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Range Strength AP Type

Wargear 8” 3 - Assault
Weapons and equipment found in the codex have
rules here. While not all weapon stats will be listed
One use only
due to them being in the parent and required Codex: Unwieldy
Imperial Guard. Anything unique to the Insurgents will Slow Burn**
be found here with full details and rules. *When throwing a Fire Bomb roll to hit as normal. On
the roll of a 1 the Fire Bomb has gone off in the squad
Weapons attempting to throw it, resolve all damage against that
squad. If a proper hit is rolled then it has gone off
against the intended target and all damage will be
Acid Sling: A small chemical weapon often used resolved against that unit. When a **Fire Bomb s
to breakdown waste and materials in various cause damage in a unique way. Once a unit is hit
factories across the Imperium. Not a weapon every model in that unit takes a hit automatically.
directly but when sprayed it can eat through Once all damage is resolved place a marker on that
even the thickest armour in seconds. unit. On the start of each players turn before
Range Strength AP Type movement roll a D6 for all markers. On the roll of a 1
the fire continues to burn and the entire unit is hit
again and another marker is placed on the unit. On
12” 2 2 Assault 2 the roll of a 2-6 the fire has burned away and is no
longer in effect.
Autocannon: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
Flamer: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
Autogun: The Lasgun is the most used and
widely created gun in the Imperium, however, Grenade Launcher: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
not all worlds have access to them. On these
worlds the standard slug shooting rifle is still Heavy Close Combat Weapon: Not fancy or
used. *Use stats for the Lasgun, see Codex: elegant these weapons are still dangerous.
Imperial Guard* Wielded often without skill or concern weapons
like sledges, industrial cutters and steel pipes are
Autopistol: Much like the Autogun, the Autopistol capable of killing off the toughest of enemies.
is a solid slug handgun favoured on worlds where These weapons give the bearer +2 strength in
Las technology is not available or to costly.*Use Close Combat, but may never be combined with
stats for the Lasgun, see Codex: Imperial Guard* another weapon to gain +1 attack.

Demolition Charge: See Codex: Imperial Guard. Heavy Flamer: See Codex: Imperial Guard.

Explosive Charge: Crude and often poorly built is Heavy Stubber: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
not a downside to explosives. In fact the amount
of readily made explosives in the Imperium is Improvised Explosive Mine: A simple but powerful
infinite. It is no wonder such devices find there explosive often hidden in brush and debris to
ways into the hands of any who seek them. slow down and kill advancing forces. Due to the
Range Strength AP Type simplicity of the design however there is no
trigger system and they will go off whenever
Self 6 3 Blast anyone, friend or foe, gets to close.
One use only Range Strength AP Type
*When using an Explosive charge place the center of NA 5 1 Stationary
the small blast marker directly over the model Melta
equipped. Any model touched by the marker is
automatically hit at full strength, roll to wound as
normal. On a vehicle it causes an automatic glancing Lascannon: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
hit. Remove the model equipped with the charge after
all damage has been worked out. Laslock: A poorly built Las weapon of unstable
power. Often created by poor armies these
Fire Bomb: Molotov's, gas cans and just chemical weapons lack the finesse of a proper Las weapon
fire are all used to make crude fire bombs the and stability. Blowing up in the users face is
masses employ to wage their wars. In battle common of these weapons.
these are tossed with little regard for safety Range Strength AP Type
causing a continuous burn on its victims(many
times the thrower themselves) 18” 3 5 Rapid Fire
Gets Hot! moving normally this counts as having moved at
Modified Sniper Rifle: Tampering with the sacred Combat Speed no matter how far moved.
technology is against the rules for Imperial However this has risks, should the vehicle roll
subjects, however insurgents have little regards double 1’s it has back-fired and is now
for the rules. These weapons are often equipped immobilized for the rest of the game.
with special ammo or attachments that make Enclosed Crew Compartment: See Codex:
them unique to each sniper. Imperial Guard.
Range Strength AP Type
Extra Armour: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
24” X 6 Heavy 1,
Sniper Riding Shotgun: While not literally riding
shotgun, the shotgun is a common weapon
Portable Rocket Launcher(PRL): A small tube that quickly added to vehicles used in an Insurgent
delivers packed charges at a distance. While attack.
unwieldy and not overly reliable, the cheapness
are quick creation makes them a favoured The vehicle has a hull mounted Shotgun that
weapon among the masses of insurgents and may be fired by a passenger at his/her BS.
traitors alike.
Range Strength AP Type Self-Destruct: A favourite among those with
reckless streaks or with those willing to sacrifice
30” 7 4 Heavy 1 anything to win the day. Random explosives are
attached to the vehicle in hopes of taking as
Shotgun: See Codex: Imperial Guard. many enemies down with it.

Thummper: A mortar for all intents and purposes.At any point in the movement phase the
However instead of a specialized shell being fired controlling player may opt to self destruct his
these weapons are used to fire anything the user vehicle(s). The vehicle suffers a Vehicle Explodes
has at hand. result immediately. Instead of strength 3
Range Strength AP Type however all models(friend and foe)within the
determined range suffer a Strength 5 hit, armour
36” * 5 Heavy 2 saves may be taken as normal. Due to the
Blast explosives attached all hits against the vehicle
Barrage gain +1 on the damage chart.
*The strength of a Thummper varies depending on
what is being fired. As such roll 2D6-3 to determine Smoke Launchers: See Codex: Imperial Guard.
the strength each turn. If the strength is 1 or lower the
weapon jams and is not able to be fired this turn. Trained Crew: Training is something many people
in a rebellion lack. The most trained men and
Wave Cannon: A light version of the Multi-Melta
women will be drafted into fighting units leaving
this weapon started life as a industrial tool.
only those without skill to drive and fire the
Nowadays though it is a common weapon used
vehicles of the army. Sometimes however these
on hive worlds to send waves of super heated air
people find themselves surviving long enough to
at the enemy.
become veteran crews.
Range Strength AP Type
Any vehicle with this upgrade has a BS of 3.
48” 5 3 Heavy 1
Stubb Cannon: A special cannon created by
insurgents to cause as much damage as
possible. Firing two types of explosive canisters
the cannon is able to damage large areas quickly.
Vehicle Armoury
When firing a Stubb Cannon you may choose
Boosters: Sometimes Insurgents equip propulsion which type of shot to fire each turn.
boosters to their vehicles to get them out of Shrapnel:
harms way fast. Range Strength AP Type
Any vehicle with this upgrade may, any turn roll 48” 5 4 Heavy 1
2D6 and move that many inches instead of Large Blast
High Yield: reserve roll.
Range Strength AP Type
Lucky Charm: Normally an iconic piece of
48” 7 3 Heavy 1 equipment or kit these charms seem to radiate
Blast some sort of aura that protect its owner.
Any model equipped with a Lucky Charm has a
Heavy Plate Armour: Poorly built armour meant 6+ Invulnerable Save.
only for durability and survival.

Grants a 3+ save and the Slow and Purposeful

USR to any model wearing it. A model may not
ever Run or preform a Sweeping Advance while
wearing Heavy Plate Armour.

Improvised Armour: Simple and easy to create

this armour is literally anything the insurgents
could get their hands on.

Grants a 6+ save to any model wearing it.

Reinforced Improvised Armour: More elaborate

and sturdy, this armour is able to ignore many
types of small arms fire.

Grants a 4+ save to any model wearing it.

Other Equipment
Communication Relay: A device allowing the
insurgents to track enemy communications and
provide false information, often slowing down
enemy reinforcements where they are needed

If a model with a Communications Relay is on the

board then all enemy reserves rolls suffer a -1 on
their reserve roll.

Insurgent Colours: Taking the form of a banner,

icon or other carried item the insurgents are
empowered when they see it.

All models able to draw LoS to a model carrying

the Insurgent Colours counts as scoring 1 extra
wound when calculating close combat results
and in addition may re-roll all failed Morale and
Pinning Tests.

Local Intel Maps: Maps of the local battlefield are

a prize to any military force. With home field
advantage many insurgents are able to have
working knowledge of these advantages and
maps providing great tactical workings.

If a model with a set of Local Intel Maps is on the

board then all friendly reserves gain a +1 to their
The Insurgency Army Special The second is to convert local PDF, Imperial
Rules Army or private forces to your cause. These units
are all from Codex: Imperial Guard and are
Army Wide Special Rules limited in the number you can use. There is also
Bandito: Being flashy is a trait of many a larger Manpower Point cost to be paid for these
insurgents and those who want to gain support units. The list of troops that may be purchased
and popularity. The idea of waving two pistols from the Imperial Guard army list are as follows:
around is an appeal to many insurgents because Number Allowed Unit Name Cost
of this. 2 Infantry Platoon 2 MPP
2 Chimera Transport 2 MPP
Any model with this special rule may count it's 1 Hellhound 3 MPP
two pistols of the same type as twin-linked when OR Banewolf 3 MPP
shooting. OR Devildog 3 MPP
1 Basilisk 3 MPP
Breakdown (vehicles Only): Maintenance is not OR Griffon 3 MPP
always an important part of an insurgency and 1 Leman Russ 4 MPP
because of this the vehicles being utilized often OR LR Demolisher
have small mechanical problems. 4 MPP
OR LR Exterminator 4 MPP
Any vehicle(from either Codex: Insurgency or
Codex: Imperial Guard)must roll a dice at the
start of the move phase. If a 1 is rolled then the
vehicle can only move or shoot that turn. Insurgent Training
Some members of the rebellion may have unique
Low Ammo!: Rebellions are often poorly supplied skills they bring to the war. These units are
for long term engagements. Because of this represented by the Insurgent special rule and the
ammo shortages are a common problem among Insurgent Training option in their unit entry. A
many events. unit with these options may for the cost listed
obtain these skills for the battle.
Anytime a unit with this rule wishes to shoot it
must roll a D6. On the roll of a 1 the unit is low Each skill may only be chosen once by a unit can
on ammo. If low on ammo the unit may not shoot in some cases change several options from what
at a unit outside of 12” for this turn. is listed in the units entry.

Manpower Points: It is not only angry citizens The trainings available are:
and outcasts that flock to an insurgency when
times of crisis arise. Sometimes the army Armoured: The squad has access to better
themselves will find its ranks split as parts move armour than usual. The unit is now equipped
to join the rebellion. with Reinforced Improvised Armour.

Manpower Points are a special set of bonus Covert: These operatives are used to sneak into
points generated by some units in this codex. If enemy positions and cause havoc. The unit gains
the unit has this rule then a number in brackets the Stealth USR and in addition may only be
will appear. This is the number of Manpower targeted via the Night Fight rules.
Points the unit provides. In some cases there
may be a required number of models in the unit Guerillas: These are the masters of ambush and
to be able to generate these points. withdrawal. The unit gains the Hit and Run and
the Fleet USRs.
In order to spend Manpower Points you must
calculate your total. Once done you have two Marksmen: This group has been trained to shoot
options. sharper and without pause. The unit gains +1 to
their BS skill.
The first option is the use of 1 Manpower Point to
remove the Low Ammo OR Breakdown special Noble: While while not noble in the common
rule from an effected unit. This can be done on sense these men and women are ready to die for
any unit that has one of these rules for a their cause and spring forward to meet death
Manpower Point each. head on. The unit gains the Counter Attack USR
and is Fearless.

Recon: The squad is sent forward to scout enemy

movements. The unit gains the Infiltrate USR.
*May only be taken if squad is without a
transport and number 10 or less models*
Support: These squads are used to provide
covering fire to their allies. Instead of taking the
listed special weapons within the squad, they
may instead upgrade to have 2 Heavy Weapon
Teams(see Codex: Imperial Guard) with Heavy
Stubbers for 5 point each team. Each team may
exchange their Heavy Stubber with any weapon
listed below at the points cost provided.
Heavy HQ
Flamer............................................................Free 0 – 1 Command Cell Cadre……………….
Lascannon..........................................................3 ………......110 Points
0 Points
Thummper..........................................................1 WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
0 Points Command 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 9 6+
• 10 Command Operatives
*May only be taken by squads able to purchase
special weapons* Unit Type:
• Infantry
Well Supplied: This squad has somehow gained
access to a vehicle not being used elsewhere. Wargear:
The unit may purchase a Technical or Chimera(if • Autogun
proper Manpower Points were paid)as a transport • Autopistol
vehicle. • Close Combat Weapon
*May only be taken by squads that number 12 or • Improvised Armour
less models and who have not taken the Recon
training* Special Rules:
• Manpower Points (+2)
• Central Power
• For The Cause!
• Low Ammo
• Bandito


Agitator 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 6+

• 1 – 5 Agitators

Unit Type:
• Infantry

• Autogun
• Autopistol
• Close Combat Weapon
• Improvised Armour Point
- Heavy Close Combat Weapon.......................5
Special Rules: Points
• Manpower Points (+1 IF 3 or more Agitators • Any Agitator may exchange his Autogun with a
are taken) Shotgun.............................................................
• Independent Character ..Free
• One of the Men • Any Agitator may exchange his Improvised
• Icon Armour with Heavy Plate
• Low Ammo Armour..............................8 Points
• Bandito • Any Agitator may purchase a Lucky

• Any Command Operative may exchange his
Autopistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for:
- Autopistol.......................................................1
- Heavy Close Combat Weapon.......................5
• Any Command Operative may exchange his
Autogun with a
• Up to three Command Operatives may
exchange their Autoguns with:
- Flamer...........................................................5
- Fire Bomb......................................................5 ELITE
Sniper Cell……………………………........…………30
- Grenade Launcher.........................................5
Points Points Each
- Acid Sling....................................................10
Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
- PRL..............................................................10 Sniper 2 4 3 3 2 3 1 6 6+
• Any remaining Command Operative may take Composition:
a single option below(one of each maximum) • 1 - 3 Snipers
- Communication Relay..................................30
Points Unit Type:
- Local Intel Maps..........................................30 • Infantry
- Insurgent Colours........................................15 Wargear:
Points • Modified Sniper Rifle
• The squad may choose a single Insurgent • Autopistol
Training for free and may purchase up to two • Improvised Armour
more for 25 points each
Special Rules:
• Stealth
• Concealed
• I See You!
• On My Own

• Any Agitator may exchange his Autopistol
Insurgent Commandos…………………….....
and/or Close Combat Weapon for:
- Autopistol.......................................................1
………….80 Points
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Commando 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 6+ • May have up to ten
- additional Commandos.......................8 Points
Composition: Each
• 10 Commandos • Any Commando may exchange his Autogun
with a
Unit Type: Shotgun.............................................................
• Infantry Free
• Up to three Commandos may exchange their
Wargear: Autogun with:
• Autogun - Flamer..........................................................5
• Autopistol Points
• Improvised Armour - Grenade Launcher........................................5
Special Rules: - Acid Sling....................................................10
• Manpower Points (+1, +2 IF 15 or more Points
Commandos are taken) - Demo Charge..............................................20
• Insurgent Points
• Low Ammo • The squad may choose a single Insurgent
Training for free and may purchase up to one
more for 25 points.

• Any Sniper may purchase one ammo upgrade:
- Shredder Rounds.........................................5
- Poisoned Rounds.......................................10
- Explosive Rounds.......................................10
- Phase Rounds............................................15

Brute 3 2 4 4 2 1 3 5 6+

• 3 Brutes

Unit Type:
• Infantry

• Heavy Close Combat Weapon
• Improvised Armour

Special Rules:
• Drugged
• Stupid
Inmates……………………………………………. Options:
………......60 Points • May have up to fifteen
- additional Inmates..............................6 Points
W B S T W I A L Sv Each
S S d
Inmate 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 -

• 10 Inmates

Unit Type:
• Infantry

• See Special Rules

Special Rules:
• Jack of all Trades
• Lawless
• Stubborn

Options: Insurgent Operatives………………………….…….....
• May have up to seven …50 Points
- additional Brutes...............................25 Points
W B S T W I A L Sv
• The entire squad may take Heavy Plate S S d
Armour for 10 Points Per Model. Insurgent 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6

• 10 Insurgent Operatives

Unit Type:
• Infantry

• Autogun
• Improvised Armour

Special Rules:
• Manpower Points(+1)
• Insurgent
• Low Ammo

0 – 1 Mutants…………………….....
……………………….80 Points

Mutant 2 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 5+
Composition: • May have up to thirty
- additional Mutants...............................4 Points
• 20 Mutants
Unit Type: • The entire squad may purchase Laslocks for 2
points per model.
• Infantry
• Up to two Mutants in every 10 may take:
Wargear: - Flamer...........................................................5
• Tools and Debris(Single Hand Weapon)
- Fire Bomb.....................................................5
Special Rules:
- Heavy Close Combat Weapon......................5
• Oppressed
• Fodder
• The squad may purchase any number of
- Thick Skin(3+ Save).....................................50
- Long Legs(+1 Initiative and Move as
- Strong(+1 Strength)....................................50
- Rabid(+1 Attack).........................................50
- Wyrd(5+ Inv Save).......................................50

• May have up to ten
- additional Insurgents...........................5 Points
• Up to two Insurgents may exchange their
Autogun with:
- Flamer...........................................................5
- Grenade Launcher........................................5
- Acid Sling....................................................10
- Demo Charge..............................................20 0 – 1 The Mob………………………………....
Points ……………….….200 Points
• The squad may choose a single Insurgent **The Mob is a unique unit. It does not take up any
Training for 25 points. Troops Slot in the Force organization Chart and can
only be taken once**
Civilian 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 4 -

• 50 Civilians

Unit Type:
• Infantry

• Anything and Everything(Two Hand Weapons)

Special Rules:
• Mob Rules
• Martyr

Insurgent Scouts…………………………………….... Options:
……80 Points • May have an
- additional 12 Insurgents and 1
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Technical.....................................................80
Insurgent 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+ Points
Composition: - additional 24 Insurgents and 2
• 12 Insurgents and 1 Technical Technicals’................................................160
Unit Type: • Up to two Insurgents in every unit of 12 may
• Infantry exchange their Autogun with:
• Vehicle(open-topped) [Technical] - Flamer...........................................................5
Wargear: - Grenade Launcher........................................5
• Autogun Points
- Acid Sling....................................................10
• Improvised Armour
- Demo Charge..............................................20
Special Rules:
• Manpower Points (+1, +2 IF 3 Squads are
• The squad may choose a single Insurgent
Training for 25 points.
• Insurgent
• Low Ammo
• On My Own
--Dedicated Transport………….......
……………………22 Points Options:
• Any Technical may exchange its Heavy
BS FA SA RA Stubber with a
Technical 2 10 9 9 - Twin-Linked Heavy
Unit Type: - Twin-Linked Autocannon............................15
• Vehicle(open-topped) Points
- Twin-Linked Lascannon...............................30
Wargear: Points
• Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber • Any Technical may take any of the following:
- Boosters......................................................10
Transport Capacity: Points
• 12 Models - Extra Armour..............................................10
- Riding Shotgun.............................................5
Outriders…………………….....………………….….20 - Self Destruct...............................................15
Points Each Points
- Smoke Launchers.........................................5
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Points
Outrider 3 3 3 3(4) 2 3 2 5 3+ - Trained Crew..............................................10
• 1 - 3 Outriders

Unit Type:
• Bike Options:
• Any Outrider may exchange its Heavy Stubber
Wargear: with a:
• Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber - PRL.............................................................10
Special Rules:
• On My Own
• Scout

Pack Animals……………......
……………………………….40 Points

Brute 3 0 4 3 1 5 2 5 -

• 5 Pack Animals

Unit Type:
• Beasts Options:
• May have up to fifteen
- additional Pack Animals.......................8 Points
• Fangs and Claws(Hand Weapon) Each
Special Rules:
• Furious Charge
• Skittish
• May Place up to 3 Mines.

Special Rules:
• Mine!

Insurgent Tank Hunters………………….....
……………60 Points Options:
• May have up to five
W BS S T W I A Ld Sv - additional Insurgents........................12 Points
S Each
Insurgent 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+ • The squad may choose a single Insurgent
Training for 25 points.
• 5 Insurgents

Unit Type:
• Infantry

• Autopistol
• Improvised Armour

Special Rules:
• Manpower Points (+1)
• Insurgent
• Low Ammo
• Tank Hunters

Modified Technical………………….....…….……75
Points Each Options:
• Any Modified Technical may exchange its
BS FA SA RA Heavy Stubber with a
Modified Technical 2 11 10 9
- Twin-Linked Heavy
- Twin-Linked Autocannon............................15
• 1 – 3 Modified Technicals’ Points
- Twin-Linked Lascannon...............................30
Unit Type: Points
• Vehicle(open-topped, tank) • Any Modified Technical may take any of the
Wargear: - Boosters......................................................10
• Stubb Cannon Points
• Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber - Enclosed Crew Compartment.....................10
Special Rules: - Extra Armour...............................................10
• On My Own Points
- Riding Shotgun..............................................5
- Self Destruct...............................................15
Improvised Explosive Mine…………......…….40 Points
Points Each - Smoke Launchers..........................................5
- Trained Crew...............................................10

• None

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