Marie Morrison Religions in The Contemporary World 29/12/2006 11:13:00

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Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world

29/12/2006 11:13:00
← Contents

← Basic Islamic Beliefs and Practices

← Festivals and rites of passage- Power point presentation

← Comparing Religions

← Contemporary issue and how Muslims deal with it

← How Islam is represented on the Internet

← Bibliography
Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world
29/12/2006 11:13:00
← Basic Beliefs and practices- insert word table

Beliefs Practices

← ←
← 5 Pillars of Islam

← 5 articles of faith

Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world
29/12/2006 11:13:00
Festivals and rites of passage- insert PowerPoint slides

There are many Islamic festivals, Here are a few examples:

Ramadan- Ramadan is when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. During the
9th month. They eat only at….. And their fast is broken each day with a
special ceremony. When Ramadan is finally over a big celebration takes
place where there is music and lots of food.

Rites of Passage- Here are a few examples of Muslim Rites of passage

Birth – Birth as in every religion is a joyous time; Muslims celebrate birth by

doing the following rituals-

Marriage- In a Muslim Marriage

Death- when a Muslim dies there are certain rituals that take place

Pilgrimage- A Muslim is expected to partake in at least one pilgrimage in

their lifetime. Pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam
and is better known as Hajj, Hajj is when a Muslim travels to Mecca to take
part in certain tasks. These tasks must be completed; they include the
circling of the mount….add more details
Once a Muslim has completed Hajj they will of fulfilled their duty to Allah.
Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world
29/12/2006 11:13:00
Statistics graph/chart showing percentage of Adherents chosen religion in
relation to other religious traditions

Look on

Research what Muslims think about homosexuality- Overview of how the

tradition interacts with it.

Go on internet- How is Islam’s religious tradition represented?

Where is the best place to find out about it?

What criteria did I use??

• Use of good language- easy to understand
• Most information in simple form
• Pictures
• Most modern and updated site

Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world
29/12/2006 11:13:00
← Contemporary issue- Pick issue and give an overview of how the
tradition interacts with it.

← Homosexuality
Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world
29/12/2006 11:13:00
← The Internet. An analysis of the information available online about

← -How is Islam’s religious tradition represented on the Internet?
← -Where is the best place to find out about it?
-What criteria did you use?

• Use of good language- easy to understand
• Most information in simple form
• Pictures
• Most modern and updated site

Marie Morrison Religions in the contemporary world
29/12/2006 11:13:00

← 1- Specialist books- at least 4. Include quotes and references

← 2- Chapters from books that deal with world religions

← 3- Internet Articles (ATLA Religion)- reference 5-4

← 4- Websites- make sure there approved by sue

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