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_____ACME WINDOW WASHING__________
227 Gardner Avenue
Scranton, PA 18501

April 15, 2004 Serving the Greater
Scranton Area

Mr. Raymond Blink
Classic Gizmos
173 E. Drinker St.
Dunmore, PA 18512

Dear Mr. Blink:

How many times have you heard, Ohand by the wayI dont do windows! Well, you
wont hear that from us. Its what we do. We know that there are more important things for you
to be doing than washing windows. SOdo them. And call us to do your windows.

347- ACME (347-2263)

Take advantage of our FREE onsite service consultation. Let us give you a FREE, on the spot,
CLEAN QUOTE. See for yourself why, for over twenty years, so many home and business
owners in the Greater Scranton Area have turned first to ACME WINDOW WASHING.

From the ground floor to the top floor, we provide the highest quality interior and exterior
window cleaning service money can buyat prices that are hard to beat.

Along with your FREE CLEAN QUOTE, we will provide you with a personally tailored
monthly window-cleaning program designed to fit your busy lifestyle. With certified ACME
professionals on the job you will be doing one less mundane chore. While you go about your
business, well go about ours. Well make the world outside your window a brighter place.

SOdont delay. Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today. Mention this letter and
receive a 25% DISCOUNT on the first regularly scheduled service call of your personally
tailored monthly window-cleaning program.

Let us do your windows,

Lance Glassman
ACME Account Executive


154 Green Avenue
Newyork, USA
January 5, 2010

Ms. K. Hutchinson
Beller Company, Inc.
424 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10021

Dear Ms. Hutchinson :

Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my
request. Please send me the following items by parcel post :

1 copy Emmet and Mullen,
High School Algebra @ $7.50 $ 7.50
25 copies Pinehurst,
Plane Geometry @ $8.75 $ 218.75
Total $ 226.25
I am enclosing a money order for 226.25. If there are additional charges, please let me know.
Please mail the books to the address given above.

Very truly yours,
Brandon Michael
(Adapted from Lets Write English by George E. Wishon & Julia M. Burks)

Ms. Sandra Jones
The Leather Shop 9
Green Street
Dear Ms. Jones,
Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are
interested in our products.
We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogues under separate cover, together
with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture; of our
I regret to say that we cannot send you the full range of samples. You can be
assured, however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not included in the
swatch, are of the same high quality.
Mrs. Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK-next month
and will be pleased to call on you. She will have with her a wide range of our
products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best
quality materials are, used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal
to the most discriminating buyer.
We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be
interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high
quality as our handbags. Mrs. Wane will be able to show you examples when she
We look forward to receiving an .order from you.
Yours sincerely,

John T. Tirado
1439 Agriculture Lane
Homestead, FL 33030
Dear John,

It has come to our attention that you have not completed the interior design job that you
were hired for on November 4
, 2009 to the agreed upon specifications. You failed to
install the shelving system correctly, and you didnt even start installing the carpet.

We are deeply disappointed that you could not hold up your end of the contract we

We hope that you can either a) return and finish the job to the specifications laid out in
our contract or b) pay out the damages for non completion included in section 7. b) of the
contract we signed.

Please respond as soon as possible with the action you are going to take to remedy this


David Gretta

Green Tree Freight Co., Inc.
Columbus, Ohio 45453
(315) 565-6789
March 26, 19XX
Mrs. Phoebe F. Hughes
Complete Table, Inc.
P.O. Box 3132
Austin, TX 78703
Subj.: March 24 letter about damaged freight
Dear Mrs. Hughes,
I have just received your March 24 letter about the damaged shipment you received through Green Tree
Freight and regret the inconvenience that it has caused you.
From your account of the problem, I am quite sure that your request for the $240 adjustment on the
damage to the 2 crates of Valjean Cristal stemware will be granted. A certain amount of breakage of this
sort does unavoidably occur in cross-country shipping; I am sorry that it was your company that had to be
the one to suffer the delay.
I must remind you to keep the damaged crates in the same condition in which you received them until one
of our representatives can inspect them. That inspection should take place within 2 weeks.
If all is in order, as it sounds to be in your letter, you can expect the full reimbursement within 2 weeks
after our representative's inspection. I hope this unfortunate accident will not keep you from having
merchandise shipped by Green Tree Freight in the future.


David F. Morgan, Customer Relations
Green Tree Freight Co., Inc.
Columbus, Ohio 45453
(315) 565-6789


To: Mykia Furniture

16th September 2001

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your consignment of garden furniture on the 15th September 2001,

the goods have been received in good condition.

We enclose a cheque for EUR 1000 ( EUR One Thousand Only), in full settlement

of account towards supply of goods as per your invoice number 82615.

Please acknowledge the receipt of the above mentioned Cheque and credit us with the

Thanking you in advance.

Sincerely yours,




(contact details)


June 12, 2014
John Q. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Dear Scholarship Donor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding
the John Q. Smith Memorial Scholarship. I am very honored to be the recipient of this award.
I am currently a sophomore majoring in Education, and my GPA is 3.83. I have completed 37
credit hours by taking classes as a part-time student for the last three years. My goal is to
complete my degree here at the University of Michigan-Flint and then teach high school French
and English in the southeastern part of Michigan.
While attending school I have been involved with the Future Teachers of America and Lambda
Lambda service organization. We provide tutoring and mentoring on a weekly basis to two
elementary schools located near the university campus. I have also helped organize three campus
blood drives and winter coat collection.
Receiving this scholarship motivates me to maintain my GPA and complete my degree. I look
forward to being able to give back to the community once I begin my career teaching. I thank
you for your confidence and willingness to help me achieve my goals.
Betty Ann Student


Room 354, Block 6
Model Village
North Point
Hong Kong
Phone: 24862893
Mobile: 95427415
2 February 2014

Mr William Chan
Personnel Manager
Wong And Lim Consulting
PO Box 583
Kwai Chung
Dear Mr Chan
Application for the Post of Management Trainee
I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student
Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 2 February 2014.
My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership
skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and
written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in
mainland China.
Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
graduating in 2014. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management
Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting,
Marketing and Strategic Management.
My final year project is entitled Knowledge Management Practices in HK. Carrying out this
project has improved my communication skills, my leadership skills and my ability to lead and
supervise subordinates effectively. I have also learned how to run a project from the planning
stage to its completion.
During my studies I have held the post of Executive in the Management Society. While leading
and organising Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise
subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team
Working for Wong And Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it
provides excellent training. Your organisation produces a high-quality service, and I can
contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.
I am available for interview at any time. I can be contacted most easily on the mobile phone
number given above. I look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely

Wong Wai Man Wilfred

1. Be the customer as you write. This is the most important aspect of a good sales letter, but it's
often overlooked. Imagine yourself as the reader of your letter, and write what the customer
wants to know--not what you want to say.
You have one page to attract a customer; you'll lose the opportunity if your sole emphasis is on
your business. Remember, your customer's main concern is fulfilling his or her needs and
desires, not increasing the balance in your bank account.
2. Organize your letter. Sales letters, just like high school term papers, need an introduction, a
body and a conclusion. In the introduction, tell why you're sending the letter. The body is your
"sales pitch," where you'll explain why your offer is irresistible. The conclusion wraps it up by
briefly bringing your points together and asking the customer to take advantage of the offer.
3. Make it easy to read. Many sales letters are thrown away without being read simply because
they appear too complicated. Don't let this happen to you. Use the following guidelines:
Write in a conversational style, just as you would normally speak; formal tones are
usually unnecessary in sales letters.
Use short sentences. Once you start writing more informally, you'll notice your sentences
will get shorter.
Compose short paragraphs. People like to have breaks in their reading. If it doesn't flow
smoothly and sound natural, rewrite it.
Edit and then re-edit your letter. Besides being difficult to read, misspelled words and
grammar errors destroy the credibility and effectiveness of your letter.
4. Capture your reader's attention. Headlines are not limited to ads. They can also be used in
letters to tell readers something they want to know in a bold way that grabs their attention.
You can also use longer headlines--up to three or four sentences--to present important
information. In either case, always make the headline compelling so customers want to read the
rest of the story.
5. Get your readers interested. Involve the reader in the letter by bringing it to life with a
steady flow of interesting information. Write in an active voice.
Build on your sentences and paragraphs so the reader is encouraged to continue reading. Every
sentence needs to be interesting; a reader can become bored quickly.
June Van Klaveren, owner of Compelling Communications, a copywriting firm in St. Louis,
recommends including a handwritten note or an arrow in a different color ink to highlight an
important fact and retain your reader's interest. "I also include a `P.S.' at the bottom of the letter,"
says Van Klaveren. "You can count on this and your headline being read because you've piqued
the reader's curiosity."
6. Make your readers want your product or service. This is best done by answering the
reader's question, What's in it for me? People are bombarded daily with billboards, commercials
and direct mail--all trying to sell something. Your letter can stand out by not selling, but offering
People don't buy products or services, they buy the benefits derived from their purchases.
Remember, you're not selling dining room tables; you're selling a joyous haven where families
bond and friendships flourish. There's a big distinction between the two approaches.
7. Ask your readers to take action. Potential customers won't know what you want unless you
tell them what to do next. If you want them to call you, say that in your letter and provide your
phone number. If you want them to visit your facility, invite them to stop by and give them clear
directions and specific office hours.
It's also important to urge your readers to take action right away. The longer it takes them to
respond, the less likely it is you'll hear from them. If you're running a promotion, offer the
special for a limited time. If you only have a few units available, be sure to state that quantities
are limited. This generates urgency to follow up on your letter.

In order to step down from a job position via a letter, one should convey his or
her intentions for stepping down in a positive manner. The letter should be
written in a non-critical fashion and should be professional,brief, and
concentrated. In this letter, one should clearly state the date he/she plans on
leaving his/her position and thank his/her employer for the job opportunity and

Background: Your first contact with a foundation should be to request information about the
foundations missions and goals, specifically an annual report, giving guidelines, and grants
If after carefully reviewing this material you determine that this foundation is an
match for you, your next contact will be a Letter of Inquiry, which is a brief summary of your
A Letter of Inquiry is a timesaver for both the foundation reviewer and the proposal writer, as
allows the reviewer to assess quickly whether or not there is a good match between the
foundations interests and the proposers project. If the reviewer determines that it is a good
match, he or she can request a more complete description as would be found in a full
In fact, when you read the words, proposals not accepted, it does not necessarily mean that
Letter of Inquiry is out of order. If the reviewer likes what he or she reads, you will be
invited to
submit a full proposal.
Important: A Letter of Inquiry is not a vague exploration of an idea. It is assumed that you
have already thought through your proposed project including a budget! and are just
presenting an abbreviated description.
Technique: Consider how concise, yet engaging, you must be to keep someones attention in
conversation when there are many other people around also wanting that persons attention.
so it is with the Letter of Inquiry. Use your words smartly. Avoid jargon, boosterism, flowery
subjective statements that cant be supported by facts or others statements. Write as if you
making a logical, persuasive argument.
Contents of a Letter of Inquiry: Please review the Tip Sheet entitled Basic Components of a
Proposal because a Letter of Inquiry is a condensed version of a proposal. You are giving
highlights of the same information in much the same order. For example, where you might
use a
page to cover an executive summary, in a Letter of Inquiry you do it in a paragraph. Letters
Inquiry generally are 2-3 pages; oftentimes, the foundation will indicate a page limit. Do not
over that limit!

How to write a claim letter:
At the beginning of your letter, indicate that you are making a claim and specify the type
of claim you are making (e.g., an insurance claim).
State the policy number, if applicable.
Describe the specific circumstances or details of the claim (for example, that a product is
defective or the details of an accident). Give all relevant facts concerning the claim.
Indicate the dollar amount you are claiming or what action you would like the reader to
take and the date by which you expect the action to be taken.
Refer to any documents you are including with your letter, including claim forms, repair
estimates, warranty, or records or receipts. Ask if there is any other information or
documents or forms you need to send.
If you are using some of the enclosed documents as evidence to substantiate your claim,
specifically mention the content of the documents and illustrate how they support your
Indicate by when you would like to receive a reply to your letter and include contact
information that will allow the person to easily reach you.
You may want to thank the reader for his/her (anticipated) help before ending your letter.
When denying a claim be sure to:
Open by stating your regret that the claim must be denied.
Include the policy number, if applicable.
Give the reasons why the claim was denied or rejected. Include any documents that
provide evidence to support this action.
Include information about what the claimant must do or change to have the claim
approved, if desired.
Include any important dates, such as the date by which an appeal or resubmission must be
made, if applicable.
Include the contact information for the person to whom an appeal would be made, if
Reiterate your regret that the claim must be denied and express your willingness to
discuss the matter further or work to resolve the problem, if necessary.
Close by stating that you value the readers business or that you appreciate him/her as a

Replies to complaint letters, often called letters of "adjustment," must be handled carefully when the
requested compensation cannot be granted. Refusal of compensation tests your diplomacy and tact as a
writer. Here are some suggestions that may help you write either type of adjustment letter:
1. Begin with a reference to the date of the original letter of complaint and to the purpose of your
letter. If you deny the request, don't state the refusal right away unless you can do so tactfully.
2. Express your concern over the writer's troubles and your appreciation that he has written you.
3. If you deny the request, explain the reasons why the request cannot be granted in as cordial and
noncombative manner as possible. If you grant the request, don't sound as if you are doing so in a
begrudging way.
4. If you deny the request, try to offer some partial or substitute compensation or offer some friendly
advice (to take the sting out of the denial).
5. Conclude the letter cordially, perhaps expressing confidence that you and the writer will continue
doing business.
Begin by expressing regret over the problem or stating that you are
pleased to hear from the customer, or both.
Adopt the you-attitude; maintain a positive, cheerful tone.
Explain the circumstances that caused the problem.
State specifically what the adjustment will be.
Handle any special problems that may have accompanied the letter; then
Begin with a friendly openerestablish common ground; express regret
over the situation.
Avoid being discourteous, even if the customer has been downright
Explain the reason for the refusal (and at some length, which indicates
that you've considered the problem seriously).
After the explanation, state the actual refusal (and inoffensively as
If possible, offer a partial or substitute adjustment.
Close the letter in a friendly way.
Acknowledgement Letter Basic Guidelines
Outline Before you sit down to write consider what all you need to write. If you want
to acknowledge for a product then keep the required documents near you. Check dates of
product order/request and product delivery. Create a list of points regarding your
satisfaction, dissatisfaction or any other information. Plan the placement of information
in a serial wise manner. Consider yourself as the recipient and see if you have enough
and relevant information. This way you are able to organise the information
Drafting Drafting an acknowledgement letter is the second step towards writing an
effective one. Drafting is a rough letter before you actually start the final one. Use the
information of the outline and divide into short paragraphs. Since it is a draft write
whatever comes in your mind irrespective of grammar, paragraph structure, punctuation,
spelling etc. sentence and. Then read it aloud to yourself. How does it sound? First
attempts are hardly the right ones here. Go through the contents again and refer them
with the outline and your objective. The major objective of drafting is to have a concise
matter for the final letter and to make sure that your thoughts and ideas are conveyed in a
cohesive manner. The opening and conclusion are of the utmost importance. The opening
should lead to the body (subject) of the letter. It should maintain a continuum and not
break the transition. The conclusion sums up all in brief with a positive impression.
Be Sincere Be sincere whilst writing or create such a feel inside to provide genuineness
to the letter. Think of what the reader will think when he reads it. It shouldnt come
across to him that you are just faking or doing a formality. Experienced people have the
knack figuring out dishonest statement.
Address it to a Person Always make sure that you address your letter to a specific
person and not just the company or organization in general. Try to find out the person
who is to be acknowledged as he is the ones who deserves the credit. Addressing it to just
an organisation has a less impact. After all business relationships or others are built on
human emotion and personal interaction. If you are unable to know the required
addressee, write the name of assistant, a second contact person. This is important to
establish or maintain a line of communication indicating a healthy business relationship.
You can also request for the appropriate persons name for future correspondence or
Short and Specific Letters of acknowledgement are meant to be short and specific, so
avoid irrelevant details. Be specific to the subject in mention. Do not repeat any
information which the reader already knows. Few simple words of acknowledgement are
better than a complicated, heavily phrased lengthy letter. Consider yourself as the reader
and would you like to read in length about the acknowledgement especially if its official.
Using Letterhead As a rule an Official Acknowledgment letter should have a company
letter head on the Top Margin of the page, left, right or middle. If writing on a personal
level an official letterhead is not required. One can however, use a personal letter
depending upon his desire or need.
Be Polite - As always, acknowledgement letters have no place for harshness. It is a basic
courtesy amongst almost all types of letters. Start on a positive note and maintain a polite
tone throughout your letter. If you are not satisfied or have grievances then also start with
the positive points. Use your critique or sarcasm in the latter part of the letter. Build a
positive tempo and use the same to resolve your negative issues. You have to be
courteous here because the reader may be dissatisfied or may become defensive.
Politeness becomes even more important when you are at the receiving end owing to any
damage, inconvenience, miscommunication or problem caused by you. Apologise, assure
and ensure a swift action.
Timely Acknowledgement A stitch in time saves the nine is one phrase which is
quite apt when it comes to letters of acknowledgement. It is highly advisable to send the
acknowledgment letter within few days of receiving the source for acknowledgement. A
delayed letter shows a fake gesture and it may be remembered for untimely delivery. But
another phrase Better late Than Never also comes into play here. If the delay was
inevitable apologize for it in the most sincere manner. Sometimes it is the
acknowledgment that matters even if it is untimely but dont consider it as an acceptable
rule because you may not know what the other person thinks of your gesture.
Proofreading - Check your grammar, spellings, sentence formation and structure. Use
active voice instead of a passive voice as the former has a commanding appeal, required
especially if you have to flaunt your companys repute, yours or otherwise. Check the
accuracy, clarity and a sense of completeness of your paragraphs. Keep your tone
consistent, avoids abstract terms which are generally not understood by all like slang,
clichs or phrases. Remove any confusing items. If typed on PC use professional fonts
like Times New Roman or Arial and maintain the same. Also keep in mind the legibility
of words; neither too small nor too big. Appropriate dates, signature and complimentary
closure should not be forgotten.


Letter of Application Guidelines
Length: A letter of application should be no more than one page long.
Format: A letter of application should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph.
Use about 1" margins and align your text to the left, which is the standard alignment for most
Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be
between 10 and 12 points.
How to Organize a Letter of Application
Header: A letter of application should begin with both you and the employer's contact
information (name, address, phone number, email) followed by the date. If this is an email rather
than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your
Header Examples
Salutation: Begin your letter with "Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name." If you do not know the
employer's last name, simply write, "Dear Hiring Manager."
Salutation Examples
Introduction: Begin by stating what job you are applying for. Explain where you heard about
the job, particularly if you heard about it from a contact associated with the company.
Briefly mention how your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this will
give the employer a preview of the rest of your letter.
Body: In a paragraph or two, explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an
excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting, and
explain how you meet those qualifications. Do not simply restate your resume, but provide
specific examples that demonstrate your abilities. You can either write about these specific
examples in complete sentences or in a bulleted format.



CONTROL NUMBER: _________________
May the Omnipotent God be with all of us -- a promising year of opportunities and blessings!
As we start the annual fiesta in honor of "Birhen sa Fatima" in Lower Pakigne, Minglanilla, Cebu, our
organization named __________ is also on the preparatory stages for the barangay-initiated activities.
This religious festival is a yearly barangay-wide activity that involves constituents or people from all
walks of life to support financially in order to make it successful. Thus, the fiesta needs full support of the
youth who are partly the "financial backers." Without the youth, it needs a long time to carry out the task
that hinders the progress and success of the celebration.
In the light of the aforementioned event, it is but imperative for the _________ to prepare for its logistics
that include, among others, the costumes and accessories, food, props, shirts and streamers. For this end,
please consider your good self a prospective benefactor for our ___________ . Please feel free to check
any choices below as your generous and sincere help for this undertaking:
Minor Sponsor (Php 1,000.00) Mega Sponsor (Php 10,000.00)
Major Sponsor (Php 5,000.00) Donors (Php 500.00-Php 999.99)
As a form of acknowledgment for the financial help you graciously extended to us, your name or that of
your company will be printed in our banners and shirts, and will be included in our barangay issue. But
we are confident that our prayers for your well-being will suffice with what we have anticipated more
than these.
Truly yours,
_____________ ___________ ____________
Name/Signature of Solicitor Youth President Youth Organizer

April 11, 2011
University of the Visayas
Cebu City
Dean, Graduate School
University of the Visayas
Cebu City
I am writing to express my interest in the Graduate School, here at University of the Visayas-Main
Campus as one of your professors. I have been teaching as a College Instructor at University of the
Visayas-Minglanilla Campus for seven years now. As the Visayanian product and alumnus of this
university during my baccalaureate or 4-year course, the position seems to fit very well with my
education, experience, and career interests. With B.S.Ed. degree and Master's degree in English, I have a
full understanding of the full life cycle of a mentor or an effective teacher inside and outside the
classroom. Besides, I have a lot of experiences in learning and excelling at innovations and other things as
Aside from the aforementioned experiences, the position also requires fulfillment and experience in
tertiary level, and years' teaching experience in a teacher education institution. As a graduate of Doctor of
Education (Ed.D.) at Southwestern University, Major in Educational Management, I have trainings on
principles, methods and strategies of teaching, as well as on a variety of educational management
programs and applications. To indicate further in the accompanying resume and selection criteria, I offer
the following qualifications and experience:
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Major in Educational Management
Master of Arts in Teaching English (Language and Literature)
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) Major in English
Supervisory / Educational Management Experience
School Publication / Journalism Project Skills
Thus, my background and career goals seem to match your standard and quality of education well. I am
confident that I can perform the job as Graduate School Professor effectively. Furthermore, I am
genuinely interested in the position and in working for your learning institution.
I am a motivated professional with a variety of skills and experience. My personal qualities reveal
excellent teamwork and leadership skill, a high level of initiative and creative energy. Please see my
resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via my phone, 5823413. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look
forward to the opportunity of meeting with you and discussing my suitability for the position further.
Junjun De Jesus Faja, Ed.D.


Flat A, 8/F
321 Java Road
North Point
Hong Kong
6 June 20--
Mrs Mary Chan
ABC Corporation
1 Nathan Road
Dear Mrs Chan
While reading through the company directory of Career Times Online lately, I learned that ABC
Corporation routinely recruits and hires college graduates. My research on your organization
leads me to believe that there would be a good fit between your needs and my skills and
As you can see from my resume, I have recently completed my bachelor's degree in Hotel
Management at XYZ University. During the past three years in the university, I have been
actively involved in extra-curricular activities that help develop my communication and
leadership skills. In addition, I have gained practical and solid experience in the hospitality
industry by working as an intern at a hotel for two summers.
Please feel free to contact me if my qualifications match any of your current openings and to
discuss my background further. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely
Chris Lee

Mr. George N. Johnson
Manger-Human Resource
Special Accountants Pvt. Ltd
837 Godfrey Road
New York, NY 10016
19 September 2010
Dear, Mr. Johnson
I am Mr. Robert M. Bower working with J and K Chartered Accounts Pvt. Ltd from the period of
one year. I am working here as an intern and now I completed my internship. Thus in am looking
forward to work with the best company in accounting filed and your company has remarkable
and highly known company in this filed. I complete my three years certification course in
Chartered Accountancy and in the last year of my course I was taking internship in J and K
Chartered Accounts Pvt. Ltd. I am familiar with income tax, Vat, and accounting procedure up to
finalization single handedly. I have all my documents, certificates for work experience as well as
qualification and copies for the same is been attached with this letter along with my brief resume.
It will be a pleasure for me if a got a chance to work with your company. I will be waiting for the
needful response from your side.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Robert M. Bower
4034 Buck Drive
South Burlington, VT 05403

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