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Igf-1 des

Posted on October 30, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

Igf-1 des is a peptide that is secreted by the liver of animal test subjects. Its structure consists of 67 amino acids
and contains highly anabolic structure that is naturally released in order to stimulate hormones. The peptide is
secreted by the liver.
Igf-1 dess Operational echanics
!ccording to scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects" Igf-1 dess main operational function
is to create a process #no$n as hyperplasia. !lso #no$n as hypergenesis" this process describes the control and
regulation of cellular proliferation. This process is triggered by a host of causes" including%
Chronic inflammatory response & The call for the proliferation of cells in order to help fight off inflammation
throughout various bodily areas.
Hormonal Dysfunction & The need to generate cells to assist in $arding off various forms of ailments $hich may
cause the endocrine system to function improperly.
Increased demand & The need for cells to steady an area $here cellular proliferation is necessary" such as the
creation of a base layer of epidermis in order to ma#e up for s#in loss.
Other forms of bodily compensation & This could include the loss of cells due to disease or damage to various
regions of the body.
'ecause of Igf-1 dess ability to produce hyperplasia" scientific research based on animal test subjects builds its
study on the peptide relating to its ability to control the cell proliferation and tissue development. This study ranges
from its effects on the s#eletal and muscular gro$th on animal test subjects as $ell as the effects it may have on
neurological gro$th. (tudies have sho$n that the peptide does have the aptitude to influence neuronal
functionality and structure throughout its life span. It has also sho$n a facility to preserve nerve cell function and
promote nerve gro$th.
Igf-1 dess Theoretical Benefits
(cientific research conducted on animal test subjects has determined several theoretical benefits in relation to the
peptide. (ome of these positive benefits include%
Accelerated rate of injury recovery. (cientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that the
peptides capability to promote cellular proliferation can cause an increased amount of cells to be created in
times $hen a subject suffers an injury. This proliferation" in turn" $ill allo$ for a much faster rate of healing.
Accelerated rate of muscle repair. 'ecause of Igf-1 dess mechanics and its ability to promote hyperplasia"
scientific study based on animal test subjects have determined that the peptide can increase the type of cellular
proliferation that is re)uired to repair muscular tissue. This then can lead to an increase in muscular gro$th.
*+isit for more information on Igf ,es-
Slowing the aging process. (cientific study based on research that has been conducted on laboratory rats has
determined that Igf-1 dess promotion of cellular production decelerated the natural brea#ing do$n of the
muscle fibers that control elasticity and fle.ibility in the s#in and muscles. This enabled middle-aged and older
rats to maintain a level of speed and po$er that $as on par $ith the capability of younger rats.
Igf-1 dess Negative Side Effects
/ven though scientific research conducted on animal test subjects has determined that there are several theoretical
positive benefits regarding Igf-1 des" it should be noted that the studies have also determined a fe$ negative side
effects in relation to the peptide. These side effects include%
Swelling & This condition has a tendency to happen in the e.tremities of animal test subjects.
Heart Irregularities & These conditions include heart arrhythmia and severe ailments li#e cardiac arrest.
Development of hypoglycemia & This condition involves an abnormally depleted amount of glucose found in the
blood. 0urrently" this side effect is determined to only be a potential result of higher doses.
Drop in blood pressure.
This scientific research on animal test subjects has determined that the number of negative side effects is lo$er in
occurrence $hen compared to the amount of theoretical benefits that have been associated $ith Igf-1 des.
For Scientific se !nl"
1hile scientific study has been conducted on animal test subjects to gauge Igf-1 dess range of operational
mechanics and functionality as $ell as its theoretical benefits and negative side effects" it should be noted that any
findings related to the peptide are still based in current laboratory research. 'ecause Igf-1 des is currently in the
research phase" any usage or study relating to the effects" benefits" and side effects of the peptide should
e.clusively be held to the restrictions of a strictly controlled environment such as a laboratory or a medical research

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