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Version 4.1.0
July 18, 2006
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema

Developed for CrossRef by:

Bruce Rosenblum and Irina Golfman, Inera Incorporated
Inera Incorporated
815 Washington St., Suite 3
Newton, MA 02460
(617) 969-3053

For more information contact:

40 Salem Street
Lynnfield, MA 01940
Telephone: +1-781-295-0072
Fax: +1-781-295-0077

2001-2006 PILA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Version 4.1.0 Page 2
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 7
HISTORY ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
USING THIS DOCUMENT...................................................................................................................... 12
TERMINOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 12
MATTERS OF INTERPRETATION....................................................................................................... 13
WORK VERSUS MANIFESTATION............................................................................................................... 13
MULTIPLE RESOLUTION............................................................................................................................ 13
GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION NOTES............................................................................................. 14
TAGGING CONVENTIONS........................................................................................................................... 14
CHARACTER SETS ..................................................................................................................................... 14
FACE MARKUP.......................................................................................................................................... 14
MATHEMATICAL MARKUP ........................................................................................................................ 15
ATTRIBUTES.............................................................................................................................................. 15
contributor_role ................................................................................................................................... 15
language ............................................................................................................................................... 15
sequence ............................................................................................................................................... 16
publication_type ................................................................................................................................... 16
SCHEMA ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 17
ABBREV_TITLE.......................................................................................................................................... 25
AFFILIATION.............................................................................................................................................. 26
APPROVAL_DATE....................................................................................................................................... 28
AUTHOR..................................................................................................................................................... 29
B................................................................................................................................................................ 30
BODY ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
BOOK......................................................................................................................................................... 32
BOOK_METADATA..................................................................................................................................... 33
CITATION................................................................................................................................................... 35
CITATION_LIST .......................................................................................................................................... 40
CODEN....................................................................................................................................................... 41
COLLECTION.............................................................................................................................................. 42
COMPONENT.............................................................................................................................................. 43
COMPONENT_LIST ..................................................................................................................................... 45
COMPONENT_NUMBER .............................................................................................................................. 46
CONFERENCE............................................................................................................................................. 47
CONFERENCE_ACRONYM........................................................................................................................... 48
CONFERENCE_DATE................................................................................................................................... 49
CONFERENCE_LOCATION........................................................................................................................... 50
CONFERENCE_NAME.................................................................................................................................. 51
CONFERENCE_NUMBER ............................................................................................................................. 53
CONFERENCE_PAPER................................................................................................................................. 54
CONFERENCE_SPONSOR............................................................................................................................. 55
CONFERENCE_THEME................................................................................................................................ 56
CONTENT_ITEM......................................................................................................................................... 57
CONTRACT_NUMBER................................................................................................................................. 59
CONTRIBUTORS ......................................................................................................................................... 60
CREATION_DATE ....................................................................................................................................... 61
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
CYEAR ...................................................................................................................................................... 62
DATABASE................................................................................................................................................. 63
DATABASE_DATE ...................................................................................................................................... 64
DATABASE_METADATA ............................................................................................................................. 65
DATASET ................................................................................................................................................... 66
DAY ........................................................................................................................................................... 68
DEGREE ..................................................................................................................................................... 69
DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................................. 70
DEPOSITOR ................................................................................................................................................ 71
DISSERTATION........................................................................................................................................... 72
DOI ............................................................................................................................................................ 73
DOI_BATCH ............................................................................................................................................... 74
DOI_BATCH_ID.......................................................................................................................................... 75
DOI_DATA ................................................................................................................................................. 76
EDITION_NUMBER ..................................................................................................................................... 77
EMAIL_ADDRESS....................................................................................................................................... 78
EVENT_METADATA.................................................................................................................................... 79
FIRST_PAGE............................................................................................................................................... 80
FORMAT..................................................................................................................................................... 81
FULL_TITLE............................................................................................................................................... 82
GIVEN_NAME............................................................................................................................................. 83
HEAD......................................................................................................................................................... 84
I ................................................................................................................................................................. 85
IDENTIFIER ................................................................................................................................................ 86
INSTITUTION.............................................................................................................................................. 87
INSTITUTION_ACRONYM............................................................................................................................ 88
INSTITUTION_DEPARTMENT....................................................................................................................... 89
INSTITUTION_NAME................................................................................................................................... 90
INSTITUTION_PLACE.................................................................................................................................. 91
ISBN........................................................................................................................................................... 92
ISSN........................................................................................................................................................... 93
ISSUE......................................................................................................................................................... 94
ITEM.......................................................................................................................................................... 95
ITEM_NUMBER .......................................................................................................................................... 96
J OURNAL ................................................................................................................................................... 98
J OURNAL_ARTICLE.................................................................................................................................... 99
J OURNAL_ISSUE....................................................................................................................................... 100
J OURNAL_METADATA.............................................................................................................................. 101
J OURNAL_TITLE....................................................................................................................................... 102
J OURNAL_VOLUME.................................................................................................................................. 103
LAST_PAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 104
MONTH.................................................................................................................................................... 105
NAME ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
ORGANIZATION........................................................................................................................................ 107
ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE_TITLE.................................................................................................................. 108
OTHER_PAGES......................................................................................................................................... 109
OVL ......................................................................................................................................................... 110
PAGES...................................................................................................................................................... 111
PERSON_NAME ........................................................................................................................................ 112
PROCEEDINGS_METADATA ...................................................................................................................... 113
PROCEEDINGS_SUBJ ECT........................................................................................................................... 114
PROCEEDINGS_TITLE............................................................................................................................... 115
PROPERTY................................................................................................................................................ 116
PUBLICATION_DATE ................................................................................................................................ 117
PUBLISHER............................................................................................................................................... 118
PUBLISHER_ITEM..................................................................................................................................... 119
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
PUBLISHER_NAME ................................................................................................................................... 120
PUBLISHER_PLACE .................................................................................................................................. 121
REGISTRANT............................................................................................................................................ 122
REPORT-PAPER ........................................................................................................................................ 123
REPORT-PAPER_METADATA..................................................................................................................... 124
RESOURCE ............................................................................................................................................... 125
SA_COMPONENT...................................................................................................................................... 126
SCP.......................................................................................................................................................... 127
SERIES_METADATA ................................................................................................................................. 128
SERIES_NUMBER...................................................................................................................................... 130
SERIES_TITLE .......................................................................................................................................... 131
SPECIAL_NUMBERING.............................................................................................................................. 132
STANDARD............................................................................................................................................... 133
STANDARD_METADATA........................................................................................................................... 134
SUB.......................................................................................................................................................... 136
SUBTITLE................................................................................................................................................. 137
SUFFIX..................................................................................................................................................... 138
SUP.......................................................................................................................................................... 139
SURNAME ................................................................................................................................................ 140
TIMESTAMP ............................................................................................................................................. 141
TITLE....................................................................................................................................................... 142
TITLES..................................................................................................................................................... 143
TT............................................................................................................................................................ 144
U.............................................................................................................................................................. 145
UPDATE_DATE......................................................................................................................................... 146
UNSTRUCTURED_CITATION ..................................................................................................................... 147
VOLUME .................................................................................................................................................. 148
VOLUME_TITLE ....................................................................................................................................... 149
YEAR....................................................................................................................................................... 150
CROSSREF DEPOSIT SCHEMA 4.1.0................................................................................................. 151
CROSSREF COMMON SCHEMA MODULE 1.0.4............................................................................ 172
JOURNAL SAMPLE............................................................................................................................... 192
J OURNAL SAMPLE DOCUMENT INSTANCE ............................................................................................... 192
BOOK SAMPLES.................................................................................................................................... 197
BOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................... 197
BOOK SAMPLE DOCUMENT INSTANCE: SECTIONS AND CHAPTERS.......................................................... 197
BOOK SAMPLE DOCUMENT INSTANCE: BOOK SERIES............................................................................. 200
CONFERENCE SAMPLE ...................................................................................................................... 203
CONFERENCE SAMPLE DOCUMENT INSTANCE......................................................................................... 203
STAND ALONE COMPONENT SAMPLE .......................................................................................... 206
STAND ALONE COMPONENT INSTANCE................................................................................................... 206
DISSERTATION SAMPLE.................................................................................................................... 207
DISSERTATION INSTANCE........................................................................................................................ 207
TECHNICAL REPORT SAMPLE......................................................................................................... 208
TECHNICAL REPORT INSTANCE............................................................................................................... 208
WORKING PAPER SAMPLE................................................................................................................ 210
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WORKING PAPER INSTANCE.................................................................................................................... 210
STANDARD SAMPLE............................................................................................................................ 211
STANDARD INSTANCE ............................................................................................................................. 211
DATABASE SAMPLE............................................................................................................................. 213
DATABASE INSTANCE 1........................................................................................................................... 213
DATABASE INSTANCE 2........................................................................................................................... 214
ISO 639 LANGUAGE CODES ............................................................................................................... 216
CROSSREF DTD 0.3 TO 2.0 MAPPING............................................................................................... 217
ONIX 2.0 MAPPING................................................................................................................................ 219
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................................................................................................... 220
Version 4.1.0 Page 6
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
CrossRef is a collaborative reference linking service through which a researcher can click on a
reference citation in a published item and immediately access the cited article. CrossRef functions
as a sort of digital switchboard. It holds no full text content, but enables links through Digital
Object Identifiers (DOI), which are tagged to article metadata supplied by the participating
publishers. This service is based on the submission of metadata to CrossRef by member
publishers and serves to enhance the publisher's value-added position.
Main parts of the CrossRef service are the deposit of metadata and DOIs with CrossRef and the
subsequent deposit and registration of the DOIs and URLs in the DOI System by CrossRef on
behalf of the member publishers. As an IDF Registration Agency, CrossRef deposits the DOIs and
URLs supplied by publishers in the central DOI System.
Since 2000, CrossRef has accepted deposits of journal article DOIs and metadata using an XML
DTD. In 2002, CrossRef starting accepting deposits of metadata for Books and Conference
Proceedings. In 2004, deposits of Component metadata started, and in 2006, Dissertation,
Technical Report and Working Paper, Standard, and Database metadata commenced.
This document provides documentation for the CrossRef schema to deposit Journal, Book,
Conference Proceeding, Stand Alone Component, Dissertation, Technical Report and Working
Paper, Standard, and Database metadata.
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
The original CrossRef schema, doi_batch.dtd, version 0.3, was developed by Howard Ratner
(previously at Springer-Verlag, currently at Nature Publishing Group), and maintained by Mark
Kozinski of CrossRef.
Version 2.0.0 is based on the foundation of doi_batch.dtd and document analysis conducted by
Inera Incorporated. Prior to developing version 2.0.0, publishers were surveyed about issues for
metadata deposit of Books and Conference Proceedings. Additional input was collected from
publishers at a meeting in New York on July 23, 2001.
Summaries of the document analysis, publisher surveys, and the meetings on July 23, 2001 are
available from CrossRef.
Version 2.0.0 is not backward compatible with version 0.3.
Version 2.0.1 adds contributors as an optional element to journal_issue.
Version 2.0.2 incorporates the following changes:
Tightened validation of isbn and issn instances
Changed item_number maxLength from 15 to 32, added an attribute for
item_number_type, and changed publisher_item to allow up to three
item_number elements.
Added face markup to title, original_language_title, and subtitle elements.
This addition allows basic face markup in titles for those disciplines (e.g. in genetics,
mathematics) where lack of face markup can result in ambiguous interpretation.
Increased doi maxLength from 255 to 2048 characters
Changed the doi_data model from url to collection, item and resource to allow
future expansion for multiple resolution. WARNING: the collection model is
infinitely recursive and may only be used in accordance with the documentation
provided by CrossRef!
related_doi was removed. The functionality of this element has been replaced with
Version 2.0.3 incorporates the following changes:
Changed resource to resource and property where resource is the container for a
URI related to a doi and property elements qualify the resource or collection to
which they're applied.
Changed data type of doi from string to xsd:anyURI
Changed the relationship of item and collection.
Version 2.0.4 incorporates the following changes:
Changed default name space declaration and brought into full conformance with XML
Spy 4.3.
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Version 2.0.5 incorporates the following changes:
Brought into full conformance with Xerces 2.0.
Version 3.0.0 incorporates the following changes:
Version 3.0.0 a completely backward compatible update to version 2.0.5. For current
users of the schema, you may continue to use it exactly as you used version 2.0.5 (or
interim release 2.0.6) except that you must change the version attribute of element
doi_batch from version="2.0.5" to version="3.0.0"
The following changes have been made to the data validation model used in version
xrefMonth maxInclusive was changed from 12 to 34 to support extended definitions
for seasons and quarters.
The data types for doi and resource were changed to string from anyURI to support
deposits of non-conforming data.
The maximum number of contributors to an item was changed from 256 to
The elements conference_location and conference_date were changed from
required to optional elements in event_metadata
The CrossRef Metadata Deposit Schema has been reorganized into two distinct files,
crossref4.1.0.xsd and common1.0.4.xsd, to allow other CrossRef schemas to share
common elements from the same pool. As a result, most elements from sections 1, 2, and
8 of the original CrossRef schema have been moved to common1.0.4.xsd.
The following list enumerates new elements added to version 3.0.0 of the CrossRef
Metadata Deposit Schema to support deposit of citations:
For more information on the use of these elements, please see their respective definitions
and the documentation for the citation and citation_list elements.
Version 3.0.1 incorporates the following changes:
Modified citation model to use the new and looser element cYear, which adds
support for non-numeric years in references (e.g., 1999-2000)
Warning: This update is not fully backward compatible if you are depositing citation lists due
to the change in the citation model.
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Version 3.0.2 incorporates the following changes:
Extensively modified the collection element to fit the multiple resolution
pilot/demo. Added doi to the possible elements in item
Moved some elements from the main schema file to the include file
(common1.0.2.xsd) to facilitate creating a schema for the deposit of only multiple
resolution data.
Version 3.0.3 incorporates the following changes:
Added the component element to the common include file. component is a
container element that allows registration of supplemental information for a journal
article, book chapter, or conference paper such as figures, tables, videos, or data sets.
component has been added to journal_article, conference_paper, and
Added the sa_component element to the common include file. sa_component is
for depositing a stand alone component which identifies a parent DOI that may
already exist (e.g. created in an earlier deposit or via some other registration process).
For example, it may be used to deposit the DOI for a cover image that is part of a
journal issue for which a DOI has been registered.
The following list enumerates new elements added to version 3.0.3 of the CrossRef
Metadata Deposit Schema to support deposit of components:
For more information on the use of these elements, please see their respective definitions
and the documentation for the component element.
Version 4.0.0 incorporates the following changes:
Extended schema to support expanded content types for dissertations, reports, working
papers, and standards
Restructured publication_date element to use a date type
Included fixes to email_address and isbn patterns because some parsers require a
hyphen to be escaped inside of []
Added video/avi to mime_type.atts
Version 4.0.1 incorporates the following changes:
Changed abbrev_title so that it is optional. full_title is still required
Changed full_title to allow up to 10 names for a journal
Added citation_list to conference_paper, book_metadata, content_item,
dissertation, report-paper_metadata, standard_metadata
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Added approval_date to report-paper_metadata as an optional element
Added report-number has an attribute to identifier to indicate report numbers
that use non-standard identification schemes
Version 4.1.0 incorporates the following changes:
Added elements for database deposits
Changed description in component element to only allow one occurance
Added affiliation element to person_name
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Using This Document
It is assumed that the reader of this document is familiar with XML and/or SGML elements and
attributes along with the Unicode text-encoding standard.
References to XML elements and attributes are always given in bold courier blue type, e.g.
To aid in reviewing the schema, diagrams have been provided for key element hierarchies in the
section Schema Elements.
Sample document instances provided in this document include returns and tabs for readability.
No formatting is required in actual XML instances submitted to CrossRef. White space included
in instances will be treated according to the XML specification.
Some specific terminology used in this document includes:
Book: A multi-authored publication, monograph or other reference work such an encyclopedia. It
may span multiple volumes.
Content Item: A single chapter, section, or part of a book. It is typically a listing on the table of
contents for a book.
Entity: A unique piece of intellectual property with which a DOI may be associated. In the
context of this document, entities are most commonly single journal articles, book content items,
or conference papers.
Manifestation: See the section Work versus Manifestation, below
Multiple Resolution: See the section Multiple Resolution, below
NISO Draft: The NISO Title Pages for Conference Publications specification, ANSI/NISO Z39.82-
200X, Draft, May 24, 2000
ONIX 2.0: The ONIX Guidelines for Publishers, version 2.0, July 25, 2001.
Work: See the section Work versus Manifestation, below
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Matters of Interpretation
Work versus Manifestation
DOIs can be assigned to any type of intellectual property in any medium. Detailed information
about DOIs can be found in the DOI Handbook - More specific
information about works vs. manifestations can be found in chapter 9 of the Handbook. As a
matter of policy CrossRef has only registered metadata related to works, not individual
manifestations of a work. This approach is continued in this schema where individual records
simultaneously capture metadata about the print manifestation of a work (e.g. page numbers)
and the electronic manifestation of a work (e.g. URI). In practical terms this means that a PDF,
HTML and print version of an article have the same DOI. The DOI resolves to a URL that
provides information about the different manifestations of the work or services associated with a
particular work.
With this schema, CrossRef will accept book and conference proceedings content and it is
expected that in future, DOIs will be assigned to manifestations of works (e.g. different DOIs for
different formats of an ebook). For this reason, this schema allows future paths to address this
issue that can be used in accordance with CrossRef policies. However, this schema does not
distinguish between different manifestations of an electronic work. In many cases, the dividing
line between "work" and "manifestation" in an electronic world is not clear or agreed upon by all
For more information on DOIs and ebooks see the AAP Open Ebook Publishing Standards
Initiative (, specifically the document on
numbering (
For more information about the most current CrossRef policies regarding registration of
manifestations, please contact CrossRef.
Multiple Resolution
With the introduction of the collection element in version 2.0.2, the schema supports multiple
resolution. Multiple resolution allows publishers to register multiple resources (i.e. URIs) for a
single DOI, and to include additional qualifying information about these resources.
Examples of situations where multiple resolution might be used include:
1. An article is published on mirror sites around the world (geographic distinction)
2. An article is published in multiple versions, e.g. original submission, accepted version, final
copy edited version (version distinction)
3. A publisher publishes the same article in multiple publications, e.g. conference proceedings,
journal (publication distinction).
4. An article is published by more than one publisher under the same DOI, e.g. co-published
conference proceedings (publisher distinction).
Multiple resolution support is being added to the CrossRef system at the time of this update
(October 2004). Watch this space for more information on multiple resolution, and also see for additional
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
General Implementation Notes
Tagging Conventions
Submissions to CrossRef must include all required data. Matching can best be performed,
however, when optional data is also included. We encourage publishers to fill in all optional
elements and attributes when accurate information is available.
Submission of XML files with empty elements is actively discouraged. In most cases, the schema
enforces this standard by setting 1 as the minimum length for string elements. If you have valid
data for an element, include the tag; if you do not, the tag should not be included in the
document instance.
Character Sets
Files submitted under this schema are XML files. Unicode must be used to encode all non-ASCII
characters. You may chose to code characters in either decimal or hex format. For example,
Mller, containing a u with an umlaut could be M&# x00FC;ller or M&# 252;ller. You can also
explicitly include multi-byte characters using UTF-8, a multi-byte encoding.
SGML entities are not valid in XML submissions to CrossRef. Use of ISO or any other entity set is
not permitted.
If non-Unicode characters are encountered (most likely in titles), you may treat them in one of
the following ways:
1. Encode them using multiple Unicode characters including Combining Marks (see The Unicode
Standard, Version 3.0, Section 7.9, pp. 179-181 for more information)
2. Drop the character, substituting a non-breaking space (Unicode  ) for the dropped
character to indicate that a non-Unicode character is part of the text. By extension of this rule,
non-breaking spaces should not be found in CrossRef submissions for any other reason.
Face Markup
Version 2.0.2 of the CrossRef schema for metadata deposit adds support for face markup. This
support has been added to avoid ambiguity in certain disciplines (e.g. Genetics, where the same
text may be a gene (when italicized) or a protein (when not italicized).
Face markup that appears in the title, subtitle, original_language_title, and
unstructured_citation elements should be retained when depositing metadata. Face
markup in other elements (e.g. small caps in author names) must be dropped. Face markup
support includes bold (b), italic (i), underline (u), over-line (ovl), superscript (sup), subscript
(sub), small caps (scp), and typewriter text (tt).
Examples where inclusion of face markup is especially important include:
1. Italic in titles for terms such as species names or genes
2. Super and subscript in titles as part of chemical names (e.g. H
3. Super and subscript in simple inline mathematics (e.g. x
+ y
= z
Version 4.1.0 Page 14
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
The schema supports nested face markup (e.g. "This text is bold and italic"), which would be
tagged as:

Thi s t ext i s <b><i >bol d and i t al i c</ i ></ b>
Correspondingly, super and subscript may be nested for correct representation of x
. This
expression should be tagged as:

x<sup>y<sup>z</ sup></ sup>
Mathematical Markup
If titles contain complex mathematical or chemical formulas, you should make a good faith effort
to submit the characters and face markup found in those formulas without the mathematical
structural tags. Specific tags for mathematical constructs such as radicals, integrals or fractions
should be replaced with the closest Unicode character that best represents the intent of the
Complex equations with stacked super and subscripts (e.g.
j j
a T
= ) that may appear in titles
are beyond the scope of this schema and cannot be fully represented. In a situation such as this,
the depositor should make a good faith effort for the best representation, which might appear in
XML as:

a<sub>j </ sub>T<sup>i </ sup><sub>j </ sub>=b
The representation of this expression in a web browser will be:
where i and j appear staggered rather than stacked.
contributor_role is applied to each author, whether a person or an organization. In most
cases, you will set it to "author", however it should be set to "editor" for editors of a book or
conference proceedings.
"chair" or "editor" should be used as appropriate to indicate a conference chair or editor in a
conference element.
"translator" should be used to indicate an author who translated a work from the original
In the ONIX 2.0 specification, contributor_role is the same as the ONIX element
A language attribute has been provided at three key levels of the schema:
1. The level of a single publication, i.e. journal_metadata, book_metadata, and
2. The level of a single entity, i.e. journal_article, content_item, conference_paper
Version 4.1.0 Page 15
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
3. The original_language_title.
The language codes are based on ISO 639. For a complete list of codes, please consult the section
ISO 639 Language Codes in this document.
Although there is no default value for this attribute, CrossRef will assume that the majority of
metadata deposits are for English language content.
You may set language at the level of a single publication, and all items within that group are
assumed to be the same language unless the attribute is explicitly set to another language for a
specific entity.
For example, if a journal is published in French, you must set language to "fr" for
journal_metadata. All articles within that deposit will be automatically treated as French
without explicitly setting the language attribute for each journal_article.
If, however, one article in the issue is in English, you must set language to "fr" for
journal_metadata, and then set the language to "en" in journal_article for the article
that was in English.
The title of each entity is assumed to be in the language of the publication or entity. If an entity
was translated from another language, the title should be in the language of the article text,
and the title in the original language of publication is given in original_language_title
with language set to the original language.
sequence is applied to each author, whether a person or an organization. It must be set to either
"first" or "additional". Use first for only one author per entity, and additional for all other authors.
first The first author listed on the entity (this is not necessarily the corresponding author in
additional Any author who is not the first author
In the ONIX 2.0 specification, sequence is the same as the ONIX element SequenceNumber
The publication_type attribute, when applied to journal_article, conference_paper,
and content_item indicates one of the three following types of records:
full_text - DOI points to full- text or to a response page that provides the user with option to
select full text.
abstract_only - DOI points to an articles abstract or to a response page that provides the user
with option to select the abstract.
bibliographic_record - DOI points to the article citation in (e. g. in a bibliographic database.)
This may also include the abstract.
publication_type attribute default is "full_ text" If the DOI maps in any way to the full text,
even if it resolves to an intermediate screen that ultimately points to the full text, then
publication_type should be "full text."
Version 4.1.0 Page 16
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Schema Elements
The CrossRef schema for deposit of journal, book, and conference proceedings metadata has
eight primary hierarchy components. They are illustrated in the following diagrams:

Figure 1: CrossRef schema top level hierarchy.
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Figure 2: CrossRef schema book deposit hierarchy.
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Figure 3: CrossRef schema conference proceedings deposit hierarchy.
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Figure 4: CrossRef schema journal deposit hierarchy.
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Figure 5: CrossRef schema dissertation deposit hierarchy.
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Figure 6: CrossRef schema report and working paper deposit hierarchy.
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Figure 7: CrossRef schema standard deposit hierarchy.
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Figure 8: CrossRef schema database deposit hierarchy.
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The abbreviated title(s) by which a journal is commonly cited.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: 0 to 10 per journal_metadata. Required
1 to 150 characters
Exampl e
<abbrev_title>J . Am. Med. Assoc. </abbrev_title>
<abbrev_title>J AMA</abbrev_title>
Remarks: This element contains the common abbreviation or abbreviations used when
citing this journal. It is preferred, but not required, that periods be included after
abbreviated words within the title.
full_title and abbrev_title must both be submitted, and they can be
identical. If you do not know the abbreviated title for a specific journal, please
supply the full title in the abbrev_title element.
Note: In version 4.1.0 and later, this element is no longer required in
journal_metadata because some journals do not have abbreviated journal
See Also: full_title
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CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The institution(s) with which a contributor is affiliated
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero to five per person_name. Optional.
1 to 512 characters.
Exampl e
<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e =
" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Luzi </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Hai l </ sur name>
<affiliation>University of Zurich</affiliation>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence = " addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e =
" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Chr i st i an</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Leuz</ sur name>
<affiliation>University of Pennsylvania</affiliation>
<affiliation>European Corporate Governance
I nst i t ut e</ af f i l i at i on>
</ per son_name>
Remarks: This element may hold the name and location of an affiliation with which a
contributor is affiliated. Please note the following points when using this
1. A contributor may have up to five affiliations. Each affiliation should be in a
unique <affiliation> element. The following is correct:

<af f i l i at i on>Uni ver si t y of New Mexi co</ af f i l i at i on>
<af f i l i at i on>Sandi a Nat i onal Labor at or i es</ af f i l i at i on>
The following is NOT correct

<af f i l i at i on>Uni ver si t y of New Mexi co; Sandi a Nat i onal
Labor at or i es</ af f i l i at i on>
2. The name of the institution is required in this element. The location is optional.
Both of the following are correct:

<af f i l i at i on>Har var d Uni ver si t y</ af f i l i at i on>
<af f i l i at i on>Har var d Uni ver si t y, Cambr i dge,
MA</ af f i l i at i on>
3. Additional address information such as a URL or email address should NOT
be deposited in this element
4. Visual linking indicators used in publication to connect authors with their
affiliations such as footnote symbols or initials should NOT be included in the
<affiliation> element
Version 4.1.0 Page 26
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
5. If you have only a single string that has the affiliation for multiple contributors
to a work and that string is not broken out into the individual affiliations for each
author, please do NOT deposit the affiliation information. This element is to be
used only for affiliation information that is directly connected to the author with
whom this information is included within the person_name element
See Also: person_name

Version 4.1.0 Page 27
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The date on which a dissertation was accepted by the institution awarding the
degree, a report was approved, or a standard was accepted.
Usage: Dissertations, Reports & Working Papers, Standards
Attributes (none)
Limits: 1 to 10 per dissertation. Required
1 to 10 per standard_metadata. Required
0 to 10 per report-paper_metadata. Optional
Exampl e
Remarks: approval_date includes the same elements as publication_date, but it has
no attributes. It is a distinct element from publication_date to reflect that an
important but different semantic meeting from publication_date
See Also: dissertation, report-paper_metadata, standard_metadata

Version 4.1.0 Page 28
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: First author in a citation. Only used in the citation element.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per citation. Optional.
Remarks: The author element tags one author name in a citation without the hierarchy
required by the contributors or person_name elements
Only the first author should be deposited for each item. The author surname is
required. Author initials may be added but are not recommended because
queries work best when only the last name is provided. For example, the author
"John Doe" can be deposited as <author>Doe</author> or
<author>Doe J</author>, but the former style is recommended.
If the author of a work is an organization rather than a person, the organization
may be deposited as in: <author>World Health Organization</author>
Exampl e
<ci t at i on key=" b1" >
<i ssn>0027- 8424</ i ssn>
<j our nal _t i t l e>Pr oc. Nat l . Acad. Sci .
U. S. A. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<vol ume>98</ vol ume>
<i ssue>20</ i ssue>
<f i r st _page>11024</ f i r st _page>
<year >2001</ year >
</ ci t at i on>
See Also: citation
Version 4.1.0 Page 29
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Boldface markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <b>boldface</b>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
See Also: i, u, ovl, sup, sub, scp, tt and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 30
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for the main body of a DOI record submission.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per doi_batch. Required
Exampl e
<body><j our nal ></ j our nal ></ body>

<body><book></ book></ body>

<body><conf er ence></ conf er ence></ body>

<body><sa_component ></ sa_component ></ body>

Remarks: The body contains a set of journal, book, conference proceedings or stand alone
component records. It is not possible to mix genres within a single DOI
submission. It is possible to include records for multiple journals, books,
conferences, or stand alone components in a single submission.
See Also: journal, conference, book, sa_component
Version 4.1.0 Page 31
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for all information about a single book or book, or for a single
volume of such an entity.
Usage: Books
book_type: edited_book | monograph | reference | other
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about books
Exampl e
<book book_t ype=" edi t ed_book" >
<cont r i but or s></ cont r i but or s>
<book_met adat a l anguage=" en" ></ book_met adat a>
<cont ent _i t emcomponent _t ype=" chapt er "
l evel _sequence_number =" 1"
publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
</ cont ent _i t em>
</ book>
Remarks: See Figure 2: CrossRef schema book deposit hierarchy.
book is the core container for information about a specific book. Books may be in
the form of edited books (i.e. a contributed volume with one or more editors),
monographs (single-authored works), or reference works (e.g. encyclopedias)
If a book contains multiple volumes, each volume must be contained in a unique
book element.
You may chose to submit only top level contributors and book_metadata
for any book, or you may chose to submit these elements along with metadata
for each content_item. A content item is typically any entity that is listed on
the table of contents such as a chapter, section, etc. It is not necessary to submit
metadata for all items listed on the table of contents. You may chose to drop
items of lesser significance such as front and back matter.
book_type should be set to "monograph" when the same author or authors
wrote the majority of the content. It should be set to "edited_book" when a book
primarily consists of contributed chapters, each chapter written by different
authors. It should be set to "reference" for major reference works such as
encyclopedias. Use "other" when the author of the content does not fit any of the
other categories.
See Also: body
ONIX 2.0: Product
Version 4.1.0 Page 32
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container for all information that applies to an entire book or book, or for a
single volume of such an entity. It does not include metadata about individual
Usage: Books
language: iso639
Limits: One per book. Required.
Exampl e
<book_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>D. J . </ gi ven_name><sur name>Weat l i er al l </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal "
cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>J . G. G. </ gi ven_name><sur name>Ledi ngham</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal "
cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>D. A. </ gi ven_name><sur name>War r el l </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<ser i es_met adat a>
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Oxf or d Text book of Medi ci ne</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<i sbn>0 19 262140 8</ i sbn>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262140- 8</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262140-
8</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ ser i es_met adat a>
<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
<edi t i on_number >t hi r d edi t i on</ edi t i on_number >
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<mont h>10</ mont h><day>05</ day><year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<i sbn>0 19 262706 6</ i sbn>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>Oxf or d Uni ver si t y Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Oxf or d</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262706- 6</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262706-
6</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ book_met adat a>
Version 4.1.0 Page 33
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Remarks: The language of the book should be specified in the book_metadata language
attribute. If a book contains items in multiple languages this attribute should be
set for the predominant language of the book. Individual items may have their
language specified in content_item. If all content items are the same language,
it is only necessary to specify the language of the book in this element.
The contributors are the author(s) or editor(s) of the entire work. If a multi-
volume work has separate editors for each volume, those editors should be
specified in this element, and the series editors are listed in the
series_metadata contributors.
Books may have their title specified in one of two ways. For a monograph or
single volume work, you should use titles in book_metadata. If a work
spans multiple volumes, you should use titles in series_metadata. If a
work spans multiple volumes with a unique title for each volume and the whole
series, you should specify the series title in titles in series_metadata and
the volume title in titles in book_metadata.
Up to 6 titles or series_metadata may be used per book_metadata,
however in practice there should not be more than one series_metadata per
book_metadata, and only in rare situations should there be more than one
titles per book_metadata.
volume and edition_number, when given, should include only a number and
not additional text such as "volume" or "edition". For example, you should
submit "3", not "third edition".
For a monograph or single volume work, you should use isbn in
book_metadata. If a work spans multiple volumes, you should use isbn in
series_metadata. If a work spans multiple volumes with a unique ISBN for
each volume and the whole series, you should specify the series ISBN in isbn in
series_metadata and the volume ISBN in isbn in book_metadata.
WARNING: Care must be taken when submitting books with series. If a series title is
submitted and no book title is supplied but an ISBN is supplied at the book_metadata
level and not with the series title, the CrossRef system will index a series title with no
ISBN and an ISBN with no title. Please take care to associate the ISBN (or ISSN) at the
correct level of the XML hierarchy!
publisher_item, when given, specifies this information for the entire book or
volume. This element also appears in content_item.
doi_data is required for each book or volume that you submit. It is not possible
to submit DOI information for individual chapters without assigning a DOI to
the entire work.
Note: citation_list should only be used in book_metadata instead of
content_item when the reference list is a separate section of the book, and
content_items are not included in the deposit (e.g. you are depositing a book
with a bibliography, but not the chapters of the book)

Version 4.1.0 Page 34
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The wrapper element used to deposit each citation in a citation_list.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Dissertations, Technical Reports and
Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes key: string
Limits: One or more per citation_list.
Exampl e
Comment: Example of a journal citation.
1. A. E. West, et al. Calcium regulation of neuronal gene expression.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 1102411031 (2001).

<ci t at i on key=" b1" >
<i ssn>0027- 8424</ i ssn>
<j our nal _t i t l e>Pr oc. Nat l . Acad. Sci .
U. S. A. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >West </ aut hor >
<vol ume>98</ vol ume>
<i ssue>20</ i ssue>
<f i r st _page>11024</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >2001</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>

Remarks: citation is used to deposit each citation in the reference list of the item for
which the DOI is being deposited. The citations in the list will be run by the
CrossRef system as queries looking for the DOI of the articles being cited.
NOTE: Because the citation list is used to support forward linking, the more information
supplied in the citation the better the chance of finding a match.
For each citation that is deposited, one of four models should be used:
1. Parsed journal data
2. Parsed book or conference data
3. DOI
4. Unstructured citation (not yet supported for resolution)
When parsed journal, book or conference data is deposited, CrossRef will
perform a lookup to find the DOI.
Each citation must be given a unique ID in the key attribute. It is recommended
that then reference number be combined with the deposit files <doi_batch_id>
value to make a universally unique identifier. In this manner, if more than one
such article is deposited with references, the <doi_batch_id>/key pair will be
unique. Alterenatively, a good practice is to to assign key values using the DOI
of the parent article (the one containing the reference). Thus the key might look
like 10.1093/0198297769.001.0001_ref1
Version 4.1.0 Page 35
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
When submitting a journal citation, it should include an issn, journal_title
or both. journal_title only is preferred over issn only. In addition the first
author and first_page number should be submitted. The first_page
number is preferred, but for those citations that are "in press", the author
should be submitted. All elements are optional, however for best linking results, as
much information as is known should be submitted.
When submitting a book or conference citation, it should include an isbn,
series_title, volume_title, or any combination of these three elements as
may be available. All elements are optional, however for best linking results, as
much information as is known should be submitted.
When a DOI is already known for a citation, you may submit just the doi
without additional information.
When parsed information is not available for a citation, or the citation is of a type
other than journal, book, or conference proceeding that is supported by CrossRef
(e.g. standard, patent, thesis, newspaper, personal communication, etc.), it may
be submitted using the unstructured_citation element. CrossRef does not
yet resolve these citations, but will hold the data for possible resolution in the
future. When submitting unstructured citations, it is helpful, but not required to
include all available face markup (e.g. bold, italic, etc) as this will make possible
future parsing of the unstructured citation more accurate. In such cases, it is
preferred, but not required, if the citation number (when Vancouver style is
used) be removed from the unparsed citation. This number can be submitted
using the key attribute
Only the first author of a citation should be submitted, not the entire author list.
Only the surname is required. Initials may be included, but are not
recommended because the best linking results can be provided if initials are
omitted. Author titles, roles and generation information should not be included.
If the first author is an organization, the organization name should be submitted
in the author element.
cYear has a loose text model that can accommodate non-standard years such as
year ranges such as "1998-1999". Note that years such as "1998a" or "1999b"
should be deposited without the letter, e.g. "1998" or "1999", whenever possible.
Citations that are "in press" should be submitted with as much information as is
See Also: citation_list, issn, journal_title, author, volume, issue,
first_page, year, doi, isbn, series_title, volume_title,
edition_number, component_number, unstructured_citation
Additional <citation> Examples
Comment: This citation could have been deposited as structured data. However by depositing the
DOI, no look up is required by CrossRef, and no additional data need be deposited.
3. M. Y. Hofer et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 29(16), 10.1029/2002GL014944

<ci t at i on key=" b3" >
<doi >10. 1029/ 2002GL014944</ doi >
Version 4.1.0 Page 36
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: This in-press citation includes a year which permits a high quality DOI lookup. The
unstructured_citation element is not the preferred model to deposit such references.
4. A. C. Tufan, K. M. Daumer, R. S. Tuan, Frizzled-7 and limb
mesenchymal chondrogenesis: Effect of mis-expression and
involvement of N-cadherin. Dev. Dyn., in press (2002).

<ci t at i on key=" b4" >
<j our nal _t i t l e>Dev. Dyn. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Tuf an</ aut hor >
<cYear >2002</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: This in-press citation lacks sufficient information for a high quality DOI lookup. While
valid in this form, publishers may consider depositing in press references with the
unstructured_citation element when the year is not available.
5. P. Bocher, Y. Cherel, F. Alonzo, S. Razouls, J . P. Labat, P. Mayzaud, P.
J ouventin, Importance of the large copepod Paraeuchaeta antarctica
(Giesbrecht, 1902) in coastal waters and the diet of seabirds at
Kerguelen, Southern Ocean. J. Plankton Res., in press.

<ci t at i on key=" b5" >
<j our nal _t i t l e>J . Pl ankt on Res. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Bocher </ aut hor >
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: Example of an organization as author.
6. Proyecto Multicntrico de Investigacin de Osteoporosis, Bone mineral
density in the Spanish population measured by dual x-ray
absorptiometry (DEXA). XI
International Conference on Calcium
Regulating Hormones. Bone Miner 17(suppl):133, 1992.

<ci t at i on key=" b6" >
<i ssn>0169- 6009</ i ssn>
<j our nal _t i t l e>Bone. Mi ner . </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Pr oyect o Mul t i c&#x00E9; nt r i co de
I nvest i gaci &#x00F3; n de Ost eopor osi s</ aut hor >
<vol ume>17</ vol ume>
<f i r st _page>133</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >1992</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: Example of a book citation.
8. R. W. Mahley, S. C. Rall, J r., 1995. Type III hyperlipoproteinemia
(dysbetalipoproteinemia): the role of apolipoprotein E in normal and
abnormal lipoprotein metabolism. In The Metabolic and Molecular
Bases of Inherited Disease. 7th edition. C. R. Scriver, A. L. Beaudet,
W. S. Sly, and D. Valle, editors. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1953-1980.

<ci t at i on key=" b8" >
Version 4.1.0 Page 37
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<vol ume_t i t l e>The Met abol i c and Mol ecul ar Bases of
I nher i t ed Di sease</ vol ume_t i t l e>
<aut hor >Mahl ey</ aut hor >
<edi t i on_number >7</ edi t i on_number >
<f i r st _page>1953</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >1995</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: Example of a book citation with both a volume and series title.
9. E. M. Rinchik, L. B. Russell, 1990 Germ-line deletion mutations in the
mouse: tools for intensive functional and physical mapping of regions
of the mammalian genome, pp. 121-158 in Genome Analysis, Volume
1: Genetic and Physical Mapping edited by K. Davies and S. Tilgh-
man. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

<ci t at i on key=" b9" >
<ser i es_t i t l e>Genome Anal ysi s</ ser i es_t i t l e>
<vol ume_t i t l e>Genet i c and Physi cal Mappi ng</ vol ume_t i t l e>
<aut hor >Ri nchi k</ aut hor >
<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
<f i r st _page>121</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >1990</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: Example of a conference paper citation.
12. M. A. M. Roenen et al., 1996 A microsatellite linkage map of the
chicken ( Gallus domesticus). Proceedings of the XXVth International
Conference on Animal Genetics, Tours, France, pp. 105106.

<ci t at i on key=" b12" >
<vol ume_t i t l e>Pr oceedi ngs of t he XXVt h I nt er nat i onal
Conf er ence on Ani mal Genet i cs</ vol ume_t i t l e>
<aut hor >Roenen</ aut hor >
<f i r st _page>105</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >1996</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: Example of a thesis citation.
14. L. Reynolds, Three dimensional reflection and transmission equations
for optical diffusion in blood, MS Thesis. Seattle, Washington:
University of Washington (1970).

<ci t at i on key=" b14" >
<unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>L. Reynol ds, Thr ee di mensi onal
r ef l ect i on and t r ansmi ssi on equat i ons f or opt i cal
di f f usi on i n bl ood, MS Thesi s. Seat t l e, Washi ngt on:
Uni ver si t y of Washi ngt on ( 1970) . </ unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>
</ ci t at i on>
Comment: Example of a citation that cannot be structured for deposit. Note the preservation of
italic markup.
15. T. J . Dresse, U.S. Patent 308, 389 [CA 82, 73022 (1975)].
Version 4.1.0 Page 38
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema

<ci t at i on key=" b15" >
<unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>T. J . Dr esse, U. S. Pat ent 308, 389
[ <i >CA 82</ i >, 73022 ( 1975) ] . </ unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>
</ ci t at i on>
Version 4.1.0 Page 39
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A list of articles, books, and other items cited by the parent item for which the
DOI in the doi_data is being deposited.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Dissertations, Technical Reports and
Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per journal_article. Optional.
Exampl e
<ci t at i on_l i st >
<ci t at i on key=" b2" >
<j our nal _t i t l e>Space Sci . Rev. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Heber </ aut hor >
<vol ume>97</ vol ume>
<f i r st _page>309</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >2001</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" b3" >
<doi >10. 1029/ 2002GL014944</ doi >
</ ci t at i on>
</ ci t at i on_l i st >
Remarks: Note: In version 4.1.0 and later of the schema, the citation_list element is
available for all deposit types. It is no longer reserved for journal articles.
Some articles may have multiple lists of citations (e.g. main reference list,
appendix reference list, etc.). All citations for one article should be included in a
single citation_list regardless of whether one or more citation lists were in
the original item.
When combining multiple reference lists from an item into one citation_list
element, but sure to give each citation a unique key attribute value. For
example, if an appendix in an item has a separate citation list that restarts
numbering at 1, these citations should be given key attributes such as "ab1"
rather than "b1".
Some articles may contain "Further Reading" or "Bibliography" lists. The
distinguishing factor in these lists is that the references have not been cited from
the articlethey only provide a list of additional related reading material. It will
be left to the discretion of the publisher if these items are to be considered
citations and should be deposited.
A citation_list may be added to the deposit of metadata for a
journal_article, but not books or conference proceedings.
See Also: citation, journal_article
Version 4.1.0 Page 40
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The coden assigned to a journal or conference proceedings
Usage: Journals, Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal_metadata or proceedings_metadata. Optional
1 to 6 characters
Exampl e
<coden>PAI SDQ</ coden>
See Also: issn
Version 4.1.0 Page 41
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container used to associate multiple URIs with a single doi for multiple
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per doi_data or item
Exampl e
To be pr ovi ded
Remarks: This element is a container for one or more item elements. Each item contains a
resource (URI) and zero or more property elements that qualify the semantic
meaning of a resource.
collection elements can be organized in a hierarchical manner because the
collection element is recursive.
collection elements must have one or more property elements to qualify
the semantic meaning of a collection.
This element is not to be used in deposits to CrossRef until further notice.

See Also: doi, doi_data, item, property, resource
Version 4.1.0 Page 42
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container element that allows registration of supplemental information for a
journal article, book chapter, or conference paper such as figures, tables, videos,
or data sets.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
parent_relation: isPartOf | isReferencedBy | isRequiredBy
Limits: Zero or more per journal_article, conference_paper, or
content_item. Optional
Exampl e
<component par ent _r el at i on=" i sPar t Of " >
<descr i pt i on><b>Fi gur e 1: </ b> Thi s i s t he capt i on of t he
f i r st f i gur e. . . </ descr i pt i on>
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" i mage/ j peg" >Web r esol ut i on
i mage</ f or mat >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ S0003695199019014/ f 1</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g: 18000/ 74/ 1/ 76/ f 1
</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ component >
<component par ent _r el at i on=" i sRef er encedBy" >
<descr i pt i on><b>Vi deo 1: </ b> Thi s i s a descr i pt i on of
t he vi deo. . . </ descr i pt i on>
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" vi deo/ mpeg" / >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ S0003695199019014/ vi deo1</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g: 18000/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74/ 1/ 76
/ vi deo1</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ component >
Remarks: Components are sub-items that are part of the construction of a journal article,
book chapter, or conference paper. Components provide supporting (sometimes
called supplemental) information. These items by and of themselves are not
citable works (e.g. they would not appear in the bibliography of any work). As
such they will not be discoverable via bibliographic metadata searches at
CrossRef as are articles, chapters and conference papers.
Components are typically tables, figures, images, animations, video clips, audio
tracks, data files or other forms of digital presentations.
There are two reasons for depositing any DOI:
1) to register the DOI and assign a primary URL to enable persistent linking
2) to promote the discoverability of the object via the CrossRef MDDB
At this time (October 2004) the deposit of components primarily achieves only
the first objective as the CrossRef system is not setup yet to support queries for
Version 4.1.0 Page 43
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
components. The metadata associated with a component is intended to enable
simple lookup searches of components in the future.
When deposited as part of the metadata for a higher level work the parent DOI is
implicitly known via the XML hierarchy. When deposited separately the DOI of
the higher level work must be provided explicitly (see sa_component)
All descriptive elements are optional allowing for the creation of simple
anonymous DOIs. The 'parent_relation' attribute is mandatory and refers to the
DOI described in the component's direct parent.

See Also: component_list, contributors, titles, description, format,
doi_data, publication_date, sa_component
Version 4.1.0 Page 44
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The wrapper element for including a group of components under a journal
article, conference proceeding, book chapter, stand alone component,
dissertation, technical report or working paper, standard, or database.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per item where component_list is inserted
Exampl e
<component _l i st >
<component par ent _r el at i on=" i sPar t Of " >
<descr i pt i on>Cover I mage, Mol ecul ar Cel l , Vol ume 10,
I ssue 4, J anuar y 2004</ descr i pt i on>
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" i mage/ t i f f " / >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ mol cel l / 10/ 4/ cover </ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / mol cel l . or g/ 10/ 4/ cover </ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ component >
</ component _l i st >
Remarks: This element allows for treatment of a group of components as a collection if for
some reason such a need develops
See Also: component

Version 4.1.0 Page 45
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The chapter, section, part, etc. number for a content item in a book.
Usage: Books
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per content_item. Optional.
1 to 50 characters
Exampl e
<component _number >Sect i on 8</ component _number >

<component _number >8. 1. 2</ component _number >
Remarks: Unlike volume and edition_number, component_number should include
any additional text that helps identify the type of component. In the example
above, the text "Section 8" appeared on the table of contents and it is reflected
here. "8" is also acceptable, however the former treatment is preferred.
The type of the component is given the component_type attribute of
ONIX 2.0: ComponentNumber
Version 4.1.0 Page 46
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for all information about a single conference and its proceedings.
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about conferences.
Exampl e
<conf er ence>
<cont r i but or s></ cont r i but or s>
<event _met adat a></ event _met adat a>
<pr oceedi ngs_met adat a></ pr oceedi ngs_met adat a>
<conf er ence_paper publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
</ conf er ence_paper >
</ conf er ence>

Remarks: See Figure 3: CrossRef schema conference proceedings deposit hierarchy.
conference is the core container for information about a single conference and
its proceedings.
If a conference proceedings spans multiple volumes, each volume must be
contained in a unique conference element.
You may choose to submit only top level contributors, event_metadata
and proceedings_metadata for any conference, or you may choose to submit
these elements along with metadata for each conference_paper. It is not
necessary to submit metadata for all items listed on the proceedings table of
contents. You may chose to drop items of lesser significance such as front and
back matter.
NOTE: The CrossRef system currently uses the proceedings_title and
conference_acronym in the query matching process. This system can cause
problems when the proceedings have a simple non-changing title (e.g
PRoceedings of SPIE) and the conference event name, conference_name, is used
to differentiate conference topics (e.g. Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits II). To
avoid this problem, CrossRef recommends that you make sure the
conference_acronym accurately reflects the event name (e.g OpIC II in this
See Also: body
Version 4.1.0 Page 47
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The popularly known as or jargon name (e.g. SIGGRAPH for "Special Interest
Group on Computer Graphics").
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per event_metadata. Optional
1 to 127 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_acr onym>SI GGRAPH</ conf er ence_acr onym>
Remarks: Authors commonly cite the conference acronym rather than the full conference
or proceedings name, so it is best to include this element when it is available.
The conference acronym often includes the year of the conference (e.g. SGML '97)
or, less often, the conference number. It is preferred, but not required, that
submission of metadata exclude number or year information from the conference
acronym. It is better to include such information in conference_number, or
conference_date, respectively.
See Also: conference_number, conference_date
NISO: Not included in NISO specification
Version 4.1.0 Page 48
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The start and end dates of a conference event.
Usage: Conference Proceedings
optional; consists of 1 or 2 digits
optional; consists of 1 or 2 digits
optional; consists exactly 4 digits
optional; consists of 1 or 2 digits
optional; consists of 1 or 2 digits
optional; consists exactly 4 digits
Limits: Zero or one per event_metadata. Optional
1 to 100 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_dat e
st ar t _mont h=" 01" st ar t _year =" 1997" st ar t _day=" 15"
end_year =" 1997" end_mont h=" 01" end_day=" 17" >
J an. 15- 17, 1997</ conf er ence_dat e>
Remarks: conference_date may be used in three ways:
1. If publishers that do not have parsed date values, provide just text with the
conference dates. The date text should be taken from the proceedings title
2. If publishers have parsed date values, provide them in the attributes.
3. If both parsed date values and the date text are available, both should be
provided. This is the preferred tagging for conference_date. Please see
the example above.
See Also: conference_number, conference_acronym
ONIX 2.0: ConferenceDate
NISO: Date of Conference
Version 4.1.0 Page 49
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The location of the conference
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per event_metadata. Optional
2 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_l ocat i on>Par i s, Fr ance</ conf er ence_l ocat i on>

<conf er ence_l ocat i on>Bost on, MA</ conf er ence_l ocat i on>
Remarks: The city and country of the conference. If the conference is in the United States,
the appropriate state should also be provided, and the country may be omitted.
If the conference is in Canada, the province should be provided, and the country
may be omitted. The specific venue or address within a city (e.g. conference
center, hotel, etc.) should not be provided.
ONIX 2.0: ConferencePlace
NISO: Place of Conference
Version 4.1.0 Page 50
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The official name of the conference.
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per event_metadata. Required
3 to 512 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_name>24t h ACM SI GPLAN- SI GACT
symposi um</ conf er ence_name>
Remarks: conference_name does not include "Proceedings of". For example, "The 23rd
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science" is a correct
conference name.
It is quite common for a conference name to include the conference number or
subject. When any of these metadata items appear in the conference name, they
should be included in this element, and also in the respective sub-element,
conference_number or proceedings_subject. The following example
shows incorrect tagging of a conference name and then the corrected version:

<event _met adat a>
<conference_name>the second international
<conf er ence_acr onym>I EA/ AI E ' 89</ conf er ence_acr onym>
<conf er ence_l ocat i on>Tul l ahoma, TN</ conf er ence_l ocat i on>
<conf er ence_dat e st ar t _year =" 1989" ></ conf er ence_dat e>
</ event _met adat a>
<pr oceedi ngs_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>Pr oceedi ngs of t he second i nt er nat i onal
conf er ence on I ndust r i al and engi neer i ng appl i cat i ons of
ar t i f i ci al i nt el l i gence and exper t syst ems - I EA/ AI E
' 89</ pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>
<pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >I ndust r i al and engi neer i ng
appl i cat i ons of ar t i f i ci al i nt el l i gence and exper t
syst ems</ pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >

<event _met adat a>
<conference_name>The second international conference on
Industrial and engineering applications of artificial
intelligence and expert systems</conference_name>
<conf er ence_acr onym>I EA/ AI E ' 89</ conf er ence_acr onym>
<conf er ence_l ocat i on>Tul l ahoma, TN</ conf er ence_l ocat i on>
<conf er ence_dat e st ar t _year =" 1989" ></ conf er ence_dat e>
</ event _met adat a>
<pr oceedi ngs_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>Pr oceedi ngs of t he second i nt er nat i onal
conf er ence on I ndust r i al and engi neer i ng appl i cat i ons of
Version 4.1.0 Page 51
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
ar t i f i ci al i nt el l i gence and exper t syst ems - I EA/ AI E
' 89</ pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>
<pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >I ndust r i al and engi neer i ng
appl i cat i ons of ar t i f i ci al i nt el l i gence and exper t
syst ems</ pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >
Authors commonly cite a conference by the official name, so it is important to
provide this information as accurately as possible.
See Also: proceedings_title
ONIX 2.0: ConferenceName
NISO: Name of Conference
Version 4.1.0 Page 52
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The number of a conference
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per event_metadata. Optional
1 to 15 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_number >24</ conf er ence_number >

<conf er ence_number >XI I I </ conf er ence_number >

<conf er ence_name>SGML 1994</ conf er ence_name>
<conf er ence_acr onym>SGML</ conf er ence_acr onym
<conf er ence_dat e st ar t _day=" 07" st ar t _mont h=" 11"
st ar t _year =" 1994" end_day=" 10" end_mont h=" 11"
end_year =" 1994" >November 7- 10, 1994</ conf er ence_dat e>
Remarks: conference_number should include only the number of the conference
without any extra text. For example, "The 24
Annual Conference on" should
be tagged as shown in the example above, and "th" should not be included.
Roman numerals are acceptable.
When a conference is named such that the year of the conference indicates the
number (e.g. "SGML 1994"), the year appears in conference_name,
conference_date, and conference_number (please see the example,
See Also: conference_date, conference_acronym
ONIX 2.0: ConferenceNumber
NISO: Number of Conference
Version 4.1.0 Page 53
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for all information about a single conference paper
Usage: Conference Proceedings
publication_type: abstract_only | full_text | bibliographic_record
default: full_text
language: iso639
Limits: zero or more per conference
Exampl e
<conf er ence_paper publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<cont r i but or s></ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es><t i t l e></ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e></ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<pages></ pages>
<publ i sher _i t em></ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a></ doi _dat a>
</ conf er ence_paper >
Remarks: A conference paper is required to have contributors, title and doi_data.
All other information is optional.
Version 4.1.0 Page 54
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The sponsoring organization(s) of a conference
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: 0 to 10 per event_metadata. Optional
1 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_sponsor >L' &#x00C9; col e des Mi nes de
Par i s</ conf er ence_sponsor >
Remarks: Multiple sponsors may be given if a conference is hosted by more than one
NISO: Sponsoring Organizations
Version 4.1.0 Page 55
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The theme is the slogan or special emphasis of a conference in a particular year
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per event_metadata. Optional
1 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<conf er ence_t heme>Al gor i t hms &amp; Comput at i on
Theor y</ conf er ence_t heme>
Remarks: The theme is the slogan of the conference. It differs from the subject of a
conference in that the subject is stable over the years while the theme may vary
from year to year.
For example, the American Society for Information Science and Technology
conference theme was "Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use" in 1999 and
"Defining Information Architecture" in 2000.
NISO: Not included in NISO specification
Version 4.1.0 Page 56
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: An entity in a book, such as a chapter, for which a DOI is being registered
Usage: Books, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards
publication_type: abstract_only | full_text | bibliographic_record
default: full_text
language: iso639
component_type: chapter | section | part | track | reference_entry | other
level_sequence_number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
default: 1.
Limits: Zero or more per book. Optional.
Exampl e
<cont ent _i t emcomponent _t ype=" chapt er "
l evel _sequence_number =" 1" publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Pr ef ace</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e><year >1995</ year ></ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262706- 6. Pr ef ace</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262706-
6/ Pr ef ace</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ cont ent _i t em>
Remarks: A content item is typically an entity listed on the table of contents. There need
not be a one-to-one correlation between content listings and content items (e.g.
you may choose not to register front and back matter items listed in the table of
The language of a content_item only need be set if it differs from the
language of book_metadata.
The component_type indicates the type of content item you are registering.
Please see the example of a book submission in this documentation for a better
understanding of how this attribute may be used in nested tables of contents.
level_sequence_number indicates the level of nesting for content items. For
example, you may use it to indicate when one content item, such as a chapter, is
actually inside another content item, such as a section. Please see the example of
a book submission in this documentation for a better understanding of how this
attribute may be used in nested tables of contents.
Note: Because the CrossRef schema uses a flat model to indicate hierarchically nested
content items, there is an implicit assumption that content items will be listed in the
CrossRef submission in the same order in which they appear in the table of contents.
Please follow this protocol when submitting DOI data for books. This order is not
required for journal and conference data.
Version 4.1.0 Page 57
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
contributors for a content_item need not be listed if all items in a book
have the same contributors listed in book_metadata. In other words,
contributors must be listed for edited books, but they should not be listed for
each content_item in a monograph. The exception case is when a content item
such as a Preface or Forward for a monograph has a different author from that of
the monograph. In this case, the contributors should be given.
The title of each content item must be submitted. If, however, you are submitting
chapter data for a monograph that simply has "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", etc., you
should put this information in component_number, not titles.
See Also: book_metadata, component_number
ONIX 2.0: ContentItem
Version 4.1.0 Page 58
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The contract number under which a report or paper was written
Usage: Technical Report or Working paper
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero, or one per report-paper_metadata. Optional
2 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<cont r act _number >AC06- 96RL13200</ cont r act _number >
See Also: report-paper_metadata

Version 4.1.0 Page 59
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for all who contributed to authoring or editing an entity.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Content dependent
1 or more person_name or organization per occurrence
Exampl e
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>M</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>van Ext er </ sur name>
<suf f i x>I I I </ suf f i x>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>

<cont r i but or s>
<or gani zat i on sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
Wor l d Heal t h Or gani zat i on</ or gani zat i on>
</ cont r i but or s>
Remarks: The first author is mandatory if it exists. Additional authors are optional.
See Also: person_name, surname, given_name, suffix, organization
Version 4.1.0 Page 60
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The date a database or dataset item was created
Usage: Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: one per database_date, optional
Exampl e
<dat abase_dat e><cr eat i on_dat e><mont h>8</ mont h><day>26</ day>
<year >2003</ year ></ cr eat i on_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>
See Also: database_date, update_date

Version 4.1.0 Page 61
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Year of publication in citation
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per citation. Optional.
Exampl e
<ci t at i on key=" b1" >
<j our nal _t i t l e>Doc Opht hal mol </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Mar mor </ aut hor >
<vol ume>97</ vol ume>
<f i r st _page>143</ f i r st _page>
</ ci t at i on>
Remarks: Unlike the year element, cYear has a loose text model that can accommodate
non-standard years such as year ranges such as "1998-1999".
Note that years such as "1998a" or "1999b" should be deposited without the letter,
e.g. "1998" or "1999". The letter is used for internal source document linking in
name/date (Harvard) style documents rather than external cross reference
linking to the original item.
See Also: publication_date
Version 4.1.0 Page 62
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: database is the top level element for deposit of metadata about one or more
datasets or records in a database
Usage: Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about datasets or database
Exampl e
<dat abase>
<dat abase_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<t i t l es>. . . </ t i t l es>
<i nst i t ut i on>. . . </ i nst i t ut i on>
<doi _dat a>. . . </ doi _dat a>
</ dat abase_met adat a>
<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" col l ect i on" >
. . .
</ dat aset >
<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" col l ect i on" >
. . .
</ dat aset >
</ dat abase>
Remarks: See Figure 8: CrossRef schema database deposit hierarchy.
Database structures allow for the assignment of DOIs to entire databases at the
aggregate level and at two lower levels.
The top level may be a physical/functional database or a logical abstration acting
as a collection much the same as a journal is a collection of articles. The need to
assign specific fields of metadata at each level depends on the nature of the top
most level (e.g. publication date may be appropriate at the top level for a
physical object but only at lower levels for an abstract top level object)
The first sub-level is the dataset which may be a basic record of the top level
object or a collection in its own right. In either case dataset must represent a
physical construct. A third level is provided in the component_list.
NOTE: component_list in <database> (rather than in dataset may be used
as a second level when no third level is required and the second level objects
derive most of their qualities from the parent.
NOTE: This model is not intended to show relationships between different
dataset entries in the form of a relational database. However in the future it is
possible that multiple resolution may be used to express such relationships
See Also: body, database_metadata, dataset
Version 4.1.0 Page 63
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: database_date records key dates in the life of a database or dataset item
Usage: Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: 0 to 10 per database_metadata or dataset
Exampl e
<dat abase_dat e><cr eat i on_dat e><mont h>8</ mont h><day>26</ day>
<year >2003</ year ></ cr eat i on_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>
<dat abase_dat e><updat e_dat e><mont h>9</ mont h><day>15</ day>
<year >2005</ year ></ updat e_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>
Remarks: Within database_date, creation_date is the date the item was first createed,
publication_date is the date the item was first published, and update_date
is the date the item was last updated.
See Also: database_metadata, creation_date, publication_date, update_date
Version 4.1.0 Page 64
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: database_metadata contains metadata about the database
Usage: Databases
language: iso639
Limits: One per database. Required.
Exampl e
<dat abase_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<t i t l es><t i t l e>uBi o pr oj ect </ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<descr i pt i on>uBi o uses names and t axonomi c i nt el l i gence
t o manage i nf or mat i on about or gani sms. </ descr i pt i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>The Mar i ne Bi ol ogi cal
Labor at or y</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>MBL</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Woods Hol e, MA</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1575/ uBi o- home</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. ubi o. or g/ i ndex. php?pagename=home
</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ dat abase_met adat a>
Remarks: contributors contains the author(s) of the database. In most cases, it is
expected that the organization element will be used rather than person_name
element for the primary database authoring information.
contributors should not be confused with publisher and institution. In many
cases, databases are more likely to have one or both of the latter elements rather
than contributors at the top level (dataset elements are more likely to have
contributors). In most cases, the institution element may be the best choice to
deposit the database host organization because it includes the
institution_acronym element along with the name.
The titles element is used to capture the name of the database. The
description element can be used to capture a fuller description of the nature
of the database than might be inferred from the title
database_date should be used to capture the date that a database was first
created. Whenever updated records are deposited with CrossRef, the
update_date should be set to the date of the most recent CrossRef deposit
publisher_item may be used to record an identifying number for the database
other than the DOI
See Also: database
Version 4.1.0 Page 65
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: dataset is used to capture information about one or more database records or
Usage: Databases
dataset_type: record | collection | other
default: record
Limits: 0 or more per database
Exampl e
<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" r ecor d" >
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Homo f l or esi ensi s</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<dat abase_dat e><cr eat i on_dat e><mont h>11</ mont h>
<day>8</ day><year >2005</ year ></ cr eat i on_dat e>
</ dat abase_dat e>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number >5328598</ i t em_number >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1575/ 5328598</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / names. ubi o. or g/ br owser / det ai l s. php?n
amebankI D=5328598</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ dat aset >
Remarks: The dataset_type attribute should be set to either "record" or "collection" to
indicate the type of deposit. The default value of this attribute is "record"
dataset entries are not intended to contain the entire database record or
collection. They are only intended to contain the metadata for each database
record or collection. The metadata can include:
contributors: the author(s) of a database record or collection
titles: the title of a database record or collection
database_date: the creation date, publication date (if different from the
creation date) and the date of last update of the record
publisher_item: the record number of the dataset item. In this context,
publisher_item can be used for the record number of each item in the
description: a brief summary description of the contents of the database
format: the format type of the dataset item if it includes files rather than just
text. Note the format element here should not be used to describe the format of
items deposited as part of the component_list
doi_data: the doi of the item.
Version 4.1.0 Page 66
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
citation_list: a list of items (e.g. journal articles) cited by the dataset item.
For example, dataset entry from a taxonomy might cite the article in which a
species was first identified.
component_list: a list of components included in the dataset item such as
supporting figures
See Also: database

Version 4.1.0 Page 67
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Day of publication
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per publication_date. Optional.
Must be 1 or 2 digits
Exampl e
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<mont h>10</ mon
t h>
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
Remarks: The should must be expressed with a leading zero if it is less than 10 (e.g. submit
"05", not "5")
See Also: publication_date
Version 4.1.0 Page 68
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The degree(s) awarded for a dissertation
Usage: Dissertations
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero to ten per dissertation. Optional
2 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<degr ee>PhD</ degr ee>
See Also: dissertation

Version 4.1.0 Page 69
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A narrative description of a component (e.g. a figure caption or video
description) which may be independent of any host document context. The
description element may be present more than once to provide alternative
language values.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
language: iso639
Limits: Zero or more per component. Optional.
description has no fixed limit, however it should not typically exceed 1000
<descr i pt i on><b>Fi gur e 1: </ b> Thi s i s t he capt i on of t he
f i r st f i gur e. . . </ descr i pt i on>
See Also: component

Version 4.1.0 Page 70
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Information about the organization submitting DOI metadata to CrossRef
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per head. Required.
Exampl e
<deposi t or >
<name>ACM</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>doi @hq. acm. or g</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
See Also: head
Version 4.1.0 Page 71
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: dissertation is the top level element for deposit of metadata about one or more
Usage: Dissertations
publication_type: abstract_only | full_text | bibliographic_record
default: full_text
language: iso639
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about dissertations
Exampl e
<di sser t at i on>
<per son_name>. . . </ per son_name>
<t i t l es>. . . </ t i t l es>
<appr oval _dat e>. . . </ appr oval _dat e>
<i nst i t ut i on>. . . </ i nst i t ut i on>
<degr ee>. . . </ degr ee>
<publ i sher _i t em>. . . </ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>. . . </ doi _dat a>
</ di sser t at i on>
Remarks: See Figure 5: CrossRef schema dissertation deposit hierarchy.
The dissertation element does not have publisher, or issn elements. It is
expected that the dissertation element will be used for deposit of items that have
not been published in books or journals. If a dissertation is published as a book
or within a serial, it should be deposited using the top-level element for the
appropriate publication type.
If a DAI has been assigned, it should be deposited in the identifier element with
the id_type attribute set to "dai". If an institution has its own numbering
system, it should be deposited in item_number, and the item_number_type
should be set to "institution"
See Also: approval_date, body, degree, institution

Version 4.1.0 Page 72
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: DOI for an entity being registered with CrossRef.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per doi_data. Required.
6 to 2048 characters. Must be of type xsd:string
<doi _dat a>
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74/ 2268/ ab</ r esour c
<t i mest amp>19990628123304</ t i mest amp>
</ doi _dat a>
Remarks: With this release of the CrossRef schema, you may now submit DOIs for the
following items:
journal title
journal volume
journal issue
journal article
multi-volume book series
content item (e.g. chapters, sections, etc.) within books
multi-volume conference proceedings
conference proceedings
conference paper
Each entity (journal articles, chapters, conference papers) you submit is required
to have a DOI. In addition, each volume of a book is required to have a DOI.
DOIs are optional for journal titles, volumes and issues, and for the entire series
of multi-volume books or conference proceedings.
Warning: The DOI specification allows many characters in the formulation of a DOI.
However certain characters cause problems for systems that process DOIs. Use of
the following characters in a DOI should never occur: '#', '?', and '&'. The
following characters are supported, however, it is strongly recommended you
avoid use of: '<', '>', '/', and '\'
See Also: doi_data
Version 4.1.0 Page 73
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Top level element for a metadata submission to CrossRef
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
fixed: "4.1.0"
Limits: One per submission instance. Required
Exampl e
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0"
xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0
cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
. . .
. . .
</ doi _bat ch>
Remarks: See Figure 1: CrossRef schema top level hierarchy.
This element indicates the start and end of the XML file. The version number is
fixed to the version of the schema.
Be sure to set the name space attributes as shown above in order for the Xerces
parser to process the instance correctly.
For the purposes of parsing, you may also set xsi:schemaLocation to
/schema/4.1.0/crossref.xsd. A copy of the schema is located on the
CrossRef server at this URL and will remain constant for a given version of the
schema. This location permits you to have a constant location for the schema for
parsing without relying on a hardwired local directory on your development
platform. For more information, please see:

Version 4.1.0 Page 74
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Publisher generated ID that uniquely identifies the DOI submission batch. It will
be used as a reference in error messages sent by the MDDB
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per head. Required.
4 to 100 characters
Exampl e
<t i mest amp>. . . </ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >. . . </ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >. . . </ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
Remarks: The publisher must insure that this number is unique for every submission to
See Also: head
Version 4.1.0 Page 75
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for elements related directly to a DOI.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Context dependent
Exampl e
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ S000369519903216</ doi >
<t i mest amp>19990628123304</ t i mest amp>
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74/ 2268/ ab</ r esour c
</ doi _dat a>
Remarks: doi_data contains the doi, timestamp (version) and corresponding
resource (URI) data for the doi.
Cases of single-resolution (i.e. one DOI with a single corresponding URI) should
be tagged with a doi/resource pair in doi_data.
When CrossRef enables multiple resolution, multiple URIs may be submitted for
a single DOI by using the collection element.
Note: A timestamp value placed inside doi_data will override any timestamp
value placed in the <head> element.
Although this schema supports multiple resolution with the collection element,
collection may not be used in deposits to CrossRef until further notice.
See Also: collection, doi, resource, timestamp
Version 4.1.0 Page 76
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The edition number of a book
Usage: Books, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per book_metadata. Optional.
1 to 15 characters.
Exampl e
<edi t i on_number >3</ edi t i on_number >
Remarks: edition_number should include only a number and not additional text such as
"edition". For example, you should submit "3", not "third edition" or "3
Roman numerals are acceptable.
Publishers will update a print edition with a new edition number when more
than ten percent of the content has changed. However, publishers expect to
continuously update online editions of books without changing the edition
The ability to update the electronic version independent of the print version could be
problematic for researchers. For example, if a research article cites the print version of a
chapter, and a researcher subsequently links to the online version of the same chapter, the
content may be different from the print version without the typical indication of a new
edition. This topic requires further discussion outside of the scope of this specification.
See Also: book_metadata
ONIX 2.0: EditionNumber
Version 4.1.0 Page 77
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: e-mail address to which batch success and/or error messages are sent
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per head. Required.
6 to 200 characters.
Exampl e
<emai l _addr ess>doi @hq. acm. or g</ emai l _addr ess>
Remarks: It is recommended that this address be unique to a position within the
organization submitting data (e.g. "doi@") rather than unique to a person. In
this way, the alias for delivery of this mail can be changed as responsibility for
submission of DOI data within the organization changes from one person to
See Also: name
Version 4.1.0 Page 78
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container for all information that applies to a conference event.
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per conference. Required.
Exampl e
<event _met adat a>
<conf er ence_name>24t h ACM SI GPLAN- SI GACT
symposi um</ conf er ence_name>
<conf er ence_t heme>Al gor i t hms &amp; Comput at i on
Theor y</ conf er ence_t heme>
<conf er ence_acr onym>POPL ' 97</ conf er ence_acr onym>
<conf er ence_sponsor >L' &#x00C9; col e des Mi nes de
Par i s</ conf er ence_sponsor >
<conf er ence_number >24</ conf er ence_number >
<conf er ence_l ocat i on>Par i s, Fr ance</ conf er ence_l ocat i on>
<conf er ence_dat e
st ar t _mont h=" 01" st ar t _year =" 1997" st ar t _day=" 15"
end_year =" 1997" end_mont h=" 01" end_day=" 17" >
J an. 15- 17, 1997</ conf er ence_dat e>
</ event _met adat a>
Remarks: event_metadata captures information about a conference event. Data about
conference proceedings is captured in proceedings_metadata.
NOTE: The CrossRef system currently uses the proceedings_title and
conference_acronym in the query matching process. This system can cause
problems when the proceedings have a simple non-changing title (e.g
PRoceedings of SPIE) and the conference event name, conference_name, is used
to differentiate conference topics (e.g. Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits II). To
avoid this problem, CrossRef recommends that you make sure the
conference_acronym accurately reflects the event name (e.g OpIC II in this
See Also: proceedings_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 79
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: First page number where an entity is located.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per pages. Required.
1 to 15 characters
Exampl e
<f i r st _page>2268</ f i r st _page>
Remarks: Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination.
See Also: last_page, other_pages, pages
ONIX 2.0: FirstPageNumber
Version 4.1.0 Page 80
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A narrative description of a component's file format and/or the file extension
(for mime types refer to
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Limits: One per component. Optional.
1 to 15 characters.
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" vi deo/ mpeg" / >

<f or mat mi me_t ype=" i mage/ j peg" >Web r esol ut i on
i mage</ f or mat >
Remarks: The format element may contain only the mime_type attribute, or in addition
it may contain a narrative description of the file format. Be sure to use the
narrative portion to description only the format of the component and not the
actual content of the component (use description to describe the
component's content).
See Also: component, description

Version 4.1.0 Page 81
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The full title by which a journal is commonly known or cited.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One to ten per journal_metadata. Required.
1 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<f ul l _t i t l e>Appl i ed Physi cs Let t er s</ f ul l _t i t l e>
Remarks: full_title and abbrev_title must both be submitted even if they are
Note: In version 4.1.0 and later, this element is allowed up to 10 times to allow
for a) journal name changes over time, b) translated journal names (e.g. the
Japanese name and the English equivalent), and c) common author mis-spellings
of a given journal name.
See Also: abbrev_title

Version 4.1.0 Page 82
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A contributor's given name.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per person_name. Optional
1 to 35 characters
Exampl e
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r s
t " cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<sur name>van Ext er </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>

<given_name>John J.</given_name>
<sur name>Smi t h</ sur name>

Remarks: The given_name, combined with surname, forms the name of an author or
editor. given_name may be submitted as either initials or a full name.
given_name also includes the middle name(s) or initial(s) when available.
Where no standard has been established, publishers should consider using
initials in given_name to mimic what might be seen in a reference. Punctuation
included in given_name will be ignored.
Do not place given_name within the surname unless it is unclear how to
distinguish the given name from the surname, as may be the case in non-Western
Do not include titles such as "Dr.", "Prof.", or "President" in given_name. These
titles should not be submitted to CrossRef.
See Also: person_name, suffix, surname
ONIX 2.0: PrefixToKey
Version 4.1.0 Page 83
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for information related to the DOI batch submission.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per document instance. Required
Exampl e
<doi _bat ch_i d>1234</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20010910040315</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>ACM</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>doi @hq. acm. or g</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >Associ at i on of Comput i ng Machi ner y</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
Remarks: This element uniquely identifies the batch deposit to CrossRef and contains
information that will be used as a reference in error messages sent by the MDDB.
Version 4.1.0 Page 84
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Italitc markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <i>italic</i>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
See Also: b, u, ovl, sup, sub, scp, tt and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 85
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A public standard identifier that can be used to uniquely identify the entity being
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
id_type: pii | sici | doi | other
Limits: Zero or more per publisher_item. Optional
1 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<i dent i f i er i d_t ype=" pi i " >S0003695199038164</ i dent i f i er >
Remarks: This identifier is a publisher-assigned number that uniquely identifies the entity
being registered.
This element should be used for identifiers based on public standards. Use
item_number for a publisher identifier that is based on a publisher's internal
systems rather than on a public standard. The supported standards are:
PII - Publisher Item Identifier
SICI - Serial Item and Contribution Identifier
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
See Also: publisher_item, item_number
ONIX 2.0: RecordReference
Version 4.1.0 Page 86
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Wrapper element for information about an organization that sponsored or
hosted an item but is not the publisher of the item.
Usage: Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: dissertation: 1 to 6, required
report-paper_metadata: 0 to 5, optional
standard_metadata: 0 to 10, optional
database_metadata: 0 to 10, optional
Exampl e
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Amer i can Nat i onal St andar ds
I nst i t ut e</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>ANSI </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Washi ngt on, DC</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>I nt er nat i onal St andar ds
Or gani zat i on</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>I SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Geneva,
Swi t zer l and</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
Remarks: The institution element should be used to deposit metadata about an
organization that sponsored or hosted the research or development of the
published material but was not actually the publisher of the information.
The institution is distinctly different from the publisher because it may not be a
publishing organization. It is typically an organization such as a university,
corporation, government agency, NGO or consortia.
If the content was published by an organization other than the sponsor, the use
of both the publisher and institution elements is encouraged because
authors may cite either one in a reference, and the availability of both may allow
for more precise matching in queries.
See Also: dissertation, report-paper_metadata, standard_metadata,
database_metadata, institution_acronym,
institution_department, institution_name, institution_place
Version 4.1.0 Page 87
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The acronym of the institution
Usage: Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: 0 to 6 per institution. Optional
1 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>I nt er nat i onal St andar ds
Or gani zat i on</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
Remarks: Note that authors often cite with acronyms and this information can be
important in matching a query

Exampl es: WHO, UCDavi s, UCD
Note, as shown above, an institution may be know by multiple acronyms, in
which case all common acronyms should be deposited
See Also: institution, institution_name
Version 4.1.0 Page 88
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The department within an institution
Usage: Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: 0 to 6 per institution. Optional
2 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Har var d Uni ver si t y</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Cambr i dge, MA</ i nst i t
<institution_department>Department of
ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
Remarks: institution_department gives the department within an institution. A
common use is the department under which a dissertation was completed.
Note that the institution_department is repeatable. If multiple departments are to
be deposited, each one should be given in a unique institution_department
See Also: institution, institution_name
Version 4.1.0 Page 89
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The full name of an institution
Usage: Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: 1 per institution. Required
1 to 1024 characters
Exampl e
<i nst i t ut i on>
<institution_name>Harvard University</institution_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Cambr i dge, MA</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
<i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment >Depar t ment of
Neur obi ol ogy</ i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment >
</ i nst i t ut i on>
Remarks: Examples are: World Health Organization; University of California, Davis.
Corresponding institution_acronym content for these organizations would
be WHO and UCD, respectively.
See Also: institution, institution_acronym
Version 4.1.0 Page 90
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The primary city location of the institution
Usage: Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: 0 to 6 per institution. Optional
2 to 255 characters
Exampl e
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Har var d Uni ver si t y</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<institution_place>Cambridge, MA</institution_place>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
Remarks: institution_place gives the primary city location of the institution. When the
location is a major city (e.g. New York, Amsterdam), no qualifying country or
U.S. state need be given. If the city is not a major city, the appropriate country
and/or state or province should be added.
See Also: institution, institution_name

Version 4.1.0 Page 91
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The ISBN assigned to an entity
Usage: Books, Conference Proceedings, Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards
media_type: print | electronic
default: print
Limits: 1 to 6 per proceedings_metadata, book_metadata, or series_metadata
The ISBN must be 10 digits (the last digit may be 'X'), or four groups of digits,
separated by a hyphens or spaces.
Exampl e
<i sbn medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >0 19 262140 8</ i sbn>
Remarks: If a multi-volume work has one ISBN per volume and a unique ISBN for the
series, all may be registered. The ISBN for the series must be in
series_metadata, and the ISBN for each volume in
proceedings_metadata, or book_metadata, respectively.
The text "ISBN" should not be included in the ISBN element in CrossRef
Note: CrossRef does not perform any validation on ISBN values
Although not required, the ISBN number should retain spaces or hyphens that
appear in the formatted number because they aid in human-readability. For
more information, please see
instructions.asp or
Version 4.1.0 Page 92
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The ISSN assigned to an entity
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards
media_type: print | electronic
default: print
Limits: 1 to 6 per proceedings_metadata, book_metadata, or
The ISSN must be 8 digits (the last digit may be 'X'), or two groups of four digits,
separated by a hyphen.
Exampl e
<i ssn medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >0003- 6951</ i ssn>
Remarks: The ISSN must consist of eight digits (where the last digit may be an X), or it
must consist of eight digits in two groups of four with a hyphen between the two
groups. Spaces or other delimiters should not be included in an ISSN. For more
information, please see
checking/checking or
The text "ISSN" should not be included in the issn element in CrossRef
Note: CrossRef does not perform any validation on ISSN values

Version 4.1.0 Page 93
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The issue number in which an article is published.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal_issue. Optional
1 to 15 characters.
Exampl e
<j our nal _i ssue>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<j our nal _vol ume><
vol ume>74</ vol ume></ j our nal _vol ume>
</ j our nal _i ssue>

volume 74, Spring 1999
<j our nal _i ssue>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<j our nal _vol ume><vol um
e>74</ vol ume></ j our nal _vol ume>
</ j our nal _i ssue>

volume 74, issue 3 Spring 1999
<j our nal _i ssue>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<mont h>21</ mont h><year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<j our nal _vol ume><
vol ume>74</ vol ume></ j our nal _vol ume>
</ j our nal _i ssue>
Remarks: Only one issue name should be used for the issue. The issue number takes
precedence over any other name. For example, if an issue has only a seasonal
name, then the season should be listed in issue. However, if an issue has a
number and a season, then only the number should be listed in issue, and the
season should be placed in month (see the table in month, below, for proper
encoding of the season) if the specific month of publication is not known. See the
example, above.
Do not include the words "issue", "No" or "number" in this element.
When submitting DOIs for journal articles published online ahead of print, you
should submit the issue number, when known, even if the pagination
information for the entity is not yet known.
Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination.
See Also: journal_volume, volume, month
Version 4.1.0 Page 94
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container used to associate a collection, doi, or resource (URI) with
zero or more property elements.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One or more per collection
Exampl e
To be pr ovi ded
Remarks: Each item contains a collection, doi, or resource (URI) and zero or more
property elements that qualify the semantic meaning of a item contents.
For a description of how the property elements are used for implementing a
multiple resolution service that present menu options to and end user please
refer to
This element is not to be used in deposits to CrossRef until further notice.
See Also: collection, doi, doi_data, property, resource
Version 4.1.0 Page 95
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A publisher identifier that can be used to uniquely identify the entity being
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes item_number_type: string
Limits: One to three per publisher_item. Optional
1 to 32 characters.
Exampl e
<i t em_number >t m3001</ i t em_number >

<i t em_number
i t em_number _t ype=" ar t i cl e_number ">1</ i t em_number >
Remarks: This identifier is a publisher-assigned number that uniquely identifies the entity
being registered.
This element should be used for identifiers based on publisher internal
standards. Use identifier for a publisher identifier that is based on a public
standard such as PII or SICI.
If the item_number and identifier are identical, there is no need to submit
both. In this case, the preferred element to use is identifier.
Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination.
item_number has an optional attribute, item_number_type. It is assigned by
the publisher to provide context for the data in item_number. If item_number
contains only a publisher's tracking number, this attribute need not be supplied.
If the item_number contains other data, this attribute can be used to define the
For example, if a journal is published online (i.e. it has no page numbers), and
each article on the table of contents is assigned a sequential number, this article
number can be placed in item_number, and the item_number_type attribute
can be set to "article_number". Although CrossRef has not provided a set of
enumerated types for this attribute, please check with CrossRef before using this
attribute to determine if a standard attribute has already been defined for your
specific needs.
If a dissertation DAI has been assigned, it should be deposited in the
identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "dai". If an institution
has its own numbering system, it should be deposited in item_number, and the
item_number_type should be set to "institution"
If the report number of an item follows Z39.23, the number should be deposited
in the identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "Z39.23". If a
report number uses its own numbering system, it should be deposited in the
identifier element, and the id_type should be set to "report-number"
Version 4.1.0 Page 96
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
The designation for a standard should be placed inside the identifier
element with the id_type attribute set to "ISO-std-ref"
See Also: publisher_item, identifier
ONIX 2.0: PublisherProductNo
Version 4.1.0 Page 97
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for all information about a single journal and the articles being
registered within the journal
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about journals.
Exampl e
<j our nal >
<j our nal _met adat a l anguage=" en" >. . . </ j our nal _met adat a>
<j our nal _i ssue>. . . </ j our nal _i ssue>
<j our nal _ar t i cl e
publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >. . . </ j our nal _ar t i cl e>
</ j our nal >
Remarks: See Figure 4: CrossRef schema journal deposit hierarchy.
journal is the core container for information about a single journal and articles
submitted for registration from that journal.
Within a journal instance, you may register articles from a single issue,
detailed in journal_issue. If you want to register items from more than one
issue, you must use multiple journal instances, which can be done within a
single batch submission.
If you have articles that have not been assigned to an issue, you may register
them within a single journal instance. In this case, do not include a
You may chose to submit only top level journal_metadata and
journal_issue metadata for any journal or issue, allowing you to register
DOIs for an entire journal, or any issue or volume within a journal.
See Also: body
Version 4.1.0 Page 98
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for all information about a single journal article
Usage: Journals
publication_type: abstract_only | full_text | bibliographic_record
default: full_text
language: iso639
Limits: zero or more per journal
Exampl e
<j our nal _ar t i cl e publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<t i t l es></ t i t l es>
<cont r i but or s></ cont r i but or s>
<publ i cat i on_dat e></ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<pages></ pages>
<publ i sher _i t em></ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a></ doi _dat a>
</ j our nal _ar t i cl e>
Remarks: A journal article is required to have title and doi_data. All other information
is optional. When registering items that do not have titles, use the appropriate
heading from the journal section or table of contents (e.g. "Errata") in title.
journal_article allows for multiple titles per entity. In some cases it may
be helpful to submit multiple titles. For example, if an erratum carries title of the
original article and the heading "Errata", both should be submitted by using two
titles elements.
Version 3.0.0 of the schema adds citation_list, which allows for deposit of
the reference list(s) from an article that is being deposited.
Version 4.1.0 Page 99
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for metadata that defines a single issue of a journal
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal. Optional
Exampl e
<j our nal _i ssue>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<j our nal _vol ume>
<vol ume>74</ vol ume>
</ j our nal _vol ume>
<i ssue>5</ i ssue>
<speci al _number i ng>Suppl 1</ speci al _number i ng>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ apl / 74/ 16s</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74/ 16s</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ j our nal _i ssue>
Remarks: Special issue numbering information for a journal should be placed in
You may now register a DOI for an entire issue by including doi_data in
journal_issue. The URI should resolve to the table of contents for the issue.
contributors is included in journal_issue to allow inclusion of editors of
special issues. This element allows linking from a reference such as:
R.Glaser, L.Bond (Eds.), Testing: concepts and research, American
Psychologist 36 (10-12) (1981) (special issue).
You should not include contributors for the regular editors of regular issues.
See Also: journal, journal_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 100
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for metadata that defines a journal
Usage: Journals
language: iso639
Limits: One per journal. Required
Exampl e
<j our nal _met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<f ul l _t i t l e>Appl i ed Physi cs Let t er s</ f ul l _t i t l e>
<abbr ev_t i t l e>Appl . Phys. Let t . </ abbr ev_t i t l e>
<i ssn medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >00036951</ i ssn>
<coden>appl ab</ coden>
</ j our nal _met adat a>
See Also: journal, journal_issue
Version 4.1.0 Page 101
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Journal title in a citation. Only used in the citation element.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per citation. Optional.
Exampl e
<ci t at i on key=" b1" >
<i ssn>0027- 8424</ i ssn>
<journal_title>Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
<aut hor >West </ aut hor >
<vol ume>98</ vol ume>
<i ssue>20</ i ssue>
<f i r st _page>11024</ f i r st _page>
<year >2001</ year >
</ ci t at i on>

Remarks: Journal title in citation deposits is used for both abbreviated and spelled out
journal names. No attribute is required to distinguish between name types. Both
<journal_title>Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.</journal_title> and
<journal_title>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America</journal_title> are valid journal titles to use in this element.
See Also: citation
Version 4.1.0 Page 102
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for the journal volume and DOI assigned to an entire journal
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal_issue. Optional
Exampl e
<j our nal _vol ume>
<vol ume>74</ vol ume>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ apl / 74</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ j our nal _vol ume>
Remarks: You may now register a DOI for an entire volume by including doi_data in
See Also: journal_issue
Version 4.1.0 Page 103
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The last page number of an entity
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per pages. Optional.
1 to 15 characters.
Exampl e
<f i r st _page>15</ f i r st _page
</ pages>
Remarks: last_page should not be used when the last page number is the same as the
first page number (i.e. when the entire entity fits on one page).
Do not include punctuation for a page range in last_page.
If the entity has non-contiguous paging, use last_page for the last page of the
first range and place all other page information into other_pages.
Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination.
See Also: first_page, other_pages, pages
ONIX 2.0: LastPageNumber
Version 4.1.0 Page 104
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Month of publication
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per publication_date. Optional.
Must be 1 or 2 digits.
Exampl e
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<day>05</ day>
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
Remarks: The month must be expressed in numeric format rather spelling out the name
(e.g.. submit "10", not "October").
The month must be expressed with a leading zero if it is less than 10 (e.g. submit
"05", not "5").
When a journal issue has both an issue number and a season, the issue number
should be placed in issue. If the month of publication is not known, the season
should be placed in month as a two-digit value according to the following table:

Season Value
Spring 21
Summer 22
Autumn 23
Winter 24
First Quarter 31
Second Quarter 32
Third Quarter 33
Fourth Quarter 34
In cases when an issue covers multiple months, e.g. "March-April", include only
the digits for the first month of the range.
See Also: publication_date, issue
Version 4.1.0 Page 105
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Name of the organization registering the DOIs
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per head. Required.
1 to 130 characters.
Exampl e
<deposi t or >
<emai l _addr ess>doi @hq. acm. or g</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
Remarks: The name placed in this element should match the name under which a
depositing organization has registered with CrossRef.
See Also: head, email_address
Version 4.1.0 Page 106
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The name of an organization (as opposed to a person) that contributed to
authoring an entity
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
sequence: first | additional
contributor_role: author | editor | chair | translator
Limits: 1 to 255 of person_name or organization per contributors.
1 to 511 characters.
Exampl e
<cont r i but or s>
<organization sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
World Health Organization</organization>
</ cont r i but or s>
Remarks: Authors that are organizations should no longer be captured with surname.
If multiple organizations authored an entity, each one should be captured in a
unique organization element. If an entity was authored by individuals in
addition to one or more organizations, person_name and organization may
be freely intermixed within contributors.
contributor_role should be set, as appropriate, to author or editor. When a
contributor translated a work, set contributor_role to "translator". "chair"
should only be used for conference proceedings to indicate a conference chair.
See Also: contributors, person_name
ONIX 2.0: CorporateName
Version 4.1.0 Page 107
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The title of an entity in its original language if the registration is for a translation
of a work.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
language: iso639
Limits: One per titles. Optional.
original_language_title has no fixed limit, however it should not
typically exceed 256 characters.
Exampl e
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>The Song of Rol and</ t i t l e>
<original_language_title language="fr">La Chanson de
</ t i t l es>
Remarks: When providing the original language of a title, you should set the language
See Also: subtitle, title, titles
ONIX 2.0: TranslationOfTitle
Version 4.1.0 Page 108
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Used to capture additional page information when items do not encompass
contiguous page ranges.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per pages. Optional.
1 to 100 characters
Exampl e
<f i r st _page>15</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>26</ l ast _page>
</ pages>
Remarks: When an entity has non-contiguous page information, you should capture the
first page range in first_page and last_page. Any additional page
information should be captured in other_pages.
You should include commas or hyphens to express discrete pages or page
ranges. endash entities should be converted to ASCII hyphens. Spaces should not
be included. Note that punctuation should never appear in first_page and
Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination.
See Also: first_page, last_page, pages
Version 4.1.0 Page 109
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Over line markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <ovl>over line</ovl>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
See Also: b, i, u, sup, sub, scp, tt and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 110
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for information about page ranges.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal_article, conference_paper, or content_item.
Exampl e
<f i r st _page>15</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>26</ l ast _page>
<ot her _pages>29- 35, 41- 45, 49</ ot her _pages>
</ pages>
Remarks: When an entity has non-contiguous page information, you should capture the
first page range in first_page and last_page. Any additional page
information should be captured in other_pages.
Punctuation is only allowed in other_pages. It should not appear in
first_page and last_page.
Page number letter prefixes or suffixes should be included. Roman numeral
pages are permitted in both upper case and lower case.
Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination.
See Also: first_page, last_page, other_pages
Version 4.1.0 Page 111
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The name of a person (as opposed to an organization) that contributed to
authoring an entity
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
sequence: first | additional
contributor_role: author | editor | chair | translator
Limits: 1 to 255 of person_name or organization per contributors.
Exampl e
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>M</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>van Ext er </ sur name>
<suf f i x>I I I </ suf f i x>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
Remarks: Authors that are organizations should no longer be captured with surname. Use
organization instead.
Authors with name suffixes should have the suffix captured in suffix, not in
surname. Author prefixes such as "Dr.", "Prof.", or "President" should not be
included in person_name or any other element. Author degrees (e.g. M.D.,
Ph.D.) also should not be included in CrossRef submissions.
contributor_role should be set, as appropriate, to author or editor. When a
contributor translated a work, set contributor_role to "translator". "chair"
should only be used for conference proceedings to indicate a conference chair.
See Also: contributors, organization
ONIX 2.0: StructuredNameModel
Version 4.1.0 Page 112
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container for all information that applies to a specific conference proceedings.
Usage: Conference Proceedings
language: iso639
Limits: One per conference. Required.
Exampl e
<pr oceedi ngs_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>Pr oceedi ngs of t he 24t h ACM SI GPLAN-
SI GACT symposi umon Pr i nci pl es of pr ogr ammi ng l anguages
- POPL ' 97</ pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>
<pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >Pr i nci pl es of pr ogr ammi ng
l anguages</ pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>ACM Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>New Yor k</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<publ i cat i on_dat e>
<year >1997</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<i sbn>0- 89791- 853- 3</ i sbn>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1145/ 263699</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / por t al . acm. or g/ ci t at i on. cf m?doi d=263699</ r
esour ce>
<t i mest amp>20010910040315</ t i mest amp>
</ doi _dat a>
</ pr oceedi ngs_met adat a>
Remarks: proceedings_metadata captures information about conference proceedings.
Data about conference events is captured in event_metadata
NOTE: The CrossRef system currently uses the proceedings_title and
conference_acronym in the query matching process. This system can cause
problems when the proceedings have a simple non-changing title (e.g
PRoceedings of SPIE) and the conference event name, conference_name, is used
to differentiate conference topics (e.g. Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits II). To
avoid this problem, CrossRef recommends that you make sure the
conference_acronym accurately reflects the event name (e.g OpIC II in this
See Also: event_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 113
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The subject of the printed conference proceedings, e.g. "Computer Graphics" is
the subject matter of SIGGRAPH
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per proceedings_metadata. Optional.
1 to 255 characters.
Exampl e
<pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >Comput er
Gr aphi cs</ pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >
Remarks: This element is useful because an author may cite a conference paper by the
conference subject. For example, "Proceedings of the 1999 ACM Conference on
Computer Graphics"
Version 4.1.0 Page 114
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The title of the conference proceedings as printed on title page of the published
conference proceedings.
Usage: Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per proceedings_metadata. Required.
1 to 511 characters.
Exampl e
<pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>Pr oceedi ngs of t he 24t h ACM SI GPLAN-
SI GACT symposi umon Pr i nci pl es of pr ogr ammi ng l anguages
- POPL ' 97</ pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>
Remarks: proceedings_title is the undifferentiated title of a conference proceedings. It
should generally be the title as it appears on the cover of the printed
In some cases, proceedings_title may differ from conference_name only
in that the text "Proceedings of" often appears at the start of the
proceedings_title, and it this text should never be included in
conference_name. In other cases, the proceedings_title and
conference_name may be quite different.
See Also: conference_name
ONIX 2.0: ConferenceDescription
NISO: NISO does not distinguish between the conference_name and the
Version 4.1.0 Page 115
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: property elements qualify the semantic meaning of a item or collection.
property elements consist of a type/value pair where the property type is
found in the type attribute and the value is found in the element content.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes type: string
Limits: One or more per collection; zero or more per or item.
The resource in doi_data may not be qualified with property elements as it
is limited to a single URI resource for cases of single resolution.
Exampl e
To be pr ovi ded
Remarks: The order of property elements is not important and does not carry any
semantic meaning.
This element is not to be used in deposits to CrossRef until further notice.
See Also: collection, doi, resource, item
Version 4.1.0 Page 116
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The date of publication
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
media_type: online | print | other
default: print
Limits: 1 to 10 per instance. Required in journal_issue, journal_article,
proceedings_metadata, conference_paper, book_metadata,
Exampl e
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>05</ day>
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
Remarks: In all cases, multiple dates are allowed to allow for different dates of publication
for online and print versions.
This element was previously called date, but was renamed publication_date
to distinguish more clearly from a conference_date.
See Also: year, month, day
ONIX 2.0: PublicationDate
Version 4.1.0 Page 117
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container for information about the publisher of a book or conference
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: 1 to 5 per proceedings_metadata (allows for proceedings that are co-
published). 1 per book_metadata.
Exampl e
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>ACM Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>New Yor k</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
ONIX 2.0: Publisher
Version 4.1.0 Page 118
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container for item identification numbers set by a publisher
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per instance. Optional.
Exampl e
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number >t m3001</ i t em_number >
</ publ i sher _i t em>

Remarks: item_number within publisher_item can be used to reduce the occurrence
of conflicts when the metadata for a DOI may not adequately distinguish the
DOI from that of another DOI. By setting the attribute to <item_number
item_number_type="sequence-number"> and by providing a unique value
for <item_number> the CrossRef system will not generate a deposit conflict.
Often it is acceptable to use the DOI or its suffix for this unique value.
For more information see:
item_number within publisher_item may also be used to provide an article
number when a first_page is not available or applicable. In certain cases it
may be deemed in-appropriate to 'misuse' the first_page element to provide a
value that has meaning in an on-line only publication and does not convey an
form of page number. In these circumstances the attribute <item_number
item_number_type="article-number"> will instruct the CrossRef system to
treat the value of item_number in the same manner as first_page. This value
then becomes a critical part of the query process. If both <item_number
item_number_type="article-number"> and first_page are present,
first_page will take precedence.
See Also: item_number, identifier
Version 4.1.0 Page 119
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The name of the publisher of a book or conference proceedings.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per publisher. Required.
1 to 255 characters.
Exampl e
<publ i sher _name>ACM Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
Remarks: publisher_name is the imprint of the publication (what the author will likely
cite), not the organization registering the DOI, if for any reason they are different.
When registering a translation, the translation publisher, not the original
publisher, should be given.
See Also: publisher, publisher_place
ONIX 2.0: PublisherName
NISO: Publisher
Version 4.1.0 Page 120
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The city where the publisher of this work is located.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working
Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per publisher. Optional.
2 to 255 characters.
Exampl e
<publ i sher _pl ace>New Yor k</ publ i sher _pl ace>

<publ i sher _pl ace>Col d Spr i ng Har bor , NY</ publ i sher _pl ace>
Remarks: publisher_place gives the primary city location of the publisher. When the
location is a major city (e.g. New York, Amsterdam), no qualifying country, U.S.
state, or Canadian province need be given. If the city is not a major city, the
appropriate country, U.S. state, or Canadian province should be added.
See Also: publisher, publisher_name
ONIX 2.0: CityOfPublication
NISO: Publisher
Version 4.1.0 Page 121
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The organization that owns the information being registered
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per head. Required.
1 to 255 characters.
Exampl e
<r egi st r ant >Associ at i on of Comput i ng Machi ner y</ r egi st r ant >
See Also: depositor
ONIX 2.0: RecordSourceName
Version 4.1.0 Page 122
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: report-paper is the top level element for deposit of metadata about one or more
reports or working papers
Usage: Technical Reports and Working Papers
publication_type: abstract_only | full_text | bibliographic_record
default: full_text
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about technical reports or
working papers
Exampl e
<r epor t - paper >
<r epor t - paper _met adat a>
. . .
</ r epor t - paper _met adat a>
</ r epor t - paper >
Remarks: See Figure 6: CrossRef schema report and working paper deposit hierarchy.
component_list is included in report-paper to handle items that have
components but do not have content_item elements (i.e. a report that is not
divided into multiple chapters). If an item has content_item elements, then
component_list inside of content_item must be used rather than the
element available in report-paper
See Also: body, report-paper_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 123
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: report-paper_metadata is used as a wrapper for the metadata related to a
Technical Report or Working Paper
Usage: Technical Reports and Working Papers
language: iso639
Limits: One per report-paper. Required.
Exampl e
<r epor t - paper _met adat a>
<cont r i but or s>. . . </ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>. . . </ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e>. . . </ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<publ i sher >. . . </ publ i sher >
<i nst i t ut i on>. . . </ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher _i t em>. . . </ publ i sher _i t em>
<cont r act _number >. . . </ cont r act _number >
<doi _dat a>. . . </ doi _dat a>
</ r epor t - paper _met adat a>
Remarks: report-paper_metadata is almost identical to book_metadata. It differs
only in that report-paper_metadata removes the volume number and adds
the elements institution and contract_number. Please see the comments for
book_metadata about the usage of most elements in report-
Reports and Working Papers are often sponsored by either universities or by a
non-academic organization (corporate or government). Such institutions are not
typically considered "publishers" and so the item may be deposited using the
institution element. Multiple element instances are permitted so the sponsoring
institution and publishing institution can both be deposited as authors may cite
If the report number of an item follows Z39.23, the number should be deposited
in the identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "Z39.23". If a
report number uses its own numbering system, it should be deposited in
See Also: book_metadata, report-paper
Version 4.1.0 Page 124
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The element that contains a URI associated with a DOI.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per doi_data or item. Required.
1 to 2048 characters. Must be of type xsd: string
Exampl e
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ S000369519903216</ doi >
<t i mest amp>19990628123304</ t i mest amp>
</ doi _dat a>
Remarks: URLs are referred to as resources in the 2.0 CrossRef schema because they can be
any valid URI.
Cases of single-resolution (i.e. one DOI with a single corresponding URI) should
be tagged with a doi/resource pair in doi_data.
Only one resource is allowed per doi_data, however future multiple
resolution capabilities will allow multiple resources to be assigned to a single
doi. When resource elements appear within item elements, those resources
may be qualified with property elements.
Although this schema supports multiple resolution with the collection element,
collection may not be used in deposits to CrossRef until further notice.
See Also: doi, doi_data
Version 4.1.0 Page 125
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The element for depositing a stand alone component which identifies a parent
DOI that may already exist (e.g. created in an earlier deposit or via some other
registration process).
Usage: Stand Alone Components
Attributes (none)
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about stand alone components.
<sa_component >
<doi >10. 9876/ mol cel l / 10/ 4</ doi >
<component par ent _r el at i on=" i sPar t Of " >
<descr i pt i on>Cover I mage, Mol ecul ar Cel l , Vol ume 10,
I ssue 4, J anuar y 2004</ descr i pt i on>
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" i mage/ t i f f " / >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ mol cel l / 10/ 4/ cover </ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / mol cel l . or g/ 10/ 4/ cover
</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ component >
</ sa_component >
Remarks: A stand-alone component may not be deposited without referring to a related
DOI that has previously been registered with CrossRef or another registration
If you wish to deposit a DOI for a cover image of a journal issue, you may use
sa_component to register the cover image DOI. In this case, the DOI in
sa_component should refer to the DOI previously registered in journal_issue.
See Also: body, component

Version 4.1.0 Page 126
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Small caps markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <scp>small caps</scp>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
Remarks: Small caps markup should only be applied to letters and spaces. Other characters
should not be included in small caps markup. Upper case letters may be
included within small caps markup, however no visual distinction is made
between an upper case letter inside or outside of small caps elements.
See Also: b, i, u, ovl, sup, sub, tt and the section Face Markup

Version 4.1.0 Page 127
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The container for metadata about a multi-volume publication
Usage: Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working Papers,
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per proceedings_metadata or book_metadata. Optional
Exampl e
<ser i es_met adat a>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Oxf or d Text book of Medi ci ne</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<i sbn>0 19 262140 8</ i sbn>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262140- 8</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262140- 8
</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ ser i es_met adat a>
Remarks: When a book or conference proceedings consists of multiple volumes,
series_metadata is used to describe information about the entire set or series.
Books may have their title specified in one of two ways. For a monograph or
single volume work, you should use titles in book_metadata. If a work
spans multiple volumes, you should use titles in series_metadata. If a
work spans multiple volumes with a unique title for each volume and the whole
series, you should specify the series title in titles in series_metadata and
the volume title in titles in book_metadata.
If a unique ISBN has been assigned to the entire set (as opposed to the individual
volumes), it should given in series_metadata.
You may assign and register a DOI that encompasses an entire series by adding
doi_data in series_metadata. This element is optional for a series.

Version 4.1.0 Page 128
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
See Also: titles, volume, series_number, book_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 129
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The series number within a specific published conference discipline
Usage: Books, Conference Proceedings, Technical Reports and Working Papers,
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per conference series_metadata. Optional.
1 to 15 characters.
Exampl e
<ser i es_number >2090</ ser i es_number >
Remarks: The series number is different from the volume number. A volume number is the
number of a book in a physically printed set and typically appears in sequence.
The series number is not tied to the physical manifestation of the printed volume
and need not be strictly in sequence. It is most commonly used in "Lectures"
published by Springer-Verlag.
This element is available in series_metadata, however it should only be used
for conference proceedings, not for books.
See Also: volume, series_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 130
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Book series title in a citation. Only used in the citation element.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per citation. Optional.
Exampl e
<ci t at i on key=" b9" >
<series_title>Genome Analysis</series_title>
<vol ume_t i t l e>Genet i c and Physi cal Mappi ng</ vol ume_t i t l e>
<aut hor >Ri nchi k</ aut hor >
<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
<f i r st _page>121</ f i r st _page>
<year >1990</ year >
</ ci t at i on>
Remarks: series_title is an element for the deposit of book or conference series titles in
citations without the hierarchy required by the series_metadata element.
Note that face markup is not permitted when this element is deposited as part of
a citation.
See Also: citation, volume_title
Version 4.1.0 Page 131
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Issue level numbering for supplements or special issues
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal_issue. Optional.
1 to 15 characters.
Exampl e
<speci al _number i ng>Suppl 1</ speci al _number i ng>
Remarks: Text defining the type of special issue (e.g. "suppl") should be included in this
element along with the number.
See Also: issue, journal_issue
Version 4.1.0 Page 132
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: standard is the top level element for deposit of metadata about standards
developed by Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) or Consortia.
Usage: Standards
publication_type: abstract_only | full_text | bibliographic_record
default: full_text
Limits: One or more per body for deposit of metadata about standards
Exampl e
<st andar d>
<st andar d_met adat a l anguage = " en" >
. . .
</ st andar d_met adat a>
</ st andar d>
Remarks: See Figure 7: CrossRef schema standard deposit hierarchy.
CrossRef does not determine if a new DOI should be created for each revision or
reaffirmation of a standard. The decision will be left to the individual standards
CrossRef recommends that the full standard designation be placed in the
identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "ISO-std-ref". For
example, ISO/IEC 7498-4:1989 would appear as:

<i dent i f i er > i d_t ype=" I SO- st d- r ef " >I SO/ I EC 7498-
4: 1989</ i dent i f i er >
In addition, CrossRef recommends that the item_number element exclude the
year from the designation when depositing the DOI. For example, ISO/IEC 7498-
4:1989 should be broken down into the following elements when deposited:

<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>I SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>I EC</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" desi gnat i on" >
7498- 4</ i t em_number >
<appr oval _dat e><year >1989</ year ></ appr oval _dat e>
By identifying standards using both the identifier and item_number
elements as described above, CrossRef will have a better chance of matching a
lookup that is ill-formed.
component_list is included in standard to handle items that have
components but do not have content_item elements (i.e. a standard that is not
divided into multiple chapters). If an item has content_item elements, then
component_list inside of content_item must be used rather than the
element available in standard
See Also: body, standard_metadata
Version 4.1.0 Page 133
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: standard_metadata is used as a wrapper for the metadata related to a Standard
Usage: Standards
language: iso639
Limits: One per standard. Required.
Exampl e
<st andar d_met adat a l anguage = " en" >
<cont r i but or s>. . . </ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>. . . </ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e>. . . </ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<appr oval _dat e>. . . </ appr oval _dat e>
<i sbn>. . . </ i sbn>
<publ i sher >. . . </ publ i sher >
<i nst i t ut i on>. . . </ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher _i t em>. . . </ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>. . . </ doi _dat a>
</ st andar d_met adat a>
Remarks: standard_metadata is similar to book_metadata. It differs in that
standard_metadata adds the elements institution and approval_date.
contributors contains the author(s) of the standard. In most cases, it is
expected that the organization element will be used rather than
person_name element for standards. However in some cases, standards are
cited by their individual authors. In such cases, individual authors should be
deposited with person_name, and the SDO or consortia name should be
deposited with the organization element in contributors and also the
institution_name element in institution
Note that when the organization element is used in contributors, it
should have the name of the committee (when appropriate) that developed the
standard, not the name of the Standards Development Organization (SDO) or
consortia. The SDO or consortia name should be placed in the publisher or
institution element (as appropriate)
Standards more often have version numbers than edition numbers. However the
edition_number element can be used for deposit of the version number of a
approval_date should be used for the date that a standard has been accepted or
re-affirmed if different from the date of publication. Both may be provided even
if identical
Within publisher_item, the designation should be placed inside the
item_number element, and the id_type should be set to "designation" to
indicate a standard designation
Version 4.1.0 Page 134
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Standards are typically sponsored or hosted by SDOs or Consortia. In some cases
standards are published by a traditional publisher rather than by the owning
organization. Such cases may be deposited with one or more publishers as well
as a hosting organization as in the following example:

<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Amer i can Nat i onal St andar ds
I nst i t ut e</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>ANSI </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>Washi ngt on,
DC</ i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Nat i onal I nf or mat i on St andar ds
Or gani zat i on</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>NI SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>Bet hesda,
MD</ i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>NI SO Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Bet hesda, MD</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
See Also: book_metadata, institution, organization, standard
Version 4.1.0 Page 135
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Subscript markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <sub>subscript</sub>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
Remarks: See the section Face Markup for more information about nested, stacked and
staggered superscripts and subscripts along with information about handling
this face markup when mathematical expressions appear in titles.
See Also: b, i, u, ovl, sup, scp, tt and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 136
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The sub-title portion of an entity title.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per title or original_language_title. Optional.
subtitle has no fixed limit, however it should not typically exceed 256
Exampl e
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>The Human Br ai n i n Fi gur es and Tabl es</ t i t l e>
<subtitle>A Quantitative Handbook</subtitle>
<t i t l es>
Remarks: When possible, it is better to tag a title and subtitle with separate elements. If this
information is not available, it is acceptable to submit the title and subtitle all
within the title element with punctuation (preferably a colon) used to separate
the subtitle from the title.
When a subtitle is tagged, the space and punctuation between the title and
subtitle text should not be included. The following examples illustrate correct
and incorrect tagging practices:
Correct and optimal tagging:
<t i t l e>The Human Br ai n</ t i t l e><subt i t l e>A
Handbook</ subt i t l e>
Correct but not optimal tagging:
<t i t l e>The Human Br ai n: A Handbook</ t i t l e>
<t i t l e>The Human Br ai n: </ t i t l e><subt i t l e>A
Handbook</ subt i t l e>
<t i t l e>The Human Br ai n</ t i t l e><subt i t l e>: A
Handbook</ subt i t l e>
See Also: title, original_language_title
ONIX 2.0: Subtitle
Version 4.1.0 Page 137
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The suffix of an author name, e.g. junior or senior
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per person_name. Optional.
1 to 10 characters.
Exampl e
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>M</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>van Ext er </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
Remarks: A name suffix, that typically denotes a generation distinction, is tagged with
The 0.3 CrossRef DTD supported author suffixes as part of surname. This
coding is no longer permitted.
Author degrees (e.g. M.D., Ph.D.) should not be included in CrossRef
See Also: person_name, surname
ONIX 2.0: SuffixToKey
Version 4.1.0 Page 138
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Superscript markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <sup>superscript</sup>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
Remarks: See the section Face Markup for more information about nested, stacked and
staggered superscripts and subscripts along with information about handling
this face markup when mathematical expressions appear in titles.
See Also: b, i, u, ovl, sub, scp, tt and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 139
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The surname of an author or editor.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per person_name. Required.
1 to 35 characters.
Exampl e
<sur name>Smi t h</ sur name>

<sur name>van Ext er </ sur name>
Remarks: The surname, combined with given_name, forms the name of an author or
editor. Whenever possible, the given name should not be included in the
surname element.
In cases where the given name is not clear, as may happen with non-Western
names or some societies in which surnames are not distinguished, you may place
the entire name in surname, e.g.:

<sur name>Leonar do da Vi nci <sur name>
If an author is an organization, you should use organization, not surname.
The 0.3 CrossRef DTD supported author suffixes as part of surname. This
coding is no longer permitted. Suffixes should be tagged with suffix.
Author degrees (e.g. M.D., Ph.D.) should not be included in CrossRef
See Also: given_name, organization, person_name, suffix
ONIX 2.0: KeyNames
Version 4.1.0 Page 140
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Indicates version of a batch file instance or DOI.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per head and doi_data. Required.
Data type is xsd:double.
Exampl e
<t i mest amp>20010910040315</ t i mest amp>
Remarks: timestamp is used to uniquely identify batch files and DOI values when a DOI
has been updated one or more times.
timestamp is an integer representation of date and time that serves as a version
number for the record that is being deposited. Because CrossRef uses it as a
version number, the format need not follow any public standard and therefore
the publisher can determine the internal format. The schema format is a double
of at least 64 bits, insuring that a fully qualified date/time stamp of 19 digits can
be submitted.
When depositing data, CrossRef will check to see if a DOI has already been
deposited for the specific doi value. If the newer data carries a time stamp value
that is equal to or greater than the old data based on a strict numeric comparison,
the new data will replace the old data. If the new data value is less than the old
data value, the new data will not replace the old data.
timestamp is optional in doi_data and required in head. The value from the
head instance timestamp will be used for all instances of doi_data that do not
include a timestamp element.
See Also: head, doi_data
Version 4.1.0 Page 141
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The title of the entity being registered.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per titles. Required.
title has no fixed limit, however it should not typically exceed 256 characters.
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Par t i t i oni ng dat af l ow anal yses usi ng t ypes</ t i t l e>
Remarks: When a title contains a subtitle, it is preferable to capture the subtitle portion in
Use care to remove face markup (such as italic applied to genus or species
names) from article titles as this markup is not supported by CrossRef.
See Also: original_language_title, subtitle, titles
ONIX 2.0: TitleText, TitleOfSeries
Version 4.1.0 Page 142
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A container for the title and original language title elements.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Context dependent.
1 to 20 per journal_article
Exampl e
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>The Song of Rol and</ t i t l e>
<or i gi nal _l anguage_t i t l e l anguage=" f r " >La Chanson de
Rol and</ or i gi nal _l anguage_t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
See Also: original_language_title , subtitle, title
Version 4.1.0 Page 143
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Typewriter text (i.e. monospace) markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <tt>typewriter text</tt>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
Remarks: In general, tt should only be applied to ASCII characters, not non-ASCII
Unicode values.
CrossRef does not guarantee that text tagged as tt will appear in a mono-space
font, however it may be useful to mark computer code fragments that appear in
article titles with this face markup for semantic distinction from surrounding
See Also: b, i, u, ovl, sup, sub, scp and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 144
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Underline markup in elements within titles.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: Multiple allowed within containing elements. Optional
Exampl e
<t i t l e>Thi s t i t l e has some t ext i n <u>underline</u>
mar kup</ t i t l e>
See Also: b, i, ovl, sup, sub, scp, tt and the section Face Markup
Version 4.1.0 Page 145
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The date a database or dataset item was updated
Usage: Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: one per database_date, optional
Exampl e
<dat abase_dat e><updat e_dat e><mont h>9</ mont h><day>15</ day>
<year >2005</ year ></ updat e_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>
See Also: creation_date, database_date

Version 4.1.0 Page 146
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: A citation that is to an item other than a journal article, book, or conference paper
and cannot be structured with the CrossRef citation model. Also, it is used for
a citation to a journal article, book, or conference paper for which the depositing
publisher does not have structured information.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per citation. Optional.
Exampl e
<ci t at i on key=" b14" >
<unstructured_citation>L. Reynolds, Three dimensional
reflection and transmission equations for optical
diffusion in blood, MS Thesis. Seattle, Washington:
University of Washington (1970).</unstructured_citation>
</ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" b15" >
<unstructured_citation>T. J. Dresse, U.S. Patent 308,
389 [<i>CA 82</i>, 73022
</ ci t at i on>
Remarks: unstructured_citation allows a publisher to deposit references for which
no structural information is available. These may be journal, book, or conference
references for which the supplier did not provide markup, or other types of
references (e.g. standards, patents, etc) which are not supported by CrossRef.
This structure permits publishers to deposit complete reference lists, without
regard to the availability of markup, or the need to parse references beyond those
types that CrossRef supports.
CrossRef will not resolve forward links for these references at this time. However
CrossRef will hold the data for possible resolution in the future
Implementation note: Whenever possible, unstructured citations should include
face markup (e.g. italic, bold, etc.) because inclusion of such markup may aid
significantly in the resolution of such references at a future date.
See Also: citation, b, i, u, ovl, sup, sub, scp
Version 4.1.0 Page 147
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: The volume number of a published journal, or the number of a printed volume
for a book or conference proceedings.
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per journal_volume, proceedings_metadata, or book_metadata.
1 to 15 characters.
Exampl e
In a journal
<j our nal _vol ume>
</ j our nal _vol ume>

In a book
<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
<edi t i on_number >3</ edi t i on_number >
Remarks: A journal volume is contained in the journal_volume element to allow for the
assignment of a DOI to an entire journal volume.
Do not include the words "Volume" or "vol." in this element.
Data may be alpha, numeric or a combination. Roman numerals are acceptable.
See Also: journal_volume
ONIX 2.0: NumberWithinSeries
Version 4.1.0 Page 148
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Book volume title in a citation. Only used in the citation element.
Usage: Journals
Attributes (none)
Limits: Zero or one per citation. Optional.
Exampl e
<ci t at i on key=" b9" >
<ser i es_t i t l e>Genome Anal ysi s</ ser i es_t i t l e>
<volume_title>Genetic and Physical
<aut hor >Ri nchi k</ aut hor >
<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
<f i r st _page>121</ f i r st _page>
<year >1990</ year >
</ ci t at i on>
Remarks: volume_title is an element for the deposit of book or conference volume titles
in citations without the hierarchy required by the titles element. Note that
face markup is not permitted when this element is deposited as part of a
See Also: citation, series_title
Version 4.1.0 Page 149
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Definition: Year of publication
Usage: Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings, Stand Alone Components,
Dissertations, Technical Reports and Working Papers, Standards, and Databases
Attributes (none)
Limits: One per publication_date. Required.
Must be exactly four digits.
Exampl e
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>05</ day>
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
See Also: publication_date
Version 4.1.0 Page 150
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
CrossRef Deposit Schema 4.1.0
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<xsd: schema xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsd=" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema"
t ar get Namespace=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0" >
<! - - Conf or ms t o w3c ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- - >
<! - - =============================================================

I nt r oduct i on

Cr ossRef W3C Deposi t Schema Ver si on 4. 1. 0
f or J our nal , book and conf er er nce submi ssi ons

Devel oped f or Cr ossRef ( www. cr ossr ef . or g) by

I ner a I ncor por at ed
Newt on, MA 02460
ht t p: / / www. i ner a. com
emai l : i nf o@i ner a. com

Last Updat ed Apr i l 13, 2006
( c) 2001- 2006 PI LA, I nc. Al l Ri ght s Reser ved.

For mor e i nf or mat i on on t he use of t hi s DTD, see
" Cr ossRef Schema Document at i on 4. 1. 0. pdf " . Al so avai l abl e ar e sampl e
f i l es j our nal 410. xml , book410. xml , book410- 2. xml , conf 410. xml ,
st and_al one410. xml , di sser t at i on410. xml , st andar d410. xml , r epor t 410. xml ,
paper 410. xml , dat abase410. xml , and dat abase410- 2. xml

Document anal ysi s and publ i sher sur veys used t o bui l d t hi s schema
ar e avai l abl e on r equest f r omCr ossRef .

============================================================= - - >
<! - - =============================================================

Fi l e Or gani zat i on

Thi s schema i s or gani zed i nt o t he f ol l owi ng sect i ons:
0. I ncl ude modul e common t o mul t i pl e Cr ossRef schemas
1. Shar ed at t r i but es
2. Schema- speci f i c dat a t ypes
3. Header El ement s
4. J our nal el ement s
5. Conf er ence el ement s
6. Book el ement s
7. El ement s common t o books and conf er ences
8. El ement s common t o j our nal s, books and conf er ences
9. Expanded Cont ent Types ( r epor t s, di sser t at i ons and st andar ds)
10. El ement s common t o r epor t s, di sser t at i ons and st andar ds

============================================================= - - >
<! - - =============================================================

Change Hi st or y

Changes r ecor d ver si on, aut hor i ni t i al s, dat e, and comment s

4. 1. 0 ( CSK/ BDR) 4/ 13/ 06 Added el ement s f or dat abase deposi t s;

4. 0. 1 ( CSK/ BDR) 2/ 6/ 06, 3/ 23/ 06
Added ci t at i on_l i st t o al l deposi t t ypes, expanded f r omj our nal
ar t i cl es onl y
Changed abbr ev_t i t l e so t hat i t i s opt i onal . f ul l _t i t l e i s st i l l r equi r ed
Changed f ul l _t i t l e t o al l ow up t o 10 names f or a j our nal
Added ci t at i on_l i st t o conf er ence_paper , book_met adat a, cont ent _i t em,
di sser t at i on, r epor t - paper _met adat a, st andar d_met adat a
( BDR) 4/ 6/ 06
Added appr oval _dat e t o r epor t - paper _met adat a as opt i onal el ement
Added r epor t - number has an at t r i but e t o i dent i f i er t o i ndi cat e r epor t
number s t hat use non- st andar d i dent i f i cat i on schemes
Version 4.1.0 Page 151
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema

4. 0. 0 ( BDR) 6/ 7/ 05

Ext ended schema t o suppor t expanded cont ent t ypes f or di sser t at i ons,
r epor t s, wor ki ng paper s, and st andar ds

3. 0. 3 ( CSK) 7/ 20/ 04

Added t he <component > el ement t o t he common i ncl ude f i l e and t o t he <j our nal _ar t i cl e>,
<conf er ence_paper > and <cont ent _i t em> el ement s t o al l ow t he deposi t of component
DOI s on t hei r own or as par t s of t he t hr ee hi gher l evel ent i t i es. Al so added
<sa_component > whi ch i dent i f i es a par ent DOI t hat may al r eady exi st ( e. g. cr eat ed
i n an ear l i er deposi t or vi a some ot her r egi st r at i on pr ocess) .

3. 0. 2 ( CSK) 7/ 16/ 04

Ext ensi vel y modi f i ed col l ect i on el ement t o f i t mul t i pl e r esol ut i on pi l ot / demo. Added <doi > t o
t he
possi bl e el ement s i n <i t em>

Moved el ment s r esour ce, i t em, col l ect i on, pr oper t y_t and pr oper t y f r omt he
mai n schema f i l e t o i ncl ude f i l e ( common1. 0. 2. xsd) t o f aci l i at e cr eat i ng a schema
f or t he deposi t of onl y mul t i pl e r esol ut i on dat a.

3. 0. 1 ( CSK) 4/ 12/ 04

I ncr eased ver si on number t o r ef l ect changes made i n t he common f i l e.

3. 0. 0 ( BDR) 11/ 05/ 03 ( CSK) 12/ 19/ 03

Added ci t at i on_l i st el ement t o suppor t deposi t s of r ef er ence l i st s i n j our nal
ar t i cl es f or f or war d l i nki ng

Separ at ed common el ement s f or r euse i n ot her Cr ossRef schemas i nt o common. xsd

2. 0. 7 ( HS) Made DOI and cont r i but or s el ement s under book_met adat a opt i onal ( t o accommodat e
El sevi er )

2. 0. 6. 1 ( CSK) set mi n val ues t o zer o f or <conf er ence_dat e> and <conf er ence_l ocat i on> under
t he <event _met adat a> r ecor d

2. 0. 5. 2 ( CSK) 9/ 02/ 03 changed t he dat at ype f or DOI and RESOURCE back t o St r i ng f r omanyURI

2. 0. 5. 1 ( CSK) 3/ 19/ 03 i ncr eased number of al l owed cont r i but or s t o " unbounded"

2. 0. 5 ( CSK) 10/ 04/ 02 mi nor change, f ul l y backwar d compat i bl e

Modi f ed xr ef Mont h maxI ncl usi ve val ue t o " 34" t o al l ow ext ended def i ni t i ons

2. 0. 5 ( BDR) 05/ 02/ 02

Br ought i nt o f ul l conf or mance wi t h Xer ces 2. 0

2. 0. 4 ( BDR) 02/ 25/ 02

Changed def aul t name space decl ar at i on and br ought i nt o f ul l
conf or mance wi t h XML Spy 4. 3

2. 0. 3 ( BDR) 01/ 18/ 02

Changed i t em_dat a t o r esour ce and pr oper t y wher e r esour ce i s t he
cont ai ner f or a URI r el at ed t o a DOI and pr oper t y el ement s
qual i f y t he r esour ce or col l ect i on t o whi ch t hey' r e appl i ed.

Changed dat a t ype of DOI f r omst r i ng t o xsd: anyURI

Changed t he r el at i onshi p of i t emand col l ect i on.

2. 0. 2 ( BDR) 01/ 15/ 02

Ti ght ened val i dat i on of I SBN and I SSN i nst ances
Version 4.1.0 Page 152
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema

Changed i t em_number maxLengt h f r om15 t o 32, added an
at t r i but e f or i t em_number _t ype, and changed publ i sher _i t em
t o al l ow up t o t hr ee i t em_number el ement s.

Added f ace mar kup t o t i t l e, or i gi nal _l anguage_t i t l e, and subt i t l e
el ement s. Thi s addi t i on al l ows basi c f ace mar kup i n t i t l es f or
t hose di sci pl i nes ( e. g. i n genet i cs, mat hemat i cs) wher e l ack of
f ace mar kup can r esul t i n ambi guous i nt er pr et at i on.

I ncr eased DOI maxLengt h f r om255 t o 2048 char act er s

Changed t he doi _dat a model f r omur l t o col l ect i on, i t emand i t em_dat a
t o al l ow f ut ur e expansi on f or mul t i pl e r esol ut i on. WARNI NG: t he
col l ect i on model i s i nf i ni t el y r ecur si ve and may onl y be used i n
accor dance wi t h t he document at i on pr ovi de by Cr ossRef !

2. 0. 1 ( BDR) 10/ 25/ 01

Added cont r i but or s as an opt i onal el ement t o j our nal _i ssue t o al l ow
f or cases when a speci al i ssue of a j our nal has edi t or s who may be
l i st ed when t he ent i r e i ssue i s ci t ed

2. 0. 0 ( BDR) 10/ 09/ 01

Fi r st maj or r el ease of ver si on 2. 0. 0, based l oosel y on
ver si on 0. 3 by Howar d Rat ner .

============================================================= - - >
<! - - =============================================================

0. I ncl ude modul e common t o mul t i pl e Cr ossRef schemas

============================================================= - - >
<xsd: i ncl ude schemaLocat i on=" common1. 0. 4. xsd" / >
<! - - =============================================================

1. Shar ed at t r i but es

============================================================= - - >
<! - - Moved t o common. xsd f or ver si on 3. 0. 0 - - >
<! - - =============================================================

2. Schema- speci f i c dat a t ypes

================================================================= - - >
<! - - Moved t o common. xsd f or ver si on 3. 0. 0 - - >
<! - - =============================================================

3. Header el ement s

================================================================= - - >
<! - - Most el ement s moved t o common. xsd f or ver si on 3. 0. 0 - - >
<xsd: el ement name=" doi _bat ch" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" head" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" body" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" ver si on" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" f i xed=" 4. 1. 0" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" head" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _bat ch_i d" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i mest amp" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" deposi t or " / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" r egi st r ant " / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
Version 4.1.0 Page 153
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - ===========================================================================
The t op l evel of t he Cr ossRef deposi t schema al l ows f or t he deposi t of DOI s
f or j our nal s ( and t hei r ar t i cl es) , books ( and t hei r chapt er s) , conf er ences
( and t hei r conf er ence paper s) . Al so suppor t ed i s t he st and al one deposi t of DOI s
f or component s. However , al l component s must r ef er t o a par ent DOI ei t her i mpl i ci t l y
when t he component i s deposi t ed a par t of t he wor k met adat a ( e. g. j our nal ar t i cl e) , or
expl i ci t l y when deposi t ed as a st and al one l evel el ement <sa_component >
di r ect l y under t he <body> t ag .

- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" body" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" j our nal " maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" book" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" sa_component " maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" di sser t at i on" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" r epor t - paper " maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" st andar d" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" dat abase" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

4. J our nal el ement s

============================================================= - - >
<xsd: el ement name=" j our nal " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" j our nal _met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" j our nal _i ssue" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" j our nal _ar t i cl e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" j our nal _met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" f ul l _t i t l e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" abbr ev_t i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssn" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" coden" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The f ul l t i t l e by whi ch a j our nal i s commonl y known or ci t ed.
f ul l _t i t l e and abbr ev_t i t l e must bot h be submi t t ed i f t hey ar e i dent i cal .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" f ul l _t i t l e" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The abbr evi at ed t i t l e( s) by whi ch a j our nal i s commonl y ci t ed.
I t i s pr ef er r ed, but not r equi r ed, t hat per i ods be i ncl uded af t er
abbr evi at ed wor ds wi t hi n t he t i t l e.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" abbr ev_t i t l e" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
Version 4.1.0 Page 154
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 150" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" j our nal _i ssue" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" j our nal _vol ume" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssue" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" speci al _number i ng" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The cont ai ner f or t he j our nal vol ume and DOI number assi gned t o an
ent i r e j our nal vol ume.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" j our nal _vol ume" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" vol ume" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
I ssue l evel number i ng f or suppl ement s or speci al i ssues.

Text def i ni ng t he t ype of speci al i ssue ( e. g. " suppl " ) shoul d
be i ncl uded i n t hi s el ement al ong wi t h t he number .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" speci al _number i ng" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
A j our nal ar t i cl e i s r equi r ed t o have t i t l e and doi _dat a. Al l ot her
i nf or mat i on i s opt i onal . When r egi st er i ng i t ems t hat do not have
t i t l es, use t he appr opr i at e headi ng f r omt he j our nal sect i on or
t abl e of cont ent s ( e. g. " Er r at a" ) i n t i t l e.

j our nal _ar t i cl e al l ows f or mul t i pl e t i t l es per i t em. I n some cases
i t may be hel pf ul t o submi t mul t i pl e t i t l es. For exampl e, i f an
er r at umcar r i es t i t l e of t he or i gi nal ar t i cl e and t he headi ng " Er r at a" ,
bot h shoul d be submi t t ed by usi ng t wo t i t l es el ement s.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" j our nal _ar t i cl e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" maxOccur s=" 20" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pages" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" / >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
Version 4.1.0 Page 155
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<! - - =============================================================

5. Conf er ence el ement s

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
conf er ence i s t he cor e cont ai ner f or i nf or mat i on about a si ngl e
conf er ence and i t s pr oceedi ngs.

I f a conf er ence pr oceedi ngs spans mul t i pl e vol umes, each vol ume
must be cont ai ned i n a uni que conf er ence el ement .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" event _met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pr oceedi ngs_met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_paper " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
event _met adat a capt ur es i nf or mat i on about a conf er ence event . Dat a
about conf er ence pr oceedi ngs i s capt ur ed i n pr oceedi ngs_met adat a.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" event _met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_name" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_t heme" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_acr onym" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_sponsor " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_l ocat i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" conf er ence_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
conf er ence_name does not i ncl ude " Pr oceedi ngs of " . For exampl e,
" The 23r d Annual Meet i ng of t he Amer i can Soci et y f or I nf or mat i on Sci ence"
i s a cor r ect conf er ence name. I t i s qui t e common f or a conf er ence name t o
i ncl ude t he conf er ence number . When t he number appear s i n t he name, i t
shoul d be i ncl uded i n t hi s el ement .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_name" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 512" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 3" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The t heme i s t he sl ogan of t he conf er ence. I t t ypi cal l y changes f r om
conf er ence t o conf er ence, e. g. " Knowl edge I nnovat i ons"
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_t heme" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The popul ar l y known as or j ar gon name ( e. g. SI GGRAPH f or " Speci al
I nt er est Gr oup on Comput er Gr aphi cs" ) .

The conf er ence acr onymof t en i ncl udes t he year of t he conf er ence
Version 4.1.0 Page 156
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
( e. g. SGML ' 97) or , l ess of t en, t he conf er ence number . I t i s pr ef er r ed,
but not r equi r ed, t hat submi ssi on of met adat a excl ude number or year
i nf or mat i on f r omt he conf er ence acr onym. I t i s bet t er t o i ncl ude such
i nf or mat i on i n conf er ence_number , or conf er ence_dat e, r espect i vel y.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_acr onym" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 127" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The sponsor i ng or gani zat i on( s) of a conf er ence. Mul t i pl e sponsor s may be
gi ven i f a conf er ence i s host ed by mor e t han one or gani zat i on.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_sponsor " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
conf er ence_number shoul d i ncl ude onl y t he number of t he conf er ence wi t hout
any ext r a t ext . For exampl e, " The 24t h Annual Conf er ence on" shoul d be
t agged as <conf er ence_number >24</ conf er ence_number >, and " t h" shoul d not be
i ncl uded.

When a conf er ence i s named such t hat t he year of t he conf er ence i ndi cat es
t he number ( e. g. " SGML 1994" ) , t he year appear s i n conf er ence_name,
conf er ence_dat e, and conf er ence_number , as i n:

<conf er ence_name>SGML 1994</ conf er ence_name>
<conf er ence_acr onym>SGML</ conf er ence_acr onym>
<conf er ence_number >1994</ conf er ence_number >
<conf er ence_dat e st ar t _day=" 07" st ar t _mont h=" 11" st ar t _year =" 1994" end_day=" 10"
end_mont h=" 11" end_year =" 1994" >November 7- 10, 1994<conf er ence_dat e>
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_number " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The ci t y and count r y of t he conf er ence. I f t he conf er ence i s i n t he Uni t ed
St at es, t he appr opr i at e st at e shoul d al so be pr ovi ded, and t he count r y may
be omi t t ed. The speci f i c venue or addr ess wi t hi n a ci t y ( e. g. conf er ence
cent er , hot el , et c. ) shoul d not be pr ovi ded.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_l ocat i on" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
conf er ence_dat e may be used i n t hr ee ways:

1. I f publ i sher s t hat do not have par sed dat e val ues, t hey pr ovi de j ust t ext
wi t h t he conf er ence dat es. The dat e t ext shoul d be t aken f r omt he pr oceedi ngs
t i t l e page.

2. I f publ i sher s do have par sed dat e val ues, t hey shoul d pr ovi de t hemi n t he
Version 4.1.0 Page 157
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
at t r i but es.

3. I f bot h par sed dat e val ues and t he dat e t ext ar e avai l abl e, bot h shoul d be
pr ovi ded. Thi s i s t he pr ef er r ed t aggi ng f or conf er ence_dat e. For exampl e:

<conf er ence_dat e st ar t _mont h=" 01" st ar t _year =" 1997" st ar t _day=" 15"
end_year =" 1997" end_mont h=" 01" end_day=" 17" >J an. 15- 17, 1997</ conf er ence_dat e>
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" conf er ence_dat e_t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 100" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 0" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_dat e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" conf er ence_dat e_t " >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" st ar t _day" t ype=" xr ef Day" use=" opt i onal " / >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" st ar t _mont h" t ype=" xr ef Mont h" use=" opt i onal " / >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" st ar t _year " t ype=" xr ef Year " use=" opt i onal " / >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" end_day" t ype=" xr ef Day" use=" opt i onal " / >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" end_mont h" t ype=" xr ef Mont h" use=" opt i onal " / >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" end_year " t ype=" xr ef Year " use=" opt i onal " / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
pr oceedi ngs_met adat a capt ur es i nf or mat i on about conf er ence pr oceedi ngs. Dat a about
conf er ence event s i s capt ur ed i n event _met adat a
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" pr oceedi ngs_met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pr oceedi ngs_subj ect " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher " maxOccur s=" 5" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" vol ume" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ser i es_met adat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" coden" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The t i t l e of t he conf er ence pr oceedi ngs as pr i nt ed on t i t l e page of t he publ i shed
conf er ence pr oceedi ngs.

I n some cases, pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e may di f f er f r omconf er ence_name onl y i n t hat t he
t ext " Pr oceedi ngs of " of t en appear s at t he st ar t of t he pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e, and i t
t hi s t ext shoul d never be i ncl uded i n conf er ence_name. I n ot her cases, t he
pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e and conf er ence_name may be qui t e di f f er ent .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 511" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The subj ect of t he pr i nt ed conf er ence pr oceedi ngs, e. g. " Comput er Gr aphi cs" i s t he
subj ect mat t er of SI GGRAPH.

Version 4.1.0 Page 158
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Thi s el ement i s usef ul because an aut hor may ci t e a conf er ence paper by t he conf er ence
subj ect . For exampl e, " Pr oceedi ngs of t he 1999 ACM Conf er ence on Comput er Gr aphi cs" .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" pr oceedi ngs_subj ect " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
Thi s el ement i s usef ul because an aut hor may ci t e a conf er ence paper by t he conf er ence
subj ect . For exampl e, " Pr oceedi ngs of t he 1999 ACM Conf er ence on Comput er Gr aphi cs"
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" conf er ence_paper " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pages" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" / >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

6. Book el ement s

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
book i s t he cor e cont ai ner f or i nf or mat i on about a speci f i c book.
Books may be i n t he f or mof edi t ed books ( i . e. a cont r i but ed vol ume wi t h one or
mor e edi t or s) , monogr aphs ( si ngl e- aut hor ed wor ks) , or r ef er ence wor ks ( e. g. encycl opedi as)

I f a book cont ai ns mul t i pl e vol umes, each vol ume must be cont ai ned i n a uni que book el ement .

You may chose t o submi t onl y t op l evel cont r i but or s and book_met adat a f or any book, or
you may chose t o submi t t hese el ement s al ong wi t h met adat a f or each cont ent _i t em. A cont ent
i t emi s t ypi cal l y any i t emt hat i s l i st ed on t he t abl e of cont ent s such as a chapt er ,
sect i on, et c. I t i s not necessar y t o submi t met adat a f or al l i t ems l i st ed on t he t abl e of
cont ent s. You may chose t o dr op i t ems of l esser si gni f i cance such as f r ont and back mat t er .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" book" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" book_met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont ent _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" book_t ype" use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" edi t ed_book" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" monogr aph" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r ef er ence" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ot her " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The l anguage of t he book shoul d be speci f i ed i n t he book_met adat a l anguage at t r i but e.
I f a book cont ai ns i t ems i n mul t i pl e l anguages t hi s at t r i but e shoul d be set f or t he
pr edomi nant l anguage of t he book. I ndi vi dual i t ems may have t hei r l anguage speci f i ed
Version 4.1.0 Page 159
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
i n t he cont ent _i t em. I f al l cont ent i t ems ar e t he same l anguage, i t i s onl y necessar y
t o speci f y t he l anguage of t he book i n t hi s el ement .

The cont r i but or s ar e t he aut hor ( s) or edi t or ( s) of t he ent i r e wor k. I f a mul t i - vol ume
wor k has separ at e edi t or s f or each vol ume, t hose edi t or s shoul d be speci f i ed i n t hi s
el ement , and t he ser i es edi t or s ar e l i st ed i n t he ser i es_met adat a cont r i but or s.

Books may have t hei r t i t l e speci f i ed i n one of t wo ways. For a monogr aph or si ngl e
vol ume wor k, you shoul d use t i t l es i n book_met adat a. I f a wor k spans mul t i pl e vol umes,
you shoul d use t i t l es i n ser i es_met adat a. I f a wor k spans mul t i pl e vol umes wi t h a uni que
t i t l e f or each vol ume and t he whol e ser i es, you shoul d speci f y t he ser i es t i t l e i n
t i t l es i n ser i es_met adat a and t he vol ume t i t l e i n t i t l es i n book_met adat a.

Up t o 6 t i t l es or ser i es_met adat a may be used per book_met adat a, however i n pr act i ce
t her e shoul d not be mor e t han one ser i es_met adat a per book_met adat a, and onl y i n r ar e
si t uat i ons shoul d t her e be mor e t han one t i t l es per book_met adat a.

vol ume and edi t i on_number , when gi ven, shoul d i ncl ude onl y a number and not addi t i onal
t ext such as " vol ume" or " edi t i on" . For exampl e, you shoul d submi t " 3" , not " t hi r d edi t i on" .

For a monogr aph or si ngl e vol ume wor k, you shoul d use i sbn i n book_met adat a. I f a wor k
spans mul t i pl e vol umes, you shoul d use i sbn i n ser i es_met adat a. I f a wor k spans mul t i pl e
vol umes wi t h a uni que I SBN f or each vol ume and t he whol e ser i es, you shoul d speci f y t he
ser i es I SBN i n si bn i n ser i es_met adat a and t he vol ume I SBN i n i sbn i n book_met adat a.

publ i sher _i t em, when gi ven, speci f i es t hi s i nf or mat i on f or t he ent i r e book or vol ume.
Thi s el ement al so appear s i n cont ent _i t em.

doi _dat a i s r equi r ed f or each book or vol ume t hat you submi t . I t i s not possi bl e t o
submi t DOI i nf or mat i on f or i ndi vi dual chapt er s wi t hout assi gni ng a DOI t o t he ent i r e wor k.

ci t at i on_l i st shoul d onl y be used i n book_met adat a i nst ead of cont ent _i t emwhen t he r ef er ence
l i st i s a separ at e sect i on of t he book, and cont ent _i t ems ar e not i ncl uded i n t he deposi t
( e. g. you ar e deposi t i ng a book wi t h a bi bl i ogr aphy, but not t he chapt er s of t he book)

WARNI NG: Car e must be t aken when submi t t i ng books wi t h ser i es. I f a ser i es t i t l e i s
submi t t ed and no book t i t l e i s suppl i ed but an I SBN i s suppl i ed at t he book_met adat a l evel
and not wi t h t he ser i es t i t l e, t he Cr ossRef syst emwi l l i ndex a ser i es t i t l e wi t h no I SBN
and an I SBN wi t h no t i t l e. Pl ease t ake car e t o associ at e t he I SBN ( or I SSN) at t he cor r ect
l evel of t he XML hi er ar chy!
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" book_met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: choi ce maxOccur s=" 6" >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ser i es_met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" vol ume" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" edi t i on_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher " / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
A cont ent i t emi s t ypi cal l y an i t eml i st ed on t he t abl e of cont ent s f or a book.
Ther e need not be a one- t o- one cor r el at i on bet ween cont ent l i st i ngs and cont ent i t ems
( e. g. you may choose not t o r egi st er f r ont and back mat t er i t ems l i st ed i n t he t abl e
of cont ent s) .

The l anguage of a cont ent _i t emonl y need be set i f i t di f f er s f r omt he l anguage of
book_met adat a.

Version 4.1.0 Page 160
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The component _t ype i ndi cat es t he t ype of cont ent i t emyou ar e r egi st er i ng.

l evel _sequence_number i ndi cat es t he l evel of nest i ng f or cont ent i t ems. For exampl e,
you may use i t t o i ndi cat e when one cont ent i t em, such as a chapt er , i s act ual l y
i nsi de anot her cont ent i t em, such as a sect i on. Pl ease see t he exampl e of a book
submi ssi on i n t hi s document at i on f or a bet t er under st andi ng of how t hi s i t emmay
be used i n nest ed t abl es of cont ent s.

Not e: Because t he Cr ossRef schema uses a f l at model t o i ndi cat e hi er ar chi cal l y nest ed
cont ent i t ems, t her e i s an i mpl i ci t assumpt i on t hat cont ent i t ems wi l l be l i st ed i n t he
Cr ossRef submi ssi on i n t he same or der i n whi ch t hey appear i n t he t abl e of cont ent s.
Pl ease f ol l ow t hi s pr ot ocol when submi t t i ng DOI dat a.

cont r i but or s f or a cont ent _i t emneed not be l i st ed i f al l i t ems i n a book have t he same
cont r i but or s l i st ed i n book_met adat a. I n ot her wor ds, cont r i but or s must be l i st ed f or
edi t ed books, but t hey shoul d not be l i st ed f or each cont ent _i t emi n a monogr aph. The
except i on case i s when a cont ent i t emsuch as a Pr ef ace or For war d f or a monogr aph has
a di f f er ent aut hor f r omt hat of t he monogr aph. I n t hi s case, t he cont r i but or s shoul d be
gi ven.

The t i t l e of each cont ent i t emmust be submi t t ed. I f , however , you ar e submi t t ed dat a f or
a monogr aph t hat si mpl y has " Chapt er 1" , " Chapt er 2" , et c. , you shoul d put t hi s i nf or mat i on
i n component _number , not t i t l es.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" cont ent _i t em" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pages" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" component _t ype" use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chapt er " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sect i on" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" par t " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t r ack" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r ef er ence_ent r y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ot her " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" l evel _sequence_number " def aul t =" 1" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: posi t i veI nt eger " >
<xsd: maxI ncl usi ve val ue=" 9" / >
<xsd: mi nI ncl usi ve val ue=" 1" / >
<xsd: t ot al Di gi t s val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" / >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

7. El ement s common t o books and conf er ences

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
When a book or conf er ence pr oceedi ngs consi st s of mul t i pl e vol umes,
ser i es_met adat a i s used t o descr i be i nf or mat i on about t he ent i r e ser i es.
- - >
Version 4.1.0 Page 161
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: el ement name=" ser i es_met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ser i es_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The ser i es number i s di f f er ent f r omt he vol ume number . A vol ume number i s expect ed
t o be t he number of a book i n a physi cal l y pr i nt ed set and t ypi cal l y appear s i n sequence.
The ser i es number i s not t i ed t o t he physi cal mani f est at i on of t he pr i nt ed vol ume
and need not be st r i ct l y i n sequence.

Thi s el ement i s avai l abl e i n ser i es_met adat a, however i t shoul d onl y be used f or
conf er ence pr oceedi ngs and not f or books.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" ser i es_number " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" publ i sher " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _name" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _pl ace" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
publ i sher _pl ace gi ves t he pr i mar y ci t y l ocat i on of t he publ i sher . When t he l ocat i on
i s a maj or ci t y ( e. g. New Yor k, Amst er dam) , no qual i f yi ng count r y or U. S. st at e need
be gi ven. I f t he ci t y i s not a maj or ci t y, t he appr opr i at e count r y or U. S. st at e
shoul d be added.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" publ i sher _pl ace" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The name of t he publ i sher of a book or conf er ence pr oceedi ngs.

publ i sher _name i s t he i mpr i nt of t he publ i cat i on ( what t he aut hor wi l l l i kel y ci t e) ,
not t he or gani zat i on r egi st er i ng t he DOI , i f f or any r eason t hey ar e di f f er ent .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" publ i sher _name" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

8. El ement s common t o j our nal s, books and conf er ences

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
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The next f ew el ement s al l ow an i t emt o be t i ed t o publ i sher i nt er nal
i dent i f i er s. i t em_number and i dent i f i er ar e publ i sher - assi gned number s
t hat uni quel y i dent i f y t he i t embei ng r egi st er ed.

i t em_number shoul d be used f or i dent i f i er s based on publ i sher i nt er nal
st andar ds. i dent i f i er shoul d be used f or i dent i f i er s based on a publ i c st andar d.

I f t he i t em_number and i dent i f i er ar e i dent i cal , t her e i s no need t o submi t
bot h. I n t hi s case, t he pr ef er r ed el ement t o use i s i dent i f i er .

i t em_number wi t hi n publ i sher _i t emcan be used t o r educe t he occur r ence
of conf l i ct s when t he met adat a f or a DOI may not adequat el y di st i ngui sh t he
DOI f r omt hat of anot her DOI . By set t i ng t he at t r i but e t o
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" sequence- number " > and by pr ovi di ng a uni que
val ue f or <i t em_number > t he Cr ossRef syst emwi l l not gener at e a deposi t conf l i ct .
Of t en i t i s accept abl e t o use t he DOI or i t s suf f i x f or t hi s uni que val ue.

For mor e i nf or mat i on see: ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ 02publ i sher s/ how_t o_f aq. ht ml #Anchor - Deal i n-
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" publ i sher _i t em" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i t em_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 3" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i dent i f i er " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
i t em_number i s a publ i sher - assi gned number t hat uni quel y i dent i f i es t he ent i t y
bei ng r egi st er ed.

i t em_number shoul d be used f or i dent i f i er s based on publ i sher i nt er nal st andar ds.
Use i dent i f i er f or a publ i sher i dent i f i er t hat i s based on a publ i c st andar d such
as PI I or SI CI .

I f t he i t em_number and i dent i f i er ar e i dent i cal , t her e i s no need t o submi t bot h.
I n t hi s case, t he pr ef er r ed el ement t o use i s i dent i f i er .

Dat a may be al pha, numer i c or a combi nat i on.

i t em_number has an opt i onal at t r i but e, i t em_number _t ype. I t i s assi gned by t he
publ i sher t o pr ovi de cont ext f or t he dat a i n i t em_number . I f i t em_number cont ai ns
onl y a publ i sher ' s t r acki ng number , t hi s at t r i but e need not be suppl i ed.
I f t he i t em_number cont ai ns ot her dat a, t hi s at t r i but e can be used t o def i ne t he cont ent .
For exampl e, i f a j our nal i s publ i shed onl i ne ( i . e. i t has no page number s) , and each
ar t i cl e on t he t abl e of cont ent s i s assi gned a sequent i al number , t hi s ar t i cl e number
can be pl aced i n i t em_number , and t he i t em_number _t ype at t r i but e can be set t o
" ar t i cl e_number " . Al t hough Cr ossRef has not pr ovi ded a set of enumer at ed t ypes f or t hi s
at t r i but e, pl ease check wi t h Cr ossRef bef or e usi ng t hi s at t r i but e t o det er mi ne i f a
st andar d at t r i but e has al r eady been def i ned f or your speci f i c needs.

I f a di sser t at i on DAI has been assi gned, i t shoul d be deposi t ed i n t he i dent i f i er
el ement wi t h t he i d_t ype at t r i but e set t o " dai " . I f an i nst i t ut i on has
i t s own number i ng syst em, i t shoul d be deposi t ed i n i t em_number , and t he
i t em_number _t ype shoul d be set t o " i nst i t ut i on"

I f t he r epor t number of an i t emf ol l ows Z39. 23, t he number shoul d be
deposi t ed i n t he i dent i f i er el ement wi t h t he i d_t ype at t r i but e set t o
" Z39. 23" . I f a r epor t number uses i t s own number i ng syst em, i t shoul d be
deposi t ed i n t he i dent i f i er el ement , and t he i d_t ype shoul d be set t o " r epor t - number "

The desi gnat i on f or a st andar d shoul d be pl aced i nsi de t he i dent i f i er el ement wi t h
t he i d_t ype at t r i but e set t o " I SO- st d- r ef "

- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" i t em_number _t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 32" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
Version 4.1.0 Page 163
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" i t em_number " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" i t em_number _t " >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" i t em_number _t ype" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" use=" opt i onal " / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" i dent i f i er _t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" i dent i f i er " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" i dent i f i er _t " >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" i d_t ype" use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" pi i " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" si ci " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" doi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" dai " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" Z39. 23" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" I SO- st d- r ef " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r epor t - number " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ot her " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

9. Expanded Cont ent Types ( r epor t s, di sser t at i ons, st andar ds, and dat aset s)

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
di sser t at i on i s t he t op l evel el ement f or deposi t of met adat a about
one or mor e di sser t at i ons.

The di sser t at i on el ement does not have publ i sher , or i ssn el ement s.
I t i s expect ed t hat t he di sser t at i on el ement wi l l be used f or deposi t of
i t ems t hat have not been publ i shed i n books or j our nal s. I f a di sser t at i on
i s publ i shed as a book or wi t hi n a ser i al , i t shoul d be deposi t ed usi ng
t he t op- l evel el ement f or t he appr opr i at e publ i cat i on t ype

I f a DAI has been assi gned, i t shoul d be deposi t ed i n t he i dent i f i er
el ement wi t h t he i d_t ype at t r i but e set t o " dai " . I f an i nst i t ut i on has
i t s own number i ng syst em, i t shoul d be deposi t ed i n i t em_number , and t he
i t em_number _t ype shoul d be set t o " i nst i t ut i on"
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" di sser t at i on" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" per son_name" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" appr oval _dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" degr ee" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
Version 4.1.0 Page 164
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" / >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
r epor t - paper i s t he t op l evel el ement f or deposi t of met adat a about
one or mor e r epor t s or wor ki ng paper s.

component _l i st i s i ncl uded i n r epor t - paper t o handl e i t ems t hat have
component s but do not have cont ent _i t emel ement s ( i . e. a r epor t t hat i s not
di vi ded i nt o mul t i pl e chapt er s) . I f an i t emhas cont ent _i t emel ement s, t hen
component _l i st i nsi de of cont ent _i t emmust be used r at her t han t he el ement
avai l abl e i n r epor t - paper
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" r epor t - paper " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" r epor t - paper _met adat a" / >
<xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont ent _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
r epor t - paper _met adat a i s al most i dent i cal t o book_met adat a. I t di f f er s
onl y i n t hat r epor t - paper _met adat a r emoves t he vol ume number and adds
t he el ement s i nst i t ut i on and cont r act _number . Pl ease see t he comment s
f or book_met adat a about t he usage of most el ement s i n r epor t - paper _met adat a

Repor t s and Wor ki ng Paper s ar e of t en sponsor ed by ei t her uni ver si t i es
or by a non- academi c or gani zat i on ( cor por at e or gover nment ) . Such
i nst i t ut i ons ar e not t ypi cal l y consi der ed " publ i sher s" and so t he i t em
may be deposi t ed usi ng t he i nst i t ut i on el ement . Mul t i pl e el ement i nst ances
ar e per mi t t ed so t he sponsor i ng i nst i t ut i on and publ i shi ng i nst i t ut i on
can bot h be deposi t ed as aut hor s may ci t e ei t her .

I f t he r epor t number of an i t emf ol l ows Z39. 23, t he number shoul d be
deposi t ed i n t he i dent i f i er el ement wi t h t he i d_t ype at t r i but e set t o
" Z39. 23" . I f a r epor t number uses i t s own number i ng syst em, i t shoul d be
deposi t ed i n i t em_number .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" r epor t - paper _met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: choi ce maxOccur s=" 6" >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ser i es_met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" edi t i on_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" appr oval _dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 5" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r act _number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
st andar d i s t he t op l evel el ement f or deposi t of met adat a about st andar ds

Version 4.1.0 Page 165
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Cr ossRef does not det er mi ne i f a new DOI shoul d be cr eat ed f or each r evi si on or
r eaf f i r mat i on of a st andar d. The deci si on wi l l be l ef t t o t he i ndi vi dual
st andar ds or gani zat i ons.

Cr ossRef r ecommends t hat t he i t em_number el ement excl ude t he year f r omt he
desi gnat i on when deposi t i ng t he DOI . For exampl e, I SO/ I EC 7498- 4: 1989 shoul d
be br oken down i nt o t he f ol l owi ng el ement s when deposi t ed:
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>I SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>I EC</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" desi gnat i on" >7498- 4</ i t em_number >
<appr oval _dat e><year >1989</ year ></ appr oval _dat e>

component _l i st i s i ncl uded i n st andar d t o handl e i t ems t hat have
component s but do not have cont ent _i t emel ement s ( i . e. a st andar d t hat i s not
di vi ded i nt o mul t i pl e chapt er s. I f an i t emhas cont ent _i t emel ement s, t hen
component _l i st i nsi de of cont ent _i t emmust be used r at her t han t he el ement
avai l abl e i n st andar d
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" st andar d" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" st andar d_met adat a" / >
<xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont ent _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
st andar d_met adat a i s si mi l ar t o book_met adat a. I t di f f er s
i n t hat st andar d_met adat a adds t he el ement s i nst i t ut i on and
appr oval _dat e.

cont r i but or s cont ai ns t he aut hor ( s) of t he st andar d. I n most cases,
i t i s expect ed t hat t he or gani zat i on el ement wi l l be used r at her t han
per son_name el ement f or st andar ds. However i n some cases, st andar ds ar e
ci t ed by t hei r i ndi vi dual aut hor s. I n such cases, i ndi vi dual aut hor s
shoul d be deposi t ed wi t h per son_name, and t he SDO or consor t i a name shoul d
be deposi t ed wi t h t he or gani zat i on el ement i n cont r i but or s and al so
t he i nst i t ut i on_name el ement i n i nst i t ut i on

Not e t hat when t he or gani zat i on el ement i s used i n cont r i but or s, i t shoul d
have t he name of t he commi t t ee ( when appr opr i at e) t hat devel oped t he st andar d,
not t he name of t he St andar ds Devel opment Or gani zat i on ( SDO) or consor t i a.
The SDO or consor t i a name shoul d be pl aced i n t he publ i sher or i nst i t ut i on
el ement ( as appr opr i at e)

st andar ds mor e of t en have ver si on number s t han edi t i on number s. However
t he edi t i on_number el ement can be used f or deposi t of t he ver si on number of
a st andar d

appr oval _dat e shoul d be used f or t he dat e t hat a st andar d has been accept ed or
r e- af f i r med i f di f f er ent f r omt he dat e of publ i cat i on. Bot h may be pr ovi ded
even i f i dent i cal

Wi t hi n publ i sher _i t em, t he desi gnat i on shoul d be pl aced i nsi de t he i t em_number
el ement , and t he i d_t ype shoul d be set t o " desi gnat i on" t o i ndi cat e a st andar d
desi gnat i on

St andar ds ar e t ypi cal l y sponsor ed or host ed by SDOs or Consor t i a. I n some
cases st andar ds ar e publ i shed by a t r adi t i onal publ i sher r at her t han by
t he owni ng or gani zat i on. Such cases may be deposi t ed wi t h one or mor e
publ i sher s as wel l as a host i ng or gani zat i on as i n t he f ol l owi ng exampl e:

<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Amer i can Nat i onal St andar ds I nst i t ut e</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>ANSI </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>Washi ngt on, DC</ i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
Version 4.1.0 Page 166
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Nat i onal I nf or mat i on St andar ds Or gani zat i on</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>NI SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>Bet hesda, MD</ i nst i t ut i on_l ocat i on>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>NI SO Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Bet hesda, MD</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" st andar d_met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: choi ce maxOccur s=" 6" >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ser i es_met adat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" vol ume" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" edi t i on_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" appr oval _dat e" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssn" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
Dat abase st r uct ur es al l ow f or t he assi gnment of DOI s t o ent i r e dat abases at
t he aggr egat e l evel and at t wo l ower l evel s.

The t op l evel may be a physi cal / f unct i onal dat abase or a l ogi cal abst r at i on
act i ng as a col l ect i on much t he same as a j our nal i s a col l ect i on of ar t i cl es.
The need t o assi gn speci f i c f i el ds of met adat a at each l evel depends on t he
nat ur e of t he t op most l evel ( e. g. publ i cat i on dat e may be appr opr i at e at t he
t op l evel f or a physi cal obj ect but onl y at l ower l evel s f or an abst r act t op
l evel obj ect )

The f i r st sub- l evel i s t he <dat aset > whi ch may be a basi c r ecor d of t he t op l evel
obj ect or a col l ect i on i n i t s own r i ght . I n ei t her case <dat aset > must r epr esent a
physi cal const r uct . A t hi r d l evel i s pr ovi ded i n t he <component _l i st >.

NOTE: <component _l i st > i n <dat abase> ( r at her t han i n <dat aset > may be used as a
second l evel when no t hi r d l evel i s r equi r ed and t he second l evel obj ect s der i ve
most of t hei r qual i t i es f r omt he par ent .

NOTE: Thi s model i s not i nt ended t o show r el at i onshi ps bet ween di f f er ent dat aset
ent r i es i n t he f or mof a r el at i onal dat abase. However i n t he f ut ur e i t i s possi bl e
t hat mul t i pl e r esol ut i on may be used t o expr ess such r el at i onshi ps
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" dat abase" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" dat abase_met adat a" / >
<xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" dat aset " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<! - -
dat abase_met adat a cont ai ns i nf or mat i on about t he ent i r e dat abase

Version 4.1.0 Page 167
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
cont r i but or s cont ai ns t he aut hor ( s) of t he dat abase. I n most cases,
i t i s expect ed t hat t he or gani zat i on el ement wi l l be used r at her t han
per son_name el ement f or t he pr i mar y dat abase aut hor i ng i nf or mat i on.

cont r i but or s shoul d not be conf used wi t h publ i sher and i nst i t ut i on. I n
many cases, dat abases ar e mor e l i kel y t o have one or bot h of t he l at t er
el ement s r at her t han cont r i but or s at t he t op l evel ( dat aset el ement s ar e
mor e l i kel y t o have cont r i but or s) . I n most cases, t he i nst i t ut i on el ement
may be t he best choi ce t o deposi t t he dat abase host or gani zat i on because
i t i ncl udes t he i nst i t ut i on_acr onymel ement al ong wi t h t he name.

The t i t l es el ement i s used t o capt ur e t he name of t he dat abase

dat abase_dat e shoul d be used t o capt ur e t he dat e t hat a dat abase was
f i r st cr eat ed. Whenever updat ed r ecor ds ar e deposi t ed wi t h Cr ossRef , t he
updat e_dat e shoul d be set t o t he dat e of t he most r ecent Cr ossRef deposi t

publ i sher _i t emmay be used t o r ecor d an i dent i f yi ng number f or t he dat abase
ot her t han t he DOI
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" dat abase_met adat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" descr i pt i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" dat abase_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<! - -
The dat aset el ement i s used t o capt ur e i nf or mat i on about one or mor e dat abase
r ecor ds or col l ect i ons. The dat aset _t ype at t r i but e shoul d be set t o ei t her
" r ecor d" or " col l ect i on" t o i ndi cat e t he t ype of deposi t . The def aul t val ue
of t hi s at t r i but e i s " r ecor d"

dat aset ent r i es ar e not i nt ended t o cont ai n t he ent i r e dat abase r ecor d or
col l ect i on. The ar e onl y i nt ended t o cont ai n t he met adat a f or each dat abase
r ecor d or col l ect i on. The met adat a can i ncl ude:

cont r i but or s: t he aut hor ( s) of a dat abase r ecor d or col l ect i on
t i t l es: t he t i t l e of a dat abase r ecor d or col l ect i on
dat abase_dat e: t he cr eat i on dat e, publ i cat i on dat e ( i f di f f er ent f r omt he
cr eat i on dat e) and t he dat e of l ast updat e of t he r ecor d
publ i sher _i t em: t he r ecor d number of t he dat aset i t em
descr i pt i on: a br i ef summar y descr i pt i on of t he cont ent s of t he dat abase
f or mat : t he f or mat t ype of t he dat aset i t emi f i t i ncl udes f i l es r at her
t han j ust t ext . Not e t he f or mat el ement her e shoul d not be used t o
descr i be t he f or mat of i t ems deposi t ed as par t of t he component _l i st
doi _dat a: t he doi of t he i t em.
ci t at i on_l i st : a l i st of i t ems ( e. g. j our nal ar t i cl es) ci t ed by t he dat aset
i t em. For exampl e, dat aset ent r y f r oma t axonomy mi ght ci t e t he ar t i cl e
i n whi ch a speci es was f i r st i dent i f i ed.
component _l i st : a l i st of component s i ncl uded i n t he dat aset i t emsuch as
suppor t i ng f i gur es
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" dat aset " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" dat abase_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 10" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i sher _i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" descr i pt i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" f or mat " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
Version 4.1.0 Page 168
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on_l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" dat aset _t ype" def aul t =" r ecor d" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r ecor d" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" col l ect i on" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ot her " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<! - -
dat abase_dat e i s used t o r ecor d key dat es i n t he l i f e of a dat abase or
dat aset i t em. cr eat i on_dat e i s t he dat e t he i t emwas f i r st cr eat eed,
publ i cat i on_dat e i s t he dat e t he i t emwas f i r st publ i shed, and updat e_dat e
i s t he dat e t he i t emwas l ast updat ed.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" dat abase_dat e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cr eat i on_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" updat e_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
cr eat i on_dat e i s t he dat e a dat abase or dat aset i t emwas cr eat ed.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" cr eat i on_dat e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: compl exCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" dat e_t " / >
</ xsd: compl exCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
updat e_dat e i s t he dat e a dat abase or dat aset i t emwas l ast updat ed.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" updat e_dat e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: compl exCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" dat e_t " / >
</ xsd: compl exCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<! - - =============================================================

10. El ement s common t o r epor t s, di sser t at i ons and st andar ds

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
The i nst i t ut i on el ement shoul d be used t o deposi t met adat a about an
or gani zat i on t hat sponsor ed or host ed t he r esear ch or devel opment of
t he publ i shed mat er i al but was not act ual l y t he publ i sher of t he i nf or mat i on.

The i nst i t ut i on i s di st i nct l y di f f er ent f r omt he publ i sher because
i t may not be a publ i shi ng or gani zat i on. I t i s t ypi cal l y an or gani zat i on
such as a uni ver si t y, cor por at i on, gover nment agency, NGO or consor t i a.

I f t he cont ent was publ i shed by an or gani zat i on ot her t han t he sponsor , t he use
of bot h t he publ i sher and i nst i t ut i on el ement s i s encour aged because aut hor s
may ci t e ei t her one i n a r ef er ence, and t he avai l abi l i t y of bot h may al l ow
f or mor e pr eci se mat chi ng i n quer i es.
- - >
Version 4.1.0 Page 169
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: el ement name=" i nst i t ut i on" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on_name" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on_acr onym" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on_pl ace" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 6" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The f ul l name of t he i nst i t ut i on t hat sponsor ed or host ed r esear ch.
Exampl es: Wor l d Heal t h Or gani zat i on; Uni ver si t y of Cal i f or ni a, Davi s
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" i nst i t ut i on_name" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 1024" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The acr onymof t he i nst i t ut i on. Not e t hat aut hor s of t en ci t e wi t h acr onyms and
t hi s i nf or mat i on can be i mpor t ant i n mat chi ng a quer y
Exampl es: WHO, UCDavi s, UCD
Not e, as shown above, an i nst i t ut i on may be know by mul t i pl e acr onyms, i n whi ch
case al l common acr onyms shoul d be deposi t ed
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" i nst i t ut i on_acr onym" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
i nst i t ut i on_pl ace gi ves t he pr i mar y ci t y l ocat i on of t he i nst i t ut i on. When
t he l ocat i on i s a maj or ci t y ( e. g. New Yor k, Amst er dam) , no qual i f yi ng
count r y or U. S. st at e need be gi ven. I f t he ci t y i s not a maj or ci t y, t he
appr opr i at e count r y and/ or st at e or pr ovi nce shoul d be added.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" i nst i t ut i on_pl ace" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment gi ves t he depar t ment wi t hi n an i nst i t ut i on. A common
use i s t he depar t ment under whi ch a di sser t at i on was compl et ed.
Not e t hat t he i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment i s r epeat abl e. I f mul t i pl e depar t ment s
ar e t o be deposi t ed, each one shoul d be gi ven i n a uni que i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment
el ement .
Exampl e: Depar t ment of Psychol ogy
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
appr oval _dat e i s t he dat e on whi ch a di sser t at i on was accept ed by t he
i nst i t ut i on awar di ng t he degr ee, or a st andar d was accept ed.

Version 4.1.0 Page 170
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
appr oval _dat e i ncl udes t he same el ement s as publ i cat i on_dat e, but i t has
no at t r i but es. I t i s a di st i nct el ement f r ompubl i cat i on_dat e t o r ef l ect
t hat an i mpor t ant but di f f er ent semant i c meet i ng f r ompubl i cat i on_dat e
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" appr oval _dat e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: compl exCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" dat e_t " / >
</ xsd: compl exCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The degr ee( s) awar ded f or t he di sser t at i on.
Exampl es: MA, MS, PhD,
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" degr ee" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The cont r act number under whi ch a r epor t or paper was wr i t t en
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" cont r act _number " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
</ xsd: schema>
Version 4.1.0 Page 171
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
CrossRef Common Schema Module 1.0.4
<xsd: schema xml ns: xsd=" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema" >
<! - - =============================================================

I nt r oduct i on

Cr ossRef Schema Ver si on 4. 0. 1
f or J our nal , book and conf er er nce submi ssi ons

Devel oped f or Cr ossRef ( www. cr ossr ef . or g) by

I ner a I ncor por at ed
Newt on, MA 02460
ht t p: / / www. i ner a. com
emai l : i nf o@i ner a. com

Last Updat ed Sept ember 20, 2004
( c) 2001- 2006 PI LA, I nc. Al l Ri ght s Reser ved.

For mor e i nf or mat i on on t he use of t hi s DTD, see
" Cr ossRef Schema Document at i on 4. 0. 1. pdf " .

============================================================= - - >
<! - - =============================================================

Fi l e Or gani zat i on

Thi s schema i s or gani zed i nt o t he f ol l owi ng sect i ons:
1. Shar ed at t r i but es
2. Schema- speci f i c dat a t ypes
3. Header el ement s
4. Book el ement s
5. J our nal el ement s
6. El ement s common t o j our nal s, books or conf er ences
7. El ement s used f or ci t at i on deposi t and XML quer i es
8. El emenst used t o deposi t component s

============================================================= - - >
<! - - =============================================================

Change Hi st or y

Changes r ecor d ver si on, aut hor i ni t i al s, dat e, and comment s

1. 0. 4 ( BDR) 3/ 24/ 06 Updat ed t o wor k wi t h dat abase el ement
Changed descr i pt i on i n component el ement
t o onl y al l ow one occur ance
( BDR) 4/ 6/ 06 Added af f i l i at i on el ement t o per son_name

1. 0. 3. 4 ( CSK) 2/ 6/ 2006 Rest r uct ur ed publ i cat i on_dat e el ement t o
use a dat e t ype.

1. 0. 3. 3 ( CSK) 7/ 28/ 05 I ncl uded Br uce' s f i xes t o emai l and i sbn pat t er n

1. 0. 3. 2 ( CSK) 5/ 19/ 05 Added vi deo/ avi t o mi me_t ype. at t s

1. 0. 3. 2 ( HS) added ar t i cl e_t i t l e

1. 0. 3. 1 ( CSK) mi nor r evi si on, backwar d compat i bl e

1/ 25/ 05 Added chemi cal mi me t ypes

1. 0. 3 ( CSK)

7/ 20/ 04 Added el ement s f or t he deposi t of component s ( sect i on #8)
12/ 7/ 04 Added si ze at t r i but e t o component
12/ 7/ 04 Added mi nOccur s=0 at t r i but e t o t he <ci t at i on_l i st > chi l d el ement <ci t at i on>

1. 0. 2 ( CSK) 7/ 16/ 04
Version 4.1.0 Page 172
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema

Moved el ment s r esour ce, i t em, col l ect i on, pr oper t y_t and pr oper t y f r omt he
mai n schema f i l e t o t hi s i ncl ude f i l e t o f aci l i at e cr eat i ng a schema
f or t he deposi t of onl y mul t i pl e r esol ut i on dat a.

1. 0. 1 ( HS) 4/ 2/ 03

Modi f i ed " year " model i n ci t at i on_t t o be cYear t o suppor t
non numer i c year s i n r ef er ences ( e. g. 1998a , 1999- 2000)

3. 0. 0 ( BDR) 10/ 17/ 03 ( CSK) 12/ 23/ 03

Cr eat ed wi t h el ement s f r omCr ossRef Deposi t Schema 2. 0. 6 based
l ar gel y on el ement s f r omsect i on 1, 2 3, and 8 of t hat par ent f i l e.
Thi s f i l e now ser ves as an i ncl uded modul e t o t he par ent f i l e
and ot her schemas f r omCr ossRef .

============================================================= - - >
<! - - =============================================================

1. Shar ed at t r i but es

============================================================= - - >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup name=" publ i cat i on_t ype. at t s" >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" publ i cat i on_t ype" def aul t =" f ul l _t ext " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" abst r act _onl y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f ul l _t ext " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" bi bl i ogr aphi c_r ecor d" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: at t r i but eGr oup>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup name=" medi a_t ype. at t s" >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" medi a_t ype" def aul t =" pr i nt " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" pr i nt " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" el ect r oni c" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: at t r i but eGr oup>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup name=" cont r i but or . at t s" >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" sequence" use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f i r st " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" addi t i onal " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" cont r i but or _r ol e" use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" aut hor " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" edi t or " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chai r " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t r ansl at or " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: at t r i but eGr oup>
<! - - l anuage at t r i but es ar e based on i so 639 - - >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup name=" l anguage. at t s" >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" l anguage" use=" opt i onal " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" aa" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ab" / >
Version 4.1.0 Page 173
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" af " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" am" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ar " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" as" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ay" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" az" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ba" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" be" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" bg" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" bh" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" bi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" bn" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" bo" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" br " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ca" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" co" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" cs" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" cy" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" da" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" de" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" dz" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" el " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" en" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" eo" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" es" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" et " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" eu" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f a" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f i " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f j " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f o" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f r " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" f y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ga" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" gd" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" gl " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" gn" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" gu" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ha" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" he" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" hi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" hr " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" hu" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" hy" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i a" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i d" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i k" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i s" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i t " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" j a" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" j w" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ka" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" kk" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" kl " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" km" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" kn" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ko" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ks" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ku" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ky" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" l a" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" l n" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" l o" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" l t " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" l v" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mg" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mk" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mn" / >
Version 4.1.0 Page 174
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mo" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mr " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ms" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mt " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" my" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" na" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ne" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" nl " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" no" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" oc" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" om" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" or " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" pa" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" pl " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ps" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" pt " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" qu" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r m" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r n" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r o" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r u" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" r w" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sa" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sd" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sg" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" si " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sk" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sl " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sm" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sn" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" so" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sq" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sr " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ss" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" st " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" su" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sv" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" sw" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t a" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t g" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t h" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t i " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t k" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t l " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t n" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t o" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t r " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t s" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t t " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t w" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" uk" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ur " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" uz" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vo" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" wo" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" xh" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" yi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" yo" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" zh" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" zu" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: at t r i but eGr oup>
<! - -
Mi me t ypes f or component f or mat
( f or mi me t ypes r ef er t o ht t p: / / www. i ana. or g/ assi gnment s/ medi a- t ypes/
- - >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup name=" mi me_t ype. at t s" >
Version 4.1.0 Page 175
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" mi me_t ype" use=" opt i onal " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / pl ai n" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / r i cht ext " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / enr i ched" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / t ab- separ at ed- val ues" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / ht ml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / sgml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / css" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / xml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" t ext / xml - ext er nal - par sed- ent i t y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / mi xed" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / al t er nat i ve" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / di gest " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / par al l el " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / appl edoubl e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / header - set " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / f or m- dat a" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / r epor t " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / voi ce- message" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / si gned" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / encr ypt ed" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" mul t i par t / byt er anges" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ oct et - st r eam" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ post scr i pt " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ r t f " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ appl ef i l e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ mac- bi nhex40" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ wor dper f ect 5. 1" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ pdf " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ zi p" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ macwr i t ei i " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ mswor d" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ sgml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ cal s- 1840" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ pgp- encr ypt ed" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ pgp- si gnat ur e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ pgp- keys" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ sgml - open- cat al og" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ r c" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ xml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ xml - ext er nal - par sed- ent i t y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ xml - dt d" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ bat ch- SMTP" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ i pp" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ ocsp- r equest " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" appl i cat i on/ ocsp- r esponse" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ j peg" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ gi f " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ i ef " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ g3f ax" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ t i f f " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ Gr aphi cs- Met af i l e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i mage/ png" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" audi o/ basi c" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" audi o/ 32kadpcm" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" audi o/ mpeg" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" audi o/ par i t yf ec" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" audi o/ MP4A- LATM" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" audi o/ mpa- r obust " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi deo/ avi " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi deo/ mpeg" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi deo/ qui ckt i me" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi deo/ poi nt er " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi deo/ par i t yf ec" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" vi deo/ MP4V- ES" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- al chemy" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cache- csf " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cact vs- bi nar y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cact vs- bi nar y" / >
Version 4.1.0 Page 176
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cact vs- bi nar y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cdx" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cer i us" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- chemdr aw" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- ci f " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mmci f " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- chem3d" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cmdf " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- compass" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cr ossf i r e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- csml " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- ct x" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- cxf " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- dayl i ght - smi l es" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- embl - dl - nucl eot i de" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- gal act i c- spc" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" Dat a/ spcvue. ht m" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- gamess- i nput " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- gaussi an- i nput " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- gaussi an- checkpoi nt " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- gaussi an- cube" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- gcg8- sequence" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- genbank" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- i sost ar " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- j camp- dx" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- ki nemage" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- macmol ecul e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- macr omodel - i nput " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mdl - mol f i l e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mdl - r df i l e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mdl - r xnf i l e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mdl - sdf i l e" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mdl - t gf " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mi f " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mol 2" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mol conn- Z" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mopac- i nput " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- mopac- gr aph" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- ncbi - asn1" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- ncbi - asn1- bi nar y" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- pdb" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- swi sspr ot " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- vamas- i so14976" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- vmd" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- xt el " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" chemi cal / x- xyz" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: at t r i but eGr oup>
<! - - =============================================================

2. Schema- speci f i c dat a t ypes

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
The f ol l owi ng ar e basi c dat a t ypes f or f ace mar kup. Face mar kup t hat appear s
i n t he t i t l e, subt i t l e, and or i gi nal _l anguage_t i t l e el ement s shoul d be
r et ai ned when deposi t i ng met adat a. Face mar kup i n ot her el ement s ( e. g. smal l
caps i n aut hor names) must be dr opped. Face mar kup suppor t i ncl udes bol d ( b) ,
i t al i c ( i ) , under l i ne ( u) , over - l i ne ( ovl ) , super scr i pt ( sup) , subscr i pt ( sub) ,
smal l caps ( scp) , and t ypewr i t er t ext ( t t ) .
- - >
<xsd: compl exType name=" xr ef Faces" mi xed=" t r ue" >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
<xsd: gr oup r ef =" f ace_mar kup" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: gr oup name=" f ace_mar kup" >
<xsd: choi ce>
Version 4.1.0 Page 177
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: el ement r ef =" b" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i " / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" u" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ovl " / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" sup" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" sub" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" scp" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t t " / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: gr oup>
<xsd: el ement name=" b" t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" i " t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" u" t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" ovl " t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" sup" t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" sub" t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" scp" t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" t t " t ype=" xr ef Faces" / >
<! - -
The f ol l owi ng ar e basi c dat a t ypes f or dat e par t s.
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" xr ef Year " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: posi t i veI nt eger " >
<xsd: maxI ncl usi ve val ue=" 2200" / >
<xsd: mi nI ncl usi ve val ue=" 1400" / >
<xsd: t ot al Di gi t s val ue=" 4" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" xr ef Mont h" >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: posi t i veI nt eger " >
<xsd: maxI ncl usi ve val ue=" 34" / >
<xsd: mi nI ncl usi ve val ue=" 01" / >
<xsd: t ot al Di gi t s val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" xr ef Day" >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: posi t i veI nt eger " >
<xsd: maxI ncl usi ve val ue=" 31" / >
<xsd: mi nI ncl usi ve val ue=" 01" / >
<xsd: t ot al Di gi t s val ue=" 2" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<! - - =============================================================

3. Header el ement s

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
Publ i sher gener at ed i t emt hat i dent i f i es t he DOI submi ssi on bat ch.
I t wi l l be used as a r ef er ence i n er r or messages sent by t he MDDB
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" doi _bat ch_i d" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 100" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 4" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
t i mest amp i s an i nt eger r epr esent at i on of dat e and t i me t hat ser ves as a
ver si on number f or t he r ecor d t hat i s bei ng deposi t ed. Because Cr ossRef
uses i t as a ver si on number , t he f or mat need not f ol l ow any publ i c st andar d
and t her ef or e t he publ i sher can det er mi ne t he i nt er nal f or mat .

When deposi t i ng dat a, Cr ossRef wi l l check t o see i f a DOI has been
deposi t ed. I f t he newer dat a car r i es a t i me st amp val ue t hat i s equal t o or
gr eat er t han t he ol d dat a based on a st r i ct numer i c compar i son, t he new
dat a wi l l r epl ace t he ol d dat a. I f t he new dat a val ue i s l ess t han t he ol d
dat a val ue, t he new dat a wi l l not r epl ace t he ol d dat a.

Version 4.1.0 Page 178
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
t i mest amp i s opt i onal i n doi _dat a and r equi r ed i n head. The val ue f r omt he
head i nst ance t i mest amp wi l l be used f or al l i nst ances of doi _dat a t hat do not
i ncl ude a t i mest amp el ement .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" t i mest amp" t ype=" xsd: doubl e" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" deposi t or " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" name" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" emai l _addr ess" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The name pl aced i n t hi s el ement shoul d mat ch t he name under whi ch
a deposi t i ng or gani zat i on has r egi st er ed wi t h Cr ossRef .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" name" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 130" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
I t i s r ecommended t hat t hi s addr ess be uni que t o a posi t i on wi t hi n
t he or gani zat i on submi t t i ng dat a ( e. g. " doi @. . . " ) r at her t han uni que t o
a per son. I n t hi s way, t he al i as f or del i ver y of t hi s mai l can be
changed as r esponsi bi l i t y f or submi ssi on of DOI dat a wi t hi n t he
or gani zat i on changes f r omone per son t o anot her .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" emai l _addr ess" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 200" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 6" / >
<xsd: pat t er n val ue=" [ \ p{L}\ p{N}! / +\ - _] +( \ . [ \ p{L}\ p{N}! / +\ - _] +) *@[ \ p{L}\ p{N}! / +\ -
_] +( \ . [ \ p{L}_] +) +" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The or gani zat i on t hat owns t he i nf or mat i on bei ng r egi st er ed
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" r egi st r ant " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 255" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

4. Book el ement s

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
The chapt er , sect i on, par t , et c. number f or a cont ent i t emi n a book.

Unl i ke vol ume and edi t i on_number , component _number shoul d i ncl ude any addi t i onal
t ext t hat hel ps i dent i f y t he t ype of component . I n t he exampl e above, t he t ext
" Sect i on 8" appear ed on t he t abl e of cont ent s and i t i s r ef l ect ed her e. " 8" i s
al so accept abl e, however t he f or mer t r eat ment i s pr ef er r ed.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" component _number " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 50" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
Version 4.1.0 Page 179
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
edi t i on_number shoul d i ncl ude onl y a number and not addi t i onal t ext such as " edi t i on" .
For exampl e, you shoul d submi t " 3" , not " t hi r d edi t i on" or " 3r d edi t i on" .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" edi t i on_number " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

5. J our nal el ement s

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
Onl y one i ssue name shoul d be used f or t he i ssue. The i ssue number
t akes pr ecedence over any ot her name. For exampl e, i f an i ssue has
onl y a seasonal name, t hen t he season shoul d be l i st ed i n i ssue.
However , i f an i ssue has a number and a season, t hen onl y t he number
shoul d be l i st ed i n i ssue, and t he season shoul d be pl aced i n mont h.

Do not i ncl ude t he wor ds " i ssue" , " No" or " number " i n t hi s el ement .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" i ssue" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

6. El ement s common t o j our nal s, books and conf er ences

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
doi _dat a cont ai ns t he doi , t i mest amp ( ver si on) and cor r espondi ng r esour ce
dat a f or t he doi .

Deposi t or s submi t t i ng a si ngl e URL f or a DOI shoul d do so by pr ovi di ng
t he <r esour ce> el ement i n doi _dat a wi t h t he URL/ URI of t he i t em.

I f addi t i onal r esour ces ar e t o be pr oved t he <col l ect i on> el ement may al so be used.
The si ngl e URL pr ovi ded i n t he <r esour ce> i s mandat or y and ser ves as t he si ngl e
r esol ut i on t ar get f or t he DOI .

For f ur t her i nf or mat i on about use of t he col l ect i on el ement , pl ease r ef er
t o t he schema document at i on.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" doi _dat a" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi " / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i mest amp" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" r esour ce" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" col l ect i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
Deposi t or s submi t t i ng a si ngl e URI f or a DOI shoul d do so by pr ovi di ng
t he r esour ce el ement i n doi _dat a.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" r esour ce" >
Version 4.1.0 Page 180
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 2048" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
A col l ect i on i s a cont ai ner f or one or mor e i t ems. Col l ect i ons must be qual i f i ed
wi t hi n an i t emby use of pr oper t y el ement s.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" col l ect i on" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pr oper t y" maxOccur s=" 2" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i t em" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" col l ect i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
An i t emi s a cont ai ner hol di ng a col l ect i on, doi , or r esour ce ( URI ) and
opt i onal pr oper t y el ement s t hat qual i f y t he r esour ce or col l ect i on.

For a descr i pt i on of how t he pr oper t y el ement s ar e used f or i mpl ement i ng a
mul t i pl e r esol ut i on ser vi ce t hat pr esent menu opt i ons t o and end user pl ease
r ef er t o ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ mr / i ndex. ht ml
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" i t em" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" pr oper t y" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi " / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" r esour ce" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
pr oper t y el ement s qual i f y t he semant i c meani ng of a i t emor col l ect i on.
pr oper t y el ement s consi st of a t ype/ val ue pai r wher e t he pr oper t y t ype i s
f ound i n t he t ype at t r i but e and t he val ue i s f ound i n t he el ement cont ent .
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" pr oper t y_t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 2048" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 0" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" pr oper t y" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" pr oper t y_t " >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" t ype" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" use=" r equi r ed" / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
Li st of cont r i but or s ( aut hor s or or gani zat i ons) t o a deposi t ed i t em
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" cont r i but or s" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: choi ce maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" or gani zat i on" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" per son_name" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
Version 4.1.0 Page 181
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The name of an or gani zat i on ( as opposed t o a per son) t hat cont r i but ed t o aut hor i ng an i t em
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" or gani zat i on_t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 511" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" or gani zat i on" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" or gani zat i on_t " >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" cont r i but or . at t s" / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The name of a per son ( as opposed t o an or gani zat i on) t hat cont r i but ed t o aut hor i ng an i t em
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" per son_name" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" gi ven_name" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" sur name" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" suf f i x" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" af f i l i at i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" 5" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" cont r i but or . at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
A cont r i but or ' s gi ven name.

Do not i ncl ude t i t l es such as " Dr . " , " Pr of . " , or " Pr esi dent " i n gi ven_name.
These t i t l es shoul d not be submi t t ed t o Cr ossRef .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" gi ven_name" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 35" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The sur name of an aut hor or edi t or .

I f an aut hor i s an or gani zat i on, you shoul d use or gani zat i on, not sur name.

Aut hor degr ees ( e. g. M. D. , Ph. D. ) shoul d not be i ncl uded i n Cr ossRef submi ssi ons.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" sur name" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 35" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The suf f i x of an aut hor name, e. g. j uni or or seni or .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" suf f i x" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 10" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
Version 4.1.0 Page 182
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<! - -
The i nst i t ut i on( s) wi t h whi ch a cont r i but or i s af f i l i at ed.
Thi s el ement may hol d t he name and l ocat i on of an af f i l i at i on wi t h whi ch
a cont r i but or i s af f i l i at ed
Pl ease not e t he f ol l owi ng poi nt s when usi ng t hi s el ement :
1. A cont r i but or may have up t o f i ve af f i l i at i ons. Each af f i l i at i on shoul d
be i n a uni que <af f i l i at i on> el ement . The f ol l owi ng i s cor r ect :
<af f i l i at i on>Uni ver si t y of New Mexi co</ af f i l i at i on>
<af f i l i at i on>Sandi a Nat i onal Labor at or i es</ af f i l i at i on>
The f ol l owi ng i s NOT cor r ect
<af f i l i at i on>Uni ver si t y of New Mexi co; Sandi a Nat i onal Labor at or i es</ af f i l i at i on>
2. The name of t he i nst i t ut i on i s r equi r ed i n t hi s el ement . The l ocat i on
i s opt i onal . Bot h of t he f ol l owi ng ar e cor r ect :
<af f i l i at i on>Har var d Uni ver si t y</ af f i l i at i on>
<af f i l i at i on>Har var d Uni ver si t y, Cambr i dge, MA</ af f i l i at i on>
3. Addi t i onal addr ess i nf or mat i on such as a URL or emai l addr ess shoul d
NOT be deposi t ed i n t hi s el ement
4. Vi sual l i nki ng i ndi cat or s used i n publ i cat i on t o connect aut hor s wi t h t hei r
af f i l i at i ons such as f oot not e symbol s or i ni t i al s shoul d NOT be i ncl uded
i n t he <af f i l i at i on> el ement
5. I f you have onl y a si ngl e st r i ng t hat has t he af f i l i at i on f or mul t i pl e
cont r i but or s t o a wor k and t hat st r i ng i s not br oken out i nt o t he i ndi vi dual
af f l i at i ons f or each aut hor , pl ease do NOT deposi t t he af f i l at i on i nf or mat i on.
Thi s el ement i s t o be used onl y f or af f i l i at i on i nf or mat i on t hat i s di r ect l y
connect ed t o t he aut hor wi t h whomt hi s i nf or mat i on i s i ncl uded wi t hi n t he
per son_name el ement
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" af f i l i at i on" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 512" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<! - -
The next f ew el ement s ar e used t o encode t he t i t l e of an i t em.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" t i t l es" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l e" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" subt i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: sequence mi nOccur s=" 0" >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" or i gi nal _l anguage_t i t l e" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" subt i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" t i t l e" >
<xsd: compl exType mi xed=" t r ue" >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
<xsd: gr oup r ef =" f ace_mar kup" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The t i t l e of an i t emi n i t s or i gi nal l anguage i f t hi s r egi st r at i on i s f or a t r ansl at i on
of a wor k. When pr ovi di ng t he or i gi nal l anguage of a t i t l e, you shoul d set t he l anguage
at t r i but e.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" or i gi nal _l anguage_t i t l e" >
<xsd: compl exType mi xed=" t r ue" >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
Version 4.1.0 Page 183
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: gr oup r ef =" f ace_mar kup" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" subt i t l e" >
<xsd: compl exType mi xed=" t r ue" >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
<xsd: gr oup r ef =" f ace_mar kup" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The next f ew el ement s ar e used t o encode t he publ i cat i on dat e( s) of an i t em.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" mont h" t ype=" xr ef Mont h" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" day" t ype=" xr ef Day" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" year " t ype=" xr ef Year " / >

<xsd: el ement name=" publ i cat i on_dat e" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: compl exCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" dat e_t " / >
</ xsd: compl exCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >

<xsd: compl exType name=" dat e_t " >
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" mont h" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" day" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" year " / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" medi a_t ype" def aul t =" pr i nt " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" onl i ne" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" pr i nt " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" ot her " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: compl exType>

<! - -
The next f ew el ement s ar e used t o encode t he page number ( s) of an i t em.

When an i t emhas non- cont i guous page i nf or mat i on, you shoul d capt ur e t he f i r st page
r ange i n f i r st _page and l ast _page. Any addi t i onal page i nf or mat i on shoul d be capt ur ed
i n ot her _pages.

You shoul d i ncl ude commas or hyphens t o expr ess di scr et e pages or page r anges.
endash ent i t i es shoul d be conver t ed t o ASCI I hyphens. Spaces shoul d not be i ncl uded.
Not e t hat punct uat i on shoul d never appear i n f i r st _page and l ast _page.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" pages" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" f i r st _page" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" l ast _page" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ot her _pages" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" f i r st _page" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
Version 4.1.0 Page 184
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" l ast _page" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
Used t o capt ur e addi t i onal page i nf or mat i on when i t ems do not encompass cont i guous
page r anges. For exampl e:

<pages><f i r st _page>15</ f i r st _page><l ast _page>26</ l ast _page>
<ot her _pages>29- 35, 41- 45, 49</ ot her _pages></ pages>
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" ot her _pages" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 100" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
Used t o hol d a si ngl e DOI .

The DOI speci f i cat i on al l ows many char act er s i n t he f or mul at i on of a DOI .
However cer t ai n char act er s cause pr obl ems f or syst ems t hat pr ocess DOI s.
Use of t he f ol l owi ng char act er s i n a DOI shoul d NEVER occur : ' #' , ' ?' , and ' &' .
The f ol l owi ng char act er s ar e suppor t ed, however , i t i s st r ongl y r ecommended
you avoi d use of : ' <' , ' >' , ' / ' , and ' \ '
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" doi _t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 2048" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 6" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" doi " >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" doi _t " / >
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The I SBN must be 10 di gi t s ( t he l ast di gi t may be ' X' ) , or i t must be f our
gr oups of di gi t s, separ at ed by a hyphens or spaces. Al t hough not r equi r ed,
t he I SBN number shoul d r et ai n spaces or hyphens t hat appear i n t he f or mat t ed
number because t hey ai d i n human- r eadabi l i t y
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" i sbn_t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 13" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 10" / >
<xsd: pat t er n val ue=" \ d[ \ d \ - ] +[ \ dX] " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" i sbn" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" i sbn_t " >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" medi a_t ype. at t s" / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The I SSN must consi st of ei ght di gi t s ( wher e t he l ast di gi t may be an X) , or
i t must consi st of ei ght di gi t s i n t wo gr oups of f our wi t h a hyphen bet ween
t he t wo gr oups
- - >
Version 4.1.0 Page 185
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" i ssn_t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 9" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 8" / >
<xsd: pat t er n val ue=" \ d{4}- ?\ d{3}[ \ dX] " / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" i ssn" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" i ssn_t " >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" medi a_t ype. at t s" / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<xsd: el ement name=" coden" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 6" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
The vol ume number of a publ i shed j our nal , or t he number of a pr i nt ed vol ume
f or a book or conf er ence pr oceedi ngs. Do not i ncl ude t he wor ds " Vol ume" or " vol . "
i n t hi s el ement .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" vol ume" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 15" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 1" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

7. El ement s used f or ci t at i on deposi t and XML quer i es

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
ci t at i on_l i st cont ai ns a l i st of i t ems t hat have been ci t ed by
t he DOI i t emspeci f i ed i n t he doi _dat a di r ect l y associ at i on wi t h t he
ci t at i on_l i st . A ci t at i on_l i st may be added t o a j our nal _ar t i cl e.

Some i t ems may have mul t i pl e ci t at i on l i st s ( e. g. mai n r ef er ence l i st
appendi x r ef er ence l i st , et c. ) . Al l ci t at i ons shoul d be i ncl uded i n a
si ngl e ci t at i on_l i st el ement r egar d of whet her one or mor e ci t at i on
l i st s wer e i n t he or i gi nal i t em.

When combi ni ng mul t i pl e ci t at i on l i st s f r oman i t emi nt o one
ci t at i on_l i st el ement , but sur e t o gi ve each ci t at i on a uni que
ci t at i on_key at t r i but e val ue. For exampl e, i f an appendi x i n an i t em
has a separ at e ci t at i on l i st t hat r est ar t s number i ng at 1, t hese shoul d
be gi ven key at t r i but es such as " ab1" r at her t han " b1" .

Some i t ems may cont ai n " Fur t her Readi ng" or " Bi bl i ogr aphy" l i st s. The
di st i ngui shi ng f act or i n t hese l i st s i s t hat t he r ef er ences i n t hese
l i st s have not been ci t ed f r omt he i t em- t hey onl y pr ovi de a l i st
of addi t i onal r el at ed r eadi ng mat er i al . I t wi l l be l ef t t o t he
di scr et i on of t he publ i sher i f t hese i t ems ar e t o be consi der ed
ci t at i ons and shoul d be deposi t ed wi t h t he ci t at i on_l i st el ement .

NOTE: I f a ci t at i on_l i st el ement i s gi ven and i s empt y t hen al l ci t at i ons f or t he
gi ven DOI wi l l be del et ed, ot her wi se any exi st i ng ci t at i ons f or t he gi ven DOI ar e
l ef t i nt act i n t he dat abase. I t i s qui t e common t hat a publ i sher want s t o f i x
t he DOI ' s met adat a wi t hout r esubmi t t i ng t he ci t at i ons. Leavi ng out t he ci t at i on_l i st
el ement wi l l do t hat .
Al so not e t hat any gi ven ci t at i ons wi l l over r i de ol der ci t at i ons f or t he gi ven DOI so
Version 4.1.0 Page 186
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
ci t at i on_l i st s ar e not cumul at i ve over mul t i pl e r ecor ds or submi ssi ons.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" ci t at i on_l i st " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ci t at i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
ci t at i on i s used t o deposi t each ci t at i on i n t he r ef er ence l i st of t he
i t emf or whi ch t he DOI i s bei ng deposi t ed. The ci t at i ons i n t he l i st wi l l
be r un by t he Cr ossRef syst emas quer i es l ooki ng f or t he DOI of t he
ar t i cl es bei ng ci t ed.

NOTE: Because t he ci t at i on l i st i s used t o suppor t f or war d l i nki ng, t he
mor e i nf or mat i on suppl i ed i n t he ci t at i on t he bet t er t he chance of
f i ndi ng a mat ch.

For each ci t at i on t hat i s deposi t ed, one of f our model s shoul d be used:
1. Par sed j our nal dat a
2. Par sed book or conf er ence dat a
3. DOI
4. Unst r uct ur ed ci t at i on ( not yet suppor t ed f or r esol ut i on)

When par sed j our nal , book or conf er ence dat a i s deposi t ed, Cr ossRef wi l l
per f or ma l ookup t o f i nd t he DOI .

Each ci t at i on must be gi ven a uni que I D i n t he key at t r i but e. I t i s
r ecommended t hat t hi s number be t he ci t at i on number i f t he r ef er ence l i st
i s number ed i n t he publ i shed ar t i cl e, or t he under l yi ng XML I D i f t he
r ef er ence l i st i s name/ dat e st yl e i n ar t i cl e.

When submi t t i ng a j our nal ci t at i on, i t shoul d i ncl ude an i ssn, j our nal _t i t l e
or bot h. j our nal _t i t l e onl y i s pr ef er r ed over i ssn onl y. I n addi t i on t he
f i r st aut hor and f i r st _page number shoul d be submi t t ed. The f i r st _page number
i s pr ef er r ed, but f or t hose ci t at i ons t hat ar e " i n pr ess" , t he aut hor shoul d
be submi t t ed. Al l el ement s ar e opt i onal , however f or best l i nki ng r esul t s, as
much i nf or mat i on as i s known shoul d be submi t t ed.

When submi t t i ng a book or conf er ence ci t at i on, i t shoul d i ncl ude an i sbn,
ser i es_t i t l e, vol ume_t i t l e, or any combi nat i on of t hese t hr ee el ement s as may
be avai l abl e. Al l el ement s ar e opt i onal , however f or best l i nki ng r esul t s, as
much i nf or mat i on as i s known shoul d be submi t t ed.

When a DOI i s al r eady known f or a ci t at i on, you may submi t j ust t he doi wi t hout
addi t i onal i nf or mat i on.

When par sed i nf or mat i on i s not avai l abl e f or a ci t at i on, or t he ci t at i on i s of
a t ype ot her t han j our nal , book, or conf er ence pr oceedi ng t hat i s suppor t ed by
Cr ossRef ( e. g. st andar d, pat ent , t hesi s, newspaper , per sonal communi cat i on, et c. ) ,
i t may be submi t t ed usi ng t he unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on el ement . Cr ossRef does not
yet r esol ve t hese ci t at i ons, but wi l l hol d t he dat a f or possi bl e r esol ut i on i n
t he f ut ur e. When submi t t i ng unst r uct ur ed ci t at i ons, i t i s hel pf ul , but not r equi r ed
t o i ncl ude al l avai l abl e f ace mar kup ( e. g. bol d, i t al i c, et c) as t hi s wi l l make
possi bl e f ut ur e par si ng of t he unst r uct ur ed ci t at i on mor e accur at e. I n such cases,
i t i s pr ef er r ed, but not r equi r ed, i f t he ci t at i on number ( when Vancouver st yl e i s
used) be r emoved f r omt he unpar sed ci t at i on. Thi s number can be submi t t ed usi ng t he
key at t r i but e

Onl y t he f i r st aut hor of a ci t at i on shoul d be submi t t ed, not t he ent i r e aut hor l i st .
Onl y t he sur name i s r equi r ed. I ni t i al s may be i ncl uded, but ar e not r ecommended
because t he best l i nki ng r esul t s can be pr ovi ded i f i ni t i al s ar e omi t t ed. Aut hor
t i t l es, r ol es and gener at i on i nf or mat i on shoul d not be i ncl uded. I f t he f i r st aut hor
i s an or gani zat i on, t he or gani zat i on name shoul d be submi t t ed i n t he aut hor el ement .

cYear has a l oose t ext model t hat can accommodat e non- st andar d year s such as year
r anges such as " 1998- 1999" . Not e t hat year s such as " 1998a" or " 1999b" shoul d be deposi t ed
wi t hout t he l et t er , e. g. " 1998" or " 1999" , whenever possi bl e.

Ci t at i ons t hat ar e " i n pr ess" shoul d be submi t t ed wi t h as much i nf or mat i on as i s avai l abl e.
Version 4.1.0 Page 187
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
- - >
<xsd: compl exType name=" ci t at i on_t " >
<xsd: al l >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssn" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" j our nal _t i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" aut hor " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" vol ume" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i ssue" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" f i r st _page" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cYear " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<! - - book/ conf . speci f i c el ement s - - >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" i sbn" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ser i es_t i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" vol ume_t i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" edi t i on_number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _number " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<! - - end of book/ conf . speci f i c el ement s- - >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" ar t i cl e_t i t l e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<! - - Ci t at i on t ext as i t appear s i n t he ar t i cl e , f ut ur e pl acehol der - - >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
</ xsd: al l >
</ xsd: compl exType>
<! - -
The ci t at i on el ement i s used t o deposi t each ci t at i on i n a ci t at i on l i st
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" ci t at i on" >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: compl exCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" ci t at i on_t " >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" ci t at i on_key. at t s" / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: compl exCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - =============================================================

At t r i but es used f or ci t at i on deposi t and XML quer i es

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
ci t at i on_key al l ows t he publ i sher t o assi gn a uni que I D t o each
ci t at i on t hat i s deposi t ed. I t i s r ecommended t hat t hi s at t r i but e
be gi ven t he r ef er ence number i f t he publ i cat i on uses r ef er ence number s.
For t hose publ i cat i ons t hat use name/ dat e st yl e ci t at i ons, i t i s
r ecommended t hat t hi s at t r i but e be used t o i ndi cat e t he sequent i al
number of t he ci t at i on i n t he r ef er ence l i st . However , some schema must be
ut i l i zed as t hi s i s a r equi r ed at t r i but e. The syst emwi l l use t hi s key
val ue t o t r ack t he speci f i c r ef er ence quer y and wi l l r et ur n t hi s val ue al ong
wi t h t he DOI .
- - >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup name=" ci t at i on_key. at t s" >
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" key" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" use=" r equi r ed" / >
</ xsd: at t r i but eGr oup>
<! - - =============================================================

Sub- el ement s use f or ci t at i on deposi t and XML quer i es

============================================================= - - >
<! - -
unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on al l ows t he publ i sher t o deposi t r ef er ences
f or whi ch no st r uct ur al i nf or mat i on i s avai l abl e. These may be
j our nal , book, or conf er ence r ef er ences f or whi ch t he suppl i er
di d not pr ovi de mar kup, or ot her t ypes of r ef er ences ( e. g. st andar ds,
pat ent s, et c) whi ch ar e not suppor t ed by Cr ossRef .

Thi s st r uct ur e per mi t s publ i sher s t o deposi t compl et e r ef er ence l i st s,
wi t hout r egar d t o t he avai l abi l i t y of mar kup, or t he need t o par se
r ef er ences by t hose t ypes Cr ossRef suppor t s.

Cr ossRef wi l l not r esol ve f or war d l i nks f or t hese r ef er ences
Version 4.1.0 Page 188
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
at t hi s t i me. However Cr ossRef wi l l hol d t he dat a f or possi bl e
r esol ut i on i n t he f ut ur e

I mpl ement at i on not e: Whenever possi bl e, unst r uct ur ed ci t at i ons shoul d
i ncl ude f ace mar kup ( e. g. i t al i c, bol d, et c. ) because i ncl usi on of
such mar kup wi l l ai d si gni f i cant l y i n t he r esol ut i on of such r ef er ences
at a f ut ur e dat e.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on" >
<xsd: compl exType mi xed=" t r ue" >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
<xsd: gr oup r ef =" f ace_mar kup" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - -
j our nal _t i t l e i s an el ement f or t he deposi t of j our nal name i n a
ci t at i on wi t hout r egar d f or whet her i t i s abbr evi at ed or spel l ed
out i n f ul l .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" j our nal _t i t l e" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" / >
<! - -
ser i es_t i t l e i s an el ement f or t he deposi t of a book or conf er ence
ser i es t i t l e wi t hout t he hi er ar chy r equi r ed by t he ser i es_met adat a
el ement when deposi t s ar e made, Not e t hat f ace mar kup i s not
per mi t t ed when t hi s el ement i s deposi t ed as par t of a f or war d
l i nki ng ci t at i on.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" ser i es_t i t l e" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" / >
<! - -
vol ume_t i t l e i s an el ement f or t he deposi t of a book or conf er ence
vol ume t i t l es wi t hout t he hi er ar chy r equi r ed by t he ser i es_met adat a
el ement when deposi t s ar e made. Not e t hat f ace mar kup i s not
per mi t t ed when t hi s el ement i s deposi t ed as par t of a f or war d
l i nki ng ci t at i on.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" vol ume_t i t l e" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" / >
<! - -
The aut hor el ement t ags one aut hor name i n a ci t at i on wi t hout t he
hi er ar chy r equi r ed by t he cont r i but or s or per son_name el ement s

Onl y t he f i r st aut hor shoul d be deposi t ed f or each i t em. The aut hor
sur name i s r equi r ed. Aut hor i ni t i al s may be added but ar e not
r ecommended because quer i es wor k best when onl y t he l ast name i s pr ovi ded.
For exampl e, t he aut hor " J ohn Doe" can be deposi t ed as <aut hor >Doe</ aut hor >
or <aut hor >Doe J </ aut hor >, but t he f or mer st yl e i s r ecommended.

I f t he aut hor of a wor k i s an or gani zat i on r at her t han a per son, t he
or gani zat i on may be deposi t ed as i n:
<aut hor >Wor l d Heal t h Or gani zat i on</ aut hor >
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" aut hor " t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" / >
<! - -
Year of publ i cat i on i n ci t at i on. Unl i ke t he year el ement , cYear has a
l oose t ext model t hat can accommodat e non- st andar d year s such as year
r anges such as " 1998- 1999" .

Not e t hat year s such as " 1998a" or " 1999b" shoul d be deposi t ed wi t hout
t he l et t er , e. g. " 1998" or " 1999" . The l et t er i s used f or i nt er nal sour ce
document l i nki ng i n name/ dat e ( Har var d) st yl e document s r at her t han
ext er nal cr oss r ef er ence l i nki ng t o t he or i gi nal i t em.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" cYear " t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" / >
<xsd: el ement name=" ar t i cl e_t i t l e" t ype=" xsd: st r i ng" / >
<! - - =============================================================

8. El ement s used t o deposi t component s

============================================================= - - >
<! - -

Version 4.1.0 Page 189
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Component s ar e consi der ed t o be sub- i t ems t hat ar e par t of t he const r uct i on of
an ar t i cl e, chapt er or conf er ence paper or pr ovi de suppor t i ng ( somet i mes cal l ed
suppl ement al ) i nf or mat i on. These i t ems by and of t hemsel ves ar e not ci t abl e
wor ks ( e. g. t hey woul d not appear i n t he bi bl i ogr aphy of any wor k) . As such
t hey wi l l not be di scover abl e vi a bi bl i ogr aphi c met adat a sear ches at Cr ossRef
as ar e ar t i cl es, chapt er s and conf er ence paper s.

Component s ar e t ypi cal l y t abl es, f i gur es, i mages, ani mat i ons, vi deo cl i ps, audi o
t r acks, dat a f i l es or ot her f or ms of di gi t al pr esent at i ons.

Ther e ar e t wo r easons f or deposi t i ng any DOI :

1) t o r egi st er t he DOI and assi gn a pr i mar y URL t o enabl e per si st ent l i nki ng
2) t o pr omot e t he di scover abi l i t y of t he obj ect vi a t he Cr ossRef MDDB

At t hi s t i me ( Sept 2004) t he deposi t of component s pr i mar i l y achi eves onl y t he
f i r st obj ect i ve as t he Cr ossRef syst emi s not set up yet t o suppor t quer i es
l ooki ng f or component s. The met adat a associ at ed wi t h a component i s i nt ended t o
enabl e si mpl e l ookup sear ches of component s i n t he f ut ur e.

When deposi t ed as par t of t he met adat a f or a hi gher l evel wor k t he par ent DOI i s
i mpl i ci t l y know vi a t he XML hi er ar chy. When deposi t ed separ at el y t he DOI of t he hi gher
l evel wor k must be pr ovi ded expl i ci t l y ( see el ement <sa_component >)

- - >
<! - - sa_component : The el ement f or deposi t i ng a st and al one component whi ch
i dent i f i es a par ent DOI t hat must al r eady exi st ( e. g. cr eat ed
i n an ear l i er deposi t or vi a some ot her r egi st r at i on pr ocess) .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" sa_component " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component _l i st " / >
</ xsd: sequence>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" par ent _doi " use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 2048" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 6" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - component _l i st : The wr apper el ement f or i ncl udi ng a gr oup of component s under
a j our nal ar t i cl e, conf er ence pr oceedi ng or book chapt er . Thi s
el ement al l ows f or t r eat ment of a gr oup of component s as
a col l ect i on i f f or some r eason such a need devel ops.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" component _l i st " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" component " mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - component : The el ement f or a component ' s met adat a. Al l descr i pt i ve el ement s ar e
opt i onal al l owi ng f or t he cr eat i on of si mpl e anonymous DOI s.
The ' par ent _r el at i on' at t r i but e i s mandat or y and r ef er es t o t he DOI
descr i bed i n t he <component > el ement ' s di r ect par ent .
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" component " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: sequence>
<xsd: el ement r ef =" t i t l es" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" cont r i but or s" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" publ i cat i on_dat e" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" descr i pt i on" mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" f or mat " mi nOccur s=" 0" / >
<xsd: el ement r ef =" doi _dat a" / >
</ xsd: sequence>
Version 4.1.0 Page 190
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" par ent _r el at i on" use=" r equi r ed" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: NMTOKEN" >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i sPar t Of " / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i sRef er encedBy" / >
<xsd: enumer at i on val ue=" i sRequi r edBy" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
<xsd: at t r i but e name=" component _si ze" >
<xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: nonNegat i veI nt eger " / >
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
</ xsd: at t r i but e>
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - descr i pt i on: A nar r at i ve descr i pt i on of t he i t emwhi ch may be i ndependent of
any host document cont ext . Descr i pt i on may be pr esent mor e t han
once t o pr ovi de al t er nat i ve l anguage val ues.
- - >
<xsd: el ement name=" descr i pt i on" >
<xsd: compl exType mi xed=" t r ue" >
<xsd: choi ce mi nOccur s=" 0" maxOccur s=" unbounded" >
<xsd: gr oup r ef =" f ace_mar kup" / >
</ xsd: choi ce>
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" l anguage. at t s" / >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
<! - - f or mat : A nar r at i ve descr i pt i on of t he f i l e f or mat possi bl y i ncl udi ng t he f i l e ext ensi on
( f or mi me t ypes r ef er t o ht t p: / / www. i ana. or g/ assi gnment s/ medi a- t ypes/
- - >
<xsd: si mpl eType name=" f or mat _t " >
<xsd: r est r i ct i on base=" xsd: st r i ng" >
<xsd: maxLengt h val ue=" 130" / >
<xsd: mi nLengt h val ue=" 0" / >
</ xsd: r est r i ct i on>
</ xsd: si mpl eType>
<xsd: el ement name=" f or mat " >
<xsd: compl exType>
<xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
<xsd: ext ensi on base=" f or mat _t " >
<xsd: at t r i but eGr oup r ef =" mi me_t ype. at t s" / >
</ xsd: ext ensi on>
</ xsd: si mpl eCont ent >
</ xsd: compl exType>
</ xsd: el ement >
</ xsd: schema>
Version 4.1.0 Page 191
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Journal Sample
The following sample is based on the sample instance given in the document
CrossRef_batch_spec.pdf. It has been updated to show how data should be submitted in the 4.1.0
schema, including examples of depositing a citation list (new in version 3.0.0) and components
(new in version 3.0.3)
Journal Sample Document Instance
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>123456</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>19990628123304</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>xyz</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>xyz@aut hor i zed_deposi t or . com</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >AI P</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<j our nal >
<j our nal _met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<f ul l _t i t l e>Appl i ed Physi cs Let t er s</ f ul l _t i t l e>
<abbr ev_t i t l e>Appl . Phys. Let t . </ abbr ev_t i t l e>
<i ssn medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >0003- 6951</ i ssn>
<coden>appl ab</ coden>
</ j our nal _met adat a>
<j our nal _i ssue>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<j our nal _vol ume>
<vol ume>74</ vol ume>
</ j our nal _vol ume>
<i ssue>16</ i ssue>
</ j our nal _i ssue>
<j our nal _ar t i cl e publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e/ >
</ t i t l es>
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Ann P. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Shi r akawa</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>2268</ f i r st _page>
</ pages>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i dent i f i er i d_t ype=" pi i " >S000369519903216</ i dent i f i er >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ S000369519903216</ doi >
<t i mest amp>19990628123304</ t i mest amp>
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74/ 2268/ ab</ r esour ce>
Version 4.1.0 Page 192
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ doi _dat a>
</ j our nal _ar t i cl e>
<j our nal _ar t i cl e publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e/ >
</ t i t l es>
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>M</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>van Ext er </ sur name>
<suf f i x>I I I </ suf f i x>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>2274</ f i r st _page>
</ pages>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i dent i f i er i d_t ype=" pi i " >S0003695199038164</ i dent i f i er >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ S0003695199034166</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / oj ps. ai p. or g: 18000/ l i nk/ ?apl / 74/ 2271/ ab</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
<ci t at i on_l i st >
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 9876/ S0003695199034166- 1" >
<i ssn>0027- 8424</ i ssn>
<j our nal _t i t l e>Pr oc. Nat l . Acad. Sci . U. S. A. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >West </ aut hor >
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</ ci t at i on>
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</ ci t at i on>
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</ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 9876/ S0003695199034166- 4" >
<j our nal _t i t l e>Dev. Dyn. </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Tuf an</ aut hor >
<cYear >2002</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 9876/ S0003695199034166- 5" >
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</ ci t at i on>
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<i ssn>0169- 6009</ i ssn>
<j our nal _t i t l e>Bone. Mi ner . </ j our nal _t i t l e>
<aut hor >Pr oyect o Mul t i c&#x00E9; nt r i co de I nvest i gaci &#x00F3; n de
Ost eopor osi s</ aut hor >
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</ ci t at i on>
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<vol ume_t i t l e>Neur ophar macol ogi cal Basi s of Rewar d</ vol ume_t i t l e>
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</ ci t at i on>
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Di sease</ vol ume_t i t l e>
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</ ci t at i on>
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<vol ume_t i t l e>Genet i c and Physi cal Mappi ng</ vol ume_t i t l e>
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<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
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</ ci t at i on>
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<vol ume_t i t l e>Mol ecul ar Cl oni ng: A Labor at or y
Manual </ vol ume_t i t l e>
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<cYear >1989</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
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Pr act i ce</ vol ume_t i t l e>
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</ ci t at i on>
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Ani mal Genet i cs</ vol ume_t i t l e>
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<f i r st _page>105</ f i r st _page>
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</ ci t at i on>
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Resear ch Conf er ence</ vol ume_t i t l e>
<aut hor >Beavi s</ aut hor >
<f i r st _page>250</ f i r st _page>
<cYear >1994</ cYear >
</ ci t at i on>
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<unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>L. Reynol ds, Thr ee di mensi onal r ef l ect i on
and t r ansmi ssi on equat i ons f or opt i cal di f f usi on i n bl ood, MS Thesi s. Seat t l e,
Washi ngt on: Uni ver si t y of Washi ngt on ( 1970) . </ unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>
</ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 9876/ S0003695199034166- 15" >
<unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>T. J . Dr esse, U. S. Pat ent 308, 389 [ <i >CA
82</ i >, 73022 ( 1975) ] . </ unst r uct ur ed_ci t at i on>
</ ci t at i on>
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</ j our nal _ar t i cl e>
</ j our nal >
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<j our nal >
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</ t i t l es>
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</ per son_name>
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<sur name>Sumi yama</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>T</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Hi har a</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
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</ per son_name>
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<year >1999</ year >
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f i gur e. . . </ descr i pt i on>
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" i mage/ j peg" >Web r esol ut i on i mage</ f or mat >
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vi deo. . . </ descr i pt i on>
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Book Samples
Two samples are provided. The first sample is based on this table of contents from a sectionalized
book. Please note that while this TOC is real, some of the sample data has been made up for
example purposes. The second sample shows how to deposit a book series.
Book Table of Contents
Oxford Textbook of Medicine (third edition)
Volume 1
Plates to Volume 1
Section 1 On being a patient C. Clothier ...........................................................................................1
Section 8 Chemical and physical injuries and environmental and occupational diseases ...... 1041
8.1 Poisoning (Section Editor J .A. Vale) .........................................................................................1041
8.1.1 Introduction and epidemiology T.J. Meredith, J.A. Vale, and A.T. Proudfoot ...........1043
8.1.2 Clinical and metabolic features and general principles of management A.T. Proudfoot,
J.A. Vale, and T.J. Meredith.......................................................................................................1049

Book Sample Document Instance: Sections and Chapters
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</ per son_name>
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</ per son_name>
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Version 4.1.0 Page 197
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<gi ven_name>D. A. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>War r el l </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Oxf or d Text book of Medi ci ne</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<vol ume>1</ vol ume>
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<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>5</ day>
<year >1999</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<i sbn>0- 19- 262706- 6</ i sbn>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>Oxf or d Uni ver si t y Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Oxf or d</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262706- 6</ doi >
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<t i t l e>Pr ef ace</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
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<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262706- 6. Pr ef ace</ doi >
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</ doi _dat a>
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<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>C</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Cl ot hi er </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>On bei ng a pat i ent </ t i t l e>
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</ doi _dat a>
</ cont ent _i t em>
<cont ent _i t emcomponent _t ype = " sect i on" l evel _sequence_number = " 1"
publ i cat i on_t ype = " f ul l _t ext " >
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Chemi cal and physi cal i nj ur i es and envi r onment al and
occupat i onal di seases</ t i t l e>
Version 4.1.0 Page 198
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</ t i t l es>
<component _number >Sect i on 8</ component _number >
<f i r st _page>1041</ f i r st _page>
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262706- 6. 8</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262706- 6/ 8</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
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publ i cat i on_t ype = " f ul l _t ext " >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e = " edi t or " >
<gi ven_name>J . A. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Val e</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Poi soni ng</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
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<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262706- 6/ 8</ r esour ce>
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</ per son_name>
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<gi ven_name>J . A. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Val e</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence = " addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>A. T. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Pr oudf oot </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>I nt r oduct i on and epi demi ol ogy</ t i t l e>
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</ doi _dat a>
</ cont ent _i t em>
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publ i cat i on_t ype = " f ul l _t ext " >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
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<sur name>Pr oudf oot </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence = " addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>J . A. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Val e</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence = " addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>T. J . </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Mer edi t h</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Cl i ni cal and met abol i c f eat ur es and gener al pr i nci pl es of
management </ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
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<doi >10. 9999/ 0- 19- 262706- 6. 8. 1. 2</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. oup. co. uk/ i sbn/ 0- 19- 262706- 6/ 8. 1. 2</ r esour ce>
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Book Sample Document Instance: Book Series
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</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<ser i es_met adat a>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>I nt er nat i onal Revi ew of Neur obi ol ogy</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
</ ser i es_met adat a>
Version 4.1.0 Page 200
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<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Human Br ai n Pr ot eome</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<vol ume>61</ vol ume>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " ><year >2004</ year ></ publ i cat i on_dat e>
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</ publ i sher >
</ book_met adat a>
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</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Ar r on</ gi ven_name><sur name>Xu</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Bi omar ker Di scover y usi ng Mol ecul ar Pr of i l i ng Appr oaches</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" onl i ne" >
<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>18</ day>
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<doi >10. 1016/ S0074- 7742( 04) 61001- 4</ doi >
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</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Wi l l i am</ gi ven_name><sur name>Ol d</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Kat her yn A</ gi ven_name><sur name>Resi ng</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Lawr ence</ gi ven_name><sur name>Hunt er </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Pr ot eomi c I nf or mat i cs</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" onl i ne" >
<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>18</ day>
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>127</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>157</ l ast _page>
Version 4.1.0 Page 201
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1016/ S0074- 7742( 04) 61006- 3</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / l i nki nghub. el sevi er . com/ r et r i eve/ pi i / S0074774204610063</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ cont ent _i t em>
<cont ent _i t emcomponent _t ype=" chapt er " l evel _sequence_number =" 1"
publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " l anguage=" en" >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>D Al l an</ gi ven_name><sur name>But t er f i el d</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Debr a</ gi ven_name><sur name>Boyd- Ki mbal l </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Pr ot eomi cs Anal ysi s i n Al zhei mer ' s Di sease</ t i t l e>
<subt i t l e>New I nsi ght s i nt o Mechani sms of Neur odegener at i on</ subt i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" onl i ne" >
<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>18</ day>
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>159</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>188</ l ast _page>
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1016/ S0074- 7742( 04) 61007- 5</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / l i nki nghub. el sevi er . com/ r et r i eve/ pi i / S0074774204610075</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ cont ent _i t em>
<cont ent _i t emcomponent _t ype=" chapt er " l evel _sequence_number =" 1"
publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " l anguage=" en" >
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Ser i es Edi t or </ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" onl i ne" >
<mont h>10</ mont h>
<day>18</ day>
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype=" pr i nt " >
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>i i </ f i r st _page>
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1016/ S0074- 7742( 04) 61012- 9</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / l i nki nghub. el sevi er . com/ r et r i eve/ pi i / S0074774204610129</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ cont ent _i t em>
</ book>
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>

Version 4.1.0 Page 202
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Conference Sample
Our thanks to Bernard Rous at the ACM for providing this sample data based on an early draft of
this schema.
Conference Sample Document Instance
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>1234</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20010910040315</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>ACM</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>r ous@hq. acm. or g</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >Associ at i on of Comput i ng Machi ner y</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<conf er ence>
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" chai r " >
<gi ven_name>Pet er </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Lee</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" chai r " >
<gi ven_name>Fr i t z</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Hengl ei n</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" chai r " >
<gi ven_name>Nei l D. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>J ones</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<event _met adat a>
<conf er ence_name>24t h ACM SI GPLAN- SI GACT symposi um</ conf er ence_name>
<conf er ence_t heme>Al gor i t hms &amp; Comput at i on Theor y</ conf er ence_t heme>
<conf er ence_acr onym>POPL ' 97</ conf er ence_acr onym>
<conf er ence_sponsor >L' &#x00C9; col e des Mi nes de Par i s</ conf er ence_sponsor >
<conf er ence_number >24</ conf er ence_number >
<conf er ence_l ocat i on>Par i s, Fr ance</ conf er ence_l ocat i on>
<conf er ence_dat e st ar t _mont h=" 01" st ar t _year =" 1997" st ar t _day=" 15"
end_year =" 1997" end_mont h=" 01" end_day=" 17" / >
</ event _met adat a>
<pr oceedi ngs_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>Pr oceedi ngs of t he 24t h ACM SI GPLAN- SI GACT symposi umon
Pr i nci pl es of pr ogr ammi ng l anguages - POPL ' 97</ pr oceedi ngs_t i t l e>
<pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >Pr i nci pl es of pr ogr ammi ng
l anguages</ pr oceedi ngs_subj ect >
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>ACM Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>New Yor k</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<publ i cat i on_dat e>
<year >1997</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<i sbn>0- 89791- 853- 3</ i sbn>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1145/ 263699</ doi >
<t i mest amp>20010910040315</ t i mest amp>
Version 4.1.0 Page 203
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / por t al . acm. or g/ ci t at i on. cf m?doi d=263699</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ pr oceedi ngs_met adat a>
<conf er ence_paper publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Mar c</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Shapi r o</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Susan</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Hor wi t z</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Fast and accur at e f l ow- i nsensi t i ve poi nt s- t o anal ysi s</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e>
<year >1997</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>1</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>14</ l ast _page>
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1145/ 263699. 263703</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / por t al . acm. or g/ ci t at i on. cf m?doi d=263699. 263703</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ conf er ence_paper >
<conf er ence_paper publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Er i k</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Ruf </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Par t i t i oni ng dat af l ow anal yses usi ng t ypes</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e>
<year >1997</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>15</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>26</ l ast _page>
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1145/ 263699. 263705</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / por t al . acm. or g/ ci t at i on. cf m?doi d=263699. 263705</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ conf er ence_paper >
<conf er ence_paper publ i cat i on_t ype=" f ul l _t ext " >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence=" f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Pascal </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Fr adet </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence=" addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Dani el </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Le M&amp; &#x00E9; t ayer </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
Version 4.1.0 Page 204
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Shape t ypes</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e>
<year >1997</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<f i r st _page>27</ f i r st _page>
<l ast _page>39</ l ast _page>
</ pages>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1145/ 263699. 263706</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / por t al . acm. or g/ ci t at i on. cf m?doi d=263699. 263706</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ conf er ence_paper >
</ conf er ence>
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Version 4.1.0 Page 205
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Stand Alone Component Sample
The following example shows how to deposit the DOI for a journal issue cover image after the
journal issue DOI has previously been registered.
Stand Alone Component Instance
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>123456</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>19990628123304</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>xyz</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>xyz@aut hor i zed_deposi t or . com</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >Mol ecul ar Cel l </ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<sa_component par ent _doi =" 10. 9876/ mol cel l / 10/ 4" >
<component _l i st >
<component par ent _r el at i on=" i sPar t Of " >
<descr i pt i on>Cover I mage, Mol ecul ar Cel l , Vol ume 10, I ssue 4, J anuar y
2004</ descr i pt i on>
<f or mat mi me_t ype=" i mage/ t i f f " / >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9876/ mol cel l / 10/ 4/ cover </ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / mol cel l . or g/ 10/ 4/ cover </ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ component >
</ component _l i st >
</ sa_component >
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Version 4.1.0 Page 206
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Dissertation Sample
The following example illustrates typical metadata for a dissertation deposit.
Dissertation Instance
<?xml ver si on = " 1. 0" encodi ng = " UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>123456</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20050606110604</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>UMI Pr oQuest </ name>
<emai l _addr ess>cr ossr ef @umi . com</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >Pr oQuest </ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<di sser t at i on>
<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Sophi e Chr i st i ne</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Cur r i er </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Genet i cs of Wal ker - War bur g syndr ome</ t i t l e>
<subt i t l e>A di sor der of br ai n, muscl e and eye devel opment </ subt i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<appr oval _dat e>
<mont h>06</ mont h>
<day>07</ day>
<year >2004</ year >
</ appr oval _dat e>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Har var d Uni ver si t y</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Cambr i dge, MA</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
<i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment >Depar t ment of
Neur obi ol ogy</ i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment >
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<degr ee>PhD</ degr ee>
<i sbn>0- 496- 09376- 2</ i sbn>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number >AAT 3149532</ i t em_number >
<i dent i f i er i d_t ype=" dai " >DAI - B 65/ 10</ i dent i f i er >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ 3149532</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / wwwl i b. umi . com/ di sser t at i ons/ f ul l ci t / 3149532</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ di sser t at i on>
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Version 4.1.0 Page 207
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Technical Report Sample
The following example illustrates typical metadata for a technical report deposit. Note that while
this sample does not illustrate a technical report with chapters, the content_item element can
be used to deposit metadata for individual chapters of a technical report that has more than one
Technical Report Instance
<?xml ver si on = " 1. 0" encodi ng = " UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>123456</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20050606110604</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>Depar t ment of Ener gy</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>cr ossr ef @doe. gov</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >OSTI </ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<r epor t - paper >
<r epor t - paper _met adat a l anguage = " en" >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>D. S. </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>McShane</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Ti t l e Sl udge Handl i ng Syst emConcept ual Desi gn
Document </ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<edi t i on_number >0</ edi t i on_number >
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype = " onl i ne" >
<mont h>03</ mont h>
<day>03</ day>
<year >2001</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>Of f i ce of Sci ent i f i c and Techni cal
I nf or mat i on</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Washi ngt on, DC</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Uni t ed St at es Depar t ment of
Ener gy</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>USDOE( EM) </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Washi ngt on, DC</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
<i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment >Of f i ce of Envi r onment al
Management </ i nst i t ut i on_depar t ment >
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Fl uor Dani el Nor t hwest </ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>FDNW</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Al i so Vi ej o, CA</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" OSTI " >806888</ i t em_number >
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" Repor t Number " >HNF- 7639</ i t em_number >
Version 4.1.0 Page 208
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" TRN" >US200304%%441</ i t em_number >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<cont r act _number >AC06- 96RL13200</ cont r act _number >
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ ost i - 806888</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / 198. 232. 211. 23/ pdwdocs/ f sd0001/ ost i / 2001/ I 0004856. pdf </ r esour c
</ doi _dat a>
</ r epor t - paper _met adat a>
</ r epor t - paper >
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Version 4.1.0 Page 209
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Working Paper Sample
The following example illustrates typical metadata for a working paper deposit.
Working Paper Instance
<?xml ver si on = " 1. 0" encodi ng = " UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>123456</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20050606110604</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>Soci al Sci ence Resear ch Net wor k</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>cr ossr ef @ssr n. com</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >SSRN</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<r epor t - paper >
<r epor t - paper _met adat a l anguage = " en" >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Luzi </ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Hai l </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
<per son_name sequence = " addi t i onal " cont r i but or _r ol e = " aut hor " >
<gi ven_name>Chr i st i an</ gi ven_name>
<sur name>Leuz</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>Cost of Capi t al and Cash Fl ow Ef f ect s of U. S. Cr oss-
Li st i ngs</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype = " onl i ne" >
<mont h>07</ mont h>
<year >2004</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>Soci al Sci ence El ect r oni c Publ i shi ng,
I nc</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Rochest er , NY</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Eur opean Cor por at e Gover nance
I nst i t ut e</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>ECGI </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Br ussel s, Bel gi um</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number >46/ 2004</ i t em_number >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ ssr n- 549922</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / ssr n. com/ abst r act =549922</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ r epor t - paper _met adat a>
</ r epor t - paper >
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Version 4.1.0 Page 210
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Standard Sample
The following example illustrates typical metadata for a standard deposit. Please note the
handling of publishers and institutions
Standard Instance
<?xml ver si on = " 1. 0" encodi ng = " UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>123456</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20050606110604</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>Nat i onal I nf or mat i on St andar ds Or gani zat i on</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>cr ossr ef @ni so. or g</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >NI SO</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<st andar d>
<st andar d_met adat a l anguage = " en" >
<cont r i but or s>
<or gani zat i on sequence = " f i r st " cont r i but or _r ol e =
" aut hor " >El ect r oni c Publ i shi ng Speci al I nt er est Gr oup</ or gani zat i on>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es>
<t i t l e>El ect r oni c Manuscr i pt Pr epar at i on and Mar kup</ t i t l e>
</ t i t l es>
<publ i cat i on_dat e medi a_t ype = " pr i nt " >
<year >1995</ year >
</ publ i cat i on_dat e>
<appr oval _dat e>
<mont h>04</ mont h>
<day>17</ day>
<year >1995</ year >
</ appr oval _dat e>
<appr oval _dat e>
<mont h>08</ mont h>
<day>30</ day>
<year >2002</ year >
</ appr oval _dat e>
<i sbn>1- 880124- 20- 3</ i sbn>
<i ssn>1041- 5653</ i ssn>
<publ i sher >
<publ i sher _name>NI SO Pr ess</ publ i sher _name>
<publ i sher _pl ace>Bet hesda, MD</ publ i sher _pl ace>
</ publ i sher >
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Gr aphi c Communi cat i ons Associ at i on Resear ch
I nst i t ut e</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>GCARI </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Al exandr i a, VA</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Nat i onal I nf or mat i on St andar ds
Or gani zat i on</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>NI SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Bet hesda, MD</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
Version 4.1.0 Page 211
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
<i nst i t ut i on_name>Amer i can Nat i onal St andar ds
I nst i t ut e</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>ANSI </ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Washi ngt on, DC</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>I nt er nat i onal St andar ds
Or gani zat i on</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>I SO</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Geneva, Swi t zer l and</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number i t em_number _t ype=" desi gnat i on" >12083</ i t em_number >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 9999/ ANSI / NI SO/ I SO- 12083- 2002R</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. ni so. or g/ st andar ds/ st andar d_det ai l . cf m?st d_i d=635</ r esour c
</ doi _dat a>
</ st andar d_met adat a>
</ st andar d>
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Version 4.1.0 Page 212
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
Database Sample
The following samples illustrate metadata for database record deposits.
Database Instance 1
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>2006- 03- 24- 21- 57- 31- 10023</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20060324215731</ t i mest amp>
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<name>xyz</ name>
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<r egi st r ant >Nucl ear Recept or Si gnal i ng At l as</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<dat abase>
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<t i t l es><t i t l e>NURSA Dat aset s</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
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<i nst i t ut i on_name>Nucl ear Recept or Si gnal i ng At l as</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>NURSA</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1621/ NURSA_dat aset _home</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. nur sa. or g/ t empl at e. cf m?t hr eadI d=10222</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ dat abase_met adat a>
<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" col l ect i on" >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " sequence=" f i r st " >
<gi ven_name>D</ gi ven_name><sur name>Mangel sdor f </ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Ti ssue- speci f i c expr essi on pat t er ns of nucl ear
r ecept or s</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1621/ dat aset s. 02001</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. nur sa. or g/ t empl at e. cf m?t hr eadI d=10222&amp; dat aType=Q-
PCR&amp; dat aset =Ti ssue-
speci f i c%20expr essi on%20pat t er ns%20of %20nucl ear %20r ecept or s</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
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<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" col l ect i on" >
<cont r i but or s>
<per son_name cont r i but or _r ol e=" aut hor " sequence=" f i r st " >
<gi ven_name>R</ gi ven_name><sur name>Evans</ sur name>
</ per son_name>
</ cont r i but or s>
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Ci r cadi an expr essi on pat t er ns of nucl ear
r ecept or s</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1621/ dat aset s. 02002</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. nur sa. or g/ t empl at e. cf m?t hr eadI d=10222&amp; dat aType=Q-
PCR&amp; dat aset =Ci r cadi an%20expr essi on%20pat t er ns%20of %20nucl ear %20r ecept or s</ r esou
r ce>
Version 4.1.0 Page 213
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ doi _dat a>
</ dat aset >

</ dat abase>
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>
Database Instance 2
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<doi _bat ch ver si on=" 4. 1. 0" xml ns=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0"
xml ns: xsi =" ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema- i nst ance"
xsi : schemaLocat i on=" ht t p: / / www. cr ossr ef . or g/ schema/ 4. 1. 0 cr ossr ef 4. 1. 0. xsd" >
<doi _bat ch_i d>2006- 05- 04- 03- 02- 01- 167265</ doi _bat ch_i d>
<t i mest amp>20060504030201</ t i mest amp>
<deposi t or >
<name>xyz</ name>
<emai l _addr ess>xyz@aut hor i zed_deposi t or . com</ emai l _addr ess>
</ deposi t or >
<r egi st r ant >The Mar i ne Bi ol ogi cal Labor at or y</ r egi st r ant >
</ head>
<dat abase>
<dat abase_met adat a l anguage=" en" >
<t i t l es><t i t l e>uBi o pr oj ect </ t i t l e></ t i t l es>
<descr i pt i on>uBi o uses names and t axonomi c i nt el l i gence t o manage
i nf or mat i on about or gani sms. </ descr i pt i on>
<i nst i t ut i on>
<i nst i t ut i on_name>The Mar i ne Bi ol ogi cal Labor at or y</ i nst i t ut i on_name>
<i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>MBL</ i nst i t ut i on_acr onym>
<i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>Woods Hol e, Massachuset t s</ i nst i t ut i on_pl ace>
</ i nst i t ut i on>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1575/ uBi o- home</ doi >
<r esour ce>ht t p: / / www. ubi o. or g/ i ndex. php?pagename=home</ r esour ce>
</ doi _dat a>
</ dat abase_met adat a>
<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" r ecor d" >
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Asi an el ephant </ t i t l e></ t i t l es>

<dat abase_dat e><cr eat i on_dat e><mont h>8</ mont h><day>26</ day><year >2003</ year ></ c
r eat i on_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>

<dat abase_dat e><updat e_dat e><mont h>9</ mont h><day>15</ day><year >2005</ year ></ upd
at e_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number >762096</ i t em_number >
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1575/ 762096</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / names. ubi o. or g/ br owser / det ai l s. php?namebankI D=762096</ r esour ce
</ doi _dat a>
</ dat aset >
<dat aset dat aset _t ype=" r ecor d" >
<t i t l es><t i t l e>Homo f l or esi ensi s</ t i t l e></ t i t l es>

<dat abase_dat e><cr eat i on_dat e><mont h>11</ mont h><day>8</ day><year >2005</ year ></ c
r eat i on_dat e></ dat abase_dat e>
<publ i sher _i t em>
<i t em_number >5328598</ i t em_number >
Version 4.1.0 Page 214
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
</ publ i sher _i t em>
<doi _dat a>
<doi >10. 1575/ 5328598</ doi >

<r esour ce>ht t p: / / names. ubi o. or g/ br owser / det ai l s. php?namebankI D=5328598</ r esour c
</ doi _dat a>
<ci t at i on_l i st >
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 1575/ 5328598-
1" ><j our nal _t i t l e>Nat ur e</ j our nal _t i t l e><aut hor >Br own
P</ aut hor ><vol ume>431</ vol ume><i ssue>7012</ i ssue><f i r st _page>1055</ f i r st _page><cYea
r >2004</ cYear ><ar t i cl e_t i t l e>A new smal l - bodi ed homi ni n f r omt he Lat e Pl ei st ocene
of Fl or es, I ndonesi a. </ ar t i cl e_t i t l e></ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 1575/ 5328598-
2" ><j our nal _t i t l e>Nat ur e</ j our nal _t i t l e><aut hor >Mor wood
MJ </ aut hor ><vol ume>431</ vol ume><i ssue>7012</ i ssue><f i r st _page>1087</ f i r st _page><cYe
ar >2004</ cYear ><ar t i cl e_t i t l e>Ar chaeol ogy and age of a new homi ni n f r omFl or es i n
east er n I ndonesi a. </ ar t i cl e_t i t l e></ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 1575/ 5328598-
3" ><j our nal _t i t l e>Nat ur e</ j our nal _t i t l e><aut hor >Mor wood
MJ </ aut hor ><vol ume>437</ vol ume><i ssue>7061</ i ssue><f i r st _page>1012</ f i r st _page><cYe
ar >2005</ cYear ><ar t i cl e_t i t l e>Fur t her evi dence f or smal l - bodi ed homi ni ns f r omt he
Lat e Pl ei st ocene of Fl or es, I ndonesi a. </ ar t i cl e_t i t l e></ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 1575/ 5328598- 4" ><j our nal _t i t l e>I nt J Qual
Heal t h Car e</ j our nal _t i t l e><aut hor >Br ai t hwai t e
J </ aut hor ><vol ume>17</ vol ume><i ssue>6</ i ssue><f i r st _page>541</ f i r st _page><cYear >200
5</ cYear ><ar t i cl e_t i t l e>Hunt er - gat her er human nat ur e and heal t h syst emsaf et y: an
evol ut i onar y cl ef t st i ck?</ ar t i cl e_t i t l e></ ci t at i on>
<ci t at i on key=" key- 10. 1575/ 5328598-
5" ><j our nal _t i t l e>Sci ence</ j our nal _t i t l e><aut hor >Fal k
D</ aut hor ><vol ume>308</ vol ume><i ssue>5719</ i ssue><f i r st _page>242</ f i r st _page><cYear
>2005</ cYear ><ar t i cl e_t i t l e>The br ai n of LB1, Homo
f l or esi ensi s. </ ar t i cl e_t i t l e></ ci t at i on>
</ ci t at i on_l i st >
</ dat aset >
</ dat abase>
</ body>
</ doi _bat ch>

Version 4.1.0 Page 215
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
ISO 639 Language Codes
ab Abkhazian
aa Afar
af Afrikaans
sq Albanian
am Amharic
ar Arabic
hy Armenian
as Assamese
ay Aymara
az Azerbaijani
ba Bashkir
eu Basque
bn Bengali
dz Bhutani
bh Bihari
bi Bislama
br Breton
bg Bulgarian
my Burmese
be Byelorussian
km Cambodian
ca Catalan
zh Chinese
co Corsican
hr Croatian
cs Czech
da Danish
nl Dutch
en English
eo Esperanto
et Estonian
fo Faroese
fa Farsi
fj Fiji
fi Finnish
fr French
fy Frisian
gl Galician
ka Georgian
de German
el Greek
kl Greenlandic
gn Guarani
gu Gujarati
ha Hausa
iw Hebrew
hi Hindi
hu Hungarian
is Icelandic
in Indonesian
ia Interlingua
ie Interlingue
ik Inupiak
ga Irish
it Italian
ja J apanese
jw J avanese
kn Kannada
ks Kashmiri
kk Kazakh
rw Kinyarwanda
ky Kirghiz
rn Kirundi
ko Korean
ku Kurdish
lo Laothian
la Latin
lv Latvian
ln Lingala
lt Lithuanian
mk Macedonian
mg Malagasy
ms Malay
ml Malayalam
mt Maltese
mi Maori
mr Marathi
mo Moldavian
mn Mongolian
na Nauru
ne Nepali
no Norwegian
oc Occitan
or Oriya
om Oromo
ps Pashto
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
pa Punjabi
qu Quechua
rm Rhaeto-Romance
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sm Samoan
sg Sangho
sa Sanskrit
gd Scots Gaelic
sr Serbian
sh Serbo-Croatian
st Sesotho
tn Setswana
sn Shona
sd Sindhi
si Singhalese
ss Siswati
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
so Somali
es Spanish
su Sundanese
sw Swahili
sv Swedish
tl Tagalog
tg Tajik
ta Tamil
tt Tatar
te Telugu
th Thai
bo Tibetan
ti Tigrinya
to Tonga
ts Tsonga
tr Turkish
tk Turkmen
tw Twi
uk Ukranian
ur Urdu
uz Uzbek
vi Vietnamese
vo Volapuk
cy Welsh
wo Wolof
xh Xhosa
ji Yiddish
yo Yoruba
zu Zulu

Version 4.1.0 Page 216
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
CrossRef DTD 0.3 to 2.0 Mapping
The following table is provided as an aid to those publishers who are upgrading their systems
from submission of data under the CrossRef DTD 0.3 to the CrossRef Schema 2.0. It provides a
mapping of old element names to new element names.

0.3 element 2.0 element Notes
abbrev_title abbrev_title
Required in 3.0.0 and later
Article journal_article
Note that enumeration elements have been
split between journal_article,
journal_issue, and journal_volume
article_number item_number
Name changed to better use this element in
books and conference proceedings
author person_name
2.0 includes elements for suffix and
organization. Note that 3.0 introduces an
author element, but it has a different meaning
than in 0.3.
body body
Body now has journal, book, or
conference elements instead of
coden coden
No change
date publication_date
Name changed to distinguish a publication
date from a conference date
day day
No change
depositor depositor
No change
doi doi
No change
doi_batch doi_batch
No change to top level element
doi_batch_id doi_batch_id
No change
doi_data doi_data
No change
(removed) Removed in 2.0 from body
email_address email_address
No change
(no direct mapping) enumeration elements have been split
between journal_article,
journal_issue, and journal_volume
first_page first_page
No change
full_title full_title
Required in 2.0
given_name given_name
No change
head head
No change
identifier identifier
No change
issn issn
No change
issue issue
No change to element. See new
requirements for coding issue numbers
that are seasons
journal journal_metadata
Note addition of doi_data in renamed
(no direct mapping)
last_page last_page
No change; Note addition of
other_pages to allow non-contiguous
page ranges
Month month
No change
Name name
No change
Version 4.1.0 Page 217
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
0.3 element 2.0 element Notes
Registrant registrant
No change
special_numbering special_numbering
No change
Surname surname
The surname element is unchanged,
however suffix and organization
name information must be tagged with
new elements.
Timestamp timestamp
No change to the element, however it is
located within doi_data rather than
Title title
No change to basic element, however note
the addition of
original_language_title and
subtitle with titles as a container
url resource
URLs are now refereed to as resources
because they have the type anyURI.
Volume volume
No change
Year year
No change

Version 4.1.0 Page 218
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
ONIX 2.0 Mapping
The following table provides an approximate mapping of ONIX 2.0 elements to CrossRef
elements and attributes. This table is provided as an aid to systems development for those
organizations that submit metadata according to both the CrossRef and ONIX specifications.

CrossRef Type ONIX Element
element Product
element ComponentNumber
element ConferenceDate
element ConferencePlace
element ConferenceName
element ConferenceNumber
element ContentItem
attribute ContributorRole
element DOI
element MessageNumber
element EditionNumber
element FromEmail
element FirstPageNumber
element PrefixToKey
element RecordReference
element ISBN
element PublisherProductNo
element LastPageNumber
element FromCompany
element CorporateName
element TranslationOfTitle
element StructuredNameModel
element ConferenceDescription
element PublicationDate
element Publisher
element PublisherName
element CityOfPublication
element RecordSourceName
attribute SequenceNumber
element Subtitle
element SuffixToKey
element KeyNames
element SendDate
element TitleText, TitleOfSeries
element NumberWithinSeries

Version 4.1.0 Page 219
CrossRef XML Metadata Deposit Schema
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the CrossRef member publishers who have
aided in the development of this schema: Bernard Rous and Gerry Murray at ACM, Richard
O'Beirne at Blackwell Science, Tony Hammond at Elsevier Science, Jeff Pache at IEE, Stephen
Cohen, Ann Bergmeyer, and Ira Polans at IEEE, Greg Nowak and Greg Fagan at Mcgraw-Hill,
Howard Ratner, Joe Landolfi, Heather Rankin, and Gina Fullerlove at Nature Publishing Group,
Chris Baker at Oxford University Press, Catherine Lyons at Springer, Evan Owens at the
University of Chicago, John Walker and Kimi Sugeno at Wiley. Special thanks to Bernard Rous
for providing significant additional information and sample data, Heather Rankin for her review
work, and Tony Hammond for his contributions on multiple resolution. Amy Brand, Mark
Kosinski, and Ed Pentz at CrossRef provided background guidance and support at all stages of
this project.
Version 4.1.0 Page 220

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