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Systems Analysis and Design

Syllabus :
Sr. No. Topics
The System Design Environment
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Process in Building Information Systems
1.1.2 Organization of the Book
1.2 Development Process
1.2.1 ethods and !ools
1." anagement Processes
1.".1 #ho is Involved in Building Information Systems$
1.".2 Organizing the People
1."." #hat does a Systems %nalyst do$
1.& Supporting Process
1.&.1 !he Importance of !eam'ork and (ommunication
1.&.2 )eeping !rack of Design Documents
1.* System Structures
1.*.1 People+ Processes and Data
1.*.2 Data,ase - a variety of %rtifacts
1.*." Personal Systems
1.*.& (entralized Systems
1.*.* Distri,uted Systems
System for oordination
2.1 Introduction
2.2 !he (hanging Organization
2.2.1 % .ierarchical vie'
2.2.2 !o'ards /latter Structures
2.2." #orking in !eams
2.2.& !he Importance of Process
2." Information 01change and Personal 2elationships
2.".1 Supporting Information 01change
2.".2 Supporting Personal 2elationships
2.& Supporting Planned #ork
2.&.1 !ransaction Processing Systems
2.* Supporting Situated #ork
2.3 (hoosing the Support System
2.3.1 Identifying the group activities
Some "usiness #nformation Systems
".1 Introduction
".2 Introduction to !ypical Information Systems
"." System Integration
".& Business Processes
".&.1 !rends in Business Processes
".&.2 .uman 2esource unit Processes
".&." (lient Services Processes
Sr. No. Topics
oncept %ormation
&.1 Introduction
&.2 /inding the Pro,lem
&.2.1 /inding Pro,lems using 01ternal (onsiderations
&.2.2 /inding Pro,lems using Internal (onsiderations
'e(uirements Analysis
*.1 Introduction
*.2 !he Importance of (ommunication
*.2.1 #hat do 'e do in System Development$
*.2.2 Different 45anguages6
*.2." 2epresenting Systems
*." Identifying 2e7uirements
*.".1 Descri,ing the usage #orld
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Information Sources
3.2.1 System users
3.2.2 /orms and Documents
3.2." (omputer Programs
3.2.& Procedure anuals
3.2.* 2eports
3." 8athering Information !hrough Intervie'ing
3.".1 Intervie'ing Search Procedures
3.".2 #hat if there is no e1isting system$
3.& !he Intervie' Plan
3.* !he Intervie'
3.*.1 !he Intervie' Structure
3.*.2 .o' to get Information from Intervie's
3.3 /ollo'ing up for Detailed Information
The Development ,rocess
9.1 Introduction
9.2 !eams and their 'ork
9.2.1 !ypes of !eams structure
9.2.2 Structured !eams
9.2." Synchronous and Open !eam Structures
9.2.& 2andom !eams
9." Descri,ing the development process
9.".1 Defining the development steps
9.& !he 5inear or #aterfall cycle
9.&.1 !eam and Documentation support
9.&.2 %ssuring :uality
9.&." 5inear cycle phases
Data %lo* Diagrams
;.1 Introduction
;.2 Data flo' diagram sym,ols
;.2.1 Processes
;.2.2 /iles or Data stores
Sr. No. Topics
;.2." 01ternal entities
;.2.& Data flo's
;." Descri,ing Systems ,y data flo' diagrams
Describing Data
<.1 Introduction
<.2 0ntity - 2elationship %nalysis
<.2.1 !erminology
<.2.2 0ntity - 2elationship structures
<.2." ore a,out entity - 2elationship modeling
<.2.& odeling relationship cardinality
<.2.* odeling 2elationship Participation
<." Building 0ntity - 2elationship odels
<.".1 0ach set to model one concept
<.".2 (hoosing attri,utes
<."." (hoosing o,=ect set names
<.".& %n analysis se7uence
,rocess Descriptions
1>.1 Introduction
1>.2 ?atural 5anguage specifications
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Documentation
11." !he Documentation configuration
11.".1 D/D diagrams
11.".2 Data structure
11."." Data stores and data flo's
11.".& 0ntity - relationship diagrams
11.".* Process descriptions
11.".3 0ntries in o,=ect modeling
11.".9 Other kinds of entries
11.".; (ross - 2eferencing
11.".< Documentation as a standard
11.& @sing the document configuration
11.&.1 Pro=ect 2eports
11.* aintaining a configuration
11.*.1 anual systems
11.*.2 %utomated systems
Designing The Ne* System
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Starting 'ith system o,=ectives
12.2.1 kinds of o,=ectives
12.2.2 2educing o,=ectives
0ser #nterface Design
1".1 Introduction
1".2 #hat makes a good interface$
1".2.1 (hoosing the transaction modules
Sr. No. Topics
1".2.2 Defining the presentation
1".2." 0valuating the presentation
1".2.& #orkspaces
1".2.* 2o,ustness
1".2.3 @sa,ility
1"." Interactive Interfaces
1".".1 @ser dialog for transactions
1".".2 (omparing dialog methods for transaction Processing
1"."." (ontrols for Interactive !ransaction Input
1".& Designing a #orld #ide #e, Interface
1".* Interactions for Pro,lem - Solving
1".*.1 ulti - #indo' Displays
1".*.2 ultimedia Displays
1".3 Interfaces for Personal Support
1".9 Interfaces for #orkgroups
1".; Interfaces design tools
1".< Off - 5ine !ransactions
1".<.1 Off - 5ine Input Interface
1".<.2 (ontrols 'ith Off - 5ine Input
1".<." Off - 5ine Output
"oo1 Details :
Name of the boo1 Name of the ,ublisher ontact
#ntroduction to
Systems Analysis and Design
Igor .a'ryszkie'ycz
Afourth editionB
ISB? C;1D2>"D139>D"
PrenticeD.all of India
Private 5imited
Sachin Eadhav
Fikas isar

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