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Computer Organization

Sr.No Topics
1. Structure of Computer System
Introduction, brief history of computers, Von Neumann architecture, computer components,
computer function, interconnections structures, bus interconnection.
Computer Arithmetic scalar data types, fixed and floating point numbers, signed numbers,
integer arithmetic 2s complement addition, subtraction, multiplication, ooths algorithm,
hard!are implementation, bit"pair recording, di#ision" restoring and non restoring
algorithms, floating point representations, I$$$ standards, floating point arithmetic.
2. Central Processing Unit %Intel &'&( as a representati#e example)
C*+ architecture, register organi,ation, instruction format, addressing modes %&'&( and
*-*"..), instruction cycle, instruction pipelining.
/. Control Unit
0ingle bus organi,ation of a processor, Control unit operation, Instruction se1uencing,
branching, micro"operations, 2ard!ired control. 3icro"programmed control"
microinstruction se1uencing and execution, comparison bet!een hard!ired and micro"
programmed control.
4. Memory Organization
Characteristics of memory system, memory hierarchy, main memory 5637 *563,
$*563, 5A37 05A3, -5A3, 0-5A3, 5-5A3
2igh 0peed 3emory " Cache memory, organi,ation and mapping, replacement algorithms,
cache coherence, 3$0I protocol. Virtual memory implementation.
0econdary storage7 3agnetic dis8, tape, 5AI-, C-563, and -V-.
9. Input Output Systems
I:6 addressing, *rogrammed I:6, Interrupt -ri#en I:6, ;rap, <ault exceptions, &'&( interrupt
structure, I:6 channels, -3A concept. 0tandard uses7 0ynchronous, asynchronous, parallel,
serial, *CI, 0C0I, and +0 ports, 50"2/2C, I$$$ 4&&. 0tudy of *eripherals7 =eyboard,
3ouse, 0canners, Video displays, *rinters" -ot"matrix, des8">et, laser printers.
(. OS Support an !"ance !rc#itectures
Components of operating system %60), -60"I60, its loading, -60"I60 interrupts,
;05s, Installable de#ice dri#er.
5I0C and 0uper scalar processors7 5I0C features, register file, 5I0C #s. CI0C, 0uper scalar
processors" 6#er#ie! and organi,ation.
$oo% &etails :
Name of t#e boo% Publis#er Contact
Computer Organization
C.2amacher, V. ?#on8o, 0. ?a8y 9
;ata 3c@ra!"
+day 0 *anchpor
5egional 0ales 3anager 7 Aest India
;ata 3c@ra!"2ill *ublishing Co.Btd.
9'C, *o!ai *la,a, 2iranandani @ardens,
Central A#enue, *o!ai, 3umbai7 4'' 'C(
(9' 29C29: (9' 29C2/, D&D29 D/C2'
Computer Organization an
A. 0tallings
*2I 0achin Eadha#
Vi8as 3isar

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