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Meanings of Houses in Vedic Astrology
Follwing is the picture of vedic chart of a human being.
The Houses are always fixed and are shown below:

oncerning the body! the significations of each house generally correspond to the
significations of the e"uivalent sign of the #odiac in seriatim i.e. whenever we want to
examine the condition of any part of the body! the concerned house and the same number
of sign should both be examined. $fflictions to houses li%ewise cause diseases of the
connected parts.

I House
: &epresents the person! his innate nature and state of health! vitality! longevity!
happiness! personality! appearance! prosperity! general disposition in life! reputation and
status! desires and their fulfillment and the body parts - complexion! head 'cranium and
forehead( and brain! hair! pituitary glands! etc. For example! wea%ness of the first house
and/or afflictions to the first house or its lord result in a sic%ly constitution! causing
vulnerability to headache! mental tension! paralysis! giddiness! wounds! scars! erratic
activity of endocrine glands! derangement! brain fever! stupidity! nose bleeding! etc. $
strong )un and *ars! as significators for vitality and energy respectively! help as a
protective cover.

II House
&epresents wealth! family! livelihood! nourishment! male child! higher education!
professional position! spouse! second marriage! continuance of married life! possession of
precious stones and metals! money in cash! earning capacity! financial status! fortune!
prosperity! movable properties! speech! vision and the body parts - face and its organs
'nose! throat! mouth! tongue! teeth and eyes! especially the right one(! facial bones! upper
nec% and its bones! gullet! larynx! cerebellum! trachea! cervical region and cervical bones!
tonsils! etc. For example! wea%ness of the second house and/or afflictions to the second
house or its lord cause vulnerability to poor digestion! disorders of speech! throat!
cervical! gums! eyes! teeth! etc.! and diseases mainly arising out of a wea% venous system.
$ strong *ercury! as a significator of speech! helps as a protective cover.

III House
&epresents younger brothers or sisters! neighbors! courage! physical strength! sports!
initiative! entrepreneurial nature! the power of understanding 'learning(! communications!
short journeys! initiation into spiritual techni"ues! writing and communicative capability
and the body parts - lower nec%! shoulders! arms and ears 'especially the right ones(!
hands! shoulders and collar bones! thyroid gland! respiratory and nervous systems! etc.
For example! wea%ness of the third house and/or afflictions to the third house or its lord
cause vulnerability to problems of respiratory canal! disorders of thyroid! imbalances in
the nervous system! depression resulting in partial paralysis! stammering! shoulder pains!
fracture in the collar bone region! partial deafness! respiratory diseases! asthma!
tuberculosis! etc. $ strong *ercury! as a significator of communicative capability! helps
as a protective cover.

IV House
&epresents mother! happiness! upbringing! relatives! friends! supporters! basic education!
vehicles and conveyances! domestic peace! mind! mental peace! spiritual life '$T*$(!
confidence! righteous conduct! close of life! comforts! luxuries! country of birth!
immovable properties! real estate! land! wells and tan%s! house! home! assets and the body
parts - the rib cage! heart! chest! lungs and breasts. For example! wea%ness of the fourth
house and/or afflictions to the fourth house or its lord cause vulnerability to coronary
problems! physical ailments of breast! chest! heart and epigastric region! lungs+ disorders!
mental disorders! lunacy and the problems connected to the circulatory systems. $ strong
*oon as a significator of mother! ,enus as significator of comforts and *ars as
significator of immovable properties help as a protective cover.

V House
&epresents intelligence! emotions! discernment and discrimination! intellectual and
mental talents! memory! creative intelligence! emotional happiness! love! romance! lover!
speculative gains from investments! organi#ational ability! success! progeny! children!
%nowledge! wisdom! higher learning/education! training! fall from position! social life!
inclinations! spiritual pursuits! disciples and students! devotion! -)HT$ .evata! mantras!
yantras! amulets! resources and merits we bring into life! future! digestion! etc.! and the
body parts - upper belly! stomach! liver! gall bladder! pancreas! spleen! colon! diaphragm!
spine and spinal cord! pregnancy! etc. For example! wea%ness of the fifth house and/or
afflictions to the fifth house or its lord cause vulnerability to diabetes! peptic ulcers!
anemia! colic pains! stones in gall bladder! acidity! spinal cord disorders! dyspepsia!
diarrhea! pleurisy! heart problems! etc. $ strong )un! as significator of digestion -
nourishing agent of the body! helps as a protective cover.

VI House
&epresents disputes! diseases and injuries! debts! enemies! opponents! competitors!
thieves! fears! doubts! worries! vices! wea%nesses! sound financial position! maternal
uncles! service! employees! good health and protection against losses through theft! fire
and cheating! misunderstandings! confrontation! litigation and the body parts - waist!
navel! lower abdomen! %idneys! small intestine! upper part of large intestine! intestinal
function! appendix! etc. For example! wea%ness of the sixth house and/or afflictions to the
sixth house or its lord cause vulnerability to problems of appendicitis! poisoning! colics!
constipation! hernia! blood urea! psychiatric problems! exhaustion and nervous
brea%down. -n other words! health! financial position and the position with reference to
the opponents is identified through this house. $ strong *ercury and *ars! as
significators for health! help as a protective cover.

VII House
&epresents long term relationships! legal ties! spouse! partners in life and partners in
business! vitality! potency! fertility! passion! outgoing nature! adultery! moral conduct!
pleasures! comforts and life in foreign lands! success in love affairs! conjugal life! home
abroad! travel! trade or business! expansion and the body parts - pelvic girdle! lumbar
region! bladder! lower part of large intestine! inner sexual organs such as ovaries! uterus!
cervix! testicles and prostate gland! etc. For example! wea%ness of the seventh house
and/or afflictions to the seventh house or its lord cause vulnerability to generative organs!
venereal diseases! arthritis! gout pains! urination problems! impotency! sterili#ation! renal
problems! etc. $ strong ,enus! as significator for marital relationship! helps as a
protective cover.

VIII House
&epresents longevity! research! interest in mystical sciences! occult! */0)H$! inner and
outer transformations! past and future events! inheritance! death! will and testament!
insurances! easy gains! marital-tie! vulnerability! fear! accidents! obstructions! litigation!
ban%ruptcy! theft! losses! misfortunes! disgrace! disappointments and the body parts -
scrotum and anus! outer sexual organs! excretory organs! pelvic bones! etc. For example!
wea%ness of the eighth house and/or afflictions to the eighth house or its lord cause
vulnerability to hidrocele! fissure! impotency! piles! urinary infections! boils! chronic
diseases! etc. $ strong )aturn! as significator for longevity! helps as a protective cover.

IX House
&epresents father! preceptor! spiritual learning! spiritual inclinations! intuition! charity!
virtue! duty! destiny on the basis of past lives and resultant happiness! meditation! foreign
travel! long journeys of short duration and life in foreign lands! education abroad! grace!
luc%! general fortune! sudden and unexpected gains! religion! pilgrimages! philosophy!
law! medicine! remedies! past! etc.! and the body parts - thighs! left leg! thigh bones! bone
marrow! hips! hip joints and the arterial system. For example! wea%ness of the ninth
house and/or afflictions to the ninth house or its lord cause vulnerability to anemia! low
productivity of blood! talassemia! leu%emia! high fevers! diabetes! rheumatism and
troubles in hips and thighs! etc. $ strong 1upiter! as significator for general fortune! and a
strong )un! as significator for father! help as a protective cover.

X House
&epresents profession! career! vocation! promotion! livelihood! power! fame! public
esteem! status! position! honor! %arma in life! character! authority! government! employer!
living abroad! ambition! next birth! happiness from male progeny! debts and the body
parts - %nee and %neecaps! joints and bones. For example! wea%ness of the tenth house
and/or afflictions to the tenth house or its lord cause vulnerability to arthritis! bro%en
%nees! inflammation of joints! general wea%ness! s%in diseases and allergies! emaciated
body! etc! besides giving setbac%s in professional matters. $ strong )un! as significator
for organi#ational capability! helps as a protective cover.
XI House
&epresents income! prosperity! gains! profit! friends! elder brother or sister! hopes and
aspirations and their fulfillment! etc.! and the body parts - shan%s! an%les! shin bone! right
leg! left ear and left arm. For example! wea%ness of the eleventh house and/or afflictions
to the eleventh house or its lord cause vulnerability to circulatory problems! fracture of
the lower portion of legs! pain in legs! problems of low productivity of blood! cancer of
leg! etc. $ strong )aturn! as significator for easy sources of income! helps as a protective

XII House
&epresents expenses! losses! expenditures for charity! end of life! exile! life in foreign
lands! obstructions in life! separation from family! going astray! withdrawal into retreat!
transcendence! enlightenment! seclusion! imprisonment! hospitali#ation! pleasures of bed!
sound sleep and wor% behind the scenes! as wor% in a hospital! asylum! prison! military
"uarters! or monastery! etc.! and the body parts - left eye! lymphatic system and feet. For
example! wea%ness of the twelfth house and/or afflictions to the twelfth house or its lord
result in problems to the body parts governed by this house! sleep disturbances and
wea%en the immuni#ation power. $ strong *oon! as significator for immuni#ation power
and mental peace! and a strong ,enus! as significator for happy marital relationship and
comforts! help as a protective cover. 2lanets in the twelfth house give inclinations for
going to foreign lands or distant places.
Types and classification of houses

The 34 houses or 5havas are classified in several groups:

The Dharma houses
Houses 3! 6 and 7 are the .harma houses.
Those houses are related with the sense of duty! mission in life! the way the soul
progresses in the spiritual evolution! the philosophy of life! religion! spirituality! type of
worship! spiritual teachers and learning! honesty and moral values.
Those are considered the most auspicious houses! since following dharma or duty brings
8good luc%8 due to good %arma.
These houses show the good %arma from the past and how it affects this present life.
2lanets placed on those houses as well as the houses they rule tend to prosper and be
favorable to the native and also indicate the way the person progresses spiritually in life
and creates good %arma for the future.

The Artha houses
Houses 4! 9! and 3: are the $rtha houses.
$rtha relates to the material and physical support of life.
They relate to the prosperity! wealth! wor%! material success and recognition.
The 4 nd house relates mostly with wealth in general! family wealth or wealth that comes
without an effort.
The 9 th house represents the capacity to do an effort and wor% hard to get what you
need! and the possible obstacles in life and capacity to overcome them.
The 3: th house represents the success in career! status or position in society! name and
The Kama Houses
Houses ;! < and 33 are the 0ama houses! related to the desires and the possibility to
fulfill them.
The ; rd house relates mainly with personal ambitions and motivations.
The < th house represents mainly the sexual desire and attraction to the opposite sex and
the desire to have close committed relationships and partnerships.
The 33 th house relates more with the desire for money! gain and possession of the
desired objects. -t also relates with the desire to enjoy friendship and social relationships.

The Moksha houses
Houses =! > and 34 th are the *o%sha houses
Those houses relate with the liberation from the material bondage! and from the creation
of 0arma and attachment.
*o%sha is the highest goal of life! the return to the source from where the soul came
from! to attain absolute illumination and freedom.
That re"uires detaching and letting go the material world and thoughts for the full
immersion into the spiritual consciousness.
The = th house relates with the path of devotion or 5ha%ti! surrender of the heart 'opening
of the heart cha%ra( and sublimation of the emotions to ?od and the experience of cosmic
The > th house relates to the destruction of the spiritual ignorance and purification from
previous 8papas8 or bad %armas and awa%ening of the 0undalini energy! the spiritual
power which brings the capacity to control and have mastery over the mind and con"uer
The 34 th house represents the complete surrender of the @go and sense of individuality
to ?od! detachment from the material possessionsA it is the path of renunciation!
seclusion! mon%hood and surrender.
The Kendra houses
Houses 3! =! <! and 3: are the 0endra or 8angular8 houses.
They represent the strength of the chart and life as a whole! and give the capacity to
achieve the desired goals.
2lanets placed in those houses are strong and have a capacity to express their energy
5enefic planets placed here are very supportive and add to the longevity and success in
life! while malefics can cause a great deal of difficulties.
The 3: th house is considered the strongest and planets placed here tend to dominate the
whole chart and can sometimes be even more predominant than the ascendant on their
effect in life and personality.

The trikona houses
Houses 3! 6! and 7 are the tri%ona or trine houses.
They correspond to the .harma houses and are the houses of good luc%! success! wisdom
and %nowledge.
2lanets no this houses prosper and benefics placed here bring good luc% and good
opportunities in life due to past and present good actions and moral character.

The Upachaya houses
Houses ;! 9! 33 and 3: are the upachaya houses or 8houses of growth8
2lanets placed in those houses tend to grow and improve over time.
The malefic planets placed here 'specially on ;!9 and 33( are a great help to overcome all
sort of difficulties in life.

The Dushtana houses
Houses 9! > and 34 are the dushtana houses! or houses of suffering and difficulties.
The ; rd house is also be considered as a dushtana! but with a milder effect 'the ; rd is
the > th from the > th(.
Those houses are adverse for the material prosperity and well being and planets placed in
those houses and the houses they rule tend to suffer! be obstructed and be sources of pain
in life.
The people or parts of the body that the planets placed on those houses represent! will
tend to be a source of pain.
-f the planets paced here are exalted or in own house it is actually beneficial and give the
capacity to endure! or overcome pain and difficulties.
The 9 th house relates with obstacles! diseases! accidents! enemies! and debt.
The > th house relates with obstruction! death! dar%ness or depression.
The 34 th house relates to loss! separation! endings.
-n spite of that! they are also important houses for spiritual growth and if they are strong
and well disposed the represent the capacity to practice Boga and liberate from pain.
The anapara houses
Houses 4!6!> and 33 are the 2anapara or 8succedent8 houses.
Those houses correspond in meaning to the fixed signs! related with stability!
preservation! income and material security.
2lanets placed on these houses are considered moderate in strength.
The > th house can bring wealth trough inheritances or wills but it is also a dushtana
house! capable of bringing negative results as well.

The Apoklima houses
Houses ;!9!7 and 34 are called the $po%lima or cadent houses.
2lanets placed on these houses are considered wea% or not very powerful.
Those houses correspond in meaning to the dual signs.
$mong them! the 7 th house is the best since it is also a dharma house and planets placed
here are strong and tend to bring good luc%.
The 34 th house is considered the wea%est one and planets placed here have difficulty to
express their energy in the material concrete level! but they can be good for the spiritual
The Maraka houses
The 4 nd and < th house are called the *ara%a or 8%iller8 houses! and have the capacity to
cause death or disease.
Csually the death o a person is during the *aha .asha or $ntar dasha and/or transits of a
planet placed or associated with those houses or the ruler of those houses.
The ruler of the > th ! 34 th and ; rd houses or planets placed on those houses are also
capable of causing death.

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