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Posted on October 11, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

MK-2866 is a peptide that acts as androgen. It is sometimes known
as Enobosarm, Ostarine, Onobosarm, and GT-!2".
Mechanics o# MK-2866
$ccording to scienti#ic st%d& on anima' test s%b(ects, MK-2866 is an
androgen, meaning that it is a compo%nd that stim%'ates or contro's
the de)e'opment and maintenance o# characteristics associated with
ma'e organisms b& binding to androgen receptors. The peptide
creates se'ecti)e anabo'ic acti)it& at speci#ic androgen receptors )ia
targeting. *hen MK-2866 binds, it demonstrates anabo'ic acti)it&
re'ating to the bones and m%sc'es o# anima' test s%b(ects. This
binding and acti)ation, in t%rn, shi#ts gene epression and increases
the s&nthesis o# proteins.
+eca%se o# the peptide,s high a##init& to receptors re'ating to bone-
re'ated and m%sc'e-re'ated secretions, scienti#ic st%d& has
determined that MK-2866 can enab'e an e'e)ated rate o# bone
densit& and m%sc%'ar de)e'opment within anima' test s%b(ects.
Theoretical Benefits of MK-2866
-cienti#ic research that has been cond%cted on anima' test s%b(ects in re'ation to MK-2866 has determined that the
peptide co%'d pro)ide se)era' theoretica' bene#its.
The primar& theoretica' bene#it that has been 'inked to the peptide thro%gh scienti#ic research on anima' test
s%b(ects is in re'ation to the treatment o# m%sc'e wasting diseases. an %mbre''a term that is re'ated to the condition
o# m%sc%'ar atroph&.
M%sc%'ar atroph& is de#ined as the decrease in the mass o# m%sc'e, marked b& either the partia' or the comp'ete
wasting awa& o# m%sc'e. This condition 'eads to se)ere m%sc'e weakness, since the 'aws o# ph&sics dictate that
the abi'it& to eert #orce is tied to mass. M%sc%'ar atroph& is a b&-prod%ct #rom a co-morbidit& o# a host o# common
diseases, inc'%ding/
0ario%s #orms o# cancer
1ongesti)e heart #ai'%re. that is, when the heart is %nab'e to pro)ide s%##icient p%mp action to maintain proper
b'ood #'ow as a means to meet the re2%irements and needs o# the bod&
$c2%ired Imm%ne 3e#icienc& -&ndrome 4$I3-5
1hronic obstr%cti)e p%'monar& disease 41O635
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7ena' #ai'%re. that is, the #ai'%re o# the kidne&s, abi'it& to ade2%ate'& #i'ter waste prod%cts #rom the b'ood
-e)ere b%rns
8%rthermore, this condition can be 'inked to an o)erarching condition known as cacheia. $'so knowns as wasting
s&ndrome, cacheia is marked b& m%sc'e atroph& as we'' as #atig%e, weakness, in)o'%ntar& 'oss o# weight and a
signi#icant &et in)o'%ntar& 'oss o# appetite.
-cienti#ic st%d& on anima' test s%b(ects has determined that MK-2866,s abi'it& to se'ecti)e'& engage androgen
receptors and increase the prod%ction o# secretions re'ated to increased m%sc%'ar mass can co%nterba'ance
m%sc'e wasting bro%ght abo%t b& the e##ects o# m%sc%'ar atroph&, th%s pro)iding the test s%b(ect with a more
consistent 'e)e' o# homeostasis.
$ second theoretica' bene#it that has been 'inked to MK-2866 thro%gh scientific study on anima' test s%b(ects is #or
the treatment o# conditions re'ated to osteoporosis. This condition is a progressi)e bone disease that is marked b&
a decrease in bone mass and densit&. This in t%rn 'eads to an e'e)ated risk o# )ario%s bone-re'ated iss%es, s%ch as
#ract%res and breaks. +eca%se o# MK-2866,s abi'it& to increase the prod%ctions o# secretions re'ated to increased
bone minera' densit&, it is theori9ed that the peptide can pro)ide anima' test s%b(ects with a more consistent 'e)e' o#
homeostasis in re'ation to bone str%ct%re.
Potential Negative Side Effects of MK-2866
*hi'e scienti#ic research that has been cond%cted on anima' test s%b(ects ha)e determined se)era' theoretica'
bene#its in re'ation to MK-2866, there ha)e a'so been a #ew potentia' negati)e side e##ects that ha)e been
associated with the peptide.
The most common negati)e side e##ects re'ating to the %se o# MK-2866 thro%gh scienti#ic research on anima' test
s%b(ects inc'%de/
-cienti#ic st%d& based on anima' test s%b(ects has th%s #ar determined that these #indings o# negati)e side e##ects
are genera''& mi'd in nat%re. 8%rthermore, the& ha)e a'so determined that these e##ects pa'e in signi#icance in
comparison to the theoretica' positi)e bene#its that the peptide has epressed.
For Scientific se !nly
*hi'e there ha)e been se)era' scienti#ic st%dies cond%cted on anima' test s%b(ects in order to determine MK-
2866,s scope o# operationa' mechanics, theoretica' bene#its, and negati)e side e##ects, it sho%'d be noted that an&
and a'' #indings that are tied to the peptide are sti'' considered to be the prod%ct o# c%rrent 'aborator& research.
+eca%se MK-2866 is c%rrent'& in the research phase, an& st%d& or %sage pertaining to the mechanics, operations,
bene#its, and side e##ects o# the peptide sho%'d ec'%si)e'& be contained to the restrictions o# a strict'& contro''ed
en)ironment s%ch as a medica' research #aci'it& or a 'aborator&.

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