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internal dot matrix
Interfacing of dot matrix using 8051
April 25, 2014/0 Comments
8051 <>,
Embedded Lab <>, Microcontrollers
<> /by SKY LAB
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C code
This tutorial is about the LED matrix and its interfacing of dot matrix
using 8051 to print numbers from 0 to 9 on the DOT MATRIX. DOT matrix
can be used to print characters, numbers or sentences on the LED screen.
We can also make animations and scroll any sentence on the LED matrix.
This is a great fun to work with this device.
Before proceed in this tutorial, we should know about the dot matrix and
8051 microcontroller. So for interfacing of DOT matrix using 8051
microcontroller, we will use the AT89C51, which belongs to the Atmel
family of 8051 series of microcontrollers, is very commonly used by a
large community of hobbyist and engineers for learning purpose. Its
simplicity and ease of programming with inbuilt features easily makes
its position in the top preferred list of microcontroller for both
beginners and advanced user.
result4 proteus design of matrix using 8051
*Led Dot Matrix* Display is very famous for Displaying Messages in Metro
and Buses everywhere and making of these boards are quite interesting.
In this tutorial we will make some character frames and running them
into a continuous loop then it will look like a dancing man as shown in
the images.
*LED MATRIX DISPLAY: *In the Dot Matrix LED Display there are multiple
led's connected in the row and column fashion just like its name
`matrix'. Assuming 8X8 matrix then the anodes of 8 LED's are common and
named as rowX : X(1 to 8). Similarly the cathodes of 8 LED's are common
and named as colY Y(1 to 8) as shown in the image below.
internal dot matrix
Let's turn on a LED shown in the below figure point by a blue circle.
The led pointed in a blue circle have cathode connected with *col4 *and
anode is connected to *row3 *so if I connect these to pin with
microcontroller. We have to set or high the *row3* and clear or low the
internal dot matrix1
*DISPLAY A CHARACTER: *Now assume we want to make this character on the
display as shown in the figure below.
internal dot matrix1
We will first set the row and send the corresponding data to its column
so we need to run a loop for sending data to 8 row one by one and send
the corresponding 8 bit data to its column for each row. So in real the
LED's are blinking but the blinking is too fast or we realize that it's
still an image.
if Row are connected to the port 2 of 8051
if Col are connected to the port 3 of 8051
now for turning on 4,5 number LED in row1
we will write
P2 = 0b0000 0001; /// for selecting first row
P3 = 0b1110 0111; /// for turning on the led's in that row
By using the same method we create a table for whole image in the above
matrix table
*Proteus Design for interfacing of dot matrix using 8051*
proteus design of matrix using 8051
result4 proteus design of matrix using 8051
C code
*C programming for interfacing of dot matrix using 8051
This program is developed by ENGENIUSLAB DEVELOPERS.
* *
*void display_matrix();*
* *
* /* This is a delay Routine to provide count
milisecond delay we require delay on 2-3 miliseconds in our program and
maybe at some places 100 miliseconds*/*
* *
*void delay(unsigned char count)*
* int i;*
* unsigned char x;*
* for(x=0;x<count;x++)*
* {*
* for(i=0;i<500;i++);*
* }*
* *
* /* This is the main function use to call
the subroutines of other function and this is the first place where your *
* controller is looking first time when
bring up*/*
* *
*void main()*
* while(1)*
* {*
* display_matrix(); // calling the function of the
displaying pattern on matrix*
* }*
* *
*/* This is the display matrix function *
* ..*
*P2-> cathodes of the dot matrix*
*P3-> anodes of the dot matrix*
* *
*void display_matrix()*
* *
* unsigned char i,j,x;*
* unsigned char row[8]={080,040,020,010,008,004,002,001};*
* *
*/* For the zumi like in vodafone add this is the character which will
dance for you*
* these are basically three repetative frames of the
charater running again and again *
**/ *
* *
* unsigned char
// for printing 0*

// for printing 1*

{038,0x7c,0x4c,018,070,060,038,0x1c}, //
for printing 2*

{038,0x7c,0x0c,078,078,0x0c,0x7c,038}, //
for printing 3*

// for printing 4*

// for printing 5*

{0x0c,0x1c,030,060,078,0x6c,0x7c,038}, //
for printing 6*

{0x7e,0x7e,006,006,0x0c,018,030,060}, //
for printing 7*

{038,0x7c,0x6c,038,038,0x6c,0x7c,038}, //
for printing 8*

{038,0x7c,0x6c,0x3c,0x0c,0x0c,078,070}}; //
for printing 9*
* *
* for(j=0;j<10;j++) // Increasing the vlaue
which sould be printing on the display*
* {*
* for(x=0;x<20;x++) // Hold the
display for some time by running the same frame for 20 times*
* {*
* for(i=0;i<8;i++)*
* {*
* P2=~(row[i]);*
* P3=col[j][i];*
* delay(1);*
* }*
* }*
* } *
* *
* }*
End program
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Research Engineer at Engeniuslab <>
SKY LAB is an engineer freelancer, trainer, & research engineer, who has
3 years experience in giving workshops on various embedded technologies
like embedded system(8051,PIC, AVR, ARM) & robotics, matlab, labVIEW.
And loves to do project on the same.
Latest posts by SKY LAB (see all
* Led dot matrix <>-
April 26, 2014
* LCD <>- April 26, 2014
* Sensor <>- April 26, 2014
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