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Posted on October 18, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

Cabergoline is a peptide that acts as a dopamine receptor agonist on
D2receptors. It is occasionally referred to by the name Dostinex. It is
typically presented in the form of white powder and is insoluble in
Mechanics of Cabergoline
According to scientific study that has been conducted on animal test
subjects, Cabergoline functions as a longacting agonist that displays
a direct inhibitory effect on the prolactin secretion in the lactotroph
cells found in the pituitary gland. Although primarily associated with
its role in lactation, prolactin has se!eral other forms of functionality
within animal test subjects. "he secretion has been lin#ed to the
regulation of an organism$s immune system, the formation of blood
cellular components, blood clotting regulation, and angiogenesis.
"he introduction of the cabergoline peptide is to inhibit the production
of prolactin within animal test subjects. %cientific study has
determined the peptide can counterbalance an excessi!e production
of prolactin in animal test subjects& a condition that may be caused by a condition stemming from prolactinoma,
which is a benign tumor of the pituitary gland that could cause an excess amount of prolactin production.
Theoretical Benefits of Cabergoline
%cientific study based on animal test subjects in relation to Cabergoline has determined se!eral theoretical benefits
associated with the peptide.
"he primary theoretical benefit is to potentially counteract the effects that could be brought upon the presence of
prolactinoma in the pituitary gland& a tumorbased condition that causes an excessi!e amount of prolactin to be
secreted. Although the tumor is benign, the presence of a prolactinoma ' and the subse(uent excessi!e
production of prolactin ' can cause se!eral issues within the body of an animal test subject. %ome of the issues
lin#ed to prolactinoma include)
Amenorrhea ' "his refers to the absence of a menstrual period amongst female animal test subjects that are of
reproducti!e age.
*alactorrhea ' "his refers to the spontaneous flow of breast mile that is unassociated with nursing. Although
this condition has been primarily lin#ed to female animal test subjects, infre(uent cases of this condition
occurring amongst male animal test subjects ha!e also been recorded through scientific study.
+ypogonadism ' "his refers to diminished functionality of the testes in male animal test subjects, and the
o!aries in female test subjects.
Click here to buy Cabergoline in our store
*ynecomastia ' "his refers to the benign enlargement of breast tissue in male animal test subjects.
It is theori,ed through scientific study on animal test subjects that the introduction of the peptide and its ability to
inhibit the production of prolactin could stem these effects that are associated with prolactinoma.
-ther theoretical benefits associated with cabergoline based on scientific study on animal test subjects include a
slowing of the aging process as well as an increased efficiency in the growth of muscular and s#eletal tissue.
Potential Negative Side Effects of Cabergoline
.!en though there ha!e been se!eral positi!e theoretical benefits associated with Cabergoline which ha!e been
determined through scientific study on animal test subjects, there ha!e also been se!eral negati!e side effects that
ha!e been lin#ed to the peptide through this #ind of research. %erious potential negati!e side effects associated
with Cabergoline include)
Difficulty in breathing
/ess serious potential side effects that ha!e been lin#ed to Cabergoline include)
%tomach pain
Di,,iness or 2ertigo
.xcessi!e tingling
3loating of extremities
4apid weight gain
*eneral feeling of discomfort
%welling around eyes
Additionally, scientific study on animal test subjects has theori,ed other potential negati!e side effects can be
associated with Cabergoline. "hese theoretical side effects range from mild effects such as loss of appetite and
wea#ness to more se!ere effects such as the tightening of the chest or continuous !omiting. +owe!er, there has
yet to be sufficient research conducted to determine the fre(uency of the manifestations of these particular negati!e
side effects.
For Scientific Use Only
Although there has been numerous scientific studies conducted on animal test subjects in order to determine
Cabergoline$s range of operational mechanics, theoretical benefits, and negati!e side effects, it should be noted
that any and all findings that are associated with the peptide are still considered to be the product of current
laboratory research in!estigation. 3ecause Cabergoline is currently in the research phase, any study or usage in
relation to the mechanics, operations, effects, benefits, and side effects of the peptide should exclusi!ely be
contained to the restrictions of a strictly controlled en!ironment such as a laboratory or a medical research facility.

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