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Masculine Nouns

Adding an '-e'
Most of the German masculine nouns form their
plurals by simply adding an '-e' at their end.
Masculine plurals: -e
der Beruf die Berufe professions
der Schuh die Schuhe shoes
der Stift die Stifte pencils
der Hund die Hunde dogs

Adding an umlaut and '-e'
Sometimes when the stem of a masculine noun
contains an 'a', 'o', or 'u', an umlaut is added to
it, in addition to the '-e' at the end.
Masculine plurals: -e
der Zahn die Zhne teeth
der Kopf die Kpfe heads
der Zug die Zge trains

Nouns ending in '-er', '-el', or '-en'
Nouns ending in '-er', '-el', or '-en' are either left
unchanged, or have an umlaut added to their
Masculine plurals: -er, -el, -en endings
der Dichter die Dichter poets
der Mantel die Mntel coats
der Laden die Lden shops/stores

Feminine Nouns

Adding a '-n' or an '-en'
Most of the German feminine nouns form their
plural by simply adding '-n' or '-en' at their end.
Feminine plurals: -n or -en
die Blume die Blumen flowers
die Stirn die Stirnen foreheads
die Nase die Nasen noses
die Wohnung die Wohnungen apartments

Adding an umlaut and '-e'
Sometimes when the stem of a feminine noun
contains an 'a', 'o', or 'u', an umlaut is added to
it, in addition to an '-e' at the end.
Feminine plurals: -e
die Wand die Wnde walls
die Kuh die Khe cows
die Hand die Hnde hands

Neuter Nouns

Adding an '-e'
Most of the German neuter nouns form their
plural by simply adding an '-e' at their end.
Neuter plurals: -e
das Regal die Regale shelves
das Haar die Haare hair
das Schaf die Schafe sheep

Adding an umlaut and '-er'
Sometimes when the stem of a neuter noun
contains an 'a', 'o', or 'u', an umlaut is added to
it, in addition to an '-er' at the end.
Neuter plurals: -er
das Buch die Bcher books
das Huhn die Hhner chicken
das Loch die Lcher holes

Nouns ending in '-chen'
Neuter nouns ending in '-chen' are kept
unchanged in their plural forms.
Neuter plurals: -chen ending
das Mdchen die Mdchen girls
das Zeichen die Zeichen characters

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