Easy Chicken Masala

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Easy Chicken Masala Recipe

Chicken Masala is one of favorite dish. It is simple to make yet

tastes great. This recipe is mainly for the beginners and bachelors
who wants to try this chicken masala at home. When I came first
time to singapore my husband bought some chicken masala
powder and tried this dish and said his friend used to prepare the
chciken masala that way. Ooh... I don't like that taste with store
bought masala. We hardly completed that dish. The next week, I
called my mom and asked for the recipe. I followed the recipe and
the result is awesome. o people who start learning the cooking
and bachelors out there, can find this chicken masala to an an
easy one. o try it and let me know the outcome. !ere we go for
the recipe.
If you want, you can try some of my simple chicken dishes below
Easy Chicken Masala Recipe
Preparation time: "# min $ Cook Time: %& min
Total Time: '# min $ Serves: (
Recipe Category: ide )ish $ Recipe Cuisine: outh Indian
*hicken + ",% kg
*hilli powder + " tsp
*oriander powder + " tsp
Turmeric powder + ",( tsp
alt + ",% tsp
*ardamom + % pods
-ennel + ',( tsp
*innamon stick + # ." inch si/e 0
tar anise + %
1ay leaf + " .crushed0
*loves + 2 to 3
Other Ingredients
unflower oil + # tsp
4ingelly oil + " tsp
*urry leaves + few
Onion + % finely chopped
Tomato + % finely chopped
4inger 4arlic + % tsp
4reen chillies + %
*hilli powder + " tsp
*oriander powder + " tsp
4aram masala + " tsp
Water + " cup . 5 or + 0 alt as per taste
". Wash the chicken with salt nicely. 6dd the chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and
mix well. 6llow to rest for '& min atleast.
%. In a wok or kadai, add # tsp oil and when it is hot add all the spices one by one and finally the curry
leaves. 6dd the onion.
'. 7et the onion become translucent. 8ow add in the tomatoes.
(. 6dd in the ginger garlic paste and the green chillies. aut9 till the raw smell of the ginger garlic
goes off.
#. 6dd in the marinated chicken pieces now. 6dd " cup water mix well.
2. *lose with a lid and let the chciken gets cooked for "& min. 8ow add in the chilli powder, coriander
powder, cumin powder and re:uired salt.
3. 7et it cook for another # min. 6dd the garam masala powder now. ;ix well and sprinkle some
water and allow the chciken to get cooked in the masala powder.
<. *ook till the oils oo/es out. 6dd gingelly oil at this time. Wait for % min. 4arnish with coriander
leaves and serve hot.
=. erve this hot chicken masala with rice or 1iryani or 8aan or dosa. 6nything goes well with this.
*ourtesy> http>,,www.akilaskitchen.com

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