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Nikitha et. al.

/ International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401
Asst. Professor, Dept. of C.S.E.,
GITAM University, Medak Dist, AP, India
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mech.,
GITAM University, Medak Dist, AP, India
Professor, Dept. of I.T.,
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), sensors are randomly deployed in the sensor field which brings the
coverage problem. It is a unique problem and in maximizing coverage, the sensors need to be placed in a
position such that the sensing capability of the network is fully utilized to ensure high quality of service. This
can be achieved with minimum number of sensor nodes having maximum coverage in the network and the
nodes are within the communication range. In this paper, particle swarm algorithm was used to find the optimal
positions of the sensors to determine the best coverage. This algorithm is an optimization technique which
belongs to the fertile paradigm of swarm intelligence. It is a derivative free and is a very efficient global search
algorithm with few algorithm parameters. Here, results are presented which shows that, PSO has good effect in
solving coverage problem.
Keywords: Coverage Problem; Particle swarm optimization; Swarm intelligence; Wireless Sensor network.
1. Introduction
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of low cost, low power, multifunctional and small size distributed
networked sensors. These sensors work together to sense the environment with a little or no human intervention.
PSO has been successfully used in numerous engineering applications like in training of neural networks to
identify Parkinson's disease, extraction of rules from fuzzy networks, image identification, optimization of
electric power distribution networks, structural optimization, inhabitant monitoring, environmental monitoring,
monitoring deep oceans currents, smart home building and military applications among many others. One of the
fundamental issues that arise in WSN is coverage area in addition to location identification, tracking, and
deployment. In this coverage, the nodes have the effective responsibility to cover the predefined area. The most
effective approach of sensor deployment is to place sensors in such a manner that the maximal network
coverage is achieved. However, this approach may not be manually feasible in terms of deployment efforts,
especially for a large WSN [Kennedy and Eberhart (1945)].
1.1. Sensor Coverage
A sensor placed on a location point (x
, y
) can cover a location point (x
, y
), if the Euclidean distance between
these two points is
2 2
2 1
2 1
) ( ) ( r y y x x (1)
Where, r is the sensing range of the sensor. The mean value of the location points (x
, y
) for i =1, 2,
M, is represented by (m
, m
). Sensor node is the centroid of location points it has to cover. The distance
between the sensor node and the farthest location point denote the sensing range r. Area A is divided into R
regions and each region is placed with a sensor node by minimizing the Euclidean distances between location
points and their closest centroid. Area A is covered with R sensor nodes. The coverage problem can be
formulated as an optimization problem and defined as: P is the set of points and R is the fixed no. of sensors, the
optimum location for deploying all R sensors such that every location point is covered is
ISSN: 0975-5462 5395
Nikitha et. al. / International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401
))) , ( distance (max(
j R j R
Where S
indicates, the sensor deployment point and P
is the location point, distance refers to the
Euclidean distance calculated as in "Eq. (1)". The objective is to minimize the F, such that the sensing range r,
required to cover all the location points is minimum [Siba K. Udgata et al. (2009)].
2. Particle Swarm Optimization
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic search technique introduced by Kennedy
and Eberhart in 1995 [Eberhart R. and Kennedy J . (1995)], [J in-zhu Hu et al. (2009)], inspired by social
behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. It works in the same way as genetic algorithms and other
evolutionary algorithms. Similar to evolution algorithm, PSO algorithm adopts a strategy based on particle
swarm and parallel global random search. This algorithm determines search path according to the velocity and
current position of particle without more complex evolution operation. PSO algorithm has better performance
than early intelligent algorithms on calculation speed and memory occupation, and has less parameter and is
easier to realize [Lin Lu et al. (2008)]. All these algorithms update a set of solutions (called swarm in the
context of PSO) applying some operators and using the fitness information to guide the set of solutions for
better regions of the search space.
PSO is a novel stochastic optimization algorithm based on the study of migration behaviors of bird
flock in the process of searching food. In this process of searching food, each bird can find food through social
collaboration of neighboring birds and the birds who have found food can guide other birds around them to fly
to the food location. Once these birds also find food, they can guide more birds to find the location, which
increases the possibility of bird flock finding food. PSO differs from these algorithms by simulating the social
behavior and moment dynamics of a swarm and by not employing a survival of the fittest model [Marco Ferreira
et al. (2008)]. Each swarm always moves to the own local optimum solution and the global optimum solution.
Finally, swarm finds the good optimum solution. Swarm Intelligence can be defined as the study of
the emergent collective intelligence of groups of simple agents [Firasath Riyaz (2005)].
Some research has been done about its improvement, applications and proposed [Eberhart R. and Kennedy J .
(1995)], [J in-zhu Hu et al. (2009)], [Shi Y. and Eberhart R. (1998)], [Siba K. Udgata et al. (2009)].
The i
particle of the swarm in a d-dimensional search space is represented by the position vector
). ,....... , (
2 1 id i i i
x x x x

The velocity of the particle is denoted by velocity vector ). ,....... , (
2 1 id i i i
v v v v the best
visited position for the particle is
) ,....... , (
2 1 id i i ibest
p p p p
and also the best position explored.
The best value so far is global best i.e., ) ,....... , (
2 1 gd g g gbest
p p p p [ Yong Wang et al. (2009)].
The below Fig.1 shows the searching nature of swarms based on social and cognition factors [Kershner, R.
(1939)]. The velocity and positions of each particle are updated by the "Eq. (3)" and "Eq. (4)".
) ( * () * ) ( * () * ) ( * ) 1 (
2 1 i gbest i ibest i i
x p rand c x p rand c t v w t v (3)
Where, c1 and c2 are the cognitive and social factors (range between one and four) to control the effect
of the best factors of particle. w is inertia weight which shows the effect of previous velocity vector on the
new vector [Firasath Riyaz (2005)]. rand( ) values range from 0 to 1. ) (t v
is the speed of the i
particle in
the t
iteration. The second part of "Eq. (3)" thinks about particle own flying experience, represents cognition
component. The third part considers group flying experience, represents the collaboration among particles
giving the social component [J in-zhu Hu et al. (2009)].
) 1 ( ) ( ) 1 ( t v t x t x
i i i
Where, ) 1 ( t x
and ) (t x
are the positions of particle i in (t+1)
and t
positions respectively. "Eq. (3)" and
"Eq. (4)" are used to find position of the particle and its velocity.

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Nikitha et. al. / International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401

Fig.1. Searching Diagramof PSO

3. Problem Formulation
The main objective of the present work paper is to minimize the distance between the neighboring nodes,
maximizing coverage in the network, while simultaneously satisfying all constraints.
All sensor nodes are homogenous and have mobility.
We assume the deployed sensor nodes can fully cover the sensing field. Sensing coverage and
communication coverage of each node is assumed to have a circular shape without any irregularity.
The design variables are two-dimensional coordinates of the sensor nodes.
All the nodes cover equal sensing field areas [Singh M.P. and Gore M. M. (2005)].
The above are common assumptions for many sensor network applications.
4. Flow Chart
The flowchart contains a recursive iteration loop (generations) and can be described by the following pseudo
code. Fitness F given in "Eq. (2)" depends on the Euclidian distance between the sensor node and the nearest
centroid. Calculate fitness for each particle. Among the swarm, the particle with the least fitness is considered as
the global best particle as it is closest to the optimum solution. The swarm is said to have accomplished the task
if all the particles in it have acquired fitness less than or equal to the range of sensors incorporated in the
network. In the particle swarm optimization algorithm, we perform the following actions:
1. Network information and algorithm parameters- inertia weight, learning factor, velocity boundary value,
and the largest iterative number are initialized. Array of particles are initialized with random position and
velocity vectors.
2. Find the distance of the interest point to its nearest sensor. Fitness is evaluated for every particle at its
current position using Euclidian distance as in "Eq. (1)".
3. Minimize the fitness value; ideally the fitness value should be equal to zero, where the distance between
the interests points with their nearest sensors are within the sensors sensing range. If the fitness of the
particle is lesser than that of the best particle, then the particle would be the best particle for the next move,
and the fitness of this particle is taken as best fitness.
4. Each particle is made to modify its current position, current velocity, the distance between current position
and p
, the distance between current position and p
) ,....... , (
2 1 gd g g gbest
p p p p
) ( * () * ) ( * () * ) ( * ) 1 (
2 1 i gbest i ibest i i
x p rand c x p rand c t v w t v
) 1 ( ) ( ) 1 ( t v t x t x
i i i

X axis
Y axis
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Nikitha et. al. / International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401
5. If the next position of the particle is best, then the particle chooses a new position, otherwise, the same
algorithm is continued.
6. This process is repeated in iterations, until all the particles communicate with each other and generate
maximum coverage.

No Yes
Initialize PSO
Randomly initialize all particles
velocities and positions
Set i=1, k=1
Update current
position, current
velocity and

Output result
Update particle i and best
Evaluate fitness
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Nikitha et. al. / International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401
4.1. PSO Parameters
For the proposed method the number of particles are taken as 40 and the learning factors c
=2. An inertia
weight factor is linearly reduced as the search proceeds from 0.9 to 0.4 [Xiahui et a.l (2004)]. The maximum
velocity and maximum iterations [Bo Li and RenYue Xiao (2007)] are taken as 50 and 300 respectively.
5. Results and Discussion
The initial population is created randomly and the objective function is calculated. The new sequence generation
based on the initial sequence is illustrated in the following example. Considering, the following initial sequence,
and p
as follows:
Present: 2 6 3 5 4 1
: 6 1 2 5 3 4
: 5 3 6 4 2 1
Assume c
=1 and rand() =0.57. The p
is generated by swapping the individuals of a present sequence.
Present: 2 6 3 5 4 1 Swap: (2,6)
6 2 3 5 4 1 Swap: (2,1)
6 1 3 5 4 2 Swap: (3,2)
6 1 2 5 4 3 Swap: (4,3)
6 1 2 5 3 4--- p

Hence (2,6), (2,1), (3,2) and (4,3) are used for getting the p
from present sequence. The p
is generated
by swapping the individuals of a present sequence.
Present: 2 6 3 5 4 1 Swap: (2,5)
5 6 3 2 4 1 Swap: (6,3)
5 3 6 2 4 1 Swap: (2,4)
5 3 6 2 4 1---p

Hence (2,5), (6,3) and (2,4) are used for getting the p
from present sequence.
Velocity =1*0.57{(2,6),(2,1),(3,2),(4,3)}+1*0.57{(2, 5), (6, 3),(2,4)}
The 57% of the changes in both the parts are considered. Hence the first two changes in both the parts
(2,6),(2,1) and (2,5), (6,3) is considered. Hence the new velocity =(2,6),(2,1),(2,5), (6,3)
New sequence=present +velocity =2 6 3 5 4 1+(2,6),(2,1),(2,5), (6,3)
Hence the sequence generated for the next generation is 3 1 6 2 4 5. Similarly for all the other particles, the
new sequences are generated and objective function is evaluated.


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Nikitha et. al. / International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401




PSOs particles location of the target Fig.2.a randomly distributed particles; Fig.2.b Particles positions after
50 interactions; Fig.2.c Particles positions after 100 interactions and Fig.2.d Particles positions after 200

Fig.3: Sensors Vs Coverage
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Nikitha et. al. / International J ournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5395-5401

It is proved theoretically [Men-Shen Tsai and Wu-Chang Wu (2008)] that the maximum efficient coverage
) 2 / 3 3 ( r . The minimum of nodes is given as Sensing field/Maximum Coverage.

The minimum number of
nodes required to cover rectangular area (A) of 50x50 is 40.
6. Conclusion
The proposed work has the ability to achieve optimal solution of coverage problem with minimum number of
sensors in wireless sensor networks. This approach cultivates an innovative is idea in employing the PSO
algorithm with enhanced fidelity. The results show that the PSO approach is effective and robust for efficient
coverage problem of sensor deployment and is considered to give almost the optimal solution in WSN.
In future, the focus can be given to achieve 100% coverage with minimum number of sensors. The study of
the 100% coverage using various optimal search techniques also presents several interesting challenges.
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