MySQL Var - Pop - W3resource

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invoice_no invoice_dt ord_no ord_date

INV0001 2008-07-15 ORD/08-09/0001 2008-07-06 2008-07-19
INV0002 2008-08-25 ORD/08-09/0002 2008-08-09 2008-08-28
INV0003 2008-09-20 ORD/08-09/0003 2008-09-15 2008-09-23
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MySQL VAR_POP() function returns the population standard variance of an
Where expr is an expression.
MySQL Version : 5.6
Example : VAR_POP() function
The following statement returns the population standard variance of 'total_cost'
frompurchase table.
Sample table : purchase
view plain print ?
SELECT VAR_POP( t ot al _cost ) 01.
FROMpur chase; 02.
Featured Tutorials: SQL JOINS, Introduction to DOM, Jquery, Bootstrap 3.0.0, PHP Exercises, MySQL Exercises, JavaScript
MySQL var_pop() - w3resource
1 dari 4 28-04-2014 02:03
PHP script
view plain print ?
<! <span i d="c5i 87_6" cl ass="c5i 87">DOCTYPE</ span> ht ml PUBLI C
/ / www. w3. <span i d="c5i 87_5" cl ass="c5i 87">or g</ span>
/ TR/ xht ml 1/ DTD/ xht ml 1- st r i ct . dt d">
<ht ml xml ns="ht t p: / / www. w3. or g/ 1999/ xht ml "> 02.
<head> 03.
<met a ht t p- equi v="Cont ent - Type" cont ent ="t ext / ht ml ; char set =i so-
8859- 1" / >
<t i t l e>exampl e- aggr egat e- f unct i ons- and- gr oupi ng-
var _pop( ) - php mysql exampl es | w3r esour ce</ t i t l e>
</ head> 06.
<body> 07.
<?php 08.
echo "<h2>Popul at i on var i ance of t ot al pur chase : </ h2>" ; 09.
echo "<t abl e bor der =' 1' st yl e=' bor der -
col l apse: col l apse; bor der - col or : si l ver ; ' >" ;
echo "<t r st yl e=' f ont - wei ght : bol d; ' >"; 11.
echo "<t d wi dt h=' 100' al i gn=' cent er ' >Popul at i on var i ance of t ot al pur chas 12.
i ncl ude( ". . / dbopen. php") ; 13.
$r esul t = mysql _quer y( "SELECT VAR_POP( t ot al _cost ) 14.
FROM pur chase") ; 15.
whi l e( $r ow=mysql _f et ch_ar r ay( $r esul t ) ) 16.
{ 17.
echo "<t r >"; 18.
echo "<t d al i gn=' cent er ' wi dt h=' 200' >" . $r ow[ ' VAR_POP( t ot al _cost ) ' 19.
echo "</ t r >"; 20.
} 21.
echo "</ t abl e>"; 22.
?> 23.
</ body> 24.
</ ht ml > 25.
View the example in browser
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