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GHRP-6 Functionality

Posted on September 30, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

GHRP-6 is a secretagogue peptide used to increase the amount of
natural secretion growth hormone in the body of animal test
subjects. It is a hexipeptide that is! it contains special chain made
up of six amino acids.
GHRP-6"s #unctionality
GHRP-6 has been determined through scientific research to cause
an increase in stimulation of the pituitary gland in animal test
subjects. $his tiny gland located at the brain"s base is chiefly
responsible for regulating se%eral important bodily processes
'ater regulation
$hyroid gland functionality
Pain relief
(lood pressure
$emperature regulation
GHRP-6"s presence inhibits the gland"s capability to bloc) hormone productions in an animal test subject! which in
turn results in an enhanced ability to produce hormones related to an animal test subject"s growth. *dditionally! the
peptide impacts an animal test subject"s central ner%ous system! as it assists in the acti%ation of intracellular
signaling pathways used by hormones as it ele%ates the process of cell sur%i%al. $his correlation between the
central ner%ous system and the peptide has led researchers to theori+e that it could ha%e a significant effect of
guarding cell loss and function during hypoxic-ischemic brain injuries such as a stro)e.
* second component to GHRP-6"s functionality is how it wor)s with ghrelin the amino acid primarily produced by
the stomach as a means to stimulate hunger. $he peptide increases the production of ghrelin! which enables
animal test subjects to feel hungry longer. $his then ele%ates the need for a higher inta)e of food! and this inta)e
pro%ides more fuel which can then be con%erted into the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland in animal test
'hat"s more! GHRP-6 leads to an ele%ated secretion of IG#-,. *ccording to scientific research! this natural
secretion is determined to be the primary anabolic mechanism for the hormone that promotes growth in animal test
subjects. $hese studies show that GHRP-6 promotes a higher release of IG#-, through the animal test subjects"
central ner%ous system.
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GHRP-6"s $heoretical (enefits
-urrently! GHRP-6 is being scientifically studied on animal test subjects. $hese studies ha%e led to the theory that
the peptide could ha%e se%eral theoretical benefits! including&

Muscle growth increase . GHRP-6"s chief mechanism allows it to promote the increase in secretion of the
hormone that causes growth in animal test subjects! which in turn aid and promote the further de%elopment of
muscle mass. $hese hormones can also speed up the process of muscle and tissue repair.
Body fat decrease . *lthough GHRP-6 ele%ates the production of ghrelin and increases hunger! the peptide"s
capability to allow the li%er to secrete an ele%ated le%el of IG#-, enables energy to burn faster in animal test
subjects. $his results in the subjects" bodies being able to brea) down fat tissue more efficiently. $his process
has also led to a theory that an animal test subject could experience weight gain if the increased food is not
con%erted to energy.
Bone tissue growth increase . GHRP-6"s promotion in hormone secretion also aids in creating an increased
bone density amongst animal test subjects.
Increased Immune System Efficiency . GHRP-6"s ability to stimulate the pituitary gland allows for animal test
subjects to heal from injury and illness more efficiently. $his process ties into the pituitary gland"s ability to
promote pain and injury reco%ery through the body.
onnecti!e tissue and "oint strengthening # (ecause GHRP-6"s mechanics promote growth hormone production
in animal test subjects! studies ha%e theori+ed that joints and connecti%e tissue could be repaired /uic)er.
GHRP-6s Theoretical Side Effects
0%en though scientific research through animal test subjects ha%e determined se%eral theoretical benefits lin)ed to
GHRP"6! se%eral case studies ha%e also determined that the peptide does theoretically ha%e some negati%e side
effects. *mong these negati%e theoretical side effects are&
Increase in hunger
4oreness of bones
$ingling or numbness on the s)in
Reduction of touch sensiti%ity
In addition! some scientific research conducted on animal test subjects ha%e led to the theory that GHRP-6 could
cause hypoglycemia. Howe%er! there ha%e not be conclusi%e enough studies or anecdotal e%idence on record that
hold up these particular theories.
For Case Study Only
*s of right now! GHRP-6 is still loc)ed in the scientific study phase. *ll findings! reports! and theories in relation to
the peptide"s operation! mechanics! theori+ed benefits! or speculated side effects ha%e been culled from scientific
research conducted on animal test subjects. *ny sur%eillance related to GHRP-6 and its mechanics and processes
should be contained to a strictly controlled and regulated en%ironment! such as a laboratory or a research facility.

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