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THE CAPSTONE PROJECT should meet the following criteria:

a) The project must demonstrate cometence in a wide !ariet" of "our coursewor#$ The
um%rella course should %e Strategic Planning and &anagement 'SP&) and suorted %"
use of !arious tools and techni(ues learned in Production and Oerations &anagement
'PO&)) S"stems and Oerations Research 'OR)$
%) *t must %e management oriented$ *t should document "our aroach to the project$
c) *t should %e an applied project rather than urel" theoretical research in nature) %ut does
not e+clude research$
d) *t must contain an aroriate literature search of the su%,ect$ That is) "our ro,ect must
ha!e a theoretical %ase which is grounded in rele!ant literature sources$
e) *t must demonstrate an imlementation strateg"$ -our project aroach should %e
clearl" documented$
f) *t should clearl" identif" results) conclusions) e+eriences and learnings$
g) *t should suggest a series of ne+t stes) if aroriate$
h) The Castone format should follow the &*T.s Thesis/Research/Practicum 0uidelines$
The roosal should %e two or three ages long and must include:
A statement of the toic and its significance
A defined scoe with e+ected outcome
A reliminar" literature search
-our direct contri%ution to the ro,ect 'if it is to %e done in "our wor#lace)
1hat "ou e+ect to learn from it
How will the wor# %e done
2$ The castone ro,ect is an indi!idual underta#ing$
3$ The student has to loo# for a coman" for his/her OJT wor# for 345 hours 'good for two
terms)$ The coman" can %e the %asis of the student.s castone ro,ect$ The coman"
should %e informed clearl" on the intention of the OJT to %e underta#en %" student$
6$ The student should su%mit a roosal on the 6
wee# of the term$ 7" this time) the
student should alread" ha!e an understanding of the macro !iew of the coman".s
ro%lems and issues$
4$ Su%mit one co" of the roosal to "our Course Coordinator$ This will initiall" %e
re!iewed %" the Course Coordinator$ *f the roosal is acceta%le to the Course
Coordinator) it will %e forwarded to the 8ean of *E9E&0 for final aro!al$
:$ *f the roosal is aro!ed) the Research Coordinator will assign an ad!iser who has an
e+ertise in the toic chosen$ Priorit" in the assignment of ad!isers are facult" mem%ers
in the E&0 Course Cluster$ Three '6) anel mem%ers would also %e identified$
;$ The student will coordinate/consult with his/her ad!iser for the rogress of the roosal$
<$ =on the comletion of the roosal) the ad!iser will inform the Course Coordinator who
will schedule the roosal defense$
>$ The student must su%mit 4 coies of the aro!ed roosal 'with Ad!iser.s note that it is
o# for defense) for distri%ution to the ad!iser and 6 anel mem%ers$ This must %e done a
wee# %efore the schedule of defense$
?$ =on receit of the roosal) the three anel mem%ers must re!iew it and unanimousl"
concur in their decision as to the accetance or non9accetance of the roosal for
25$ The anel mem%ers ma" ot not to roceed with the defense if the" find ma,or
deficiencies in the roosal$
22$ *f the roosal is acceted for defense) the anel mem%ers ma" ot not to gi!e a grade if
ma,or re!isions are to %e done$ *n this case) the student has to redo the roosal to
conform with the re(uirements of the anel mem%ers and su%mit %ac# to them for
aro!al$ The anel mem%ers ma" re(uire the student to resent again or) alternati!el")
,ust route the roosal for aro!al$ *f the anel mem%ers find the roosal acceta%le)
the" ha!e to gi!e a grade$
23$ The student then continues the ro,ect 'under Practicum 3) and follows stes ; u to ?$

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