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February 15, 1993

Pursuant to Section 6 of Article IX-A and Section 3 of Article IX-C of te Constitution of te Re!u"lic
of te Pili!!ines and te !o#ers $ested in it "% e&istin' la#s( te Co))ission on Elections ere"%
!ro)ul'ates te follo#in' rules 'o$ernin' !leadin's( !ractice and !rocedure "efore it or an% of its

Rule / - +itle and Construction

Section /0 Title of the Rules. - +ese rules sall "e 1no#n and cited as te Co)elec Rules of
Procedure0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Applicability0 - +ese rules( e&ce!t Part .I( sall a!!l% to all actions and !roceedin's "rou't
"efore te Co))ission0 Part .I sall a!!l% to election contests and 3uo #arranto cases co'ni4a"le "%
courts of 'eneral 5urisdiction0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 Construction. - +ese rules sall "e li"erall% construed in order to !ro)ote te effecti$e and
efficient i)!le)entation of te o"5ecti$es of ensurin' te oldin' of free( orderl%( onest( !eaceful and
credi"le elections and to acie$e 5ust( e&!editious and ine&!ensi$e deter)ination and dis!osition of
e$er% action and !roceedin' "rou't "efore te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Suspension of the Rules0 - In te interest of 5ustice and in order to o"tain s!eed% dis!osition of
all )atters !endin' "efore te Co))ission( tese rules or an% !ortion tereof )a% "e sus!ended "%
te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 Meaning of or!s0 - 8ene$er used in tese Rules( te follo#in' #ords or ter)s sall )ean*
9a: Co))ission - te Co))ission on Elections
9": Di$ision - a Di$ision of te Co))ission on Elections
9c: Cair)an - te Cair)an of te Co))ission on Elections
9d: Co))issioner - a Co))issioner of te Co))ission on Elections
9e: Me)"er - te Cair)an or a Co))issioner
9f: Ordinar% Actions - sall refer to Election Protests( ;uo #arranto( and A!!eals fro)
decisions of courts in election !rotest cases
9': S!ecial Actions - sall refer to Petitions to den% course to certificate of candidac%( to
declare a candidate as a nuisance candidate( to dis3ualif% a candidate or to !ost!one or
sus!end an election
9: S!ecial Cases - sall refer to Pre-!rocla)ation cases
9i: S!ecial Reliefs - sall refer to Certiorari( Proi"ition( Manda)us and Conte)!t
95: Pro$isional Re)edies - sall refer to in5unction and<or restrainin' order
91: S!ecial Proceedin's - sall refer to annul)ent of !er)anent list of $oters( re'istration of
!olitical !arties and accreditation of citi4ens= ar)s of te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Rule 2 - Po#ers of te Co))ission

Section /0 "#press $o%ers0 - In te !erfor)ance of its ad)inistrati$e( 3uasi-5udicial and 5udicial
functions( te Co))ission sall e&ercise all suc !o#ers and functions as are e&!ressl% $ested u!on
it "% te Constitution and "% la#0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 &'plie! $o%ers. - +e Co))ission sall li1e#ise e&ercise suc !o#ers as are i)!lied in or
are necessar% to te effecti$e e&ercise of its e&!ress !o#ers0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 &nherent $o%ers0 - 8en !erfor)in' its constitutional or statutor% functions( te Co))ission
sall a$e inerent !o#er to*
9a: Preser$e and enforce order in its i))ediate !resence@
9": Enforce order in !roceedin's "efore it or "efore an% of its offices or officials e)!o#ered to
conduct in$esti'ation under its autorit%0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: Co)!el o"edience to its 5ud')ents( orders and !rocesses@
9d: Control its )inisterial officers and all oter !ersons in an% )anner connected #it a case
"efore it( and in e$er% )anner a!!ertainin' tereto@
9e: Co)!el te attendance of !ersons to testif% in a case !endin' "efore it@
9f: Ad)inister or cause to "e ad)inistered oats in a case !endin' "efore it( and in all oter
cases #ere it )a% "e necessar% in te e&ercise of its !o#ers@
9': A)end and control its !rocesses and orders so as to )a1e te) confor)a"le to la# and
9: Autori4e a co!% of a lost or destro%ed !leadin' or oter !a!er to "e filed and used
instead of te ori'inal( and to restore( and su!!l% deficiencies in its records and !roceedin's0 canro"les
$i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Means to "ffect (uris!iction0 - All au&iliar% #rits( !rocesses and oter )eans necessar% to
carr% into effect its !o#ers or 5urisdiction )a% "e e)!lo%ed "% te Co))ission@ and if te !rocedure
to "e follo#ed in te e&ercise of suc !o#er or 5urisdiction is not s!ecificall% !ro$ided for "% la# or
tese rules( an% suita"le !rocess or !roceedin' )a% "e ado!ted0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 $o%ers an! )uties of the Chair'an. - +e !o#ers and duties of te Cair)an of te
Co))ission #en discar'in' is functions in actions or !roceedin's "efore te Co))ission are as
9a: +o issue calls for te sessions of te Co))ission@
9": +o !reside o$er te sessions of te Co))ission@ and to act as Presidin' Co))issioner of
a Di$ision #en e&!ressl% autori4ed in tese Rules@
9c: +o desi'nate an% of te Co))issioners to !reside o$er sessions of te Co))issions en
"anc in te e$ent of is a"sence( dis3ualification or ini"ition@
9d: +o !reser$e order and decoru) durin' te session@
9e: +o decide all 3uestions of order( su"5ect to a!!eal to te Co))ission en "anc@
9f: +o enforce orders( resolutions( and decisions of te Co))ission and te Di$isions@
9': +o si'n interlocutor% resolution( orders or rulin's and te)!orar% restrainin' orders of te
Co))ission in cases not %et assi'ned to te Di$isions@
9: +o ta1e suc oter )easures as e )a% dee) !ro!er u!on consultation #it te oter
)e)"ers of te Co))ission@ and
9i: +o e&ercise suc oter !o#ers as are $ested u!on i) "% la# or "% s!ecific !ro$isions of
tese Rules0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 $o%ers an! )uties of the $resi!ing Co''issioner. - +e !o#ers and duties of te Presidin'
Co))issioner of a Di$ision #en discar'in' its functions in cases !endin' "efore te Di$ision sall
"e as follo#s*
9a: +o issue calls for te sessions of te Di$ision@
9": +o !reside o$er te sessions of te Di$ision@
9c: +o !reser$e order and decoru) durin' te sessions of te Di$ision@
9d: +o si'n interlocutor% resolutions( orders or rulin's and te)!orar% restrainin' orders in
cases alread% assi'ned to te Di$ision@
9e: +o decide all 3uestions of order( su"5ect to a!!eal to te full Di$ision@ and
9d: +o ta1e suc oter )easures as e )a% dee) !ro!er u!on consultation #it te oter
)e)"ers of te Di$ision0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Rule 3 - >o# te Co))ission +ransacts ?usiness

Section /0 *o% +usiness is Transacte!. - In te e&ercise of its Constitutional or statutor% !o#ers(
functions( and duties( te Co))ission )a% sit en "anc or in to Di$isions0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 The Co''ission "n +anc0 - +e Co))ission sall sit en "anc in cases ereinafter
s!ecificall% !ro$ided( or in !re-!rocla)ation cases u!on a $ote of a )a5orit% of te )e)"ers of te
Co))ission( or in all oter cases #ere a di$ision is not autori4ed to act( or #ere( u!on a
unani)ous $ote of all te Me)"ers of a Di$ision( an interlocutor% )atter or issue relati$e to an action
or !roceedin' "efore it is decided to "e referred to te Co))ission en "anc0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 The Co''ission Sitting in )i,isions0 - +e Co))ission sall sit in t#o 92: Di$isions to ear
and decide !rotests or !etitions in ordinar% actions( s!ecial actions( s!ecial cases( !ro$isional
re)edies( conte)!t( and s!ecial !roceedin's e&ce!t in accreditation of citi4en=s ar)s of te
Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Co'position of a )i,ision0 - Eac Di$ision sall "e co)!osed of tree Co))issioners( one of
#o) sall "e te Presidin' Co))issioner0 +e Co))ission en "anc sall deter)ine #o sall
co)!ose a Di$ision0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 -uoru'. /otes Re0uire!. - 9a: 8en sittin' en "anc( four 96: Me)"ers of te Co))ission
sall constitute a 3uoru) for te !ur!ose of transactin' "usiness0 +e concurrence of a )a5orit% of
te Me)"ers of te Co))ission sall "e necessar% for te !ronounce)ent of a decision( resolution(
order or rulin'0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": 8en sittin' in Di$ision( t#o 92: Me)"ers of a Di$ision sall constitute a 3uoru) to transact
"usiness0 +e concurrence of at least t#o 92: Me)"ers of a Di$ision sall "e necessar% to reac a
decision( resolution( order or rulin'0 If tis re3uired nu)"er is not o"tained( te case sall "e
auto)aticall% ele$ated to te Co))ission en "anc for decision or resolution0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: An% )otion to reconsider a decision( resolution( order or rulin' of a Di$ision sall "e resol$ed "%
te Co))ission en "anc e&ce!t )otions on interlocutor% orders of te di$ision #ic sall "e
resol$ed "% te di$ision #ic issued te order0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Change in Co'position. Substitution. - +e co)!osition of a Di$ision )a% "e can'ed "% te
Cair)an of te Co))ission #ene$er necessar%( Pro$ided tat no can'e sall "e )ade )ore tan
once e$er% tree 93: )onts@ Pro$ided Moreo$er( tat notice tereof in #ritin' sall "e furnised te
!arties in cases !endin' "efore te Di$ision concerned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
8ene$er tere is a $acanc% in a Di$ision "ecause a )e)"er ini"its i)self( is a"sent( or is
dis3ualified fro) sittin' in a case( or #en a di$ision as onl% t#o 92: re'ular )e)"ers( te Cair)an
)a% a!!oint a su"stitute Co))issioner( or te Cair)an i)self )a% sit as su"stitute or tird
)e)"er( and in tat e$ent e sall !reside0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Sessions. - +e Co))ission or te Di$isions sall old sessions on suc da%s and ti)e as it
)a% s!ecif% at te session all of te Co))ission( or at suc oter !laces in te Pili!!ines as it )a%
desi'nate0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 Assign'ent of Cases. - +e assi'n)ent of cases of te t#o 92: Di$isions erein constituted
sall "e done strictl% trou' raffle to "e conducted re'ularl% "% te Cair)an of te Co))ission in
te !resence of at least a )a5orit% of te Co))issioner@ Pro$ided( +at te assi'n)ent of cases sall
"e )ade as e$enl% as !ossi"le0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 C0 Consoli!ation of Cases. - 8en an action or !roceedin' in$ol$es a 3uestion of la# and fact
#ic is si)ilar to or co))on #it tat of anoter action or !roceedin'( te sa)e )a% "e
consolidated #it te action or !roceedin' "earin' te lo#er doc1et nu)"er0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule 6 - Dis3ualification and Ini"ition

Section /0 )is0ualification or &nhibition of Me'bers0 - 9a: ,o Me)"er sall sit in an% case in #ic e
or is s!ouse or cild is related to an% !art% #itin te si&t ci$il de'ree or consan'uinit% or affinit%( or
to te counsel of an% of te !arties #itin te fourt ci$il de'ree of consan'uinit% or affinit%( or in #ic
e as !u"licl% e&!ressed !re5ud')ent as )a% "e so#n "% con$incin' !roof( or in #ic te su"5ect
tereof is a decision !ro)ul'ated "% i) #ile !re$iousl% ser$in' as !residin' 5ud'e of an inferior
court( #itout te #ritten consent of all te !arties( si'ned "% te) and entered in te records of te
case@ Pro$ided( tat no Me)"er sall "e te D!onenteD of an en "anc decision<resolution on a )otion
to reconsider a decision<resolution #ritten "% i) in a Di$ision0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": If it "e clai)ed tat a Me)"er is dis3ualified fro) sittin' as a"o$e !ro$ided( te !art% raisin' te
issue )a%( in #ritin'( file is o"5ection #it te Co))ission( statin' te 'rounds terefor0 +e
)e)"er concerned sall eiter continue to !artici!ate in te earin' or #itdra# terefro)( in
accordance #it is deter)ination of te 3uestion of is dis3ualification0 >is decision tereon sall
fort#it "e )ade in #ritin' and filed #it te Co))ission for !ro!er notation and #it te records of
te case0 ,o a!!eal or sta% sall "e allo#ed fro)( or "% reason of( is decision in fa$or of is o#n
co)!etenc% until after final 5ud')ent in te case0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: A Me)"er )a%( in te e&ercise of is sound discretion( ini"it i)self fro) sittin' in a case for 5ust
or $alid reasons oter tan tose )entioned a"o$e0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 )is0ualification Resulting in 1ac2 of -uoru'0 - If te dis3ualification or ini"ition of a Me)"er
sould result in a lac1 of 3uoru) in te Co))ission sittin' en "anc( te Presidin' Eustice of te Court
of A!!eals( u!on re3uest of te Co))ission( sall desi'nate a Eustice of said Court to sit in said case
for te !ur!ose of earin' and renderin' a decision tereon0canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

Rule 70 - Parties to Actions or Proceedin's

Section /0 Applicability. - te Rules under Part III sall a!!l% to all actions and !roceedin's ereinafter
!ro$ided for0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 ho 'ay be $arties. - Onl% natural or 5uridical !ersons or entities dul% autori4ed "% la#( suc
as a $oter( a candidate( or re'istered !olitical !arties( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical !arties(
includin' !arties or or'ani4ations under te !art%-list s%ste)( and an% suc !erson !er)itted "% tese
Rules to "rin' an action or !roceedin' )a% "e !arties in an% action or !roceedin' "efore te
Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 $arties in &nterest. - All actions filed #it te Co))issioner )ust "e !rosecuted and defended
in te na)e of te real !art% in interest0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 )esignation of $arties0 - A !erson 3ualified to "e a !art% under Sec0 2 of tis Rule see1in'
relief sall "e referred to as Petitioner or Protestant0 An% !erson #o clai)s interest ad$erse to te
!etitioner or !rotestant or a'ainst #o) a clai) or interest is directed "% te !etitioner or !rotestant(
sall "e referred to as te Res!ondent or Protestee0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 Class Suit. 3 8en te su"5ect )atter of te contro$ers% is one of co))on or 'eneral interest
to )an% !ersons( and te !arties are so nu)erous tat it is i)!ractica"le to "rin' te) all "efore te
Co))ission( one or )ore )a% sue or defend for te "enefit of all0 ?ut in suc case( te Co))ission
sall )a1e sure tat te !arties actuall% "efore it are sufficientl% nu)erous and re!resentati$e so tat
all interests concerned are full% !rotected0 An% !art% in interest sall a$e a ri't to inter$ene to
!rotect is indi$idual interest0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Co'pulsory (oin!er of &n!ispensable $arties. - Parties in interest #itout #o) no final
deter)ination of an action can "e ad sall "e 5oined eiter as !etitioner or !rotestant or res!ondent
or !rotestee0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule 6 - Co))ence)ent of Action or Proceedin's

Sec0 /0 Co''ence'ent of Action or $rocee!ings by $arties. - An% natural or 5uridical !erson
autori4ed "% tese rules to initiate an% action or !roceedin' sall file #it te Co))ission a !rotest
or !etition alle'in' terein is !ersonal circu)stances as #ell as tose of te !rotestee or res!ondent(
te 5urisdictional facts( and a concise state)ent of te ulti)ate facts constitutin' is cause or causes
of action and s!ecif%in' te relief sou't0 >e )a% add a 'eneral !ra%er for suc furter or oter relief
as )a% "e dee)ed 5ust or e3uita"le0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 Co''ence'ent of Action by the Co''ission0 - In cases #ere te Co))ission is autori4ed
to initiate )otu !ro!rio an action or !roceedin'( te Co))ission sall issue an order for earin'
recitin' terein te !ur!ose for #ic te earin' is "ein' called for and a concise state)ent of facts
'i$in' rise tereto0 Co!ies of suc order sall "e ser$ed u!on !ersons or re'istered !olitical !arties(
or'ani4ations or coalition of !olitical !arties 1no#n to a$e an interest in te )atter or #o )a% "e
affected tere"%( and !u"lised in a ne#s!a!er of 'eneral circulation in te Pili!!ines at least ten
9/G: da%s "efore te sceduled date of earin'0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule 7 - Pleadings

Section /0 Filing of $lea!ings. - E$er% !leadin'( )otion and oter !a!ers )ust "e filed in ten 9/G:
le'i"le co!ies0 >o#e$er( #en tere is )ore tan one res!ondent or !rotestee( te !etitioner or
!rotestant )ust file additional nu)"er of co!ies of te !etition or !rotest as tere are additional
res!ondents or !rotestees0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 *o% File!0 - +e docu)ents referred to in te i))ediatel% !recedin' section )ust "e filed
directl% #it te !ro!er Cler1 of Court of te Co))ission !ersonall%( or( unless oter#ise !ro$ided in
tese Rules( "% re'istered )ail0 In te latter case( te date of )ailin' is te date of filin' and te
re3uire)ent as to te nu)"er of co!ies )ust "e co)!lied #it0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 For' of $lea!ings, etc. - 9a: All !leadin's allo#ed "% tese Rules sall "e !rinted(
)i)eo'ra!ed or t%!e#ritten on le'al si4e "ond !a!er and sall "e in En'lis or Fili!ino0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": Protests or !etitions in ordinar% actions( s!ecial actions( s!ecial cases( s!ecial reliefs( !ro$isional
re)edies( and s!ecial !roceedin's( as #ell as counter-!rotests( counter-!etitions( inter$entions(
)otions for reconsideration( and a!!eals fro) rulin's of "oard of can$assers sall "e $erified0 All
ans#ers sall "e $erified0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: A !leadin' sall "e $erified onl% "% an affida$it statin' tat te !erson $erif%in' te sa)e as read
te !leadin' and tat te alle'ations terein are true of is o#n 1no#led'e0 .erifications "ased on
Dinfor)ation or "eliefD or u!on D1no#led'eD( Dinfor)ationD or D"eliefD sall "e dee)ed insufficient0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9d: Eac !leadin' sall contain a ca!tain settin' fort te na)e of te Co))ission( te title of te
case( te doc1et nu)"er and te desi'nation of te !leadin'0 8en an action or !roceedin' as "een
assi'ned to a Di$ision( te ca!tion sall set fort te na)e of te Di$ision0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 )oc2et an! Assign'ent of 4u'bers. - U!on te Filin' of a !rotest or !etition( te Cler1 of
Court of te Co))ission concerned sall doc1et te sa)e and assi'n to it a doc1et nu)"er0 +e
nu)"erin' )ust "e consecuti$e accordin' to te date it is filed( )ust "ear te %ear( and !refi&ed as
9a: EPC - for Ordinar% Actions
9": EAC - for A!!ealed Cases
9c: SPA - for S!ecial Actions
9d: SPC - for S!ecial Cases
9e: SPR - for S!ecial Reliefs
9f: SPP - for S!ecial Proceedin's
9': EO - for Election Offenses
Sec0 70 4on3acceptance of $lea!ing0 - ,o !leadin' sall "e acce!ted "% te Co))ission unless it
confor)s to te for)al re3uire)ent !ro$ided erein0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule 8 - Intervention

Section /0 hen $roper an! ho 'ay be $er'itte! to &nter,ene. 3 An% !erson allo#ed to initiate an
action or !roceedin' )a%( "efore or durin' te trial of an action or !roceedin'( "e !er)itted "% te
Co))ission( in its discretion( to inter$ene in suc action or !roceedin'( if e as le'al interest in te
)atter in liti'ation( or in te success of eiter of te !arties( or an interest a'ainst "ot( or #en e is
so situated as to "e ad$ersel% affected "% suc action or !roceedin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 Motion for &nter,ention0 - A !erson desirin' to inter$ene sall file a )otion for lea$e of te
Co))ission or te Di$ision #it notice u!on all te !arties to te action0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 )iscretion of Co''ission. - In allo#in' or disallo#in' a )otion for inter$ention( te
Co))ission or te Di$ision( in te e&ercise of its discretion( sall consider #eter or not te
inter$ention #ill undul% dela% or !re5udice and ad5udication of te ri'ts of te ori'inal !arties and
#eter or not te inter$enor=s ri'ts )a% "e full% !rotected in a se!arate action or !roceedin'0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $rotest5$etition or Ans%er in &nter,ention0 - +e inter$ention sall "e )ade "% !rotest or
!etition filed and ser$ed in due for)( and )a% "e ans#ered as if it #ere an ori'inal !rotest or !etition@
"ut #ere inter$enor unites #it te !rotestee or res!ondent in resistin' te clai)s of !rotestant or
!etitioner( te inter$ention )a% "e )ade in te for) of an ans#er to te !rotest or !etition0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule 9 - Amended and Supplemental Pleadings

Section /0 hen A'en!'ents Allo%e! as a Matter of Right. - A !art% )a% a)end is !leadin's once
as a )atter of course at an% ti)e "efore a res!onsi$e !leadin' is ser$ed( or( if te !leadin' is one to
#ic no res!onsi$e !leadin' is !er)itted and te action as not "een !laced u!on te trial calendar(
e )a% so a)end it at an% ti)e #itin fi$e da%s after it is ser$ed0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 A'en!'ents 6nly by 1ea,e. - After te case is set for earin'( su"stantial a)end)ents )a%
"e )ade onl% u!on lea$e of te Co))ission or te Di$ision( as te case )a% "e0 Suc lea$e )a% "e
refused if it a!!ears to te Co))ission or te Di$ision tat te )otion #as )ade #it intent to dela%
te action or tat te cause of action or defense is su"stantiall% altered0 Orders of te Co))ission or
te Di$ision u!on te )atters !ro$ided in tis section sall "e )ade u!on )otion dul% filed( and after
te ad$erse te !art% as "een notified and afforded an o!!ortunit% to "e eard0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 Matters Sub7ect of Supple'ental $lea!ings0 - U!on )otion of a !art% te Co))ission or a
Di$ision( as te case )a% "e( )a%( u!on notice and u!on suc ter)s as are 5ust( !er)it i) to ser$e
a su!!le)ental !leadin' settin' fort transactions( occurrences or e$ents #ic a$e a!!ened since
te date of te !leadin' sou't to "e su!!le)ented0 If te Co))ission or te Di$ision dee)s it
ad$isa"le tat te ad$erse !art% sould !lead tereto( it sall so order( s!ecif%in' te ti)e terefor0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule 10 - Periods for Pleading

Section /0 Title to Ans%er. - Unless oter#ise !ro$ided in tese Rules( 9a: In ordinar% actions( s!ecial
reliefs( and s!ecial !roceedin's( te ans#er )ust "e filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) ser$ice of
su))ons and a co!% of te !etition@ and
9": In s!ecial actions and s!ecial cases( te ans#er )ust "e filed #itin tree 93: da%s fro) ser$ice of
su))on and a co!% of te !etition0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Ans%er to A'en!e! $rotest or $etition. - If te !rotest or !etition is a)ended( te ti)e fi&ed
for te filin' and ser$ice of te ans#er sall( unless oter#ise ordered( run fro) recei!t of te notice
of te order ad)ittin' te a)ended !rotest or !etition or fro) ser$ice of suc a)ended !rotest or
!etition0 An ans#er filed "efore te a)end)ent sall stand as an ans#er to te a)ended !rotest or
!etition( unless a ne# one is filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) notice or ser$ice as erein !ro$ided0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 Ans%er to Counter3$rotest or Counterclai'0 - A counter-!rotest( or a counterclai) #en
a!!ro!riate( )ust "e filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te date of ser$ice tereof u!on te !rotestant or
!etitioner0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $erio! of &nter,ene an! Ti'e to Ans%er &nter,ention. 3 8ene$er inter$ention is allo#ed te
sa)e )ust "e filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) recei!t of te order !er)ittin' te inter$ention( unless a
different !eriod is fi&ed "% te Co))ission or Di$ision0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 Reply0 - Unless oter#ise !ro$ided in tese Rules( a re!l% )a% "e filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s
fro) recei!t of te ans#er0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 "#tension of Ti'e to $lea!. 3 Unless oter#ise !ro$ided in tese Rules( te ti)e to !lead )a%
"e e&tended "% te Co))ission u!on )otion and on suc ter)s as it )a% dee) 5ust0 canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule // - Motions

Section /0 Motions )efine!. - E$er% a!!lications for an order not included in a decision of te
Co))ission or a Di$ision )a% "e called a )otion0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Motions Must be in riting. - All )otions sall "e in #ritin'( e&ce!t )otions for continuance
)ade in te !resence of te ad$erse !art%( or tose )ade in te course of a earin' or trial0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 Contents of Motions. - A )otion sall state te order sou't to "e o"tained and te 'rounds
u!on #ic it is "ased0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 4otice. - ,otice of a )otion sall "e ser$ed "% te )o$ant to all !arties concerned( at least
tree 93: da%s "efore te earin' tereof( to'eter #it a co!% of te )otion0 For 'ood cause so#n(
te )otion )a% "e eard on sorter notice( es!eciall% on )atters #ic te Co))ission or te
Di$ision )a% dis!ose of on its o#n )otion0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
+e notice sall "e directed to te !arties concerned and sall state te ti)e and !lace of te earin'
of te )otion0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 $roof of Ser,ice0 - ,o )otion sall "e acted u!on "% te Co))ission #itout !roof of ser$ice
of notice tereof( e&ce!t #en te Co))ission or a Di$ision is satisfied tat te ri'ts of te ad$erse
!art% or !arties are not affected0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 4o oral Argu'ents for Motions0 - ,o oral ar'u)ent sall "e eard in su!!ort of )otions
unless( for s!ecial reasons( te Co))ission or a Di$ision directs oter#ise0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 A0 Motion )ay. - +e first ours of te session of te Co))ission en "anc or of te di$ision sall
"e de$oted to earin's of )otions0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 6'nibus Motion. - A )otion assailin' a !leadin' or a !roceedin' sall include all o"5ections
ten a$aila"le( and all o"5ections not so included sall "e dee)ed #ai$ed0 canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%

Rule /2 - Ser$ice and Filin' of Pleadin's and Oter Pa!ers

Section /0 Filing %ith the Co''ission. - +e Filin' of !leadin's( a!!earances( )otions( notices( and
oter !a!ers #it te Co))ission as re3uired "% tese rules sall "e )ade "% filin' te) !ersonall%
or trou' a dul% autori4ed re!resentati$e #it te a!!ro!riate Cler1 of Court of te Co))ission( or
"% re'istered )ail e&ce!t in a s!ecial action to declare a candidate as a nuisance candidate0 If filed
!ersonall% or "% a dul% autori4ed re!resentati$e( te Cler1 of Court sall sta)! on te !leadin' te
date and our of filin'0 It filed "% re'istered )ail( te date of te )ailin' of )otions( !leadin's( or oter
!a!ers or !a%)ents or de!osits( as so#n "% te !ost office sta)! on te en$elo!e or te re'istr%
recei!t( sall "e considered as te date of teir filin'( !a%)ent or de!osit #it te Co))ission0 +e
en$elo!e sall "e attaced to te records of te case0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 $apers to be File! an! Ser,e!. - Orders re3uired to "e ser$ed( !leadin's su"se3uent to a
!etition or !rotest( #ritten )otions oter tan tose #ic )a% "e eard e&-!arte( and #ritten notices(
a!!earances( de)and or offer of 5ud')ent or si)ilar !a!ers sall "e filed #it te Co))ission and
ser$ed u!on te !arties affected tere"%0 If an% of te !arties as a!!eared "% an attorne% or
attorne%s( ser$ice sall "e )ade u!on is attorne% or u!on an% of is attorne%s( unless ser$ice u!on
te !art% i)self is ordered "% te Co))ission or Di$ision0 8ere one attorne% a!!ears for se$eral
!arties( e sall "e entitled to onl% one co!% of an% !a!er ser$ed u!on i) "% te o!!osite side0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 Mo!e, Co'pletion an! $roof of Ser,ice. - Ser$ice of !leadin's( )otions( notices( orders or
5ud')ent and oter !a!ers( te co)!leteness tereof( and !roof of suc ser$ice sall "e )ade in te
)anner !rescri"ed "% te Rules of Court of te Pili!!ines0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%

Rule 13 - Prohibited Pleadings

Section /0 hat $lea!ings are not Allo%e!. - +e follo#in' !leadin's are not allo#ed*
9a: )otion to dis)iss@
9": )otion for a "ill of !articulars@
9c: )otion for e&tension of ti)e to file )e)orandu) or "rief@
9d: )otion for reconsideration of an en "anc rulin'( resolution( order or decision e&ce!t in
election offense cases@
9e: )otion for re-o!enin' or re-earin' of a case@
9f: re!l% in s!ecial actions and in s!ecial cases@ and
9': su!!le)ental !leadin's in s!ecial actions and in s!ecial cases0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Rule /6 - Su))ons

Section /0 Cler2 to &ssue Su''ons0 - Unless oter#ise !ro$ided erein( te Cler1 of Court of te
Co))ission or te di$ision concerned sall issue te corres!ondin' su))ons to te !rotestee or
res!ondent #itin tree 93: da%s follo#in' te filin' of a !rotest or !etition in ordinar% actions e&ce!t
a!!eals fro) decisions of courts in election !rotest cases( in s!ecial actions( s!ecial cases( s!ecial
reliefs( and in s!ecial !roceedin's0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Contents0 - Su))ons sall "e directed to te !rotestee or res!ondent( si'ned "% te Cler1 of
Court of te Co))ission or te di$ision concerned under te seal of te Co))ission( and sall
contain 9a: te na)e of te Co))ission or its Di$ision and te na)es of te !arties@ 9": a direction
tat te !rotestee or res!ondent sall ans#er #itin te ti)e fi&ed "% tese Rules0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
A co!% of te !rotest or !etition sall "e attaced to te ori'inal and to eac co!% of te su))ons0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 &ssuance of 6ther Su''ons. - If a su))ons is returned #itout "ein' ser$ed on an% of te
!rotestees or res!ondents( or if it as "een lost( te Cler1 of Court concerned( on de)and of te
!rotestant or !etitioner( )a% issue anoter su))ons as te case )a% re3uire( in te sa)e for) as
te ori'inal0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 +y ho' Su''ons May be Ser,e!0 - +e su))ons )a% "e ser$ed "% !ersonal ser$ice or
"% )ail0 Personal ser$ice )a% "e )ade "% a "ailiff of te Co))ission or te di$ision or u!on re3uest
of te Co))ission or a Di$ision( "% te seriff of an% court in te !lace #ere te !arties to "e ser$ed
reside@ or for s!ecial reasons( "% an% !erson es!eciall% autori4ed "% te Co))ission or a Di$ision0 canro"les $i rtual l a#
l i"rar%
Sec0 70 Return0 - 8en te ser$ice as "een co)!leted "% !ersonal ser$ice( te ser$er sall 'i$e
notice tereof( "% re'istered )ail( to te !rotestant or !etitioner or is counsel and sall return te
su))ons to te Cler1 of Court concerned #o issued it( acco)!anied #it te !roof of ser$ice0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $roof of Ser,ice0 - Proof of ser$ice of su))ons sall "e )ade in te )anner !ro$ided for in
te Rules of Court in te Pili!!ines0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%

Rule /7 - Pre-+rial

Section /0 $urpose of $re3Trial. - At te discretion of te Co))ission or te Di$ision( te !arties and
teir attorne%s )a% "e re3uired to a!!ear "efore it for a !re-trial conference to consider*
9a: +e si)!lification of issues@
9": +e !ossi"ilit% of o"tainin' ad)ission of facts and of docu)ents to a$oid unnecessar%
9c: +e li)itation of te nu)"er of #itnesses@ and
9d: Suc oter )atters as )a% "e aid in te !ro)!t dis!osition of te action or !roceedin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
+is rule sall not a!!l% to election !rotest cases filed "efore te Co))ission on Elections0 In suc
cases( te !arties sall su")it( to for) !art of te record of te case( a !osition !a!er #ic
su))ari4es teir le'al !ositions0canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

Rule /6 - Su"!oena

Section /0 Subpoena A! Testifican!u' or Subpoena )uces Tecu'0 - Su"!oena ad testificandu) or
su"!oena duces tecu) )a% "e issued "% te Co))ission or te Di$ision )otu !ro!io( or u!on
re3uest of te !arties in an% case0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 +y ho' &ssue!. - +e su"!oena sall "e eard "% te Cair)an of te Co))ission in
cases eard en "anc( or "% te Presidin' Co))issioner of te Di$ision concerned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 For' an! Contents. - A su"!oena sall "e si'ned "% te Cler1 of Court concerned0 It sall
state te na)e of te Co))ission or te Di$ision issuin' it and te title of te action@ it sall "e
directed to te !erson #ose attendance is re3uired( and in te case of a su"!oena duces tecu)( it
sall also contain a reasona"le descri!tion of te "oo1s( docu)ents or tin's de)anded #ic )a%
a!!ear !ri)a facie rele$ant0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Authority of 6fficials of the Co''ission to &ssue Subpoena0 - Officials of te Co))ission
autori4ed under tese Rules to ear cases and recei$e e$idence or conduct !reli)inar% in$esti'ation
sall a$e te autorit% to issue su"!oena in connection #it suc cases0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule /A - >earin's

Section /0 4otice of *earing. - After te issues a$e "een 5oined( te case sall "e set for earin' and
te !arties( tru counsel( sall "e ser$ed( !ersonall% or "% re'istered )ail( 'i$in' sufficient ti)e for te
notice tereof to "e recei$ed "% te !arties not less tan tree 93: da%s "efore te date set0 8ene$er
necessar%( tele'ra!ic notices sall "e sent si)ultaneousl% #it te for)al notice of earin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 6r!er of *earing0 - Unless te Co))ission or te Di$ision( as te case )a% "e( for s!ecial
reasons( directs oter#ise( te order of earin' sall "e as follo#s*
9a: +e !etitioner or !rotestant sall !resent e$idence on is !art@
9": +e !rotestant-in-inter$ention( if an%( sall !resent e$idence on is !art@
9c: +e res!ondent or !rotestee sall ten offer e$idence in su!!ort of is defense or counter-
!rotest( if an%@
9d: +e !arties )a% ten res!ecti$el% offer re"uttin' e$idence onl%( unless te Co))ission or
te Di$ision( as te case )a% "e( for 'ood reasons( in te furterance of 5ustice( !er)its te)
to offer e$idence u!on teir ori'inal case@
9e: 8en te e$idence is concluded( unless te !arties a'ree to su")it te case #itout
ar'u)ents( te !arties or teir counsel )a% "e allo#ed to ar'ue( su"5ect to suc li)itation of
ti)e as te Co))ission or te Di$ision )a% !rescri"e@
9f: In lieu of oral ar'u)ents( te !arties )a% "e allo#ed to su")it teir res!ecti$e )e)oranda
#itin a !eriod of tree 93: da%s0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 6ral Testi'ony )ispense! %ith here $rocee!ings are Su''ary. - 8en te !roceedin's
are autori4ed to "e su))ar%( in lieu of oral testi)onies( te !arties )a%( after due notice( "e
re3uired to su")it teir !osition !a!er to'eter #it affida$its( counter-affida$its and oter
docu)entar% e$idence@ and #en tere is a need for clarification of certain )atters( at te discretion
of te Co))ission or te Di$ision( te !arties )a% "e allo#ed to cross-e&a)ine te affiants0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
+is !ro$ision sall li1e#ise a!!l% to cases #ere te earin' and rece!tion of e$idence are
dele'ated "% te Co))ission or te Di$ision to an% of its officials@ and #en tere is a need for
clarification of certain )atters( te earin' officer )a% scedule a earin' to !ro!ound clarificator%
3uestions( o"ser$in' for tat !ur!ose Section 6 of Rule 36 of tese Rules0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $erio! to Ter'inate *earing hen )elegate!. - +e earin' and rece!tion of e$idence( #en
dele'ated "% te Co))ission or a Di$ision to an% of its officials( sall "e co)!leted #itin tree 93:
da%s0 +e official concerned sall su")it is findin's( re!ort and reco))endation to te Co))ission
or te Di$ision #itin tree 93: da%s fro) suc co)!letion0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 Agree'ent on Facts. - +e !arties to an% action )a% a'ree in #ritin' on te facts in$ol$ed in
te case0canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

Rule /B - Decisions

Section /0 $roce!ure in Ma2ing )ecisions. - +e conclusions of te Co))ission in an% case
su")itted to it for decision en "anc or in Di$ision sall "e reaced in consultation "efore te case is
assi'ned "% raffle to a Me)"er for te #ritin' of te o!inion of te Co))ission or te Di$ision and a
certification to tis effect si'ned "% te Cair)an or te Presidin' Co))issioner( as te case )a% "e(
sall "e incor!orated in te decision0 An% Me)"er #o too1 no !art( or dissented( or a"stained fro) a
decision or resolution )ust state te reason terefor0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
E$er% decision sall e&!ress terein clearl% and distinctl% te facts and te la# on #ic it is "ased0canro"les $i rtual l a#
l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Minute Resolution0 - ,o )inute resolution resol$in' a case sall "e rendered if e$idence as
"een adduced and recei$ed0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 hen "#ten!e! 6pinion Reser,e!. - 8en in a 'i$en resolution or decision te #ritin' of an
e&tended o!inion is reser$ed( te e&tended o!inion sall "e released #itin fifteen 9/7: da%s after te
!ro)ul'ation of te resolution0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $erio! to Appeal or File Motion for Reconsi!eration hen "#ten!e! 6pinion is Reser,e!. - If
an e&tended o!inion is reser$ed in a decision or resolution( te !eriod to file a !etition for certiorari
#it te Su!re)e Court or to file a )otion for reconsideration sall "e'in to run onl% fro) te date te
a''rie$ed !art% recei$ed a co!% of te e&tended o!inion0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 $ro'ulgation0 - +e !ro)ul'ation of a decision or resolution of te Co))ission or a Di$ision
sall "e )ade on a date !re$iousl% fi&ed( of #ic notice sall "e ser$ed in ad$ance u!on te !arties
or teir attorne%s !ersonall% or "% re'istered )ail or "% tele'ra)0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $roce!ure if 6pinion is "0ually )i,i!e!. - 8en te Co))ission en "anc is e3uall% di$ided in
o!inion( or te necessar% )a5orit% cannot "e ad( te case sall "e reeard( and if on reearin' no
decision is reaced( te action or !roceedin' sall "e dis)issed if ori'inall% co))enced in te
Co))ission@ in a!!ealed cases( te 5ud')ent or order a!!ealed fro) sall stand affir)ed@ and in all
incidental )atters( te !etition or )otion sall "e denied0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 A0 $erio! to )eci!e by the Co''ission "n +anc. 3 An% case or )atter su")itted to or eard "%
te Co))ission en "anc sall "e decided #itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) te date it is see)ed su")itted
for decision or resolution( e&ce!t a )otion for reconsideration of a decision or resolution of a Di$ision
in S!ecial Actions and S!ecial Cases #ic sall "e decided #itin fifteen 9/7: da%s fro) te date te
case or )atter is dee)ed su")itted for decision( unless oter#ise !ro$ided "% la#0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 $erio! to )eci!e by a )i,ision. - An% case or )atter eard "% a Di$ision sall "e decided
#itin ten 9/G: da%s fro) te date it is dee)ed su")itted for decision or resolution( e&ce!t in S!ecial
Actions and S!ecial Cases #ic sall "e decided or resol$ed #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te date te%
are dee)ed su")itted for decision or resolution( unless oter#ise !ro$ided "% la#
Sec0 C0 hen )ee'e! Sub'itte! for )ecision0 - 9a: A case or )atter is dee)ed su")itted for
decision or resolution u!on te filin' of te last !leadin'( "rief or )e)orandu) as re3uired in tese
Rules or "% te Co))ission en "anc or "% a Di$ision0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": >o#e$er( if te earin' and rece!tion of e$idence are dele'ated to an% of its officials( te case or
)atter sall "e dee)ed su")itted for decision as of te date of te recei!t of te findin's( re!ort and
reco))endation of te official so dele'ated0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /G0 )uty to Certify to the $resi!ent. - In election !rotests and 3uo #arranto cases( if te decision
sall "e tat none of te !arties as "een le'all% elected( te Co))ission sall certif% suc decision
to te President of te Pili!!ines0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 )uty to 4otify 6ther Agencies of the 8o,ern'ent0 - 9a: As soon as a decision in an election
!rotest #itin te ori'inal 5urisdiction of te Co))ission or in a 3uo #arranto case "eco)es final and
e&ecutor%( notices tereof sall "e sent to te President( te Secretar% of Local Fo$ern)ent( te
Cair)an of te Co))ission on Audit( and te Secretar% of te San''unian' Pa)!oo1 in te case of
re'ional officials( te Secretar% of te San''unian' Panlala#i'an in te case of !ro$incial officials(
and te Secretar% of te San''unian' Pan'lun'sod in te case of cit% officials0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": As soon as a decision or resolution in an a!!ealed election case "eco)es final and e&ecutor%(
notices tereof sall "e sent to te President( te Secretar% of Local Fo$ern)ent( te Cair)an of te
Co))ission on Audit( and te Secretar% of te San''unian' ?a%an in te case of )unici!al officials
and te Secretar% of te San''unian' ?aran'a% in te case of "aran'a% officials0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /20 )isse'ination of )ecision in a $etition to )eny )ue Course to or Cancel a Certificate of
Can!i!acy or to )eclare a Can!i!ate as a 4uisance Can!i!ate0 - +e Co))ission sall( #itin
t#ent%-four 926: ours fro) te !ro)ul'ation of a decision in !etitions to den% due course to or cancel
a certificate of candidac%( declare a candidate a nuisance candidate or dis3ualif% a candidate(
disse)inate its decision( or te decision of te Su!re)e Court if te Co))ission=s decision is "rou't
"% te a''rie$ed !art% to said Court( to te election re'istrars concerned( "oards of election
ins!ectors( and te 'eneral !u"lic in te !olitical su"di$ision concerned trou' te fastest )eans
a$aila"le0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /30 Finality of )ecisions or Resolutions. - 9a: In ordinar% actions( s!ecial !roceedin's( !ro$isional
re)edies and s!ecial reliefs a decision or resolution of te Co))ission en "anc sall "eco)e final
and e&ecutor% after tirt% 93G: da%s fro) its !ro)ul'ation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": In S!ecial Actions and S!ecial Cases a decision or resolutions of te Co))ission en "anc sall
"eco)e final and e&ecutor% after fi$e 97: da%s fro) its !ro)ul'ation unless restrained "% te Su!re)e
Court0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: Unless a )otion for reconsideration is seasona"l% filed( a decision or resolution of a Di$ision sall
"eco)e final and e&ecutor% after te la!se of fi$e 97: da%s in S!ecial actions and S!ecial cases and
after fifteen 9/7: da%s in all oter actions or !roceedin's( follo#in' its !ro)ul'ation0 canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule /C - Motions for Reconsideration

Section /0 8roun!s of Motion for Reconsi!eration. - A )otion for reconsideration )a% "e filed on te
'rounds tat te e$idence is insufficient to 5ustif% te decision( order or rulin'@ or tat te said
decision( order or rulin' is contrar% to la#0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 $erio! for Filing Motions for Reconsi!eration. - A )otion to reconsider a decision( resolution(
order( or rulin' of a Di$ision sall "e filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te !ro)ul'ation tereof0 Suc
)otion( if not !rofor)a( sus!ends te e&ecution or i)!le)entation of te decision( resolution( order or
rulin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 For' an! Contents of Motion for Reconsi!eration. - +e )otion sall "e $erified and sall
!oint out s!ecificall% te findin's or conclusions of te decision( resolution( order or rulin' #ic are
not su!!orted "% te e$idence or #ic are contrar% to la#( )a1in' e&!ress reference to te
testi)onial or docu)entar% e$idence or te !ro$isions of la# alle'ed to "e contrar% to suc findin's or
conclusions0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 "ffect of Motion for Reconsi!eration on $erio! to Appeal0 - A )otion to reconsider a decision(
resolution( order or rulin' #en not !ro-for)a( sus!ends te runnin' of te !eriod to ele$ate te
)atter to te Su!re)e Court0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 *o% Motion for Reconsi!eration )ispose! 6f0 - U!on te filin' of a )otion to reconsider a
decision( resolution( order or rulin' of a Di$ision( te Cler1 of Court concerned sall( #itin t#ent%-four
926: ours fro) te filin' tereof( notif% te Presidin' Co))issioner0 +e latter sall #itin t#o 92:
da%s tereafter certif% te case to te Co))ission en banc0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 )uty of Cler2 of Court of Co''ission to Calen!ar Motion for Resolution. - +e Cler1 of Court
concerned sall calendar te )otion for reconsideration for te resolution of te Co))ission en "anc
#itin ten 9/G: da%s fro) te certification tereof0canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

PAR+ .
Rule 2G - Election Protests

Section /0 Filing of "lection $rotest0 - A $erified !etition contestin' te election of an% re'ional(
!ro$incial or cit% official sall "e filed "% an% candidate #o dul% filed a certificate of candidac% and
as "een $oted for te sa)e office( #itin ten 9/G: da%s after te !rocla)ation of te results of te
election0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Eac contest sall refer e&clusi$el% to one office( "ut contests for offices of te San''unian'
Pa)!oo1( San''unian' Panlala#i'an or San''unian' Pan'lun'sod )a% "e consolidated in a sin'le
case0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Contents of Ans%er. - +e ans#er )ust s!ecif% te nature of te defense and )a% set fort
s!ecial and affir)ati$e defenses0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 Counter3$rotest or Counterclai'0 - +e !rotestee )a% incor!orate in is ans#er a counter-
!rotest or a counterclai)0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 8eneral )enial. - If no ans#er is filed to te !rotest or counter-!rotest( a 'eneral denial sall
"e dee)ed to a$e "een entered0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 $rotestant9s Reply0 - +e !rotestant )a% file a re!l%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Re,ision of +allots0 - 8en te alle'ations in a !rotest or counter-!rotest so #arrant( or
#ene$er in te o!inion of te Co))ission or Di$ision te interest of 5ustice so de)ands( it sall
i))ediatel% order te "allot "o&es containin' "allots and teir 1e%s( list of $oters #it $otin' records(
"oo1 of $oters( and oter docu)ents used in te election to "e "rou't "efore te Co))ission( and
sall order te re$ision of te "allots0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Co'position an! Co'pensation of Re,ision Co''ittee. - For te a"o$e !ur!ose( te
Co))ission )a% constitute a co))ittee on te re$ision of "allots #ic sall "e co)!osed of te
follo#in' #it te corres!ondin' co)!ensation !er "allot "o& contested*
/0 A Cair)an( #o sall "e a la#%er of te Co))ission - P/7G0GG
20 One Re$isor<Alternate for te Protestant - P/GG0GG
30 One Re$isor<Alternate for te Protestee - P/GG0GG
Oter Su!!ort Staff*
60 Cler1 - P7G0GG
70 +%!ist - P7G0GG
60 ?allot ?o& Custodian - P7G0GG
Sec0 B0 Re,ision "#penses. - +e co)!ensation of te )e)"ers and staff sall "e deducted fro) te
cas de!osit of te !rotestant or te !rotestee as te case )a% "e( and oter incidental e&!enses
suc as su!!lies and trans!ortation in te su!!lies and trans!ortation in te 'aterin' of te !rotested
"allot "o&es0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 C0 /enue of the Re,ision. - +e re$ision of "allots sall "e )ade in te Office of te Cler1 of
Court concerned or at suc !laces as te Co))ission or Di$ision sall desi'nate and sall "e
co)!leted #itin tree 93: )onts fro) te date of te order@ unless oter#ise directed "% te
Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /G0 Custo!y of "lection Recor!s an! $araphernalia0 - +e "allot "o&es containin' "allots and
teir 1e%s( te list of $oters #it te $otin' records( "oo1 of $oters( and oter docu)ents used in te
election( sall "e 1e!t and eld secure in a !lace to "e desi'nated "% te Co))ission( in te care
and custod% of te "allot "o& custodian of te Electoral Contests Ad5udication De!art)ent and under
te autorit% of te Cair)an0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 Report of Co''ittee on Re,ision. - +e co))ittee on re$ision of "allots sall )a1e a
state)ent of te condition in #ic te "allot "o&es and teir contents #ere found u!on te o!enin'
of te sa)e( and sall classif% te "allots so e&a)ined and set fort clearl% an% o"5ection tat )a%
a$e "een offered to eac "allot in te re!ort to "e su")itted "% te)0 Dis!uted "allots sall "e
nu)"ered consecuti$el% for !ur!oses of identification in te !resence and under te direction of te
co))ittee cair)an0 After e&a)ination( te "allots and oter election docu)ents sall "e returned to
teir res!ecti$e "o&es under loc1 "ut dis!uted "allots sall "e !laced in a se!arate en$elo!e dul%
sealed and si'ned "% te )e)"ers of te co))ittee and ten returned to te "o&0 For !ur!oses of
)a1in' said re!ort( #ic sall "e su")itted in t#el$e 9/2: le'i"le co!ies( onl% te !rescri"ed for)
!re!ared "% te Co))ission sall "e used0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /20 $rohibite! Access. 3 Durin' te re$ision of "allots( no !erson oter tan te Me)"ers of te
Co))ission( )e)"ers of te co))ittee on re$ision of "allots( te Cler1 of Court concerned or te
latter=s autori4ed re!resentati$es and te !arties( teir attorne% or teir dul% autori4ed
re!resentati$es sall a$e access to te !lace #ere said re$ision is ta1in' !lace0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /30 +oo2 of /oters as ",i!ence0 - In election contests( te "oo1 of $oters sall "e conclusi$e in
re'ard to te 3uestion as to #o as te ri't to $ote in said election0 canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule 2/ - ;uo #arranto

Sec0 /0 $etition for -uo arranto. - An% $oter contestin' te election of an% re'ional( !ro$incial or cit%
official on te 'round of ineli'i"ilit% or of dislo%alt% to te Re!u"lic of te Pili!!ines )a% file a !etition
for 3uo #arranto #it te Electoral Contests Ad5udication De!art)ent0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 $erio! ithin hich to File. - A !etition for 3uo #arranto )a% "e filed #itin ten 9/G: da%s
fro) te date te res!ondent is !roclai)ed0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule 22 - A!!eals fro) Decisions of Courts in Election Protest Cases

Section /0 Caption an! Title of Appeale! Cases. - In all election contests in$ol$in' te elections(
returns( and 3ualifications of )unici!al or "aran'a% officials( te !art% inter!osin' te a!!eal sall "e
called te DA!!ellantD and te ad$erse !art% te DA!!elleeD( "ut te title of te case sall re)ain as it
#as in te court of ori'in0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Attorneys. 3 +e attorne%s of te !arties in te courts sall "e considered as teir res!ecti$e
attorne%s in te Co))ission( unless oter#ise )anifested0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 4otice of Appeal0 - 8itin fi$e 97: da%s after !ro)ul'ation of te decision of te court( te
a''rie$ed !art% )a% file #it said court a notice of a!!eal( and ser$e a co!% tereof u!on te attorne%
of record of te ad$erse !art%0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 &''e!iate Trans'ittal of Recor!s of the Case0 - +e Cler1 of te court concerned sall( #itin
fifteen 9/7: da%s fro) te filin' of te notice of a!!eal( trans)it to te Electoral Contests Ad5udication
De!art)ent te co)!lete records of te case( to'eter #it all te e$idence( includin' te ori'inal and
tree 93: co!ies of te transcri!t of steno'ra!ic notes of te !roceedin's0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 Filing of +riefs0 - +e Cler1 of Court concerned( u!on recei!t of te co)!lete records of te
case( sall notif% te a!!ellant or is counsel to file #it te Electoral Contests Ad5udication
De!art)ent #itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) recei!t of suc notice( ten 9/G: le'i"le co!ies of is "rief #it
!roof of ser$ice tereof u!on te a!!ellee0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
8itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) recei!t of te "rief of te a!!ellant( te a!!ellee sall file ten 9/G: le'i"le
co!ies of is "rief #it !roof of ser$ice tereof u!on te a!!ellant0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Contents of +rief. - +e "rief sall a$e te sa)e contents as tose !ro$ided under Sections
/6 and /A( Rule 66 of te Rules of Court0 A co!% of te decision a!!ealed fro) sall "e attaced as
an a!!endi& to te a!!ellant=s "rief0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Reply +rief. 3 +e a!!ellant )a% file a re!l% "rief #itin t#ent% 92G: da%s fro) recei!t of
a!!ellee=s "rief0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 B0 hen Case May +e Set for 6ral Argu'ent. 3 U!on te filin' of a!!ellant=s re!l% "rief( or after
te e&!iration of te ti)e for its filin'( te case sall "e dee)ed su")itted for decision( unless #itin
fifteen 9/7: da%s terefro)( an% !art% as1s( and for s!ecial reason( is tereafter 'ranted !er)ission
for oral ar'u)ent( or unless te Co))ission )otu !ro!rio re3uires it0 Oral ar'u)ents sall "e
confined to suc !oints as te Co))ission )a% s!ecif% in an order settin' te date terefor0 +e
Co))ission )a% ad)it )e)oranda in lieu of oral ar'u)ent0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 C0 8roun!s for )is'issal of Appeal. - +e a!!eal )a% "e dis)issed u!on )otion of eiter !art%
or at te instance of te Co))ission on an% of te follo#in' 'rounds*
9a: Failure of te a!!ellant to !a% te correct a!!eal fee@
9": Failure of te a!!ellant to file co!ies of is "rief #itin te ti)e !ro$ided "% tese rules@
9c: 8ant of s!ecific assi'n)ent of errors in te a!!ellant=s "rief@ and
9d: Failure to file notice of a!!eal #itin te !rescri"ed !eriod0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /G0 ith!ra%al of Appeal. 3 An a!!eal )a% "e #itdra#n as a )atter of ri't at an% ti)e "efore
te filin' of a!!ellee=s "rief0 After te filin' of te a!!ellee=s "rief( te #itdra#al )a% "e allo#ed at
te discretion of te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%


Rule 23 - Petition to Den% Due Course to or Cancel Certificates of Candidac%

Section /0 8roun!s for )enial of Certificate of Can!i!acy0 - A !etition to den% due course to or cancel
a certificate of candidac% for an% electi$e office )a% "e filed #it te La# De!art)ent of te
Co))ission "% an% citi4en of $otin' a'e or a dul% re'istered !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation( or coalition
or !olitical !arties on te e&clusi$e 'round tat an% )aterial re!resentation contained terein as
re3uired "% la# is false0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 $erio! to File $etition. - +e !etition )ust "e filed #itin fi$e 97: da%s follo#in' te last da% for
te filin' of certificate of candidac%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 Su''ary $rocee!ing. 3 +e !etition sall "e eard su))aril% after due notice0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 )elegation of Reception of ",i!ence. - +e Co))ission )a% desi'nate an% of its officials #o
are )e)"ers of te Pili!!ine ?ar to ear te case and to recei$e e$idence0 canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule 26 - Proceedin's A'ainst ,uisance Candidates

Section /0 8roun!s. - An% candidate for an% electi$e office #o filed is certificate of candidac% to !ut
te election !rocess in )oc1er% or disre!ute or to cause confusion a)on' te $oters "% te si)ilarit%
of te na)es of te re'istered candidates or #o "% oter acts or circu)stances is clearl%
de)onstrated to a$e no "ona fide intention to run for te office for #ic te certificate of candidac%
as "een filed( tus !re$entin' a faitful deter)ination of te true #ill of te electorate( )a% "e
declared a nuisance candidate and is certificate of candidac% )a% "e denied due course or )a% "e
cancelled0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 ho May File $etition to )eclare a Can!i!ate as 4uisance Can!i!ate. - An% re'istered
candidate for te sa)e electi$e office )a% file #it te La# De!art)ent of te Co))ission a !etition
to declare a candidate as a nuisance candidate0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
+e Co))ission )a%( at an% ti)e "efore te election( )otu !ro!rio refuse to 'i$e due course to or
cancel a Certificate of Candidac% of an% candidate on an% of te 'rounds enu)erated under Section /
of tis Rule or #en te su"stitute Certificate of Candidac% is not a !ro!er case of su"stitution under
Section AA of te O)ni"us Election Code0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 $erio! to File the $etition. - +e !etition sall "e filed !ersonall% or trou' an autori4ed
re!resentati$e( #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te last da% for te filin' of certificates of candidac%0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Su''ary $rocee!ing0 - +e !etition sall "e eard su))aril% after due notice0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 )elegation of Reception of ",i!ence. - +e earin' and rece!tion of e$idence )a% "e
dele'ated in li1e )anner as !ro$ided in Sec0 6 of te !recedin' Rule0 canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%

Rule 27 - Dis3ualification of Candidates

Section /0 8roun!s for )is0ualification. - An% candidate #o does not !ossess all te 3ualifications of
a candidate as !ro$ided for "% te Constitution or "% e&istin' la# or #o co))its an% act declared "%
la# to "e 'rounds for dis3ualification )a% "e dis3ualified fro) continuin' as a candidate0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 ho May File $etition for )is0ualification0 - An% citi4en of $otin' a'e( or dul% re'istered
!olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical !arties )a% file #it te La# De!art)ent of te
Co))ission a !etition to dis3ualif% a candidate on 'rounds !ro$ided "% la#0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 $erio! to File $etition0 - +e !etition sall "e filed an% da% after te last da% for filin' of
certificates of candidac% "ut not later tan te date of !rocla)ation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Su''ary $rocee!ing. - +e !etition sall "e eard su))aril% after due notice0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 "ffect of $etition if :nresol,e! +efore Co'pletion of Can,ass.chanrobl es ,i rtual la% l ibrary - If te !etition( for reasons
"e%ond te control of te Co))ission( cannot "e decided "efore te co)!letion of te can$ass( te
$otes cast for te res!ondent )a% "e included in te countin' and in te can$assin'@ o#e$er( if te
e$idence of 'uilt is stron'( is !rocla)ation sall "e sus!ended not#itstandin' te fact tat e
recei$ed te #innin' nu)"er of $otes in suc election0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%

Rule 26 - Post!one)ent or Sus!ension of Elections

Section /0 $ostpone'ent of "lection. - 8en for an% serious cause suc as $iolence( terroris)( loss
or destruction of election !ara!ernalia or records( force )a5eure( and oter analo'ous causes of
suc nature tat te oldin' of a free( orderl%( onest( !eaceful and credi"le election sould "eco)e
i)!ossi"le in an% !olitical su"di$ision( te Co))ission( )otu !ro!rio( or u!on a $erified !etition "%
an% interested !art%( and after due notice and earin' #ere"% all interested !arties are afforded
e3ual o!!ortunit% to "e eard( )a% !ost!one te election terein to a date #ic sould "e
reasona"l% close to te date of te election not eld( sus!ended( or #ic resulted in a failure of
election( "ut not later tan tirt% 93G: da%s after te cessation of te cause of suc !ost!one)ent or
sus!ension of te election or failure to elect0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 Failure of "lection. - If( on account of force )a5eure( $iolence( terroris)( fraud or oter
analo'ous causes te election in an% !recinct as not "een eld on te date fi&ed( or ad "een
sus!ended "efore te our fi&ed "% la# for te closin' of te $otin'( or after te $otin' and durin' te
!re!aration and te trans)ission of te election returns or in te custod% of can$ass tereof( suc
election results in a failure to elect( and in an% of suc cases te failure or sus!ension of election
#ould affect te result of te election( te Co))ission sall( on te "asis of a $erified !etition "% an%
interested !art% and after due notice and earin'( call for te oldin' or continuation of te election
not eld( sus!ended or #ic resulted in a failure to elect on a date reasona"l% close to te date of
te election not eld( sus!ended or #ic resulted in a failure to elect "ut not later tan tirt% 93G:
da%s after te cessation of te cause of suc !ost!one)ent or sus!ension of te election or failure to
elect0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 Motu $roprio $ostpone'ent0 - 8en te Co))ission acts 'otu proprio( notices of earin'
)ust "e sent to all interested !arties "% te fastest )eans a$aila"le0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 hen +ase! :pon a /erifie! $etition0 - Unless a sorter !eriod is dee)ed necessar% "%
circu)stances( #itin t#ent%-four 926: ours fro) te filin' of te !etition( te Cler1 of Court
concerned sall fort#it ser$e notices to all interested !arties( indicatin' terein te date of earin'(
trou' te fastest )eans a$aila"le0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 Ti'e to File 6pposition. - Unless a sorter !eriod is dee)ed necessar% "% te circu)stances(
#itin t#o 92: da%s fro) recei!t of te notice of earin'( an% interested !art% )a% file an o!!osition
#it te La# De!art)ent of te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Su''ary $rocee!ing0 - +e earin' of te case sall "e su))ar% in nature0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 )elegation of Reception of ",i!ence. - +e Co))ission )a% desi'nate an% of its officials #o
are )e)"ers of te Pili!!ine ?ar to ear te case and to recei$e e$idence0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 )eter'ination of Cessation of Cause0 - +e deter)ination of te cessation of te cause of te
!ost!one)ent or sus!ension of election or failure of election falls #itin te e&clusi$e !rero'ati$e of
te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%


Rule 2A - Pre-Procla)ation Contro$ersies

Section /0 (uris!iction of the Co''ission in $re3$rocla'ation Contro,ersies. - +e Co))ission as
e&clusi$e 5urisdiction in !re-!rocla)ation contro$ersies arisin' fro) national( re'ional or local
election0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
A !re-!rocla)ation contro$ers% )a% "e raised "% an% candidate or "% an% re'istered !olitical !art%(
or'ani4ation( or coalition of !olitical !arties "efore te "oard of can$assers or directl% #it te
Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 $re3$rocla'ation Contro,ersies; *o% Co''ence!. - ;uestions affectin' te co)!osition or
!roceedin's of te ?oard of Can$assers or correction of )anifest errors )a% "e initiated in te ?oard
or directl% #it te Co))ission0 >o#e$er( )atters raised under Sections 233( 236( 237( and 236 of
te O)ni"us Election Code in relation to te !re!aration( trans)ission( recei!t( custod% and
a!!reciation of te election returns( and te Certificate of Can$ass sall "e "rou't in te first
instance "efore te "oard of can$assers concerned onl%0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 Su''ary *earing an! )isposition of $re3$rocla'ation Contro,ersies0 - All !re-!rocla)ation
contro$ersies sall "e eard su))aril% after due notice !ro$ided tat !re-!rocla)ation contro$ersies
on election returns or certificates of can$ass sall( on te "asis of te records and e$idence ele$ated
to it "% te "oard of can$assers( "e dis!osed of su))aril% "% te Co))ission en "anc #itin se$en
9A: da%s fro) recei!t tereof( !ro$ided furter( tat said decision sall "e e&ecutor% after te la!se of
se$en 9A: da%s fro) recei!t tereof "% te "oards of can$assers concerned e&ce!t !etitions filed
Under Sec0 7 ereof #ic sall "e i))ediatel% e&ecutor% u!on recei!t "% te "oards of can$assers
concerned0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 &ssues that May +e Raise! in the $re3$rocla'ation Contro,ersies0 - +e follo#in' are te
!ro!er issues tat )a% "e raised in a !re-!rocla)ation contro$ers%*
9a: Ille'al co)!osition or !roceedin's of te "oard of can$assers@
9": +e can$assed election returns( or te certificate of can$ass in a!!ro!riate cases( are
inco)!lete( contain )aterial defects( a!!ear to "e ta)!ered #it or falsified( or contain
discre!ancies in te sa)e returns or in oter autentic co!ies tereof@
9c: +e election returns or certificate of can$ass #ere !re!ared under duress( treats(
coercion( or inti)idation( or te% are o"$iousl% )anufactured or not autentic@ and
9d: 8en su"stitute or fraudulent returns or certificates of can$ass in contro$erted !ollin'
!laces #ere can$assed( te results of #ic )ateriall% affected te standin' of te a''rie$ed
candidate or candidates0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9e: Correction of )anifest errors0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 $re3procla'ation Contro,ersies hich May +e File! )irectly ith the Co''ission. - 9a: +e
follo#in' !re-!rocla)ation contro$ersies )a% "e filed directl% #it te Co))ission*
/: 8en te issue in$ol$es te ille'al co)!osition or !roceedin's of te "oard of can$assers
as #en a )a5orit% or all of te )e)"ers do not old le'al a!!oint)ents or are in fact
usur!ers@ or #en te can$assin' as "een a )ere cere)on% tat #as !re-deter)ined and
)ani!ulated to result in notin' "ut a sa) can$assin' as #ere tere #as con$er'ence of
circu)stances of !reci!itate can$assin'( terroris)( lac1 of sufficient notice to te )e)"ers of
te "oard of can$assers and disre'ard of )anifest irre'ularities on te face of te 3uestioned
returns or certificates of can$ass in a!!ro!riate cases@
2: 8en te issue in$ol$es te correction of )anifest errors in te ta"ulation or tall%in' of te
results durin' te can$assin' as #ere 9/: a co!% of te election returns or certificate of
can$ass #as ta"ulated )ore tan once( 92: t#o or )ore co!ies of te election returns of one
!recinct( or t#o or )ore co!ies of certificate of can$ass #ere ta"ulated se!aratel%( 93: tere
as "een a )ista1e in te co!%in' of te fi'ures into te state)ent of $otes or into te
certificate of can$ass( or 96: so-called returns fro) non-e&istent !recincts #ere included in te
can$ass( and suc errors could not a$e "een disco$ered durin' te can$assin' des!ite te
e&ercise of due dili'ence and !rocla)ation of te #innin' candidates ad alread% "een
)ade0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": If te !etition in$ol$es te ille'al co)!osition or !roceedin's of te "oard under su"!ara'ra! 9/:
of !ara'ra! 9a: a"o$e( it )ust "e filed i))ediatel% #en te "oard "e'ins to act as suc( or at te
ti)e of te a!!oint)ent of te )e)"er #ose ca!acit% to sit as suc is o"5ected to if it co)es after
te can$assin' of te "oard( or i))ediatel% at te !oint #ere te !roceedin's are or "e'in to "e
ille'al0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
If te !etition is for correction( it )ust "e filed not later tan fi$e 97: da%s follo#in' te date of
!rocla)ation and )ost i)!lead all candidates #o )a% "e ad$ersel% affected tere"%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: U!on te doc1etin' of suc !etition( te Cler1 of Court concerned sall fort#it issue su))ons(
#it a co!% of te !etition( to te res!ondents0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9d: +e Cler1 of Court concerned sall i))ediatel% set te !etition for earin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9e: +e !etition sall "e eard and decided "% te Co))ission en banc.
9f: 8en te !etition in$ol$es te co)!osition or !roceedin's of te "oard( te "oard of can$assers
sall not co))ence( !roceed or resu)e te can$ass unless oter#ise ordered "% te Co))ission0 canro"les $i rtual l a#
l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Rights of $olitical $arties an! Can!i!ates +efore the +oar! of Can,assers in $re3
$rocla'ation Cases. - 9a: An% re'istered !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation( or coalition of !olitical !arties(
trou' teir re!resentati$es( and an% candidate( as te ri't to "e !resent and to counsel durin' te
can$ass of election returns( or certificates of can$ass in a!!ro!riate cases0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Onl% one counsel )a% ar'ue for eac re'istered !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation( or coalition of !olitical
!arties( or candidate0 Counsel sall a$e te ri't to e&a)ine te election returns or certificates of
can$ass "ein' can$assed #itout toucin' te)( )a1e teir o"ser$ations tereon( and file teir
callen'es and o"5ections tereto0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
,o dilator% action sall "e allo#ed "% te "oard of can$assers #ic )a% i)!ose ti)e li)its for oral
ar'u)ent0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": An% re'istered !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation( or coalition of !olitical !arties( trou' teir
re!resentati$es and an% candidate is entitled to o"tain a co!% of te State)ent of .otes !er !recinct
and a co!% of te certificate of can$ass dul% si'ned "% all te )e)"ers of te "oard of can$assers0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Correction of "rrors in Tabulation or Tallying of Results by the +oar! of Can,assers. 3 9a:
8ere it is clearl% so#n "efore !rocla)ation tat )anifest errors #ere co))itted in te ta"ulation or
tall%in' of election returns( or certificates of can$ass( durin' te can$assin' as #ere 9/: a co!% of te
election returns of one !recinct or t#o or )ore co!ies of a certificate of can$ass #ere ta"ulated )ore
tan once( 92: t#o co!ies of te election returns or certificate of can$ass #ere ta"ulated se!aratel%(
93: tere #as a )ista1e in te addin' or co!%in' of te fi'ures into te certificate of can$ass or into
te state)ent of $otes "% !recinct( or 96: so-called election returns fro) non-e&istent !recincts #ere
included in te can$ass( te "oard )a% )otu !ro!rio( or u!on $erified !etition "% an% candidate(
!olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition or !olitical !arties( after due notice and earin'( correct te
errors co))itted0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": +e order for correction )ust "e )ade in #ritin' and )ust "e !ro)ul'ated0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: An% candidate( !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical !arties a''rie$ed "% said order
)a% a!!eal terefro) to te Co))ission #itin t#ent%-four 926: ours fro) te !ro)ul'ation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9d: Once an a!!eal is )ade( te "oard of can$assers sall not !roclai) te #innin' candidates(
unless teir $otes are not affected "% te a!!eal0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9e: +e a!!eal )ust i)!lead as res!ondents te ?oard of Can$assers concerned and all !arties #o
)a% "e ad$ersel% affected tere"%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9f: U!on recei!t of te a!!eal( te Cler1 of Court concerned sall fort#it issue su))ons( to'eter
#it a co!% of te a!!eal( to te res!ondents0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9': +e Cler1 of Court concerned sall i))ediatel% set te a!!eal for earin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9: +e a!!eal sall "e eard and decided "% te Co))ission en "anc0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 $roce!ure +efore the +oar! of Can,assers hen Co'position or $rocee!ings of +oar! are
Conteste!0 - 9a: 8en te co)!osition or !roceedin' of te "oard of can$assers( are contested te
"oard of can$assers sall( #itin t#ent%-four 926: ours( )a1e a rulin' tereon #it notice to te
contestant #o( if ad$ersel% affected( )a% a!!eal te )atter to te Co))ission #itin tree 93: da%s
after te rulin' #it !ro!er notice to te "oard of can$assers0 +e Co))ission en "anc sall
su))aril% decide te case #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te filin' tereof0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": U!on recei!t of suc a!!eal( te Cler1 of Court concerned sall i))ediatel% set te case for
earin'( #it due notice to te !arties( "% te Co))ission en "anc0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: Durin' te !endenc% of te a!!eal( te "oard of can$assers sall i))ediatel% sus!end te
can$ass until te Co))ission orders te continuation or resu)!tion tereof0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 C0 $roce!ure +efore +oar! of Can,assers hen &nclusion or "#clusion of "lection Returns are
Conteste!. - 9a: An% candidate( re'istered !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition or !olitical !arties
contestin' te inclusion or e&clusion in te can$ass of an% election returns on an% of te 'rounds
!ro$ided in Section 3 of tis Rule or "% la#( sall !resent or su")it teir oral o"5ection to te
Cair)an of te ?oard of Can$assers( statin' te 'rounds terefor( at te ti)e te contested returns
is o!ened or !resented for inclusion or e&clusion0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": +e o"5ections )ust "e faitfull% recorded( noted and entered in te )inutes of te can$assin'
indicatin' terein te date and our te o"5ection #as )ade0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: +e "oard sall auto)aticall% defer te can$ass of te contested returns( after recordin'
se!aratel% te results terein( and sall !roceed to can$ass te oter returns #ic are not
contested0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9d: Si)ultaneousl% #it te oral o"5ection( te o"5ectin' !art% sall also enter is o"5ection in te for)
for #ritten o"5ections to "e !rescri"ed "% te Co))ission0 8itin t#ent%-four 926: ours fro) and
after te !resentation of suc an o"5ection( te o"5ectin' !art% sall su")it te e$idence in su!!ort of
te o"5ections( #ic sall "e attaced to te for) for #ritten o"5ections0 8it te sa)e !eriod of
t#ent%-four ours after !resentation of te o"5ection( an% !art% )a% file a #ritten and $erified
o!!osition to te o"5ection in te for) also to "e !rescri"ed "% te Co))ission( attacin' tereto
su!!ortin' e$idence( if an%0 +e ?oard sall not entertain an% o"5ection or o!!osition unless reduced
to #ritin' in te !rescri"ed for)s0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
+e e$idence attaced to te o"5ection or o!!osition( su")itted "% te !arties( sall "e i))ediatel%
and for)all% ad)itted into te records of te ?oard "% te Cair)an of te "oard of can$assers
affi&in' is si'nature at te "ac1 of eac and e$er% !a'e tereof0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9e: U!on recei!t of te e$idence( te ?oard sall ta1e u! te contested returns( consider te #ritten
o"5ections tereto and o!!osition( if an%( and su))aril% and i))ediatel% rule tereon0 +e ?oard
sall enter its rulin' on te !rescri"ed for) and autenticate te sa)e "% te si'nature of its
)e)"ers0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9f: An% !art% ad$ersel% affected "% te rulin' of te ?oard sall i))ediatel% infor) te ?oard if e
intends to a!!eal said rulin'0 +e ?oard sall enter said infor)ation in te Minutes of Can$ass( set
aside te returns and !roceed to consider te oter returns0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9': After all te uncontested returns a$e "een can$assed and te contested returns ruled u!on "% it(
te ?oard sall sus!end te can$ass0 8itin fort%-ei't 96B: ours terefro)( an% !art% ad$ersel%
affected "% te rulin' )a% file #it te ?oard a #ritten and $erified ,otice to A!!eal@ and #itin an
ine&tendi"le !eriod of fi$e 97: da%s tereafter( an a!!eal )a% "e ta1en to te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
I))ediatel% u!on recei!t of te ,otice of A!!eal( te ?oard sall )a1e an a!!ro!riate re!ort to te
Co))ission( ele$atin' tere#it te co)!lete records and e$idence su")itted in te can$ass(
furnisin' te !arties #it te co!ies of te re!ort0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9: On te "asis of te records and e$idence ele$ated to it "% te ?oard( te Co))ission en "anc
sall decide su))aril% te a!!eal #itin se$en 9A: da%s fro) te recei!t of said records and
e$idence0 An% a!!eal "rou't "efore te Co))ission on te rulin' of te ?oard( #itout te
acco)!lised for)s and te e$idence a!!ended tereto( sall "e su))aril% dis)issed0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
+e decision of te Co))ission en "anc sall "e e&ecutor% after te la!se of se$en 9A: da%s fro)
recei!t tereof "% te "oards of can$assers concerned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9i: +e "oard of can$assers sall not !roclai) an% candidate as #inner unless autori4ed "% te
Co))ission in #ritin' after te later sall a$e ruled on te o"5ections "rou't to it on a!!eal "% te
a''rie$ed !art%0 An% !rocla)ation in $iolation ereof sall "e $oid a" initio( unless te contested
returns #ill not ad$ersel% affect te uncontested results of te elections0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
95: If in te course of te can$ass te "oards= co!% of te election returns is )issin'( te "oard sall(
"% )essen'er or oter#ise o"tain suc )issin' returns fro) te "oard of election ins!ectors
concerned( or if said returns a$e "een lost or destro%ed( te "oard of can$assers( u!on !rior
autorit% of te Co))ission( )a% use an% of te autentic co!ies of said election returns or a certified
true co!% of said election returns issued "% te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
91: If it clearl% a!!ears tat so)e re3uisites in for) or data ad "een o)itted in te election returns(
te ?oard of Can$assers sall call for all te )e)"ers of te "oard of election ins!ectors concerned
"% te )ost e&!editious )eans( for said "oard to effect te correction* !ro$ided tat in case te
o)ission in te election return is tat of te na)e of an% candidate and<or is corres!ondin' $otes(
te "oard of can$assers sall re3uire te "oard of election ins!ectors concerned to co)!lete te
necessar% data in te election returns and affi& terein teir initials* Pro$ided( furter( tat if te $otes
o)itted in te returns cannot "e ascertained "% oter )eans e&ce!t "% recountin' te $otes( te
"oard of can$assers sall i))ediatel% )a1e a re!ort tereon to te Co))ission and te latter( after
satisf%in' itself tat te identit% and inte'rit% of te "allot "o& a$e not "een $iolated( sall order te
"oard of election ins!ectors to o!en te "allot "o&( and( also after satisf%in' itself tat te inte'rit% of
te "allots terein as "een dul% !reser$ed( order te "road of election ins!ectors to count te $otes
for te candidates #ose $otes a$e "een o)itted #it notice tereof to all candidates for te !osition
in$ol$ed and tereafter co)!lete te returns0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9l: 8en te "oard of can$assers deter)ines tat te election returns su")itted to it a!!ear to "e
ta)!ered #it( altered or falsified after te% a$e left te ands of te "oard of ins!ectors( or
oter#ise not autentic or #ere !re!ared "% te "oard of election ins!ectors under duress( force( or
inti)idation( or !re!ared "% !ersons oter tan te )e)"ers of te "oard of election ins!ectors( te
"oard of can$assers sall use te oter co!ies of said election returns( and if necessar%( te co!%
inside te "allot "o& #ic( u!on !rior autorit% of te Co))ission( )a% "e retrie$e0 If te oter
co!ies of te returns are li1e#ise ta)!ered #it( altered( falsified( not autentic( !re!ared under
duress( force( inti)idation( or !re!ared "% !ersons oter tan te )e)"ers of te "oard of election
ins!ectors( te "oard of can$assers sall i))ediatel% "rin' te )atter to te attention of te
Co))ission0 +e Co))ission sall ten( after 'i$in' notice to all candidates concerned and after
satisf%in' itself tat notin' in te "allot "o& indicates tat its identit% and inte'rit% a$e "een $iolated(
order te o!enin' of te "allot "o& and( li1e#ise after satisf%in' itself tat te inte'rit% of te "allots
terein as "een dul% !reser$ed( sall order te "oard of ins!ectors concerned to recount te $otes of
te candidates affected and #en !ro!er( to !re!are a ne# return #ic sall ten "e used "% te
"oard of can$assers as "asis of te can$ass0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9): In case it a!!ears to te "oard of can$assers tat tere e&ists discre!ancies in te oter autentic
co!ies of te election returns fro) a !recinct or discre!ancies in te $otes of an% candidate in #ords
and fi'ures in te sa)e returns( and in eiter case te difference affects te results of te election( te
Co))ission( u!on )otion of te "oard of can$assers or an% candidate affected and after due notice
to all candidates concerned( sall !roceed su))aril% to deter)ine #eter te inte'rit% of te "allot
"o& ad "een !reser$ed( and once satisfied tereof sall order te o!enin' of te "allot "o& to
recount te $otes cast in te !recinct solel% for te !ur!ose of deter)inin' te true result of te count
of $otes of te candidates concerned0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9n: 8en te e$idence su")itted to te "oard of can$assers indicate a failure of elections in a
!recinct or !recincts and te nu)"er of re'istered $oters terein #ould affect te final result of te
election( te "oard of can$assers sall "rin' te )atter to te attention of te Co))ission0 Until tis
issue is resol$ed te "oard of can$assers sall sus!end te !rocla)ation of an% candidate0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /G0 Appeals fro' Rulings of +oar! of Can,assers. - 9a: A !art% a''rie$ed "% a rulin' of te
?oard of Can$assers sall( #itin fort%-ei't ours fro) recei!t of a co!% of te rulin' of te ?oard of
Can$assers( file #it te ?oard a #ritten and $erified ,otice of A!!eal@ and #itin an ine&tendi"le
!eriod of fi$e 97: da%s( e sall file is a!!eal to te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
U!on recei!t of te a!!eal( te Co))ission en "anc sall i))ediatel% deter)ine #eter te issues
related terein are 'rounds !ro!er for !re-!rocla)ation contro$ers%0 If te issues raised are not
a)on' te 'rounds enu)erated under Sec0 3 of tis Rule( te sa)e sall "e dis)issed( oter#ise it
sall "e raffled to an% of te t#o 92: di$isions of te Co))ission #ic sall dis!ose of it su))aril%
#itin tree 93: da%s fro) te !eriod of referral "% te Co))ission en "anc0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": +e a!!eal filed #it te Co))ission sall "e doc1eted "% te Cler1 of Court concerned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: +e ans#er<o!!osition sall "e $erified0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9d: +e Di$ision to #ic te case is assi'ned sall i))ediatel% set te case for earin'0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9e: At te earin'( no ne# e$idence sall "e recei$ed( unless for 'ood reasons so#n( it is clearl% and
con$incin'l% esta"lised tat te a!!ellant #as de!ri$ed of due !rocess "% te "oard of can$assers0 canro"les $i rtual
l a# li "rar%
9f: If te a!!ellant is allo#ed to !resent ne# e$idence( oral testi)onies )a% "e dis!ensed #it( and in
lieu tereof( te !arties )a% "e re3uired to su")it teir !osition !a!ers( to'eter #it affida$its(
counter-affida$its( and oter docu)entar% e$idence( after #ic te case sall "e dee)ed su")itted
for decision0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 $erio! ithin hich +oar!s of Can,assers Must Co'plete Can,ass. - Su"5ect to reasona"le
e&ce!tions( "oard of can$assers )ust co)!lete teir can$ass #itin tirt%-si& 936: ours in cities not
co)!risin' at least one le'islati$e district( and in )unici!alities@ #itin fort%-ei't 96B: ours in cities
co)!risin' one or )ore le'islati$e district and #itin se$ent%-t#o 9A2: ours in te !ro$inces0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /20 Sub'ission of the Minutes of the $rocee!ings of the +oar!.chanrobles ,i rtual l a% l ibrary - 8itin /7 da%s fro) te
ter)ination of can$ass( te secretar% of te "oard of can$assers sall su")it to te La# De!art)ent
of te Co))ission on Elections in Manila "% re'istered )ail a certified co!% of te )inutes of te
!roceedin's of te "oard( to'eter #it its #ritten rulin's on o"5ections to te co)!osition or
!roceedin's of te "oard of can$assers( to te inclusion or e&clusion of election returns or to
correction of ta"ulation( and an% e$idence offered "% te !arties( and sall notif% "% tele'ra) te said
de!art)ent of te date and te )anner of trans)ittal of te )inutes0 canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%


Rule 2B - Certiorari( Proi"ition and Manda)us

Sec0 /0 hen A,ailable. - In aid of its a!!ellate 5urisdiction in election cases "efore courts of 'eneral
5urisdiction relatin' to te elections( returns and 3ualifications of electi$e Munici!al officials( and
"efore courts of li)ited 5urisdiction in cases relatin' to te elections( returns and 3ualifications of
electi$e "aran'a% officials( te Co))ission en "anc )a% ear and decide !etitions for certiorari(
!roi"ition or )anda)us0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 $etition for Certiorari or $rohibition. - 8en an% court or 5ud'e earin' election cases as
acted #itout or in e&cess of its or is 5urisdiction or #it 'ra$e a"use of discretion and tere is no
a!!eal( nor an% !lain( s!eed%( and ade3uate re)ed% in te ordinar% course of la#( a !erson
a''rie$ed tere"% )a% file a !etition for certiorari or !roi"ition #it te Co))ission alle'in' te facts
#it certaint% and !ra%in' tat 5ud')ent "e rendered annullin' or )odif%in' te !roceedin's( as te
la# re3uires( of suc court or 5ud'e( or co))andin' it or i) to desist fro) furter !roceedin' #it
te action or )atter s!ecified terein( as te case )a% "e0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
+e !etition sall "e acco)!anied "% a certified true co!% of te 5ud')ent or order su"5ect tereof(
to'eter #it all !leadin's and docu)ents rele$ant and !ertinent tereto0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 $etition for Man!a'us. - 8en a court or 5ud'e in an election case unla#full% ne'lects te
!erfor)ance of an act #ic te la# s!ecificall% en5oins as a dut% resultin' fro) is office in relation
to suc case and tere is no oter !lain( s!eed% and ade3uate re)ed% in te ordinar% course of la#(
te !erson a''rie$ed tere"% )a% file a !etition #it te Co))ission alle'in' te facts #it certaint%
and !ra%in' tat 5ud')ent "e rendered co))andin' te res!ondent i))ediatel% or at so)e oter
s!ecified ti)e to do te act re3uired to "e done to !rotect te ri'ts of te !etitioner and to !a% te
da)a'es sustained "% te !etitioner "% reason of te acts co)!lained of0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 )uty of Cler2 of Court of the Co''ission0 - U!on te filin' of te !etition( te Cler1 of Court
concerned sall calendar te case for en "anc e&-!arte earin' of te Co))ission to deter)ine if it is
sufficient in for) and su"stance0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 6r!er to Ans%er0 - If te Co))ission en "anc sall deter)ine tat te !etition is sufficient in
for) and su"stance( it sall issue an order re3uirin' te res!ondent to ans#er te !etition #itin ten
9/G: da%s fro) recei!t of a co!% tereof0 Suc order sall "e ser$ed on te res!ondent in suc
)anner as te Co))ission )a% direct( to'eter #it a co!% of te !etition0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 $rocee!ings After Ans%er0 - Once an ans#er is filed( or te ti)e for its filin' as e&!ired( te
Co))ission )a% order te !roceedin's co)!lained of to "e fort#it certified for re$ie# and sall
ear te case( and if after suc earin' te Co))ission finds tat te alle'ations are true( it sall
render 5ud')ent for suc relief !ra%ed as te !etitioner is entitled to( #it or #itout costs( as 5ustice
re3uires0canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

Rule 2C - Conte)!t

Section /0 )irect Conte'pt $unishe! Su''arily. - A !erson 'uilt% of )is"ea$ior in te !resence of
or so near te Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions as to o"struct or interru!t te !roceedin's "efore it
or te)( includin' disres!ect to#ard te Co))ission or Di$ision( offensi$e !ersonalities to#ard
oters or refusal to "e s#orn or to ans#er as a #itness( or to su"scri"e to an affida$it or de!osition
#en la#full% re3uired to do so( )a% "e su))aril% ad5ud'ed in direct conte)!t "% te Co))ission or
an% of its Di$ision and !unised "% a fine not e&ceedin' t#o undred 9P2GG0GG: !esos or
i)!rison)ent not e&ceedin' ten 9/G: da%s( or "ot( at te discretion of te Co))ission or Di$ision0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 &n!irect Conte'pt. - After car'e in #ritin' as "een filed #it te Co))ission or Di$ision( as
te case )a% "e( and an o!!ortunit% 'i$en to te res!ondent to "e eard "% i)self or counsel( a
!erson 'uilt% of te follo#in' acts )a% "e !unised for indirect conte)!t*
9a: Mis"ea$ior of te res!onsi"le officer of te Co))ission in te !erfor)ance of is official
duties or in is official transactions@
9": Diso"edience of or resistance to a la#ful #rit( !rocess( order( 5ud')ent or co))and of te
Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions( or in5unction or restrainin' order 'ranted "% it@
9c: An% a"use of or an% unla#ful interference #it te !rocess or !roceedin's of te
Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions not constitutin' direct conte)!t under Section / of tis
9d: An% i)!ro!er conduct tendin'( directl% or indirectl%( to i)!ede( o"struct( or de'rade te
ad)inistration of 5ustice "% te Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions@
9e: Assu)in' to "e an attorne% and actin' as suc #itout autorit%@ and
9f: Failure to o"e% a su"!oena dul% ser$ed0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 $enalty for &n!irect Conte'pt0 - If ad5ud'ed 'uilt( te accused )a% "e !unised "% a fine not
e&ceedin' one tousand 9P/(GGG0GG: !esos or i)!rison)ent for not )ore tan si& 96: )onts( or
"ot( at te discretion of te Co))ission or Di$ision0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 arrant of Arrest on a itness ho Fails to Atten!. - An% !ro$ision of tese Rules to te
contrar% not#itstandin'( in case of failure of a #itness to attend des!ite te issuance of a $alid
su"!oena( te Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions( u!on !roof of ser$ice of te su"!oena to said
#itness( )a% issue a #arrant of arrest a'ainst said #itness and direct tat e "e "rou't "efore te
Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions #ere is attendance is re3uired0 canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%


Rule 3G - In5unction

Section /0 $reli'inary &n7unction. - +e Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions )a% 'rant !reli)inar%
in5unction in an% ordinar% action( s!ecial action( s!ecial case( or s!ecial relief !endin' "efore it0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 8roun!s for &ssuance of $reli'inary &n7unction0 - A !reli)inar% in5unction )a% "e 'ranted at
an% ti)e after te co))ence)ent of an action or !roceedin' and "efore 5ud')ent #en it is
esta"lised tat*
9a: +e !etitioner or !rotestant is entitled to te relief de)anded and te #ole or !art of suc
relief consists in restrainin' te co))ission or continuance of te acts co)!lained of( or in
te !erfor)ance of an act or acts( eiter for a li)ited !eriod or !er!etuall%@
9": +e co))ission or continuance of so)e act co)!lained of durin' te !endenc% of te
action or te non-!erfor)ance tereof #ould #or1 in5ustice to te !etitioner or !rotestant@
9c: +e res!ondent or !rotestee is doin'( treatens( or is a"out to do( or is !rocurin' to "e
done( so)e act in $iolation of !etitioner=s<!rotestant=s ri'ts res!ectin' te su"5ect of te
action( and tendin' to render te 5ud')ent ineffectual0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 8rant of &n7unction )iscretionary. - +e 'rant of te !reli)inar% in5unction is entirel% left to te
sound discretion of te Co))ission or its Di$isions0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 +on! for $reli'inary &n7unction0 - ,o #rit of !reli)inar% in5unction sall "e issued unless te
a!!licant sall file a "ond( in an a)ount to "e fi&ed "% te Co))ission or te Di$ision concerned( to
te effect tat te !etitioner<!rotestant #ill !a% to suc !art% all da)a'es #ic te latter )a% sustain
"% reason of te in5unction if te Co))ission or te Di$ision concerned sall finall% decide tat te
!etitioner<!rotestant #as not entitled tereto0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 $reli'inary &n7unction 4ot 8rante! ithout 4otice. &ssuance of Restraining 6r!er0 - ,o
!reli)inar% in5unction sall "e 'ranted #itout notice to te ad$erse !art%0 If it sall a!!ear fro) te
facts so#n "% affida$its or te $erified !etition tat 'reat or irre!ara"le in5ur% #ould result to te
a!!licant "efore te )atter can "e eard on notice( te Co))ission or an% Di$ision to #ic te
a!!lication for !reli)inar% in5unction #as )ade( )a% issue a restrainin' order to "e effecti$e onl% for a
!eriod of t#ent% 92G: da%s fro) date of its issuance0 8itin te said t#ent%-da% !eriod( te
Co))ission or te Di$ision as te case )a% "e( )ust cause an order to "e ser$ed on te res!ondent
re3uirin' i) to so# cause( at a s!ecified ti)e and !lace( #% te in5unction sould not "e 'ranted(
and deter)ine #itin te sa)e !eriod #eter or not te !reli)inar% in5unction sall "e 'ranted and
sall accordin'l% issue te corres!ondin' order0 In te e$ent tat te a!!lication for !reli)inar%
in5unction is denied( te restrainin' order is dee)ed auto)aticall% $acated0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%


Rule 3/ - Annul)ent of Per)anent List of .oters

Section /0 8roun!s. - An% "oo1 of $oters not !re!ared in accordance #it te !ro$isions of la#( or te
!re!aration of #ic as "een effected #it fraud( "ri"er%( for'er%( i)!ersonation( inti)idation( force(
or an% oter si)ilar irre'ularit%( or #ic list is statisticall% i)!ro"a"le( )a% "e annulled "% te
Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 $etition to Annul. - An% $oter( election re'istrar( or dul% re'istered !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation
or coalition of !olitical !arties )a% file #it te La# De!art)ent of te Co))ission a !etition to annul
a !er)anent list of $oters0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 4otice of *earing. - 8itin tree da%s fro) te filin' of te !etition( te Cler1 of Court
concerned sall )a1e a re!ort of te !etition of te Co))ission #ic sall deter)ine eiter to 'i$e it
due course or to den% te sa)e0 If te Co))ission sall decide to 'i$e it due course( an Order to tat
effect( fi&in' te date of earin'( sall "e !u"lised in a ne#s!a!er of 'eneral circulation in te
!ro$ince or cit% concerned once a #ee1 for t#o consecuti$e #ee1s( te last of #ic sall not "e less
tan ten da%s !rior to te date of earin'0 Co!ies of te order sall li1e#ise "e furnised to all
re'istered !olitical !arties( or'ani4ation or coalition or !olitical !arties in te !ro$ince or cit%
concerned0 E&!enses for te !u"lication and notices sall "e "orne "% te !etitioner( #ic as
!reli)inar% esti)ated( sall "e de!osited #it te Co))ission0 If te !etitioner is an Election
Re'istrar te e&!enses for !u"lication sall "e "orne "% te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Ti'e to File 6pposition0 - On or "efore te date set for te earin'( an% interested !art% )a%
file a $erified o!!osition to te !etition0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 Su''ary $rocee!ings. - +e !etition )a% "e eard su))aril%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 )elegation of *earing an! Reception of ",i!ence. - +e earin' and rece!tion of e$idence
)a% "e dele'ated "% te Co))ission to an% of its officials #o are )e)"ers of te Pili!!ine ?ar0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 $rohibition of "#ecution of )ecision0 - An% !ro$ision of tese Rules to te contrar%
not#itstandin'( a decision to annul a "oo1 of $oters sall not "e e&ecuted #itin si&t% 96G: da%s
"efore an election0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule 32 - Re'istration of Political Parties or Or'ani4ation

Section /0 $etition for Registration. - An% !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical !arties
see1in' re'istration !ursuant to Section 2 97:( Su"di$ision C of Article IX of te Constitution sall file
#it te La# De!art)ent of te Co))ission a !etition dul% $erified "% its President and Secretar%
-Feneral( or an% official dul% autori4ed to do so under its Constitution and ?%-la#s@
Sec0 20 Contents of $etition. - +e !etition for re'istration sall state te follo#in'*
9/: Full na)e of te !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical !arties@
92: +e !rinci!al ead3uarters and !ost office address for election !ur!oses( includin' its
"rances and di$isions( if an%@
93: +e date and !lace of its or'ani4ation@
96: +e date and )anner of election or selection of its officers@
97: +e na)es and addresses of its or'ani4ers and officers( E&ecuti$e Co))ittee )e)"ers(
Directorate( or Part% Con$ention dele'ates( if an%@
96: +e e&tent of its constituenc%@
9A: Its !ro'ra) of 'o$ern)ent@
9B: +at it is not a reli'ious sect or deno)ination@
9C: +at it sall not !ursue its 'oals trou' $iolence or oter unla#ful )eans@
9/G: +at it sall u!old and adere to te Constitution and sall o"e% all la#s and le'al
orders !ro)ul'ated "% dul% constituted autorities@
9//: +at it is not su!!orted "%( nor does it acce!t financial contri"ution fro) an% forei'n
'o$ern)ent or teir a'encies@ and
9/2: Oter infor)ation tat )a% "e )aterial and rele$ant to te !etition0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 6ther Re0uire'ents0 - +e !etitioner sall attac to te !etition for re'istration ten 9/G: co!ies
of its constitution and "%-la#s( !art% !latfor)( or'ani4ational !a!ers( declarations of !olitical creed or
code of !olitical etics and suc oter docu)ents of si)ilar or e3ui$alent caracter0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 /erification0 - ?efore ta1in' action on te !etition( te Co))ission sall first $erif%( trou' its
filed offices( te status and ca!acit% of te !etitioner and te $eracit% of te alle'ations in te !etition
and its enclosures0 ,ot later tan fifteen 9/7: da%s fro) notice of te Co))ission=s instruction( te
field office concerned sall su")it its #ritten re!ort( in ten 9/G: co!ies( to'eter #it su!!ortin'
docu)ents or records( if an%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 4otice of *earing0 - U!on recei!t of te re!orts fro) its field offices( te Co))ission sall
i))ediatel% set te !etition for earin' and sall send notices to te !etitioner and oter !arties
concerned0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 $ublication of $etition an! notice of *earing0 - On te da% follo#in' te recei!t of te notice of
earin'( te !etitioner sall cause te !u"lication of te !etition( to'eter #it te notice of earin'( in
tree 93: dail% ne#s!a!er of 'eneral circulation( notif%in' in #ritin' te Co))ission of suc action0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Certificate of Registration. - A certificate of re'istration sall "e issued "% te Co))ission
u!on a!!ro$al of te !etition( #ic sall "e dis!la%ed in te )ain office and in all ca!ters of te
!etitioner0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 B0 Cancellation of Registration. - U!on $erified co)!laint of an% interested !art%( or )otu !ro!rio
"% te Co))ission( te re'istration of an% !olitical !art%( coalition of !olitical !arties or or'ani4ation
under te !art%-list s%ste) )a% "e cancelled after due notice and earin' on te follo#in' 'rounds*
a: Acce!tance "% te !olitical !art%( coalition of !olitical !arties( or or'ani4ations or an% of its
candidates( of financial contri"utions fro) forei'n 'o$ern)ents and<or teir a'encies for
acti$ities related to elections@
": .iolation of la#s( rules or re'ulations relatin' to elections( !le"iscites( referenda( or
c: Untrutful state)ents in its !etition for re'istration@
d: +e said !olitical !art%( coalition of !olitical !arties or or'ani4ation as "eco)e a reli'ious
sect or deno)ination( is !ursuin' its 'oals tru $iolence or oter unla#ful )eans( is refusin'
to adere to or u!old te Constitution of te Pili!!ines( or is recei$in' su!!ort fro) an%
forei'n 'o$ern)ent( and
e: Failure to co)!l% #it a!!lica"le la#s( rules or re'ulations of te Co))ission0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
f: Failure to field official candidates in te last t#o !roceedin' elections or failure of teir
candidates to o"tain at least fi$e 97: !er centu) of te $otes cast in te last t#o !recedin'
elections0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Rule 33 - Accreditation of Citi4ens= Ar)s of te Co))ission

Sec0 /0 ho May +e Accre!ite! as Citi<ens9 Ar's of the Co''ission. - An% "ona fide non !artisan
'rou!( association or or'ani4ation fro) te ci$ic( %out( !rofessional( educational( "usiness or la"or
sectors #it indentifia"le leadersi!( )e)"ersi! and structure( and #it de)onstrated ca!acit% to
!ro)ote te !u"lic interest and assist te Co))ission in te !erfor)ance of its functions and
acti$ities as )andated "% te Constitution and "% la#( )a% "e accredited as citi4ens= ar)s of te
Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 $etition to be Accre!ite!. - +e 'rou!( association or or'ani4ation )entioned in Section /
ereof )a% file a !etition for accreditation dul% $erified "% its President( Cair)an of te ?oard of
Directors( or an% of its dul% autori4ed officer0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 Contents of the $etition. - +e !etition sall state te follo#in'*
9a: +e constituenc% to #ic !etitioner see1s accreditation@
9": +at it is not su!!ortin' an% candidate( !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical
!arties( in te constituenc% #ere it see1s accreditation@
9c: ,ature of its )e)"ersi! 9#eter ci$ic( %out etc0:@ na)es of its officers or or'ani4ers(
location of !rinci!al office or !lace of "usiness and an assurance of its ca!a"ilit% to underta1e
a coordinated o!eration and acti$it% to assist te Co))ission@
9d: +at it sall su")it itself to te direct and i))ediate control and su!er$ision and co)!l%
#it te orders of te Co))ission in te !erfor)ance of its s!ecific functions and acti$ities
!ro$ided "% la#( and suc oter functions and acti$ities !ro$ided "% la#( and suc oter
functions and acti$ities #ic te Co))ission )a% assi'n@
9e: +at it sall strictl% re)ain non-!artisan and i)!artial durin' te re'istration and election
9f: +at it is not su!!orted "% or under te influence of an% forei'n 'o$ern)ent or an% of its
a'encies or instru)entalities@ or of an% forei'ner( #eter natural or 5uridical !erson@
9': +at it sall not solicit or recei$e( directl% or indirectl%( an% contri"ution or aid of #ate$er
for) or nature fro) an% forei'n 'o$ern)ent( or an% of its a'encies or instru)entalities( or
fro) an% forei'ner( a natural or 5uridical !erson@
9: +at it does not see1 to acie$e its o"5ecti$es( 'oals or !ro'ra)s trou' $iolence or
oter unla#ful )eans( nor ai) to !ro!a'ate an% ideolo'% o!!osed to te !rinci!les of a
re!u"lican and de)ocratic 'o$ern)ent@ and
9i: +at it underta1es to !olice its ran1s and !re$ent infiltration "% !ersons or 'rou!s of
!ersons #o )a%( directl% or indirectl%( destro% its caracter of non-!artisansi! and
i)!artiall%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 4otice of *earing. - U!on te filin' of te !etition( te Co))ission en "anc sall i))ediatel%
set it for earin'0 +e Co))ission )a%( if it dee)s necessar%( order te !u"lication of te !etition in a
ne#s!a!er of 'eneral circulation at te e&!ense of te !etitioner0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 6pposition. - An% !erson( 'rou!( association or or'ani4ation( !olitical !art% or coalition of
!olitical !arties !ossessin' rele$ant infor)ation or e$idence a'ainst te !etitioner )a% o!!ose its
accreditation "% filin' a $erified o!!osition0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
,ot#itstandin' te a"sence of an% o!!osition( te Co))ission )a% )otu !ro!rio re3uire te
!etitioner to !resent e$idence to su!!ort its !etition0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 )ecision. - +e decision of te Co))ission 'rantin' te !etition )a% !ro$ide conditions to "e
strictl% co)!lied #it "% te !etitioner0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 A0 Certificate of Accre!itation0 - If te decision is for te accreditation of te !etitioner( te
Co))ission sall issue a certificate of accreditation containin' te follo#in'*
9a: +e na)e of te 'rou! or or'ani4ation@
9": +e constituenc% to #ic it is accredited@ and
9c: +e !olitical e&ercise for #ic it is accredited0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 B0 Sub'ission of 4a'es an! A!!resses of 1ocal Representati,es.chanrobl es ,i rtual la%l ibrary - After its accreditation( te
!etitioner sall su")it to te Election Re'istrars in te constituenc% #ere it is accredited( te na)es
and addresses of its local re!resentati$es #o sall act as non-!artisan #atcers and su"stitute
#atcers terein durin' te entire electoral e&ercise0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 C0 Appoint'ent of atchers by "lection Registrars. - Unless te i)!artialit% or non-!artisansi!
of te )e)"ers concerned is 3uestioned in #ritin'( te Election Re'istrar sall e&tend te
corres!ondin' a!!oint)ents to suc )e)"ers as !oll #atcers statin' terein te !recincts to #ic
te% are assi'ned0 +e )e)"ers so a!!ointed sall a$e te sa)e duties( functions( and ri'ts as
#atcers of re'istered !olitical !arties( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical !arties0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /G0 Re,ocation of Accre!itation. - +e accreditation of an% 'rou!( association or or'ani4ation as
Citi4ens= Ar)% )a% "e re$o1ed "% te Co))ission after notice and earin'( #ene$er it so#s or
acts #it !artialit% in an% !olitical issue or to an% !olitical !art%( or'ani4ation or coalition of !olitical
!arties( or as !erfor)ed acts in e&cess of its duties and functions as !ro$ided "% la#( or as failed to
co)!l% #it te conditions i)!osed u!on it in te decision 'rantin' accreditation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 //0 "#piration of Accre!itation. - +e accreditation sall auto)aticall% la!se at te end of te
election !eriod of te !olitical e&ercise for #ic te !etitioner #as accredited as citi4ens= ar)0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%


Rule 36 - Prosecution of Election Offenses

Section /0 Authority of the Co''ission to $rosecute "lection 6ffenses.chanrobl es ,i rtual la% l ibrary - +e Co))ission sall
a$e te e&clusi$e !o#er to conduct !reli)inar% in$esti'ation of all election offenses !unisa"le
under te election la#s and to !rosecute te sa)e( e&ce!t as )a% oter#ise "e !ro$ided "% la#0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 Continuing )elegation of Authority to 6ther $rosecution Ar's of the 8o,ern'ent0 - +e Cief
State Prosecutor( all Pro$incial and Cit% Fiscals( and<or teir res!ecti$e assistants are ere"% 'i$en
continuin' autorit%( as de!uties of te Co))ission( to conduct !reli)inar% in$esti'ation of
co)!laints in$ol$in' election offenses under te election la#s #ic )a% "e filed directl% #it te)(
or #ic )a% "e indorsed to te) "% te Co))ission or its dul% autori4ed re!resentati$es and to
!rosecute te sa)e0 Suc autorit% )a% "e re$o1ed or #itdra#n an% ti)e "% te Co))ission
#ene$er in its 5ud')ent suc re$ocation or #itdra#al is necessar% to !rotect te inte'rit% of te
Co))ission( !ro)ote te co))on 'ood( or #en it "elie$es tat successful !rosecution of te case
can "e done "% te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 &nitiation of Co'plaint. - Initiation of co)!laint for election offenses )a% "e done )otu !ro!rio
"% te Co))ission( or u!on #ritten co)!laint "% an% citi4en of te Pili!!ines( candidate( re'istered
!olitical !art%( coalition of !olitical !arties or or'ani4ations under te !art%list s%ste) or an% accredited
citi4ens ar)s of te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 For' of Co'plaint an! here to File. - 9a: 8en not initiated )otu !ro!rio "% te
Co))ission( te co)!laint )ust "e $erified and su!!orted "% affida$its and<or an% oter e$idence0
Motu !ro!rio co)!laints )a% "e si'ned "% te Cair)an of te Co))ission( or te Director of te
La# De!art)ent u!on direction of te Cair)an( and need not "e $erified@
9": +e co)!laint sall "e filed #it te La# De!art)ent of te Co))ission@ or #it te offices of te
Election Re'istrars( Pro$incial Election Su!er$isors or Re'ional Election Directors( or te State
Prosecutor( Pro$incial Fiscal or Cit% Fiscal0 If filed #it an% of te latter tree 93: officials( in$esti'ation
tereof )a% "e dele'ated to an% of teir assistants0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: If filed #it te Re'ional Election Directors or Pro$incial Election Su!er$isors( said officials sall
i))ediatel% furnis te Director of te La# De!art)ent a co!% of te co)!laint and te su!!ortin'
docu)ents( and infor) te latter of te action ta1en tereon0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 Referral for $reli'inary &n,estigation. - if te co)!laint is initiated )otu !ro!rio "% te
Co))ission( or is filed #it te Co))ission "% an% a''rie$ed !art%( it sall "e referred to te La#
De!art)ent for in$esti'ation0 U!on direction of te Cair)an of te Co))ission( te !reli)inar%
in$esti'ation )a% "e dele'ated to an% la#%er of said De!art)ent( or to an% of te Re'ional Election
Directors or Pro$incial Election Su!er$isors( or an% la#%er of te Co))ission
Sec0 60 Con!uct of $reli'inary &n,estigation. - 9a: If on te "asis of te co)!laint( affida$its and te
su!!ortin' e$idence( te in$esti'atin' officer finds no 'round to continue #it te in3uir%( e sall
reco))end te dis)issal of te co)!laint and sall follo# te !rocedure !rescri"ed in Section B9c: of
tis Rule0 Oter#ise( e sall issue a su"!oena to te res!ondent( attacin' tereto a co!% of te
co)!laint( affida$its and oter su!!ortin' docu)ents 'i$in' said res!ondent ten 9/G: da%s fro)
recei!t #itin #ic to su")it counter-affida$its and oter su!!ortin' docu)ents0 +e res!ondent
sall a$e te ri't to e&a)ine all oter e$idence su")itted "% te co)!lainant0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": Suc counter-affida$its and oter su!!ortin' e$idence su")itted "% te res!ondent sall "e
furnised "% i) to te co)!lainant0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: If te res!ondent cannot "e su"!oenaed( or if su"!oenaed( doe not su")it counter-affida$its
#itin te ten da% !eriod( te in$esti'atin' officer sall "ase is resolution on te e$idence !resented
"% te co)!lainant0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9d: If te in$esti'atin' officer "elie$es tat tere are )atters to "e clarified( e )a% set a earin' to
!ro!ound clarificator% 3uestions to te !arties or teir #itnesses( durin' #ic te !arties sall "e
afforded an o!!ortunit% to "e !resent "ut #itout te ri't to e&a)ine or cross-e&a)ine0 If te !arties
so desire( te% )a% su")it 3uestions to te in$esti'atin' officer #ic te latter )a% !ro!ound to te
!arties or #itnesses concerned0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9e: +ereafter( te in$esti'ation sall "e dee)ed concluded( and te in$esti'atin' officer sall resol$e
te case #itin ten 9/G: da%s terefro)0 U!on te e$idence tus adduced( te in$esti'atin' officer
sall deter)ine #eter or not tere is sufficient 'round to old te res!ondent for trial0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 $resu'ption of "#istence of $robable Cause0 - A co)!laint initiated )otu !ro!io "% te
Co))ission is !resu)ed to "e "ased on sufficient !ro"a"le cause and te in$esti'atin' officer )ust
fort#it issue te su"!oena )entioned in te i))ediatel% !recedin' section0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 B0 )uty of &n,estigating 6fficer. - +e !reli)inar% in$esti'ation )ust "e ter)inated #itin t#ent%
92G: da%s after recei!t of te counter-affida$its and oter e$idence of te res!ondents( and resolution
tereof sall "e )ade #itin fi$e 97: da%s tereafter0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9a: If te in$esti'atin' officer finds no cause to old te res!ondent for trial( e sall
reco))end dis)issal of te co)!laint0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": If te in$esti'atin' officer finds cause to old te res!ondent for trial( e sall !re!are te
resolution( and te corres!ondin' infor)ation #erein e sall certif% under oat tat e as
e&a)ined te co)!lainant and is #itnesses( tat tere is reasona"le 'round to "elie$e tat
a cri)e as "een co))itted and tat te accused #as infor)ed of te co)!laint and of te
e$idence su")itted a'ainst i) and tat e #as 'i$en an o!!ortunit% to su")it contro$ertin'
e$idence0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: In eiter case( te in$esti'atin' officer sall( #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te rendition of is
reco))endation( for#ard te records of te case to*

/: +e Director of te La# De!art)ent of te Co))ission in cases in$esti'ated "%
an% of te Co))ission la#%ers or filed !ersonnel( and
2: +e State Prosecutor( Pro$incial Fiscal or Cit% Fiscal( as te case )a% "e(
!ursuant to te continuin' autorit% !ro$ided for in Section 2 of tis Rule0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 C0 )uty of the 1a% )epart'ent, State $rosecutor, $ro,incial or City Fiscal :pon Receipt of
Recor!s. - 9a: 8itin ten 9/G: da%s fro) recei!t of te records stated in !ara'ra! 9c: of te
i))ediatel% !recedin' section( te State Prosecutor( Pro$incial or Cit% Fiscal sall ta1e a!!ro!riate
action tereon( i))ediatel% infor)in' te !arties of said action0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": In cases in$esti'ated "% te la#%ers or te field !ersonnel of te Co))ission( te Director of te
La# De!art)ent sall re$ie# and e$aluate te reco))endation of said le'al officer( !re!are a re!ort
and )a1e a reco))endation to te Co))ission affir)in'( )odif%in' or re$ersin' te sa)e sall "e
included in te a'enda of te succeedin' )eetin' en "anc of te Co))ission0 If te Co))ission
a!!ro$es te filin' of an infor)ation in court a'ainst te res!ondent<s( te Director of te La#
De!art)ent sall !re!are and si'n te infor)ation for i))ediate filin' #it te a!!ro!riate court0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: In all oter cases( if te reco))endation to dis)iss or te resolution to file te case in court is
a!!ro$ed "% State Prosecutor( Pro$incial or Cit% Fiscal( te% sall li1e#ise a!!ro$e te Infor)ation
!re!ared and i))ediatel% cause its filin' #it te !ro!er court0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9d: If te reco))endation to dis)iss is re$ersed on te 'round tat a !ro"a"le cause e&ists( te State
Prosecutor( or te Pro$incial or Cit% Fiscal( )a%( "% i)self !re!are and file te corres!ondin'
infor)ation a'ainst te res!ondent or direct an% of is assistants to do so #itout conductin' anoter
!reli)inar% in$esti'ation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /G0 Appeals fro' the Action of the State $rosecution, $ro,incial or City Fiscal. 3 A!!eals fro)
te resolution of te State Prosecutor( or Pro$incial or Cit% Fiscal on te reco))endation or
resolution of in$esti'atin' officers )a% "e )ade onl% to te Co))ission #itin ten 9/G: da%s fro)
recei!t of te resolution of said officials( !ro$ided( o#e$er tat tis sall not di$est te Co))ission
of its !o#er to )otu !ro!rio re$ie#( re$ise( )odif% or re$erse te resolution of te cief state
!rosecutor and<or !ro$incial<cit% !rosecutors0 +e decision of te Co))ission on said a!!eals sall
"e i))ediatel% e&ecutor% and final0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 )uty of State $rosecutor, $ro,incial or City Fiscal to Ren!er Reports0 - +e State Prosecutor(
Pro$incial or Cit% Fiscal sall( #itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te rendition of teir resolution on
reco))endation or resolution of in$esti'atin' officers( )a1e a #ritten re!ort tereof to te
Co))ission0 +e% sall li1e#ise su")it a )ontl% re!ort on te status of cases filed #it and<or
!rosecuted "% te) or an% of teir assistants !ursuant to te autorit% 'ranted te) under Section 2
of tis Rule0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /20 $ri,ate $rosecutor. - +e a!!earance of a !ri$ate !rosecutor sall "e allo#ed in cases
#ere !ri$ate ri'ts in$ol$in' reco$er% of ci$il lia"ilit% are in$ol$ed0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%



Rule 37 - Election Contests ?efore Courts of Feneral Eurisdiction0

Section /0 6riginal (uris!iction of Regional Trial Courts0 - Re'ional trial courts sall a$e e&clusi$e
ori'inal 5urisdiction o$er contests relatin' to te elections( returns and 3ualifications in$ol$in' electi$e
)unici!al officials0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 Filing of "lection Contests0 - A !etition contestin' te election of an% )unici!al official sall "e
filed #it te !ro!er Re'ional +rial Court or )ailed at te !ost office as re'istered )atter addressed to
said Court( to'eter #it si& 96: le'i"le co!ies tereof( "% an% candidate for te sa)e office #o as
dul% filed a certificate of candidac% and #o #as $oted in te election0 Eac contest sall refer
e&clusi$el% to one office( "ut contests for offices of te San''unian' ?a%an )a% "e consolidated in
one case0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 $erio! to File $etition. - +e !etition sall "e filed #itin ten 9/G: da%s follo#in' te date of
!rocla)ation of te results of te election0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 )esignation of $arties0 - +e !art% "rin'in' te action sall "e desi'nated as te Protestant(
and te !art% a'ainst #o) te action is "rou't sall "e desi'nated as te Protestee0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 )uty of Cler2 of Court to &ssue 4otice an! Ser,e Copy of $etition. - It sall "e te dut% of te
Cler1 of Court of te trial court to ser$e notice and a co!% of te !etition "% )eans of su))ons u!on
eac res!ondent #itin fi$e 97: da%s after te filin' tereof0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 $etition to be /erifie!. - All !etitions sall "e $erified "% te !arties filin' te) or teir
attorne%s0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
An% su"se3uent !leadin' "ased on facts #ic ou't to "e !ro$ed sall li1e#ise "e $erified0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 A0 Ans%er, Reply, Counter3$rotest an! $rotest in &nter,ention.chanrobl es ,i rtual la% li brary - 9a: 8itin fi$e 97: da%s after
recei!t of notice of te filin' of te !etition and a co!% of te !etition( te res!ondent sall file is
ans#er tereto s!ecif%in' te nature of is defense( and ser$e a co!% tereof u!on te !rotestant0
+e ans#er sall deal onl% #it te election in te !recincts #ic are co$ered "% te alle'ations of
te !rotest0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": Sould te !rotestee desire to i)!u'n te $otes recei$ed "% te !rotestant in oter !recincts( e
sall file a counter-!rotest #itin te sa)e !eriod fi&ed for te filin' of te ans#er( ser$in' a co!%
tereof u!on te !rotestant "% re'istered )ail or "% !ersonal deli$er%0 In suc a case( te counter-
!rotest sall "e $erified0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: +e !rotestant sall ans#er te counter-!rotest #itin fi$e 97: da%s after notice0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9d: 8itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) te filin' of te !rotest( an% oter candidate for te sa)e office )a%
inter$ene in te case as oter contestants and as1 for affir)ati$e relief in is fa$or "% a $erified
!etition in inter$ention( #ic sall "e su"stantiated #itin te sa)e !roceedin'0 +e !rotestant or
!rotestee sall ans#er te !rotest-in-inter$ention #itin fi$e 97: da%s after notice0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9e: If no ans#er sall "e filed to te !rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention #itin te ti)e
li)its res!ecti$el% fi&ed( a 'eneral denial sall "e dee)ed to a$e "een entered0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 Substantial an! For'al A'en!'ents of $lea!ings0 - After te case is set for earin'( no
a)end)ent to an% !leadin' affectin' te )erits of te contro$ers% sall "e allo#ed e&ce!t "% lea$e of
Court and onl% u!on suc 'rounds as #ill ser$e !u"lic interest0 ?ut suc lea$e )a% "e refused if it
a!!ears to te court tat te )otion to a)end #as )ade #it intent to dela% te action0 An%
a)end)ent in )atters of fro) )a% "e !er)itted at an% sta'e of te !roceedin's0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 C0 Filing Fee. 3 ,o !rotest( counter-!rotest( or !rotest-in-inter$ention sall "e 'i$en due course
#itout te !a%)ent of a filin' fee in te a)ount of tree undred !esos 9P3GG0GG: for eac interest0 canro"les $i rtual
l a# li "rar%
Eac interest sall furter !a% te le'al researc fee as re3uired "% la#0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
If a clai) for da)a'es and attorne%=s fees are set fort in a !rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-
inter$ention( an additional filin' fee sall "e !aid in accordance #it te scedule !ro$ided for in te
Rules of Court in te Pili!!ines0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /G0 Cash )eposit0 - 9a: In an% !rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention not re3uirin'
"allot re$ision( te !rotestant( te counter-!rotestant( or inter$enor( as te case )a% "e( sall u!on
te !a%)ent of te filin' fee( )a1e a cas de!osit in te a)ount of fi$e undred !esos 9P7GG0GG:
#ic sall "e a!!lied to te !a%)ent of all e&!enses incidental to suc !rotest( counter-!rotest or
!rotest-in-inter$ention0 8en circu)stances so #arrant( additional cas de!osits )a% "e re3uired0
An% unused "alance tereof sall "e returned to te !art% )a1in' te de!osit0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": In case re$ision of "allots is re3uired( tere sall "e de!osited( #itin ten da%s after "ein' re3uired
"% te Court( te su) of tree undred !esos 9P3GG0GG: for e$er% "allot "o& for te consu)!tion of
re$isors at te rate of P/GG0GG eac0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: Failure to )a1e te cas de!osits erein !ro$ided #itin te !rescri"ed ti)e li)it sall result in te
auto)atic dis)issal of te !rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention( as te case )a% "e0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9d: In case te !art% #o as !aid te e&!enses and costs #ins( te court sall assess( le$% and
collect te sa)e as costs fro) te losin' !art%0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 $resentation an! Reception of ",i!ence. - +e !resentation and rece!tion of e$idence in
election contests sall "e )ade in accordance #it Section 2 of Rule /A of tese Rules( "ut te sa)e
sall "e co)!leted #itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) te date of te co))ence)ent tereof0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /20 Custo!y of +allot +o#es, "lection )ocu'ents an! $araphernalia0 - 8ere alle'ations in a
!rotests( or counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention so #arrant( or #ene$er in te o!inion of te
Court te interest of 5ustice so de)ands( it sall i))ediatel% order te "allot "o&es containin' "allots
and teir 1e%s( list of $oters #it $otin' records( "oo1s of $oters( and oter docu)ents used in te
election to "e "rou't "efore it0 Said election docu)ents and !ara!ernalia sall "e 1e!t and eld
secure in a !lace to "e desi'nated "% te Court in te care and custod% of te Cler1 of Court0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /30 Re,ision of +allots. - For te !ur!ose of re$ision of "allots( te court sall a!!oint a
co))ittee co)!osed of a cair)an and t#o )e)"ers( one )e)"er and is su"stitute to "e
!ro!osed "% te !rotestant( and te oter )e)"er and is su"stitute "% te !rotestee0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
+e re$ision of te "allots "% te Co))ittee on re$ision sall "e )ade in te office of te Cler1 of
Court or at suc oter !lace as )a% "e desi'nated "% it( "ut in e$er% case under te Court=s strict
su!er$ision0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
+e re$ision of te "allots sall "e co)!leted #itin t#ent% 92G: da%s fro) te date of te order(
unless oter#ise directed "% te Court( su"5ect to te ti)e li)its !rescri"ed under Sec0 // and Sec0
/A of tis Rule0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /60 +oo2 of /oters as ",i!ence. - +e "oo1 of $oters sall "e conclusi$e e$idence in re'ard to
te 3uestion as to #o as te ri't to $ote in said election0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /70 Report of the Co''ittee on Re,ision0 - +e co))ittee on re$ision sall )a1e a state)ent of
te condition in #ic te "allot "o&es and teir contents #ere found u!on te o!enin' of te sa)e(
classif% te "allots so e&a)ined( and set fort clearl% an% o"5ection tat )a% a$e "een offered to
eac "allot in te re!ort to "e su")itted "% it0 Dis!uted "allots sall "e nu)"ered consecuti$el% for
!ur!oses of identification in te !resence and under te direction of te official desi'nated "% te
Court0 After e&a)ination( te "allots and oter election docu)ents sall "e returned to teir
res!ecti$e "o&es( "ut dis!uted "allots sall "e !laced in a se!arate en$elo!e dul% sealed and si'ned
"% te )e)"ers of te co))ittee( after #ic said en$elo!e sall ten "e returned to te "o&0
+ereafter( te "o&es sall "e loc1ed0 For !ur!oses of )a1in' te re!ort #ic sall "e su")itted in
t#el$e 9/2: le'i"le co!ies( te for) !rescri"ed "% te Co))ission sall "e follo#ed0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /60 $rohibite! Access0 - Durin' te re$ision of "allots no !erson oter tan te Eud'e( te Cler1
of Court( )e)"ers of te co))ittee on re$ision of "allots( te !arties( teir dul% autori4ed
re!resentati$es sall a$e access to te !lace #ere said re$ision is ta1in' !lace0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /A0 )ecision on the Contest. - +e Court sall decide te election contest #itin tirt% 93G: da%s
fro) te date it is su")itted for decision( "ut in e$er% case #itin si& 96: )onts after its filin' and
sall declare #o a)on' te !arties as "een elected( or in a !ro!er case( te none of te) as
"een le'all% elected0 +e !art% #o in te 5ud')ent as "een declared elected sall a$e te ri't to
assu)e te office as soon as te 5ud')ent "eco)es final0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
In case te Court finds tat te !rotestant( !rotestee or inter$enor sall a$e an e3ual or i'est
nu)"er of $otes( it sall order te dra#in' of lots "% tose #o a$e tied and sall !roclai) as
elected te !art% #o )a% "e fa$ored "% luc1( and te !art% so !roclai)ed sall a$e te ri't to
assu)e office in te sa)e )anner as if e ad "een elected "% !luralit% $ote0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /B0 )a'ages an! Attorney9s Fees in "lection Contests. - In all election contests( te court )a%
ad5udicate da)a'es and attorne%=s fee as it )a% dee) 5ust and as esta"lised "% te e$idence if te
a''rie$ed !art% as included suc clai)s in is !leadin's0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /C0 $ro'ulgation an! Finality of )ecision. - +e decision of te Court sall "e !ro)ul'ated on a
date set "% it of #ic due notice )ust "e 'i$en te !arties0 It sall "eco)e final fi$e 97: da%s after its
!ro)ul'ation0 ,o )otion for reconsideration sall "e entertained0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 2G0 4otice of Final )ecision0 - As soon as decision declarin' te election of te #inner "eco)es
final( notice tereof sall "e sent to te Co))ission on Elections( te De!art)ent of Local
Fo$ern)ent and te Co))ission on Audit0 If te decision "e tat none of te !arties as "een le'all%
elected( te Cler1 of Court sall certif% suc decision to te President of te Pili!!ines and to te
Co))ission on Elections0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 2/0 Appeal. - Fro) an% decision rendered "% te court te a''rie$ed !art% )a% a!!eal to te
Co))ission on Elections #itin fi$e 97: da%s after te !ro)ul'ation of te decision0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 220 $referential )isposition of Contests. - +e courts sall 'i$e !reference to election contests
o$er all oter cases( e&ce!t tose of a"eas cor!us0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%

Rule 36 - ;uo 8arranto Case ?efore Courts of Feneral Eurisdiction

Section /0 Filing of $etition0 - A $oter contestin' te election of an% )unici!al official on te 'round of
ineli'i"ilit% or dislo%alt% to te Re!u"lic of te Pili!!ines )a% file a !etition for 3uo #arranto #it te
a!!ro!riate Re'ional +rial Court0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 )esignation of $arties0 - +e !art% filin' te !etition sall "e referred to as te Petitioner and
te !art% a'ainst #o) it is filed sall "e 1no#n as te Res!ondent0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 $erio! ithin hich to File the $etition. - +e !etition sall "e filed #itin ten 9/G: da%s after
te !rocla)ation of te results of te election0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 $etition to be /erifie!0 - +e !etition sall "e $erified "% te !art% filin' it or "% is attorne%0
An% su"se3uent !leadin' "ased on facts #ic ou't to "e !ro$ed sall li1e#ise "e $erified0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 70 Filing Fee. - ,o !etition for 3uo #arranto sall "e 'i$en due course #itout te !a%)ent of a
filin' fee in te a)ount of +ree >undred Pesos 9P3GG0GG: and te le'al researc fee as re3uired "%
la#0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 Su''ons. - It sall "e te dut% of te Cler1 of Court to ser$e notice and a co!% of te !etition
"% )eans of su))ons u!on eac res!ondent #itin fi$e 97: da%s after te filin' of te !etition0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 A0 Ans%er0 - 8itin fi$e 97: da%s fro) recei!t of te notice and a co!% of te !etition( te
res!ondent sall file is $erified ans#er to te !etition0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 B0 Substantial an! For'al A'en!'ents of $lea!ings. - +e !ro$ision of Section B of Rule 37 of
tese Rules sall a!!l% in res!ect to a)end)ents of !leadin's0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 C0 &''e!iate *earing. $resentation an! Reception of ",i!ence.chanrobl es ,i rtual la% li brary - U!on te 5oinder of issues(
te Cler1 of Court sall i))ediatel% set te case for earin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
+e !resentation and rece!tion of e$idence sall "e )ade in te )anner !rescri"ed in Section 2 Rule
/A of tese Rules0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /G0 Ter'ination of *earing. - +e earin' sall "e co)!leted #itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) te date
of te filin' of te !etition0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 )ecision. - +e court sall decide te case #itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) te date it is su")itted
for decision( "ut in e$er% case #itin si& 96: )onts after its filin'0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /20 $ro'ulgation an! Finality of the )ecision. - +e decision of te court sall "e !ro)ul'ated
on a date set "% it of #ic due notice )ust "e 'i$en te !arties0 It sall "eco)e final fi$e 97: da%s
after its !ro)ul'ation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
,o )otion for reconsideration sall "e entertained0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /30 4otice of Final )ecision. - As soon as a decision "eco)es final( notice tereof sall "e sent
to te Co))ission on Elections( and te De!art)ent of Local Fo$ern)ent0 If te decision is ad$erse
to te res!ondent( notice sall li1e#ise "e sent to te Co))ission on Audit0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /60 Appeal. - Fro) an% decision rendered "% te court( te a''rie$ed !art% )a% a!!eal to te
Co))ission on Elections( #itout fi$e 97: da%s after te !ro)ul'ation of te decision0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /70 $referential )isposition of -uo arranto Cases. - +e courts sall 'i$e !reference to 3uo
#arranto o$er all oter cases( e&ce!t tose of a"eas cor!us0canro"les $i rtual l a# l i"rar%



Rule 3A - Re$ie# of Decisions of te Co))ission

Section /0 $etition for Certiorari. an! Ti'e to File. - Unless oter#ise !ro$ided "% la#( or "% an%
s!ecific !ro$isions in tese Rules( an% decision( order or rulin' of te Co))ission )a% "e "rou't to
te Su!re)e Court on certiorari "% te a''rie$ed !art% #itin tirt% 93G: da%s fro) its !ro)ul'ation0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 4on3re,ie%able )ecisions. - Decisions in a!!eals fro) courts of 'eneral or li)ited 5urisdiction
in election cases relatin' to te elections( returns( and 3ualifications of )unici!al and "aran'a%
officials are not a!!eala"le0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 )ecisions Final After Fi,e )ays. 3 Decisions in !re-!rocla)ation cases and !etitions to den%
due course to or cancel certificates of candidac%( to declare a candidate as nuisance candidate or to
dis3ualif% a candidate( and to !ost!one or sus!end elections sall "eco)e final and e&ecutor% after
te la!se of fi$e 97: da%s fro) teir !ro)ul'ation( unless restrained "% te Su!re)e Court0 canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%



Rule 3B - Cler1 of Court and De!ut% Cler1 of Court of te Co))ission

Section /0 Cler2 of Court. - 9a: In S!ecial Actions( S!ecial Cases and S!ecial Proceedin's( te
Director of te La# De!art)ent or is dul% autori4ed re!resentati$e sall ser$e as te Cler1 of Court
of te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": In ordinar% Actions( and in S!ecial Reliefs( te Director of te Electoral Contests Ad5udication
De!art)ent sall ser$e as te Cler1 of Court of te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 )uties of the Cler2s of Court. - +e Cler1s of Court of te Co))ission sall( su"5ect to te
su!er$ision of te Cair)an of te Co))ission( )ana'e for te Co))ission te !ro!er earin' and
dis!osition of all cases #itin teir res!ecti$e area of res!onsi"ilit% as stated in Section / ereof0 Eac
9a: Recei$e all !leadin's and oter docu)ents !ro!erl% !resented( endorsin' on eac suc
docu)ent te date #en it #as filed( and furnisin' eac Me)"er a co!% tereof@
9": Hee! a 5udicial doc1et #erein sall "e entered in cronolo'ical order te cases and te
!roceedin's ad tereon@
9c: Pre!are te calendar of cases@
9d: Attend sessions of te Co))ission and enter in a )inute "oo1 all !roceedin's terein@
9e: Issue under is si'nature and te office seal( notices( orders and decisions #ic are to
"e 'i$en due course( furnisin' eac Me)"er co!ies tereof@
9f: E&ecute orders( resolutions( decisions and !rocesses issued "% te Co))ission@
9': Hee! a 5ud')ent "oo1 containin' a co!% of 5ud')ents rendered "% te Co))ission in te
order of teir dates( and a "oo1 of entries of 5ud')ents containin' at len't in cronolo'ical
order entries of all final 5ud')ents or orders of te Co))ission@
9: Hee! an account of te funds recei$ed and dis"ursed relati$e to te cases #en so
9i: Hee! and secure all records( !a!ers( files( e&i"its( te office seal and oter !u"lic
!ro!ert% co))itted to is car'e@
95: Perfor) suc oter duties as are !rescri"ed "% la# for cler1s of su!erior courts@ and
91: Hee! suc "oo1s and !erfor) suc duties as te Co))ission )a% direct0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 )eputy Cler2s of Court. - 9a: +e Assistant Director of te La# De!art)ent sall ser$e as
De!ut% Cler1 of Court in all cases #ere te Director of said De!art)ent acts as te Cler1 of Court of
te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": +e Assistant Director of te Electoral Contests Ad5udication De!art)ent sall ser$e as te
De!ut% Cler1 of Court in all cases #ere te Director of said De!art)ent acts as te Cler1 of Court of
te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 )uties of )eputy Cler2s of Court0 - +e De!ut% Cler1s of Court sall assist teir res!ecti$e
Cler1s of Court and sall !erfor) suc oter duties and functions as )a% "e assi'ned to te) "% teir
res!ecti$e Cler1s of Court0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 70 )i,ision Cler2s of Courts. - Eac Di$ision sall a$e a Di$ision Cler1 of Court #o )ust "e a
ran1in' la#%er fro) eiter te La# De!art)ent or te Electoral Contests Ad5udication De!art)ent
and desi'nated "% te Co))ission u!on te 5oint reco))endation of te Directors of said
de!art)ents0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 60 )uties of the )i,ision Cler2s of Court. 3 A Di$ision Cler1 of Court sall*
9a: Attend te earin's of sessions of is Di$ision@
9": Coordinate in te !re!aration of te calendar of cases@
9c: Call te cases in te calendar durin' sessions or earin's@
9d: Su!er$ise te steno'ra!ers@
9e: Ad)inister oats to #itnesses@
9f: Mar1 e&i"its of te !arties( indicatin' terein te date and affi&in' tereto is si'nature@
9': ?e res!onsi"le to te Cler1 of Court of te Co))ission for te safet% and securit% of te
records of cases and oter docu)ents entrusted to i) durin' sessions or earin's@ and
9: Perfor) suc duties as )a% "e assi'ned "% te Presidin' Co))issioner or "% te Cler1
of Court concerned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Stenographers. - E$er% session or earin' of te Co))ission( #eter en "anc or in Di$ision(
sall "e attended "% at least t#o 92: co)!etent steno'ra!ers0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 B0 )uties of Stenographers0 - It sall "e te dut% of te steno'ra!ers to*
9a: Record faitfull% in steno'ra!ic notes te !roceedin's durin' te session or earin' of
te Co))ission en "anc or of te Di$ision@
9": At te close of e$er% earin' or session( to deli$er i))ediatel% te steno'ra!ic notes e
as ta1en to te Cler1 of Court or Di$ision Cler1 of Court #o sall initial all te !a'es tereof
and #o sall sta)! te date of recei!t tereon( and #en suc notes are transcri"ed( te
transcri!t sall li1e#ise "e deli$ered to te Cler1 of Court #o sall initial eac !a'e tereof0
It sall "e te dut% of te Cler1 of Court to de)and tat te steno'ra!er co)!l% #it said
9c: +ranscri"e te notes( u!on de)and of te Co))ission or te Di$ision( or "% an% of te
!arties( su"5ect to te !a%)ent of te !rescri"ed fees@ and
9d: Perfor) suc oter duties as te Co))ission )a% !rescri"e0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 C0 Security0 - At an% session or earin' of te Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions( te E&ecuti$e
Director tru te Assistant Director for Ad)inistration( sall !ro$ide ade3uate securit% for and in te
session all and its !re)ises0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /G0 Support Staff0 - +e Co))ission or an% of te Di$isions )a% re3uire oter e)!lo%ees of te
Co))ission to assist te Co))ission or te Di$isions durin' its session or earin' or in te
!erfor)ance of its duties0 +e% sall "e under te su!er$ision of te Cler1 of Court concerned0 canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

Rule 3C - Seal of te Co))ission

Section /0 Custo!ian of the Seal. - +e Secretar% of te Co))ission( te Director of te La#
De!art)ent and te Director of te Electoral Contests Ad5udication De!art)ent sall eac 1ee! a
seal of te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 20 :se of the Seal. - +e seal of te Co))ission sall "e affi&ed to all decisions( orders( rulin's
or resolutions of te Co))ission or an% of its Di$isions( certified co!ies of official records( and suc
oter docu)ents #ic te Co))ission )a% re3uire to "e sealed0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%

Rule 6G - Fees and Car'es

Section /0 Filing Fees for "lection Contests an! -uo arranto. 3 9a: +e filin' fees for election
contests and 3uo #arranto cases and !etitions for certiorari( !roi"ition or )anda)us filed #it te
Co))ission are ere"% !rescri"ed as follo#s*
9/: Election !rotests and 3uo #arranto cases P7GG0GG for eac interest@
92: Counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention P7GG0GG0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Eac interest )entioned a"o$e sall !a% an additional a)ount of P/G0GG as le'al researc fee in
accordance #it te !ro$isions of Sec0 6( Re!u"lic Act ,o0 3BAG( as a)ended "% Presidential Decree
,o0 2GG and Presidential Decree ,o0 /B760canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": Cas de!osits0 - In an% !rotest or counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention not re3uirin' "allot
re$ision( te follo#in' cas de!osits sall "e !aid "% te interested !art%@
9/: For eac election contestP/(GGG0GG@
92: For eac counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention P/(GGG0GG0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: In an% !rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention re3uirin' "allot re$ision te follo#in' cas
de!osits sall "e !aid "% te interested !art%*
9/: For eac election contestP7(GGG0GG@
92: For eac counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention P7(GGG0GG0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
+e cas de!osits !rescri"ed a"o$e sall "e a!!lied to te !a%)ent of all e&!enses incidental to suc
!rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-inter$ention0 8en circu)stances so de)and( additional cas
de!osits )a% "e re3uired0 An% unused "alance tereof sall "e returned to te !rotestant( counter-
!rotestant or !rotestant-inter$enor( as te case )a% "e0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9d: In case of re$ision of "allots( tere sall "e de!osited te su) of P37G0GG for e$er% "allot "o& for
te co)!ensation of te re$isors at te rate of P/GG0GG eac and as reser$e for e&!enses0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9e: If a clai) for da)a'es and attorne%=s fees are set fort in a !rotest( counter-!rotest or !rotest-in-
inter$ention( an additional filin' fee sall "e !aid at te rate of P3GG0GG for te first one undred fift%
tousand !esos and P60GG for e$er% one tousand !esos o$er te first P/7G0GGG0GG
Sec0 20 Filing Fees in Special Actions an! Special $rocee!ings0 - 9a: +e !etitioner in an% S!ecial
Action or S!ecial Proceedin' sall !a% a filin' fee of P7GG0GG0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": In e$er% suc a case( a le'al researc fee of P/G0GG !ursuant to Sec0 6 of Re!u"lic Act ,o0 3BAG(
as a)ended( sall "e !aid0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9c: In !etition for re'istration of !olitical !arties( or'ani4ations or coalition of !olitical !arties( tere
sall "e !aid an additional su) of P/(GGG0GG for te certificate of re'istration0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 30 Appeal Fees0 - +e a!!ellant in election cases sall !a% an a!!eal fee as follo#s*
9a: Election cases a!!ealed fro) Re'ional +rial Courts P/(GGG0GG0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": Election cases a!!ealed fro) courts of li)ited 5urisdiction0 P7GG0GG0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
In e$er% case( a le'al researc fee of P2G0GG sall "e !aid "% te a!!ellant in accordance #it Sec0 6(
Re!u"lic Act ,o0 3BAG( as a)ended0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 here an! hen to $ay. - +e fees !rescri"ed in Sections /( 2 and 3 ereof sall "e !aid to(
and de!osited #it( te Cas Di$ision of te Co))ission #itin a !eriod to file te notice of a!!eal0 canro"l es $i rtual la#
l i"rar%
Sec0 70 Filing Fees in Special Cases0 - 9a: In s!ecial Cases te !etitioner sall !a% a filin' fee of
P7GG0GG0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
9": In suc cases tere sall "e i)!osed an a)ount of P/G0GG as le'al researc fee in accordance
#it Sec0 6( Re!u"lic Act ,o0 3BAG( as a)ended0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9c: Cas De!osit - If in a S!ecial Case a recount of te "allots is re3uired( te Co))ission or te
Di$ision to #ic te case is assi'ned( sall order te interested !art% to )a1e a cas de!osit of
P2(GGG0GG #it te Cas Di$ision( Ad)inistrati$e Ser$ices De!art)ent of te Co))ission( #itin a
!eriod to "e fi&ed in te order0 +is a)ount sall "e a!!lied to all e&!enses incidental to te
contro$ers%0 8en circu)stances so de)and( additional cas de!osits )a% "e re3uired0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
8ene$er a!!lica"le( te re$isor=s fees fi&ed on Section / 9c: a"o$e sall "e de!osited #it te Cas
Di$ision( Ad)inistrati$e Ser$ices De!art)ent of te Co))ission "% te !art% concerned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 Le'al and Ad)inistrati$e Fees( Ser$ice Car'es and Costs0 - +e le'al fees( ser$ice car'es
and costs !rescri"ed erein are ere"% autori4ed to "e car'ed and<or collected "% te
Co))issioner for te ser$ice( action or !roceedin' ereinafter )entioned0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 A0 Le'al Fees0 - +e follo#in' le'al fees sall "e car'ed and collected*
9a: For furnisin' certified transcri!ts of records of co!ies on an% record( decision( rulin' or entr% of
#ic an% !erson is entitled to de)and and recei$e a co!%( !er !a'eP70GG@
9": For e$er% certificate not on !rocess( first ten 9/G: !a'esP7G0GG succeedin'( !er !a'eP/0GG@
9c: For e$er% searc of an% record 9!er !a'e: and readin' te sa)e0 P/G0GG@
9d: For e$er% searc of an% record 9!er !a'e: !ertainin' to election cases and readin' te sa)e0
9e: For co!%in' 9!oto or &ero&: of an% list( docu)ent or record usin' )acines of re3uestin' !arties(
!er !a'ePG07G
9f: For filin' of a )otion for reconsideration on a decision( order or resolutionP3GG0GG
9': For co!%in' 9&ero&: of an% list( docu)ent or records( usin' te )acines and )aterials of te
Co))ission( !er !a'eP/07G
9: For e$er% issuance of a du!licate $oter=s identification card0 P/G0GG
+e fees and car'es !rescri"ed erein sall "e reduced "% fift% !ercent 97GI: if te !ur!ose of te
re3uest is for acade)ic researc #or10canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
+e de!art)ent<office #ic is te le'al custodian of te docu)ent<record re3uested sall "e
res!onsi"le for te co!%in' 9&ero&in': tereof and sall certif% tat it is a co% of te official records of
te Co))ission( and sall affi& tereto te seal of te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
,o certified co!% of an% official record of te Co))ission sall "e issued #itout te !a%)ent of te
corres!ondin' fees0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 B0 here Fees are to be $ai!. - +e fees erein "efore !ro$ided sall "e !aid "% te !art%
concerned to te Cas Di$ision( Ad)inistrati$e Ser$ice De!art)ent of te Co))ission( at te ti)e of
re3uest or de)and0 If te fees are not !aid( te Co))ission )a% refuse to ta1e action tereon until
te% are !aid0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 C0 Fees for +ailiffs, Sheriffs, an! 6ther $ersons Ser,ing $rocess.chanrobles ,i rtual l a% li brary - 9a: For e&ecutin' an%
!rocess of te Co))ission( for eac 1ilo)eter of tra$el in te ser$ice of !rocess( rec1oned fro) te
!lace of ser$ice to te !lace to #ic te !rocess is returna"le( P/0GG( "ut if te !rocess is e&ecuted
"% a )unici!al de!ut% seriff residin' in te )unici!alit% #ere te !art% ser$ed is residin' suc
officer sall recei$e te fees for te ser$ice of !rocess #itout 1ilo)etra'e( !ro$ided tat te !art%
re3uirin' te !rocess sall de!osit #it te Co))ission at te ti)e of re3uest te esti)ated cost of
e&!enses for 1ilo)etra'e and !er die)s to "e incurred "% te Seriff "ut )ore tan P/(GGG0GG0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
9": For ser$in' su))ons and a co!% of !etition furnised "% te !etitioner for eac res!ondent(
P2G0GG "ut #en te res!ondents reside at te sa)e !lace( te fee sall "e P/G0GG for eac
res!ondent@ and
9c: For ser$in' su"!oenas( for eac #itness ser$ed( P70GG "esides tra$el fees0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /G0 Fees for Stenographers0 - Steno'ra!ers sall 'i$e certified transcri!t of notes ta1en "%
te) to e$er% !erson re3uestin' te sa)e u!on !a%)ent of 9a: P20GG for eac !a'e of not less tan
t#o undred and fift% #ords "efore te case is "rou't to te Su!re)e Court on certiorari( and 9":
P/0GG for te sa)e !a'e( tereafter0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 //0 itness9 Fees0 - 8itnesses in an% action in te Co))ission sall "e entitled to P2G0GG !er
da% and P/0GG for eac 1ilo)eter of tra$el in 'oin' to te !lace of earin' and co)in' fro) teir
o)es #itin te Pili!!ines "% te nearest route of usual tra$el( or in lieu of said )ilea'e( actual
tra$el e&!enses "% te cea!est )eans of trans!ortation0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
A #itness sall not "e allo#ed co)!ensation for is attendance in )ore tan one case or )ore tan
one side of te sa)e case at te sa)e ti)e( "ut )a% elect in #ic of se$eral cases or on #ic side
of a case( if #itness is su))oned "% "ot sides( to clai) is attendance0 A !erson #o is co)!elled
to attend te earin' on oter "usiness of te Co))ission sall not "e !aid as #itness0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /20 Costs0 - Costs sall "e allo#ed to te !re$ailin' !art% as a )atter of course( "ut te
Co))ission sall a$e te !o#er( for s!ecial reasons( to ad5ud'e te eiter !art% sall !a% te costs
of an action( or tat te sa)e "e di$ided( as )a%"e e3uita"le0 ,o costs sall "e allo#ed a'ainst te
Re!u"lic of te Pili!!ines unless oter#ise !ro$ided "% la#0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /30 Costs in Action or $rocessing0 - In an action or !roceedin' "efore te Co))ission( te
!re$ailin' !art% )a% reco$er te follo#in' cost*
9a: For is o#n attendance( and tat of is attorne%( do#n to and includin' final 5ud')ent(
one undred !eso 9P/GG0GG:@
9": All la#ful fees car'ed a'ainst i) "% te Co))ission( in enterin' and doc1etin' te
action and recordin' te !roceedin's and 5ud')ent terein and for te issuin' of all
9c: If testi)on% is recei$ed in te Co))ission( not ta1en in anoter court and trans)itted
tereto( te !re$ailin' !art% sall "e allo#ed te sa)e costs for #itness fees( de!ositions(
and !rocess and ser$ice tereof as e #ould a$e "een allo#ed for suc ite)s ad te
testi)on% "een introduced in te lo#er courts@ and
9d: +e la#ful fees of a co))issioner in an% action )a% also "e ta&ed a'ainst te defeated
!art%( or a!!ortioned as 5ustice re3uires0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /60 hen Action or Appeal )is'isse!. - If an action or an a!!eal is dis)issed for #ant of
5urisdiction or oter#ise( te Co))ission ne$erteless sall a$e te !o#er to render 5ud')ent for
costs( as 5ustice )a% re3uire0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /70 Costs hen Action or Appeal Fri,olous0 - 8en an action or an a!!eal is found to "e
fri$olous( dou"le or tre"le costs )a% "e i)!osed on te !etitioner or a!!ellant( #ic sall "e !aid "%
is attorne%( if so ordered "% te Co))ission0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 /60 Attorney9s Fees as Costs. - ,o Attorne%=s fees sall "e ta&ed as costs a'ainst te ad$erse
!art%( e&ce!t as !ro$ided "% te Ci$il Code0 ?ut tis section sall a$e no relation to te fees to "e
car'ed "% an attorne% as a'ainst is client0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /A0 Costs hen itness Fails to Appear0 - If a #itness fails to a!!ear at te ti)e and !lace
s!ecified in te su"!oena issued "% te Co))ission( te costs of te #arrant of arrest of te #itness
sall "e !aid "% te #itness if te Co))ission sall deter)ine tat is failure to ans#er te su"!oena
#as #illful or #itout 5ust e&cuse0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /B0 4on3pay'ent of $rescribe! Fees0 - If te fees a"o$e !rescri"ed are not !aid( te
Co))ission )a% refuse to ta1e action tereon until te% are !aid and )a% dis)iss te action or te
!roceedin'0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 /C0 8o,ern'ent "#e'pt0 - +e Re!u"lic of te Pili!!ines is e&e)!t fro) !a%in' te le'al fees
!ro$ided in tis resolution0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 2G0 Collection an! Re'ittances of 1egal Research Fee0 - +e a)ount collected as le'al researc
fee sall "e recei!ted for as DLe'al Researc FundD and sall "e i))ediatel% re)itted to te
Uni$ersit% of te Pili!!ines0canro"l es $i rtual la# l i"rar%



Rule 6/ - Su!!le)entar% Rules

Section /0 The Rules of Court. - In te a"sence of an% a!!lica"le !ro$isions in tese Rules( te
!ertinent !ro$isions of te Rules of Court in te Pili!!ines sall "e a!!lica"le "% analo'% or in
su!!letor% caracter and effect0canro"l es $i rtual la# li "rar%

Rule 62 - Re!ealin' Clause and Effecti$it%

Section /0 Repealing Clause. - All resolutions( rules( re'ulations or circulars of te Co))ission or
!arts tereof #ic are inconsistent #it an% !ro$ision of tese Rules are ere"% dee)ed re!ealed or
)odified accordin'l%0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 20 Transitory $ro,ision. - +ese rules sall 'o$ern all cases "rou't after te% ta1e effect and
also furter !roceedin's in cases tan !endin'( e&ce!t to te e&tent tat in te o!inion of te
Co))ission or te court in a!!ro!riate cases( an a!!lication #ould not "e feasi"le or #ould #or1
in5ustice( in #ic e$ent te for)er !rocedure sall a!!l%0canro"les $i rtual l a# li "rar%
Sec0 30 Separability Clause0 - If an% !art of tese Rules is declared unconstitutional( te re)ainin'
!art not affected tere"% sall re)ain $alid and effecti$e0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%
Sec0 60 "ffecti,ity0 - +ese Rules sall "e !u"lised in te Official Fa4ette or in t#o 92: dail%
ne#s!a!ers of 'eneral circulation and sall ta1e effect on te se$ent da% follo#in' its !u"lication0canro"l es $i rtual la#l i"rar%

Appro,e!; February 15, 1993

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