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Posted on October 22, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

Pramipexole is a non-ergoline dopamine agonist peptide. It is
occasionally referred to as Mirapex, Mirapexin, or Sifrol. It has a
molecular weight of 302.2, and is more than 20! solu"le in water.
Mechanics of Pramipexole
#ccording to scientific study conducted on animal test
su"$ects, Pramipexoleacts as a partial%full agonist in relation to the
receptors of dopamine& a naturally produced chemical that sends
signals to other ner'e cells. (hat this means, is that the peptide has
the a"ility to "ind to a cellular receptor and triggering a response from
that cell. In the case of Pramipexole, the peptide can acti'ate a
'arying le'el of dopamine to "e secreted from the cells of animal test
su"$ects. )his response, also *nown as efficacy, can either "e
produced fully or partially.
In turn, this can produce an increased rate of dopamine production.
Scientific research conducted on animal test su"$ects ha'e
determined that such a response could regulate and control motor
function& that is, the process of muscle mo'ement pertaining to the performance of a specific act.
Theoretical Benefits of Pramipexole
Scientific research conducted on animal test su"$ects in relation to Pramipexole has determined that the peptide
could pro'ide se'eral theoretical "enefits.
)he primary focus of study in relation to Pramipexole+s functionality is concerning its theoretical "enefit concerning
Par*inson+s disease. )his condition, also *nown as idiopathic or primary par*insonism, paralysis agitans, or
hypo*inetic rigid syndrome, is a degenerati'e disorder of the central ner'ous system which is caused "y the death
of dopamine-generating cells found within the su"stantia nigra region of the mid"rain. )his condition is mar*ed "y
se'eral negati'e physical and mental effects, including,
Slowness of mo'ement
(al*ing difficulty
Click here to buy Pramipexole in our store
Scientific study "ased on animal test su"$ects has determined that Pramipexole+s a"ility to trigger an increased
response amongst dopamine receptors / and therefore, and increase in the secretion of dopamine / can
compensate for the lac* of dopamine produced "y animal test su"$ects as a result of the death of dopamine-
generating cells. )his, in turn, may ena"le for an increase in the sta"ili0ation of motor function and mo'ement.
#nother theoretical "enefit in relation to the peptide is in relation to -estless 1eg Syndrome. #lso *nown as (illis-
2*"om disease or (ittmaac*-2*"om syndrome, is a neurological disorder that is mar*ed "y an uncontrolla"le urge
to mo'e or shift 'arious "ody parts in order to cease odd or uncomforta"le sensations. )hese sensations can
manifest itself in the form of mildly annoying feelings such as a perpetual tic*le or itch to more se'ere
manifestations li*e muscle pain or aches. #ccording to scientific study on animal test su"$ects, it is theori0ed that
the peptide+s a"ility to regulate and control motor functionality could control or regulate the triggers that cause
these symptoms to occur.
3ther theoretical "enefits that ha'e "een determined through scientific study on animal test su"$ects include
treatment for cluster headaches, sexual dysfunction, and fi"romyalgia.
Potential Negative Side Effects of Pramipexole
(hile scientific research conducted on animal test su"$ects ha'e determined se'eral theoretical "enefits in relation
to Pramipexole, it should "e noted that there ha'e also "een a few potential negati'e side effects that ha'e "een
associated with the peptide.
Some of more serious negati'e side effects that ha'e "een associated with Pramipexide include,
4hanges in 'ision
.ar*ened or red urine
Muscle tenderness
Muscle stiffness
Muscle wea*ness
4hest pains
Shortness of "reath
Some of the milder negati'e side effects that ha'e "een associated with the peptide include,
#"normal or unusual "ody motions or mo'ements
.ifficulty with thin*ing or remem"ering
1oss of appetite
.ry mouth
6oint pain
Pain upon urination
Increase in the fre8uency of urination or need to urinate
Swelling of extremities, including arms, hands, feet, lower legs, or an*les
For Scientific Use Only
2'en though there ha'e "een a host of scientific studies conducted on animal test su"$ects in order to determine
Pramipexole+s range of mechanics, theoretical "enefits, and negati'e side effects, it should "e noted that any and
all findings that are associated with the peptide are still considered to "e the product of current la"oratory research.
9ecause Pramipexole l is currently in the research phase, any study or usage li*ed to the mechanics, operations,
"enefits, and side effects of the peptide should solely "e contained to the restrictions of a strictly controlled
en'ironment such as a medical research facility or a la"oratory.

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