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I dont feel so angry

with myself, since

having counselling

Since counselling I haven't

run away from home. I feel
understood for the first time in
my life. Thank you so much

I dont hate myself and the

world anymore. I have a
better relationship with mum
now because of you

He still gets cross at home,

but he can stop and think
about why now and
always talks about it

I didnt know this service

existed in schools, I am
so pleased

It has really helped.

We've noticed a big
change at home

I wish my daughter had

counselling sooner. After her
fathers death, she stayed in her
room. Now shes engaging and
been nominated in Britains Got
Talent. Thank you, youve made
such a difference to our lives

I have seen such a

difference in my child,
Ive decided to have
counselling too

Hertfordshire County Council

Children, Schools and Families
County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DF
What if I dont want my child to
receive counselling?
If a child or young person requests counselling and is able to understand
what is involved in the process, then they have the right to access
counselling. Parents and carers may not deny them this right.
Schools set up Counselling provision in a variety of ways. Some may
choose to have an opt in / out policy which you may be informed of when
your child starts at school. O thers may contact you when a need is
identified for your child.
In Secondary Schools a young person has a right to access counselling /
therapy without their parents consent or against their parents wishes if
they are considered to be Gillick Competent.
The Fraser Guidelines set out the criteria that should be met before
practitioners provide a service to under 16s without parental consent the
assessment of young people against these guidelines is often referred to
as assessing whether the young person is Gillick Competent.
O ur counsellors / therapists work, where appropriate, to help support a
young person confide in their parents about them receiving counselling.
What is counselling?
Counselling offers people a non-judgemental space to discuss issues that
are affecting their every day lives in a safe and confidential setting.
Issues explored vary according to each individual but usually can be linked
to stress, relationships, change, loss and distressing / traumatic events.
What is Arts Therapy?
Arts therapy offers people a creative alternative to counselling. Art or
drama is used as the primary means of communication to allow an
individual an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe
and confidential environment.
What if my child refuses to have
Counselling / Arts Therapy?
Counselling and Arts Therapy can only take place when a child or young
person is willing to engage with a therapist and as such sessions are
attended on a voluntary basis.
Children and young people are involved in the setting of aims for the work,
deciding what they would like from their sessions and are involved in the
evaluation process.
Why have a counsellor in school?
Like most of us children and young people can find that their
concentration and / or behaviour is affected when they are trying to deal
with difficult issues. Allowing them a safe and confidential space to
explore these issues can enable them to achieve their full potential both
personally and academically. It can also help build a child or young
persons resilience and self confidence.
By having a counsellor in a school children and young people can access
support in a non stigmatising setting. The Childrens Rights Alliance for
Englands (CRAE) What do they know? report produced in 2009
suggests that more than three quarters of 1708 children and young
people thought counselling services should be based in schools.
How long will the counselling last?
The Counselling in Schools Service works with children and young people
for a minimum of a term to enable them to explore their issues in a way
that will make a difference to them. If a child or young person feels they
no longer want or need the work the sessions will come to an end.
As we all have individual needs the length of therapy will vary according to
the presenting issues. Two terms of work are offered as a standard length
and any further work would need to be agreed by all concerned. If it is
seen to be more appropriate a referral to an alternative service would
be facilitated.
How can I support counselling therapy?
If your child attends Primary School you will be offered an opportunity to
meet with the therapist to enable you to ask any questions that you
may have.
Whilst it is natural for you as a parent to feel anxious about your child
accessing therapy showing an acceptance of the need for it can be
invaluable in helping them to participate in the work. In addition allowing
your child space to discuss the therapy if they wish to do so, without them
feeling pressed into it, can also be very helpful.
How are referrals made to the
Counselling Service?
Each school chooses to operate the Counselling in Schools Service in a
way that best fits the needs of its pupils. Usually referrals to our therapists
are made by:
Self referral
Pastoral Team
Head / Deputy Head
SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I pay for my child to receive counselling at school?
Parents are not able to commission the service to provide Counselling /
Arts Therapy for their child within school because it is important that a
child or young person does not feel obligated to attend. The work can
also become complicated when sessions are kept confidential and not
shared with a parent who has commissioned the work.
2. I am always there for my child to talk to, why would they want to talk
to a counsellor?
We all experience occasions when it feels hard to speak to those closest
to us about things that are bothering us. Often this is because we do not
want to worry those we love. For this reason sometimes children and
young people want help thinking things through with someone neutral. The
therapist will not be judging them, or you, and they will be looking to help
them find their way with whatever it is that is troubling them.
3. How do I know your Counsellor is safe to work with my child?
The Counselling in Schools Service operates to a quality assured framework.
This means that Counsellors are:
Qualified to a minimum of Diploma level in
Counselling and Arts Therapists to a minimum
of Masters level in Art / Dramatherapy.
CRB checked
In receipt of regular training
In receipt of regular clinical supervision
Line managed within County Council guidelines
Accredited / Working towards BACP Accreditation
When and where will it take place?
The Counselling in Schools Service asks schools to provide a confidential
space for the work to take place. Sessions last for approximately fifty
minutes and take place during the school day.
Is it confidential?
A key feature of any quality assured counselling provision is that it is
confidential. Counselling gives a child or young person a safe space to
share their fears, worries or concerns and it is vital that they are able to
develop a trusting relationship with the therapist if the work is to
be successful.
When a child or young person sees a counsellor or therapist for the first
time they enter into a contract that makes clear that the only time
confidentiality would be broken and a discussion shared is if the child or
young person is deemed to be at risk of significant harm from him / herself
or others. If this were to be necessary the therapist would look to obtain
a child or young persons approval where possible.
Schools and parents can be frustrated by the boundaries of confidentiality
as issues may be discussed between the child or young person and the
therapist that they are unaware of. Some people can feel that knowing
what is discussed may help them to better understand how the child or
young person is feeling and therefore how they can support them. To
encourage a child or young person to feel more in control of their situation
a therapist will work to empower them to feel able to share issues that they
are experiencing with the school or their families. They may also explore
what they want the counsellor or therapist to share on their behalf.

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