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IC Engines

Short Questions and Answers

Prepared by: MJK / AAA
1. What is the firing sequence of a four cylinder engine?
1-3-4-2 is the standard firing order followed in four ylinder engines
2. What is operating cycle of a patrol engine?
!tto yle
3. What is operating cycle of a diesel engine?
"iesel yle
4. What is the mechanism of a reciprocating IC engine as per theory of machines?
Also sketch it
#o$$on to $ost reiproating engines is a lin%age %nown as a ran%-slider $ehanis$&
. !o" do you define a stroke in a reciprocating engine?
"istane for$ '"# (top dead entre) to *"# (botto$ dead entre) is alled a stro%e&
#. $ra" %& diagram of an 'tto cycle
(. What is piston displacement?
'he piston displae$ent is the produt of the piston ross-setional area and the stro%e
). What is the relation *et"een %iston displacement and engine displacement?
'he +olu$e swept by the piston as it passes fro$ '"# to *"# is alled the piston
displae$ent, -d.& /ngine displae$ent, -"., is then the produt of the piston
displae$ent and the nu$ber of ylinders -n. i&e&0 " 1 2(n) (d)3
+. What is *ore?
'he ylinder inside dia$eter (and, appro4i$ately, also the piston dia$eter) is alled its
1,. What is compression ration in an IC engine cycle? (Keeping in view clearance
volume V
and initial volume V
#o$pression ration (#5) is 6 #5 1 78
9 (8
- 8
):/ 8
11. In "hich part of patrol engine fuel air mi-ture is produced?
;t is produed in arburetor
12. What is lean and rich mi-ture of patrol fuel?
A $i4ture with e4ess air is alled a lean mixture and a $i4ture with e4ess fuel is alled
a rich mixture
13. What kind of mi-ture is produced in car*uretor "hen uphill?
'he auto$oti+e arburetor produes a rih $i4ture during aeleration by supplying
e4tra fuel to the air entering the inta%e $anifold&
14. What is equivalence ratio? And "hat is correlation "ith lean and rich fuel
'he equivalence ratio, < is defined as the ratio of the atual fuel-air ratio to the
stoihio$etri fuel-air ratio& 'hus < = 1 represents a rih $i4ture and < > 1 represents a
lean $i4ture& ;n ter$s of air-fuel ratio, < 1 (A/?)
/ (A/?)
1. What is octane num*er?
'he octane number is a $easure of a gasoline@s ability to a+oid %no%ing in o$bustion
1#. What is engine *reathing?
'hen inta%e of fresh air and e4haust of flue gases through its poppet +al+es is alled
engine breathing
1(. Where dynamometer and "ater *rakes are used?
'hey are used on engine test beds for $easuring an engine@s perfor$ane&
1). What are principal cycles for IC /ngines?
a& !tto #yle
b& "iesel #yle
& "ual #yle
d& *rayton #yle (;# gas turbine yle)
e& Aan%el #yle (5eent of all, first introdued for MaBda 5C-D in 1EEF)
1+. 0ketch %& diagram of $iesel Cycle

2,. Are spark plug used in diesel engines?
21. In "hich cycle the compression ratio is greater
"iesel yle
22. 'ut of 'tto and diesel cycles "hich one has greater efficiency?
"iesel yle is $ore effiient beause of greater alorifi +alue of fuel used&
23. What is tur*ocharger?
;t inreases the o+erall engine effiieny of an engine, by utiliBing the draft of flue gases&
24. What is sca.enging?
'o effeti+ely disharge the all of burnt gases fro$ the ylinder
2. What is &1I /23I2/?
An engine ha+ing ability of 8A5;A*H/ ';M;GI !? ;IG;';!G
2#. What is 4%5I?
MJH';P!5' ?J/H ;GJ/#';!G (a new tehnology in gasoline engines to enhane
2(. What is /5I?
/H/#'5!G;# ?J/H ;GJ/#';!G (it is substitute of arburetor)
2). Why gasoline doesn6t *ecome efficient *y use supercharger?
Kuperharger basially inreases air fuel ratio, whih is %ept under li$it in gasoline
engines under ertain li$it to a+oid self ignition&
2+. !o" do you con.ert a diesel engine into C23 engine?
;t reLuires a$ple $odifiations in the engine design, li%e
a& ;nstalling a arburetor
b& Kpar% plug
& 5eduing air fuel ratio by $odifying ylinder design
3,. What are usual compression ratios for patrol and diesel engines?
Patrol engine 11-13M
"iesel engine 2F-22M
31. What are different methods of super charging?
a& 'urboharger (/4haust gases dri+en turbine dri+es the blower to inrease the inta%e air
b& Khaft dri+en *lower
& Motor dri+en blower
32. What is the *asic difference *et"een t"o stroke and four stroke engine?
;n two stro%e engine, power stro%e is reei+ed in eah ran% shaft re+olution, whereas in
four stro%e engine powers stro%e is reei+ed in e+ery two ran% shaft re+olution&
33. What is gudgeon pin?
;t is the pin used for onneting s$all end of onneting rod to piston
34. Is connecting rod forged or casting?
3. What kind of rings are used on a piston and "hy?
a& #o$pression rings for sealing the lea%age of gases abo+e piston
b& !il rings for lubriating piston along its tra+el to a+oid frition against liner walls
& !il srapper ring for srapping oil in ba% stro%e of piston
3#. !o" is fuel in7ected in diesel engine cylinder for com*ustion?
'hrough a speially designed ato$iBing fuel inNetor
3(. What are &8type engines? What is its main ad.antage?
'he arrange$ent of ylinder on the ran%shaft for$s the shape of letter-8& ;ts $ain
ad+antage is that it onsu$es less spae then an in-line or straight arrange$ent of

3). What is the use of CA48shaft?
'he inlet and disharge +al+es are opened and losed by $eans of a #AM-shaft&
3+. What are different strokes in a four stroke engine?
a& ;nlet
b& #o$pression
& Power
d& /4haust
4,. Why lu*rication and cooling systems are required in an IC engine?
Hubriation syste$ is reLuired for a+oiding e4essi+e wear tear between the $etalli
parts, whereas ooling syste$ re$o+es the e4essi+e heat generated during the power
41. 'ut of patrol and diesel "hich one has greater flash point

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