Angelam Wholegrainslessonplan

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Fill in all of the following information. Email to the appropriate internship faculty for approval at least one
week PRIOR TO giving the presentation.

Your Name: Angela Misko Title of Presentation: Whole Grains

Target Audience: (describe the group, including age, setting of the class, and any other pertinent information):

Date, Location and Time: 05/02/14, Gulfstream Middle School, FL at 3:00pm

1. Learning Objectives (These should be from the learners standpoint, be measurable and active DO NOT use
words similar to know, learn or understand):
1. Describe the two subgroups of grains
2. List examples of whole grains and refined grains
3. Identify a whole grain by reading the ingredient list

2. Ice Breaker:

3. Presentation Outline
Content outline
List your major points related to each
objective herethat is, this is the
content outline of the class. Include
details, not just your major topicthis
can be a resource for future classes
Learning Activities
List any activities or learning
experiences related to each
objective and content here
describe, dont just name
Materials Needed
List any materials you will
need for your presentation or
learning activities
1. Introduction & Ice breaker
Ask: Who would like to share
what we learned last week?
Today we will review grains

2. Lesson Plan
Examples of grains
-Let children provide answers
-Whole: whole-wheat flour,
bulgur, oatmeal, whole
cornmeal, brown rice
-Refined: white flour, de-germed
cornmeal, white bread, white rice
Grain subgroups
-Make sure half your grains are
-Whole grains contain the entire
kernel (the bran, germ, and
-Refined grains have been
milled, a process that removes
1. Grain kernel plush pillow:
Use the pillow to demonstrate
how milling and processing
eliminate nutrients from the
whole grain.

2. Bread & OJ:
Place one slice of whole wheat
bread in a bowl and one slice of
white bread in a separate bowl.
Pour orange juice over the slices
of bread and place to the side.
Explain that the orange juice is
similar to the acid in our
stomachs. This activity shows
that white bread is absorbed much
quicker than whole wheat.

3. Label Activity
Let children pick 3 different
brands of grain products. Have
For Lesson Plan:
Dry erase board with
Kernel pillow
Giant food label poster
Bag of random grain
Activity sheets, Take
the Challenge Sheets
and pens
2 Bowls
Slice of whole wheat
Slice of white bread
Orange juice

For Cooking Demo
3-4 eggs
Unsweetened coco
the bran and germ. This is done
to give grains a finer texture and
improve their shelf life, but it
also removes dietary fiber, iron,
and many B vitamins. Most
refined grains are enriched. This
means certain B vitamins and
iron are added back after
processing. Fiber is not added
back to enriched grains. Check
the ingredient list on refined
grain products to make sure that
the word enriched is included
in the grain name.
Why it is important to eat grains,
especially whole grains
-Reduce the risk of heart disease
-Reduce constipation
-Help with weight management
-Prevent neural tube defects
during fetal development in
-Fiber: helps reduce cholesterol
levels and may lower risk of
heart disease, obesity, and type II
diabetes. Important for proper
bowel function and helps to
reduce constipation. Help
provide feeling of fullness.
-B Vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin,
and niacin play key role in
metabolism and essential for a
healthy nervous system.
-Folate: Helps the body form
-Iron: used to carry oxygen in the
-Magnesium: mineral used in
building bones and releasing
energy from muscles.
-Selenium: protects cells from
oxidation and is important for a
healthy immune system.
How to identify whole grains
them write the name of the
product and whether or not the
product is a whole grain or not.
Review answers when everyone
is done.

4. Cooking Demo
Break children into two groups.
Have one group cut bananas and
the other group cut strawberries.
Demonstrate how to make French
toast by showing the proper way
to crack an egg, and using
measuring spoons for cinnamon
and unsweetened coco powder.
Show them how to wisk an egg
mixture. Let children put
strawberries and bananas on their
French toast.
Skim milk
Whole wheat bread
Agave nectar
Portable skillet
Cooking spray
2 mixing bowls
Paper towel
Cutting boards
Plastic forks and knives
Hand sanitizer
Paper plates
-The first ingredient on the
ingredient list should contain the
word: whole.
How to incorporate more whole
grains into the diet
-Substitute a whole grain for a
refined grain at meals. Ca
anyone give me an example?
-Try brown rice or whole wheat
-Use grains in mixed dishes. Ex:
barley in soup or bulgur wheat in
-Snack on whole grains such as
cereals or 100% whole grain
crackers. Popcorn can be a
healthy snack with little or no
added salt and butter.

3. Cooking Demo
Chocolate Strawberry French
Toast Recipe

4. Review & Thank you

4. Evaluation Method/ Activity: Activity Sheet.

5. Call to Action (Ask your audience what they will do/change as a result of the presentation. Can be oral or
written, shared or not. The point is to get them to commit to some behavior change as a result of your class):
Take the Challenge Worksheet

6. Ending/Conclusion: Review sources of grains and the difference between whole grains and refined
grains. Remind children to make half of their grains whole.

7. References Used:,, and Cooking Matters for
Teens 2010-2013 Instructor Guide.

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