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Russian words in English. Version 4.

0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide


Common Russian phrases. Russian alphabet and sounds
Knowing how to pronounce Russian letters will facilitate your conversation.

Russian word Sounds in English Used in an English word
a As in the word army
u As in the word gun
b As in the word bath
v As in the word very
g As in the word gun
d As in the word dog
e As in the word send
zh As in the word pleasure
z As in the word zoo
i As in the word bit
y, in the transcriptions below, depending on
the preceding vowel - iy, oy, ay)
As in the word oyster
k As in the word kitchen
l As in the word luck
l As in the word leaf
m As in the word meet
n As in the word not
o As in the word hot
p As in the word pot
r As in the word robot
s As in the word sun
t As in the word tall
oo (in the transcriptions below u) As in the word room
f (ph) As in the words fish, photo
ts As in the word tsar
ch As in the word church
sh As in the word fish
sh As in the word smashed
No sound value. It occurs only between a
consonant and a vowel as in the word
"" (entry) making the consonant sound

No English equivalent. To produce "" sound,
notice the positions of the tongue when
pronouncing English sounds i as in kit and u
as in sugar. Then place your tongue in
between and emit a voiced sound.
In the Latin transcriptions below
substituted with the y letter.
No sound value. Makes the preceding
consonant soft.
In the Latin transcriptions below
substituted with the sign.
e As in the word angel
You (in the transcriptions - yu) As in the word you
ya As in the word yarn

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide

Common Russian phrases. Numerals
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
0 nol' zero
1 Odin one
2 Dva two
3 Tri three
4 chetyre four
5 - pyat' five
6 - shest' six
7 - sem' seven
8 - vosem' eight
9 - devyat' nine
10 - desyat' ten
11 - odinnadtsat' eleven
12 - dvenadtsat' twelve
13 - trinadtsat' thirteen
14 - chetyrnadtsat' fourteen
15 - pyatnadtsat' fifteen
16 - shestnadtsat' sixteen
17 - semnadtsat' seventeen
18 vosemnadtsat' eighteen
19 devyatnadtsat' nineteen
20 dvadtsat' twenty
21 dvadtsat' odin twenty one
22 dvadtsat' dva twenty two
30 tridtsat' thirty
40 sorok forty
50 pyat'desyat fifty
60 shest'desyat sixty
70 sem'desyat seventy
80 vosem'desyat eighty
90 devyanosta ninety
100 Sto one hundred
101 sto odin one hundred one
110 sto desyat' one hundred ten
200 dvesti two hundred
258 dvesti pyat'desyat vosem' two hundred fifty eight
300 trista three hundred
400 chetyresta four hundred
500 pyat'sot five hundred
600 shest'sot six hundred
700 sem'sot seven hundred
800 vosem'sot eight hundred
900 devyat'sot nine hundred
1 000 tysyacha one thousand
1 100 tysyacha sto one thousand one hundred
2 000 dve tysyachi two thousand
10 000 desyat' tysyach ten thousand
1 000 000 odin million one million

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide

Common Russian phrases. Belarus regional centers and their transcription
Russian word Say it in Russian English translation
Minsk Minsk
Brest Brest
Grodno Grodno
Vitebsk Vitebsk
Mogilev Mogilev
Gomel' Gomel

Common Russian phrases. Foreign capitals and major cities with direct connections to Minsk
Russian word Say it in Russian English translation
Varshava Warsaw
Vena Vienna
Vil'nyus Vilnius
Kiev Kiev
Moskva Moscow
Praga Prague
Riga Riga
- Sankt-Peterburg Saint-Petersburg
Frankfurt Frankfurt

Common Russian phrases. Local geography
Russian word (abbreviation) Say it in Russian English translation
(-, .) prospekt avenue
(.) ploshad square
(.) ulitsa street
(.) pereulok lane
(.) Dom building
(.) kvartira apartment

Common Russian phrases. Notices and warnings
Russian word (abbreviation) Say it in Russian English translation
WC: Tualet Toilet
WC: () / () Muzhskoy / Zhenskiy Men / Women
Informatsiya Information
Spravka Enquiry
Obmen valyuty Currency exchange
Besplatno Free of charge
/ Svobodno/Zanyato Free / Occupied
K sebe Pull
Ot sebya Push
/ Otkryto / Zakryto Open/ Closed

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide

Common Russian phrases. Immigration and passport control situations
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
Pasportniy kontrol' Passport control
Pogranichniy kontrol Border control

Vot moy pasport i tamozhennaya
Here are my passport and
customs declaration
Eto moy bagazh This is my luggage
, Izvinite, ya ne ponimayu Excuse me, I don't understand
Mne nuzhen perevodchik I need an interpreter
Tamozhnya Customs
Mne nechego deklarirovat' I have nothing to declare

Common Russian phrases. Shopping
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
. Ya tol'ko smotryu. I'm just looking.
, . Pokazhite mne pozhaluysta, eto. Show me this, please.
Ya hotel by I would like (sth)
, . Daite mne eto, pozhaluysta. May I have this, please.
? Skol'ko eto stoit? How much does it cost?
. Ya eto beru. I am buying this.
. Slishkom dorogo. This is too expensive
? Mogu ya eto pomerit'? May I try this on?
. Sdacha nepravil'naya. The change is miscalculated.

Common Russian phrases. Hotel situations
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
() Registratsiya (administrator) Registration (Hotel reception)
Registratsiya registration (police registration)
? U vas est' svobodnye nomera? Do you have a spare room?
Net svobodnyh mest No spare rooms / seats
Nomer na odnogo Single room
bolshaya krovat double bed
razdelnye krovaty twin beds
Mne nuzhen nomer I need a room
s dushem with shower
ne ochen' dorogoy not too expensive
na odnu noch' for one night
na odnu nedelu for a week

Skol'ko stoit nomer v sutki na
Whats the room price per night
per person?
Ya plachu nalichnymi I am paying in cash
Mne nuzhen utyug I need an iron
Ne rabotaet is out of order.
dush Shower
telefon Telephone
, ,
Razbudite menya, pozhaluysta, v
vosem chasov
Wake me up at 8 o'clock, please

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide

Common Russian phrases. Taxi
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
? U vas rabotaet schetchik? Does your meter work?
? Skol'ko stoit doehat' do? How much does it cost to go to
Otvezite menya Drive me to
. v aeroport. the airport.
. na zheleznodorozhniy vokzal. the railway station
... v gostinitsu... the hotel
. v tsentr goroda. the city center.
. Mne nuzhno vernut'sya. I need to come back.

Vy ne mogli by menya
Could you wait for me, please?

Common Russian phrases. Everyday situations
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
Da Yes
Net No
Pozhaluysta Please
Spasibo Thanks
Bol'shoe spasibo Thank you very much
( ) Zdravstvuite (Dobryi den') Hello
Dobroe utro Good morning
Dobryi vecher Good evening
Privet Hi
? Kak vas zovut? What is your name?
Menya zovut My name is
Izvinite (to attract someones
Excuse me
Izvinite I'm sorry
-? Vy govorite po-angliyski? Do you speak English?
, -
K sozhaleniyu, ya ne govoryu po-
Unfortunately, I don't speak
. Ya ne ponimayu. I don't understand.
...? Gde nahoditsya...? Where is?
Spokoynoy nochi Good night
Poka Bye
Do svidaniya Good bye
Ya iz Anglii I come from England

Ne mogli by Vy govorit'
Could you speak slower?
? Chto Vy skazali? What did you say?
, ! Pomogite mne, pozhaluysta! Help me, please!
! S Rozhdestvom! Merry Christmas!
! S novym godom! Happy New Year!
! S dnem rozhdeniya! Happy birthday!

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide

Common Russian phrases. Railway station
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
pribytie arrival
otpravlenie departure
raspisanie schedule
nalichie svobodnyh mest available spaces
marshrut train route
storona side
platforma platform
put' track
stoimost' cost
nomer vagona number of the car
() verhnyaya polka (kupe) upper berth (kupe)
() nizhnyaya polka (kupe) lower berth (kupe)
() verhnee bokovoe (platskartniy) upper aisle berth (platskartny)
() nizhnee bokovoe (platskartniy) lower aisle berth (platskartny

Mne nuzhno doehat' do I need to go to
? Skol'ko stoit bilet do? What is the price of a ticket to?
... Mne nuzhny dva bileta do ... I need two tickets to ...
/ Pervyi/ vtoroy klass First / second class
/ Kupe / platskart Compartment / second class

Gde mne nuzhno delat'
Where should I change the train?
, ? Izvinite, etot poezd idet v ? Excuse me does this train go to?
? Eto mesto zanyato? Is this seat occupied?
? Poezd opazdyvaet? Is the train delayed?

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide


Common Russian phrases. Getting around
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
Ya ischu I'm looking for
gostinitsu a hotel
turisticheskoe agentstvo a travel agency
- telefon-avtomat a street phone
apteku a pharmacy
pochtu a post office
Gde zdes' blizhayshee Where is the nearest?
? stantsiya metro metro station?
? ostanovka avtobusa bus stop?
? zapravka filling station?

Common Russian phrases. Months and week days
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
Yanvar' January
Fevral' February
Mart March
Aprel' April
May May
Iyun' June
Iyul' July
Avgust August
Sentyabr' September
Oktyabr' October
Noyabr' November
Dekabr' December

Ponedel'nik Monday
Vtornik Tuesday
Sreda Wednesday
Chetverg Thursday
Pyatnitsa Friday
Subbota Saturday
Voskresen'e Sunday

Russian words in English. Version 4.0 December 2011

English-Russian phrases for trips to Belarus (Russia) compiled by Andrei Burdenkov, a certified Minsk guide

Common Russian phrases. Eating out
Russian phrase Say it in Russian English translation
Kafe Cafe
Restoran Restaurant
Bar Bar

General phrases
, ... Dayte mne pozhaluysta Please, give me ...
Ochen vkusno That's delicious
Priyatnogo appetita Enjoy your meal!

Ya hochu poprobovat natsionalnoye
I want to try a national dish
, Schot pozhaluysta Bring the bill, please

... [male] Ya khatel bi I'd like a ...
... [female] Ya khatela bi I'd like a ...
stakan chaya a glass of tea
chashku kofe a cup of coffee
s saharom with sugar
bez sahara without sugar
... sok juice
... malako milk
vodu s gazom sparkling water
vodu bez gaza flat water
vodu iz holodilnika cold water
... kvas kvass

sup soup
salat salad
kasha porridge
bliny pancakes
shashlik shashlik

Ingredients and products
griby mushrooms
kartofel potatoes
govyadina Beef
svinina Pork
ryba Fish
kuritsa Chicken
kapusta cabbage
pomidory tomatoes
ogurtsy cucumbers
khleb bread
yaitso egg
smetana sour cream
maslo butter
goroh pea
syr cheese
pasta pasta
med honey
bifshteks steak
sous sauce
svekla beets
luk onions
iogurt youghurt

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