Samasa Nama 'Compound Noun'

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Samsa compound noun is one of the major forms of word-buildings in Indo Aryan
Languages. According to grammarians it is said that Samso adasam!hepo. It means
summari"ing# shortening boiling down the words. $he combine sense of relati%e words
denoting &ma nouns# 'pasagga prefi(es and &ipta indeclinable particles is
called Samsa compound. And the nouns including participles# adjecti%es and pronouns
are %ery fre)uently combined in compounds Samsa.
*hen there are gaps in between words it creates incon%enient in utterance of words and
sometime in writing. Samsa indicates the richness and sweetness of language. $herefore#
in the pronunciation# Samsa is useful to sa%e the effort and energy and in writing it sa%es
the space. *e can also say that this compound is similar to other language using in the
world to day. As a regard to compounds# seldom more than two or three stems are
combined in the older languages. $here are a large number of ad%antages of Samsa in
the use of language. Some of them are recision in e(pression# +eauty in e(pression#
Accuracy of grammar and ,on%enience in prose and composition.
And some compounds ha%e an indeclinable as their first member. A few compounds are
made up entirely of indeclinable. -ere the si( !inds of compounds in li briefly
mentioning as follow.
/01 2ammadhraya Samsa or Adjecti%al# an adjecti%e and a substanti%e noun are
/31 4igu Samsa or &umeral 4eterminati%e# a numeral and a substanti%e are
/51 $appurisa Samsa 4ependent determinati%e# a substanti%e of one of the se%en
cases accepts athama and Alabana are combined with a substanti%e.
/61 4%anda Samsa ,opulati%e# two or more similar nouns are combined.
/71 Abyay8bha%a Samsa Ad%erbial# an idea enable including ad%erb is combined
with a substanti%e.
/91 +ahubb8hi Samsa Attributi%e# these nouns are e(pressed something different to
what they directly denote.
Digu Samsa is the one# which I ha%e to e(plain in a little more detail including some of
its e(amples. *hen a numeral and a substanti%e are combined# it is called 4igu. $he
numeral must be the first member. $he compound may be neither a neuter singular nor a
plural of the gender of the second member. 4igu is di%ided into two Samhra and
Samhra collecti%e e(presses a whole and ta!es the form of the neuter singular.
:or e(ample $ayo ; lo!o < $ilo!am.
a=ca ; s8lni < a=cas8lam.
Asamhra indi%idual does not e(press a whole# but ta!es the plural form. -ere the
objects indicated by the last member are considered indi%idually.
:or e(ample $ayo; bha% < $ibha%.
a=ce ; indriyni < a=cindriyni.
$a!ing the fact describing abo%e we !now that the combination of Samsa is one of the
usefulness in li language until to the present time.

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