MK-2866 - Antioxidiative Activity

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MK-2866 Antioxidiative Activity

Posted on May 14, 2014 by Maxim Peptide

MK-2866 is one of the more common chemical names for endobasarm. This chemical may also be referred to as
ostarine or GTx-02. This is an investi!ational selective andro!en rece"tor mod#lator$ %hich is develo"ed by GT&.
This is c#rrently bein! researched for its "otential in mana!in! conditions s#ch as osteo"orosis or m#scle %astin!
in animals. 'revio#sly this chemical %as "rod#ced and mar(eted thro#!h Merc( and )om"any.
Accordin! to the most recent "#blications from GT&$ readers are enco#ra!ed to note that ostarine or MK-2866 are
commonly mista(en for a similar chemical str#ct#re (no%n as andarine. The chemical str#ct#re for MK-2866 has
not been disclosed "#blically$ %hich ma(es it im"ossible for o#tside com"anies to "rod#ce this form#la. The
chemical com"osition is available thro#!h "atent databases and is disc#ssed in "atent literat#re for the brand at
There are a variety of *A+M chemoty"es %hich incl#de ,#inolinones$ "ro"ionamides$ ,#inolones and bicylic
hydantions$ b#t these are aryl "ro"ionamides of MK-2866. These re"resent some of the more advanced "#tative
metrics %hich are #nder investi!ation for their "otential #ses. The s"ecific difference here is that MK-28-- has
cyano s#bstit#tions on "henyl rin!s %hich re"lace the acetamido moieties and nitro moieties.
Antioxidiative Activity in +abbits
)ons#min! a cholesterol ri!ht diet has been fo#nd to increase the amo#nt of li"id "eroxidation %hich is considered
to be one of the to" indicators of atherosclerosis in animals.
Trials in this research %or(ed to determine the antioxidative effects that narin!in$ a citr#is bioflavonoid %hich
can act as a cholesterol lo%erin! a!ent %ith "otent effects$ com"ared to lovastatin %hich is a commonly #sed
dr#! to lo%er cholesterol in "atients.
These chemicals %ere administered to male rabbits %hich %ere fed a hi!h cholesterol diet or a diet that
contained hi!h amo#nts of cholesterol that %as s#""lemented %ith lovastatin or nari!in. This diet "lan %as
contin#ed for a f#ll 8 %ee(s in order to determine the he"atic li"id "eroxide$ "lasma$ "lasma vitamins . and A
as %ell as hydro!en "eroxide levels. This %as also #sed to note the he"atic antioxidant en/yme activity and
ho% this im"acted the ex"ression of !enes.
The only !ro#" %hich sho%ed any si!nificance in the lo%er of he"atic li"id "eroxide or "lasma levels %as that
%hich %as "rovided %ith a""lications of lovastatin %hen they %ere com"ared to the control !ro#".
Those that %ere offered s#""lementation %ith nirin!in sa% a noticeable increase in the activity of catalase and
he"atic *01 by 20 and 22 "ercent res"ectively. The lovastatin !ro#"$ by com"arison$ only sa% a catalase
increase by 22 "ercent %hen com"ared to the control !ro#".
The !ro#"s sa% no difference in G*3 'x activity and the content of 32o2 in the he"atic mitochondria %as fo#nd
to be noticeably lo%er in !ro#"s that %ere "rovided a""lications of lovastatin. The !ro#" that %as "rovided
nirin!in and the control !ro#" sa% minimal difference.
There %as no difference in the content of 3202 in the liver of rabbits %hen com"arin! across these control
The concentration of vitamin . in the "lasma %ithin the rabbits %as seen to increase in the !ro#" that %as "rovided
%ith a""lications of nirin!in. 4hen this res#lt %as com"ared to the activity of the antioxidant en/yme !ene
ex"ression$ the ex"ression of *01 in the m+5A and the catalase as %ell as the G*3 'x %as #"-re!#lated at a
si!nificant rate.
The res"onse to these res#lts indicates that the citr#s bioflavoinoid nirin!in has a vital role in hel"in! an animal6s
body to re!#late the antioxidative ca"acities. This is done by increasin! catalase activity and that of *01. This
chemical can also #"-re!#late the ex"ression of *01 in the !enes of the anima. This also allo%s for the "rotection
of vitamin . %ithin the "lasma. To contrast these res#lts$ lovastatin %as sho%n to create an inhibitory effect in the
rabbits$ both in the he"atic li"id "eroxidation and the "lasma. This %as done by increasin! the he"atic catalase
activity in those that %ere contin#in! on a hi!h cholesterol diet thro#!ho#t the ex"eriment.
7efore "#rchasin! MK-2866 for research "#r"oses it is essential that yo# determine ho% this "rod#ct is shi""ed
and maintained before it arrives at yo#r facility. This %ill hel" yo# to determine %hether or not the shelf life and
"reservation of this chemical can be co#nted on for these chemicals to be #sed in a research settin!.
Most "e"tides are shi""ed fro/en and m#st be reconstit#ted as #sed in order to maintain them for months at a time.
0nce a "e"tide has been reconstit#ted it m#st be #sed %ithin a fe% days to ens#re that the half-life of the "rod#ct
can be maintained. 8t is also vital to %or( to find an a#thentic "rovider for this chemical$ as the chemical form#la is
only available to a select vie%. Ta(in! the time to research the validity of a chemical before b#yin! can hel" to
ens#re that all res#lts associated %ith MK-2866 %ill be acc#rate.
+eso#rce 7ox9

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