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TB500 Development and Key Factors

Posted on April 9, 2014 by Maxim Peptide

TB500 is a synthetic chemical that is based on the similar peptide which is developed in a vast majority of animal
cells, known as thymosin beta 4 The synthetic version of this chemical is desi!ned to take on the most beneficial
properties of theymosin beta 4" incl#din! colla!en deposition, endothelial cell differentiation, keratinocyte
mi!ration, an!io!enesis in the dermal tiss#e and decreasin! inflammation in an animal$s body
%ne of the key mechanisms of the synthetic TB500 is that it has been fo#nd to be beneficial in re!#latin! cell
b#ildin! proteins, specifically actin which is an essential component in the development of circ#latin! cell tiss#e
thro#!ho#t the body TB500 is capable of bindin! with actin and can also block actin polymeri&ation This is an
actin'se(#esterin! molec#le within the e#karyotic cells in an animal
Development and Key Factors
TB500 was first identified as a !ene, b#t was later #p're!#lated to a fo#r to si) fold d#rin! the formation of blood
vessels as it was fo#nd that it co#ld promote !rowth in a majority of circ#latin! cells and tiss#es within the body
This peptide is classified as a #bi(#ito#s family of *+ molec#les with similar properties which show hi!h
conversion se(#ences and locali&ation in the circ#latin! cells
TB500 can be fo#nd in a !reat deal of wo#nd fl#id and if a synthetic version of the chemical is applied to an
animal s#bc#taneo#sly it can promote wo#nd healin!, b#t b#ildin! of m#scle tiss#e and decreasin! the amo#nt
of time that it takes for cells within m#scle fibers to recover
, key feat#re of TB500 is notin! that it promotes cell mi!ration by creatin! a #ni(#e interaction with actin,
thro#!ho#t the cell cytoskeleton
The characteristics of TB500 were discovered by increasin! mi!ration of keratinocytes and the endothelial cells
This will also increase an animal$s prod#ction of e)tracell#lar matri)'de!radin! en&ymes
-esearch has confirmed that there is a potency to TB500 which can be #sed to nat#rally promote wo#nd repair and
also contains anti'inflammatory properties This works differently than other known repair factors incl#din! !rowth
factors beca#se TB500 promotes keratinocyte and endothelial mi!ration
This peptide also fails to bind with the e)tra cell#lar matri) and contains a low molec#lar wei!ht which allows this
peptide to travel lon!er distance when it is within tiss#es
B#yin! TB500
Beca#se TB500 is a synthesi&ed version of the nat#rally occ#rrin! thymosin, there are a few different
methodolo!ies for creatin! this peptide for research settin!s
.ost of the artificial versions of this chemical are desi!ned to be #sed in e)periments that will investi!ate its role
in re!#latin! actin This means that many synthetic versions of these chemicals are desi!ned to be #sed in
applications that will ma)imi&e this potential
There are tho#sands of similar proteins that nat#rally occ#r in animal cells /f yo# will be performin! e)periments
that are foc#sin! on the potential #ses of TB500 it is important to invest with a laboratory that synthesi&es
TB500 witho#t dil#tin! it with other chemicals that has similar properties
TB500 nat#rally makes #p appro)imately*0 percent of the cells that it occ#rs in nat#rally 0iven this hi!h
amo#nt of peptide that will nat#rally be in an animal$s body it will be necessary to acco#nt for this when makin!
p#rchases of s#pplies that will be applied to live animal test s#bjects
1eptide companies provide caref#l analysis for peptides to ens#re that yo# select a facility that will provide
research !rade prod#ct .ost laboratories which synthesi&e these chemicals do so #sin! methods that will ens#re
p#rity and consistency amon!st the samples
Selecting Proper Sources
There are many similar prod#ct on the market which opens the potential for those that are hopin! to compare the
properties of TB500 to similar peptides
The !enetic make#p of the synthetic version of TB500 that is #sed for research into the development of actin in
animals is patented, so b#yin! from a facility that #ses this specific brandin! and ens#res that this is a
synthesi&ed version of thymosin beta 4 and not a closely related nat#ral peptide will help to !#arantee acc#rate
,ny live animal test s#bjects will need to be treated with care when they are e)posed to TB500 This is intended
to mi!rate thro#!h a variety of tiss#es which offers m#ch more variety in the application of the peptide, b#t this
also m#st be kept consistent in order to not hinder res#lts 2o# may also find that it is necessary to alter
application patterns, based on how the peptide affects tiss#es in between the tar!eted &one
-esearch has noted the potential anti'inflammatory properties of TB500 while enco#ra!in! !rowth factors This
may react to several tiss#es even in a close radi#s which co#ld !enerate #npredictable, tho#!h not necessarily
dan!ero#s, res#lts
-eso#rce Bo)3

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