
,hat/s better. ,he glimmer o! anger is his at last. ,here is more energy in it than the !ear+ but
-ust as muh !ous.
7e pauses by a rumbling sprue tree. ,he top hal! leans at a ra8y angle+ boughs hanging to
the ground+ its weight bending the trun#s o! those it presses on. .t !orms a thi# barrier that
ompletely blo#s the path. 'eid approahes with aution+ mind sreaming at him not to go
anywhere near it+ to turn around and run the other way. 7is heart rate limbs dramatially until
he eases lose enough to see the trun# has snapped by nature+ not designed as a trap by the
hunter. ,he tree is old and !ell on its own+ but its presene still !ores him to lea$e the trail and
go around.
'eid struggles through the underbrush and onsiders his ourse. 7e has already disarded the
idea o! tra$eling straight through the !orest. .t/s -ust too dar# and there are too many un#nowns.
,he ground is une$en here+ !ull o! emerging tree roots and bulging ro#s hidden in the
undergrowth+ -ust waiting !or him to trip and !all o$er them. "nd !or all he #nows there are
worse things he/s not seeing+ gaps and hasms and deep holes his mind on-ures to torment him.
7e ould end up hurt or unonsious !rom a !all into suh a plae+ a bro#en an#le or ra#ed
s#ull spelling the end o! him. .n that ase+ the hunter wouldn/t need to #ill him. 2other )ature
would do her own -ob o! it.
Still+ when he sets !oot ba# on the path+ he wonders how long he an ris# staying out in the
open li#e this. 7e is sure the trail is there !or a reason+ li#e a rabbit trap line+ set along their own
run. .t may be the logial road to ta#e+ but that sword uts both ways. 7ow simple is it !or the
hunter to use these paths+ the ideal tra#ing ground=
7e doesn/t want to ma#e things too easy !or the man+ but 'eid is tired and has other priorities
be!ore he an onsider brea#ing away !rom the trail.
First things !irst. <ater+ shelter+ !ood. 'eid spent enough time in the woods amping with
Aad to #now what he needs to do to sur$i$e. 7e has as yet to stumble o$er a water soure+ or
e$en somewhere that seems sa!e to hide long enough to rest. Part o! him is praying !or morning
and light+ that same part whispering he/ll be sa!e when the sun omes up+ that the hunter won/t
hase him in the daytime. 'eid has no idea i! he/s right+ but lings to the shred o! hope and hangs
onto it li#e it/s the only thing he has.
<hih+ really+ it is.
7e is so !oused and !eeling in ontrol that when a branh behind him brea#s with an
ehoing snap he is sho#ed to !ind himsel! running !ull out down the path+ panting all o$er again+
his terror ma#ing his !eet mo$e be!ore his mind an register what happened. "nd try as he might+
'eid is unable to stop himsel!. .n !at+ he allows the !ear to ontrol him+ gi$ing o$er to it
ompletely. 7e hurtles down the rutted trail at horrible speed+ !eet pounding loudly o$er the
pa#ed dirt+ arms pumping at his sides+ wind whistling !rom his lips+ his animal instints dri$ing
him !orward without thought or onsideration.
.t !eels good to gi$e in+ to release his ontrol and let go+ but the more he does+ the worse his
!ear gets. Speed and headlong !light inreases his terror e9ponentially until his heart is ready to
e9plode. .t/s as though the hunter breathes on his ne#+ dri$ing his !eet !aster and !aster until
'eid/s breaths are sobs o! terror and gasps !or air all at one.
"ll the while+ ho$ering be!ore his eyes+ his memory !oring him to loo#+ is the $aant !ae o!
the dead boy in the tree. .t is an inesapable image lo#ed into his !ear+ mo#ing him !or his
!light+ laughing at him+ weloming him to the !amily o! the dead.
7is !oot athes and the ground rushes up to meet him. ,his time when 'eid !alls he stays
where he is+ #nees ahing !rom the impat with the ground+ !ae on !ire where his hee# slapped
the harsh sur!ae o! the trail. 7e oughs out into the dust and debris !loating around him and
simply lays there+ sprawled with arms and legs outstrethed+ waiting !or what is to ome+ unable
to run another step.
7is eyes settle on a low+ dense pile o! underbrush. 7is sel!%preser$ation urges him to roll
o$er one+ twie and into the mass+ wriggling himsel! inside+ ignoring the po#es and prods and
-abs o! the plants and shrubs as they tug at his s#in and lothing. ,he sent o! disturbed earth and
rushed greenery is a dead gi$eaway+ he is sure. 'eid allows one last ho#ing sob and stills+
unable to do anything about it+ and e$en loses his eyes !or a moment.
<hate$er is to ome+ he has run as !ar as he an+ as !ast as he an. .! death is right behind
him+ he has done his best. 7is eyes droop+ lose o$er and he loses himsel! to the dar#ness.
'eid starts awa#e+ ama8ed he was able to !all asleep at all+ onsidering. >ne loo# at the
moon+ low and swollen on the hori8on+ tells him he did+ and !or at least an hour. 7e isn/t sure
what wo#e him+ but deides it/s time to mo$e. <hether he needs more rest or not+ staying in one
plae too long -ust doesn/t seem sa!e. "s he shi!ts and shimmies his way to the edge o! the
shrubs+ he !ree8es+ terror in his throat+ right at the ba# o! his mouth+ ho#ing him. <as that a
sound= "n owl o!!ers a sleepy ?whoo/. 7e holds his breath+ listening with all his might+ with
e$ery ell and sense. " branh ra#s+ settles. " so!t wind rustles the lea$es o! the trees+ rubbing
the sprue needles together+ reating a so!t patter as dried bits !all to the !orest !loor around him+
raining him with debris. 7e swats at the piees that land in his hair+ !ear dri$ing him to it.
7e holds himsel! steady+ waits a little longer+ still listening+ heart !alling ba# to normal
speed. 'eid #nows he an/t a!!ord to pani again. "nother !all li#e the one that sent him here and
he ould sprain an an#le or brea# something and then he would be lost !or sure. 5ad enough he is
a!raid o! the !orest. ,he relati$e smoothness o! the trail shouldn/t be so hard. 5ut he is tired and
impulsi$e and that ma#es it easy to lose ontrol. "bo$e all else he has to get his ontrol ba#. .!
only beause he needs his body whole and in good health i! he is going to sur$i$e.
<hy he e9pets to sur$i$e or e$en onsiders it an option he doesn/t #now+ but it re!uses to
lea$e him+ that idea+ and he doesn/t ha$e the heart to hase it away.
'eid is startled and rippled when his stomah ramps with hunger+ a !ist o! pain and nausea
dri$ing through his gut all the way to his spine. 7e luthes at his waist+ arms hugging his
abdomen+ unable to do anything about it. "ll o! a sudden it !eels li#e he hasn/t eaten !or days+ as
though his body has turned against him and is literally annibali8ing itsel!. 7e wonders how long
he was in the ustody o! the men who le!t him here. >nly the passage o! time would e9plain the
emptiness inside him.
" long and wrenhing howl ehoes in the distane. 'eid is !amiliar with many animals+
than#s to his time with his !ather amping. 7e/s heard the ries o! wol$es and oyotes+ the
unanny human sreams o! !o9es+ the grunting snu!!les o! passing bears. )e$er be!ore has he
heard anything li#e the alien shrie# arrying o$er the trees and through them+ reahing !or him+
luthing at his heart and soul. .t !ree8es him in plae+ blan#ing his mind+ emptying him o!
thought and all !eeling but pure and rippling terror.
7e would ha$e laid there and waited !or whate$er it was to ome and get him. 5ut his
attention is bro#en. 7e -er#s around to see a girl dart !rom her plae aross the path !rom him and
tear o!! down the trail in the same diretion he has been running.
"way !rom that sound.
'eid hesitates no longer. 7is !ear releases him so he an start running again. " sudden need
to be with another human being dri$es him !orward and on her trail+ determined to get what
answers he an.
Chapter Five
'eid/s instints #now there is only one reason the girl would be running and understands
she/s -ust made hersel! a target. 5ut she is lose+ so lose+ and the hane to tal# to someone else+
to ompare notes and maybe get some answers+ is -ust too power!ul !or him to ignore.
7e athes her easily+ his longer legs hasing her down. She spots him+ her !eatures -ust
$isible in the last o! the moonlight. She loo#s as terri!ied as he !eels+ her eyes huge and
glistening+ mouth hanging open as she pants !or breath. She loo#s about his age but older
somehow+ almost anient. 'eid reahes !or her to ma#e her stop. .t/s unanny how she dodges
him+ !oring her way deeper into the trees.
7e is so sho#ed he almost stops in his tra#s. >b$iously she/s been running !or a while+ has
learned something !rom her ordeal. She is wily and he wonders how long it too# her to get to this
animal plae o! pure sur$i$al. 7e ta#es notes without meaning to+ pays attention to how she
mo$es+ hoping her tatis will #eep him ali$e+ too.
,he underbrush is sparse here+ the trees themsel$es thinning and lea$ing gaps easier to run
through. ,he ground is ro#ier as well+ more moss and stone than dirt and !ar more treaherous
than he would li#e. 'eid remembers his last !all and wonders i! the pursuit is worth it. 5ut his
need won/t let him stop+ ommitting him to the hase. 7e paes her+ wanting to all out but too
worried the sound o! his $oie will arry+ though he #nows their retreat is ma#ing almost as
muh noise as any words would.
,here is no way he is letting her esape. 7e has a sudden thought and an/t seem to let it go.
"s he rolls it around in his mind+ he #nows he is right. ,hey are wea#er on their own+ easy
pi#ings. .! he had someone to wath his ba# he ould rest+ and gi$e his partner a turn. ,hey
ould ma#e plans+ wor# out their strategy together. Cust being with someone else ould ma#e
suh a di!!erene. "nd why stop at two= ,here is strength in numbers+ -ust li#e in shool when
bullies ome alling. Loners get trashed while groups are sa!e.
,hey need to sti# together and do what they an to !ind more li#e them.
5esides+ he has to tal# to her+ to hear another $oie. 5e!ore he an e$en ma#e a mo$e toward
her again she swer$es+ stumbles and athes hersel!+ spinning and going the other way -ust as his
!ingers brush o$er the oarse !abri o! her sweater. She reminds him o! a !leeing rabbit+ all
reation and instint. 7e doesn/t want to ha$e to hunt her down+ the $ery thought disgusts him+
but she/s not gi$ing him a hoie. 7e worries e9pending so muh energy hasing her will tire
him out !or when the real running starts again. 7e #nows that ould happen at any time+
espeially i! her reason !or bolting is what he thin#s it is. 7e brie!ly onsiders dropping the
whole idea and ontinuing on himsel!+ but an/t sha#e the !eeling that he needs her and she needs
'eid swears $ery so!tly and turns a!ter her.
For a moment he loses her in the !orest and 6ui#ly omes to a halt. 7e tries to hold his
breath despite his straining lungs+ his ears ser$ing him better than his eyes in the dar#. Cust as he
is !ored to ta#e a breath+ he athes the rustle o! lea$es and a so!t sigh o! air. 'eid spins toward
the sound and sees a hint o! mo$ement while the pungent smell o! body odor laed with musty
dirt reahes his nose+ so strong he an taste it in the ba# o! his throat. 7is mind !li#ers to the
memory o! the hunter sni!!ing the air and 'eid understands.
)o wonder the man was using his nose. ,he sent is unmista#able. .t oo8es human su!!ering
and despair.
'eid is about to go to her when he sees the lea$es shudder. 7e #nows it/s her+ that she aused
the mo$ement+ but still he panis+ that response too natural now to a$oid. 7e reeps up behind
her+ not wanting to sare her+ but not #nowing how else to get to her without her running o!!
'eid needn/t ha$e worried. She glares at him+ baring her teeth+ her hee#s wet+ and tries to
shoo him o!!+ !lapping her hands at him+ but no longer trying to get away. 7er sweater bags o!!
o! her narrow shoulders+ !ae !ilthy+ tangled hair a halo o! lea$es around her head. Aeep lines
eth her hee#s+ !illed with dirt. 7er eyes are sun#en !ar into their orbits and they glare at him
li#e he is the hunter himsel!.
7e was wrong about her age. 'eid thought she was si9teen or so. 5ut up lose he gets a
better loo# and his whole being lurhes in sympathy.
7e/s sure she/s no more than twel$e years old.
'eid tu#s in beside her and presses his mouth to her ear+ !linhing !rom the stin# o! her s#in+
his $oie barely a breath+ -ust loud enough so she an hear.
:<e an help eah other.;
She -er#s ba# !rom him and tries to wiggle around+ but he holds her easily with one hand.
She rela9es !or a heartbeat+ loo#ing up into his eyes. ,he moisture on her !ae isn/t sweat li#e he
thought it was. She/s sobbing silently and all her humanity is lea#ing out with her tears.
:Let me go.; She huddles there in his power+ soul empty o! all but her !right and the
#nowledge she is about to die. 7e an see there is little le!t o! the girl he #nows she had to be
one+ be!ore the horror too# o$er. .t ma#es him want to sream. "nd worry it ould happen to
him. <ill happen. 7e re!uses to belie$e it is ine$itable.
:7ow long ha$e you been running=; .t/s important to him. 7e needs to #now what the limit
is+ how muh o! his own li!e is le!t i! he an ompare it to hers.
:Four days.; She snu!!les $ery so!tly+ wiping at her nose with her slee$e. :Li#e you gi$e a
7e is hurt+ the truth o! it dri$ing into his already wounded heart. <hen it settles o$er him+ his
grie! numbs. >! ourse she !eels that way. "lone out here !or !our whole days by hersel!=
:7ow did you sur$i$e=; She ama8es him. 7e/s barely made it through one night.
:./m smart.; She is limp+ but he an !eel her tension now+ the hum o! it that runs through her.
She is ready to mo$e at the !irst opportunity. :"nd small. 3uess they li#e bigger targets more
than me.;
:./m 'eid.; .t also !eels important she #nows his name.
She shrugs. :2onia.; 7er eyes !li#er around them in a alulated pattern. :Aon/t thin# .
trust you now.;
Fair enough. :Aidn/t as# you too+; he says.
:Aid+; 2onia/s eyes ome ba# to his. :4ou said we ould help eah other. <ell+ ./$e heard
that be!ore.;
Someone !ound her and abandoned her. .t is the only e9planation. 7ow an he on$ine her
he/d ne$er lea$e her behind when he doesn/t #now he wouldn/t= )othing is sure anymore. "nd
i! the hane ame up to resue Luy+ he #nows he/ll hoose his sister o$er what remains o! this
little girl. Still+ he lets the outrage o! it show in his !ae.
:./m sorry.; .t/s not muh+ but it seems to wor# on her. She shi$ers and sighs deeply+ her
tension going 6uiet !or the moment.
:)ot your !ault+; she says+ :or theirs. Cust+ ./m younger and slower and they ouldn/t wait !or
me. . get it.; She snu!!les !or the seond time+ her slee$e now dar# !rom leaning up her tears.
:5ut it/s still not !air.;
7e/s been thin#ing the same. )o suh thing as !air in this plae. <ould he do what they
others did= 'un o!! without her= <ould he let her hold him ba#= .n that moment+ he deides.
)o matter what happens+ he/ll protet her i! he an.
:./m not them+; he says. :<ill you ome with me=;
2aybe i! he reahed her a day earlier or e$en be!ore dar#ness !ell. 5ut he an !eel her need
o$erthrown by her !ear o! re-etion+ that instant o! wanting to be part o! something washed o$er
in her eyes by her own instintual dri$e not to trust him.
:<e an/t stay here.; 2onia tries to pulls !ree but he won/t release her. .t would mean
letting go o! the hope he had that they ould run together. Still+ he agrees with her. ,hey ha$e to
mo$e. 2aybe i! they !ind somewhere sa!er he an hange her mind.
:,hat ry.; 'eid shudders.
:,hey/re oming.; She gi$es another gentle tug and he !inally lets her go. 2onia sits up+ but
doesn/t run away. .t/s a start at least.
:<hat are they=; 7e #nows he should let her run. ,here isn/t muh in her anymore. 5ut he
an/t -ust let her go. She reminds him so muh o! Luy !or some reason+ it would be li#e losing
his sister all o$er again.
2onia sha#es her head+ her !ilthy hair dropping a !ew lea$es. :. don/t #now.;
:7ow did you get here=; 7is desperation is rising+ tied to hers.
:. don/t #now.; 7er words are breathed around a silent sob.
:<hy are they doing this=;
:. don/t #now. . don/t #now. I dont "now&; She might as well be sreaming. 7er whole
being is sreaming+ sha#ing him up e$en though her !rustration and !ear is e9pressed at a
whisper. 7er !ae rumples and her little !ists beat against him+ her s#inny body wriggling ba#
and !orth.
:Shut up. . don/t are. .t doesn/t matter. Cust shut up&; She hisses at him li#e a small animal+
her tiny hands now laws+ slashing toward his !ae+ his hest. :4ou/ll bring them here&;
7e barely has a moment to reali8e what she said. For the seond time. ,hem. <hat does she
mean+ them= 'eid hasn/t e$en onsidered there ould be more than one hunter. 7e is so
o$erwhelmed by this news he almost misses her sudden reation to something he hasn/t heard.
She tenses+ a !rightened rodent+ hee# twithing on$ulsi$ely in terror. " low and horrible
hum rises !rom her stomah+ oming up to her hest and out through the !lare o! her nostrils. She
twists in 'eid/s grip+ trying to slide !ree. 7e wants to hang onto her+ but he is stunned+ made
useless by what she told him+ so he lets her go. <hen she pulls away and glanes at him+ he
!inally understands. ,hey ha$e nothing to o!!er one another a!ter all. She is simply too !ar gone.
Still+ 'eid doesn/t want to lea$e her there. 7e an help her get to a sa!er plae be!ore they
part ways. 5e!ore he an at+ she mo$es two steps and lo#s up again. 7e is about to urge her to
mo$e when he !eels it. ,hey are not alone. 7e searhes their surroundings+ slin#ing slowly and
are!ully into the depth o! the shadow she -ust le!t. ,here+ near the path. Something mo$es with
deliberate slowness. 'eid sees 2onia tremble. She hasn/t mo$ed. "nd needs to+ 6ui#ly. She
only has a moment. 7e reahes !or her+ too late. She unoils !rom her !ear!ul !ree8e and dashes
se$eral steps toward the trail.
,he hunter is there in one !luid motion+ snathing her out o! the brush with a whoosh o! air+
dropping her into the open. 'eid hears her srawny body thud to the dirt+ the gasp o! esaping
breath as she loses hers. 'eid is !ored to press his hands o$er his ears as her low hum begins
again+ turning into a piering #een so loud it sha#es him to his bones with its desperation.
,here. 5eside the hunter. " !orm slides !rom the dar#ness. "nother one. ,hem+ she said.
Them. She was right. ,wo hunters. ,wo #illers in the night.
7e didn/t want to belie$e her. )ow he has no hoie. She/s pro$ed it to him in the worst way
possible. 7is horror growing+ 'eid !ores himsel! to mo$e on+ to esape the sound and 2onia/s
!inal torment. 7er death.
7e has gone less than ten steps when her humming protest+ the last weapon she has in a
terribly unbalaned war+ is ut o!! abruptly. Fore$er.
'eid runs.
Chapter Six
,his time he runs without reason+ his !ous lost to him+ as muh an animal as she was in the
end. 7e !inds the edge o! the trail and hates to use it+ but has no hoie+ instint !oring him to
ta#e the path o! least resistane. 7e must run and run and ne$er+ e$er stop. )ot !or anything or
anyone. 'est is impossible+ brie! moments aught in -er#ing instanes o! gasping air+ barely
enough to restore his wind be!ore he is o!! again+ a new sound or !li#er o! motion hasing him
deeper and deeper into the !orest.
7e only peripherally !eels the ground under his !eet+ the slap o! branhes against his !ae
when he gets too lose to the edge o! the trees+ usually a!ter he spins to he# the trail behind
him. 'eid an/t thin# or !eel or reason. 7e doesn/t ha$e time and an/t a!!ord the e!!ort any o!
them ta#e. 7e is legs and !eet+ ragged breath and burning musle+ sheathed in a world o! pain and
terror dri$ing him onward+ e$er onward.
7e has only a heartbeat to register the barrier be!ore he reahes it+ but it is -ust enough to
#eep him !rom hurtling headlong into the hain lin# !ene. 7e stops all at one+ whole body
twithing in response+ gaping upward+ !eeling his s#in tingle and the hair on his head and body
stand on end in answer to the power running through it. ,he dull metal thrums a steady beat+
$ibrating its way down into the ground. 'eid doesn/t need to he# or e$en thin# about it. 7e
-ust #nows.
,here is enough -uie running through the !ene to #ill him.
'eid is so stunned by its appearane and ob$ious meaning+ it ta#es him a while to reat to it.
7is !light mode has been interrupted and he is so tired and strung out !rom stress and !ear it ta#es
him ahingly long moments to register and understand what is going on. <hen he !inally gets it+
he wants to !all to his #nees and 6uit. >n top o! e$erything else+ whoe$er dumped him here has
trapped him as well. ,he un!airness o! it shri$els his soul a little !urther and he spends a moment
rubbing at the goose!lesh raised by the eletriity and his own despair. (ntil he onsiders the
!ene again. "nd a ray o! hope shines through.
.t has to ha$e a gate. 2aybe more than one. .! he an !ind the way outB nothing will #eep
him !rom esaping.
#ithout $ucy! 7is mind tortures him with the thought.
>! ourse not. 5ut #nowing where the way out is will be a great ad$antage when he does !ind
her. 'eid re!uses to thin# about the alternati$e. 7e #nows there is a hane she has already met
with her !ate at the hands o! the hunter. 7unters. 7e shudders again+ ba#ing o!! a bit !rom the
!ene. 7ow many are there+ then= 7e was ob$iously wrong thin#ing there is only one man. 7e
sees how !oolish that assumption was+ but only in hindsight. ,here was no way he ould ha$e
e$en !or a moment belie$ed there was more than one o! those men. .t too# seeing it to belie$e it.
)ow that he has seen two+ his mind swells with horrible possibility. ,here ould be do8ens.
7undreds. ,hey ould ha$e him surrounded right now.
'eid spins and he#s the !orest around him. "s !ar as he an tell+ he is alone. <hen he
returns his attention to the problem o! the !ene+ he has reo$ered more o! himsel! and the !ous
he lost in his o$erwhelmed !light.
,here is only one way to !ind the way out i! this idea o! his ould be his sal$ation or not. 7e
has to !ollow the !ene. 'eid loo#s ba# and !orth+ !irst one way then the other+ trying to deide.
>n his le!t the !ene ur$es o!! into the dar#ness+ barely $isible in the thi#ening trees. 5ut on
his right+ where the !orest is thinner+ he an see more o! it up ahead. 7e hooses that way+ only
beause he is tired and the ground seems less treaherous+ the o$er not so sti!ling. "nd while he
#nows he trades ease o! mo$ement with shelter !rom the hunters+ 'eid trusts his gut and goes to
the right.
#est+ he orrets himsel!. Im going west. ,hat/s almost the deal brea#er !or him. 7e would
rather head toward the dawn and see the sun lighting the s#y+ leading him into the morning. .n
!at+ he/s loo#ing !orward to it. "nd yet+ he sti#s with his plan and trudges on.
'eid sets out+ stepping gingerly o$er the body o! a dead rabbit+ barely a day gone+ !lies
humming their ra$enous dane o$er it. 7e !ores his eyes away+ not wanting to ontemplate what
would ha$e happened to him i! he hadn/t stopped.
.t isn/t worth thin#ing about.
7e !inds it hard to !ous on the world on his side o! the !ene. 7is eyes san the other+ !or a
sign+ a hane o! resue+ anything. "nyone. .t/s suh a thin barrier+ really. Suh a simple+ yet
e!!eti$e+ wall between him and !reedom. .t dri$es him a bit mad when he !ouses on it and he
has to loo# away !rom time to time or !all ba# into spiraling despair. 7e !antasi8es about
oming aross someone+ a !orest ranger maybe. " logging tru#. 5ut there is only the !orest+ the
night and the 6uiet to #eep him ompany. ,hose and the onstant bu88 o! the !ene.
.t annoys him a!ter a short time+ e$en though he longs !or it and what it means. Ci$ili8ation.
People. Sa!ety. ,he $ery things he treasures+ powered by the only thing #eeping him !rom his
Aespite the brie! sleep he aught a !ew hours ago+ 'eid is stumbling tired+ his legs barely
able to #eep him upright. So+ when he hears a ar horn he thin#s he is halluinating. 7is eyes see
the lights in the distane+ register the sight+ but don/t translate what they mean !or a long time.
<hen he !inally reali8es what he is loo#ing at+ his heart leaps up and -er#s him toward the !ene.
7e is again wide awa#e.
,here are ars in the distane. ,heir tires rumble o$er asphalt+ a steady rush and hum as they
pass. ,ru#s roll by+ powered with their distinti$e roar. 5rightness uts through the dar#+ ma#es
paths aross the trees+ sending shadows bouning in steady streams only to die and be reborn
!rom the ne9t set o! headlights.
,he highway $ibrates with steady li!e+ not e$en a mile in the distane. 7e is ele$ated+ loo#ing
down on it+ the passing interstate in some #ind o! shallow $alley below him. 7e an almost smell
the gasoline !umes+ the heat !rom the engines. 7e is sure he hears musi ehoing in the distane
!rom someone/s open window.
7e wants to shout+ -ump up and down and laugh all at one. ,his is it+ what he/s been
searhing !or& (ntil he wor#s out the !inal part o! the situation in his e9hausted and !u88y head.
"nd when he does+ he wishes he ne$er saw the !ene or the ars or the people going on with their
li$es while he remains trapped with the monsters.
,here is no e9it here. ,he interstate is too !ar !or the mo$ing ars to hear him. 7e has no way
o! signaling that he is in trouble. For a moment he has a !resh rush o! hope. " !ire& 7e ould set a
!ire. Surely someone would ome. 5ut he has nothing to ma#e a !ire with+ no mathes or lighter
and is sure he an/t do it the old !ashioned way. 7e tried and tried as a hild a!ter his !ather told
him nati$e people used to #indle !lames !rom a pair o! sti#s. "ll he e$er managed to do was
gi$e himsel! splinters.
'eid stands there !or a long time+ !orgetting the hunters and his !ear and gi$es in to his
longing. Sa!ety is so lose he an smell it+ taste it+ !eel the end o! his terror and pain. 7e is almost
desperate enough+ tempted by the thought o! that highway in the distane+ to -ust ris# it and touh
the !ene. 2aybe he will sur$i$e= 5ut reason e9plains to him $ery gently e$en i! he does+ he will
only ma#e it to the !ene itsel! and will ne$er manage to get o$er the top with all that power
running through him.
7e doesn/t want to abandon his only glimmer o! hope+ but has to !ae the truth at last. 'eid
an/t -ust stay there. .t/s too dangerous. 7e !inally trudges onward+ still !ollowing the !ene+
easing his disappointment by trying to on$ine himsel! there must be another spot -ust li#e this
one+ loser to the road e$en. " plae he an all !or help.
Small onsolation. Smaller still as he passes through a line o! trees. 7e hesitates one last
moment+ absorbing the hint o! humanity in the distane be!ore pushing himsel! onward.
,he last o! the sound and light !rom the highway is lost behind him.
7e isn/t aware he is rying until his $ision swims in !ront o! him and he is !ored to wipe at
his eyes with the !ilthy u!! o! his hoodie. 'eid ho#es+ spitting out preious moisture+ his throat
so thi# and pain!ul he an/t bring himsel! to swallow.
,he night seems to last !ore$er. 7e wonders i! it will e$er end. .t/s li#e he/s been dropped
into a wilderness o! dar#ness and despair that goes on and on !ore$er.
7e #eeps the !ene in sight and !eeling+ using it to guide him. .t isn/t until he stumbles o$er a
loose stone that he reali8es the trees are almost gone. 'eid slows and loo#s around. 7e has le!t
the sant om!ort and seurity o! the !orest behind and stands on a low li!! !ae. ,he !ene lines
the edge+ the rest lost to him. 'eid gets as lose as he an and peers o$er the side. 7e !eels his
!oot slip+ the stone rumbling beneath him and !or a moment he is sure he is gone. 7e ries out as
his snea#er slides out !rom under him+ throwing himsel! to the ground. " patter o! stones !all+
nearly dragging him to his death against the !ene. 7e athes his breath+ holding it+ listening. .t
is a long and 6uiet moment be!ore the stones hit the bottom.
'eid hastily ba#s o!! and gi$es the !ene more room. 7e #eeps his distane+ wathing his
step more are!ully. ,he trees return+ sparse at !irst+ slowly thi#ening and embraing him again.
'eid tries to stay in sight o! the !ene+ but the terrain is -ust too dangerous+ the trees too thi#.
Still+ he #eeps his eyes lo#ed on it.
7e #nows he is going down be!ore he !eels the pain in his leg+ but is unable to stop himsel!.
'eid/s an#le protests the abuse it/s ta#en+ !inally gi$ing up on him o$er the loose stone that sends
him to his #nees. 7e breathes hard+ massaging his !oot+ hoping he hasn/t done muh damage. "
tentati$e try o! his weight tells him he/s in lu#. ,his time.
<ith great regret+ 'eid !inally lets the !ene go. 7is heart abandons him+ lea$ing only hurt
and horror behind. 7e an/t e9plain to himsel! why+ but seeing the last glimmer o! the hain lin#
and shedding the !eeling o! its power is li#e losing his best !riend.
7e angles deeper into the !orest and almost immediately stumbles aross a pathway. 7e
pauses at the edge+ thin#ing and listening while his body ahes and begs him !or rest. 'eid
brie!ly onsiders trying to eret some #ind o! amou!laged shelter+ but disards the idea -ust as
!ast. )ot li#e he/d get any rest anyway. 7is best bet is to #eep mo$ing. "nd+ i! possible+ get to a
gate in the !ene.
"s he sets !oot on the path+ he loo#s up and to the right+ into the blush o! dawn lighting the
Chapter Seven
"t least one thing is in his !a$or+ 'eid !igures. 7e was right about diretion. "nd the sun is
$ery+ $ery welome in his dar# and terrible new world. ,he light li!ts his spirits somewhat+
easing the tension inside him enough that he atually has the illusion he is sa!e !or moments on
end. 7e #nows it isn/t smart to lose his edge+ but he has been running all night and needs those
stolen moments to #eep him !rom !alling apart.
Still+ he is emotionally and physially e9hausted+ rippled by hunger and thirst. 5oth ha$e
gotten worse as time goes on and he #nows his need !or water must be satis!ied soon or he ris#s
delirium and ollapse.
7e is drawn thin and one he ad-usts to the idea o! morning and loses his sense o! hope+ the
brightening s#y turns on him+ only ma#es him !eel more transparent and unreal. "s the light o!
dawn washes o$er his weary body+ a seret part longs !or the return o! the bla# and 6uiet o!
<ith the morning omes more sound than he is used to. 5irds+ small animals+ insets all rise
and greet the day. "!ter the stillness o! the night+ puntuated only by the oasional passing
reature outside the horror he witnessed+ the new day wa#es to a aophony o! nature. ,he birds
are the worst+ their happy songs piering his eardrums+ gi$ing him a headahe and stirring his
!ury. 'eid stoops at one point and retrie$es a ro#+ !iring it at a happily hirping robin. ,he red%
breasted bird !lies o!! with a nonmusial s6uaw# o! protest that ma#es 'eid smile !or some
<hen he hears the gushing+ burbling sound o! water running he surges !orward to greet it.
,his sound is welome. 2ore than welome. 7e staggers through a line o! trees to the edge o!
the rushing stream. 'eid slides o$er the wet ro#s that ma#e its bed and !alls to his #nees ne9t to
it+ plunging his !ae into the iy !low without a moment/s hesitation. 7e gulps mouth!ul a!ter
glorious mouth!ul+ his hee#s numb a!ter the initial sho#+ dehydrated body greedy !or more than
his stomah an handle. 'eid !alls ba# onto the ban# with a moan o! pleasure+ ollapsing on the
polished stones with an almost musial latter+ luthing his distended belly and wishing he
ould !it the whole o! the stream inside him.
,he ramps are ine$itable and he aepts them with only a minor !linh o! regret. 2ost o! the
water surges ba# up and out o! him in a gush that ma#es his ribs ahe and his throat e$en more
raw than it was be!ore he dran#. 'eid waits until the hea$ing is through and returns to the water.
,his time he goes slowly+ !oring himsel! to ta#e only a mouth!ul+ sitting ba# to roll its lo$ely
oldness around his tongue+ !eeling the 8ing o! it against the !illings in his molars. 7e swallows
a!ter a ten ount and waits another !i$e seonds be!ore ta#ing another drin#. "nd another. 7e
waits eah time+ ma#ing sure the last will stay with him be!ore ris#ing the ne9t and grate!ul !or
e$ery single drop.
"t last he is !ull o! water+ but not pain!ully so. 7e splashes some more on his !ae and blots
his s#in with the orner o! his dirty ,%shirt. ,his is his !irst opportunity to get a good loo# at
himsel! and he does so are!ully. Someone dressed him in the lothes he had on when Luy
pi#ed him up. 7e wonders about that. 'eid is dismayed by the tears in his -eans+ the dirt ground
into the elbows and #nees o! his na$y blue hoodie. 7e ta#es a moment to rip o!! a strip o! his ,%
shirt and lean the wounds on his #nees. .t/s not li#e he/s ne$er s#inned them be!ore+ but not
without aess to medial attention. ,he last thing he needs is to get an in!etion.
<hen he is done+ he is satis!ied. ,he s#in is pin#+ some sabbing o$er+ but neither #nee is hot
to the touh. "ny rise in temperature would be a sure sign o! trouble. 'eid sighs deeply at his
good lu# -ust as his eyes dri!t to his snea#ers. ,hey seem to be holding up all right+ though
something brownish stains the top o! his right one. 7e panis as soon as he reali8es it/s blood+
plunging his whole !oot into the water to get the last remains o! the boy/s entrails o!! o! him.
'eid shudders and does his best to pull himsel! together a!ter that. 7is eyes trae the path o!
the stream and he #nows+ be!ore ma#ing a !irm deision+ he has no hoie but to !ollow it. 7e
has yet to ome aross another water soure and worries there might not be one. ,here is the
onern that the hunters will #now this is a prime loation to searh !or him+ but he has to ta#e
the ris#. <hether they #ill him or he dies o! dehydration+ he/s -ust as dead.
>! ourse+ that/s how he !eels now. 7e/s pretty sure i! one o! the hunters shows up he will
bolt !or !reedom and not thin# twie about water. 'eid bends o$er the stream !or one more drin#
and loo#s up+ not #nowing that $ery thought is about to be tested.
,here. "ross the daning+ happy broo# that glitters in the morning sunlight+ slightly down
stream. " man dressed all in bla# rouhes+ wathing him.
'eid/s pani dri$es him to run while his need to sur$i$e !ores him to stop and obser$e.
,here is something wrong with the way the man loo#s. Something odd about how he hunhes in
plae+ obser$ing 'eid. "nd when the bla# dressed hunter li!ts his head and alls out+ the ry he
utters is the same as the ry !rom the night be!ore+ that terri!ying and soul slaying howl 'eid was
sure ame !rom the throat o! some horrible beast.
'eid is all out o! lu#. 7e was right a!ter all. ,here is no time !or a seond though about the
stream. 7e runs.
,he hunter is right behind him. 'eid is sure o! it. 7e an !eel the man breathing against his
ne#+ his #ni!e brushing against 'eid/s lower ba#+ -ust abo$e the #idneys. 7is li!e is o$er all
beause he lost his !ous o$er a stupid pair o! snea#ers. "nd now 'eid #nows daylight is no
deterrent. ,hat partiular disappointment uts deep. 7is only real regret is that he was unable to
!ind and sa$e his sister. Luy/s name is on 'eid/s lips as he spins to stand and !ae the death that
is right behind him.
7e is alone. 'eid gasps !rom the truth o! it. 5ut wait. ,here+ in the trees+ -ust $isible. ,he
hunter. Following him+ but #eeping his distane. )e$er be!ore has 'eid !elt so muh li#e a
mouse being toyed with by a stal#ing at. )ow he understands how it !eels to be nothing+
inonse6uential. Something to be played with and disarded when his use!ulness is done. "nd
yet+ the hunter holds o!! and 'eid ta#es ad$antage o! the !at. Enowing it is useless+ that he will
die when the hunter hooses to #ill him+ 'eid turns and runs on.
,hese trees are -ust thi# enough to o!!er o$er but are sparse in undergrowth and so are easy
to maneu$er. 3ood !or 'eid and better !or his pursuer. 7e wonders how muh time he has le!t
and what the hunter is waiting !or.
'eid an/t help himsel!. 7e glanes ba# o$er his shoulder. <hat he sees almost drops him
to his #nees in terror.
,here are two o! them+ now. "s he tears his eyes away !rom them he hears their
ommuniation+ so!t hu!!ing and growling+ more e9peted !rom the throats o! animals than
5ut they must be human. ,hey loo# human+ don/t they= "gain that !eeling o! wrongness
washes o$er 'eid. 7ow an it be= ,hey are one or the other. 7is logial mind re!uses to bend
while his !ear whispers to him. <hy an/t they be both=
"nother howl -oins their hatter !rom the distane+ o!! to the south. 'eid/s breath omes in
whispered whimpers as he tries !or more speed+ more distane+ #nowing it is useless+ that he is
useless and nothing he an do will sa$e his li!e.
>ne he may ha$e outrun. ,wo is a slie o! impossible. ,hree= 7e might as well -ust gi$e up
right now and let them ta#e him. Pa# animals don/t 6uit until their 6uarry is dead.
7e staggers through the edge o! the trees and into a learing. 'eid blin#s against the
brightness o! the sun+ missing the anopy o! the !orest and hesitates only !or a heartbeat be!ore
plunging !orward. 7e is a deer hased by wol$es+ $ulnerable and !ragile. 7e #nows he is
e9posed+ but !or the moment his only !riend is speed and the empty meadow o!!ers him a hane
to go e$en !aster.
'eid rashes through the tall grass+ e$ery step steeped in !ear. .t seemed li#e suh a short
distane when he started out+ a brie! and rapid way aross. 5ut the tangled meadow !oliage grabs
at his snea#ers e$en more than the underbrush in the !orest and he is sweating !rom the heat o!
the sun. ,he sa!ety o! the trees seems so !ar to him+ he sobs one in !rustration and !ear. "ll o!
his !ous is on the line o! trees+ the relati$e dar#ness o! the woods and he throws himsel! toward
it li#e it is his sal$ation.
7e is suddenly o$er the threshold and ba# into the !orest+ his lungs ready to 6uit+ legs
6ui$ering !rom strain. "nd yet he runs on. 'eid has no hoie. 7e strains to listen+ to hear them
and reali8es he hasn/t pi#ed up any sound !rom them sine he rossed the learing. Could it be
he lost them= 7is heart doesn/t want to dare hope it is true and his mind re!uses to belie$e.
" glane behind shows him the truth. ,hey ease toward him+ so!t shadows mo$ing li#e
ghosts+ holding ba#. ,here are three o! them now. Silent beause there is no longer any need to
ommuniate. ,hey ha$e him and they #now it. ,hey will toy with their prey !or as long as it
amuses them and then they will swoop in and #ill him.
'eid wants to sream+ to !ight ba#+ but instead he gathers what remains o! his strength and
7e tries to !ous on mo$ing !orward+ but #nowing they are behind him terri!ies him. 'eid
stumbles more o!ten+ his !eet tangling in the brush and on roots. 7e is thin#ing too hard+ about
running+ esaping and it is destroying his speed.
'eid doesn/t want his end to ome when he isn/t loo#ing+ but he is terri!ied to stop and let it
be o$er li#e this. 7is !ather/s $oie tells him he needs to !ae his death li#e a man+ to stop+ turn
and !ight !or as long as he an and ne$er+ e$er 6uit.
7e loo#s ba# without thin#ing about it+ obeying his !ather/s words in that small way. 'eid
an/t see them anymore+ but he #nows they are ba# there+ stal#ing him. 7e sans around !or
something to !ight with+ anything+ but he is mo$ing too !ast and re!uses to slow until he an/t run
any longer. 5esides+ he #nows he will ne$er win this !ight. 7e silently begs his !ather/s
!orgi$eness !or being a oward and ontinues to stagger onward.
<as that a sound= 'eid an barely hear abo$e his own pounding heart and the whee8ing
rattle that is his breathing. ,hey are getting loser+ that must be it. ,hey are on top o! him+ he is
ertain. "ny seond now a #ni!e will bring him down and his entrails will !all to the path+ his
body hung li!eless as a warning to the ne9t poor un!ortunate #id to get dumped in this hell.
7e ris#s it and sans behind him one last time. 7e is alone+ blessedly alone. ,here is no sign
o! them+ not e$en a glimmer. 5ut why did they gi$e up the pursuit= ,hey had him+ they must
ha$e #nown it. Aid they !ind more deletable prey to hase= 7e wishes he didn/t !eel so happy
about that idea+ #nowing i! that is the ase his sal$ation omes at the loss o! another li!e.
'eid hooses his sur$i$al o$er ompassion+ at least !or the moment+ and spins to ma#e a !inal
sprinting e!!ort.
>nly to ollide !ull on into one o! the hunters.
Chapter Eight
'eid lashes out immediately be!ore his tortured brain an register these men aren/t dressed in
bla#+ but amo green.
:<hoa+ there+ #iddo&; 7e is grabbed+ sha#en slightly. :<here/s the !ire=; ,he man who
grips him is burly and broad shouldered+ a massi$e handle bar mustahe drooping to his hin.
5ut his brown eyes are amused and there is no !ear in him.
:)ot e9atly the game we were loo#ing !or+; his !riend smir#s.
.t is 'eid/s turn to grab on and not let go. ,he !irst man staggers ba#ward a step as 'eid
throws himsel! !orward+ luthing at the !ront o! the amo -a#et+ !ingers twining in the straps
and bulging po#ets. 7e is stunned to !ind the men are real a!ter all. 7is sense o! touh pro$es it.
:Please&; 7is $oie sares him+ it is so high pithed. ,he whine o! a terri!ied animal. 7e
sounds way younger than he !eels. :,hey/re going to #ill me&;
)either man mo$es !or a moment+ as though this in!ormation is some sort o! spell trapping
them and #eeping them !rom the truth. .n that moment+ 'eid !eels helpless all o$er again+ a
$itim without reourse. For all he #nows+ they are in on it.
<hile his pani tries to drag him away again+ the !irst man starts to laugh.
:Eid+; he says+ win#ing at his !riend+ :you/$e got some si# sense o! humor on you.;
,hey both hu#le. 'eid/s -aw !eels unhinged. Laughter is so !oreign to him he an/t ta#e it+
not !or another seond. 7ow an they !ind humor in this= ,hey ha$en/t witnessed what he has
seen. Aoes their laughter mean they don/t belie$e him= ,hat an/t be. )ot a!ter e$erything he has
been through. ,hey need to belie$e.
:4ou ha$e to help me+ please+ you ha$e to.; ,he words blurt out ahead o! his silent sream
!or them to sa$e him. >nly then does he notie they are armed. )ie big ri!les and ba#pa#s he
hopes are !ull o! bullets. :,hey/re right behind me.; 7e !orgot in the sho# o! !inding the men
there. 7is terror !lings him around as 'eid spins and sans the trees.
)othing. 7ad they gone+ then= Aid he lose them a!ter all= 'eid/s on!usion ma#es him
tremble and hesitate.
Still+ his ob$ious !ear has managed to stir these men to onern.
:Eid+ you on something=; 2ustahe ba#s o!! another step+ his gun slightly raised and
swung in 'eid/s diretion.
,hey thin# he is a threat+ really= 7e has no way to de!end his ations but to beg.
:Please.; 7e !eels tears rise+ his hands trembling !rom the e!!ort it ta#es to ma#e them
understand. :4ou ha$e to belie$e me.; ,hey -ust ha$e to.
,he men e9hange a loo#. 'eid an !eel their lingering doubt but they swing their guns
!orward now+ away !rom him+ and loo# more alert.
:. #now real !ear when . smell it+; 2ustahe mutters. 'eid is so grate!ul he doesn/t #now
what to say.
:<hat are you doing way out here+ #id=; ,hat is the seond man. ,aller than his !riend+
leaner+ with a nasty sar on one hee# that dimples the s#in under his eye so he loo#s li#e he is
onstantly s6uinting. 7is blue eyes are hard and old+ and only s#im o$er 'eid as he spea#s. ,he
rest o! the time he sans their surroundings. 7e reminds 'eid o! a gun slinging hero !rom an old
<estern and he !eels a surge o! relie! so big it ta#es his breath away !or a moment.
:. don/t #now.; 'eid/s words ome tumbling out o! him when he !inally manages a breath+
relie$ed they are there and real and are listening to him. :. was #idnapped and drugged and they
dumped me here. ,here was a dead #id+ . saw him and the hunters in bla# #illed another #id+
then the girl 2onia and now they are hasing me&;
:>#ay+ you/$e got to slow down+ boy.; 2ustahe glanes at Sar who nods one and starts a
slow rotation o! their position+ gun held low but his !inger near the trigger. 7e loo#s li#e it/s a
part o! him. :<hat hunters= Li#e us=;
:)o.; 'eid/s hurried !ear wishes 2ustahe would stop as#ing 6uestions and ta#e the threat
more seriously. :<e need to get out o! here right now. 5e!ore they ome ba#.; <here are they=
7e #nows they were right behind him. <hy did they lea$e=
2aybe they are sared o! the two men with the guns. 'eid an only pray he is right.
:Let them+; Sar says+ $oie a growl. :<e/$e got lots o! bullets. <hat are you thin#ing+
2ustahe -ust stares at 'eid !or a while+ eyes narrowed to slits. :)ot sure. Eid seems sared
enough+ might be telling the truth.;
,hey don/t ha$e time to doubt him. 'eid an/t see the hunters+ but he !eels their eyes on him.
"nd while it may -ust be his imagination playing tri#s+ he doesn/t belie$e that/s the ase. :7ow
did you get past the !ene=; .! they ha$e a way out and 'eid an !ind it+ he will try to on$ine
them to run with him. >r lea$e them there. "t least they will ha$e a !ighting hane against the
)either man says a word. ,hey -ust e9hange a loo#. Finally+ 2ustahe says+ :<hat !ene=;
'eid resists the urge to sha#e him+ not sure the man won/t turn the gun on him. "s muh as
this man ould be his sa$ior+ the way he holds himsel! and his weapon is its own threat. :,he
giant eletri !ene+; 'eid says. :5a# that way.; 7e wa$es o!! in the distane+ not 6uite sure he
remembers where the !ene is+ but it doesn/t matter. 5oth men shrug.
:)ot sure what you mean+ #id. <e/re -ust out !or a bit o! hunting. Loo#ing !or some game+ a
bit o! shooting. 4ou #now. Sport.;
7ow did they not see it= ,hey must ha$e enountered it at some point. ,hen+ Sar laughs.
:5est game is usually #ept lo#ed up all neat and tight+ right partner=;
2ustahe grins and shrugs+ eyes ne$er lea$ing 'eid. ,hat is the answer he is loo#ing !or.
,hey do ha$e a way out. 7e intends to !ind it and use it with or without them. 7ope !lares up+
!resh and power!ul+ and he !inds himsel! grinning.
:Let/s go&; 7e ris#s tugging at 2ustahe who -er#s his arm away.
:)ot so !ast+; the man says. :.! what you/re saying is true+; and 'eid an tell 2ustahe
doesn/t 6uite belie$e him+ :we an/t go -ust yet.;
:<hy=; ,hey don/t get it+ don/t understand how dangerous this is. "nd he has no way o!
impressing the danger on them without proo!. ,he image o! the gutted #id assaults him and he
wishes they ould see it+ too.
:>ne+; 2ustahe ti#s o!! his inde9 !inger+ :we/re here to bag us some game. . didn/t ome
all this way and !or# out all that dough to wal# away empty handed.;
:"men+ brother+; Sar says.
:"nd two+; this time 2ustahe/s middle !inger goes down+ :the worst thing you an do is let
the enemy get behind you. 5est to hit him !ae on and ta#e him out be!ore he an ause trouble.
"m . right+ bud%?o%mine=;
:"s always+; Sar says.
'eid doesn/t #now what to say. >r what to do when 2ustahe gestures with his gun !or 'eid
to !ollow. 7e hesitates. 7e ould ris# it+ run !or the !ene+ hope!ully !ind where they bro#e in. .!
they are that stubborn and downright stupid+ he/s not responsible !or their sa!ety.
7e is about to run o!! when he hears it. ,he howl dissol$es his hope+ strips away his new
!ound plan o! esape and redues him to a tear!ul hild all o$er again.
<hen the last eho o! it !ades+ 'eid an barely breathe or stand. 7is #nees 6ui$er so muh he
is sure he will ollapse at any moment. 7e won/t sur$i$e another all+ his heart will 6uit. 7e
loo#s up and into 2ustahe/s !ae. ,he man is $ery pale+ brown eyes almost blotted out by his
pupils+ swollen by his own !ear.
:<hat the hell was that=;
:. told you+; 'eid whispers. :,he hunters.;
Sar is ne9t to them in an instant+ $oie low and deep+ his urgeny a loud that en$elops them
all. :./$e ne$er heard anything li#e that be!ore.;
:2e either.; 2ustahe hews on his namesa#e+ eyes sanning the trees. :Aamn it+ we an/t
-ust lea$e.;
Sar nods. :./m not running.;
5oth men e9hange a loo# be!ore 2ustahe turns to 'eid.
:Come on+ #id+; he says. :Let/s go see what all the !uss is about.; 7is words are on!ident+
but 'eid hears the 6ua$er in them. 5oth men mo$e !orward in the gloom.
7e an/t go with them. .t/s the last plae on earth he an go. 7is !eet are lead+ legs lo#ed in
plae. E$ery ner$e and !iber o! his body begs him to run the other way. 5ut he only heard one
howl+ one $oie. For all 'eid #nows+ they are surrounded. .! he runs+ lea$es the men with the
guns+ he ould be heading right into a trap. "t least with them he has their weapons to protet
Swallowing a giant ball o! !ear+ 'eid stumbles !orward and goes with them.
:,ell us about them.; Sar stays lose+ eyes ne$er resting anywhere !or long.
:,hey/re !ast+; 'eid says+ !linhing !rom the memory o! them. :,hey mo$e li#e ghosts. ./$e
ne$er seen anything so !ast.;
:5ut they/re men+; 2ustahe says.
'eid/s breathing tightens+ his hest onstriting. :,hey loo# li#e men.;
Sar/s hands ad-ust on his gun. :<ell+ we/re e9 speial !ores+ #id+; he says. :"nd nothing is
!aster than us.;
'eid doesn/t say anything. 7e an/t. .t won/t do any good anyway. ,hey are wrong. 7e
wathes them mo$e and he #nows in his heart the hunters are !aster. 5ut are they 6ui#er than a
bullet= 'eid does his best to ignore the !at both men are riminals+ illegal game poahers. 7e
doesn/t are. "s long as they #ill the hunters+ they an shoot whate$er the hell they want.
7e onsiders as#ing them about resuing the other #ids and !or the !irst time 'eid atually
lets himsel! wonder how many o! them are out there and how many ha$e already died at the
hands o! the bla# dressed men. Luy/s beauti!ul !ae !lashes in his head+ but he !ores her aside.
<hen the hunters are #illed+ when 2ustahe and Sar show him the bla# lad men an die -ust
li#e anyone else+ 'eid will worry about the rest. 5ut not until then.
4et again he thin#s about running !or the !ene. 5ut by then they are deep into the !orest+
almost to the learing. 'eid !eels a hill run up his spine. 7e holds ba# a little as the two amo
lad men mo$e ahead o! him+ ri!les ready. ,hey go 6uietly+ smooth mo$ers themsel$es+ rubber
soled boots barely ma#ing a sound on the littered path. Sar is the deadlier o! the two in 'eid/s
opinion+ all sinew and atli#e grae. 7e !eels his on!idene rise. 2aybe the men are right a!ter
all. ,hey ertainly loo# deadly to 'eid.
(ntil he sees a !lash o! bla# in the trees and his heart stops beating. 7e an/t breathe or all
out and an only wath in horror as the three hunters dri!t around his sal$ation li#e spiders on a
'eid #nows it is a trap be!ore the men e$en notie the hunters are there. 5ut again he is
unable to at. <ords !ree8e to the inside o! his throat+ his blood sluggish in his $eins as his whole
body sin#s into sho#.
2ustahe !inally spots the !irst hunter and spins+ weapon ready+ but too late. 'eid doesn/t
e$en ha$e the power to !linh as a shower o! !ine blood droplets ars out !rom the man/s throat.
2ustahe gurgles+ weapon dropping to his side+ suspended !rom the thi# leather strap+ swinging
li#e a pendulum. 5oth o! his glo$ed hands luthing at the arterial spray oating the nearby trees
with red. 2ustahe hal! turns+ #nees bu#ling under him in a death dane+ grae!ul as he !alls.
7is eyes meet 'eid/s+ more blood s6uirting out between his desperate !ingers. ,he seond blow
is e$en !aster than the !irst. 5ile surges to 'eid/s throat when the hunter se$ers the man/s head
and sends it !lying+ spinning+ spraying blood in a olor!ul ar. .t lands at 'eid/s !eet+ sending
more blood up and outward+ the weight o! the head rolling o$er to halt !ae up. ,hose brown
eyes stare into his+ the mustahe dripping rimson into the dirt.
Sar has only a moment to shout+ :'ih&; and raise his own ri!le be!ore his le!t leg is se$ered
in one slie. 7is mouth gapes wide+ the sar on his hee# pure white against his s#in !rom the
pressure o! his !allen -aw as he loo#s down at his missing limb+ nothing below his #nee but air.
,he ut is so lean he is in per!et balane !or a long moment+ as though suspended by !ine wire+
a marionette gushing blood onto the ground. 7e topples in slow motion+ gun swinging around.
7e !ires one shot+ another+ but they go o!! into the !orest+ harmless. " hunter appears at his side+
oo8ing lose as he hits the dirt. Sar is rolled o$er onto his ba# in one smooth motion. ,he
hunter/s hand rises o$er the !allen man/s abdomen.
'eid/s sanity begs him to run+ to get away and not wath+ but he an/t help himsel! or them.
,he !irst hunter bends o$er 2ustahe and together they slie downward+ gutting both o! the men
in syn.
,his is enough at last. 'eid/s !eet are wor#ing again+ his blood pumping. 7e turns and dashes
into the !orest+ ba# on his original path+ a new image there to replae the one o! the dead boy.
2ustahe gapes at 'eid in his mind+ the se$ered head his memory/s new ompanion as he
runs !or his li!e.
Chapter Nine
,his time when 'eid runs+ he sobs bro#enly o$er the loss o! his hope. 7e !eels nothing !or
2ustahe and Sar+ not sure why his ompassion has le!t him. 7e an only thin# o! his own grie!
and+ when the tears subside+ the absene o! the weapons the two men arried. Aespite #nowing
the ri!les were no help in the end+ 'eid still mourns lea$ing the guns behind. )ot to mention the
ba#pa#s both men arried. ,he thought o! what might ha$e been in them is enough to dri$e
'eid to distration.
7e an/t a!!ord distration+ not now. <ho #nows how long it will be be!ore the hunters are
on his trail again= "nd yet+ he is star$ing and desperate and now #nows -ust how deadly his
pursuers are+ able to ta#e down trained soldiers+ e9%military i! Sar is to be belie$ed. "nd 'eid
has no reason to doubt that is true.
7e has to orret himsel! as he stumbles through the woods. <as. <as true. Sar won/t be
saying anything+ true or otherwise+ e$er again.
.n a moment o! insanity+ 'eid !inds himsel! giggling. Perhaps this is some !unhouse+ a -o#e+
the gag on him. "n elaborate arni$al o! terrors designed to bring the ontestants to the brin#+
only to diso$er in the end it is a hoa9. "ll the people he belie$es to be dead are really !ine+
hiding somewhere+ laughing at him+ in on it while he is desperately a!raid.
,he moment passes and the giggles dry up. 'eid doesn/t ha$e time to reate !itions around
what is happening to him. 7e an/t a!!ord to slow down+ to thin# in any way but !or his own
sur$i$al. ,his is no -o#e+ not a hoa9 or a reality show gone wrong. .t is real and his li!e is at ris#.
7e will die e$entually. 'eid has no doubt+ espeially now. 7ow an he e9pet to sur$i$e
when 2ustahe and Sar !ell so easily+ without e$en a !ight+ only two lonely gunshots to mar#
their passing= 'eid has no illusions+ not any more. 5ut he/ll be damned i! they/ll ta#e him until
the time omes he an/t run any !urther.
7e pulls himsel! to a halt at last+ hoping the hunters stayed busy with the two men. ,hat is
enough to #eep them oupied+ it seems. ,hey aren/t !ollowing him+ as !ar as he an tell.
.t/s all he has to ling to.
'eid athes his breath+ sha#ing his head o$er and o$er as the image o! 2ustahe/s head tries
to return and taunt himFthe ama8ed loo# on his !ae+ that this ould possibly ha$e happened to
him+ the staring eyes !ull o! sho# that he is dead. "using 'eid o! getting him #illed in the !irst
plae. 'eid loo#s down+ sees the red stains on his -eans and snea#ers. ,hat and the replay o! the
ar o! spraying blood is enough to twist his stomah into a !ury o! re-etion.
7e bends o$er+ dry hea$ing+ his insides trying their best to lea$e him+ but only a little bile
ma#es it to !reedom. ,he tears start up again+ a hild/s weeping+ as he withdraws ba# into near
in!any+ the stress dri$ing him to his #nees. 7e hugs himsel! and ro#s+ bawling in wa$es o!
anguish+ muus !rom his nose dripping in long strings to pool in the dead lea$es. 7is belly
ramps again and he isn/t sure i! it is hunger or his body/s last dith e!!ort to e9pel the rest o! the
terror inside him onto the !orest !loor.
'eid !alls o$er+ urling up on his side+ unable to at. Small li!e goes on around him. "nts
rawl past with bits o! green wa$ing abo$e them. 7ard shelled bla# beetles trundle on their
way+ suttling o$er the litter o! twigs and pine needles. " !ragile hummingbird ho$ers ne9t to his
!ae !or a moment+ e9amining him !or a hane at some netar be!ore darting o!! when it reali8es
its mista#e. 7e wathes all this+ letting the normal rhythm o! the !orest lull him out o! his
desperation and !ear. 4es+ he is still in as muh danger as he was be!ore. 5ut the serenity o! the
world around him helps gi$e him perspeti$e.
7e pulls himsel! together and sits up+ loo#ing around !or shelter+ mind ba# on sur$i$al.
,here+ nearby. " lump o! thi# underbrush+ hea$y with lea$es+ enough to mas# his presene. 7e
rawls to it+ his energy drained by his storm o! emotion+ the ability to drag himsel! along all he
has le!t.
'eid parts the branhes as best he an+ to hide that he/s disturbed the !oliage+ worming his
way in as deeply as possible+ be!ore winding himsel! into the !etal position again.
7e is suddenly old+ his whole body wra#ed in shudders+ pins and needles o! ie dri$ing
into his tender s#in as his system reats to his la# o! !ood and water+ ta9ed by the endless
marathon he/s been !ored to endure. ,he outburst he released is simply the last straw plaed on
a pile o! unsteady bri#s he arries+ enough to sho$e him o$er into physial reation. 'eid
whimpers through it+ teeth lattering together as the shi$ering gets worse. 7e reogni8es he/s in
sho#+ but is unable to do anything about it.
Enowing it dri$es him ba# to desperation. ,his is the end !or him and he is ready to admit it
to himsel!. ,here is no way out. 7is despair won/t e$en let him thin# about the two men and how
they got o$er the !ene. 5eause it no longer matters. 7e might as well try to reah the 2oon as
get to the !ene at this point+ let alone !ind their e9it. 'eid is going to die there and no one will
sa$e him.
7e wallows !or 6uite some time+ long enough !or the old to slowly lea$e him and the
shi$ering to stop. 7is wea# and spent body !eels hea$y+ listless. 2o$ing is more e!!ort than it is
worth. 'eid !inds himsel! staring+ without e$en the strength to are what his eyes are !i9ed on.
7e will stay li#e this !ore$er+ or until the hunters !ind him and #ill him+ whihe$er omes !irst.
'eid doesn/t are.
7is body has other ideas. Clear o! the sho# that gripped him+ his hunger resurges and slams
him into the ground+ bringing a rim o! !resh tears to his eyes. 7e might not are i! he li$es or
dies+ but his body re!uses to 6uit. Sur$i$al instint ta#es o$er+ his brain proessing what it needs.
.t re!uses to stop until it gets those needs !illed. .t dri$es him to sit up+ then to roll o$er onto his
#nees. 7e has to ha$e !ood. Has to.
,he animal in him hunts !or something+ anything to sustain him. 7is eyes !all on a lump o!
!ur not !ar away. 7e srambles on all !ours toward it and loo#s loser.
.t/s a s6uirrel+ dead and 6uiet. 'eid ponders it !or a long moment. 2eat. .t will sustain him. .!
he an !ind a ro#B he won/t eat the !ur+ but the !lesh underneath should do the tri#. Aespite
his ra$enous ra$ings+ he still hesitates. 7e has ne$er #illed anything be!ore+ beyond an ordinary
spider or house!ly. 7is !ather was no hunter+ only an outdoorsman+ and ne$er taught 'eid to #ill.
Fish+ yes. 7unt+ no. "lthough+ his need reasons+ he didn/t #ill this animal+ nature did. 5ut the
thought o! eating it is almost too muh !or his unsteady stomah to handle. Still+ the primal part
o! him is so hungry he !eels his mouth !lood with sali$a.
'eid !inds a short sti# and rolls the s6uirrel o$er. .t/s the !irst time he noties the small body
is mo$ing. 7is disappointment is sharp and 6ui# and he onsiders #illing it anyway. 5ut wait.
,he mo$ement is odd+ rippling+ and only in the animal/s stomah.
7e po#es the belly with his sti# and the !ragile+ deaying s#in erupts. " mass o! !at+
s6uirming maggots spill out o$er the dusty !ur. 'eid !alls ba# with a ry o! disgust+ o$ering his
nose with his ,%shirt at the stenh the open belly a$ity releases. 7e has a !lashba# to the !irst
dead boy+ entrails bloated and shining in the moonlight and had he anything at all in his stomah+
he would ha$e thrown up again.
.t ta#es him a while to reo$er. <hen he does+ he loo#s around. 3rass. Lea$es. 7e #nows
they are edible+ as long as he a$oids ertain ones. Poison oa# and i$y+ espeially. "s
unappeti8ing as it may seem+ at least it will gi$e him something !or his ahing stomah to wor#
'eid pulls a hand!ul o! limp grass !rom the base o! a tree and brings it with him to his hiding
plae. ,he stu!! is thin and tough+ but has some moisture in it. 7e #nows !rom what his !ather
told him it won/t sustain him !or long+ but !igures it/s better than nothing. 'eid doesn/t dare ris#
mushrooms #nowing most are poisonous+ but he an start souting !or nuts and more grasses he
#nows he an eat. "nd i! he an !ind another meadow+ there is bound to be some dandelions or
other edible plants to !orage !or. ,he idea atually per#s him up and gi$es him some hope. 7e/s
preious low on anything resembling moti$ation+ so he ta#es it as a good sign he/s ready to mo$e
<ell+ not 6uite. 'eid lays in the undergrowth+ pulling lea$es !rom the bushes+ ta#ing
ad$antage o! the o$er long enough to slowly !ill his stomah. .n the end+ he simply stu!!s them
in his mouth+ hewing and swallowing the preious morsels. 5ut the greenery isn/t what he
ra$es+ what his body really wants. ,he thought o! meat won/t lea$e him alone and he is unable
to stop staring at the dead s6uirrel the entire time.
Chapter Ten
'eid must ha$e do8ed o!!+ beause he -er#s awa#e in !resh terror at the howl o! the hunters.
,hey are !ar !rom him yet+ but too lose !or any #ind o! om!ort+ i! he had any to begin with. "s
he srambles to his !eet and he#s his surroundings+ he reali8es the all itsel! is a weapon+
designed to sare him and their other prey. Enowing it doesn/t ma#e it any less !rightening+ but
the logial part o! his mind that #eeps trying to assert itsel! logs the in!ormation !or later.
7e also ma#es the onnetion between the hunters and wild animals. "ording to his dad+
wol$es ry out during the hunt as a method o! herding their hosen meal into a trap. <hen 'eid
mo$es out+ he understands that is probably the ase with him as well. 7e hates to thin# their
tatis are wor#ing+ but doesn/t ha$e the ourage or the heart le!t to do anything about it.
(ntil he remembers 2onia and what she taught him. 7e/s been running in straight lines+ !or
all he #nows heading right into their waiting arms. ,he image o! her 8ig%8agging her way
through the !orest triggers something inside him+ a subtle but e!!eti$e means o! !ighting ba#+
e$en i! only by staying out o! the luthes o! the hunters a little longer. 7e doesn/t want to thin#
about delaying the ine$itable.
So+ instead o! heading diretly away !rom the sound+ he hooses a diagonal path. ,he trees
are still sparse here+ the undergrowth thin and simple to maneu$er. ,he anopy is thi# enough
that most o! the diret sunlight is blo#ed+ ma#ing it easier to see.
"nother howl pushes his pae !orward. 7e onsiders ta#ing his rebellion against their tatis
one step !urther and resisting the urge to run+ but #nows he/ll lose that !ight. 7e reminds himsel!
again that he needs to be smarter about it than he has been+ less reating and more planning. .t/s
$ery hard to do without any real goals+ su!!ering !rom a damaged and harried soul+ but he #eeps
returning to the thought anyway.
7e is rewarded by his e$asion e!!orts when the ne9t howl he hears ehoes !rom a great
distane. ,he diagonal path he is ta#ing seems to be wor#ing. 7e sends a silent than# you to
2onia+ where$er her spirit is. 'eid #nows better than to get o#y+ but he allows himsel! a brie!
arm pump o! $itory be!ore hurrying on.
"!ter another long streth o! silene+ he athes only the barest o! sounds and #nows he has
!inally managed to lose them. Either that or they deided to pursue other prey and let him li$e a
while longer. 7e re!uses to !eel guilty this time. "!ter all+ he has no way o! #nowing i! he/s right.
"nd e$en i! he is+ there is nothing he an do to stop it. 7e/s done torturing himsel! o$er things he
an/t ontrol.
'eid needs to remember what his goals are. Sa$e himsel!. "nd sa$e Luy. )othing else
7e slows then to onser$e his energy+ or what remains o! it+ and wonders how long he an
#eep this up. "s he does+ he athes a !amiliar sent and omes to an abrupt halt beause o! it.
<ood smo#e dri!ts on the still air. 'eid spins in plae+ searhing !or the soure. 7e mo$es on+
sni!!ing as he does+ trying not to ompare his ations to that o! the hunters.
,here is the sent again+ stronger this time. 7e is going the right way i! he wants to
in$estigate. "nd he $ery muh wants to in$estigate. 'eid an/t see anything o$er or through the
trees+ but the smell is unmista#able. 7ow many amp!ires did he sit at with his !ather+ !ires that
smelled -ust the same= 'eid tries not to thin# about those happy times. ,hey won/t help him
now. .nstead+ he !ores his weary legs into a -og.
,he trees thin ahead+ ma#ing it easier !or him to spot the narrow meadow. 7e slows+ nearing
it with great aution. .t must be a trap. ,hat !at reasserts itsel! when he spots the weathered
sha# in the middle o! the learing+ the grasses ut and pulled away as though someone
purposely leaned up. " trail o! smo#e pu!!s !rom the himney+ heading right !or him.
'eid hun#ers down on his haunhes -ust inside the shelter o! the trees and loo#s around+
onsidering. .t has to be a set up. ,here is no way anyone an sur$i$e the hunters. "nd yet+ they
themsel$es don/t seem the type to use suh a spot !or a base. 7e onsiders this may ha$e been
where 2ustahe and Sar ame !rom+ but re!uses to let go o! the idea that they ame o$er the
!ene. ,hey had to ha$e. "nd i! this is where they were hunting !rom+ it means the !ene is near
by. ,he other possibility is someone has sur$i$ed and built this shelter as protetion. 'eid
disards that idea immediately. )o way. ,he hunters would tear this measly sha# apart in a
.t/s muh more li#ely whoe$er li$es here or uses this plae !or shelter is in league with the
hunters. 2eaning+ no !riend o! 'eid/s.
7e waits a while longer+ thin#ing i! there is someone inside they ha$e to mo$e e$entually.
5ut no one does+ at least+ not that he an tell. "nd better yet+ no one approahes. ,he s#y in the
west is turning red and orange and purple+ but 'eid is in no mood to en-oy the olor!ul sunset.
7e is grate!ul night is !alling+ plan already deided. .n$estigating the abin is worth the ris#. 5ut
only in !ull dar#.
.t is torture !or him to sit there and simply wait and wath. 7e !ores himsel! to patiene+
struggling ba# and !orth between !ear and !ous+ #nowing he should #eep running but needing
to !ind out what is inside that sha#. .t beomes an obsession+ as though !reedom lies -ust beyond
that door+ some magi portal to a happier plae. 7e/ll regret it i! he lea$es without !inding out+
#nowing he will thin# about it and let it distrat him until he is able to see what/s inside.
Lea$ing -ust isn/t an option.
.t/s not until the sun is gone and he is surrounded by the dar# that 'eid reali8es he has been
on the run !or a whole day. .t !eels li#e !ore$er to him+ a li!etime o! !ear and ahing legs and
worn out emotions. 7e/s ne$er been religious+ neither were his parents+ but 'eid ta#es a moment
and sends out an aw#ward prayer to the (ni$erse !or a way out and to say than# you !or #eeping
his li!e.
7e ta#es his time when he !inally goes !orward. E$ery step is alulated+ e$ery ad$ane
planned two mo$es ahead. 7e pauses o!ten to listen+ to loo# around him+ espeially when he
ma#es it to the open. .t/s easier to mo$e around without the pull o! thi# grass around his !eet.
(nhallenged+ he reahes the ri#ety wooden door and peers autiously through the une$en slats.
7e/s not sure what to e9pet+ hal! o! him thin#ing it might be empty and the other loo#ing !or
)e$erland. <hat he does see is so stri#ingly ordinary he !eels some o! his tension ease away.
,hree ots line up against the !ar wall. ,he idea o! a bed is e9tremely attrati$e. " bed o!
oals glows in the pot%bellied iron sto$e aross !rom him+ tu#ed into a orner. ,hey ast -ust
enough light to see by. Plenty. 'eid an/t belie$e it+ but #nows now more than e$er he needs to
!ind out what else is inside.
,he door isn/t lo#ed. 7e eases in and pulls it shut most o! the way behind him. 'eid holds
his breath+ he#ing e$ery orner in rapid suession+ then the eiling. )othing. )o one. 7e is
,he room is mostly bare+ aside !rom the ots and three !olding amp hairs arranged around
the small sto$e. Sprawled ne9t to the last one is a large+ army green du!!le bag. 2aybe his guess
was right a!ter all+ and this was where 2ustahe and Sar were amping.
'eid rouhes ne9t to the bag and undoes the thi# steel 8ipper. 7e draws a breath o! sho#
and -oy at the ontents+ ne$er so happy to see ordinary ob-ets be!ore. 7e -er#s !ree a pair o!
pants+ a srathy wool blan#et. " large bottle o! water win#s at him in the glow o! the oals. 7e
digs deeper+ !inds mathes+ more water and+ his stomah ramping in need at the sight+ !ood.
Power bars in rin#ly metal !oil+ what loo#s li#e army rations and tins o! beans and meat. 'eid
tears the wrapper !rom one o! the bars and sho$es the whole thing in his mouth+ barely hewing
be!ore he swallows and stu!!s in another.
7e ma#es himsel! stop at two+ not wanting to waste what he ate beause o! his gut/s
rebellion+ remembering his !irst drin# at the stream. For a long and horrible moment+ as the !ood
hits his belly+ he is terri!ied that/s e9atly what is about to happen. 5ut a!ter a twinge o! unease+
his stomah settles and lea$es him alone to do what he needs to do.
'eid disards his !ilthy -eans and pulls on the !resh pants+ wishing he ould manage a shower
but !eeling better !or the lean lothes anyway. ,he #ha#is ha$e a ton o! po#ets+ whih he !ills
with more !ood and a smaller water bottle. Finally+ he/s aught a brea# and he plans to ta#e !ull
ad$antage o! it. ,he sight o! all that stu!! ma#es him greedy and he argues with himsel! o$er how
muh he an ta#e. "nd run with.
7e is -ust stripping o!! his shirt when a branh snaps outside+ but in the distane. 'eid
!ree8es. Could be an animal. Could be the hunters. 7e isn/t ta#ing any hanes.
,he !resh ,%shirt is on in a !lash+ his deision made without a thought. 7e ta#es the whole
bag+ the handles !irmly grasped in his hand. 7e an disard what he doesn/t use later+ but !or
now he has to ta#e it all with him.
'eid ma#es it to the door and pee#s out. 2o$ement. People+ large people.
7e panis and bolts+ the bag dragging behind him. 7e is brought to an abrupt halt+ sore right
shoulder brutally -er#ed in its so#et+ when the du!!el re!uses to !ollow him. 'eid allows a glane
ba#. ,he hea$y an$as is hoo#ed on the door -am+ one orner torn. 7e is out o! time.
<ith a silent groan+ 'eid hooses esape o$er om!ort. 7e releases his death grip on the bag+
letting the handles go with ahing regret+ and runs !or the sa!ety o! the tree line. 7e pauses one
more moment to loo# ba# as three shadows approah the sha#. 7e sees them diso$er the bag+
rouh o$er it+ mutters growing louder as they ommuniate.
,ime to go. 'eid opies his earlier tati and adds a new element. "s he runs+ he doubles
ba# on his path+ ma#ing it as hard as possible !or them to !ollow him. ,he !ood in his stomah is
-ust enough to gi$e him energy to run until the moon rises.
'eid !inds a thi# bed o! shrubs and s6uirms inside. ,here+ he de$ours two more power bars
and hal! the water. 7e snu!!les the last o! the rumbs !rom the pa#ages+ li#ing e$ery last bit
away+ the sweet and salt stinging his tongue and ma#ing the insides o! his hee#s tingle.
,his time his stomah ramps !or real. 'eid lies down on the hard and unom!ortable ground+
silently begging his body to hold on to what he has eaten. 7e brea#s out into a old sweat+ wa$es
o! nausea beating against him+ pain washing o$er his gut in yles. 7e !ouses on the moon
ho$ering o$er the edge o! the trees. 7ow beauti!ul it is hanging there+ shining down on him. 7is
stomah lenhes tight+ punishing him !or star$ing it !or so long+ be!ore slowly easing and
lea$ing him in peae.
'eid lies there !or a while+ letting the sweat dry in the beginning o! the gentle bree8e rising
!rom the south. 7is hands e9plore his po#ets and !ind only two more bars. ,he rest o! his booty
must ha$e !allen out as he ran !or his li!e.
'eid onsiders the abin. 7e ould sta#e it out+ wait !or another hane to raid it. Problem is+
he #nows they will be wathing !or him now. <ith deep regret+ he lets it go and !ouses on
mo$ing ahead. "!ter all+ he now has !ood and a bottle to hold water when he !inds it. 7e/s in
muh better shape than he was only an hour ago.
7e had no idea his optimism had suh resilieny and he !inds himsel! grinning and wishing
his !ather was there.
Chapter Eeven
'eid !inds himsel! settling into a hal! run+ hal! lope he !inds easier to sustain+ li#e a
wor#horse so austomed to his -ob he doesn/t ha$e to thin# about it anymore. .t/s so easy in
!at+ he !eels li#e he is on autopilot+ the ahe in his legs and !eet so !amiliar by now he hardly
noties at all. "nd+ in !at+ would be thrown o!! rhythm i! the pain went away.
,he night slides by a determined step at a time. "t one point he starts awa#e and reali8es he
has been do8ing while running+ his body ta#ing o$er the neessary ad-ustments needed to ma#e it
through the thin underbrush. )ot good. )ot e$en remotely good. "nything ould happen while
he/s in that state and he/d miss it+ probably run right into it without #nowing what he was doing.
.t !rightens him enough to ma#e him stop and ta#e a brea#.
" new path o! underbrush in a new part o! the !orest+ and yet it all !eels the same to him.
'eid de$ours another power bar+ happy to ha$e !uel+ but so tired it doesn/t really ma#e muh o! a
di!!erene. 7e has to !ind a way to get his edge ba#+ the sharpness that #eeps him alert and
ready to run !or real. )othing omes to him+ no plan or way o! !oring himsel! to !ous. Co!!ee
would be nie. Sleep in a real bed. "!ter a shower. "nd a big+ hot dinner. 7e -er#s himsel! out o!
his daydream+ so lose to the real thing he wonders i! he was atually sleeping this time.
'eid allows himsel! another !i$e minutes be!ore mo$ing on.
<hen he steps out onto the path+ swinging his arms and sha#ing his head in an e!!ort to #eep
himsel! alert+ he doesn/t notie until he turns to mo$e on that he isn/t alone.
'eid !ree8es+ !ae%to%!ae with a mountain lion. ,he reality o! it is so absurd+ he laughs.
"ll this time he has been terri!ied o! the hunters and !orgotten there must be natural predators
in the !orest as well. 5ears+ wol$es+ e$en giant and deadly ats li#e the one who glares at him are
all as real a danger as anything else he !aes. .t/s pain!ully ob$ious this is the ase as his weary
mind tries to deide what to do.
,he ougar wathes him+ long tail twithing slowly ba# and !orth+ slitted eyes lo#ed with
his. ,he moonlight turns her oat into smooth sil$er+ the ripple o! musle settling as she hunhes
!orward+ hind6uarters tensed !or the poune. 'eid/s e9hausted mind !inds it ironi that it is li#ely
he will now die !rom a big at atta# and wonders i! the hunters will allow her to #eep her #ill i!
they !ind her with his body.
7er musles settle+ not e$en her tail in motion any longer. 7er haunhes drop this time as she
!alls $ery still. 'eid !inds her !asinating and stunningly beauti!ul rouhed there in a pool o!
moonlight. 7e an/t !or the li!e o! him muster any !ear. She is ama8ing and ma-esti and !alling
to her will be a death he an aept.
" hunter howls in the near distane. ,he at/s attention snaps !rom 'eid and turns toward the
sound. 7er huge ears swi$el+ athing the last o! the eho while her whis#ers ripple. She ba#s
up a step+ sha#ing her head+ ears !lattening as she hums a low growl in the ba# o! her throat.
:4ou don/t li#e them either+ huh=; 'eid is startled by the sound o! his own $oie. >ne o! her
ears twithes toward him but her !ous+ as intense as it was while she plotted him !or dinner+ is
!ar away.
7er growl brea#s o!! into a humming hiss. She disappears into the !orest with one last !lip o!
her tail. 'eid stands there+ hands sha#ing+ but smiling a!ter her. :3o get them+ sweetheart.;
7e has to mo$e. <ouldn/t do to waste the gi!t she ga$e him and ma#e himsel! suh an easy
target. 'eid spins and starts out again. "s soon as he does+ he #nows something is wrong with
the ground. 5ut he is too late to stop it when his !oot slips. 7e !alls+ his arms !lailing around him+
trying to ath something+ anything+ to sa$e him. 7is desperate grab only meets empty air. .t
seems to ta#e !ore$er be!ore he lands on the ground below with a solid thud.
'eid gasps up at what he an see o! the s#y. "t least the dirt under him is !lat. Small
onsolation as he battles to draw air into his ompressed lungs. " sattering o! branhes and
lea$es patters down on top o! him+ littering him with debris. 7e doesn/t bother to swipe it away+
instead studying the $iew abo$e him while his body reo$ers. ,hat an/t be right. 7e an only
see a small path o! stars.
7e lies there !or a while+ getting his wind ba#+ letting his body rest. "s he does+ he loo#s
around+ turning his head to the right and le!t. Airt walls. 2ore dirt walls. Aebris he dragged
down with him. " !ew branhes+ still hea$y with lea$es or needles. "nd him.
<hen he !inally ma#es it to his !eet+ he approahes the sides o! the hole. 7e !eels the
rumbling lay with his pani rising !resh to torment him.
,he pit is manmade. ,he dirt is still reasonably damp+ as though it was -ust dug. <hen 'eid
loo#s up again+ he sees the riss%ross net o! wo$en branhes that remain at the sur!ae+ a
amou!laged o$ering. .t e9plains the ones that lie sattered around him.
" trap+ then. 2aybe it was intended !or the mountain lion. .t ould be the hunters li#ed all
#inds o! prey. 5ut whate$er the reason !or it+ 'eid is in it and he has to get out. )ow.
7e digs his !ingers into the soil and hoists himsel! up+ the toes o! his snea#ers slipping aross
the moist earth. "t !irst the going is $ery hard+ the dirt so rumbly he an/t get purhase. 5e!ore
too long he is sweating and wrung out !rom the e!!ort. 5ut about hal! way up the !i!teen or so
!eet he !inds roots e9posed and bits o! ro#+ ma#ing the limb go muh more 6ui#ly.
Panting+ musles $ibrating !rom the e!!ort to go !aster+ he is near the top and an see the edge
o! the moon. "s he reahes !or the lip o! the hole+ a hunter howls. .t is so lose it triggers his
instintual pani+ sending his already ta9es musles into spasms. 'eid throws all his weight onto
his reahing hand and grasps the side o! the gap+ heart pounding his terror in his ears as he
ommits his esape to the !ragile earth.
7is hand grasps+ grips. 7olds his body up !or a moment. "nd then it lets go+ the thin+ grassy
roots within gi$ing way with a terrible ripping sound+ and he is !alling again+ out o! ontrol+
tumbling ba# to the bottom.
,his time 'eid lies there !or muh longer+ ready to 6uit. .t/s not !air and he an/t do it
anymore. 7e won/t. 'eid has done e$erything he possibly an to sur$i$e+ done his absolute best.
)o one ould as# more o! him. )o one.
<hen the ne9t howl omes+ it is almost on top o! him+ ehoing down into the bottom o! the
hole+ the taunting $oie swirling around him on a play!ul wind. .t dri$es 'eid to his !eet one last
time. 7e may be lost+ the hunters may get him+ but he re!uses to die in a pit+ aught li#e a rat in a
7e digs in and tries again.
Chapter Tweve
'eid draws a !ull breath and pulls himsel! upward. E$ery instint he has prods him to go
!aster+ limb harder+ to law and !ight his way to the top+ but he !ores himsel! to ta#e his time. .t
is the hardest thing he has e$er done+ but i! he !alls again+ he is dead.
,he hunters are near+ but he has no way o! #nowing how near. ,he night air is deepti$e+ the
mouth o! the hole sending ba# ehoes and lies. <hile his mind shrie#s at him to hurry+ he
whispers ba# to it+ I ha%e lots of time.
7e doesn/t. ,hey/ll be on him in seonds. 5ut it helps -ust enough to #eep his pae steady+ to
still the sha#ing in his limbs so he an hang on and gi$e him the boost he needs to reah the top
o! the hole again.
,ime goes so slowly around him+ pinhing him between an9ious !ingers+ s6uee8ing the air
!rom his hest and the !ear out o! his $ery pores. 7e longs to lunge !or the top the same as the
!irst time+ but the sight o! the missing path o! ground where it ga$e way under his weight is
enough to hold him ba#. <hen he reali8es his mista#e+ that in his !ear he hose to limb the
e9at same setion o! wall instead o! loo#ing !or a better route up+ it almost de!eats him.
'eid !eels along the edge with his !ingers+ searhing !or purhase+ something stable to hang
onto. 7e !inds only rumbling earth and thin grass. 7e ontinues to touh his way along the rim
as !ar as he an reah+ despair growing as he reali8es there is nothing there to !ind. 7is toes burn
!rom the strain o! holding him up+ his in-ured right shoulder+ still a mass o! bruises+ threatening
to let go and send him plummeting ba# to the bottom o! the pit.
" small patter o! dirt !alls as his right hand slides o$er the root it holds. 7e has seonds to
!ind a way out or he is done. ,he howl he dreads is so lose now he is sure the hunter is wathing
him+ waiting !or him to !ail+ laughing at the patheti wea#ness o! his e!!orts.
'eid/s hand starts to !all ba# and athes on something hard. 7e grasps at it+ grips it tight.
,ugs and burrows with his !ingers. ,he root is old and gnarled+ the remnant o! a long dead tree.
5ut it is solid and well anhored. ,his is the only hane he has.
<ith one last pull+ the remainder o! the strength in his right arm sari!ied to do it+ 'eid
hea$es himsel! up and o$er the edge o! the hole. 7e !eels himsel! starting to slide+ the wea#ened
side gi$ing way under him. 'eid desperately le$ers himsel! !urther !orward+ pulling on the
ground to drag himsel! up+ gouging out lumps o! earth and grass to do it.
7is toes !inally ath on the sur!ae and he !orgets the ahe in them instantly+ dri$ing his
snea#ers into the ground as hard as he an+ instints telling him to get away !rom the edge.
'eid is on his !eet e$en as a hunter/s howl dri$es a spi#e o! terror !urther into his heart. ,here
is a !li#er on the path ahead. 7e is too late+ no time to run.
,he hunter has !ound him. 5ut he/s not trapped+ at least. )ot anymore.
'eid sees the man in bla# !lying toward him so swi!tly he has no time to reat. >r thin#s he
doesn/t. ,he sur$i$or in him ta#es o$er. 7e throws himsel! to the side as the hunter leaps+ the
image o! an atta#ing at. 'eid/s lungs empty o! air in terri!ied e9halation+ sure the blade o! the
man/s #ni!e is !aster. 7e -ust registers the tug o! the man/s hands on his lothing as the hunter
soars o$er him. 'eid spins sideways and hits the ground hard on his right side+ shoulder
sreaming at him+ the pain so intense it slows him down. 7e tries to rise+ his only hope that the
man didn/t notie the hole any more than 'eid had.
Lu# isn/t with him. <hen he turns+ he sees the hunter rouhed on the edge o! the pit+
moonlight glistening on his teeth as he smiles at 'eid. ,hey loo# sharp+ pointed li#e a shar#/s
and $ery big. 5ut it isn/t the hunter/s teeth he ares about. .t/s the strange #ni!e in his hand+ made
o! three blades all ra8or per!et and glittering sil$er.
'eid blin#s. <ait. )ot a #ni!e+ or #ni$es. ,hey are the man/s hands. Claws e9tend !rom the
ends o! his !ingers li#e sharpened eagle talons+ the edges learly honed to a deadly edge. 'eid/s
brain rebels and he !ree8es+ unable to omprehend what he is witnessing or belie$e it either. 7is
logial mind re!uses to aept+ to put together the truth o! what he is seeing+ !rom the inhuman
teeth to the laws !or hands and+ !inally+ the slitted pupils in solid sil$er eyes that !i9 him as
!irmly as the mountain lion/s had.
<hile he struggles with reality+ the hunter tenses and snarls at him+ more animal than man in
that instant+ its intent lear. 'eid #nows i! the thingFhe an no longer thin# o! it as humanFhad
a tail it would be thrashing it at him. 7e an/t help the omparison to the great at this reature
hased o!! with only the sound o! its $oie.
'eid has seonds+ less than that+ to li$e.
7is lu#+ so !ar an absent !riend+ !inally shows up to gi$e him a !ighting hane. "s the
hunter shi!ts its weight to poune+ the wea#ened lip o! the pit suddenly gi$es way. 'eid stares+
mouth gaping open+ wanting to run but si#ly !asinated+ as the bla# lad thing struggles to
reo$er and wonders in the rational part o! his mind i! he loo#ed that silly when he !ell.
,he hunter is more de9terous than him and manages to regain one !oot hold. <ithout
thin#ing about it+ 'eid leaps !orward and di$es !eet !irst+ planting his snea#ers in the enter o!
the hunter/s hest. .t grabs !or him+ laws gra8ing his pant leg+ tearing !ree one o! the many
po#ets be!ore it !alls and lands with a loud thud.
,his time 'eid/s horrible uriosity an/t hold him. 7e doesn/t stop to in$estigate or he# i!
the thing is in-ured. 7e srambles to his !eet and runs. 'eid an hear it howling behind him+ !rom
the bottom o! the pit. "li$e then+ and sounding unhurt. >! ourse his lu# wouldn/t ta#e him any
!urther than that. 7e #nows the hunter won/t be long getting out. 5ut !ate has gi$en 'eid a head
start and he has no intention o! wasting it.
7e runs on.
Chapter Thirteen
,he night passes him by. <hen the s#y ahead o! 'eid lightens yet again+ he is surprised to
!ind he is still ali$e. Surprised+ and $ery grate!ul. 7e has no idea why the hunter didn/t ath up
to him in the dar#+ but he/ll ta#e the time he/s been gi$en.
.n the meantime+ he struggles with aepting what he saw. 7is logial mind and his emotions
!ight !or ontrol+ arguing onstantly between what is real and what an/t possibly be true. 5ut he
#nows what he witnessed+ an see the reature/s hands+ the pointed teeth+ the eerie eyes. "ll o!
that added to the way the thing mo$ed and 'eid !inds it hard to deny.
<hate$er the hunters are+ they an/t be human. "t least+ not ompletely. .! they e$er were in
the !irst plae.
5ut none o! it ma#es sense. "re they an e9periment gone wrong= Some mad sientist/s
pri$ate army o! soldiers bent on world domination= .t seems so ridiulous he rolls his eyes at
himsel!. ,his isn/t some bad ,D show+ or a ?5/ mo$ie at two a.m. on a Sunday morning.
5esides+ he/s pretty sure there/s more to it than anything he ould e$er imagine.
)ot that what he thin#s matters+ onsidering the irumstanes. 7e/s done deei$ing himsel!+
though+ through lying in the !ae o! perei$ed reality. ,his enlosure+ the !ene+ the #idnapping+
all o! it leads to one thing and one thing only. 7e and the other #ids he/s enountered are nothing
more than target pratie.
'eid #nows it/s irrele$ant who is responsible+ but he longs to !ind out+ -ust so he has
someone to blame. .t/s too hard to pin it on the hunters beause he is so a!raid o! them.
2ustering anger toward them is -ust too hard to sustain. 7e wa!!les ba# and !orth between Luy
and her boss+ 2r. Syrause+ but it/s really di!!iult to stay mad at his sister when he #nows she is
as muh a $itim as he is+ and in as muh trouble+ i! not more. 7e has no !ae to gi$e her
mysterious bene!ator+ so his imagination musters a artoon%li#e harater too ridiulous to !ous
his rage on either.
'eid rolls all o! this around in his head as the morning light brie!ly heers him. >nly then
does he notie the terrain has hanged. 7is al$es ha$e ahed !or so long he didn/t notie the
inline until he is able to see it. ,he ground is ro#y as well+ more li#e the edge o! the ra$ine
where he le!t the !ene the night be!ore last. 'eid turns and loo#s ba# the way he ame+ worried
he has somehow gotten spun around but orrets himsel!. Sine he turned !rom the eletri
barrier+ he has been mo$ing east all along. (nless whoe$er dumped him here also managed to
hange the path o! the sun.
7onestly+ i! someone told him at that moment he wasn/t e$en on Earth anymore+ he wouldn/t
6uestion it. E$erything around him is -ust too surreal.
,here is a small brea# in the trees ahead and he pee#s out to ha$e a loo# be!ore ris#ing
e9posing himsel!+ wondering i! he sur$i$es this will he e$er !eel ompletely sa!e in the open e$er
again. 7e doubts it $ery muh.
<hen 'eid !inally sees where he is going+ his breath athes.
"head is a low pea#+ o$ered in so!t wood trees+ but almost mountainous+ rolling away into
the distane. ,o his right runs a $alley with a ri$er running through it+ loo#ing li#e a sli$er o!
blue and sli$er+ spar#ling at him+ instantly triggering his thirst. ,o the le!t are more trees and the
ontinued inline.
'eid steps ba# into the shadow o! a lump o! sprue and does some thin#ing. So muh !or
some alien planet. ,his -ust loo#s too muh li#e a plae he/s been be!ore. 7e/s #nown sine the
!irst night he an/t be in his nati$e "ri8ona any longer+ not with the !orest he/s been running
through. 5ut the sene ahead loo#s ahingly !amiliar and he doesn/t want to belie$e it. .t an/t be
possible he/s this !ar !rom home. Cust the idea o! it ma#es this immeasurably worse e$en though
he an/t e9plain to himsel! why.
7is !ather too# him amping in )ew 7ampshire one when he was ten. .t loo#ed the same as
his surroundings now. 7is mind !lashes to ool nights+ a well%#ept amp!ire+ his !ather smiling at
him. Flames re!leted in his sea green eyes the e9at shade o! 'eid/s and on his dar# hair 'eid
also inherited. 7is !ather used to -o#e they were peas in a pod and 'eid lo$ed that. Espeially
when they amped in the !orest+ only a sleeping bag and what they ould arry to sustain them.
7is !ather ne$er belie$ed in tents+ instead insisting 'eid learn how to ma#e his own shelter.
7e/s $ery grate!ul+ e$en though he hasn/t had muh o! a hane to ta#e ad$antage o! all those
old lessons. 7e/s been too busy running.
,he trouble is+ i! the surroundings are the ones 'eid reogni8es+ that means he is thousands
o! miles !rom home. 7e !inally reali8es why it bothers him so muh. 'eid holds all o! his
memories o! his dead !ather dear to him and ha$ing this plae+ the same #ind o! plae+ ta#ing
o$er his treasured time with his dad does strange and terrible things to his already ahing heart.
7e ould be wrong. ,here are !orests e$erywhere. >regon+ !or e9ample. Cali!ornia. E6ually
as !ar and remote. "las#a= >r Canada e$en. 5ut he #nows in his bones he is right. 'eid
shudders. ,he ompound is somewhere in the )ortheastern (S. .t/s Cune. ,hat ma#es sense. .t is
warm enough during the day and not too old at night although he hasn/t really stopped mo$ing
so he sort o! ignored the temperature so !ar. 5ut the longer he is here+ the worse onditions ould
get. 7e may be !ored to hide during the day i! the temperatures get too hot.
7e/s been lu#y so !ar when it omes to insets+ and wonders where the bla# !lies and
mos6uitoes are+ onstant ompanions the last time he stayed o$ernight in the woods. )ot that
he/s omplaining or anything. 5eing a sna# !or ra$enous bloodsu#ers while running !rom the
hunters would -ust add another le$el o! hell to his situation. 5ut it also reminds him -ust how
ontrolled this whole thing !eels.
'eid glanes up at the lear blue s#y and wonders how long the weather ould hold. 'ain
would also ma#e his li!e more miserable than it already is+ although he ta#es it as a good sign he
is e$en thin#ing about his surroundings and not totally !oused on -ust putting one !oot in !ront
o! the other.
7e onsiders the !ood he has le!t+ wondering i! he should ration it !urther be!ore shrugging to
himsel!. )ow or later+ he needs the energy. 7e polishes o!! the last power bar and the !inal swish
!rom the water bottle. ,he wrapper he hides under a ro#+ but the empty plasti ontainer he
tu#s into one o! his po#ets. ,he ri$er he spotted below is probably !ed by the stream he
enountered+ and that means !resh water. 7e will need a ontainer to store some in -ust in ase
the hunters hased him o!! !or the seond time. 7is thirst demands he !ind a way to ne$er go
without again.
'eid mo$es on+ #eeping to the east+ whih means limbing. 7e is relie$ed he hasn/t heard
any hunter/s howls !or a while and wonders i! they e$er sleep. 7e/s not e9atly !eeling sa!e+ but
as the limb gets harder he admits he is dead on his !eet and needs to !ind somewhere to rest. .t/s
either that or pass out where he stands and ma#e himsel! a ripe target.
Easier said than done. 'eid starts loo#ing+ not !or pursuers but a hidey%hole he an use+ e$en
!or a !ew hours o! rest. ,u#ing into the shrubbery wor#ed !ine in the dar#+ but in daylight he/s
not so sure. 5esides+ the undergrowth has thinned and he/s ha$ing a hard time !inding a plae
that would oneal all o! him.
'eid onsiders a tall tree+ the lower branhes -ust within his reah+ but 6ui#ly disards the
idea. 7e would ha$e to limb too high to be sa!e and out o! notie+ so high that i! he !ell he
would de!initely be hurt. 7e doesn/t ha$e rope or anything else to tie himsel! to the tree+ so
limbing is out.
,he idea o! brea#ing a leg or su!!ering a onussion is enough to dri$e him onward.
"s !or building his own shelter+ 'eid deides to lea$e that as a last resort. .t would ta#e a
great deal o! time and preious energy to gather the materials he needs. E$en then he isn/t sure
he would !eel om!ortable trusting something he built. 7ad his !ather been with him+ with his
mad sur$i$al s#ills handed down !rom his !atherB but 'eid is on his own.
7e ontinues !or another !ew minutes+ snea#ers sliding o$er brown sprue needles and damp
moss be!ore he spots what loo#s li#e a gap in the ro# !ae ahead. 7e is !airly high by now+ the
li!! he stands on allowing him a better $iew o! the world below. 7e pauses+ panting+ and has a
good loo# around+ so sel!%onsious about e9posing himsel! he tu#s behind a tree and only
po#es out his !ae.
E$erything is $ery green in the new light o! day+ so!tly ha8y to the west where a thin line o!
!og hugs the edge o! the $alley. " strip o! gray winds its way in the distane+ spar#ling ob-ets
speeding by. ,he interstate. 7e tears his eyes !rom it. ,here/s no hope there+ he #nows it+ but at
least he/s !ound that edge o! the !ene again+ gi$ing him some perspeti$e on how !ar he/s ome.
7e/s atually ama8ed by the distane he has o$ered and how high he has limbed.
,he sene is so peae!ul and surreal+ 'eid wants to sream. (nder the thin $eneer o!
e$ergreens there is nothing peae!ul about it. "nd yet+ to an ob-eti$e obser$er+ it is the piture
o! alm and serenity. ,rees streth out !ar below him and+ in the distane+ he is sure he sees the
edge o! the !ene athing the light. >ther than the odd bird dri!ting !rom anopy to anopy+
nothing else mo$es.
'eid turns and approahes the gap. ,his lose he reali8es it/s not -ust a ra# in the ro#s+ but
an opening to something more. 7e hoped !or the tiny shelter the ro#s he en$isioned would
pro$ide. ,he idea o! a !ull%blown a$e stirs his e9itement.
" sli$er o! !ear sur!aes. .! he goes in+ i! he hooses to rest there+ he might be trapped. Pani
raises his blood pressure+ pounds his heart. 7e glanes around+ suddenly sure the hunters lie in
wait !or -ust suh an opportunity to trap a stupid #id. 5ut he is as alone as be!ore and so
desperately tired he onsiders the a$e mouth again.
2aybe there is a seond e9it. .! so+ he would onsider it. ,rouble is+ there is only one way to
!ind out. 7e has to go in.
'eid steps up to the entrane+ notiing a small pile o! bro#en branhes draped o$er part o! it.
7e hesitates. .t loo#s li#e a trap all right. ,hose brea#s are deliberate+ not an aident or aused
by the weather+ and the pile is art!ul+ as though are!ully arranged. So it an/t be the hunters.
,hey are too are!ul+ too metiulous. <hih means #ids+ maybe. Li#e him. Could it be someone
sheltered here be!ore him= >r e$en+ was it possible+ ould still be here=
'eid rolls his shoulders !orward as he shrugs to himsel!. .! the a$e is empty+ but use!ul+ he/s
in lu#. "nd i! there are others+ wellB maybe they ha$e answers he doesn/t. Either way+ it/s
worth the ris#+ no matter his !ears.
'eid draws a steadying breath and du#s inside.
Chapter Fourteen
:Aon/t ome any !urther.;
.t/s a girl/s $oie+ 6ua$ering and low. 'eid an !eel the !ear radiating toward him+ almost
smell it in the ool and damp o! the a$e. .t is so dar# inside+ his eyes still tuned to the sunny
morning+ he is !ored to wait out the ad-ustment+ all the while hating how $ulnerable it ma#es
him and re!using to ba# o!! at the same time.
,here is a whisper o! loth+ the sound o! a shoe grinding o$er dirt and ro#. " thin hannel o!
light penetrates the dar#ness and someone glides into it. )ot a girl+ so she isn/t alone. ,his boy is
small+ srawny e$en+ his s#in so dar# he almost blends into the gloom around him. 'eid guesses
he/s about thirteen or so. 7is $ision slowly adapts+ enough he spots two more !igures hiding in
the a$e.
:./m 'eid.; 7e !igures it/s the best plae to start. ,he least threatening. 5ut the boy be!ore
him doesn/t loo# all that reassured. 7e has the same tension in him 'eid saw in 2onia+ though
less desperate and more sane.
:<hat do you want=; ,he #id/s $oie sha#es. 'eid #nows the !eeling well.
:)othing.; ,hat muh is true. )ot !rom him or his !riends. :. -ust saw the a$e and thought
./d he# it out.;
7e whispers+ his $oie dri!ting in the dar#. 'eid isn/t sure he/ll e$er spea# abo$e a whisper
again. Cust in ase.
:2ilo.; ,he boy says+ grudging and with a sowl on his !ae. :,his is our a$e.;
'eid shrugs li#e he doesn/t are+ e$en though it hurts him+ this re-etion !rom his own #ind.
:)ie o! you to share.; 7e an/t help that parting shot and a part o! him hopes it uts deep.
7e eases ba#ward+ ready to lea$e+ when the girl omes into the thread o! light. :.t/s all
right+; she whispers ba#. :4ou an ome in. .! you want.;
'eid hesitates. 7e does want to+ $ery muh. Cust seeing the three o! them together in that
sheltered plae gi$es him a !eeling o! sa!ety. 7e #nows it isn/t smart to let that !eeling in+ but he
an/t help himsel!. 7e/s been running !or so long.
Still+ 2ilo/s initial re-etion ma#es 'eid pause. Pride reahes out and slaps him so hard he
:. #now when ./m not welome.;
7e holds his plae anyway+ waiting !or one more enouraging word.
'elie! !loods him when the girl obliges. :Please+; she says+ gesturing with one hand. :<e
need to sti# together.;
"t last+ someone understands. 'eid thin#s o! 2onia. .! only he had gotten to her be!ore her
mind snapped and !ear too# her o$er. 7e slides into the a$e and out o! the path o! the light+
allowing the ool dar#ness to wrap around him. ,he sent o! the earth is stronger here+ and
unwashed bodies. 5ut he doesn/t mind+ pretty sure he/s -ust as !ragrant.
,he girl lea$es the light+ 2ilo right beside her. She shines e$en in the dar#+ pale blonde hair
almost glowing. :./m Leila.;
'eid lets his legs bu#le and slides to the !loor+ wrapping his arms around his #nees.
:,his is Arew.; She introdues a seond boy. ,here is a subtle !lash+ the hint o! light on glass
as the #id nods one.
:<ish . ould say it/s nie to meet you.; Arew/s $oie is almost as high as 2ilo/s+ but with
an odd aent. 'eid/s mind says )ew England. So this #id is loal.
Leila ma#es the !irst mo$e+ easing !orward until she is !ae%to%!ae with 'eid. She is about
his age+ her eyes as light as her hair+ dar# bruises underneath highlighting them. E$en her s#in is
ghostly pale+ thi# eyelashes transparent. 'eid almost laughs when his heart tells him she is
)ot the #ind o! thing he needs to be thin#ing about at a time li#e this.
:7ow long=; She sits ne9t to him.
:,his is my seond sunrise+; he says.
Arew and 2ilo -oin them+ Leila/s bra$ery ob$iously setting them !ree o! their wariness.
:./m on day three+; 2ilo says. 7is white teeth !lash against his dar# s#in when he spea#s.
:2e too+; says Arew. 3lasses+ braes+ hubby hee#s. Pushing !ourteen i! 'eid ould guess.
Arew hithes up his pants as he sits. ,hey bag around his still thi# waist.
:./m two days in.; Leila smiles at the boys. :,hey !ound me right away. ./m pretty lu#y.;
'eid agrees. " -agged stab o! -ealousy ta#es his breath away !or a moment.
:Arew !ound me+; 2ilo says. :)ot li#e being together helps all that muh.;
Arew is nodding+ glasses hiding his eyes+ the dar# turning them into o$al mirrors.
:.! . e$er get out o! here+; he says+ :./m ne$er running another step e$er again.;
,he other two laugh. 'eid an/t bring himsel! to.
:7ow long ha$e you been hiding here=; .t would be nie to thin# the a$e ould be a more
permanent re!uge+ but Leila sighs.
:Sine early this morning+ -ust be!ore dawn. ,hey seem to !ind us no matter where we go.;
'eid !ights o!! the instintual pani. :.s there another way out o! here=;
)one o! them say a word. .t/s answer enough.
:<e tried to hide the entrane+; Arew says. :Aidn/t do a good enough -ob+ ob$iously.;
:Ao you ha$e any !ood=; 2ilo sounds patheti and 'eid instantly reoils !rom the boy/s
need. 7e #nows then+ e$en i! he had any le!t+ he would lie and wonders what he is beoming.
:)o+; 'eid says. ,hen+ relutantly+ he tells them about the abin and what he !ound.
,hey listen to him li#e he is a prophet+ lo#ed onto his words.
:<e should go right now&; Arew is on his !eet+ hands tugging at his !alling -eans. :. bet we
ould snea# in and out and they/d ne$er #now.;
'eid reahes out and pulls the boy ba# down to the ground.
:,hey #now . was there+; he says. :,hey/ll be wathing now.;
:5ut we/re star$ing.; 'eid despises the whine in Arew/s $oie and resists the urge to slap it
out o! him. 7e reminds 'eid o! Luy and how she used to beg their parents !or the things she
wanted. .t ma#es him si# to his stomah.
:,here are things in the !orest we an eat.; 7e has been so !oused on running he !orgot that
was true. 5ut his !ather showed him what to loo# !or. ,he right #inds o! mushrooms.
Fiddleheads. 5ird nests ould hold eggs. 7e -ust needed enough time to loo#.
'eid reali8es he is still thin#ing in singular terms+ sad he is ob$iously ready to abandon the
others at the !irst sign o! trouble.
:Ao any o! you #now why we/re here=; 2ore than !ood or water or shelter+ 'eid wants
answers. 5ut the three sha#e their heads all at one.
:<e/$e as#ed oursel$es the same 6uestions.; Leila/s eyes dri!t toward the light oming
through the entrane o! the a$e. ,hey are so pale they are transparent in the glow o! the sun.
:5ut we all ha$e the same story. . was ta#en !rom my bed in the middle o! the night by a group
o! men who drugged me. . wo#e up in the ba# o! a $an+ was arried out here and dumped in the
dar#.; 7er thin shoulders rise and !all one. :,he boys !ound me+ got me loose. ,old me we had
to run.; She turns ba#+ eyes meeting 'eid/s. :Ao you ha$e anything new to add=;
7e sha#es his head. :Sounds about right.; 'eid sighs+ his weariness settling around him li#e
a blan#et. .! he doesn/t get up and start mo$ing soon he #nows he will pass out. :"re you !oster
#ids too=;
"ll three nod. :<e !igure we/re easy targets.; ,he bitterness in Arew/s $oie is nothing new
to 'eid. :)o one will miss us+ you #now= ,he system will all us runaways so no one omes
loo#ing or gi$es a rap.;
:7a$e you seen anyone else=;
:Cust other #ids+; 2ilo says. :"nd not !or long.; 5y the way he says it 'eid !igures those
#ids didn/t ma#e it.
:7a$e you gotten a good loo# at the hunters=;
2ilo/s shudder is so $iolent he has to hug himsel!. 5ut it/s Arew that spea#s.
:<hy=; ,he boy trembles+ hands rubbing aross his thighs o$er and o$er.
:Cust wondering.; 'eid isn/t sure he wants to $oie what he is thin#ing. 7e ares enough
about the possibility o! staying with them at this point he doesn/t want them to thin# he is ra8y.
5ut Arew won/t let it go. 7e reahes !orward+ hubby !ingers tapping 'eid/s snea#er. 7e pulls
ba# be!ore 'eid an reat+ a !rightened animal loo#ing !or attention.
:<hy=; Arew repeats the 6uestion. 'eid an/t tear his eyes away !rom his re!letion in the
boy/s glasses.
:5eause+; he !inds himsel! saying+ :. don/t thin# they are human.;
)o one says anything !or a moment and in that time 'eid berates himsel! !or ma#ing a
terrible mista#e. 7e may ha$e been willing to abandon them !or his own sa!ety at !irst+ but the
past !ew minutes ha$e made it harder and harder to onsider running by himsel! again.
:. #new it&; Arew reahes o$er and punhes 2ilo in the arm. ,he smaller boy rubs the sore
spot and sowls at his grinning !riend.
:4ou did=; 'elie! is welome. ,hey won/t shun him a!ter all. "lthough the loo# on Leila/s
!ae is suddenly so lost and grie!%stri#en 'eid wishes he hadn/t spo#en at all.
:,here/s no way they are human.; Arew sho$es his glasses ba# with one !inger+ head
bobbing in his e9itement. :,hey mo$e too !ast. ,hose laws they/$e got& ,heir eyesB; he
shudders. :"nd that howl. Li#e an animal.;
'eid !inds himsel! nodding. :,hen what the hell are they=;
:"lien in$asion.; 2ilo groans at that and e$en Leila rolls her eyes and o!!ers a ghost o! a
smile. 5ut Arew is adamant. :<hat else ould they be=;
'eid is as s#eptial as the others+ but doesn/t ha$e an answer.
:Aude+ you wath too many mo$ies.; 2ilo doesn/t sound on$ined.
:./m telling you+; Arew goes on+ his e9itement ob$ious+ :it/s got to be an in$asion. Some
#ind o! !oothold situation.;
:,hen why the !ene=; 'eid gets the impression this is an old argument beause Leila has
loo#ed away !rom them+ lost in her thoughts. "t the word fence she swi$els her attention ba# to
:<hat !ene=; 2ilo is the !irst one to as#+ his $oie s6uea#ing out at the end o! the word.
:5ig+ metal+ deathly eletri.; 'eid loo#s !rom !ae to !ae. ,hey ob$iously ha$e no idea
what he is tal#ing about. :. was !ollowing it !or a while+ but had to stop.;
,hey are all 6uiet !or a bit as they proess this.
'eid gi$es them a little time be!ore telling them about the two men and how easily the
hunters too# them down+ weapons or no weapons. ,hey are $isibly sha#en.
:.t/s hopeless+ then.; 2ilo shudders out a sob. :)o one an sa$e us.;
:<e already #new that.; Arew tries !or tough but 'eid sees right through him+ hearing the
tears the boy ho#es o!!. :<e/re on our own out here.;
Leila is silent+ eyes on the ground+ her whole body still. :7ow did they get in=;
'eid is impressed with her. :,he !ene.;
Arew/s glasses !lash as he turns his head to re!ous on 'eid. :,here/s no way+; he says. :.!
it/s eletri+ li#e you say+ it would ha$e #illed them getting o$er.;
:Somehow they did it+; 'eid snaps ba#. Arew shrin#s !rom him and 'eid instantly !eels
guilty. :. don/t #now how+; he says+ gentler this time and Arew rela9es. :5ut . mean to !ind
:Ao you really thin# we an get out=; ,here is no hope in Leila/s $oie. >nly the same alm
and 6uiet she has shown him all along.
'eid doesn/t answer her.
:<hy would someone !ene us in=; Leila loo#s so tormented by this new in!ormation 'eid
wishes he #ept this in!ormation to himsel!.
:2aybe they are speimens+; Arew says+ still linging to his alien theory. :5eing tested or
:2ore li#e we are+; 'eid mutters.
:,hat/s the lamest ass thing ./$e e$er heard.; 2ilo turns away !rom Arew. Lost to his usual
audiene+ the hubby boy turns his attention to 'eid.
:<hat do you thin#=;
.t/s a moment be!ore 'eid answers. .n the meantime Leila and 2ilo !ous on him. 'eid
thin#s about it+ onsiders what Arew said be!ore shrugging his shoulders !orward when the truth
o! the whole thing rolls through him.
:. thin# it doesn/t matter all that muh+; he says+ !inally admitting it to himsel!. "nswers
aren/t what he needs. 7e doesn/t are anymore. 'eid -ust wants to get away.
,he others are silent. 'eid shi!ts positions at last+ brea#ing the 6uiet+ his head ahing and
body unable to rise.
:So what now=; 7e hadn/t meant to as# them+ the 6uestion more aimed at himsel! than the
others+ but Arew spea#s up.
:<e don/t #now.; 7e e9hanges glanes with !irst 2ilo+ then Leila. :,he !ene thing sounds
'eid slumps sideways+ his eyes so hea$y he an barely !ous. :4eah+; he says+ stumbling
o$er his words+ :it does.;
" ool hand touhes his hee#+ long hair ti#ling his ear as Leila bends o$er him.
:3et some rest+; she whispers. :<e/ll wath o$er you until it gets dar#. ,hen we/ll deide
what to do.;
7e !ights the e9haustion+ still not trusting ompletely+ but his body doesn/t gi$e him a hoie.
'eid is dragged under and into sleep.
7e sur!aes brie!ly+ twie. ,he !irst time he -er#s awa#e !rom a horrible dream he an/t reall
and !alls right ba# into unonsiousness. ,he seond time he wa#es to heated whispers+ but
e$en that an/t #eep him up !or long.
<hen he wa#es the third time+ he instantly noties the utter 6uiet. 'eid sits up+ bones and
musles rying out in protest+ but he ignores them as he loo#s 6ui#ly around.
7e is alone. 7is heart lenhes+ stomah a solid #not o! rage. ,hey le!t him+ abandoned him
there a!ter they promised they would wath o$er him. &he promised.
So muh !or trust.
" howl ehoes nearby. 'eid !ree8es+ his anger running out o! him+ sho$ed aside by terror. "
!li#er ma#es it through+ the thought that they set him up to sa$e themsel$es+ but he has no time
to let it trouble him. Fear sho$es him toward the gap and out into the night. 7e has slept the day
away+ his only onsolation. "nd yet+ i! that rest gets him #illed+ it will ha$e done him little good.
'eid eases down the hill toward the thi#er trees+ all senses wide open and alert. 7e waits !or
another all to reah him+ but none omes. 'eid !inds the head o! a path into the trees and runs
!or it.
7e slams right into Leila. She !alls ba# but he athes her+ holds her up until she has her
balane again. She loo#s up into his eyes+ hers !ull o! the terror they share.
:7urry&; 7er whisper is a hissed ommand. She turns without another word and runs down
the trail. 'eid !ollows right on her !ootsteps+ #eeping up with her easily. She leads him on a
winding run through the trees+ dodging the path o$er and o$er. 7e reali8es she too understands
the $alue o! a$oiding straight lines.
She stops one+ alert and !rightened. 'eid waits with her+ heart in his throat+ as a shu!!ling
bla# shape snorts its way through the !orest. Pani gi$es way to more ordinary !ear as the bla#
bear !i9es them with its shining dar# eyes. 'ather than atta#ing+ it growls gently be!ore
plodding o!! into the dar#.
Leila rests against a tree+ her breath easing out o! her. <hen her eyes meet his+ she smiles. :.!
this wasn/t so horrible+ that would ha$e been ama8ing.;
7e !inds himsel! smiling ba#. :./m sorry.; ,he words blurt out o! him. :. thought you le!t
me behind.;
She is 6uiet !or a long time be!ore shrugging her shoulders one. :<e did+; she says. :5ut .
had to ome ba# !or you.;
'eid/s blood+ one warmed by her !riendship+ runs old again. :<hy is that=;
:<ho #nows+; she says+ mo$ing o!!+ :maybe we need you a!ter all.; She stops+ turns+ loo#s
at him. :"re you oming=;
7e wants to say no. ,hey betrayed him+ le!t him to die. <hy should he= 5ut he an/t bring
himsel! to be alone again. .nstead+ he !ollows her into the !orest while he builds walls around his
budding trust and ompassion.
Chapter Fi!teen
.t isn/t long be!ore they ath up with Arew and 2ilo. 5oth boys loo# guilty+ re!using to
meet 'eid/s eyes. 7e ignores them+ turning instead to the two other #ids huddled nearby.
:,his is Carly and ,rey.; ,he girl Carly is so s#inny it hurts 'eid to loo# at her+ her giganti
dar# eyes pleading !or someone+ anyone+ to sa$e her. Stringy hair sways around her as she
shi$ers in the ool o! the night. ,he boy ,rey/s s#in is lighter than 2ilo/s+ his body taller. 7e has
a onstant twith in one hee#. 'eid wonders i! it/s new sine he was dumped here.
:<e ha$e to go.; Leila glanes o$er her shoulder. She doesn/t ha$e to say it twie.
'eid ta#es the lead without thin#ing about it+ so austomed to being alone he barely
onsiders what the pe#ing order might be in the little group. 5ut when he glanes ba# at them
no one omplains. .n !at+ i! anything+ they loo# relie$ed.
<hih ma#es him unom!ortable. 7e/s no leader and tells himsel! he/d better spea# up about
it the ne9t time they stop !or a rest.
'eid heads o!! at an angle toward his best guess. 7is eastward path is leading him away !rom
the !ene and he needs to get ba# to it. 7e hates to reo$er old ground+ but has little hoie. "ll
o! his pri$ate hope rests on !inding where the two men ame through. 7e doesn/t allow himsel!
anything else.
'eid does his best to head west+ but about an hour or so into their stumbling -og he he#s
the moon. For the !irst time his sense o! diretion seems to ha$e deserted him somewhat. 7e an
tell he/s o!! ourse+ heading more south+ and swears at himsel! a little. ,hen shrugs. 7e an only
imagine they are surrounded by !ene. )ot li#e it matters how they get to it as long as they do.
'eid he#s on the #ids behind him. 7e is surprised he is alone. 7a$e they abandoned him
again= 7e !ights down a surge o! !ury as he spots ,rey emerging through the trees. Carly
stumbles along with him+ hunhed o$er almost in hal!. Leila struggles beside the girl+ one hand
on her elbow+ the other on her ba#. <hen they -oin 'eid+ Leila/s pale eyes li!t to his. 7er anger
sends him ba# a step.
:,han#s !or waiting.; Leila loo#s away+ returning her attention to the s#inny girl ne9t to her.
Carly gasps !or air+ mewing whimpers !illed with despair utting 'eid to the bone. 7e sho$es
remorse aside as 2ilo hal! -ogs+ hal! drags himsel! to a halt ne9t to ,rey.
:<here/s Arew=; 'eid is troubled and more than a little guilty. 7e should be more are!ul.
7e didn/t e$en thin# to he# i! they were #eeping up. ,he sur$i$or in him is disgusted and
wants to abandon them+ as wea# as they are. 7e sho$es that aside+ too. Li#e it or not+ he hose to
run with them and he won/t hange his mind unless they gi$e him a good reason.
:7ere.; Arew drops out o! the dar#+ ollapsing at 'eid/s !eet+ his glasses !ogged !rom
perspiration. ,he boy/s !ae is !lushed and sli# with sweat+ ob$ious e$en in the dar#.
'eid silently e9amines himsel! and is pleased to diso$er that aside !rom hunger and thirst+
he is !eeling o#ay. Strong e$en. ,he !ood he !ound is sustaining him. For now.
:<e need a brea#.; Leila helps Carly sit down. 'eid/s urgeny tugs at him while the rest try
to ath their breath.
:./ll sout ahead.; 7e lea$es them there be!ore anyone an protest and mo$es on. 7e an/t
bring himsel! to sit still+ not a!ter two days o! running and with the possibility o! !reedom so
,he trees thin ahead+ so he slows his pae. ,he moon is high by then+ the still loudless s#y
!ull o! spar#ling stars. 'eid !eels a grin brea# o$er his !ae as he loo#s out aross the small+
glittering la#e below. ,here is a brie! but steep deline to reah it but he #nows he an handle it
without a problem.
7is thirst is so strong he almost mo$es on without the others. <ith a groan o! denial+ he turns
and goes to get them.
:<ater+; he says when he reahes them+ still sprawled on the ground. 7e doesn/t ha$e to say
anything else. ,hey are up and mo$ing immediately.
.t/s not long be!ore they stand on the lip o! the li!! loo#ing down. Arew ma#es a so!t sound
and shu!!les his !eet+ sending a slide o! small ro#s down the deline.
:. an/t.; 7is !ingers sho$e his glasses ba# on his !ae with suh !iereness 'eid is startled.
:<e/ll help you+; Leila says.
5ut Arew sha#es his head and ba#s away. :7eights+; he says. :. -ust an/t.;
'eid doesn/t thin#+ only trusts his instints. 7e bypasses the others+ sei8ing Arew and
throwing him o$er his shoulder. " brie! shrie# esapes the boy+ 6ui#ly silened+ but the sound
arries into the !orest.
'eid slides down the steep slope and is on the bottom within seonds. 7e sets Arew down on
his own two !eet and loo#s up at the others.
:. don/t want to hear cant+; he says.
,he rest o! the #ids desend more slowly+ but ma#e it sa!ely to the bottom. 'eid leads them
to the water+ studying the surroundings are!ully. Li#e the stream+ he #nows this ould be a
per!et trap opportunity !or the hunters+ but the all o! the la#e is too strong to resist.
'eid waits !or the others to drin#+ instinti$ely wathing o$er them. " !iere surge o!
proteti$eness raes through him e$en while he wars with his mind. 7e is !aster than them+
stronger. .t would be easier to simply lea$e them here and go on alone. ,hey are patheti and
wea#. 5ut they are human li#e him+ #ids li#e him and being with them helps remind him o! his
<hen 2ilo steps ba#+ 'eid !alls to his #nees and plunges his !ae into the old water. .t is
as iy as the stream but alm and+ remembering his !irst e9periene+ he ta#es his time.
7e re6uires a great number o! mouth!uls to sla#e his thirst+ but when he is done+ 'eid ta#es
another moment to rinse and !ill the bottle+ tu#ing it away into the side po#et o! his stolen
pants. 7e is about to rise when he hears a ry and a splash+ and -er#s around to loo#.
Someone is in the water+ thrashing around. 'eid runs to the spot and !inds 2ilo gesturing at
:Swim ba#&; 2ilo ma#es unhelp!ul motions with his hands+ li#e it does any good. Arew
goes under be!ore glugging his way ba# to the sur!ae. 7is glasses and braes shine in the
moonlight+ but he remains silent in his distress.
:<hat happened=; 'eid !ree8es with indeision.
:.t/s deeper than it loo#s.; Leila is there ne9t to him+ pani in her !ae. :Arew+ swim&;
:7e !ell in.; 2ilo is rying. :.t/s my !ault. . wanted to #now how deep it was.;
,rey and Carly huddle together and re!use to loo#+ !aes buried in eah other/s shoulders.
Arew goes down again. 'eid #nows he needs to let the boy drown. 7e an/t ris# getting si#
or hypothermi in a resue attempt. ,he water is -ust too old. 5ut he is already shedding his
snea#ers and so#s+ handing the water bottle to Leila. 7e di$es in be!ore his logial thoughts an
stop him.
,he sho# o! the water temperature is almost enough to dri$e him under. 'eid gasps at the
old+ but !ores himsel! to stro#e !orward+ reahing Arew with little e!!ort. ,he boy lathes onto
him instantly+ his pani ma#ing him a horrible weight with tearing hands and thrashing !eet. 'eid
!ights to alm the boy+ but #nows sound tra$els o$er water and an/t ris# tal#ing him down.
.t is a grim and silent battle+ one that 6ui#ly wears 'eid out. 7e has gone under so many
times beause o! Arew/s !ear+ he #nows one more will be the end o! them both. 'eid does the
only thing he an do. 7e puts both hands on the boy/s shoulders and sho$es him under the water+
holding him there.
Arew battles as hard as he an but soon wea#ens+ his pani#ed energy almost run out. 'eid
waits two more heartbeats be!ore letting the boy rise to the sur!ae. Arew does+ ho#ing out
water+ eyes huge behind glasses he/s managed to hang onto through it all.
:4ou ha$e to stop !ighting me.; 'eid ris#s that whisper. :Arew+ stop.;
Arew ho#es on some more water. 7is teeth hatter together and 'eid #nows his own are
lose behind. 7is legs are numb !rom the old+ hands on !ire in it. ,hey don/t ha$e muh time
Arew nods at last+ linging but not struggling any longer. 'eid turns+ his weariness ma#ing
him slow+ and searhes !or the shore. 7e groans $ery so!tly as he reali8es the edge is no longer
.n the ourse o! their struggle+ they ha$e dri!ted !ar !rom the others. 'eid turns them around+
paddling gently to a$oid more sound and onser$e his strength. "ll around them is only more
water. (ntil he turns west. ,here is the opposite ban#+ still !ar but the losest o! any. 'eid draws
a breath and stri#es out.
,he water is hea$y on his limbs+ Arew/s weight pulling him down. 7e !eels the boy/s legs
mo$ing and #nows he is trying to help but has to stop. .t/s throwing 'eid o!! #ilter. :Aon/t do
that+; he whispers. Arew/s arms tighten around his ne#.
'eid reahes out again+ legs #i#ing in slow rhythm. 7e has always been a good swimmer+ a
strong athlete+ but the old is seeping his strength !rom his body and he #nows they won/t ma#e
it. Li#e that matters. 7e still has to try.
Swimming beomes as automati as running had+ 'eid/s mind dri!ting as he puts one arm in
!ront o! the other+ o$er and o$er again. ,he shore is drawing nearer+ but his $ision blurs so he
an/t tell how muh loser. 7e an/t !eel his body anymore+ not e$en sure he is still swimming.
<ater slaps his !ae+ goes in his mouth and he splutters and oughs on it. 7e an hear Arew
breathing in his ear when he turns his head and the slosh o! the wa$es he ma#es.
'eid is done. 7is arms won/t mo$e any longer. 7is legs gi$e out at the same time. 7e !orgets
why he was !ighting so hard and lets himsel! slide under the water.
Something tugs at him+ pulling him !orward. <hispered $oies say his name+ his numb s#in
barely !eeling it when his lothes are pulled !ree. 7is s#in starts to return to li!e and he ries out+
low and pain!ul+ the ahe o! warmth ma#ing him writhe in agony. <hen he !inally registers
ontat+ he almost pulls away !rom what holds him. .t/s li#e he/s been plunged into !ire. For a
long time he simply whimpers and shi$ers+ lying there+ ready to die.
7e is surprised when he opens his eyes at last and !inds Leila loo#ing down at him. She is
holding him to her and they are draped with bits and piees o! lothing. 7e spots 2ilo and Arew
in the same position while Carly and ,rey huddle nearby+ shi$ering in the night air+ their -eans
and sweaters the soure o! warmth that #ept 'eid ali$e.
:Arew+; he whispers.
:Fine+; Leila says. :4ou got the worst o! it beause you were swimming.;
7e doesn/t ha$e the strength to nod. :Aidn/t thin# we/d ma#e it.;
She hugs him. 7is tender s#in protests+ but he doesn/t tell her to stop.
:2e either+; she says. :,hat was ama8ing.;
'eid loses his eyes again. <hen he opens them+ Arew is there. 7is glasses are missing and
!or the !irst time 'eid sees his eyes. ,hey are sil$ery in the moonlight.
:,han# you+; the boy says. :4ou sa$ed my li!e.;
'eid thin#s o! a snappy omeba#+ but it/s not worth the e!!ort. :4ou/re welome.;
:'eidB; Arew loo#s away+ puts his glasses ba# on. Loo#s ba#. :. was the one who
wanted to lea$e you behind.;
'eid -ust nods. Arew hugs him+ the impulsi$e mo$e ma#ing 'eid groan !rom the pressure o!
:<e need to go soon.; Carly/s $oie arries. 'eid struggles to sit up and manages. 7e is still
old+ but his body is all present and aounted !or and he is $ery grate!ul.
'eid is about to as# why she is so a!raid when he hears it. " howl. Dery lose. .t/s enough to
get him up and pulling on his wet lothing. Leila hands him his so#s and snea#ers+ !ortunately
dry. 7e isn/t sure how !ar he an run in his ondition+ but #nows he doesn/t ha$e a hoie.
7e has -ust !inished tying his shoelaes when Carly/s sream -er#s him upright. 7e loo#s
where she points and !ree8es+ old again+ this time !rom !ear.
,wo hunters ho$er on the other shore o! the la#e. ,hey hold still !or only a moment+ the
girl/s sream arrying aross the water to them+ be!ore beginning a la8y lope around the ban#.
'eid grabs Carly and drags her along+ !oring his e9hausted body to mo$e+ pulling the
terri!ied girl with him+ !ollowing the others as they run into the woods.
(p ahead+ another hunter howls.
Chapter Sixteen
'eid hanges ourse as soon as he hears the howl+ whistling to the others to !ollow. ,hey
listen+ at least that is something. 7e begrudges the need !or sound+ #nowing it will help the
hunters loate them+ but it/s too hard in the dar# to simply use gestures. Aespite his weariness+
'eid runs on+ grate!ul !or one !or his !ear beause it gi$es him aess to energy he ne$er #new
he had.
,o his !rustration+ his !amiliar tati does him no good this time. .t doesn/t seem to matter
whih way he leads the #ids+ how muh he alters diretion. ,he howling behind him is always
answered !rom diretly ahead. From the $olume+ the hunter is losing in.
'eid remembers something that troubled him+ something he thought o! be!ore he met the two
poahers. "bout being herded. 7e has a !lashba# o! 2onia spinning and doubling ba# on her
own trail be!ore heading o!! again. 7e stumbles to a halt and turns around+ almost running into
Arew and ,rey+ retreating and heading ba# the way they ame. )o one says a word+ but they all
'eid runs on !or another minute be!ore he is !ored to swer$e to a$oid a !allen tree. ,hat/s
when he loses his grip on Carly. 7e almost !orgot she was there with him+ luthing his hand.
,he sudden missing onnetion between them reminds him. She tumbles+ rolling o$er and o$er+
oming to a thudding halt against the grounded trun#. 7e turns to go a!ter her without hesitation+
but his !ear brings him to a sharp stop.
" hunter emerges !rom the !orest and !i9es its attention on the weeping girl.
,ime stands still. 'eid/s mind stumbles o$er one idea a!ter another in the long+ hanging
seond suspended between them. ,he three o! them ho$er in it+ Carly+ the hunter+ 'eid. 7e !eels
the line draw in+ pulling them tighter and tighter until he an/t breathe. ,he hunter/s laws gleam
in the moonlight. Carly/s tears glitter on her hee#s+ huge eyes swallowing 'eid whole. 7e
simply stands there+ so torn by indeision he is unable to do anything.
<hen the moment brea#s+ 'eid has no time le!t to at+ nor the strength to get to Carly be!ore
the ine$itable.
,he hunter pounes in one !luid motion while 'eid/s tortured mind still tries to !igure it out.
7e hears Carly sream+ lunges !orward to try to sa$e her+ only to be yan#ed o!! balane and
pulled away. 7is instints ta#e o$er again+ but only barely. 'eid runs+ throat tight+ eyes welling
with moisture as the girl he barely #nows dies in silene in the dar#.
'eid immediately thin#s o! Luy. She must be dead by now+ too slow+ too wea#. ,here/s no
way his !ragile and needy sister ould possibly sur$i$e anything li#e this. " sob rips !rom his
hest+ ma#ing it hard to breathe. Carly. 2onia. Luy. "round and around in a irle+ -oined by
2ustahe and Sar+ and the two boys whose names he ne$er #new. So muh death and loss and
only !ear to #eep him mo$ing. ,here has to be more to li!e again+ it an/t -ust go on li#e this+ one
endless run until the hunters !inally get around to #illing him.
7e speeds along on autopilot+ letting the #ids hoose their path+ !orgetting the world he runs
through+ ignoring the times he stumbles and almost !alls+ the sounds and smells o! the !orest+ the
gnawing hunger in his stomah. 7e stops when they ma#e him+ runs when they urge him on.
'eid is lost inside himsel! !or a long time and an/t !ind a way out again. Aoesn/t want to+ really.
.t/s sa!er to hide inside himsel!. 7e/s ne$er been a 6uitter. 7is !ather would be so disappointed+
he #nows that. 5ut there is only so muh 'eid/s mind an ta#e and he has reahed his limit.
,he rising light o! the sun brings him ba# to the present and the moment. 7e urses the
warmth o! morning !or pulling him out o! limbo. ,he other #ids try to tal# to him+ to #eep him
with them+ but 'eid doesn/t hear their words+ not really. E$ery sound hits him li#e a mu!!led
whine. 7e !inds a plae to ollapse and huddles by himsel!+ well apart !rom the others+ sha#ing
!rom weariness. 7is leg musles -ump and twith under his hands. 7e lets himsel! sin# down+
ba# against a tree+ to wath the sunrise and wish he were dead.
.n that moment+ 'eid would gladly trade plaes with Carly. <ishes it had been him. She
relied on him+ and he let her down. Let her go. 7e an ne$er+ e$er !orgi$e himsel!. 7e runs o$er
the whole thing in his mind+ the !ree8e !rame e9amination dri$ing him deeper and deeper into
despair. 'eid !eels her hand in his+ the sli#ness o! her s#in+ how her palm and !ingers -ust slid
out o! his grasp as he swer$ed. 7e tried so hard to pull her along with him. 7e should ha$e held
her more tightly+ but he didn/t. 'eid let her go and she !ell and rolled away into the dar#ness and
the hunter #illed her.
.t is all his !ault.
7e !eels Leila/s hand on his shoulder but he shrugs her o!!.
:.t/s not your !ault.; She/s reading his mind. 7e loo#s up and sees her !or the !irst time in the
light. She is $ery pale !rom her s#in to her almost white hair to her lear blue eyes. She stands in
!ront o! him+ between him and the sun. ,he glow o! it ma#es her loo# li#e an angel. 5ut despite
the omparison he re!uses to allow her to absol$e him.
:. #now. . did what . had to do. . le!t her behind.; 7e is suh a liar. 5ut he an/t let the others
#now what he does in his heart. ,hat he ould ha$e sa$ed Carly i! he had -ust ated in time.
Could ha$e. Should ha$e.
"ll his !ault.
:4ou would ha$e died too.; She sees right past him+ ob$iously. ,ime to be more harsh+ to get
his message aross.
:Cust lea$e me alone.; .t emerges in a hal!%growl out o! his dry throat. 7e is satis!ied with the
raspy 6uality o! it. 7e sounds dangerous+ li#e a lone wol!. ,hat/s what he needs to be !rom now
on. )o more thin#ing o! others. ,he reali8ation is so lear to him it hases away the guilt and
shame and dri$es him !urther into anger.
She waits a moment be!ore doing as he as#ed. ,he tiny part o! him that still !eels human
wishes she would ome ba# while the rest o! him draws itsel! around him li#e a shield and
reminds him they le!t him behind one. "nother good reason to go it on his own again. .t/s not
li#e he an trust them anyway. <hy is he so bro#en up o$er a girl who would ha$e abandoned
him in a heartbeat i! it meant her sur$i$al=
Arew tries ne9t. 'eid hears the distinti$e shu!!le o! the hubby boy/s !eet. )o snea#ers but
penny loa!ers. 7ow patheti.
Still+ his message uts to the bone. :. #now what it/s li#e. . !elt that way when we le!t you in
the a$e. ./m so glad Leila went ba# !or you.;
'eid spins+ despising the on!ession. Arew is only grate!ul beause 'eid sa$ed his miserable
li!e. 7ow dare he ompare who he is to what 'eid has beome= So what+ he le!t 'eid behind. "t
least no one died.
,he loo# on his !ae sends Arew ba# two steps. :4ou don/t get it. . don/t gi$e a rap. 4ou
hear me=; 7e is shouting and doesn/t are. Let the hunters ome. <hat does it matter= :Cust stay
the hell away !rom me.;
Arew retreats to huddle with the others. 2ilo shoots 'eid a nasty loo# and !lips him the
!inger. 'eid ignores the s#inny #id and goes ba# to his pri$ate hell. ,ime to get out o! there and
mo$e on. 7e an/t be responsible !or them. Can/t. ,hey/re -ust getting in his way+ holding him
ba#+ #eeping him !rom his hane at winning !ree o! this insanity.
7e won/t sur$i$e another loss.
'eid is on his !eet and mo$ing o!! be!ore he an thin# twie or tal# himsel! out o! it. .t ta#es
Leila almost a minute to ath up. <hen she does her hee#s are !lushed and not -ust !rom the
e9ertion. She spins him around by her grip on his arm+ surprisingly strong !or her si8e.
:<here are you going=;
7e doesn/t answer. .t/s pretty ob$ious to him as it is to the others+ !rom the loo#s on their
!aes. ,hey/$e all !ollowed him. 'eid an/t ha$e that. 5ut they gang up on him+ appealing to the
part o! him that has shrun# to a !ragment under the onstant stress.
,he part o! him that ares what happens to them.
:Please+ 'eid.; Arew is there+ too+ holding his other arm with one hand while his !ree one
hithes up his pants. :Aon/t lea$e us.;
:<hate$er+; 2ilo mutters. 'eid doesn/t say anything. ,here is nothing to say. :Let him go+;
2ilo says. :<e don/t need him.;
:. do+; ,rey whispers. 7e is shi$ering. :7e #ept us ali$e last night.;
:)ot all o! us.; 2ilo/s lower lip shoots out+ his dar# eyes lo#ed on 'eid+ anger $ibrating
through him. 'eid almost tells the boy he agrees with how he !eels. 5ut instead o! oming out as
grie!+ it emerges as anger.
:. don/t want to be responsible !or you.; 7e meets Leila/s eyes. :Espeially when . don/t
#now i! . an trust you.;
Arew draws a breath. :. deser$e that.;
:4ou all do.; 'eid pulls !ree o! both o! them. ,his lashing out is wrong. 7e needs to
apologi8e+ beg them to !orgi$e him !or letting Carly go when all he had to do was hold onto her a
little longer+ but its easier to blame and rage and be an asshole than !ae his guilt. :Can you
honestly tell me that i! you/re gi$en the hoie to sur$i$e but it means one o! us dying you won/t
ta#e it=;
Arew starts to protest but !all silent. 2ilo/s !ae rumples. E$en Leila is 6uiet.
:4eah+; 'eid says. :,hought so.;
:./d li#e to thin# not.; Leila/s whisper arries. :5ut . really don/t #now. .s that wrong=; She
loo#s up at him again. :,hat we don/t #now !or sure= 7ow an we until we/re !aed with it=;
'eid -er#s his ga8e away !rom hers. :<e/re all on our own out here.; 7e starts wal#ing
again. 7ears them behind him. ,urns and on!ronts them. E$en 2ilo is there. :4ou/ll be !ine
without me. 'ight+ 2ilo=; ,he boy mutters something and loo#s away.
:<e/ll -ust #eep !ollowing you.; Leila rosses her arms o$er her hest. :4ou an/t stop us.;
'eid lets out a breath o! air and rolls his eyes. :Fine. Ao what you want.; ,he !ragment
swells inside him and he is surprised to reogni8e a !eeling o! relie!. 5ut he has no intention o!
letting them near him emotionally again. E$er.
'eid ontinues on and they -oin him in silene. ,hat only lasts a short time. Arew is beside
him suddenly+ struggling to #eep up but smiling at him li#e they are !riends or something.
:So what does the !ene loo# li#e= 7ow muh power+ ould you tell= 2an+ . hope those guys
had some !ood at their amp.; ,he hubby boy/s heer!ulness is obsene and !eeds 'eid/s anger.
7ow an he smile= >r thin# about his stomah=
'eid/s belly growls in protest at being ignored. .t -ust ma#es him angrier.
:2aybe they le!t weapons behind too+ did you thin# o! that= >r a tent. Soap.; Arew groans in
-oy. :./d lo$e to be lean. Clothes&; 7e almost bounes in plae as he hurries+ shorter legs
!ighting to math pae. :Ao you thin#=;
'eid/s thin patiene snaps without muh prodding. :4ou might want to shut the hell up. So
the hunters don/t hear you.;
Arew/s smile drops o!! his !ae so !ast that i! the irumstanes were di!!erent it would ha$e
been omial. ,he hubby boy hangs his head+ eyes darting !rom side to side. :Sorry+; slips out
o! him at a whisper. 7e #eeps step with 'eid !or only another moment+ as though he #nows he
isn/t welome but doesn/t want to go+ be!ore !alling 6uietly ba#.
'eid glanes o$er his shoulder+ sees Leila/s arm go around the boy and grinds his teeth. She
meets his eyes+ hers e9pressionless. 7er disappointment hides there behind the blan#ness in her
ga8e and 'eid shrin#s !rom it.
7e/s gotten so used to being alone that ha$ing the others there is a growing irritation. E$ery
shu!!led !ootstep+ e$ery muted ough is a -ab to his senses. <hen they whisper among eah
other+ he wants to wring their ne#s. 'eid is on the $erge o! turning on them and telling them all
to be 6uiet when he athes a glimpse o! what he/s been searhing !or -ust up ahead.
7is heart instantly li!ts+ the others !orgotten. 'eid pi#s up speed and+ within moments+ is
standing in !ront o! the !ene.
Chapter Seventeen
7is annoyane is gone. "ll that matters now is the !ene and the promise o! !reedom it o!!ers.
'eid welomes the !amiliar !eeling o! it+ the hum $ibrating through his snea#ers and ma#ing his
s#in brea# out in goose bumps. 7e rubs the hairs at the ba# o! his ne# and grins with goo!y
enthusiasm at Arew who smiles right ba#+ pre$ious on$ersation instantly !orgi$en.
:<ow+; Arew says+ glasses win#ing+ :you weren/t #idding. ,his su#er would #ill a deer.
)o pulse+ either+ steady urrent. ,hat/s unusual.; 7e ta#es another step loser to it be!ore !alling
ba# with a shudder. :<hat is it+ !i!teen !eet high=; Arew spins in a irle. :"nd no trees lose to
'eid reali8es the boy is right. :So no hane o! -umping o$er it.;
Arew nods. :E9atly. "nd we don/t ha$e the tools to ut one down+ soB; he trails o!!. :,oo
bad. .! we ould !ind a way to se$er the onnetion+ the whole thing would lose power.;
:<hat do you mean=; 2ilo is running his hands o$er his bare arms and staring at the giant
:,hat/s how eletriity wor#s.; Arew suddenly reminds 'eid o! a teaher he had last year.
5ut there is nothing arrogant about the way he tal#s to 2ilo+ unli#e 2r. 'upert. :4ou ha$e to
ha$e a omplete iruit or the power won/t !low.;
:4ou thin# that/s what those poahers did=; 2ilo steps ba# to stand beside ,rey.
:)ot li#ely+; Arew says+ grunting so!tly as he bends to pi# up a pineone. 7e throws it at
the hain lin#. .t erupts into a asade o! spar#s and bounes o!!+ smo#ing where it lies on the
ground. :.! that was the ase+ the !ene wouldn/t be li$e anymore.;
:So how=; 'eid turns to Arew. :7ow would they get o$er=;
Arew/s glasses reei$e an ad-ustment while he thin#s about it. :. don/t #now+; he says at last.
:,here shouldn/t be a way. . mean+ maybe they ha$e some #ind o! teh that allowed them to only
disrupt part o! the urrent so they ould ut a hole in it+ but i! so that/s more siene !ition than
siene !at.; 7e loo#s so serious+ so grown up. Ae!initely a teaher. Aestined to be one. .! they
e$er ma#e it out o! here.
:./m less worried about how they got in+; 'eid says+ :than how they planned to get out.;
Arew turns to 'eid. :<hat do you mean= .sn/t it the same thing=;
:2aybe not.; 'eid loo#s up and down the line o! the !ene+ seeing it ur$e away in the
distane. :"nd maybe so. ./$e been thin#ing there has to be a gate.;
)o one says anything+ but Arew is nodding. 'eid starts to !ollow the line+ #nowing they will
be right him. :<hoe$er put us in here had to get in somehow+ right= ,hat means a gate. 2aybe
more than one.;
:2a#es omplete sense+; Arew says. :,hey ha$e to ha$e somewhere to run the gennies that
#eep the !ene going+ where the apaitors are. "nd you/re right+ it/s not li#e we were air li!ted
in. . remember a $an+ being arried.;
Something about what Arew says triggers a thought in 'eid/s head+ but he loses it be!ore he
an !igure out what it means. .nstead he runs on+ hearing his weary band panting along behind
7e almost misses the amp+ it/s that well amou!laged. 5ut his eyes are now trained to see
e$erything+ miss nothing+ #nowing his li!e depends on it. 'eid slides to a halt in !ront o! a large
draped sheet and thin#s o! 2ustahe and Sar.
:" ghillie net&; Arew/s e9itement is athing. ,hey all mo$e !orward+ sliding under the
edge o! the arti!iial anopy+ hea$y with !a#e lea$es and branhes+ a per!et math to the trees
around it. .nside the gloom it ta#es them a moment to ad-ust to the light+ but 'eid has no doubt
he has !ound the poaher/s amp.
" 6ui# searh o! amo olored ba#pa#s turns up !resh lothing and e$eryone ta#es
ad$antage. ,hey are too large+ but with some liberated rope !or belts and ties they manage to get
e$eryone out!itted in something lean. >nly Leila turns down a pair o! pants+ #eeping her old
-eans but aepting a lean ,%shirt !rom 'eid/s hands with a small smile.
:,here has to be !ood+; Arew mutters to himsel!. :7as to be.;
.t/s ,rey who spots the bo9 high abo$e in the tree. 'eid gi$es him a boost to the lowest
branh and within moments the dar# painted rate lowers toward them. ,rey/s yelp o! surprise is
all the warning they get. 'eid grabs Arew who stands diretly below+ narrowly sa$ing his li!e
when the hea$y wooden bo9 omes rashing down.
:Sorry+; ,rey whispers+ holding up his hands. ,hey loo# $ery red. :.t was hea$ier than .
thought.; ,he last bit o! rope sna#es to the ground+ painted with ,rey/s blood.
'eid helps him down while Arew+ 2ilo and Leila go through the smashed bo9. <hen 'eid
turns+ ,rey sa!e on the ground+ he hears an odd snu!!ling sound and it isn/t until he gets loser
that he reali8es what he/s hearing. ,he three #ids are stu!!ing themsel$es.
7e resists the urge to laugh+ pulling them ba# one by one+ liberating a large hun# o! power
bar !rom Arew/s desperate hands.
:,a#e it easy+; he says. :,rust me.; Leila loo#s up at him+ hee#s distended li#e a s6uirrel/s.
She nods+ hews a !ew times+ swallows hard.
,rey di$es in and 'eid is !ored to pull him ba#+ too. 7is own belly demands !ood+ but he
remembers the agony o! ramps and wants to sa$e them that.
.t/s not long be!ore the !our are groaning and luthing their stomahs. 'eid passes around
the water bottle while he are!ully eats some !ood o! his own. 7e has at least had some
nourishment in the last two days+ so his system doesn/t rebel 6uite as muh as it did.
Arew turns away -ust in time+ pu#ing up e$erything he ate. 'eid is angry and disappointed
and amused all at the same time at the amount o! !ood the boy throws up. Arew sits ba#+ wiping
his mouth with his hands.
:Sorry+; he says. :./$e ne$er been so star$ing.;
'eid hands him a !resh bar. :Slowly.; 7e loo#s around at the others who are reo$ering !rom
their own ramps. :>ne bite at a time.;
'eid tosses ,rey a !irst aid #it and wathes !or a moment as Leila helps him lean and
bandage his hands. 7e returns his attention to the stash+ pa#ing up what he an o! the !ood in a
ba#pa# he !inds near a rolled up sleeping bag. 7e would lo$e to ta#e it with him but #nows
they ha$e to stay light and #eep mo$ing. 'eid also uno$ers a #ni!e+ a ur$ed hunting blade+
tu#ed neatly in a leather sheath. 7e o!!ers silent than#s to 2ustahe and Sar !or lea$ing it
7e is on his !eet and ready to mo$e while the others are -ust settling in.
:<e ha$e to go.; 'eid doesn/t wait !or them but heads out.
7e hears them sramble behind him+ the tug o! someone/s hand on his slee$e. 'eid turns to
loo# down at ,rey.
:Can/t we stay=; ,he boy has been so 6uiet 'eid is surprised he is the one to spea# up+ a slip
o! a #id all huge begging eyes and o!!ee olored s#in ethed with dirt. 7is light $oie arries+
the plea in it enough to so!ten e$en 'eid/s hardened heart. :Cust !or a little while=;
'eid wishes they ould. <ould lo$e to url up in one o! those sleeping bags himsel! and -ust
pretend he was amping with his dad. 5ut their reality is harsh and their pursuers ould be right
behind them.
:./m lea$ing now+; he says. :Stay or ome with me+ it/s up to you.; 'eid pulls !ree o! ,rey/s
bandaged hands as gently as he an and wal#s away+ the hea$y pa# !ull o! !ood on his le!t
shoulder+ the om!orting weight o! the #ni!e down the ba# o! his pants.
7e ma#es it to the other side o! the amp be!ore he sees something that ma#es his heart !all
into the bottoms o! his shoes. ,hat something !laps and !lutters in the bushes. Aar# green !abri.
7e approahes+ !ingers the sil#en !eel o! it. Arew is beside him+ mimi#ing him.
:Parahutes.; Arew steps ba#. Loo#s up. :2a#es sense.;
.t does. "nd it brea#s 'eid/s heart. Ari$es his !ury to the !ore!ront o! his mind. ,he heaters.
Cheaters& ,hey !lew in. So there is no way out a!ter all.
Arew must #now where 'eid/s thoughts are going beause he lays one hand on his arm and
s6uee8es. :,hey had to ha$e a plan. Parahutes are one way.;
.t ma#es him !eel a little better. >! ourse+ Arew is right. 5ut how= 7ow were they getting
:2aybe they had a ride lined up=; Arew loo#s around. Points. :.s that a learing=;
'eid !ollows Arew !or one+ all the way to the edge o! the trees. Arew alled it right. "head
is a large meadow+ empty and serene.
:Cust as#ing !or a heliopter to land.; Arew grins at 'eid. :4ou #now what this means=;
.t ta#es 'eid a moment to register. <hen it does+ he almost drops the ba#pa#. "
heliopter= Can it be true=
:,hey le!t all their things behind+; Arew says+ logial+ preise+ and 'eid wonders how he has
sur$i$ed without !ear being so muh a part o! him as it is the rest o! them. :<hih means they
were oming ba#. "nd this learing is the losest to their amp.;
'eid ould hug the hubby boy. Shout to the treetops. >! ourse. >! course. "ll they ha$e to
do is wait.
:(nless they/$e been and gone.; 2ilo is staring at the s#y+ arms rossed o$er his hest. 'eid
hates that the boy/s pessimism is instantly athing.
Arew shrugs+ loo#s around. :Aon/t see any sign o! that. 3rass is undisturbed. )o !lattening+
no debris. 7eliopters #i# up a lot o! wind.;
Someone/s hand slides around 'eid/s biep. 7e loo#s down and into Leila/s !ae. For the
!irst time sine he met her+ he sees hope and how beauti!ul she would be i! she wasn/t so sared.
:'eid+; she whispers. :7e/s right.;
7e is right. ,o pro$e it+ Arew o#s his head to one side and holds up his hand !or 6uiet. "t
!irst 'eid doesn/t hear anything and almost as#s Arew what he is listening to. <hen he athes
the breath o! sound+ when they all do+ 'eid/s blood surges with -oy.
<hump%whump%whump. 7e/s heard it enough times on ,D and in the mo$ies to reogni8e
it. <hump%whump%whump. ,he unmista#able rhythm o! heliopter rotors.
'eid sans the s#y+ not alone in the searh+ desperate !or a glimpse o! their sal$ation. 2ilo is
the !irst to spot it+ shouts+ :,here&; Points. ,hey all loo#+ see the glitter o! sun on glass+ wath the
bug%li#e !lying mahine lear the trees and head their way. "ll the while the sound gets louder.
'eid is suddenly -umping up and down+ sreaming and wa$ing+ happiness and relie! washing
away his !ear. ,he others are too+ tears pouring down their !aes. 'esue+ so lose+ so real+ is
"nother sound -oins their elebration and the steady beat o! the heliopter/s engine. " high%
pithed whine pieres 'eid/s ears+ trailed by a hiss. "s they wath+ something strea#s aross the
s#y toward the ho$ering airra!t+ hitting it dead enter.
,he heliopter ho$ers one more moment a!ter impat+ a !ro8en snapshot o! !reedom. ,hen+ it
e9plodes outward in a ball o! !lame and smo#e. .t pithes sideways+ a drun#en tilt ta#ing it o$er+
be!ore it plummets toward the ground.
Airetly at them.
'eid is still sreaming+ but in terror this time. 7e pulls Leila along+ dragging her as she
stumbles and !alls+ shrie#ing and sobbing her denial. Arew staggers to 'eid/s side+ ta#es Leila/s
other hand and helps him pull her lear and into the woods -ust as what remains o! their sal$ation
slams into the ground with enormous impat+ sha#ing the earth so hard it #no#s them to their
'eid holds Leila lose as she empties her grie! onto his hest+ staring at the wre#age+
!linhing when a seond e9plosion rips it apart. " rotor brea#s !ree+ 8ings toward them. .t
embeds in the tree abo$e their heads+ sha#ing it so hard they ha$e to dodge the top when it snaps
o!!. ,hey sramble to esape it in the midst o! a hail o! needles and bro#en branhes.
'eid sha#es himsel!+ gets to his !eet+ pulls Leila and Arew up. ,rey and 2ilo pop into $iew a
!ew !eet away+ eyes huge+ !aes sheathed in tears. 'eid builds !resh walls around his heart as he
stands there+ staring at the wre#age+ ursing inside+ !urious he allowed his hopes to get the
better o! him.
>! ourse there is no resue. >! ourse whoe$er #idnapped them is ready !or any suh
attempt. ,hey are trapped and only ha$e eah other in the end.
'eid turns to his ompanions+ ignoring the stenh o! burning !uel and the si88ling pop and
ra#le o! the !ire behind him.
:,he hunters will ome to he# this out+; he says. :<e need to go.;
7e waits !or them+ but only !or a moment. .t/s -ust long enough. ,hey get themsel$es
together and !ollow. 5ut when he glanes o$er his shoulder one last time+ he sees Arew staring at
the remains+ shoulders sha#ing. <hen the boy turns ba#+ 'eid reogni8es the hate in his !ae
and nods to him.
,hat/s all they ha$e le!t.
'eid seures the pa# on both shoulders and sets the pae. ,hey run on.
Chapter Eighteen
Aespite his resol$e+ 'eid an barely stand to lea$e their wre#ed sal$ation behind. 7e/s not
the only one. 7e athes the sound o! weeping among the others+ the oasional whee8ing sob
utting through their panting as they !ollow him ba# into the !orest.
,he !ene isn/t sa!e now. )ot !or a while+ anyway+ he !igures. ,he hunters will !ind their trail
and #eeping to the !ene will only ma#e it easier !or them to hunt the #ids down. 7e regrets
lea$ing it+ ertain he is right about a gate+ an e9it+ but is determined to #eep the barrier/s position
!irmly !i9ed in his sense o! diretion so he an tra# it again.
:,hat was a missile.; Arew has somehow managed to #eep up with 'eid. From the hu!!ing
and pu!!ing the #id is doing the e!!ort is osting him+ but they an/t a!!ord to slow down. :./m
sure o! it. Sur!ae%to%air. "nti%airra!t. Frea#ing military issue.;
.t atually ta#es Arew a !ew minutes to pant out those short sentenes in between gasps o!
air. <hen he is done+ 'eid slows and stops+ turning to loo# at the hubby #id. 7e tries not to !eel
sorry !or his herry%red !ae and the sweat strea#ing down his hee#s to soa# the ollar o! his
stolen t%shirt.
:2ilitary.; 'eid/s mind !lashes to the du!!le bag+ the abin. Could the army be in$ol$ed=
<as Arew right and this is an alien in$asion or something=
Arew/s head is bobbing as he gulps breath a!ter breath+ glasses !ogging around the edges.
:./m sure o! it.;
:"nd how would you #now+ smart ass=; 2ilo/s attitude is getting on 'eid/s last ner$e. 5ut
be!ore he an shoot the #id down+ Arew does it !or him.
:5eause . studied about it. Auh.;
'eid an/t help it. 7e laughs. ,here is so little to laugh about+ but Arew/s asual brush o!!
triggers 'eid/s !unny bone. 7e starts laughing and an/t stop. 7e !inds himsel! doubled o$er+
gripping his sides+ barely able to ath a breath as his stomah ahes !rom the pressure. ,ears
well in his eyes+ spill o$er his hee#s. <hen he is !inally able to breathe again+ his laughter
ehoes ba# !rom the trees.
7e hears the others laughing around him and absorbs as muh o! it as he an. ,rey snorts air
as he giggles in a tiny $oie. Arew/s laughter is more robust+ slightly piering but !ull and pure.
Leila/s sounds li#e li6uid light.
For that brie! and shining instant+ e$erything is all right in the world. ,hey are sa!e and
happy normal #ids. E$en 2ilo starts to sni#er a!ter ma#ing a rude !ae.
:Seriously+; Leila reo$ers !irst+ though 'eid sees her dabbing at her eyes with the ollar o!
her ,%shirt+ :how do you #now=;
Arew grins at her. :Seriously+; he says. :"re you #idding me= . lo$e this stu!!.;
,hat sobers them up. Arew/s smile !ades. :<ell+; he says+ :. used to+ anyway.;
:So now we thin# the army is a!ter us=; 2ilo/s attitude is ba#+ but the edge is gone !rom his
$oie and e$en he loo#s embarrassed a!ter he !inishes spea#ing.
:)o+; Arew says. :5ut someone with aess to serious military hardware. 2erenaries+
maybe. 7ired guns.; 7e turns and loo#s up at 'eid. :./$e been thin#ing about it. "nd . #now you
guys are right+ this is no alien in$asion. 5ut+ maybe it/s an e9periment o! some #ind.;
:3reat e9periment.; 2ilo helps hold up ,rey who has started sha#ing and an/t seem to stop.
:3uinea pigs+; ,rey whispers. ,here is still humor in his $oie but not the nie #ind. <hen
he loo#s up his lips are twisted into a grimae+ eyes !ull o! madness. :2ie in a ma8e. Food !or
thought.; 7e starts to giggle again+ body twithing. Leila rushes to help 2ilo while 'eid -ust
wathes+ Arew by his side. :Frea#ing lab rats&;
)o one says anything. 'eid hates to admit it+ but is pretty sure Arew is right. <hy else the
!ene+ the seret drop o!!s o! the #ids in the middle o! the night= ,he 6uestion is+ what/s the
e9periment and how muh longer will it run=
,he idea that they are almost at the end o! it !irst ma#es 'eid hope!ul be!ore dashing him
down to dar#ness again. ,here is no way o! #nowing. 5esides+ i! it is almost o$er+ the li#elihood
that whoe$er brought them there will -ust let them go is idealisti at best and damned gullible at
worst. Chanes are+ li#e most test animals+ when the pro-et is o$er they will be destroyed.
'eid e9hanges a loo# with Arew. From the pinhed loo# on the boy/s !ae they are
!ollowing the same train o! thought.
:<e ha$e to get out o! here+; Arew whispers.
:)ow you tell me.; 'eid atually manages a real smile. :Figure it out then+ genius.;
,hey ha$e been at rest long enough that Arew has regained his natural paleness. <hen he
blushes+ it/s pain!ully ob$ious.
:Aon/t all me that+; he whispers+ :and ./ll do my best.;
Seems !air to 'eid.
,rey has almed down and 'eid #nows it/s time to mo$e on. 7e doesn/t ha$e to say a word.
E$eryone !alls in behind him. ,his time when Arew stays at 'eid/s side he doesn/t mind so
,hey don/t ma#e it !ar. 'eid -ust turns to say something to Arew when he athes a !li#er
out o! the orner o! his eye. ,he hunters are on them. 7e/s !ailed them !or the last time.
'eid opens his mouth to shout a warning+ but it sti#s in his throat. )ot hunters. Eids+ li#e
them. "t least a do8en o! them+ sliding out o! the !orest+ surrounding them. 'eid spins+ loo#ing
!or an e9it+ too late. ,hey are bo9ed in.
7e isn/t sure why this ma#es him ner$ous. ,hey should all be on the same side+ right= 5ut
his tension only rises as the silent rowd stares him down. 7e !eels his new !riends losing in !or
protetion. Someone bumps into him. 'eid reahes out+ athes Leila/s hand. 7e !eels a s#inny
body press to his ba# and hears the !amiliar whimper o! ,rey/s terror. Arew stands his ground+
but barely. 'eid an !eel him sha#ing.
2ilo/s $oie omes !rom behind 'eid+ $ery lose. :,ell me they aren/t annibals.;
'eid #nows it/s supposed to be a -o#e. 5ut no one is laughing.
,he #ids are all as dirty as 'eid/s group+ and -ust as desperate loo#ing. 7e sha#es himsel!
internally. ,his is a great opportunity. 7e has nothing to !ear !rom them. <hen he steps out to
tal# to them+ he is mirrored by one o! the other group.
,his guy is big+ taller than 'eid/s si9 !eet+ hea$y dar# hair hanging o$er an angry brow. 7is
nose loo#s li#e someone bro#e it on purpose at some point. 7e/s the only one in the new rowd
that doesn/t loo# hungry.
:4ou/re in our territory.; 5ig guy/s $oie is a hammer on an an$il.
:<e/ll -ust #eep mo$ing then.; Li#e it/s going to be that easy. 'eid #nows the type. 5ully.
'eid athes a dar#%haired 7ispani guy wathing him+ eyes almost bla#. 7is sowl is so
deep it/s de$ouring his !ae. 'eid returns his attention to the leader as he spea#s.
:5etter not be bringing hunters to our spot.; 7is hest thrusts out and 'eid an/t help but be
reminded o! a gorilla he saw one at a 8oo.
:Aoing our best not to.; 'eid/s !lippant attitude will get them nowhere+ but his anger won/t
let him be diplomati. ,hey are on the same side+ damn it.
:7eard you pun#s !or miles. 2ight as well wear signs around your ne#s.;
'eid !ights not to roll his eyes. Li#e that made a whole lot o! sense.
:. thin# you mean noisema#ers.; .t/s so hard not to laugh. Arew/s done it again. 'eid glanes
to the side and !inds his hubby !riend right ne9t to him+ loo#ing de!iant. 'eid wonders when he
started onsidering the #id his !riend.
:<hat=; 5ig guy #nows easy meat when he sees it and Arew is a prime target. 5ut be!ore
bullyboy an do anything about it+ 'eid steps in !ront o! his !riend+ all amusement gone.
:<e/ll be going then.; Aespite the guy/s si8e+ 'eid has been wathing him mo$e and #nows
he/s so!t. .n a !ight+ he/s pretty sure he ould win as long as he didn/t let 3igantor pin him.
'eid really hopes it won/t ome to that.
Someone s6ueals !rom behind him and he hears Leila say his name in a whisper. 'eid spins+
#eeping the bully in his peripheral $ision+ and sees two o! the surrounding #ids ha$e a hold o!
,rey. >ne o! them pushes the s#inny boy and the other bounes him ba#. " ouple o! the #ids
laugh but most are as silent and e9pressionless as e$er.
,he 7ispani guy -ust sowls and stares at 'eid.
7e has to at. Aamn+ he didn/t want to ha$e to do this. 7e onsiders appealing to the pa#+ to
the #nowledge that they aren/t the enemy. 5ut he is ertain bullyboy won/t let it slide. From the
loo#s o! the other #id/s !aes+ no one is willing to put themsel$es on the line.
'eid is sa$ed the need to resue ,rey. "s one entity+ the pa# o! #ids tense be!ore $anishing
into the underbrush. 'eid doesn/t ha$e to thin# twie+ already turning and sho$ing his !riends
into the trees. Fortunately the undergrowth is thi#er here+ more li#e the brushes and shrubbery
he enountered when he !irst started running+ or they would ha$e been out o! lu#.
"s it is+ 'eid barely has time to push Arew into shelter and tu# himsel! in be!ore he hears
panting and dull !oot!alls. 7e ris#s a loo# through the tightly growing lea$es and spots a #id
staggering his way down the trail they -ust le!t.
'eid is about to lunge !or him when a hand holds him ba#. 'eid sowls at the 7ispani guy
who points with one long+ thin !inger. <hen 'eid loo#s ba#+ he understands.
,here is no sa$ing this boy. " hunter is right behind him. ,railing him almost asually. ,he
#id #eeps mo$ing !orward+ barely managing one !oot in !ront o! the other. 7e loo#s de!eated+
bro#en+ but still he !ores himsel! on.
<hen he trips and !alls on his !ae+ 'eid/s heart bleeds !or him. So lose+ almost within
touhing distane. ,he #id/s head turns to the side+ dirt glued to the sweat that oats his s#in. 7is
ha8el eyes stare+ but he sees nothing. 'eid is grate!ul beause the boy/s !ae is pointed right at
7e an/t loo# away either. 'e!uses to let the #id die alone. 'eid hears a so!t sound+ the pad o!
a step and sees a bla# lad !oot settle beside the !allen boy. .n the last moment be!ore the end+
awareness returns and the #id/s eyes lo# on 'eid/s with purpose. 7e has nothing to o!!er but his
attention+ his presene. ,he boy/s na#ed gratitude outshines his !ear.
" whoosh o! air+ a s6uea# o! sound !rom his mouth and his light goes out+ draining slowly
until the last spar# is e9tinguished.
5ut the horror isn/t o$er yet. ,he #id is !lipped o$er as two more pairs o! !eet -oin the !irst.
,here is a tearing sound+ the ground !looding with a rush o! blood. ,he hunters rouh+ -ust
inside 'eid/s $ision+ and begin to stu!! raw+ steaming bits into their mouths.
7e an/t reat. .t/s impossible to e$en omprehend. 2ilo/s annibal -o#e returns+ still
humorless but at least rele$ant. 7e tries to loo# away at last+ but is lo#ed in the horror o! the
truth. )ot -ust hunters+ but de$ourers+ eaters o! their !lesh. .t dri$es 'eid/s mind to the edge o!
Someone ries out+ leaps !rom the bushes and bolts. .t pulls 'eid out o! his spiraling desent
into the bla#. 7e sees a !amiliar pair o! snea#ers on the trail+ army pants tied at the an#les with
yellow rope. >ne o! the hunters leaps+ is gone in a !lash+ lands ne9t to the !leeing shoes. " $oie
'eid #nows shrie#s+ body dragged to the #ill site. Fored to his #nees into 'eid/s $iew. ,rey
sreams o$er and o$er+ barely drawing breath. ,here is a hu!!ing sound+ li#e laughter. "nd then+
another whoosh o! air and a groan so mourn!ul it ta#es 'eid/s breath away. ,rey !alls to the path+
his o!!ee%olored !ae washed pale in death.
'eid is !ored to huddle there in total silene while the hunters eat his !riend+ too.
.t/s not long be!ore they seem satis!ied. ,hey rise and grab the bodies+ dragging them away
down the path. 'eid wathes them go+ wishing they would hurry so he an turn and throw up.
Cust as they $anish down the trail+ the hunter in the rear spins and loo#s right at 'eid+ !lashing
him a smile+ teeth red with blood. ,hen they are gone into the !orest. .t ta#es him a heartbeat to
mo$e+ but when he does+ it/s not to pu#e+ but to punh the tree he rests against.
,hey #new. ,he hunters. "ll along. ,hey #new the #ids hid there and did nothing about it.
'eid is so !urious he hits the tree again+ !eels the s#in o! his #nu#les part+ the bones protest. 7e
pulls himsel! !ree o! the brambles+ ahing to !ight ba#+ #nowing at last he was right+ that this is a
game to the hunters and the #ids are -ust toys.
Chapter Nineteen
,he !irst person 'eid enounters when he hits the path is bullyboy. 7is rage instantly
re!ouses as he side steps the puddle o! blood his !riend le!t behind and !inds a nie+ ripe target.
'eid doesn/t get a hane to ta#e that anger out on the other guy. .nstead+ the #id grins at
'eid li#e it/s !unny and gi$es him a punh in the arm. 'eid is so startled by the hange in
attitude his !ury melts away+ lea$ing only grie! behind.
:Coel+; the bully -er#s a thumb in his own diretion. :4ou guys did good -ust then. 2aybe we
an help eah other.;
'eid an hear Arew whispering behind him. Leila answers ba#+ but their words are lost. 7e
still sees the boy/s staring eyes+ ,rey/s dead !ae. "nd in !ront o! him+ Coel. .t/s hard not to
blame. 5ut 'eid/s been down that road and #nows it won/t do any o! them any good. E$en i! it
!eels li#e the only thing to do.
:'eid.; 7e doesn/t mo$e or gesture but as he spea#s the other/s names he !eels them ome
!orward to be reogni8ed. :Arew+ Leila. "nd 2ilo.; 7e athes Leila/s short nod out o! the
orner o! his eye+ Arew/s sowl. 2ilo slips a little and loo#s stri#en. 'eid an/t thin# about it
but #nows he/s slid in the ooling blood.
:<e need to mo$e on.; ,he dar#%haired 7ispani guy won/t meet 'eid/s eyes anymore. 7e
instead spea#s diretly to Coel.
:4eah+ right. Let/s mo$e out.; Coel shoots 'eid another smile+ a shar#/s $ersion o! humor.
'eid/s disli#e grows by the moment. 7e almost du#s out and retreats the other way+ #nowing
his !riends will !ollow him. 5ut+ his uriosity wins instead and he goes a!ter the bully.
,he pa# !alls in without a word+ stumbling and dragging themsel$es along+ stealing pee#s at
'eid and the others. 7e ignores them+ !ousing on the bul#y leader.
:,his is 2arus.; Coel punhes the 7ispani guy in the arm. 2ust be his !a$orite thing to do.
'eid athes 2arus wathing him and re!uses to loo# away !irst. 7e doesn/t ha$e long to wait
be!ore the other shi!ts his ga8e.
:7e/s my seond+; Coel says li#e he/s some #ind o! general. :3ot to #eep these #ids in line+
you #now=;
'eid is more interested in staying ali$e+ but doesn/t say anything.
:<here are we going=; Arew is beside 'eid and Coel doesn/t loo# happy about it.
:<hat you want to #now !or=; Coel barely loo#s at Arew.
:4ou said this was your territory+; Arew says. :"nd sine you seem to ha$e a purpose+ ./m
guessing you/re ta#ing us somewhere.;
Coel bar#s out a laugh+ nudging 2arus. " !ew o! the other #ids laugh too+ but they loo# li#e
they are only doing beause it/s e9peted o! them. ,he rushed spirit in their eyes is horrible+
almost as bad as the blan#ness o! death.
:4ou hear him= )ie little way o! spea#ing you got there+ pudge.;
'eid/s stomah lenhes. E$en when he was popular he ouldn/t stand it when #ids were
bullied. 7is !ather had to pi# him up !rom shool a number o! times !or !ighting+ but ne$er
punished him beause he #new what 'eid did. 7e was always on the right side.
Arew ne$er missed a step. :,han# you. )ow+ are you going to tell us where we/re going=;
'eid/s respet !or his !riend ta#es a leap. Espeially when he is sure the boy #nows Coel is
the #ind o! bully who will ta#e it out on Arew physially and not thin# twie about it.
:4ou/ll see+ pudge.; Coel meets 'eid/s eyes+ a dar# and nasty smile on his !ae.
:Arew.; 'eid/s orretion is so!t+ smooth li#e melted butter. Coel/s eyes widen. 5ut he gets
the point. "nd lets it go.
:,here/s something you/ll want to see.;
Coel and 2arus pull out ahead and 'eid lets them. Arew waits until they are out o! earshot.
:,han#s.; 7is !ingers are busy with his glasses. :.t/s o#ay+ though. 4ou don/t ha$e to do
that. )ot li#e it/s ne$er happened to me be!ore.;
'eid doesn/t say anything !or a moment+ trying to ome to terms with that. 7e had a hard
time himsel! this year at shool+ something he wasn/t used to. 5ut being a !oster #id arries a
#ind o! stigma he wasn/t able to sha#e no matter how good he was at sports.
:4ou/re my seond+; 'eid says at last. :"nd no one treats you li#e that.;
Arew/s smile is the !irst good thing 'eid/s seen in a while.
Leila/s hand athes his+ s6uee8es+ lets go. 'eid almost turns to her+ but Coel is shouting !or
him up ahead. 'eid wines !rom the $olume+ wondering why+ a!ter Coel/s omment about noise+
he isn/t are!ul with his own.
7e -oins Coel and 2arus with Arew right beside him at the edge o! a li!!. 7e hears Arew/s
sharp inta#e o! breath and almost tells the boy to go ba# with Leila. 5ut one loo# and 'eid !eels
a surge o! pride to go along with that warm !eeling he/s allowing himsel!. Arew !aes down his
!ear o! heights with barely a tremor in his hands and doesn/t loo# away.
,hat o$ered+ it still ta#es 'eid a bit to !igure out what they are loo#ing at.
:Lots o! interesting stu!! here+; Coel says li#e it/s a supermar#et he plans to rip o!!. :.! you/re
not s6ueamish.; 7e laughs again+ but this time he laughs alone.
'eid/s brain ma#es the onnetion at the same moment Arew whispers+ :>h my 3od.;
.t/s a deep+ narrow $alley and loo#s manmade+ the sides sloped+ the dirt !ragile !rom
depressions le!t behind by rain+ uts running !rom the top down to the bottom o! the pit. .nside it
are bones+ piles o! them. 7undreds o! #ids. 5eneath those+ harred earth where more ha$e been
burned to ash. 7undreds more. 'eid !eels his bile rise+ touh the ba# o! his throat.
:,hey lea$e us e$erything+; Coel says as he starts to slide down the side. :Clothes+ shoes+ you
name it.; 7e loo#s up at 'eid+ that dar#ness still $isible+ hurt!ul beause the malie is so happy.
'eid -oins him+ Arew on his heels+ breathing hea$ily as he struggles with his !ear. 'eid tries
one to help+ but 2arus is wathing and Arew wa$es him o!!. 7e/s right. ,hey an/t show
wea#ness+ not now. )ot with these #ids.
>ne on the bottom+ it/s not so bad. 7e an pretend the bones are sti#s+ they are so lean
and white. ,he sent o! har and old smo#e disguises any remaining hint o! deay. 'eid shies
!rom wondering how the s#eletons ha$e been stripped li#e that while his pratial side goes
digging !or things he an use.
7is snea#ers+ !or instane. ,hey weren/t new to begin with and all the running o$er rough
terrain has worn them almost ompletely through. 7e spots a pair nearby+ he#s the si8e.
Per!et. ,he -eans and ,%shirt neatly piled ne9t to them would !it him too+ but 'eid isn/t willing
to go that !ar e$en as he wonders why they aren/t o$ered in blood.
.t/s li#e the hunters le!t them gi!ts but ma#e them wal# among their dead to reei$e them.
,he longer 'eid is in the pit the more his horror grows and he !inally srambles out with his
!riends on his heels while Coel and the others !ollow more slowly.
2arus is the !irst to point out the ba#pa#. :<hat did you !ind=;
'eid/s !irst instint is a sharp -ab o! an9iety. 7e doesn/t want to say. ,here are too many o!
them and he !ully intends to abandon this group the !irst hane he gets. 7e and his !riends need
all the !ood they ha$e !or their own sur$i$al. 5ut 2ilo spea#s up be!ore he has a hane to
mutter an answer.
:<e !ound a amp. Power bars and stu!!.; 'eid wants to throttle him. 2ilo instantly #nows
he/s made a mista#e beause he turns with a loo# so !ull o! remorse 'eid !orgi$es him.
Coel is beside 'eid in a !lash+ the others ho$ering around. :Food= 4ou going to share that=;
Li#e he has a hoie+ now. 'eid hands out bars. <hen the last #id luthes his to his thin
hest+ the ba#pa# is almost empty. Coel tries to ta#e it but 'eid slings it ba# o$er his shoulders
and glares. ,he bully ba#s o!!+ grinning and hewing. 'eid almost omments when Coel ta#es a
bar !rom one o! the smaller #ids+ pushing the s#inny girl aside+ and eats it+ too. 'eid holds his
peae+ howe$er. 7e an/t sa$e them. 7as no desire to. 7is only onern is proteting what
remains o! the !ood. "nd his !riends.
:So+ ./m wor#ing on a plan.; Coel spea#s around a mouth!ul. )o one loo#s up. 5ut 'eid an
!eel their tension and wonders about it. 2arus steps !orward but Coel sho$es him o!!. :)o one
agrees with me.; ,here is !ood in his teeth and again 'eid gets the impression he/s been eating
on a regular basis while the rest o! them loo# star$ed.
:./m listening.; Can/t hurt.
:<e set a trap+ see= For one o! the hunters. Send a runner out+ use him as bait. Lead the
bastard into a spot we an surround.; 7e ho#s up a wad o! phlegm and spits it out+ barely
missing 2ilo/s snea#er. :Found the per!et plae -ust this morning+ in !at.;
:"nd then=; Arew/s being o#y+ but Coel doesn/t gi$e him a hard time. Cust smiles that
horrible smile.
:,hen the rest o! us #ill the some bith+; he says. :,a#e the !ight to them.;
:<ith what=; Arew rolls his eyes at 'eid. :Sti#s and stones=;
Coel !inally loo#s pissed+ but it/s o#ay with 'eid. 7e pre!ers the bully/s anger to his dar#
:4eah+ sti#s and stones& <e sharpen them+ right= Lay in wait and 5"2&; " ouple o! the
#ids -ump. :Aead hunter.;
:. see se$eral !laws in your so alled plan+; Arew says while 'eid thin#s it o$er. :>ne+ what
i! the hunter athes the #id be!ore we an spring the trap= ,wo+ don/t you thin# they are smart
enough to smell something li#e this and not !all !or it=;
:<orth a try+ . say+; Coel shoots ba#. :<ho as#ed you+ pudge=; 7is eyes !li#er to 'eid and
he grins. :Sorry+ 'rew.;
:5esides+; Arew goes on+ spea#ing to 'eid as i! Coel doesn/t e9ist. ,he !at is not lost on the
pa# leader and his anger returns+ smoldering. :<e/ll -ust piss the hunters o!!. ,hey/ll ome a!ter
us e$en worse then.;
Something about Coel/s idea has spar#ed a light in 'eid and he sha#es his head. :.t might
Coel sits ba# and laughs+ punhing 2arus in the arm. 'eid reminds himsel! not to stand too
lose to the bully. 7is right shoulder is still gi$ing him trouble. :,here+ you see= 'eid agrees.;
7e loo#s around at all the #ids. )o one meets his eyes+ but a hand!ul murmur how great that is.
)ot !or the !irst time+ 'eid wonders about Coel and what he/s done to these #ids.
7e sho$es that aside !or now. ,he idea o! stri#ing ba#+ o! getting e$en a small measure o!
re$enge+ is worth ollaborating with the bully.
:7ow many are there=; Leila/s $oie is so so!t and une9peted e$eryone loo#s at her. She/s
one o! the !ew !emales in the group. 3irls must be easier to ath+ 'eid !igures. 5ut not her. 7e
wouldn/t ount her out be!ore himsel!.
:7ow many what+ sweetheart=; Coel/s attention is $ery unwelome. 'eid ma#es it plain the
bully should ba# o!! by simply ta#ing her hand.
:7unters.; ,here/s an edge to her $oie+ now. :7ow many hunters+ smart ass.;
Coel loo#s li#e he wants to ma#e another omment+ one 'eid is sure will start a !ight. .nstead
he shrugs. :)o one #nows.;
:7a$e you tried this brilliant plan o! yours be!ore=; Arew is so s#eptial e$en 2arus pays
attention+ though his !ae stays stony and blan#.
:)ope+; Coel says. :Cust ame up with it+ li#e . said. ?Cause o! the per!et spot and all.; 7e
belhes and srathes his stomah through his !ilthy shirt. 'eid wonders why he doesn/t help
himsel! to a !resh one. :)eed a !ast runner to ma#e it happen.; Coel/s eyes are !i9ed on 'eid/s.
:Someone they won/t ath too easy.;
:"re you $olunteering=; Leila/s hand tightens. 'eid an !eel the warning in that s6uee8e.
:)ope+ not me+; Coel says. :Can/t run that !ast. 5ut . an swing a ro# li#e a some bith.;
&ome bitch is Coel/s !a$orite swear+ ob$iously. 'eid !eels 2arus staring at him and turns to
!ae him. 2arus loo#s away+ but not be!ore something in his eyes triggers 'eid/s an9iety. )ot
e$erything about this situation is as it appears. "nd yet+ the plan has a hane i! he is willing to
ris# it.
:./ll do it+; 'eid says.
Chapter Twenty
'eid deides to wait until !ull night!all. 7e is tired and needs to rest. 7is !riends huddle
around him as he doles out the last o! the !ood+ ta#ing the !inal bar !or himsel!. Leila tries to hand
hers ba# to him but he sha#es his head.
:<e/ll all need our strength+ ./m thin#ing.;
She nods+ but doesn/t eat. 7er pale eyes !li#er o$er to the others. ,hey are all sprawled out
near the lip o! the hole+ Coel laughing o$er something he/s said to the dar# and silent 2arus who
simply stares at 'eid/s little group.
:. don/t trust him.; Leila reahes !or 'eid/s hand again+ but pulls ba# be!ore they touh.
:Please+ an/t we -ust go=;
:<here=; 'eid !ores himsel! to swallow a bite despite it sti#ing in his throat. 7er mention
o! lea$ing has made his !ear rise. She/s right. ,hey ould -ust run o!!. )o one in Coel/s pa#
ould ath them i! they really wanted to retreat. 5ut his 6uestion remains and Leila loo#s away.
:"nywhere but here+; she whispers.
:./m with Leila+; Arew says around a mouth!ul o! his own. :,here/s something really wrong
with this whole situation. Aid you see the hunters+ how they ated= ,hey #new we were there.;
2ilo shudders and slides loser to 'eid. :,hat was messed up. <hat happened to ,rey.;
,hey all ta#e a moment. 'eid bows his head and tries to get the dead boy/s !ae out o! his
mind. .t/s not wor#ing.
:. #now.; 'eid !olds the end o$er his power bar and stu!!s the remainder in his po#et+ too
ner$ous to eat anything else. :,hat/s why this is important. .! we an ta#e one o! them out+ the
#ids will #now it an happen. .t/s not the best plan+; he stops Arew !rom interrupting by raising
one hand+ :but i! we an pull it o!!B Arew+ i! these #ids learn they an !ight ba#B;
:'eid is right.; 2ilo o!!ers a little smile. :. may be a -er#+ but . #now when you/re doing
what needs doing.; 'eid aepts the boy/s apology. )o one owes him anything.
:7ow do we #now Coel won/t double ross us or something=; Arew tosses his wrapper to the
ground with some heat. Leila immediately retrie$es it and puts it in her po#et.
:<hat do you mean=; 'eid is so wrapped up in the thought o! deliberately baiting a hunter
he an/t !igure out the 6uestion.
:7e ob$iously en-oys being the boss around here+; Arew says. :"nd sees you as a threat.;
Arew glaned at Coel and ba# again. :. wouldn/t put it past him to try to get rid o! you.;
'eid shrugs. ,hat won/t be up to Coel. .t won/t be the bully hasing a!ter him through the
!orest with laws !or hands and sharp teeth thirsting !or his blood. So he doesn/t are at the
:Let me do it.; 2ilo/s hoolate brown eyes ne$er wa$er. :. an run as !ast as you. Faster
,hey all #now that/s a lie. 'eid smiles. :. #now+; he says+ :but i! something happens+ who
will ta#e are o! Arew=;
2ilo grins+ but Arew doesn/t ta#e the -o#e bait.
:./m serious+; Arew says.
:. #now.; 'eid sits ba#+ leaning against a tree trun#. :5ut ./m the best one !or the -ob.
4ou/$e seen his rew. "side !rom that 2arus+ no one else loo#s li#e they ould outrun you.;
"nother -o#e. 'eid an/t help it. "nd+ !inally+ Arew smiles.
:Fine+; he says. :,hen you sleep and we/ll wath o$er you.;
:4ou all need to rest+; 'eid says. ,he dar# irles under Leila/s eyes are worse and e$en
2ilo loo#s ashen despite his dar# s#in.
:)e$er mind us+; Leila says. :<e/ll ta#e turns. "nd we/ll wa#e you when it/s time.;
'eid is sure he won/t sleep+ he/s so #eyed up+ but when he allows himsel! to url on his side
with his !riends around him+ he is lost to the dar# in moments.
7e wa#es to gentle hands on his shoulder+ sha#ing him. 'eid is instantly aware+ senses hyper
!oused. 7e an smell the mi9 o! stirred earth and rushed sprue needles+ the hint o! old smo#e
oming !rom the pit. ,he ground is both so!t and hard beneath him+ the dar#ness wrapping him
up li#e a blan#et. 7e turns and meets Leila/s eyes. She does her best to hide her !ear !or him+ but
he an see right past the wall she puts up.
:Coel sent !or you+; she says.
<hen he tries to pull away !rom her she lings on+ not tightly+ -ust enough to ma#e him
pause. She doesn/t say anything else. She doesn/t ha$e to. 'eid -ust nods and remo$es her hands
!rom his arm.
:.t/ll be o#ay+; he says.
:Promise=; ,here is a hint o! moisture in her eyes. She blin#s se$eral times be!ore loo#ing
down+ !ingers twining around the laes o! her shoes.
:Promise.; 7e an/t+ not really and they both #now it but she smiles at him !or the e!!ort he
:4ou need to do something !or me.; 'eid leans !orward+ lips against her ear. :4our turn to
promise.; She doesn/t respond so he goes on. :.! anything happens to me+; he !eels her twith in
protest beside him+ :. want you to ta#e Arew and 2ilo and run.;
7e leans ba#+ meets her eyes. She -ust nods one and gets to her !eet. 7e stands beside her+
turning to loo# !or the others+ and omes !ae%to%!ae with 2arus.
:,his way.; .t/s only the seond time 'eid/s heard the other spea# and the !irst time he paid
attention. 7e was e9peting a Latino aent+ but 2arus/s $oie is almost polished English. Li#e
he spent time in 5ritain or something.
'eid !ollows him+ Leila trailing along behind. 7e spots Arew and 2ilo standing apart !rom
the others. <hen Arew tries to -oin 'eid+ Coel holds him ba#. 'eid -ust stares at the bully and
swears to himsel! he will sur$i$e this i! only to teah the -er# a lesson.
)o one touhes 'eid/s !riends. )o one.
7e wonders at the passion in him+ where his need to be alone has gone+ his desperate loss o!
empathy. E$erything is di!!erent inside him now. Leila/s hand s6uee8es his. She mo$es to -oin
2ilo and Arew as he reali8es !riendship trumps e$en the threat o! death.
7is dad would be proud. 7e/s on the right side again.
:,his is the deal.; Coel grins at 'eid. :4ou go out there+; he gestures into the !orest+ :and
ma#e lots o! noise. <hen you hear a howl+ start running ba# here.;
:<here is the trap going to be set=; 'eid meets Arew/s eyes+ silently ommanding the boy to
be silent while Coel answers his 6uestion.
:'ight here.; Coel opens his arms wide+ loo#ing around. :.! we an get the thing in the pit+ all
the better.;
:,his is too large o! an area.; Arew sowls+ ignores 'eid/s warning. :" lot an go wrong
with this.;
:4ou got a better idea+ pudge=; Coel doesn/t e$en pretend to are what 'eid thin#s o! his
attitude toward Arew and 'eid reali8es his !riend is right about Coel/s goal to get rid o! him. 'eid
deides he/s going to be in !or disappointment.
:. do+ as a matter o! !at.; Arew wal#s o!! and 'eid immediately !ollows. 7e sees the
surprise in 2arus/s !ae and the anger in Coel/s+ but ignores them both.
,hey don/t go !ar. Arew stops in a narrow part o! a path+ more deer trail than the leared
ways they ha$e gotten used to. :See+ it/s really sheltered here.; 7e points to e9eptionally thi#
undergrowth. :"nd these trees are hea$y with lea$es but limbable.; 7e points upward. :,his
one is dying.; Arew sho$es against a gray barreled tree. .t ro#s slightly+ ready to !all. :'eid
leads the hunter here. 7e passes this spot+ we #no# down the tree. <on/t stop the thing+ but
should slow it down. ,hen the rest o! us atta# !rom the sides and ba# and !rom the trees abo$e.
,he smaller #ids an be up there throwing ro#s. ,hat way we orner it and ha$e a better
hane.; 7e meets 'eid/s eyes. :<hat do you thin#=;
'eid is so proud he suddenly #nows how his dad !elt when he did something !antasti.
.nstead o! embarrassing himsel! and his !riend+ howe$er+ 'eid -ust nods. :Sounds good to me.;
7e hears Coel grumbling behind him and athes the loo# o! speulation 2arus gi$es Arew+
but in the end e$eryone agrees and the plan is set.
.t doesn/t ta#e long !or the #ids to plae themsel$es and they are almost done be!ore 'eid
heads out.
:5e are!ul.; Arew shu!!les ba# and !orth !rom !oot to !oot+ eyes on the ground. 7e seemed
so on!ident when he e9plained the plan+ but now he/s li#e a little #id whose puppy got run o$er.
:<e need you+ remember=;
'eid s6uee8es Arew/s shoulder with one hand in answer and runs o!! into the !orest. 7e an/t
spea#. Aoesn/t trust what might ome out.
7e only goes so !ar. 7e wants a good start at the trap and he #nows how !ast the hunters
mo$e. 7e deides he/s going to get some payba# one way or another and hooses to shout
pro!anities into the night to summon the reatures in bla#.
'eid/s !irst urse is barely past his lips when he hears a howl. .t/s lose. Far loser than he/d
li#e. 7e !ree8es !or a moment+ sho#ed that this is atually wor#ing be!ore spinning in his tra#s
and running with all his strength !or the trap.
,here is a long and terri!ying moment when he is ertain he won/t ma#e it. 7e ris#s a glane
behind him and sees the hunter on his trail+ so near he an ma#e out the !lash o! the things laws+
the grin on its !ae as its white teeth shine in the moonlight. 'eid has an irrational thought+ how
the !ull moon is beginning to wane and what will happen to them when it is new and they an/t
see anything= 5ut he is running !or his li!e and the answer is irrele$ant+ entering and lea$ing his
mind so !ast it/s li#e the pae he/s #eeping.
"nd then he is on the trail and swer$ing !or the underbrush+ di$ing !or sa!ety. 7e hears the
hunter hu!! behind him+ #nows he has seonds be!ore those laws gut him. 'eid/s heart leaps.
7e/s sa!e& (ntil his body stops up against something hard. Coel stands o$er him+ grinning down
on him+ loo#ing almost as e$il and alien as one o! the hunters.
:7e/s here&; Coel uses one !oot to roll 'eid ba# into the path. 'eid is so sho#ed by the
betrayal he lies there and stares into the other boy/s eyes while the hunter/s breathy hu!!ing gets
loser. Coel laughs. :En-oy your dinner.; <ith that+ he runs away.
'eid srambles to his !eet and !aes the hunter. .t is still ten or so !eet away+ but he #nows the
thing an lose the spae !aster than he an run. 7is mind !lashes to the ba# o! his pants and the
weight there. 7e has a hane a!ter all. .! he an at 6ui#ly enough.
7is hand slides around to the waist o! his #ha#is and !eels !or the #ni!e he liberated !rom
2ustahe and Sar. 7is !ingers !ind the hea$y leather sheath but the blade itsel! is gone. 'eid
sei8es up+ ursing and yelling in his head while he stares at the hunter.
.t laughs at him+ a horrible sound+ its shining sil$er eyes only glimmers around its massi$e
pupils. .t ta#es its time+ easing around him+ head o#ed to one side+ snu!!ling his sent.
.t/s hopeless. 7e is lost. 5etrayed. "nd not the !irst to be turned o$er to the enemy+ 'eid
#nows it in his bones. ,his is how Coel has sur$i$ed. 7e has made a pat with the hunters+ gi$ing
up li$es !or his own worthless e9istene. .t is this #nowledge that pre$ents 'eid !rom 6uitting.
7e an/t gi$e up. 7e has to ma#e Coel pay !or what he/s done and 'eid an/t do that i! he is
Someone sreams in the distane. ,he hunter is distrated. .t/s brie!+ but 'eid ta#es it and
di$es !or the bushes. 7e is up and running as the reature snarls behind him. 'eid swer$es and
wea$es+ using e$ery tri# he an+ going on instint and his will to li$e+ dodging death at e$ery
orner. ,he hunter is right behind him+ but an only mo$e so !ast in the underbrush. "t one point
'eid grabs the trun# o! a sprue and uses it to leap o$er a shrub+ ris#ing a loo# o$er his shoulder.
7e was wrong about the hunter/s la# o! ability to mo$e 6ui#ly through the !orest. .t leaps
with immense agility !rom tree to tree. 7is own lumsy e!!ort seems patheti in light o! the
thing/s de9terity. "nd yet+ it hangs ba#+ ta#es its time.
Plays with its !ood.
Fine. 'eid -umps !or the path and lands hard+ breath almost gone !rom the e!!ort. "t least he
will die running.
Fate is ruel. .t snaps out a low branh and hoo#s his new snea#er. Flings him to the ground
!ae%!irst+ his head bouning !rom a protruding root+ not enough to harm him really+ but -ust
enough to ma#e him see !lashes o! light. .n that moment it ta#es him to reo$er+ 'eid is lost.
7e manages to spin o$er onto his ba# and see his destiny rouh o$er him. ,he hunter
breathes its !oul breath into his !ae+ right arm rising slowly o$er its head+ the shining laws
spar#ling in the old light o! the moon.
" li!etime runs through 'eid/s mind+ sunny days with his parents+ amping with his dad+
playing little league and high shool !ootball. ,he smell o! his mother/s hair. 7is !a$orite stu!!ed
bear. ,hen+ more urrent memories !ore his old li!e aside. Luy+ the apartment. Arew. 2ilo.
Leila. 7e worries about them in the last hal! seond o! his li!e and hopes she does as he told her.
Prays they an esape Coel. 7e an/t bear the thought they will beome $itims li#e him.
,he hunter/s down stro#e seems to ta#e !ore$er. .t pauses part way to his heart+ its eyes
growing e$en wider. .ts mouth gapes+ sharp teeth dripping sali$a onto his !ae. .t -er#s !orward+
!ae ho$ering inhes !rom his as something wet and hot pools on 'eid/s stomah. 7e glanes
down. " glistening spi#e sti#s out o! the hunter/s gut. <hen he loo#s ba# up into the things
eyes+ he sees the light in them !ade -ust li#e it had !or ,rey and the other #id he was !ored to
wath die. 5ut this time he !eels no remorse+ no grie!. >nly sho# and+ ultimately+ !iere -oy.
,he hunter rears ba#+ a so!t ry esaping it as though it an/t belie$e its li!e is o$er. ,he
spi#e -er#s !ree+ lea$ing a gaping hole behind. ,he hunter twithes one+ laws grasping the air.
.t dies then+ !alling toward him. 'eid !lings up his arms in an attempt to #eep it !rom landing
on him+ and yet unable to loo# away. 7e needn/t ha$e bothered. "s it ollapses+ it disintegrates
into dust. 'eid breathes in some o! the glittering powder it lea$es behind+ ho#ing and gagging
on the remains o! the reature. For an instant he !eels power!ul+ as though he ould ta#e on all
the hunters and win. 5ut the moment passes and he !orgets about it as he stares up into Leila/s
She is sobbing+ !ae twisted into a grimae she an/t ontrol. .n her hands she luthes a
thi# branh+ sharpened on one end. .t glistens with the hunter/s blood a moment be!ore the
wetness turns to dust -ust li#e its owner+ dri!ting away in the so!t e$ening bree8e.
Chapter Twenty One
.t only ta#es him a moment to reo$er. 'eid leaps up and hugs Leila. ,he sti# drops at their
!eet and he #i#s it $iolently away.
:<e ha$e to go+; he says. :"re you o#ay=;
She nods+ manages to stop sobbing+ but the tears ontinue to !all.
'eid luthes her hand and they run together ba# along the trail. .t/s Leila who pulls him
into the trees at a ertain plae. 7e trusts her instantly. 7is !ury burns him up inside+ so muh he
an barely thin# o! anything but what he is about to do to Coel.
,hey are ba# with the group so !ast he is almost sha#en out o! his anger by the !amiliar sight
o! the pit and the pa#. E$eryone stares+ some #ids !alling ba#+ but e$en Coel is in omplete
sho# when 'eid runs straight !or the bully. Leila/s hand drops away -ust in time to sa$e her
!rom being dragged into the punh 'eid throws.
.t ta#es Coel right on the rest o! his nose and sends him !lying ba#ward. 'eid !eels his
rusted #nu#les rebel+ pain !laring+ but he doesn/t are. 7e di$es !or the !allen bully and
straddles him+ pounding away at the other guy o$er and o$er again. 'eid is unaware o! the other
#ids or what they are doing+ detahed !rom the !ear a hunter might ome. "ll he an !ous on is
the pulp he is reating o! Coel/s !ae and the wea# and patheti attempts the bully ma#es to !ight
him o!!.
Someone pulls 'eid away. 7e struggles+ a deep growl o! !ury growing into a roar as he -er#s
himsel! !ree and staggers ba#. 7e spins on the one who stopped him and -ust reogni8es
:7e/s done.; 2arus glanes at Coel. :4ou/$e won already. Lea$e o!!.;
'eid ta#es a hallenging step toward 2arus and bumps his hest with one bloody !ist. :<ho
2arus shrugs and ba#s o!! a step. :)ot saying he doesn/t deser$e it. Cust that there/s
another way to ma#e sure he pays.;
:4ou #new.; 'eid is sha#ing+ unable to stop the tremors+ his anger/s outlet groaning on the
ground and no target anymore. :4ou !rea#ing "new and you let it happen.;
:.t/s not li#e the deal started on purpose.; 2arus won/t loo# at him. :)ot the !irst time. Coel
-ust pushed a #id out o! hiding. ,he hunter too# him instead. ,hat was the beginning.; 2arus
grinds to a halt. 'eid spins and pins all the #ids with his glare+ but no one will meet his eyes
e9ept his own !riends.
:'eidB; Arew trails o!!.
:7e tried to #ill me.; 'eid lashes out with one !oot+ !eeling Coel/s ribs gi$e way under the
blow. 7e has ne$er been so !urious. Li#e he/s possessed by someone else/s rage. :,his si#
bastard+; 'eid #i#s Coel again+ ro#ing the bigger boy/s body to the side and getting a groan out
o! him+ :uses #ids as bait !or the hunters so they won/t ta#e him. 7e !eeds them "ids. Li#e us.;
"ll o! a sudden his stomah ramps and he wants more than anything to be ill+ but re!uses to let
go o! his !ury -ust yet.
:. #now+; Arew whispers. :"s soon as you le!t they orralled us and brought us ba# here.
,hat/s when . !igured it out.; 7e wipes at his eyes under the shining plasti o! his glasses. :Leila
got away+ went a!ter you. 5ut we ouldn/t.; 7e is openly rying now. :5ut 'eid+ you an/t lea$e
him !or the hunters. 4ou an/t. 4ou/d be him+ then.;
'eid #nows what Arew is saying+ understands the logi+ the emotion e$en. 5ut his heart is
hard against the bully and out there is only li!e and death. ,here is no middle ground !or
someone li#e Coel.
:. don/t ma#e the rules+; 'eid says. :"nd he/s not my responsibility anymore.; ,he anger
!inally unlenhes and eases+ his upset belly rela9ing at last. :7e/s on his own.;
'eid wal#s away. Arew is at his right side+ Leila at his le!t. 7e !eels 2ilo soot up behind
him. "s !or the others+ he doesn/t are. " hunter alls nearby. 'eid pi#s up the pae+ hands
suddenly throbbing.
7e doesn/t ma#e it !ar when Leila pulls him to a halt. :<e/re not alone+; she whispers. 'eid
loo#s around+ not surprised to !ind 2arus and the rest o! the #ids trailing along behind.
:. an/t be responsible !or them+ too.; 'eid tries to turn away but Leila won/t let him.
:,hey need you+; she says.
Cust behind them 'eid hears Coel rying out. ,hey all listen+ no one breathing or ma#ing a
:>h 3od+ help me+ please+ help me& )o. )o& . !ed you& . ga$e you what you wanted& . ga$e
you what youF: 7is words ut o!!+ there is a heartbeat o! silene. " sream+ long and loud and
drawn out raises goose !lesh on 'eid/s arms. "nd then+ at last+ silene.
'eid waits another moment be!ore spea#ing. :4ou ross me or any o! my !riends and . lea$e
you behind.; 7e is tal#ing to them all+ but he #eeps his eyes lo#ed on 2arus. :. e$en suspet
you/$e betrayed us and you/re dead. (nderstand=;
7e doesn/t wait !or an answer. 'eid doesn/t need one. 7e is lear. "nd -ustie will be done.
,hey run on !or some time+ the e9erise wearing away the last o! 'eid/s !ury. <hen they
!inally pull up !or a rest+ it/s beause o! 2arus.
:,he smaller #ids an/t #eep up.; 7e is panting himsel!+ -ust at 'eid/s shoulder+ barely able
to reah him around the suddenly proteti$e 2ilo.
'eid lets them stop+ rouhing with his !riends while the pa# groans and ollapses !or a bit.
:Eeep your eyes on them+; 'eid says. :. #now Coel/s beaten them down+ but he/s also taught
them to sell eah other out. Aon/t thin# !or a moment they won/t do it to us.;
:. don/t #now+; Arew says and+ not !or the !irst time+ his optimism ama8es 'eid. :,hey/$e
seen the worst that an happen. . thin# they/ll want your protetion too muh to srew this up.;
:"t least you/re not going to sari!ie them to the hunters+; 2ilo whispers. :,hat would
ma#e me want to !ollow you. .! . wasn/t already.;
'eid grinds his teeth. 7e meant to do something about this whole leader mess. ,hen Leila
spea#s up and sho#s them all.
:. say we lea$e them behind right now.; She loo#s so !iere e$en 'eid is a little a!raid o! her.
:<e ouldn/t trust Coel and we an/t trust them. 5esides+ it/s easier with -ust the !our o! us. "
group this si8e+ we/re slower and a bigger target !or the hunters.;
:4ou want to abandon them=; Arew/s mouth hangs open+ his braes glittering. :4ou= ,here
are little #ids in that group.;
:So=; She tosses ba# her blonde hair+ hanging in dirty strings around her pale !ae. :.!
we/re going to sur$i$e we need to thin# o! oursel$es. (s+ . mean.; She !lushes+ the pin# $isible
e$en in the moonlight. :./d do anything !or the three o! you.;
'eid s6uee8es her #nee. :<e #now+ Leila. "nd we get it.; 7e sighs. :. don/t want them with
us either. 5ut . seem to reall telling someone else . wasn/t interested and being !ollowed.;
Arew grins and du#s his head while Leila o!!ers a little smile.
:So !or now+ we -ust #eep mo$ing+; 'eid says. :"nd i! they !ollow+ wellB not muh we an
do about it. 5ut we/re in this together and i! something happens to one o! them+ so be it.;
Leila nods right away+ but it ta#es a moment !or 2ilo to agree. 7e !inally does and they all
loo# at Arew. 7e tosses up his hands. :Fine. >#ay. . see your point.; 7e glanes at the weary
pa# behind them. :.t/s -ustB . was one o! them one.;
:. #now how you !eel+; 'eid says. :. do. 5ut they ha$e 2arus. 7e an lead them i! it omes
down to it. "nd Arew= 4ou were ne$er one o! them. 4ou wouldn/t ha$e let Coel sari!ie #ids.;
,hat seemed to ma#e Arew !eel a little better beause he nods as well.
:,hat/s settled+; 'eid says+ :now we need a new plan.;
:./$e been thin#ing about that+; Arew says. :,he way . see it we need water+ !ood and
shelter. >r a way out. 'ight=;
:Pre!erably a way out+; 'eid says.
:'ight. So+ the !ene.;
,he damned !ene. 'eid has !orgotten about it+ about the rashed heliopter. )ow it omes
rushing ba#. :4es+; he says+ :. still thin# it/s the best idea so !ar.;
:,hen we !ind it again+; Arew says+ :and !ollow it.;
:<hat about the hunters=; 2ilo hugs himsel! in the dar#. :<on/t they be wathing it=;
:<e #now someone is+; Leila says. :Someone with missiles.;
:<e/ll -ust ha$e to ris# it.; Arew glanes behind him and sti!!ens. :2arus.;
7e is there be!ore the word lea$es Arew/s mouth.
:<e need to tal#.;
'eid shrugs. :"bout what=;
:Plans.; 2arus loo#s around the group then ba# to 'eid. :. thin# we/re sa!e !or a short
time+ but now that Coel is gone the hunters will #now the bargain is o!!. >r they will suspet. 7e
was the one they negotiated with.;
"gain 'eid gets the impression 2arus has a 5ritish aent. 7e is as well%spo#en as Arew+ i!
not better+ and holds himsel! li#e he #nows how to !ight.
:4ou ould ha$e stopped him.; 'eid/s anger omes ba# but it doesn/t ha$e the same edge it
2arus sowls. :4ou thin# it was easy=;
:)one o! this is easy+; 'eid snaps ba#. :5ut being a oward doesn/t ma#e it any easier.;
2arus loo#s li#e he/s ready to throw a punh and 'eid welomes it. Leila puts an end to the
!ight be!ore it starts.
:7ow long=; She !ouses on 2arus+ drawing his attention.
:" !ew hours. 2aybe hal! a day.;
:7ow many did he turn o$er to them=; 'eid wishes Arew hadn/t as#ed that 6uestion+ but
part o! him needs to #now.
:,hree+ sometimes !our a day.; 2arus lears his throat. :,here are new #ids popping up all
the time usually. 5ut there ha$en/t been as many lately. .t was ma#ing Coel ner$ous. ,hen you
!our showed up. 7e saw it as a sign.;
'eid wonders about the drop in numbers. "re the hunters simply getting better at their -ob or
was Arew right about the e9periment= 2aybe they are near the end. .! so+ esape is e$en more
urgent. 7e doesn/t want to be there when the hunters deide to ull the last o! their !ood soure.
:,hey #new we were there+; Arew says. :<hy didn/t they -ust atta#= . mean+ agreement or
not+ they don/t seem the type to #eep a deal to me.;
2arus shrugs. :Aon/t #now. >nly that as long as we stay hidden they won/t #ill us+ but i! a
#id gets aught in the open it/s game o$er.;
'eid an/t listen anymore. 7e gets up and wal#s away+ sitting on his own behind a tree+ out
o! the $iew o! the others. 7is hest tightens with a mi9 o! anger and grie!. 7ow is this
happening= <hy is it happening= 7e is no loser to answers than the night he was dumped here.
.t isn/t long be!ore Leila -oins him. She doesn/t spea#+ -ust hugs her #nees and ro#s slowly
ba# and !orth. 7e/s happy she/s there one he allows the tension in his body to release. >! all o!
them+ she seems to understand what he needs the best.
<hen it !inally ours to him she sa$ed his li!e+ he blurts+ :,han# you.;
:4ou/re welome+; she says. :. hope it ma#es up !or lea$ing you behind.;
:,hat would be yes+; he says. "nd smiles.
Leila starts to ry+ so!tly+ barely ma#ing a sound. 'eid doesn/t thin# about it+ -ust hoo#s her
around her shoulders with one arm and pulls her against him. She rests her hee# on his
shoulder+ the !abri soon wet !rom her tears. 7e -ust holds her !or a long time while she lets out
her own grie!.
:4ou did the right thing+; she says+ :lea$ing Coel behind.;
She sighs then+ and snuggles loser. 5e!ore 'eid an thin# o! anything to say in answer to
that+ she rela9es into sleep.
Chapter Twenty Two
7e waits !or Leila to wa#e+ not wanting to disturb her. She does a!ter a short time+ smiling at
him as she li!ts her head+ embarrassment in her !ae+ but gratitude+ too.
:4ou didn/t ha$e to do that+; she says.
:. #now.; 'eid gets to his !eet and o!!ers his hand. :5ut we should be getting ba# to the
"s they ma#e their way through the trees+ 'eid noties something odd. 7e/s beome so in
tune with the outdoors he an !eel the night aging+ the oming dawn now so tied into his internal
lo# he is pretty sure he ould predit the e9at moment the sun will ome up.
7e and Leila !ind the rest o! the group huddled in a miserable lump. ,hey wath him with
hurt and !rightened eyes+ more a pa# o! wild animals than #ids+ -umping at the slightest sound+
loo#ing !ar older than they really are+ as though the hase has aged them. For all he #nows it has+
the stress on their bodies so power!ul he wonders i! some o! the wea#er ones would reo$er
ompletely+ gi$en the hane. ,hat/s the thing+ the rub. 3i$en the hane. 'eid #nows the li#ely
hood o! them !inding out is almost none.
7is empathy rises up again+ unbidden and despite his need to #eep them out o! his heart !or
his own protetion+ the side o! him his !ather instilled+ the side that too# are o! those in need+
won/t let him stay angry. .t reminds 'eid none o! this is their !ault. "nd he #nows i! he an get
them out too+ he will.
For some reason that ma#es him !eel a whole lot better. Li#e a giant #notted hate inside him
has eased+ the one !ed by !ear and rage+ and the #nowledge that someone did this to them on
<hen he goes loo#ing !or Arew and 2ilo+ he !eels a thrill o! !ear. )either boy is present. 5ut
be!ore he an as# about them+ a small #id in ragged -eans spea#s up.
:,hey/re gonna #now. "nd they/re gonna ome a!ter us.; 7is $oie sha#es so muh 'eid an
barely ma#e out what the boy is saying+ but e$en without athing e$ery word the message is
ob$ious. )ow that Coel is gone and the arrangement undone+ the hunters will be oming.
,hey need a plan.
:,hey/ll #ill us all i! they ath us.; ,hat was the little girl Coel stripped o! her !ood. She is
so emaiated she/s a wal#ing s#eleton. 7er !ear radiates out o! her li#e her body is unable to hold
it in anymore.
.t almost ma#es 'eid si# to his stomah to loo# at her. 7e wishes he stopped Coel !rom
stealing her !ood. ,hey ha$e to run again and there/s no way this little thing+ all that remains o! a
normal girl+ is going to be able to #eep up.
,here/s one shot and he #nows it. 'eid is about to tell them about the !ene when Arew pu!!s
his way through the trees and stops ne9t to Leila.
:. !ound something.;
'eid doesn/t get to in6uire. 2arus ma#es himsel! #nown+ pushing his way to his !eet and
through the #ids+ already tal#ing.
:<e need to o!!er a sari!ie.;
'eid thought he !elt si# be!ore. ,he $ery idea twists his insides and ma#es him want to
sream. .t disgusts him+ almost as muh as the wea#ness in 2arus !or e$en suggesting it. 7e
an !eel the other guy/s !ear+ has been there himsel!+ but ne$er one onsidered doing what the
rest o! the !orlorn pa# is now nodding in agreement o$er.
:)e$er+; 'eid says. :4ou heard what . said.;
:<e ha$e to do something.; 2arus paes ba# but doesn/t 6uit+ !ae a sullen mas#. 7e/s
not e9atly hallenging 'eid physially. 5ut 'eid an !eel the pa# swaying in his !a$or. :>r we
all die.;
:)ot that+; 'eid says. :)e$er again.;
:<e didn/t ma#e this situation.; 2arus loo#s around at the others+ ourage !eeding !rom
their growing support. :<e didn/t as# to be brought here. "nd it/s not our !ault Coel made that
agreement with the hunters. 5ut it/s #ept us ali$e so !ar. .t an again+ at least until we !igure
something else out.;
'eid is on 2arus so !ast the other guy doesn/t ha$e a hane to reat until it/s too late. 'eid
an !eel the hardness o! 2arus/s musles under his shirt and wonders why he is suh a oward+
why he let Coel push him around. :. said no. "nd . meant it.; 7e sho$es 2arus away+ not
bothering to wath the other guy stagger+ but athing the glare he le$els at 'eid. :<e are in this
together or we go our own way and you do what you want to eah other. Pi# one. 5ut you an/t
ha$e both. . won/t allow it.;
,hey are silent long enough !or Arew to spea# up again.
:Aid you want to #now what . !ound or not=; 'eid spins to loo# at his !riend and almost
laughs at the disgusted loo# on the boy/s !ae.
:Sorry+; 'eid says. :,ell or show=;
:>h+ -ust ome on.; Arew gestures at 'eid and turns+ going ba# into the trees.
E$eryone !ollows+ e$en 2arus+ though he stays on the edge o! the pa#+ ghosting through
the !orest on his own. 'eid #eeps his distane as well+ not trusting the other guy at all. >r his
own temper. 5ut now he #nows Leila is right. ,hese #ids+ this group o! star$ing animals+ ha$e
been taught to sell eah other out o$er and o$er again. Fored to witness the loss o! !riends+
being told it was !or the good o! the rest.
7ow many o! them are so twisted up inside they don/t understand right !rom wrong
anymore= 7e/s not e$en sure i! there is a way to teah them otherwise now+ not out here with the
hunters on their trail. .t/s ama8ing to him what they made themsel$es get used to. ,heir sur$i$al
has ome at the prie o! the deaths o! others and they ha$e grown om!ortable with that.
'eid wonders how om!ortable 2arus would be i! he were hosen to be the sari!ie. )ot
$ery. .n !at+ he/s pretty sure there would be an almost instantaneous nomination o! someone
else. ,he sad part is+ 'eid is ertain the #ids would let him get away with it as long as they got to
7e !inds himsel! thin#ing about Coel+ how horrible his li!e must ha$e been that he !ound it so
easy to ma#e suh a bargain. 7ow $ery little the bully $alued other li$es. 'eid/s mind dri!ts+
putting himsel! in that position+ and he has to !ight the tightening in his throat as he ho#es up at
the thought. <ho would he hoose i! it was him= <ho would he send as a sari!ie= 7e loo#s
around him+ at Leila+ 2ilo+ e$en 2arus+ while his eyes dri!t o$er the small+ !ilthy !aes o! the
ones he has yet to get to #now. .! it was the only way+ ould he send one o! those terri!ied !aes
to their deaths=
'eid shudders and -er#s himsel! out o! that train o! thought. )o+ o! ourse not. )e$er.
"s a distration+ 'eid athes up with Arew. :<hat did you !ind=;
:Ca$es+ . thin#.; Arew grins up at him. 'eid still !inds it hard to belie$e his !riend an be so
happy. :. le!t 2ilo there to e9plore. <e an hide !or a bit+ gather some !ood+ !ind water maybe=
Lea$e the others here while we loo# !or the !ene=; 7e shrugs. :Could be it/s a bad idea+ but it/s
'eid punhes him lightly on the shoulder. :3ood -ob.;
Arew ad-usts his glasses+ hee#s !lushing as he hithes his pants. 'eid noties the rope that
holds them up is loose again. :,han#s.;
>nly then does 'eid reali8e the s#y is brighter+ his !riend/s !ae lear. So muh !or his
internal lo# warning him about the sunrise. 7e shrugs it o!! with a grin o! his own. 7e/s been a
little too busy to sit around waiting !or the sun to ome up.
'eid spots the bla# opening through the trees be!ore he lears them and has an instant
moment o! reognition.
:" mine.;
:<hat=; Arew glanes at him+ then at the hole. "nd !ae palms. :>! ourse+; he groans. :./m
suh an idiot. .t/s an old minesha!t. Sorry+ guess ./m tired.;
,he mouth is damaged+ rough around the edges+ so 'eid understands how the weary Arew
missed the onnetion in the dar#. :7ow !ar does it go=;
:Aon/t #now !or sure+; Arew says. 7e wa$es at 2ilo+ who emerges !rom the hole. 2ilo
wa$es ba#+ -umping up and down in his e9itement. 'eid runs to him+ the others trailing behind+
though when he stops ne9t to the $ibrating #id+ Leila+ Arew and 2arus are right there with him.
:.t/s awesome&; 2ilo -er#s his thumb ba# o$er his shoulder. :3oes on a long way. "nd
there/s eletriity in there& Lights&;
'eid !rowns at that and shares a loo# with Arew.
:,hat/s not right+; 'eid says.
:Shouldn/t be power+; Arew agrees.
:. !ound something else.; 2ilo sei8es 'eid/s hand and drags him along into the tunnel. :4ou
ha$e to see&;
'eid !ollows him+ hesitant. ,he opening is dar# but the moment he passes o$er the threshold
he sees a glow ahead+ !aint+ but there. "!ter a minute or so wal#ing and stumbling o$er ro#s+ he
omes to a wea# bulb !li#ering in the dar#ness. 2ilo lets go o! his hand and points down where
a pile o! loose dirt and rubble blo#s part o! the path+ asting long shadows ba# the way they
:,hin# we ould use these=;
Arew rouhes ne9t to 'eid and whistles. " small wooden bo9 lies open+ the old slats
rushed to splinters. .nside are si9 slim rods+ !aded and dusty with age+ long buried in the mine.
5ut 'eid #nows dynamite when he sees it.
:<ow.; Arew s6uints up into the light. :4es+ yes we an. .!...;
:.! what=; 2arus ho$ers o$er them and 'eid resents it+ but lets it be !or the time being.
:.! the ompound hasn/t be ompromised. ,here/s no way o! telling how old this stu!! is.;
7e doesn/t touh it+ -ust loo#s loser. <hen 2ilo reahes !or a sti# o! it+ Arew slaps his hand
away. :. wouldn/t. )ot -ust yet. .t ould blow up in your !ae.;
2ilo snorts li#e Arew is !ull o! rap+ but 'eid noties the boy ba#s o!! to a healthy distane.
:<i#s are still attahed. "nd the asings loo# undamaged.; Arew grins at 'eid. :,hey
ould be o#ay.;
:For what=; 2arus hasn/t ba#ed o!!. 'eid thin#s it/s time he did and stands abruptly+
spinning on the other guy and !oring him ba# -ust by wal#ing toward him+ his shadow
retreating with him. 2arus withdraws two steps+ but doesn/t loo# happy about it.
:<e/re -ust about to tal# that o$er+; 'eid says. :.! you/ll e9use us.;
:./m part o! this too+; 2arus says+ but his argument is as wea# as his position and !rom the
loo# on his !ae+ he #nows it.
:<e/ll let you #now what we deide.; 'eid stands his ground. Leila -oins him+ 2ilo and
Arew ba#ing him up. ,he rowd o! #ids behind 2arus instantly retreats+ austomed to being
told what to do+ not ma#ing deisions o! their own+ lea$ing him alone. 7e snarls something
under his breath !ull o! so muh bitterness 'eid wonders about pushing him so hard. Still+
2arus !ollows the others and !or now+ that/s all 'eid ares about.
7e wathes him go+ !ading ba# into the tunnel+ until he/s no longer $isible in the dar#. 'eid
listens+ to be sure no one is ea$esdropping out there in the bla#+ but is reasonably ertain they
are alone. <hy it/s so important he/s not sure+ e9ept his le$el o! trust is still bottomed out+
espeially where 2arus is onerned.
'eid turns ba# to the others.
:Set a trap !or the hunters and blow the rap out o! them.; 2ilo/s $oie is low and !iere+
gritted teeth a !lash in the low light+ thin shoulders hunhed !orward as though that is the only
thing #eeping his built%up an9iety in.
:"greed.; E$en Leila is turning sa$age on him. 'eid has a moment o! heat+ rushing through
him in a wa$e o! attration. She is so !ierely beauti!ul at that moment his heart wants him to
#iss her.
>ut o! the 6uestion+ o! ourse it/s out o! the 6uestion. <hat is wrong with him= ,he moment
passes beause he ma#es it pass+ and he is grate!ul the light is so dim beause he is sure his !ae
is !laming.
:>#ay+; 'eid says+ dri$ing his mind ba# to the important matter o! sur%i%al. :3ood plan and
./m with you. ,here/s nothing . want more than to ha$e some payba#. "nd blowing these
bastards up would do the -ob niely.; E$eryone grins at him. )o+ it isn/t !unny+ not really. 5ut he
understands it. .s grinning himsel!+ in !at. Can/t help it. ,here is a ertain -oy in plotting the
death o! the hunters that shouldn/t gi$e him suh satis!ation+ but does.
>! ourse+ dreaming about it and doing it are two di!!erent things. 'eid hates to drag them
down+ but he needs them to thin# rationally. :>nly one problem . an thin# o!.; 7e points down
at the dynamite+ all innoent there in the dirt+ inognito to its ultimate purpose. :7ow do we light
2ilo/s !ae !alls while Leila lets out a little sigh o! regret. 5ut Arew snorts. :3ot that
o$ered. . ha$e a lighter.; 7e produes it !rom his !ront right po#et+ the sil$er sides glinting in
the light o! the bulb between his !ilthy !ingers.
'eid stares !or a long time while 2ilo gapes and Leila/s lips ur$e upward. Finally+ 'eid
u!!s Arew on the ba# o! the head $ery gently.
:>! ourse you do+; he says.
:Sorry+; Arew grins. :Aidn/t . mention that little tidbit be!ore=;
Chapter Twenty Three
,hey ha$e a long and heated on$ersation by the light o! that !li#ering bulb. 'eid tries not
to !ous on the tight spae+ the stone and lay walls losing in around him+ but on the argument
at handFhow best to use the gi!t they/$e been gi$en.
"t !irst blowing up a !ew hunters is the onsensus.
(ntil Arew points out one thing. :<e still don/t #now i! there/s any bang in those things.
<hat happens i! we get a hunter in range and the damned stu!! duds out=;
:Can/t we test one=; 2ilo shi$ers+ hopping up and down !rom one !oot to the other+ his eyes
wandering o$er the eiling. 'eid reali8es he isn/t the only one who doesn/t li#e it in the mine.
:"nd show our hand=; Arew sha#es his head. 7e turns to loo# !urther into the tunnel. :<e
ha$en/t e9plored this yet+ either.;
'eid is about to say a resounding no to that idea when Leila spea#s up. :<hy is there power
in here= Aoesn/t that mean the hunters #now about it=;
:For all we #now it/s their !rea#ing home base.; 2ilo/s old attitude is returning+ but 'eid
#nows it/s -ust stress and lets it go.
:(nli#ely.; Arew ad-usts his glasses as he thin#s. ,here are hollows in his hee#s where he
was hubby be!ore and his hands are lined+ no longer plump. 'eid ta#es a moment to admire his
!riend/s ourage and ability to #eep up. "nd the brilliant mind behind the glasses. :. really thin#
we should e9plore in here.;
'eid agrees+ but hates to admit it. :,here/s probably another way out+; he says. :"nd might
be a water soure somewhere down here.;
:5ut i! the hunters ath us in here we/re trapped.; 2ilo shudders.
Leila slides one slim arm around the boy/s shoulder and hugs him. :.t/s o#ay+; she whispers.
:Cust thin# o! it li#e a arni$al !unhouse.;
:. hate the arni$al+; 2ilo says. :,oo many damned lowns.;
,hey all laugh+ but 'eid/s dies early as he pitures the hunters in that role. 7e/ll ne$er thin#
o! lowns the same again.
:So maybe some o! us e9plore while the rest loo# !or the !ene.; Arew sha#es his head
be!ore he/s done spea#ing. :)o that/s stupid. <e shouldn/t split up.; 7e sighs and loo#s at 'eid.
:<hat do you thin#=;
Cust li#e that they are !oused on him and he #nows whate$er he says they will do. 'eid
wants to run away+ to !ind the !ene and the gate and esape. 5ut !or some reason he an/t bring
himsel! to abandon this hane to maybe buy a little !reedom and time to !ind another way out.
:Could this still be a wor#ing mine=; 'eid as#s. :From the other end . mean=;
Arew loo#s s#eptial. :Aoubt it.;
'eid thin#s about it another minute. :>#ay+ we ha$e two hoies+ right= 3o ba# out there
and !ind the !ene and maybe the gate. >r we try our lu# in here and blow the entrane so the
hunters an/t get in.;
,hey all loo# sho#ed. :5low the entrane=; 2ilo/s mouth hangs open. :Seal us in here=;
:,he thing is+; 'eid says+ :they may ha$e set up the mine to trap us but they don/t #now we
ha$e a way to #eep them out as muh as us in.; ,he more he thin#s about it+ the more he li#es
the idea. :'ight= "nd mines+ they ha$e water soures+ don/t they= "nd there are always other
e9its. "lways.;
Arew is nodding e$en though he still loo#s li#e he wants to orret 'eid/s thin#ing. Leila -ust
hugs 2ilo.
:>utside we/re dead meat.; )ow that Coel/s little pat is done the hunters will ome a!ter
them -ust !or spite. :.n here+ maybe we ha$e a hane.;
:,o star$e to death+ or die in a a$e in+; 2ilo says.
:,rue.; 'eid rosses his arms o$er his hest. :5ut those are our hoies+ so pi# one.;
)o one says anything. 2ilo lears his throat a!ter a moment while Arew shu!!les his !eet+
small ro#s ma#ing srathing noises on the stone !loor o! the tunnel. Leila !inally sighs.
:<e put it to a $ote.; 7er eyes li!t to 'eid/s. :<e as# e$eryone what they want to do. ,his
isn/t a ditatorship. .t/s not e$en a demoray really.; 7er smile is small and wa$ering+ but it/s
bra$e and 'eid is grate!ul !or it. :"t this point it/s all together or go it alone. <hate$er we
deide as a group+ i! someone disagrees+ they an lea$e.;
She is right+ o! ourse. ,hey ha$e no ontrol o$er what the others want.
:"ll right+ then+; 'eid says. :Let/s go tal# to them.;
,hey emerge into !ull light and !ind the pa# o! #ids huddled right at the mine mouth.
2arus sits a bit apart !rom them+ shredding the bar# !rom a sti#. 7e meets 'eid/s eyes !or only
a seond be!ore dropping to !ous ba# to what he is doing.
'eid lays out the plans to the group. <hen they hear about the !ene+ some are sho#ed but
most+ it turns out+ #now about it already.
:,here/s no gate+; 2arus says.
:"tually+ tehnially+ there has to be.; Arew goes into teaher mode. :2ost li#ely more
than one. >therwise+ how did they get us in here=;
)o one argues.
Plan number two is greeted with !ar less enthusiasm. Some o! the #ids start to ry and
2arus atually leaps to his !eet in protest.
:4ou/re insane+; he says+ whole body trembling. :<e won/t ha$e to wait on the hunters.
4ou/ll #ill us all.;
"!ter that announement+ those who weren/t rying start and those who were+ sob. 'eid
wants to ta#e the arrogant asshole and sha#e him. .nstead he waits them out+ long enough !or
their !ear to ool down be!ore going on.
:,hose are our hoies. .t/s that or sit here and wait !or the hunters to get us. 5eause
running is ta#ing us nowhere. .t/s -ust wearing us down so we/re easier to ath.;
Someone hiups past an indrawn breath+ but no one hallenges him. ,here/s nothing to
hallenge. 'eid is right and they all #now it.
:,he !ene+ then+; 2arus says. :"nd your hypothetial gate.;
Eids nod+ wipe away tears and snot. 'eid hears Arew sigh beside him and turns his head -ust
a little+ enough !or the boy to whisper in his ear.
:,hey won/t ma#e it that !ar.;
Arew is right+ o! ourse. 'eid has no idea how long it/s been sine any o! them had water.
.t/s been o$er a day !or him and he/s !eeling the la# again. ,he stream and the la#e are both too
!ar and too dangerous. (nless they an !ind another water soure none o! them will get to the
!ene+ let alone be in any shape to ma#e a plan to esape one they !ind the gate.
'eid deides to try one more time+ using the last thread o! hope he has been holding on to in
an e!!ort to on$ine them. :,here/s a hane+; he doesn/t want to lie to them+ :that i! we do !ind
an e9it !rom the mine+ it will be on the other side o! the !ene.;
7e doesn/t #now it !or sure. 5ut he has a !eeling this mine is their way out+ a !law in the
hunter/s plans. Espeially i! they an seal the entrane and #eep the hunters out long enough to
maneu$er their way to the other side o! the mountain.
7e !eels them sway toward him+ but 2arus is 6ui# to ounter the hange in mood.
:7ow do you #now there/s another way out=; 7e is through the pa#+ standing in !ront o!
'eid. "gain the hallenge hangs between them+ 2arus too timid to grasp it physially+ but
ha$ing no problem using words.
:>! ourse there is+; Arew answers !or 'eid. :,here has to be. .t/s a sa!ety thing. "ll mines
ha$e an e9tra e9it.;
'eid has almost won them than#s to Arew. 7e puts the !inal sho$e on the pa#+ spea#ing past
2arus. :4ou don/t ha$e to ome. 4ou an all deide and do what you want. 5ut ./m going in
the mine+ with or without you. ./d rather !ae the unertainty in there #nowing at least ./m not
being hunted than stay out here and run until . an/t anymore. (ntil they ath me and gut me.;
,hey don/t get a hane to answer. ,he howl o! a hunter does it !or them.
,he all is so lose they pani and rae into the mine as one. 'eid sho$es his way inside a!ter
them+ alling !or Arew. :,he dynamite&; Arew is way ahead o! him+ letting the #ids rush past+
guarding the preious e9plosi$es with his body. 'eid reahes him -ust as the last two #ids run by
and hears Arew grunt in pain. 7e luthes his le!t hand to his hest as 'eid #neels beside him.
>ne loo# tells 'eid the bad news. ,hree !ingers are bent at odd angles. 7e urses and tries to
ta#e Arew/s hand+ but the boy sha#es his head+ light !lashing !rom his glasses.
:.t/s !ine+; he says. :3et the sti#s.;
'eid gathers them are!ully and hurries ba# to the entrane+ Arew on his heels. 2arus and
a ouple o! the other #ids are still there. 7e is spea#ing to Leila in a hushed whisper and she is
listening. )odding. 'eid doesn/t ha$e time to thin# past the -ab o! -ealousy that ma#es him
!linh. She loo#s up when he emerges at a run be!ore glaning away again. .s that guilt he saw
on her !ae=
2ilo tugs his arm. :,hey/re oming&;
:3et inside+; 'eid says. :<ath the others. 2a#e sure they don/t go too !ar or get hurt.; 7e
spins ba# to 2arus as 2ilo ta#es a deep breath and plunges into the dar#ness. :Still want to
ma#e a run !or it=; " hunter howls. So lose it ma#es 'eid/s !lesh rawl. 5ut he holds his
ground+ si9 sti#s o! dynamite in his hands.
:. guess we/ll ha$e to do it your way.; 2arus mo$es past 'eid and disappears into the
tunnel. Leila !ollows him. She hesitates ne9t to 'eid as though she is going to say something.
:<e ha$e to hurry.; 7e #nows it omes out gru!!+ but he an/t deal with this right now. She
bobs her head and lea$es him there with Arew.
,he boy still radles his bro#en hand and loo#s as pani#ed as 'eid !eels.
:4ou/re not #idding.; 7is head omes up and he shudders when another howl ehoes loser.
,he hunters ha$e almost !ound them.
:<hat do . do=; 'eid turns and loo#s at the mine entrane.
:<e need to !ind holes to sti# the dynamite in.; Arew points at one. :,here+ right there+ see
'eid does+ though he is sure he wouldn/t ha$e i! Arew didn/t point it out. " small ra# sits
-ust past the entrane+ only wide enough to sho$e the sti# in sideways. ,he wi# hangs out+
dangling down.
:3reat+; Arew says+ :now ta#e the e9tra line and splie it on.;
:<hat e9tra=; 'eid spins on his !riend and Arew groans.
:,here was a spool o! primer ord in that bo9+; he says. :7ere+ lea$e these with me.; Arew
ma#es a pouh with the bottom o! his ,%shirt+ using his healthy thumb and inde9 !inger on his
le!t hand to do it. 7e hisses when 'eid dumps in the weight o! the !i$e sti#s. :)ow go get it&;
'eid runs. 7e ma#es it to the rubble and the bo9 in reord time+ barely registering that his
breath is shallow+ or the burn in his legs !rom the dash. 7e/s -ust too used to being a!raid !or it to
trouble him anymore. 7e an hear the murmurs o! the !rightened #ids and spots them -ust past
the pile o! dirt+ waiting !or him. 5ut he an/t thin# about them right now.
7e hunts around !or a bit+ desperately loo#ing !or what Arew told him about and almost
gi$es up be!ore he spots the spool o! thread%li#e ord lying on the other side o! the tunnel.
Someone must ha$e #i#ed it during the dash !or sa!ety.
'eid grabs it and runs !or the entrane+ his heart li!ting. Finally something is going right !or a
Chapter Twenty Four
<hen the tunnel entrane ollapses in !ront o! him+ 'eid is so sho#ed he almost doesn/t stop
himsel! in time. 7e has to ba#%pedal+ rouh and o$er to #eep !rom being hurt or #illed by the
!alling rubble. ,he entire !ront o! the mine gi$es way with a horrible grinding and grumbling roll
o! destrution. .t ta#es a moment !or the ro#s to settle+ but 'eid is already mo$ing be!ore they
doFwhile alling out Arew/s name.
7e oughs and ho#es on the dust+ !oring his way !orward+ slamming his shins into sharp
boulders+ an#le ahing !rom twisting o$er a lump o! ro#s. 'eid/s mind is empty o! thoughts o!
himsel!+ the pain a distant ry he ignores. 7e an only thin# o! the boy he le!t behind at the
tunnel mouth+ his !riend now somewhere in the wre#age.
'eid !ores his way on+ the spool o! ord still luthed in his hand. .t/s almost ompletely
dar# in the tunnel now+ most o! the entry blo#ed by hun#s o! ro# and debris+ only thin lines o!
light seeping through the ra#s+ dust swirling in the penetrating sha!ts o! sun.
:Arew&; 'eid spits out a wad o! dirt+ lungs burning !or another reason. :Arew&;
'eid spots a !amiliar penny loa!er and di$es !or it. 7e tra$els up the boy/s leg to his hest
and !inally !inds his head. ,here is enough light to see him by+ a on$enient beam reahing the
ro#s abo$e his !ae as 'eid !ores a large stone out o! his path so he an reah his !riend.
'eid gasps at the sight o! Arew and draws ba#+ heart lenhing+ mind !leeing !rom the truth.
Arew/s mouth is oated in blood+ his glasses as#ew+ one lens shattered. "nd still he manages
a lopsided smile e$en as he struggles !or air. :7ey+ 'eid.;
:Arew.; 'eid leans loser+ !ores himsel! to loo# at the !ull e9tent o! the damage. " large
ro# rests on the boy/s hest+ se$eral others pinning his legs. 'eid/s !irst impulse is to shi!t the
main one+ but Arew ries out so horribly when he tries+ 'eid stops.
:. an/tB . an/t !eel my legs.; Arew/s breath omes out in short+ hea$y pants+ the pain eah
one auses him written all o$er his !ae. :. thin# my ba# is bro#en.;
Arew swims in 'eid/s $ision as tears well and pour down his hee#s+ dripping onto his
!riend/s hest. 'eid reahes out+ one hand gentle on Arew/s shoulder. .nstantly+ as though that
light pressure released a dam+ a pool o! blood gathers around the edges o! the ro#+ spreading
o$er Arew/s ,%shirt. 'eid pulls his hand ba#+ but whether he aused it or it was simply
ine$itable+ what/s done is done.
:./m sorry+ ./m so sorry.; 'eid ro#s ba# and !orth a moment. :Arew+ please+ you ha$e to
be o#ay.;
Arew tries to answer him+ but his mouth is !ull o! blood+ it/s running down his hin and o$er
his ne#+ pooling in his ollarbone. 'eid an/t stand it+ reahes !or the ro# again+ attempts to
pull the stone !ree. Someone/s hands are on him+ tugging him ba#ward. 7e !ights against those
hands until he reali8es they are Leila/s.
:<e ha$e to help him.; 'eid an/t stop rying. She is rying too+ and 2ilo -ust behind her.
,he rest o! the #ids pile up in the dar#+ wathing+ silent. 2arus doesn/t say a word+ -ust stares at
Arew with a blan# e9pression.
Leila rouhes ne9t to the dying boy. :>h+ Arew+; she whispers. 'eid pulls her ba# away
!rom their !riend so hard she stumbles and 2arus has to ath her.
:<e ha$e to get him out&; 'eid/s shout brings a shower o! !resh ro#s and dirt down on
them+ but he doesn/t are. Some o! the #ids !lee ba# inside the tunnel+ but most remain+ eyes
lo#ed on the bleeding #id under the rubble. 'eid swings ba# to Arew. :<e/ll get you out+
o#ay= Aon/t worry.;
Arew oughs and blood spews o$er the stones+ bright red droplets shining in the sha!t o!
sunlight !or an instant be!ore they !all. :'eid.; 7is $oie is barely a whisper. :'eid.;
'eid sobs one and !alls down ne9t to Arew+ luthing at his right hand. 7e !eels it then+ the
hard smooth shape o! the lighter. Arew/s eyes meet his. Close. >pen slowly.
:>ne o! the sti#sB was damagedB didn/t notieB too lateB;
'eid -ust holds his hand.
:4ou ha$e to go.; Arew oughs again+ wea#er this time. 7is breathing is harsh+ bubbly. ,he
pool on his hest has soa#ed his shirt and now -oins the blood !rom his mouth+ running !rom his
ollarbone o$er his shoulder into the dar#ness and dust.
:)o.; 'eid sha#es his head so hard he !eels pain shoot through his temples. )o. 7e an/t.
)ot Arew. )ot now. 7e will not lea$e his !riend behind.
'eid won/t sur$i$e another loss. 7e/s sure o! it.
Arew pulls his hand !ree and !li#s open the top o! the lighter. ,hat/s when 'eid noties the
dynamite sti#ing out o! the rubble ne9t to him. :. anB ma#e sureB they don/tB !ollow you.;
'eid tries to ta#e the lighter away+ but Arew is oddly !ast !or someone so lose to death. :.
don/tB want them toB eat me.; .t/s a whisper. "s i! he doesn/t want anyone else to hear.
:Please+ 'eid. . an/t let themB do that. >#ay= Please=;
,hat/s it then+ and 'eid #nows it. ,here is so muh blood and Arew/s pale light is !ading
!ast. 'eid steps ba#+ allows 2ilo a moment. ,hey whisper together+ 6ui#ly+ solemnly+ be!ore
2ilo retreats ba# down the tunnel. Leila is ne9t and 'eid may not be able to hear her words+ but
he an/t miss the sound o! her grie!. .t olors her last so!t moment with their !riend be!ore she
too lea$es+ 2arus trailing along behind her.
'eid stays. 7olds Arew/s hand. Can/t let go.
:4ou ha$e to+; Arew says. :.t/s time+ 'eid.; ,he howl o! a hunter puntuates his point. .t
sounds li#e they are -ust outside the hole. Something snu!!les on the other side o! the light. "nd
yet 'eid hangs on and hangs on+ unable to lea$e Arew behind.
:.! you don/tB lea$eB ./m ta#ing youB with me.; Arew stri#es the lighter one+ twie. .t
ta#es him three tries to get it lit and 'eid understands. .t is time.
:. !orgi$e you.; .t/s terribly important Arew #nows. :For the a$e. For not trusting me.;
Arew/s last smile brings 'eid/s tears ba#. :,han#s. 2e too. )ow run+ you idiot.;
Arew/s sha#ing hand desends+ the !lame touhing the wi#. Stones rattle+ the light gets
brighter+ sun shining !ull in 'eid/s !ae. 7e !eels a shadow !all o$er him and glanes out the
small+ !resh opening+ widened !rom the one le!t behind by the e9plosion.
" hunter grins ba#.
'eid runs+ heart brea#ing !or lea$ing his !riend despite the boy/s !orgi$eness+ hears Arew
manage a thin shout that reahes him -ust be!ore the sho#%wa$e does.
:Eat this+ you bastards&;
,he blast pi#s 'eid up and sends him !orward+ the bright !lash searing his peripheral $ision
-ust be!ore he s6uee8es his eyes shut. 'eid throws his arms up as he is propelled into the pile o!
debris !ae%!irst+ the splintered wood !rom the dynamite bo9 digging into his stomah. 'eid
huddles small+ o$ers his head with his arms+ shielding himsel! !rom the heat and raining debris.
,he whole plae shudders !or a long time be!ore !alling still.
.t ta#es him a while to drag himsel! to his !eet. 7e/d rather lie there !ore$er and not go on.
5ut he does it !or Arew+ beause his !riend would want him to+ beause he would ha$e done the
same !or 'eid. 7e retraes his steps to the end o! the tunnel and stands there !or a bit+ e9amining
the now plugged entry !or signs o! light.
)othing. Arew did it. 7e sa$ed them. 'eid bows his head and hugs himsel!+ !resh tears
tra#ing through the dirt on his !ae.
:4ou did good+; 'eid whispers+ -ust li#e his !ather used to say to him. :)ie -ob+ #iddo.; 7e
lets out a deep sigh+ letting his grie! nestle in his heart where he will hold the memory o! Arew
<hen he is !inally ready+ 'eid turns and !ollows the tunnel to -oin the others.
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when you can$t run any%ore
Chapter One
,he last o! the dust has settled. 'eid oughs what is le!t o! it !rom his lungs and huddles by
himsel! in the !li#ering light o! the wea# bulb. ,he tunnel walls are rough and !ar !rom
om!ortable to lean against but he has nothing else so he li$es with it.
2ost o! the #ids ha$e stopped rying at least. Sine the blast losed the entrane+ they/$e
shi$ered together in terror that the eiling will !all in on them. 'eid doesn/t are about it+ not any
more. 7e thin#s he would happily die now i! it meant he didn/t ha$e to li$e with Arew/s
<hen they !irst met+ 'eid ne$er would ha$e thought the short+ pudgy #id with the glasses
and braes and ridiulous penny%loa!ers would ma#e it e$en a minute out there in the !orest. 5ut
Arew/s tenaity surprised 'eid at e$ery turn+ and his brains and logial thin#ing #ept 'eid
mo$ing in the right diretion. 'eid ne$er intended to let the #id get to him+ to piere his need to
guard his heart against loss. ,he deaths o! the !irst #ids he met in this insane game o! at and
mouse made 'eid hesitate to e$en tra$el with anyone else. 5ut something about Arew/s steady
good nature despite e$erything he went through was enough to dull 'eid/s de!enses and let the
brilliant and !unny #id in.
<hih ma#es it all the worse+ o! ourse. Arew was brilliant. Smarter than any o! them. Enew
all about e9plosi$es and the military and alien in$asions+ e$en i! the latter made his !riends roll
their eyes at him.
,hey need Arew+ now more than e$er. )eed his insight+ his head !or details. <ithout him+
'eid !eels li#e he/s on his own again+ no matter that a rowd o! #ids waits !or him to pull himsel!
.t should ha$e been 'eid who died. ,here/s no way around the truth. "nd it/s all his !ault.
Arew !ound the old mine but it was 'eid/s idea to hide in there+ to lose o!! the e9it rather than
see#ing out the !ene as had been his plan all along. ,he huge+ hot !ene 'eid is still sure has a
gate they might use to esape the giant !orest hunting ground. 5ut he had to on$ine Arew this
was a good idea. .! he had -ust proteted his !riend !rom the stampede o! #ids when the hunters
showed up at the mouth o! the mine+ the boy/s hand wouldn/t ha$e been bro#en. "nd it would
ha$e been 'eid plaing the unstable and anient dynamite+ not Arew with his rippled !ingers.
.t would ha$e been 'eid who was rushed by a pile o! ro# a!ter a de!eti$e sti# went o!! on
its own. )ot Arew.
'eid s6uee8es his eyes shut and turns his head !rom the light+ longing !or the dar#ness to
swallow him up. 5ut he an/t esape the glow. .t ho$ers there in the periphery o! his $ision+
taunting him li#e a ghost o! the outdoors.
,his is his !ault+ too. ,hem being trapped. .t was his bright idea to blow the a$e entrane+ to
lo# them inside and the hunters out. 5ut now here they are+ alone in the dar#ness+ with no idea
i! there is e$en a way to esape. 'eid isn/t !ooling himsel!. 4es+ there may be another e9it. .tHs a
good idea. 5ut this mine loo#s really old and !or all he #nows the seondary entrane is
ollapsed as well.
'eid doesn/t want to thin# about any o! that+ though. Arew is dead. 7is !riend is gone. "nd
his heart an/t ta#e any more.
7e lets his eyes dri!t open. )ot li#e trying to shut out his reality is doing him any good
anyway. 7e sees Leila in the low light+ dri!ting !rom #id to #id+ tal#ing to them+ o!!ering what
om!ort she an. 7e remembers the !irst time he met her+ in a a$e+ ironially enough. So pale
she glowed. She still glows+ her thin blonde hair and white+ white s#in shining in the dim light.
She glanes his way but he won/t #eep her ga8e+ he an/t. ,he memory o! their introdution is
!ull o! Arew. 5esides+ he/s too a!raid she blames him as muh as he does himsel!.
"s his eyes lea$e her+ they !all on 2arus. 'eid/s not the only one wathing Leila. ,he
7ispani guy/s attention ne$er lea$es her. Cealousy surges in 'eid/s stomah+ punhing through
to his hest. "nd more than that. Aistrust. 2arus was part o! the problem that put them here in
the !irst plae. 7e stood seond to Coel+ the bully who sari!ied #ids to the hunters to sa$e his
own ass. "nd 2arus hallenges 'eid e$ery hane he gets. )ow he has his dirty eyes on Leila.
,he surge o! emotion+ layered o$er 'eid/s grie!+ is too muh to bear.
.nstead o! o$erreating and atta#ing 2arus+ 'eid is only able to huddle tighter into himsel!
and let it seethe inside him. 7e !inds himsel! wondering all o$er again what the hell he is doing
there. <hat any o! them are doing there. Aumped in the wilderness+ hunted and #illed by men
who aren/t men at all but some #ind o! intelligent animals that only loo# human. "nd !or the !irst
time in a long time+ 'eid thin#s about his sister Luy. .t/s her !ault he/s here+ his mind tries to
tell him+ his blame bouning to a new target. 5ut he/s ne$er been able to hold anger against her.
"nd i! her new boss+ 2r. Syrause+ did sell them out to whoe$er is running this horrible
e9periment+ she/s as muh a $itim as 'eid.
Fresh out o! !oster are+ he should ha$e #nown better than to trust the set%up in whih Luy
!ound hersel!. )o way ould someone li#e her land a -ob with bene!its li#e a new on$ertible and
a swan# apartment downtown. )o way.
"nd so+ yet again+ the blame riohets ba#+ landing with a thud o! reality on 'eid. Stupid.
Stupid and naI$e.
<hen 2arus gets to his !eet+ 'eid barely noties+ he is so wrapped up in his personal
:"ll right+; 2arus says+ $oie low but his arrogane learly showing through. :E$eryone
up. <e/re mo$ing on.;
Some o! the #ids groan+ but most o! them obey slowly+ mo$ing li#e little old people rather
than the teenagers they are. 'eid doesn/t e$en thin# about paying attention to what 2arus
wants. 7e ertainly doesn/t reogni8e the other guy as any #ind o! authority o$er him. 5ut he
an/t muster the energy to stand up to 2arus so he #eeps his peae. E$en when 2ilo tries to get
his attention+ s#inny 2ilo with his -et%bla# s#in and giant eyes+ 'eid re!uses to budge. 7e/s
ounting on 2arus ma#ing an ass o! himsel! anyway and is loo#ing !orward to it.
"t this point he/ll ta#e all the entertainment he an get.
2ilo sighs+ loo#ing disappointed+ and turns away to -oin the others. >nly Leila holds ba#.
:<e need to tal# !irst.; 'eid isn/t sure why he/s surprised she is the one to spea# up but he
:"bout what=; 2arus doesn/t sound li#e he/s in the mood to tal# but Leila doesn/t ba#
down. 'eid wants to laugh at the loo# on the guy/s !ae but it would ta#e too muh e!!ort so he
-ust wathes.
:<hat our plans are.; She glanes at 'eid brie!ly but doesn/t lea$e her eyes on him !or long.
:,han#s to someone we #now we don/t ha$e muh o! a hoie o! plans.; 2arus isn/t being
$ery subtle in his !aintly 5ritish aented $oie. 'eid ouldn/t are less.
:. disagree.; Leila/s alm is in!etious. 'eid !inds himsel! paying attention to her+ his
emotions easing somewhat.
:Fine+ priness+; 2arus says. :4ou tell us your ama8ing ideas.;
'eid is on his !eet+ his anger !inally winning. 7e slams 2arus into the wall o! the tunnel
right ne9t to the wa$ering bulb o! light+ !ae so lose he an see the dirt ground into the other
guy/s pores.
:Shut the hell up+; 'eid says so so!tly only 2arus an hear him+ :and show some respet.;
,hat sullen e9pression 'eid is used to !alls o$er 2arus/s !ae. Li#e he wants to stri#e out
but doesn/t ha$e the guts.
:<hat/s the matter+; 'eid says+ louder this time+ on purpose. :Sared o! me or something=;
2arus is sha#ing. 'eid holds him up against the wall another moment be!ore letting him go
and stepping away. 7e turns to Leila and nods one. 5ut the loo# on her !ae ma#es him wonder
i! he should ha$e ated at all. She loo#s disgusted as she spins away !rom him+ rossing her arms
o$er her hest.
2ilo+ meanwhile+ is grinning+ white teeth !lashing in the light. 7e gi$es 'eid a thumbs%up.
:.! you two are done being -er#s+; she says+ :we ha$e more important things to tal# about.;
'eid ba#s o!! again and #nows she/s right.
:3o ahead+; he says.
She relents+ turning ba# toward him+ her e9pression so!ter. :<e/re all sad about Arew.;
'eid doesn/t mo$e or say anything while the rest o! the #ids mutter stu!! that doesn/t matter. 7e
wants to tell them to shut up+ the whole lot o! them. Li#e they ga$e a rap about his !riend. >nly
2ilo and Leila ount+ to 'eid. 2arus stays 6uiet and 'eid is grate!ul. 7ad the other guy tried to
say anything about Arew+ 'eid would ha$e to #ill him and he #nows Leila wouldn/t li#e that.
:5ut we need to go ba# to the entrane and ma#e sure it/s sealed be!ore we do anything.;
'eid doesn/t bother telling her he/s done so already. 7e -ust an/t seem to muster the energy to
$oie it. :>ne we/re sure the hunters an/t get in+ then we go !orward.;
2arus/s sullen e9pression so!tens. :4ou/re right+; he says. )ot li#e it ma#es 'eid trust him
or anything but at least he/s stopped being a -er# to Leila.
:,hen what=; 2ilo is loo#ing right at 'eid. :<hat do we do=;
7e deides in that moment he/s done. 'eid has no desire to be responsible !or any o! them
e$er again. ,here is no way he/s getting another #id #illed. 'eid loo#s away !rom 2ilo/s
e9petation and !inds the rest o! the #ids loo#ing at him the same way.
2arus is sowling so deeply it loo#s li#e his !ae might implode. 'eid would pay a lot o!
money to see that happen. .! he had any. 5ut that inenti$e isn/t enough. )ot nearly enough.
:<hy don/t you as# 2arus=; 'eid shrugs his shoulders and turns away. :7e seems to want
to play !ollow the leader.;
,heir disappointment hits 'eid li#e a physial blow+ all that emotion washing o$er him as the
#ids sigh+ and one by one they hesitate and turn away.
:,hat/s right+; 2arus snaps. :Loo# where he/s gotten us so !ar. "nd you want him to tell
you what to do=; ,he shi!t is slow but it happens and 'eid regrets it e$en while he aepts it as
neessary !or his own sur$i$al. :)ow+ listen up. ./m going to send some o! you to he# out the
blast site. ,he rest o! us will stay here and wait !or your report.; 'eid rolls his eyes. >! ourse
2arus has no intention o! going himsel!.
:2aybe we should all go+; Leila says but 2arus uts her o!!.
:)o+ too dangerous.; 7e !i9es his dar# eyes on 'eid. :4ou/ll ta#e these three+; he points out
a !ew #ids at random+ :and ha$e a loo#.;
'eid ignores him while the two boys and srawny girl omplain so!tly.
:Shut up+; 2arus snaps. :4ou heard me. )ow !ollow orders. 4ou&; 'eid !a#es a yawn and
sighs+ still ignoring the ob$ious. 2arus o$ers the distane between them in three steps but
doesn/t get in 'eid/s !ae. .t/s li#e he doesn/t belie$e he an win but !eels the need to bully.
'eid meets his eyes in a la8y li!t o! his own. :Aon/t tell me what to do. E$er.;
2arus/s -aw wor#s and 'eid an hear his teeth grinding together. 7e loo#s li#e he wants to
say something but !inally spins away and !ouses on 2ilo.
:Fine+ you go. "nd hurry up. <e need to get mo$ing.;
2ilo relutantly !ollows orders+ dri!ting past 'eid with a sowl on his !ae+ his unhappy
ompanions trailing a!ter him.
:Can . suggest something=; ,he #ids all loo# the same to 'eid but he tries to put a name to
this one. 7e !inally does -ust as 2arus nods li#e he/s 3od or something.
:So+ . was thin#ing about the eletriity.; ,he boy spea#s $ery !ast+ his dirty%blonde hair
!alling !orward into his eyes as he tal#s+ !oring him to toss his head li#e an unhappy pony. :.!
we an !ind where it/s oming !rom maybe it will lead us to a way out.;
Smart thin#ing. From the sighs and smiles around him+ the other #ids are relie$ed to ha$e a
onrete goal. 'eid doesn/t want to get su#ed into their plans but this #id stands out. 'eid
immediately smothers his ability to are about anyone new. 7e is determined he is not going
there again.
2arus must ha$e sensed the shi!t away !rom him and does his best to ruin it. :>! ourse+;
he says li#e the #id is stupid or something. :Eind o! ob$ious.;
7ope dies along with !ree will. E$eryone else shu!!les their !eet and ats li#e they aren/t
there. ,his must be how Coel ontrolled them. 5ullying and belittling. 'eid/s disli#e o! the
7ispani guy limbs another mountain. 7e/s as muh a waste o! humanity as Coel.
'eid meets Leila/s eyes. She is troubled+ he an tell+ but she loo#s away as 6ui#ly as he does
and he hal#s it up to her hating him.
7as to be that. 7e hates himsel! so why would she !eel any di!!erent=
.t/s not long be!ore 2ilo and his three trailing ompanions return.
:,here/s no way out.; 2ilo is being o$erly dramati again. .t omes out li#e it/s a death
sentene. "s !ar as they all #now it ould be. E$eryone !alls so silent 'eid an hear the bu88ing
o! the light bulb as it !li#ers its li!e away.
:4ou heard him+; 2arus says. :,ime to mo$e on. 4ou+; he points at Cole and the boy
per#s+ :#eep an eye on that line.; 7e -er#s his thumb at the eletri able. Li#e it/s going
anywhere. "gain laughter bubbles up in 'eid/s hest but he manages to hold it ba#.
Somehow he doesn/t thin# 2arus would appreiate it. "nd not that 'eid really ares but
he/s too tired and wrung out to do anything about it i! the other guy !inally deides to hallenge
<hen 2arus leads o!!+ the troop o! tired and !ilthy #ids trails a!ter him. Leila glanes o$er
her shoulder at him !rom where she wal#s beside 2arus and 2ilo re!uses to meet his eyes at all.
'eid wathes them go and waits until they are almost out o! sight to !ollow.
.! you lo$ed RUN+ get ready !or more ad$enture& ,he e9itement is -ust getting started. 4ou an
!ind the !ull series in publiation now at all your !a$orite retailers:
&'out the &uthor
E$erything you need to #now about me is in this one statement: ./$e wanted to be a writer
sine . was a little girl+ and now ./m doing it. 7ow ool is that+ being able to !ollow your dream
and ma#e it reality= ./$e tried e$erything !rom uni$ersity to ollege+ graduating the seond with a
-ournalism diploma 0. su#ed at telling real stories1+ was in an all%girl impro$ troupe !or !i$e
glorious years 0i! you/$e ne$er tried it+ . highly reommend ma#ing things up as you go along as
o!ten as possible1. ./$e e$en been in a Celti girl band 0some o! our stu!! is on 4ou,ube&1 and
was an independent !ilm ma#er. 2y li!e has been one reati$e thing a!ter anotherFall leading
me here+ to writing boo#s !or a li$ing.
)ow with multiple series in happy publiation+ . li$e on beauti!ul and magial Prine Edward
.sland 0. #now you/$e heard o! "nne o! 3reen 3ables1 with my $ery patient husband and si9
massi$e ats.
. lo$e%lo$e%lo$e hearing !rom you& 4ou an reah me 0and . promise ./ll message ba#1 at "nd i! you/re eager !or your ne9t dose o! Patti Larsen boo#s 0usually
about one release a month1 ome -oin my mailing list& "ll the best up and oming+ gi$eaways+
ontests and+ o! ourse+ my obser$ations on the world 0aren/t you -ust dying to #now what . thin#
about e$erything=1 all in one plae:
LastFbut not least&F. hope you en-oyed what you read& 4our happiness is my happiness.
"nd ./d lo$e to hear -ust what you thought. & review where you !ound this boo# would mean the
world to meFreviews !eed writers more than you will e$er #now. So+ lo$ed it 0or not so muh1+
your honest review would ma#e my day. Than( you)

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