Ostarine Defined

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Ostarine Defined

Posted on October 23, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator that is sometimes known as Enobosarm, GTx-024, or !-
2"##$ %ts scienti&ic name is '2(-)-'4-c*anophenox*+-,--4-c*ano-)-'tri&luorometh*l+phen*l.-2-h*drox*-2-
The ake-up o& Ostarine
/ike other selective androgen receptor modulators, Ostarine is considered to be a ligand$ 0hat this means is, it is
a small molecule that &orms a complex biomolecule in order to serve a speci&icall* targeted biological purpose$ On
an even more intimate level, it is a molecule that triggers a signal, binding to a speci&ic site on a target protein$
1ccording to scienti&ic stud* based on animal test sub2ects, Ostarine has been shown to target the receptors that
are responsible &or the osteo 'that is, bone+ and m*o 'that is, muscular+ anabolic activit*$ Once the peptide links up
with the receptor, it causes an advanced expression o& genes and an increase in protein s*nthesis$ This, in turn,
causes an increase in the rate in which muscular and skeletal tissue is built$
(cienti&ic research on male animal test sub2ects have also determined that the peptide solel* &ocuses on the
receptors that are responsible &or protein s*nthesis as it relates to muscle growth, and does not produce an*
residual growth e&&ects on the prostate gland or an* other secondar* sexual organs as controlled b* the sub2ects3
endocrine s*stem$
Ostarine and uscular 1troph*
4ecause o& Ostarine3s abilit* to speci&icall* hone in on
cellular receptors that express proteins related to the
growth o& muscular and skeletal tissue, scienti&ic stud* on
animal test sub2ects have been primaril* built on its
e&&ectiveness in relation to the disease known as muscle
uscle atroph*, which is sometimes known as muscle
wasting, is a degenerative disease that is characteri5ed b*
an involuntar* decrease in muscle mass$ %t is a disease
that is o&tentimes a secondar* issue that is caused b* an
serious overarching primar* disease, such as6
/iver &ailure
7ongestive heart &ailure
7ertain t*pes o& cancers
uscle atroph* can also mani&est itsel& in smaller, less li&e-threatening conditions, such as when a cast is put on a
limb or extended bedrest$ 4ecause muscular atroph* is marked b* a break down in muscular tissue, the condition
is tied to extreme muscle weakness$ 0hile this is the most prominent mani&estation o& the disease, it is also
marked b* di&&erent characteristics, such as &atigue and a severe, involuntar* loss o& appetite$ 1dditionall*, it is also
has a tendenc* to mani&est itsel& as a natural part o& the advanced aging process$
(cienti&ic research on animal test sub2ects has determined that because o& Ostarine3s capabilit* to speci&icall*
target the t*pe o& androgen receptors that cause an elevated expression o& the secretions responsible &or muscle
mass growth, the peptide is thought to be able to counteract the e&&ects o& muscular atroph* b* replacing and
restoring the muscular and skeletal tissue that ma* be lost in an atroph* episode$
Osterine, Osteoporosis, and 4one 9ensit* %ssues
4ecause scienti&ic stud* on animal test sub2ects has determined that Osterine has a speci&ic a&&init* to bind to
cellular receptors responsible &or the proli&eration o& secretions related to bone growth, it is theori5ed that the
peptide could contain properties that would enable it to stem the e&&ect o& the progressive bone disease known as
osteoporosis$ The theor* here is that the peptide would generate a greater amount o& secretions to enable a
:uicker restoration &or the deteriorating bone densit* that is osteoporosis3s hallmark$ This in turn would give a
&emale animal test sub2ect a better opportunit* to maintain homeostasis within their bone structure$
(cienti&ic research on animal test sub2ect has also led to the theor* that the peptide could be bene&icial in various
therapeuticall* aspects$ ;or example, it is theori5ed that the peptide could be used in con2unction with other
concurrent treatments that ma* cause a residual reduction in bone mineral densit* as a secondar* side e&&ect$
1nother theoretical bene&it relating to Osterine3s bone growth capabilities is that it could have a positive application
in rehabbing speci&ic bone or tendon related in2uries, such as torn ligaments or bone &ractures$
7hemical <alidit* and =esearch
%t should be noted that while the &unctionalit* o& Ostarine has been determined, its exact chemical structure is still
under wraps$ 1n* in&ormation that is shown to link the peptide with the chemical structure o& -(-4., or andarine,
should not be viewed as o&&icial data concerning the peptide$
1dditionall*, it should also be noted that Ostarine and its scienti&ic stud* on animal test sub2ects is still in the
research phase$ 1n* use related to its research should be strictl* con&ined to a strictl* controlled environment o&
stud*, such as a laborator* or medical research &acilit*$

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