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Jade Q.

The Benefits of Problem Solving Skills to the students Level of Achievement in the Area of

Seeking for new knowledge about the world is an unending process that cannot be done easily
without the existence of Mathematics. Mathematics is an indispensable part of human progress. Even the
most common task in daily living invariably involves in Mathematics.
Mathematics is an exact science which involves arranging and studying of patterns and
relationship. It is a way of thinking and provides strategies of analyzing and synthesizing data. Learning
comes from different techniques in understanding the nature and complexity of Mathematics. In studying
Mathematics, it requires a person to have patience and endurance.
The role of Mathematics teacher is valuable in the success of the mathematical program of the
school. Teachers are expected to facilitate learning of their students in order for them to improve the
current level of development of the learners. According to Vygotskys theory of development, There is a
difference between an individuals current level of development and his/her potential level of
development which is called Zone of Proximal Development. In attaining the potential level of
performance of a student, scaffolding is very important. But no one knows whether that support will
contribute a lot to the performance of the student in mathematics or not. Teachers are the best support for
their students especially in Mathematics.
Exploring the field of Mathematics is not easy. There are topics that students cannot understand.
One of those topics is about Problem Solving. According to National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM, 2000), Mathematical problem solving refers to the cognitive process of figuring
out how to solve a mathematics problem that one does not already know how to solve. Problem Solving
is defined as a strategy of finding or looking a solution to any query. It is a process of applying previously
acquired knowledge to a new and unfamiliar situation.
Many students have fear in mathematics because of the presence of problem solving. Some says
that problem solving activity is very hard. Problem solving plays an important role in mathematics and
should have a prominent role in the mathematics education. The focus of this study is to determine the
benefits of problem solving ability to the students level of performance in the area of Mathematics.
Problem solving skill is very important to the lives of students. By learning problem solving in
mathematics, students should acquire ways of thinking, habits of persistence and curiosity, and
confidence in unfamiliar situations that will serve them well outside the mathematics classroom. In
everyday life and in the workplace, being a good problem solver can lead to great advantages. Problem
solving is an integral part of all mathematics learning, and so it should not be an isolated part of the
mathematics program.
According to a study conducted by Noor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali, There is a general agreement
among mathematics educators that students need to acquire problem solving skill, learn to communicate
using mathematical knowledge and skills, develop mathematical thinking and reasoning, to see the
interconnectedness between mathematics and other disciplines. It is very important to have a problem
solving skill because it helps an individual to perform better in the class.
According to Michael Cobelens, Many of the students read and re-read a question before they
try to find an answer. Most of the students will check their answer to determine if it is correct and makes
sense. It only signifies that students are trying their best to solve a given mathematical problem. It is a
way of improving ones knowledge and skills in problem solving.
This study is a way to inform individuals the benefits of having a skill in problem solving and
how it will be connected to the level of their performances when taking mathematics class. Every
individual have the chance to show or prove to others that they are capable of doing such problem
solving. And by doing so, they will gain confidence which is one of the key to conquer their fear or
phobia about mathematics.
According to Schoenfeld, he suggested that A good problem should be one which can be
extended to lead to mathematical explorations and generalizations. It only means that the Mathematics
Jade Q. Nacino
educators should impose a problem which needs a time to think before students can solve it. Through this,
the students can manipulate their mind and can use some techniques in solving the given problem.
Teachers are the best guide to their students in order for them to achieve success. Problem solving
is not an easy lesson in Mathematics. Through this, we must always remember that there are students who
are not fast learners. You must consider their capabilities and level of thinking so that they may not feel
that they are isolated. According to Michael Cobelens, Students need to be able to solve problems in
mathematics and then generalize that skill to other situations that occur in the world around them.
In improving ones ability in problem solving it requires flexibility. According to HGSE
Assistant Professor Jon Star, To solve math problems accurately and efficiently, students need to
develop flexibilitythey need to learn multiple strategies, and how to choose among them in tackling a
particular problem. To solve math problems accurately and efficiently, students need to develop
flexibilitythey need to learn multiple strategies, and how to choose among them in tackling a particular
According to Griffith, Good problem solving skills empower students in their educational,
professional, and personal lives. Nationally and internationally, there is growing recognition that if
education is to produce skilled thinkers and innovators in a fast-changing global economy, then problem
solving skills are more important than ever. Therefore, Skills in problem solving will make you wiser
and different from the others.
Being educators, it is important that you know the levels of your learners especially in
mathematics. It will help you to make an appropriate action if a certain problem arises. Enrich the abilities
of your students and lead them to the road of success and attain achievements in mathematics.

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