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Product Management

April 2001
______________________________ _____________
Project QA Date
______________________________ _____________
Project Manager Date

______________________________ _____________
Project Product Mgmt. Mgr. Date
______________________________ _____________
Project CM Mgr. Date
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Product Management Plan Template
Title: Release and Revision Record
Date: April 2001
Release and Revision Record
Date Release/Revision Description
Describe release changes e.g., initial release! Reference
Product Mgmt. Plan Template Release and Revision Record
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Product Management Plan Template
Title: Ta!le o Contents
Date: April 2001
Ta!le o Contents
"ection Title Page
1# $ntroduction "
Document References
Product Management Responsibilities
Product Management Schedule and Estimates
Product Management Resources & Training
(# Product Management Procedures
%." Product Mgmt. Planning Procedure
%.' (stimation Procedure
%.# (ngineering )otebooks Procedure
%.$ Peer *e+ie, Procedure
%.- Technical *e+ie, Procedure
%.% *e.uirements Analysis Procedure
%.& Design Procedure
%./ 0mplementation Procedure
%.1 0ntegration Procedure
%."2 Acceptance Procedure
%."" Deli+ery and 0nstallation Procedure
%."' 3perations Procedure
%."# Maintenance Procedure
%."$ Product Mgmt. Measurement Procedure
A Product Management "chedule A4"
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 4 Table of Contents i
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Product Management Plan Template
Title: $ntroduction
Date: April 2001
1# $ntroduction
<This section identifies the Product Management Plan, its contents, and the sstem for
!hich it !ill be applied"
This Product Management Plan defines the acti+ities to be performed in managing
product de+elopment5 acceptance5 operation5 and maintenance for the Pro#ect $ame!
project. Product management primary acti+ities to be performed include6
Planning product management
(stablishing and using engineering standards
Pro+iding product lifecycle consistency5 control5 and +erification
Measuring product de+elopment5 acceptance5 operation5 and maintenance
The Product Management Plan is applicable to all project personnel performing product
management functions for product de+elopment5 test5 operations5 and maintenance as
identified in project product management procedures.
Project and System Oerie!
Describe the pro#ect and sstem for !hich this Product Manangement Plan applies!
Product Management Plan "ontents
The Product Management Plan is di+ided into the follo,ing sections6
Section # 7%ntroduction8 pro+ides an introduction to the Product Management
Plan5 its applicability and contents.
Section $ 7Document References8 identifies documents 7internal5 e9ternal8 used to
de+elop this plan.
Section % 7Product Management Responsibilities8 defines product management
tasks and its relationship to the project5 enterprise5 and the customer.
Section & 7Product Management &chedule and 'stimates8 identifies the product
management schedule and product management effort estimates.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 4 %ntroduction "
Product Management Plan Template
Title: $ntroduction
Date: April 2001
Section ' 7Product Management Resources and Training8 identifies specific
project tools to be used to support the product management functions and process5
technical5 and:or other project4specific training re.uired.
Section ( 7Product Management Procedures8 includes the tailored product
management procedures to be used by the project.
)nne* ) 7Product Management &chedule( includes the product management
schedule form.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 4 %ntroduction '
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Document Reerences
Date: April 2001
2# Document Reerences
%dentif specific pro#ect, enterprise, and e)ternal documents referenced in this plan or
used to support its development!
Project References+
Pro#ect! QA Plan April '22"
Pro#ect! Project Management Plan April '22"
Pro#ect! CM Plan April '22"
Customer! De+elopment Plan Date!
*ther Pro#ect Documents! Date!
Enterprise References+
'nterprise! Process Manual April '22"
'nterprise! Process Management Plan April '22"
E*ternal References+
')ternal References %&* +,,-" Date!
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 # 4 Document References
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Mgmt# Responsi!ilities
Date: April 2001
%# Product Management Responsi!ilities
<This section identifies product management functions and procedures and its
relationships to the pro#ect, customer, and enterprise>
Product Management ,unctions
Product management pro+ides the product de+elopment5 test5 re+ie,5 operations5 and
maintenance control. Project product management acti+ities ensure that6
Product de+elopment5 acceptance5 operation5 and maintenance is planned
(ngineering standards and controls are used
Product lifecycle implementation is consistent5 traceable5 and +erified
Product management effecti+eness is measured.
Table %-# identifies the Pro#ect $ame! project product management functions to be
performed and their corresponding procedures. Product management procedures are
included in ;ection % of this Product Management Plan.
Table %-# Product Management ,unctions and Procedures
Product Mgmt. ,unctions Procedures
Plan product management Product Management Planning
(stimate si<e and effort (stimation
=se engineering notebooks (ngineering )otebooks
*e+ie, product Peer *e+ie,
*e+ie, technical progress Technical *e+ie,
Analy<e re.uirements *e.uirements Analysis
Design product Design
>uild and test units and components 0mplementation
0ntegrate units and components 0ntegration
Accept product Acceptance
Deli+er and install product Deli+ery and 0nstallation
3perate product 3perations
Maintain product Maintenance
Measure product mgmt. effecti+eness Product Mgmt. Measurement
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 $ 4 Product Mgmt. Responsibilities
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Mgmt# Responsi!ilities
Date: April 2001
Product Management Relationship to the Project
/Describe ho! product management relates to other pro#ect functions. %dentif !hom
product management reports to and the primar pro#ect functions it supports. %nclude or
reference the pro#ect.s organi/ational chart0
Product Management Relationship to the "ustomer
/Describe ho! product management relates to the customer. %nclude interfaces !ith
customer 0e.g., integrated product teams(, as applicable0
Product Management Relationship to the Enterprise
This Product Management Plan is consistent ,ith enterprise product management policy5
re.uirements5 and procedures defined in the (nterprise Process Manual. The product
management procedures defined in ;ection % of this plan ha+e been tailored from the
enterprise product management procedures5 as appropriate5 to fit the needs and
re.uirements of the project.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 - 4 Product Mgmt. Responsibilities
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Mgmt# "chedule and )stimates
Date: April 2001
&# Product Management "chedule and )stimates
Product Management Schedule
Anne9 A includes the Product Management Schedule ,orm used to support product
management planning and tracking. Product management records planned tasks and
dates for planning5 lifecycle re+ie,s5 milestones5 releases5 installations5 and deli+eries
and the actual dates performed. 0nstructions for product management scheduling are
included in ;ection %." 7Product Management Planning Procedure8 of this plan.
Product Management Estimates
Product Management estimates its effort in staff hours. Product management uses
historical data and tools5 ,here a+ailable5 to estimate the re.uired effort for the project.
,igure &-# belo, sho,s the Product Management Effort ,orm used by product
management to record monthly estimates and actuals. 0nstructions for estimating product
management effort are included in ;ection %." 7Product Management Planning
Procedure8 of this plan.
Product Management )ort *orm
Effort 23ours4
)ctual Effort
Estimated Total Effort+
)ctual Total Effort+
,igure &-# Product Management Effort ,orm
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 % 4 Product Mgmt. &chedule and 'stimates
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Mgmt# Resources and Training
Date: April 2001
'# Product Management Resources and Training
Product Management Tools and Training
Product management has the skills and tools to ensure product .uality throughout the
project lifecycle. The Product Management Resource ,orm5 ,igure '-#5 is used to
identify the tools to be used to support product management implementation. 0n addition5
the Product Management Resource ,orm is used to identify specific product
management training needs for the project. Training needs include enterprise5 tool4
related:technical5 and project4specific training.

Product Management Resource *orm
"upport Tools
Tool 6ame Tool Purpose78se
%dentif tool name1version! Describe tool purpose e.g., C2&', test,
presentation, !ord processor, scheduler!
Training +eeds
Training Type Training 6eeds
Process Training %dentif enterprise process training needs!
Technical Training %dentif product management tool training needs!
*ther Training %dentif specific pro#ect training needs!
,igure '-# Product Management Resource ,orm
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 & 4 Product Mgmt. Resources and Training
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(# Product Management Procedures
This section includes the product management procedures to be used for the pro#ect!
This section of the Product Management Plan includes the product management
procedures to be used for the project. These procedures are based on the enterprise
product management procedures and ha+e been tailored5 as appropriate5 to fit the needs
and re.uirements of the project. Product management procedures included in this section
are as follo,s6
Product Management Planning Procedure
(stimation Procedure
(ngineering )otebooks Procedure
Peer *e+ie, Procedure
Technical *e+ie, Procedure
*e.uirements Analysis Procedure
Design Procedure
0mplementation Procedure
0ntegration Procedure
Acceptance Procedure
Deli+ery and 0nstallation Procedure
3perations Procedure
Maintenance Procedure
Product Management Measurement Procedure
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 / 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#1 Product Management Planning
Product management planning procedure defines ho, product management ,ill be
implemented consistent ,ith customer and enterprise re.uirements.
Product Management Planning Inputs
0nputs to the Product Management Planning procedure include6
Contract documentation
Product mgmt. policy5 re.uirements
Product mgmt. procedures
Product mgmt. historical data
Product Mgmt. Plan template and support forms.
Product Management Planning Tas9s
Product Management Planning procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. %dentif product management requirements
Product management re+ie,s contract documentation 7;tatement of Aork5 etc.8 to
identify re.uirements that impact product management 7e.g.5 standards5 deli+erables5
acti+ities5 re+ie,s8. Product management also re+ie,s enterprise product management
policy re.uirements and procedures.
3. Define pro#ect product management procedures
Product management identifies tailoring needed for enterprise product management
procedures considering contract re.uirements5 product type5 and controls needed.
Product management de+elops additional product management procedures ,here needed.
4. Develop product management schedule
Product management re+ie,s project master schedule to identify project acti+ities5
re+ie, milestones5 and product:document deli+ery points. Product management uses the
Product Management Schedule ,orm 7Anne9 A8 to record planned product
management acti+ities and dates including tasks for planning5 estimation5 engineering
notebooks5 re+ie,s5 re.uirements analysis5 design5 implementation5 integration5
acceptance5 deli+ery5 installation5 operations5 and maintenance.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 1 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
5. 'stimate product management effort
Product management estimates and records o+erall product management effort in hours.
Product management uses product management historical data or estimation tool5 if
a+ailable5 to estimate effort. Product management allocates effort to monthly increments
based on scheduled acti+ities.
6. Define resources 0tools, training(
Product management identifies the tools to be used to support the product management
function including product de+elopment tools 7CA;(5 etc.8. Product management
identifies training needs including product management process and tool training and
other training needed 7e.g.5 domain training8.
7. Document plans
Product management uses the Product Management Plan template to assist in
documenting planning results including schedule5 effort5 resource data and tailoring
information and procedures5 if applicable. Product management follo,s the CM
Configuration 0dentification procedure for document naming con+entions.
8. &ubmit product management plan for revie!
Product management distributes the Product Management Plan to project management5
QA5 and task managers for re+ie, and incorporates agreed4to comments.
9. Maintain plan
Product management updates the Product Management Plan ,hen re4planning is needed.
Product management distributes the updated plan to project management5 QA5 and task
managers for re+ie,. Product management maintains change history and traceability.
Product Management Planning Outputs
3utputs to the Product Management Planning procedure include6
Product management schedule
Product management effort estimate
Tailored product management procedures
Product management resource needs.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "2 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#2 )stimation
(stimation procedure defines ho, product si<e and effort is estimated to determine
project costs and to track progress.
Estimation Inputs
0nputs to the (stimation procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Contract documentation
Bistorical si<e C effort data
(stimation factors.
Estimation Tas9s
(stimation procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. %dentif products to be estimated
Product management identifies the products to be estimated including code5 computer
resources5 Commercial43ff4The4;helf 7C3T;8 components and documentation.
3. Define product si/e attributes
Product management defines the product si<e attributes 7e.g.5 lines of code5 function
points5 number of screens5 objects:classes5 number of re.uirements5 number of pages8.
4. Revie! historical data for similar pro#ect1product
Product management re+ie,s historical data from a similar project or product
de+elopment effort5 ,here applicable.
5. Determine si/e and effort estimates considering estimation factors
Product management estimates effort to perform ,ork and the product si<e by
characteri<ing the project and product5 re+ie,ing historical data from similar projects.
Product management takes into account differences in si<e5 comple9ity5 project scope5
schedule5 language5 personnel and learning cur+e re.uired. Product management +erifies
estimate ,ith cost model5 if a+ailable.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "" 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
6. Document si/e and effort estimates
Product management documents si<e and effort estimates.
7. Revie! estimates !ith pro#ect management
Product management re+ie,s si<e and effort estimates ,ith the project manager.
8. :se estimates to support trac;ing
Product management uses si<e and effort estimates to track progress.
Estimation Outputs
3utputs to the (stimation procedure include6
Product si<e estimates
(ffort estimates.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "' 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#% )ngineering +ote!oo,s
(ngineering notebooks procedure defines ho, unit:component de+elopment progress and
status is recorded and tracked.
Engineering 6oteboo9s Inputs
0nputs to the (ngineering )otebooks procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
=nit:component re.uirements5 design5 test data
=nit:component metrics
De+elopment notes.
Engineering 6oteboo9s Tas9s
(ngineering )otebooks procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. 'stablish engineering noteboo; for each unit1component
Product de+elopment creates engineering notebooks for units and includes the follo,ing
*e.uirements allocated to the unit
=nit design and implementation
=nit test documentation and results
Peer re+ie, results and defect status
Change history
QA notebook re+ie, results
=nit measurements
)otes 7e.g.5 rationale for decisions8.
3. :se consistent pro#ect format 0hardcop, electronic, or mi)(
Product de+elopment uses a consistent format for engineering notebooks.
4. :pdate engineering noteboo; as product development activities are completed
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "# 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
Product de+elopment maintains engineering notebooks throughout design5
implementation5 and integration5 and updates notebooks as de+elopment acti+ities are
5. Trac; engineering noteboo; completion status
Product de+elopment tracks engineering notebook completion status throughout
Engineering 6oteboo9s Outputs
3utputs to the (ngineering )otebooks procedure include6
(ngineering notebook
Product de+elopment status.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "$ 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#& Peer Review
Peer re+ie, procedure defines ho, the product is re+ie,ed to identify defects.
Peer Reie! Inputs
0nputs to the Peer *e+ie, procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Product to be re+ie,ed
Product re+ie, criteria.
Peer Reie! Tas9s
Peer *e+ie, procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Coordinate 0schedule( peer revie!
Product de+elopment schedules peer re+ie,.
3. Prepare revie! materials and notif participants
Product de+elopment prepares for peer re+ie, by preparing re+ie, materials5 identifying
re+ie, criteria5 notifying participants5 and pro+iding re+ie, materials. Product
de+elopment uses the re+ie, criteria defined in re.uirements5 design5 implementation5
integration5 and acceptance procedures.
4. Revie! materials to revie! criteria
Product de+elopment peers re+ie, peer re+ie, material against peer re+ie, criteria to
identify product defects.
5. Conduct peer revie! meeting
Product de+elopment conducts peer re+ie, meeting to re+ie, comments from peers5
reach consensus on product defects and actions 7as applicable85 document agreed4to
defects and actions5 and disposition product. Product is dispositions as6
)ccept as is D )o defects or actions identified
"onditionally accept D Product is accepted if defects are fi9ed
Reject D Product needs more ,ork and needs to be re+ie,ed again.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "- 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
6. Document results in engineering noteboo;s
Product de+elopment documents peer re+ie, results in engineering notebooks.
7. Trac; defects to closure
Product de+elopment tracks peer re+ie, defects to closure.
Peer Reie! Outputs
3utputs to the Peer *e+ie, procedure include6
*e+ie, notification
*e+ie, materials
*e+ie, meeting record
Product disposition results
=pdated engineering notebooks
Defect status.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "% 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#' Technical Review
Technical re+ie, procedure defines ho, the technical progress of the de+eloping product
is assessed.
Technical Reie! Inputs
0nputs to the Technical *e+ie, procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Product to be re+ie,ed
Technical re+ie, criteria.
Technical Reie! Tas9s
Technical *e+ie, procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Coordinate 0schedule( technical revie!
Product management schedules the technical re+ie,.
3. Prepare revie! materials and agenda
Product management prepares for the technical re+ie, by identifying the resources
needed to conduct the re+ie, including personnel5 location5 facilities5 hard,are5 soft,are5
and tools8 and preparing the meeting agenda.
4. Provide agenda to participants
Product management pro+ides re+ie, agenda to participants.
5. Conduct technical revie!
Product management conducts the technical re+ie, to include the re+ie, of product
technical progress and an e+aluation of the product to the follo,ing criteria6
Compliance to re.uirements and standards
Adherence to applicable schedules
*eadiness for ne9t acti+ity.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "& 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
6. Document revie! action items
Product management documents re+ie, outcome and action items.
7. Trac; action items to closure
Product management tracks technical re+ie, action items to closure.
Technical Reie! Outputs

3utputs to the Technical *e+ie, procedure include6
*e+ie, agenda
*e+ie, materials
*e+ie, meeting record
Product disposition results
*e+ie, action items.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "/ 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#( Re-uirements Anal.sis
*e.uirements analysis procedure defines ho, product re.uirements are determined and
allocated to configuration items.
Re:uirements )nalysis Inputs
0nputs to the *e.uirements Analysis procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Contract documentation
*e.uirements re+ie, criteria.
Re:uirements )nalysis Tas9s
*e.uirements Analysis procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. 2nal/e intended use of the sstem
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 analy<es the intended use of the product to
be de+eloped.
3. %dentif requirements
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 identifies the re.uirements of the product
including the6
@unctions and capabilities of the product
>usiness5 organi<ational5 and user re.uirements
;afety5 security5 human factors5 interface5 operations5 and maintenance
Design constraints and .ualification re.uirements.
4. %dentif top<level configuration items 0hard!are, soft!are(
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 identifies items of hard,are5 soft,are5 and
manual operations using CM configuration item selection procedure to assist in
identifying configuration items.
5. 2llocate requirements to identified configuration items
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 "1 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 allocates product re.uirements to
configuration items.
6. Document requirements
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 documents the product re.uirements
including the follo,ing components5 as applicable6
Product identification and o+er+ie,
*e.uirements states and modes
@unctional capability re.uirements
>usiness5 enterprise5 and user re.uirements
;afety and security re.uirements
Buman factors re.uirements
3perational and maintenance re.uirements
(9ternal interface re.uirements
(n+ironmental re.uirements
Design constraints
Qualification re.uirements
Computer resource re.uirements
Quality factors
0nternal and installation data re.uirements
Physical re.uirements
Training5 logistics re.uirements
Packaging re.uirements
Configuration item identification
*ationale for allocation
Allocation matri9.
7. 'valuate specified requirements to requirements revie! criteria
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 e+aluates re.uirements in accordance ,ith
the peer re+ie, procedure and using the follo,ing re.uirements re+ie, criteria6
Traceability D Traceability to customer re.uirements
"onsistency D Consistency ,ith customer re.uirements
"ompliance D Compliance ,ith customer re.uirements and standards
Testability D *e.uirements can be measured
,easibility D @easibility of design5 operations5 and maintenance.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '2 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
Product de+elopment 7systems engineering8 records e+aluation results.
Re:uirements )nalysis Outputs
3utputs to the *e.uirements Analysis procedure include6
Product re.uirements documentation
*e.uirements matri9 to configuration items
*e.uirements re+ie, results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '" 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#/ Design
Design procedure defines ho, the product ,ill be built.
Design Inputs
0nputs to the Design procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
*e.uirements documentation
Design re+ie, criteria.
Design Tas9s
Design procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Transform requirements into an architecture that defines its top<level structure and
Product de+elopment performs top4le+el 7architectural8 design by transforming
configuration items re.uirements into an architecture that defines its top4le+el structure
and component and ensures all item re.uirements are allocated to re.uirements. Product
de+elopment de+elops a top4le+el design for e9ternal interfaces to the configuration item
and bet,een components of the item. Product de+elopment produces a top4le+el
database design and de+elops preliminary +ersions of user documentation.
3. Refine components into lo!er levels containing units that can be implemented
Product de+elopment performs detailed design for each component of the configuration
items by refining components into lo,er le+els containing units that can be implemented
and ensures re.uirements are allocated from the components to the units. Product
de+elopment produces a detailed interface design for interfaces e9ternal to the
configuration item5 bet,een components5 and units and ensures the interface design is
detailed to permit implementation ,ithout further documentation. Product de+elopment
produces a detailed design for the database and updates user documentation as needed.
4. Document design
Product de+elopment documents the product design that includes the follo,ing
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '' 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
3+er+ie, and identification
Component and unit design definitions
Database design decisions
=ser interface design decisions
*ationale for design
*euse element identification
Database design
(9ternal and internal interface design
=nit test re.uirements and schedule
=ser documentation
0ntegration test re.uirements and schedule
Design allocation matri9.
5. 'valuate design to the design revie! criteria
Product de+elopment e+aluates the design in accordance ,ith the peer re+ie, procedure
and using the follo,ing design re+ie, criteria6
Traceability D Traceability to product re.uirements
"onsistency D Consistency ,ith product re.uirements
"ompliance D Compliance ,ith customer re.uirements and standards
)ppropriateness D Appropriateness of design methods and standards used
,easibility D @easibility of implementation5 testing5 operations5 and maintenance.
Product de+elopment records e+aluation results in engineering notebooks.
Design Outputs
3utputs to the Design procedure include6
Product design documentation
Design matri9 to components and units
Design re+ie, results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '# 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#0 $mplementation
0mplementation procedure defines ho, the product 7units and components8 is built5
tested5 and re+ie,ed.
Implementation Inputs
0nputs to the 0mplementation procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Design documentation
0mplementation re+ie, criteria.
Implementation Tas9s
0mplementation procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Develop units and components
Product de+elopment de+elops units and components in accordance ,ith appro+ed design
by producing code instructions and data definitions5 adapting reusable components and
non4de+elopmental items to soft,are5 building and populating databases and data files5
and tracing re.uirements to units and components.
3. =enerate unit and component test cases and procedures
Product de+elopment generates test cases by identifying test inputs 7include nominal5
boundary5 and erroneous +alues8. Product de+elopment creates test procedures that
specify the actions necessary to initiate5 e9ecute5 stop5 and handle anomalies5 as
appropriate5 and ensures all inter4unit data flo,s are tra+ersed for component testing.
4. ')ecute unit and component test procedures
Product de+elopment performs unit and component testing by comparing actual to
e9pected results5 analy<ing results5 identifying faults5 and performing regression testing
of units5 as needed.
5. Document units and components and test results
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '$ 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
Product de+elopment documents implementation results in engineering notebooks to
include the implemented product 7e.g.5 code listing or pointer to source file8 and test plan5
cases procedures5 and results.
6. 'valuate units and components to implementation revie! criteria
Product de+elopment e+aluates units and components in accordance ,ith the peer re+ie,
procedure and using the follo,ing implementation re+ie, criteria6
Traceability D Traceability to product re.uirements and design
"onsistency D Consistency ,ith re.uirements5 design5 and other
"ompliance D Compliance ,ith customer re.uirements and standards
)ppropriateness D Appropriateness of implementation methods and standard
,easibility D @easibility of integration5 operations5 and maintenance.
Product de+elopment records e+aluation results in engineering notebooks.
Implementation Outputs
3utputs to the 0mplementation procedure include6
=nit and component documentation
=nit and component test documentation and results
0mplementation re+ie, results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '- 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#1 $ntegration
0ntegration procedure defines ho, units and components are integrated into the final
Integration Inputs
0nputs to the 0ntegration procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
=nits and components
0ntegration re+ie, criteria.
Integration Tas9s
0ntegration procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. %ntegrate units and components
Product de+elopment integrates units and components as they become a+ailable.
3. Develop integration test cases and procedures
Product de+elopment de+elops integration test cases and procedures.
4. Test as integrated product aggregates are developed
Product de+elopment tests integrated product as aggregates are de+eloped to ensure each
aggregate satisfies re.uirements of the product and that the product is fully integrated at
the end of integration.
5. Document integration test results
Product de+elopment documents the results of integration tests.
6. 'valuate integrated product to integration revie! criteria
Product de+elopment e+aluates integrated product in accordance ,ith the peer re+ie,
procedure and using the follo,ing integration re+ie, criteria6
Traceability D Traceability to product re.uirements
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '% 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
"onsistency and completeness D Consistency ,ith re.uirements and
completeness of test co+erage
"ompliance D Compliance ,ith customer re.uirements and standards
)ppropriateness D Appropriateness of test standards and methods used
,easibility D @easibility of acceptance testing5 operations5 and maintenance.
Product de+elopment records e+aluation results.
Integration Outputs
3utputs to the 0ntegration procedure include6
0ntegration test documentation
0ntegration test results
0ntegration re+ie, results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '& 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#10 Acceptance
Acceptance procedure defines ho, the final product is tested and re+ie,ed to ensure
re.uirements are being met.
)cceptance Inputs
0nputs to the Acceptance procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
0ntegrated product
Acceptance re+ie, criteria.
)cceptance Tas9s
Acceptance procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Develop acceptance test cases and procedures
Product management 7test8 de+elops test cases and procedures for performing acceptance
testing to include6
Test setup
Test inputs 7include boundary and erroneous +alues8
Test e9ecution 7steps8
Test acceptance criteria
Test stopping conditions
Test anomaly management
*e.uirement satisfied.
3. ')ecute tests in accordance !ith test procedures
Product management 7test8 e9ecutes tests in accordance ,ith test procedures by follo,ing
test step se.uence5 re+ie,ing test e9ecution results to criteria5 and noting inconsistencies
and anomalies.
4. Document test results
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '/ 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
Product management 7test8 documents the results of acceptance testing by identifying
PA;;:@A0E for each test step5 processing anomalies 7problems8 in accordance ,ith CM
change re.uest procedure5 and performing retests as needed.
5. Prepare and distribute acceptance test report
Product management 7test8 prepares the acceptance test report that includes6
Test results o+er+ie,
Test assessment
Detailed test results
Problems found
De+iations from procedures
Test logs.
Product management 7test8 deli+ers the test report for re+ie, and appro+al.
6. 'valuate final product to acceptance revie! criteria
Product management 7test8 e+aluates the final product using the follo,ing criteria6
Traceability D Traceability to product re.uirements
Test coerage D Test co+erage of re.uirements of the product
"ompliance D Compliance to re.uirements and standards
"onformance D Conformance to e9pected results
,easibility D @easibility of operations and maintenance.
Product management 7test8 records e+aluation results.
)cceptance Outputs
3utputs to the Acceptance procedure include6
Acceptance test documentation
Acceptance test report
Acceptance re+ie, results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 '1 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#11 Deliver. and $nstallation
Deli+ery and installation procedure defines ho, accepted product is deli+ered5 installed5
and transitioned to operations.
Deliery and Installation Inputs
0nputs to the Deli+ery and 0nstallation procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Accepted product
Product support documents C materials.
Deliery and Installation Tas9s
Deli+ery and 0nstallation procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Define the methods and resources needed for deliver and installation
Product management 7operations8 defines the methods and resources needed for deli+ery
and installation.
3. Develop installation procedures
Product management 7operations8 establishes the installation procedures to be used by
de+eloping the macros and scripts needed to support installation.
4. =enerate operations guide
Product management 7operations8 generates the operations guide to support operations to
include instructions for startup5 shutdo,n5 restoration5 backup5 performance monitoring5
database administration5 and security as needed.
5. 'nsure readiness of target environment
Product management 7operations8 ensures the target en+ironment is ready for installation
by assessing the ade.uacy and readiness of the target en+ironment5 correcting
inade.uacies in the target en+ironment5 and configuring the target en+ironment.
6. >erif product has completed all test and support materials and documents are
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #2 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
Product management 7operations8 ensures the product has successfully completed all tests
and support materials and documentation are a+ailable.
7. Deliver and install product
Product management 7operations8 deli+ers and installs product in the target en+ironment
by packaging and deli+ering products5 notifying users of deli+ery and installation plans
and acti+ities5 and conducting user training5 as needed. Product management 7operations8
installs the product by configuring the application en+ironment 7e.g.5 libraries5 hard,are
de+ices5 permissions5 users85 building the target en+ironment5 loading data and soft,are5
and testing the installation and reporting:resol+ing problems.
8. Complete turnover and acceptance
Product management 7operations8 performs turno+er and acceptance acti+ities by
e9ecuting acceptance tests and documenting test results and resol+ing problems. Product
management 7operations8 coordinates the turno+er and customer acceptance.
Deliery and Installation Outputs
3utputs to the Deli+ery and 0nstallation procedure include6
3perations guide
0nstallation procedures
Product installation C turno+er results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #" 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#12 2perations
3perations procedure defines ho, the deli+ered and installed product is +erified and
Operations Inputs
0nputs to the 3perations procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Deli+ered C installed product
3perations guide
Maintenance procedure.
Operations Tas9s
3perations procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Perform operational testing and release product !hen test criteria are satisfied
Product management 7operations8 performs operational testing for each product release
and releases product ,hen the specified test criteria are satisfied. Product management
7operations8 ensures products 7e.g.5 code5 databases8 initiali<e5 e9ecute5 and terminate as
3. *perate sstem in target environment in accordance !ith documentation
Product management 7operations8 operates the system in its intended en+ironment in
accordance ,ith appro+ed user documentation.
4. Provide operator assistance to users
Product management 7operations8 pro+ides operator assistance to users as re.uested by
recording user re.uests and monitoring re.uests and subse.uent actions.
5. Provide product maintenance support in accordance !ith maintenance procedure
Product management 7operations8 supports product maintenance in accordance ,ith
maintenance procedure. Product management 7operations8 for,ards user re.uests to
maintenance for resolution5 pro+ides temporary ,orkarounds5 and applies permanent
corrections5 ne, functions:features5 and impro+ements5 as directed.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #' 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
6. Maintain documentation 0masters, bac;ups(
Operations Outputs
3utputs to the 3perations procedure include6
3perational test results
=ser ser+ice re.uests
Product upgrades C fi9es.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 ## 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#1% Maintenance
Maintenance procedure defines ho, the accepted product is modified during the
maintenance phase.
Maintenance Inputs
0nputs to the Maintenance procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Accepted product.
Maintenance Tas9s
Maintenance procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. Record problems and modification requests during maintenance
Product management 7de+elopment8 records problems and modification re.uests in
accordance ,ith CM change re.uest procedure.
3. 2nal/e problems and modifications for impacts to e)isting and interfacing sstems
Product management 7de+elopment8 analy<es problem:modification re.uests for impact
to e9isting and interfacing systems. Product management 7de+elopment8 identifies the
type of modification 7correction5 impro+ement5 adaptation to ne, en+ironment85 the
scope of the modification 7si<e5 cost5 time85 and identifies criticality of modification
7impact on performance5 safety5 security8. Product management 7de+elopment8 +erifies
7replicates8 the problem.
4. Document analsis results and options and obtain approval
Product management 7de+elopment8 de+elops options based on analysis and documents
modification re.uest5 analysis results5 and implementation options. Product management
7de+elopment8 obtains appro+al for selected option.
5. Perform approved modification
Product management 7de+elopment8 performs appro+ed modifications by identifying
documentation5 units5 and +ersions needing to be modified. Product management
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #$ 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
7de+elopment8 performs modifications in accordance ,ith de+elopment procedures to
Defining test and e+aluation criteria
(nsuring complete and correct implementation
(nsuring original5 unmodified re.uirements are not affected
Documenting test results.
6. >erif modifications
Product management 7de+elopment8 performs maintenance re+ie, and acceptance by
conducting re+ie,s ,ith authori<ing group 7e.g.5 customer5 users8 and obtaining appro+al
for completion of modifications.
Maintenance Outputs
3utputs to the Maintenance procedure include6
Problem and modification re.uests
*e.uest analysis results
Product upgrades C fi9es
Modification +erification results.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #- 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
(#1& Product Management Measurement
Product management measurement procedure defines ho, product management analy<es
and re+ie,s its effecti+eness.
Product Management Measurement Inputs
0nputs to the Product Management Measurement procedure include6
Product Management Plan5 schedule
Product si<e status data
Defect status data
Product management progress status data
Product management effort status data.
Product Management Measurement Tas9s
Product Management Measurement procedure includes the follo,ing steps6
-. 2nal/e product si/e status
Product management re+ie,s product si<e status. Product management assesses current
si<e status 7estimated to actual85 compares current +ariance 7if applicable8 to pre+ious
months5 and determines product si<e trend 7negati+e or positi+e8. Product management
identifies reasons for si<e +ariance and trend.
3. 2nal/e product defect status
Product management re+ie,s defect closure status. Product management assesses
current Ftotal openedG to Ftotal closedG defect status5 compares current closure status to
pre+ious months5 and determines defect status trend 7negati+e or positi+e8. Product
management identifies reasons for the defect status trend. Product management re+ie,s
defect distributions by rank ordering defects by configuration items5 re+ie, and defect
types to identify the configuration items ,ith the highest number of defects and defect
4. 2nal/e product management progress 0schedule( status
Product management re+ie,s its progress 7schedule8 status. Product management
assesses current status 7total acti+ities planned to total actual acti+ities performed85
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #% 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management Procedures
Date: April 2001
compares current +ariance to pre+ious months5 and determines product management
progress trend 7negati+e or positi+e8. Product management identifies reasons for product
management progress +ariance and trend.
5. 2nal/e product management effort status
Product management re+ie,s its effort status. Product management assesses current
status 7total hours planned to total actual hours e9pended85 compares current +ariance to
pre+ious months5 and determines product management effort trend 7negati+e or positi+e8.
Product management identifies reasons for product management effort +ariance and
6. Record product management measurement results
Product management documents product management measurement data including6
;i<e5 defect5 effort and progress trends 7positi+e:negati+e8
Defect key contributors
Trend:+ariance reasons.
7. Report product management measurement results
Product management reports product management measurement results to management
7task5 project5 senior8 and includes positi+e trends and opportunity areas for
Product Management Measurement Outputs
3utputs to the Product Management Measurement procedure include6
;i<e +ariances and trends
Defect trends and distributions
Product mgmt. progress +ariances C trends
Product mgmt. effort +ariances C trends
Correcti+e action C impro+ement re.uests.
Product Mgmt. Plan Template 4 #& 4 Product Mgmt. Procedures
Product Management Plan Template
Title: Product Management "chedule
Date: April 2001
Anne3 A: Product Management "chedule
This anne) includes the pro#ect product management schedule!
Anne9 A includes the Product Management ;chedule @orm to be used for documenting
planned product management tasks and actual completion dates.
Product Management "chedule *orm
Start Date
Product Mgmt. Plan Template Product Mgmt. &chedule A4"

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